HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 7AIta1 .Ilftpsix.
A. loin ar ane �`'� t; rlfx
r out of ,
p a l Lig n Curls hair is wavy
U p, #Jan# .
longer f sh OA kilo. r a and was � s�- ��, "1+� ill �"� qqd tlttl,�t � ...
effobts are again paramount, and when t
, , . , rW 490 arJxi UM
t1ggiC. Smooth, glossy hair. Is soca it fy held out A TATtt��1th' 0* w put of
fel` bow + by "rate,,. or aombH--genoraily both,- HOM(EOIa TI Cfiit ly>�dYo�l li ' ,.
i. until It !Dolce thick and !n►1, To be "tl?d '+Pk`lrfil# 1Pi� lift Alec] prop!- ,,
1t P p
Ali g strictly 1n fashion it now muststand out RENEDIE9 „
}IhEI} y1¢ip 1 rd, r; " from the head all around the face for t"ilIQ!IP<'tr`>l jI Q1 AMS,. .Sipa, t' she per
e�nted ..II4111 tlo -Anxious I am to
r, an inch, and at the bank of the head the
t411t same way. A Psyche knot laid flat to the
1�;1,q prlatia
bflctr 1s ibp'ha scoter of the head at bhe Endorsed by Press and ,b1� XII",r e®r. Chs°es V�arrk, w i e the ends of the back hair 0ftllt i#p0flEl thatare brought forward and hidden under -- Cin 8PIMDV, INEXPENSIVE: AND ABSOLUTELY.PAINLRei, 4;.11;',the pompadour roll. Curved side combs Convincin st tem ._ •
�OP push the hair forward on the faceLand a eII hour },,
THE GREAT often as many as six are used, J van
when the hair la alta Persons Who De ", he y^ z*
Fam, l Medicine of the Age. f plain and yarn
k• , �,� ,.i y d'} g la a most modified fashion the aide flava Been COm lately' :'
Ili. civic, and Taken Internally, It Cures combs are used, Lind, it must be stated,
„ tqe ekt,mests at Cured
qy xoly u1* Qiarrhom, Cramp, and Pain In the do help to give a soft look to the A
4 tp Qgofdrdders. StoMach, Bore Throat, 8udden Colds, profile that is not attainable with the call-
Sat v t � Y Coughs, etq., etc, hair brushed too smoothly and strained lned . E �,0 X05 ,
,,...�.. Used Externally, It Cures back too tightly from the face. Even
�t i (7illnton� Dun Your Neighbors Te nee- s'
! Cuts, Brulses, Burns, Scolds,, 8prains, young girls who wear their hair still in g
u Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, braids have the front rolled back and I ,?
SHOP ' Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. then pushed forward to give a full look,
f' and the style is one possible for both If You are sick ask our nea,
' •a. that I Will Qt tt No article ever attained topuch unbounded popular pan and old. Sa w • ' / a
h R -Salem Obwrver. young
ht� parson le e we Dun boar teotirnmy to the aM-3, of the P. In• It is far more difficult to choose a be- Druggist for a 25 -pent Via ith ,,� ;' a :>•1,
K1aor. we have ea.a, iia mn to aRrx to to aoothlng the , 'Y
�I M clod buttiher, and aovere tpain, and know It to tie a good article.-(.Ync„• coming bonnet when the hair is arranged Munyon's Remedlem and Quad a ' ` . °m
gt1 t nal ntroawn. in this fashion and the bonnets baso to l
g'.•Q4 t110 kiapia68.0. Foth1,u bTetnrrpaa..d tho Prih-Killer, which la •t '!ok
I r the mese v�lnuiilo L.;t Jly,uadJane now in tla0.-Tennewc, be laced _ � ;qy
sats and a fail ayun p just bank of the roll, o1y if it -- she ,
'did will 99a at the It 10 w a I uu of ramovinu pain, no is a Small pompadour, just on top. Too Wills pig,`, qtm ti 1 ep�watl'to thick at
medlli-k,,,.wrl,r,l, r•PI-Ij-.quQ to lbcry llaris' DOCTOR YOUR EL there was nothing in the fact to indicate
f ;t^ vtn along your rala.rulr,r.-nrn•p.,,f N.•ne far forward will make the prettiest bon- ',
gg .re..r nnlwt,, ,., i:,,. nm. me b awn>e Pa9Yr net -ever designed a hideous affair. For that ehe,was a mind-reader.
