HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 6need far pushing 011911108, at tnitl seaQau, Yua Nua•HBRR-
1Preebyterinn C- E. Topic for Doo. o 8 r »{ s
23 -Missionary foals "Gleddie.' Cateohtem whether or no. sensible people eeleot sePeiila 8i4t5 and aeneible Slits
..,.',jai to -thank you quos. 9—Miss J. wileoa. are to be Panni on thq #oi[owillg lis t-
' -thank Methodist church E. L. of C• E• b
Px '>e very liberal To io for Dec. 20-Pr®sent by the Holy Spirit. Special lino of Fancy Bordered HlldleXgh��#s"2 for 40, s
41 p Y`
-d. Crich. p `
Silk Handkerchiefs, white with o orad odl3so.
i' �pa�fxt� ua ► which OI1G Ladies Silk Handkerohiefs in w1 ite, pink, garnet, beliotro e, butterou ,&o. 7o k
t 11. �O
the lams .�• ld" BORN Cream Brocaded Handkerohiefs; silk, large el�,a 200, `I #
DIEHL.-In Stanley, on the I4th last., the Qrenm Hemstitol;ed Silk Handkecchiefv; Qentlei;Glel1's, 250• is
le,"during the last wife of Mr John Diehl, of H eon. blaol ink white ^
Wool Shawls aplenc�id volae pad calors you w►11 like', grey, , pink,
4' `e and kind)y re-
HAYS—in 6eaforth on the 4th Inst., the and geao $1. klR'v
� ': wife of Mr ti. 8- Hays, lrarrister, of a daughter " Ladies BY Rads nicely made and very ,pobby $1.
l� M
at that OU will ex- NE9BITT.-In Morris, on the 2nd Inst, the Ladies Mink Ruffs extra long and large, real beauties At $8.50. and $8.
wife of Robert Nesbitt, of a Son, Ladies Far Setts including muff and ruff in Coney, Astrachan, Opposam &o�
tend the same patronagerioes range $2.50, $4, $5, $8 and W.
per, P � JACHLIN•-In Morrie, on Dec.Des8th, the wife
fl at, t4 Ile. The principles of of Wm. dacklin, of a daughter. Far Capes newest and most fashionable at limas prices.
;00MaBUtLNEY.-In Wawanoeh, on Dec. 8, the Every Season increases the demand for useful gifts. A dress, a mantle,p pelt Begun on the lith last., when our store put
tlt�Ae�ty and integrity on wife of S. MoBurney, of a eon.
of shoes, a pair of mitts and, many other nee4nl articles you will find
CLOW. -In East wawan0sh, on Dec. 6th, here in abundance. new Christmas dress, which we have had' ? •
^ whish, this store las WOr1 the wife of A Clow, of a daughter,
.the confidence of the pub-
BOWdE.-Io Eater; on thesth fast., mho wife We can give yon a dress length of colored cashmere #or �$1.
ill k}0 of A. Bowie, of a daughter, Some elegant goods at 25o a yard in black or colors (these are worth mare) 7 especially fur the OCCdSIon. We willP'Pr7i�#
lie, in the ast, w If �°
t ilmae itf, MARRIED yards is a sacci dress length and seven yards of above will coat you on -
b {p ;e};ti0tilQ stliCtly adhered t0 I{IINTZ-EILBER.-At the residence of t110 ]y $1.76. the public some new features in. goods and O RR
bride's father, Crediton, ..on the 8th inst„ by
the future.. Rev, J. A. Schmitt, Mr Wm. Kuntz, of Exeter, Mantles have been greatly reduced in price.
to 4R ie to Miss Ellen, daughter of Mr Chas, Eilber. and In general attractiveness. Which W� thYu ;t. 1A,
gt •-- -
--The hominess will be conducted HOLTZHAUER - PATTERSON. - Cn the SPECIALS just in this week
to ander the able management of A. 9th fast., at the residence of the bride's uncle mean much lnoney saved of thee► during fhe;
g Rev. C.C. Couzena, Mr Moses Holtzhaur, or Gingham worth 8o a yard Por bo.
' J. Grigg, n-actical man who bas hy, Factor Cotton 34 inches wide, regular rine 4o special at 2 o (Limit of >'r
a+ ks gg. P- Auburn, to Miss Jannis .Patterson, of Hullott. 8 P P � ' • �
you had 20 years experience in the t7
w lDe' The NEW ERA has in stock a fine line of 10 yards to a person). day season.
k rn(lhristmall Ijewelery business. Our steak of wedding stationery, If on intend to be mar-
tied soon come in and select wedding invita- S
helm enl�� Watches, Clocks, DIED. `7
or 1 Jewelery, Silverware
k';Rnly stare WEIR.—Zn IIullett, on the 18th inst., Sarah We have been lavish in our outlay for real nice tlali►g�
g511i1 ;aYlog. and Novelties Weir, relict of the Tato Wm. Wain, and mother .�/�' + 0n Go. Blyth
{ ti
of eir John Weir, 15th con., . we r,oh township, 1��LV� ' for the holiday trade, and some very Pretty Vhf
'• d is very large, in it. may ;bc'found in her 70th year, b
-' almost anythingyon may desire at very reason'dblE' figures are t0 C f011nd
PLUMSTEEL.-,In Clinton, on the 12th fast , Cash and one Price, Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
.s. r
vj . •, for Xmas Presents at pmoes which Win, plumsteol, aged 79 years and 9 moatha, which do not cause 11111c Strain On year j111�k
" are as low as it is possible to sell NELSON. -In wingham, on the 3rd Inst., ,�
�✓ �' fir' �' '�',
�TT� goods. Mary Nelson, aged 67 pears, Smooths and IS bQOh, f'
r • i3.,uL days. ' t
f1•INobT Mrs J. BIDDLECOMBE SLAVIN.-$t Lumley Usborne, on the 5th
Inst., Wm, Slavin, aged 50 years.
t Fi FINSBEINEA.—In Stephen, on the 6th
fast., Barbara 1Mnkboi er,Ste relict n the late /� We will be pleased indeed to have a crowd each d r
rt v Michael Finkbeinor, aged 68 years end 8 days. MERRY 1 R Y x M A 1 show through our big premise,, and will t ;
SALE REGISTER. 1LLY111 LLLJJJ far as we can to mare 1t profitable both to
Auction sale Of Farm Stock of John Thump- gay 1 Christmas comes every year, don't it? If you see the display of holiday net ourselves.
t � t eon, lot 64, Bayfield ,con., .Goderich township, Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is coming again this year. Every
t o ' on Wedoeaday,.Dec. 23rd. D. Dickinson, auct. bog should see our display of Fancy China, consisting of Cups, Saucersand
o0 SALK Flower Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware,
Mr. Benner, of Staffs, has been laid
Plates, Sets, of a Bread Plates, Berry Sets,
Rev, Dinner Sets, Toilet Seta, and so many things ce have not space to mention
t up for a couple of weeks with a sprained them all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, Fresh Groceries n all kinds. Candies and
a r ankle. Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality.
Ireas�&oods, the season is well advanced, Rev Wm. Bird, for 60 years aMeth- jilit1t011 GILRoy out o willoffer all Dress d3oods this edict minister, died at Belleville on . �LOW1
ey must go and our prices will sell them. Monday, aged 85 years. /
yl`tll"glv6 them your attention, The veterinary surgeons in the west ki
r�x a say hog plague as well as hog cholera .
exists In Essex Co. The plague affects
New -Prices the lungs first, and the bowels second- County Court and General See- Rides and Sheepskins
1y, although many of them die from siontl:
e..18c.-,__._..........Dress Goods now 18c the lung trouble of itself. WANTED. S '
. r „ .2, c Rev. A. M. Phillips, pastor of DOn of JIID6S —SIX HoLna THE DEC CR- I IT- �-y O M B
s 3(lc................. �• � Methodist Cbnroh, Montreal, and one of Tlxos—SIX CIVIL AND Two CsIMI• ,.•
lye , 35C ................ The higliest cash price going will G
32c the beat known Methodist divines in xnI CASES-
................ 32c _
Canada, died Wednesday evening, sabae-
i,fir . • • r• „ „ „ p is our highest price; it buys the best bottle of �s iilas perfu n q
,r � .• •� 40c gaent to an operation for kidney complaint. This Court opened on Tuesday afternoon, be old for Hides and Skins etre, 25c buys our cheapest Xmas perfume.
50e................. 45c He was a native of Ontario, a graduate of of last week, but after the Grand Jnry was y
F s. a0C. .... , „ „ Sachet Powder in bulk at 20c an ounce.