�tl tib the flash price. oe ra. •>.,lu e y .r ,• f�. MR 0. CROSBY EMPLOYRD FQR.A 0.. -tell a that he couldn't
dt cat at..oaeh .iEloga'.. elderly women bonnet strings are a great Y ,►� �'4, I
i� help with the present way of arranging NUMBER OF YEARS ON THE EV• live without me,” she continued. "He a
nWllat you can do for
t 7totliy the public that
utoherigg business .
Ford and will coa-
,pi onal Supervision.
d'4areftil attention,,
be kot-In Boaeon.
d delivered lanywhere
��it,6,r �1. '•
CQq.=,ItT. WM60N
the hair, and a very now style has rib-
bone quite narrow, and edged with nar-
, says:
-"I suffered for years from that terrible
you t at without me 11
would be Impossible for him to exult. He
row ruffles of lace or chiffon These
disease dyspepsia, ane was so bad at times
came to tell you that death would be his
�." ✓ r
strings are crossed under the chin, and
portion if be could not have me fora
are fastened with a pin insteaR of being
WASHED OUT in order to get relief. I
wife, But somehow he missed we going
® t
was constantly under the treatment of
out. What was your reply)"'
one good rule fashion hes load down
physicians, BUT DID NOT GET BET-
"I told him," replied the old gentle.
this season is that the hair shall be left
TER until I began using Munyon's Rome•
man slowly, "that I had been 'wonder-�.,
Its natural color, and that Its beauty
Ing how I could kill him oft easily,
shall come only from the care and atten-
RELIEF, and I am now feeling stronger
legally and without creating any serious
tion it receives. Even when it is waved,
end better in every way. I have no heai-
trouble, and I was consequently obliged
after It is arranged, the glossy look well
fancy in recommending the remedy for
to him for the tip conveyed by his pas -
oared for hair always has is nob utter!?
dyspepsia. A few doses of /4unyon's
Whooping Cough CareALSO CURED MY
sionate remarks. on he left."
destroyed, and as a touch of gray is al-
lowed the streaks of
LITTLE CHILD of a severe case of that
�ee, Bessie, this is the way mother do,
artificial auburn
and yellow that are so ugly, but whish
d;soaee, „
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fails
irnoio p J:
gra kin Interior or�anr,
' A Berlin physician has aRuouDoaci
You insert the tube and give one good blow and away she aces And do you, '
I have never had bad breath or a touch of headache since using it• Now just let ma
been so popu]ar, are fortunately
disappearing, -Harper a Bazar.
to relieve in one to three hours, and cure
that good pictures of the lnterJor orgsg9
you and I am sure it will help that cold in the head and fix u that red nose.
p + y
in a few days. Price 15o.
in a living human subject have beef!
'•Taffy" From the New Cook.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure potifively
cures all forms of indigestion and stomach
taken by the Roentgen rays. Tile gain
in accuracy, with
Is the breath Poul? Is this worse towards night!
After the long vacation the retnrn to
the duties of housekeeping is sometimes
troub e. Price 25c,
a oorrespondloa di-
minution of pain and danger, which
Is the voice husky Y Does the nose itch and burn I
Do you ache all over? Is there pain in the back of the he 71
Irksome to the house-mothor, especially
P y
Munyon'e Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
and breaks rap a cold in a few h P '
this foot seems to insure, makes the die
oovery one Sti
Is the nose oto Is there pain across the eyes I
peed up? Is there pain in the book of the ages i «-
Do on s t i ht9
r /j+Gil< Q where new balp-wbich is often a hind- aur6• rice se u mate bth all to y °°re e n g Is your sense of smell leaving?
250. the rope it is hard to value With all bhe Docs your nolo diecharei Is there a dropping In the throat! ,
ranee -must be employed. , Does the nose bleed easily? Is the throat dr in the mornings l
MoKlllop Mutual Flre Insurance Co Munyon s Cough Cure stops coughs, knowledge and appliances which soianee Is there ticklingin the throats dry g 40
lI' A lady had a cook come to her the night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily has now placed`•at the disposal of the Is the nose sorand tender? Do you sloopWiththe mouth ops f
'Uklds ofa FARM &ISOLATED TOV,NPROPERTYONLY other day who demanded and was prom- Do you sneeze A Does the nose etc
INSURED P heals the longs. Pride 2bo. medical art, and the deVelopmenttr of y great deal? pup at sight/
r►4,'j !sed the high rate of wages her supposed Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures which the are still
SEEDS v oaaroaRS, en
efficiency could command. But after the pains in the back, loins or groins and all and women of the next sscenturyh should If so it is euro and certain indication of Catarrh.