556 47c Victoria College, Cobourg, and was ordain- sworn in, no oases being reedy, the court a are centrally located. e
EI �� 60e „ 50c ed to the ministry in 1878. adjourned till Wednesday mopping. The CLINTON '1'ANNEKY, 0a
�,- „, 50C following were sworn in as the Grand Jury: w We are accurate.
yr „ „ .. Hensall;
'lOc..... • ........ •- , James Beverly, Chas. Mayers, O. S. DOAN &SON, Clinton W �' We are prompt -no long delays. t,
•• , 60c yy��$W du>ex#>< i'tul'utfi.
E1 c+? James Davidson, Wm. Hill, Colborne; John m a Q We are cautious.
,y « <� 76 Carrie East Wawanosh; Alex. Forest, ULINTON MARKETS ��. [..r We are old and tried -reliable.
J ..21..... NOTICE. Morris; John Ireland, Wm. Workman, A We are neat and scrupulously clean in prescription dap '' 1
$.�.......... Corrected every Thursday afternoon Q
Tackersmith; John Kerr, Stephen; Jona- Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1896. r `t
` z Notice is hereby given that I have disposed off'
nv .Dress see our goods than Merner, Zurich; D. S. Milne, Howiok; wheat spring .............. 0 78 a 0 80 We can interest you in prices for drugs. Our Hot Water Bottle an oun>Ga
my hotel to Me Luse Hill, to whom the license Syringe, $1,00. q� h.
x it will a on. will be transferred on or about the let of Jann- Wm. McLeod, Gerrie; Samuel Smith, Mo- Wheat,fall.................. 0 78 a 0 BO �1
pay y cry. JOHN BELL, Londesboro, Killop. Oats, 0 16 a 0 17 _
Stanley vs. Gramrpett was posponed. Barley 0 20 a 0 22�
t ,• MAN WANTED Raettle vs. Ritchie, an action for permit- ., ..::, 0 38 a 0 38
- GIBBIN rl Pena I� �! �ni�� combinedift
l Lel l� ting water to escape from a pipe on to the Flour perowt........ . 2 40 a 2 ueauty Lind V®mill) v E "L &wanted, a good o general
man to work on etrred laintiff'S goods. Judgment reserved. Pak 4 50 a 4 75 it LQ{j/ Prle 1:
I One accustomed to goners] term work preferred P Q ll a 0 13 = -
f Married or single Apply to NEW ERA OFFIuE, Jardine lvs.ai Bedford, c claim for work Butter
LAlllert Weet, Clinton. Clinton, done by plaintiff in excavating sellar of Kggsper doz................ 0 14 a 0 15
l w Bedford hotel, lasted all Wednesday after- Hay new, $6; old....:::::- 7 00 a 7 00 Our store is piled with elegant goods, such =PARLOR DINING ROUlII and BED+e
WE WANT co ha"die established trade noon and Thursday forenoon; at 2 o'clock Sheeepekine 0 2b a 0 25 P.00M SUITES, COBLER ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN ILDREN
y,;? in this county. Canadian
y stock guaranteed to live.- the jury gave a verdict for plaintiff and $60 Wool ......... .. . 0 18 a 0 20 COUCHES, MUSIC RACKS, BA➢1B00 NOVELTIES, PI' TURES, CHLLDREN'S
AGENTS Permanent position, whole damages. No. 1 Trimmed Hides...... 4 00 a 4 25 SLEIGHS, dc. Special prices daring this month s
?„;',,,#..,p or part time, Liberal forme. You can make $10 Mattyn VS. Gallagher was posponed till Potatoes .................... 0 25 a 0 26-EAC
•�--�-�•�- ''jam
�I to
��a� a week or better with as, for every week you d day to be fixed. Ducks ...................... 0 40 a 0 60 J•�3 jH:0 .1 Vv �' �+"���
work. No experience necessary. Tilt vs. Berhart, an action for $112.50, Gee is, per l 0 04 a 0 05
BROWN BROS. CO'Y, P b••••••••
` �� µ part of the license for a hotel in Galt, mak- Turkeys, per Ib ............ 0 06 a 0 07 t
lye ftfN ffiiristmas is the question which is agitating everybody at Control Nurseries, TORONTO, OST en by defendapt from plaintiff. This case Chickens 0 25 a 0 40
Lbegj :Come and see our assortment of gifts said you will pro- was not concluded at 5 P. m.
tai setE�htllb,dueetion very satisfactory. What would give more J. J • gonion, charged with obtaining MONTREAL LIVE STOUR MARKETS -;
ftll'dittI —R,t6 a gentleman than a Meerschaum Pipe, Box of Cigaars, CLINTON, r money under false pretences, in securing _ � L•
,� ibi161ng-Ouse or something similar. Perfumes, Manicure Sets, Coo (j (1 AGENT 1 ' � � subscriptions to the Ladies Home Journal A private cable from Liverpool Said Can -
it', Bair Btush, makes a gift which any lady would not fail to U GI FOR 1VJY Y 66 and the Delineator, had several indictments adian cattle sold at bid, sheep at bid, ]ambo
gg' is of all the best makes both in �t t j and thought best to plead American cattle 6 d. There
(8ifjpCeOxtlluent of Perfumes concis examine them. � against him, g 61}d and A '� ,
,Jfaiiey battles and bulk. Come and Telegraph, guilty. His plea was that he held a sob- were about 600 head of butobers' cattle, 25 -9
' '�1� A[��'(%�•�j�'�%' Dominion Express Money Ordera, agency from some one else, who, however, calves and 600 Sheep and lambs offered for
i.iV Y iould not be found. His Honor evidently sale at the East End Abattoir. The bat- Xmas,
A�. �• ,LTJ• Dominion Steamship CoLo. disbelieved the plea, and gave Hanlon six chars were present in large numbers and ® Oe,
The Chemist, Clinton. Allan Line. Beaver Line. months in the Central. trade was good, with a Slight improvement
A charge of indecent assault from Win- in the price of pretty good stock. There *"
The American Line.
North German Lloyd S. S. Co. Sham Pell through owing to the failure of were not many Christmas beeves on the Cheer
9 °�dt
Y the prosecuting witness to appear, and it is market, and those Sold at from Bio to 4}a
understood this convenient arrangement per ib, pretty good Stook sold at from 2jo.4,
Office at Cooper's Book Store was owing to a Settlement between the par- to Bic per lb and the common animals at
,- Xmas to all - -- --
ties to the case and their friends. from },}o to 2j0 per lb. Most of the calves
s were young veals, selling at from $2.76 to k
H6200a�tefs for Candies & NIts.
NEWS NOTES $6 each. Mr Geo. Nicholson bought ten
(yl rietmas Groceries, &c from us you will have the extra cattle, for which he paid * per lb.
,ktY gi+srig.and feeling you have secured the beat goods at Mr r of Kingston, er, the big railw con- k
B We have a new and complete stook P Pp Sheep sold at from 3Qo to 4j0 per 16, a few
have just opened out a crate of of Xmas goods tractor of Halk, is dead. oboice lambs being held at 4,}o per lb. Fat
ji'lc , Pie A Catharine IIalk, an insane woman, bang. $ p VQe are ready for file Christmas "
hogs Bold at from 3.8b to $4 per 100 lbs. ,, �'�•
ed herself in the jail at Walkerton. trade Wlttl a full �1Re Of
;y Candies from 6c. per lb. up Mr Allan Barr, a farmer living about Dean Innes, Rector of St. Paula Cithed-
6t� ri1Ua resents. 99 piece Dinner Sete at $5; Gilt t o miles from Perth, was found lying by ral, London, was presented with a Silver -
o at"S6 at $ .26; 44 piece Tea Sets $1.75 NUTS of all kinds. NEW FRUITS from the roadside with his neck broken.
mounted mahogany chest containing $500.
an- elected Fruits. t
Ise to 500. per dos. Orangae, Banannos, Two children of Mr Frowe of Chelten- in old in commemoration of hie 25th an-
Figs, Dates, Grapes and Table ham broke through the Ice in the redit niversary in the Diocese of Harorll
491A' %s8itsket, Selected Valencias, very fine. Now Cur- Raisins. Rfr1AS CAKES,•15 to 250 per Ib. River. The little girt was rescued, but the
"1s6t tis$. New Peels, beet brands, New Nulte-A1- A new lot of PIYTS, with or "it
lront boy, Thomas, was drowned. ' a • . Choice Nuts and `
Xi3 allflats, Filejerts, Peanuts. Mixed Candies from be oases. Tom Smith's Bon Bon Crackers. Mr Nicholas Wilson has just oomplebed i ��+J r
p'l�i Fi s Dates. The best 25c Tea in, the WEDDING CAKES are Still our specialty a term of 50 years as Pablio School teacher I'
o*9000,rXisertie yciur Christmas order for us. We pledge our in London. Some of his old naafis Pro- Spacial ExcnrsionFares t al points in sot "Pure Candies.