ern` just Lir- Geo. Watt Prosident, Harlook P.O., James first day's experience she was found to forms of kidney disease. Price 250. peesese almost physloal perfection. But
Broadfoot, Vice-PreS.Beaforth P.O.; W. f. Shan- have but little head for her buatnPse, and Munyon's Headache Cnre stopsheadache evil is too punning and subtlo a force to ,
i��tf}laves large ,non,Seoflosse., Seforth P,o.;M.Mnrdie, In- the work lagged so much that the min- in three minutes. Pride 25a. be completely baffled, and with all the D�• CHASE CATARRH CURE
ij Barley, speotor of losses, SeIRECT P. . tress went down to the kitchen to make Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures now advantages it is probable that star- Gives instant relief -in less than a minute after the first application
DIREOTORB, the air passages arq.fCe`
for Coarse Jas. Broadfoot,Seaforth; M. Mardie, Seafortb; a cake for tea. The result wall all that all forme of piles. Prioe 25e. Dal vigilance will continue to be the price and the breathing becomes natural and easy -the most acute attacks of cold in
(leo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. Watt Harlock; T. E, could be desired, and the new nook the'head.a}
ll. g ysr at: Lead look' Thos Munyon's Blood Care eradicates all im- of good health in the future, as St has cured m a tow hours -cures incipient catarrh al a few daysuand will permanently curtheb 41
6 eschali e: Ha ell Drib; AI>jx Ciardinor, Chronic caeca in from one to three months --it al aye pain-ys--an raw l all foulness o4 cure, 0
1x tQ t3 Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Klppon, praised her mistress' efforts to the skies. purities of the blood. Price 25e, been In the past. -heals the ulcers -and in an incredibly short while absorbs and dries up all discharge.- aq
? P �R AGENTS. "I'd like yo to give me the rule for the Munyon's Female Remedies area boon tains no injurious ingredients, such as cocaine, the use oP which, like p all isc a manyaas
q," Thoe. Neilane Harlock; Robt,Mnllfillan Soa• illlgant Dake, mum," she said, "till I to all women. has boon lhr, means of contracting the dreaded narcotic habit. Bewarmor
e of Catarrh cliffs
forth and a Comings, act I n Insurances
be afther tr in' St 'tis so foiue " taining such dngredients, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure IS sure,,pure, harmless and eas11y ...
'tIQTON: Parties desirous to effect Inearanoee or Iran Y and Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in Dr. Chase's Improved Inhaler accompanies amen ever boa4ree o4 opA a :' Follow atfoite lie
,j Saet other business will be promptly attended much more that was extremely flattering 3 minutes and care permanently. Price THE WHOLE STORY'-! � Bore aro a taw [rom a thousand or more testimonials who have rgo." F llo �
a on a lith it a any of the above officers to her mistress' ability. $1. Oft a :n!": sales attain an grey cares r
adr�eaed to their reepeoftvo offices'r�k�'
Hnt the lady on leaving the itibohep Man,lon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla is
. '.� happeced to go bhrough the china closet, The Catarrh Care -price 25c -eradicates quickly told. It purifies and enriches the A BAD CASE BUT A PERMANENT CURE. r9,A'
et $earmiller Nursery and through the elide heard her flatterer the disease from the system, and the Ca- blood, tones the Stomach and gives strength CHRONIC CATARRH !#'°
Store say to the waitress:-
_ 3 tarrh Tablets -price 250 -cleanse and heal and vigor, Disease cannot enter the eye- For years I suffered from that dread disease I had been a sufferer from catarrh fd1El°}�
r "Pooh, I only cold that to taffy her the parts. teW fortified by the rich, red blood which --catArrh-I spent a small fortune in medicines
Tw FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES a little; I can knock Spots out of that Munyon's Nerve Care is a wonderful comes by taking Hood's Safsa arilla, years and tried many
Ihavespentljt�' a
t t"' a without receiving any relief -4 had the to money and tried many doctors• I cls"
NORWAY SPRUCE SCOTCH Dake moselP." nerve tonic. Price 25. p in a very bad form, and nothing seemed to with a catarrh specialist in LoudoYi.
AND ASTRACHAN PINE, SP-'rc '""" reach the seat of the trouble tin I procured had tried most everything I saw,
ntlties. - Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. HOOD'S'PILLS cure nausea, Sick bead- and used Chase's Catarrh Cure. I got almost without
+ Figures on Elaatrto Powes. Instant relief and I declare that, though I can by tho advertinemen s and testimonials Z
S,,nd .MEAL
The latter of which we make a specialty, Price $1. ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug- g
The ever•increaeing multiplication of A separate cure for each disease. At all pts. 250. g hardly credit it my s0lf, I have been permanent, to try Dr. Cha o'e Catarrh Cure, I use$ tiE
' ly cure(]• and gladly give my testimony to the boxes and a complete cure was effected.'
SDS LARGE STOCK. ON RAND the uses to which eiectrto power is tiling druggiete, mostly 25o a vial, mpril, of this great cure.
put Is Strikingly Illustrated by the re- Personal lettere to Prof. Munyon, 11 & 18 J catarre recommend it to all aniferorS
ice Oatmeal for 1 The above or trees and shrubbery will port of one of the large electrical manu- Albert St., Toronto, answered with free ARTHUR Y. THORNS
l)k.0f (?Sts,
sold at very low prions, and those wanting any Charlottetown, P.N I. Clachan, OnL "
thing in this connection will save money by par faoburing companies of this country, medical advice for any disease The Club Laurier, composed almost en- JAM CLINTON. chasing here, which states that during the first six tirely of French-speaking Catholics, has
r,months of this year they have reaoived passed a motion unanimously approving of
Orders by Dfail'tvill be promptly attended contracts for over 48,000 horse -power in The big men of Manitoba are all from the Manitoba school agreement, with this DR. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE WITH BLOWER FREE—AT ALL DRUG
to, Address, Ontario. Huron furnished Manitoba with , conclusion: "That the Club Laurier offers „
Hi3. power machinery alone, which aggregate J.
JOHN STEwART, BENIIILLER to greater than the total output for the its Premier, Oxford with its Attorney- its thanks to the Government for having ,
last year. Each successive year has shown General, Middlesex with its Treasurer, definitely settled this thorny question, the „t
sopa Banka r r a large increase In the power of machin. Wellington with 'its Commissioner of settlement of which will permit the people
For 1 weni,y-S1X Years cry thns supplied, but this year the in- Public Works, and' Perth the Provincial to go actively to revive in peace and bar-
ar- 1896
tatoiParltamenb,1865 crease has been unproca.lentod. Secretary, Ontario furnishes the entire moray the prosperity which the Conserva- C ��� T
0 Cabinet, and all from the central group of tive party, by its duplicity and dishonesty, 1�
$2,b00,000. _ v An uoncst courreeton.— counties with Huron as the head. No made disappear from the country for sev-
D! b1,A00,0o0. Wife -John, I've talked to you and wonder the Government is a good one, era! years.' New Fruits for ChristmasAr
OF,, MONTREAL. talked to you, day in and day out, but
it doesn't seem to have any effect in re -
)N;..._.. President formlpg your wap. I would like to know �M Raisins, ()urrants, Floss, Prudes and Peels.' VGenersl Manager
what you go to chuaoh for, ❑nyway?
llogtibns made, Drafts Is- t John -To got that rest which I can't
lexloku exchange bought find at home, my (fear. 'ry Old Raisins, 28 lb. box for $1, Headquarters for T
bred@ rates. Interest sl• Sugars.
In+dapoeits. THECdpK$ BEST FRIEND 6avod From the Wreak. BUSINESS all
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lampe. We have to make room for our im
zwlcRf9. "I Seo that your coachman has left P '
comes on their own note LARQE{ST SALE IN CANADA, you, Jokeloy." ed Xmas and New Years goods, and have reduced prices considerably.Calx
see our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples teen As
arlers.. ty nhortgage re "Yes. I was one of the few things he bpSeonrity STRAIGHT LINES
M yy. , couldn't steal." Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs.
ii4Za7R, Manager._ MCL®Ud S J. W. IRWIN
lj�, AA {[y)� r System RENOVATOR • • • • ®0 ®®: • • • - - - - Cl.