nee to resent him with a testimonial.
p 11atiI! ySStt. - James McClacherty, Clinton pose
Jordan, an old colored man, de -
Jame — 1896--XMAS-1896
' - ,unto„ • sired to marry a yonso mulatto girl of
Clinton. SOAK FOR BERVICE� twelve years at Windsor. The girl was Single First -Class Fare
dressed np and taken before an issuer of g Going Dec. 24th and 25th, Fancy Glass
and China
gabaortbor will seep for service at his Perm licenses, before whom Jordan swore She Returning Dec. 31st.
Enron Road, Godorloh township, a wen -bred was eighteen. The old man has just been Single First -Class Fare y�
!.r •+:� x .'• Cheater White Boar, of gEboot pedigree. Terms found guilty of perjury by a jury. TO��y slid Games
ffi1 at time of service; or ffi1.2G 1 booked. Saturday about 4 o'clock Mr John Hid- rpt 17 • •
m J. POTTIDR, ne a well-to-do farmer who resides about an One -Third
Goderlah township• Nov. A, Ig9iS three miles from Arthur, while in the act `
WPM:, of Going Dec. 23 to 25, 1896, inclusive,
of felling trees with some neighbors had Returning Jan, let, 1897.
CLINTON both les broken by the tree which they
` . , `. '•k were calming felling upon him and holding 1897 -NEW 1rEAR-I89? Albums, Mus1C Rolls,
him bill it was removed.
L� g
Skatin and Curling Rink Single First -Class Fare
The death took place Sunday morn(ng lggg clad Jan. 1 1897 Stick Pins, Handkerchiefs, t
• FOR SALE ON EtABY TERMS of Mrs. A. W. Francis, );rroprSietor of the (icing Dec. 31,
Woodstock Times, and widow of the iate Returning not )refer than Jan 2, Gloves, Table Covers and Napkins,
R. IRWIN A. W. Francis who was killed in the St. II
t ; George accident. Deceased aaffered . a Sin le, 1' 1rs -Class Ire "
it IG I r ;u tfi,�v$ lteduced� �,! stroke of paralysis on Tuesday last and aiu O e•' hli d in fact everything you are likely to want for f
i never regained oonsoionsnese. (dh9 was B� Y Arlen �� i
%�IGAI N Going Tet;. 30 81, r
e�+ Cent r alb ears of a e and lsdve's n talnily of lour S t
a: Y
O, Ol,gON'.]1i4e, Ot 'I, ad ;rreniis6s hb recently vhildren. g LtbttlriYiilg irt0 )stet~ pati fon• ', b
y uro me S�fittb�r>uUd.b nod Out this webk for
t f �o, awh t ><e r�ibl voino�a�enoe i ho 1 tat ► i - Make your selection early before
T► i�� ' "lllood8 k ueini�ss :Nit 1broken.
..: , 1 ;,., ,,.,, ,: .. , doonrt;ad.a �u�lur At the r,11��t: l� ilzt��� 1��, et
,,w.. , , 10"tlls iaorfillig�+ �s"�,..' d Fr�Ee �rif1 tlh�-t`1,tiltT �IssOxtm�lSt
1`CBre�.. C?htiroh DG do>1.
Ili . �Ittldl3�11t f3#t 0b1fl l
blrl mite: teil� ettiiieW`r, tr�a �btlld�e%� lt31}irrp �'0>rt�H" ,
.1ai1#el �. �XNed #ir
b' fatdifi
;,;, • • s 'latidideit ,alp; >,d,.
suit :yyyyli..� ••:� d gage , �, ,� �r1[ y,,, y.[{ •�
.� A.
"iffy lOg'•�91(t AJ��'Tt,f#:-2rt I.
p6 dtbe fekelXoe
mho etrii3tfig
F ,,.. rr';:. • i ,tl#�➢[I e> FIX
)cid' ltr
•' !w1Y�i iI� a lalt0'aaqiiit4xv It
l ;,• r ,>v o.ftb+'� i gi�bfily Di`Y, '!i`�dt't �V�-'