� Tl.'iaGGARMTL •-Relied` for • Is our motto -Good Goods for Good Money. we
carry everything that is to be Podnd in a - - - - ------ D —
Tested Remedies. :-Lang • WE ALL KNOW IT, ALL ROADS LEAD TO Cil
" For Impure, Weak and Impoverished • •
aeitlees Blcod Dyspepsia, St, Lisenese, Pal a- Barlett's Furniture
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint • • FOR Ti1E HOLIDAY TRADE
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis • E�IULSIUN•l
�*ObljN Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid • • We have an extra fine assortment of Berry Sete, Where you can buy Furniture for very little money, as Y'
nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Five o'clock Tea Sets, Chocolate Seta,;Water Sets, assortment in all lines in stock, which will he sold at �r
»tM1�BeWI don Femalelrregnlaritiesand General Debility Solid Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, etc. prices Frorn now until after the Uhristmas holidjea
LABORATORY, OODERICN, ONT In CONSUMPTEON and air XUNG • Kindly give me a call before buying elsewhere, and.beafl
• DtBEASJBe3,SP2T`T1,VGOFBLOOD. • my prices and quality are right. Also a full lin 0�C7n�exittk
C' L Prop. and Manufacturer • TY, Elie henents or thiis • ►' 1f
Bold in Clinton by •
article are most mnaltost • H C BARLE i .A , Clinton i�
a Raisins, Currants and Peels. You will soon be Iturb i
�+� ) , • J. H. COMBS, and ALLAN &WILSON Isytbeaw nrrne'•n. a i_•• smat,ton, l Mvemot
•rte urs haoklr,g rory{h which hM tmunlerl mnYnr • making your Xmiis Cake and will want the best
4 Dunt a year, and have ggained--tdurahly I h
,+� weight. I Itknd thla h;,nulelou so well I was
t 8 ` •when the tlmn rnme around to take It. �� • Fru; t at is to be had
keep it. Remember we
T. If. ar-dtoTNOaAX k. it. tmal clean all our Raisins and Currants with the up -to -
• • date Fruit Cleaner.Year In and Year OLlt t'
50, and al per BottleT/, •DAMS&LAWRENCE CO., LTe., MONTREAL •nJ •••• • o• •••0• The prettiest Dinner Sets that are shown in
Age town can be seen at The Cash Grocery.
fiXra THE LEADING- to all owners of
Bli gies, Democrats or Iron -
UNIiERTggE$ Axle Waggons.
OGLE COOPER & CO Phone. 23 y College, L >
f ji• `�'' --AND- Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" Axle Forest Cit Business do Shorthand
p Cotter, whereby axles are pat and boxing
Gives the most practical business and shorthand course obtainable
° Set back to the shoulder, making the same
1� �1 g carefully graded. Rooms and equipment the beet. Students bA
�rlRlil O'°d just as goad as new, I will be glad to per- profitable positions weekly. Good board, $2.50 per week. Fott p
4' otk �, - form gnywork in this direction, of either course address
thA mdbt I GUARANTEE A'LL WORK satiefao
k , a d ,&' t rJti J INn OF' tory, d no ay, Those who have had work R J. W. �V ESTEH
p 1 ` NXS
5t„ done, peak in the highest terms of it.-
" Come nd see the machine and et rices. ►
Th OCK p ,
'w, ALBERT SEELEY Why our Sales of Staves this b " ;
Blacks fill apd. ' e been n r C�.nton Sash l d
door In
r , !,ntSkai Repairer, Leslie s r a
{ ; ; it t ilii to) J has n so much i c e Is�t�. ;,.
yf' eii let-- keep then largest Assortment ! Stoves in the C6nI' t0 tllioi>ryA tftltb{t .,, ; W VP R Sr
2nd." r stock fg composed of the .Mdirig stayot mtln, faotitr8e if3 zltld ",ilii
P 1� ! F�11
Thott h •Bondt Br ht Wei n ° � �s�r ' �� �� ` ��iil
r f 4 r `�itt�Gi t1 3 a el;,turd# Qn•. r . �s.,WIders '3�o tii�� i ` '
n B
l diliAR) 712A10134eMa, yL'a'Vor 0 �4 Mayo �b Ai �to ; i:• ,, r �� � `�
_ li"t> r i li3 illi! i "o' 't
�# A �l ��, (� d �' #i` m..l� �'�'alad '1�or` t'
z>si<d '� bis
1 }l,il$ �111�a110 j�tlVlhtl `rlti�r olii�iet r o�llist+b �ifr;tiinR ir�bYc eh�kfr�li rtea6^;1lnti4r °RfO,ti>it£
• � ��� �'� opt �t�r� y`Ll�rb"ilk t��-��>s r�►1�� >�a�i«��+� ��a�� ��a �����i �r�ta��:��1s���r�{tl�a �i.� i����
,IlO 103