HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 5,, n H, , ' f. 4 • A' ' , • 4 •Y . T• 1 �w ' 1r'. W� 771T I xe + r , , 4, yry� r. , -a l !S 'tNVI.51 1,199 , F 'S. �. ��dda 1Jn fQ tosG' A4aalnitrkabla IdcarAh �aM.P UAod fn tl.e Q 'LIvE� STOCK XAJAXETS: 76xeualt DTa F. ,, s �t i .� we hod 9K doa►as of i�Mediterraneanuu7(i+initN�rnrbmufuoru7r�hn�npirehupigxlttiruc n� Torontig,; Deo• 9,-- a", y 4# '1 e • COtXS.i�i>3 tit]I] QP has husk tuadtt �nitoieatin oxReri� experiment • �t �,�' a '' offerings at the WP Rtern Cattle yards this After 'l'1."8#t � � C�IJ��� � � L � > x who ►ave inherited a ten- with a novel light, the tnVOUtien of morning, a fee loactq wizfub wsxu re Best French naval offlGer. The sonars Call .the Peace 0glved pesterday, The market woo an i dency . to it. AlrrlOSt 1tS "aha crit -erne light." The squadron loft unusually dull one; a few shipping Cattle sr:. ` , q sold, but the trade Was scarcely worth �� .fitMarseilles -- sold, but the Prices ranged from &M to One of the Moot �g t ,y�M,7atts, on greatest Use IS for those n;In t the eth of August at 6 o'oloou in the evening, leaving behind men8%o per pound. Butchers' cattle were Record --Ten Yea Q r%0I000,o.#tiring whose condition IS so 1111- the torpedo destroyer k'aucon, whioh.was quiet; the demand watl slow, and pr From A ate Rh, '# ifs "+ 11 � bola to start three hours later and hunt it up. �JiCTORY IN q Fr G .►g .• a . paired as ,not to be able to At 8 o'clock the Faucon weighed anchor _ unchanged. For selected lots of 0110100 Body Contrtkoted and out. Of Rhape fin - CCT) A cattle s to 8iic was paid, but good y and steamed oaG !n pursuit, with ordinary cattle sold around A;4 to 2 6.80; ]very Limb -Again toativa .het the good they should out lights extinguished except this novel" ,kr19' and common stuff sold down to 20, aad Life. O 'i�eir ordinary food. In affair, the mtWre. Nobody on board know _ __�- �) , Wan qqt wanted at that. There was no rrom the Newmarket kdv rileor. the direction the squadron took, but at 1 p aales iii public consequence, Still, bad as We snQpces tlaoxo is ppb a reaid6nt ,of ]m4y every case with these, o'clock in the morning the Fauonn joined 1� gtableVreparationforAs j t '; the market Is, and for some time has iVewmarket who does Hilt knew Iilz J. a4. • It' gimilating illefoodandlReQula= + ,~jomp6und dOeS been, there is a demand fur a limited SCgtt Emulsion of Cod- This "rat -trap light" ie a thing of tt Slolitacitsan¢Howe of t gaantitY of superior butchers' Cattle, Moffatt• who does not know, of his years of suffering, end who'has not hoard 4f his re liver Oil brings back appetite, email dimensions placed to the stain oP )Ili after Utll- and for email lots fairly answering thls the vessel above the wheal. No other I �'.}'si d0sorivbion 8 to 8yjo and an occasional lease from a life of helplDse and pain ' i light is permitted on board. IC throws v,r5 doso map be obtained, through the medium of Dr Williams Pink stimulates digestion, restores B lase Fail Pills. Indeed we donbb, if in the annals of out an electric light which cannot be d There was no change In "small stuff", medicine there is a more remarkable res- color and plumpness, and seen on the right or left of the ship, and which was steady and unchanged. Ship- toration than has beona000mpliBhed iR Mr onA only be discovered dead ahead under pf0111ot2SDi esHon,�ltE7CT ii ping sheep sold at 23, to 8o per pound, controls the diseases of thin- certain conditions known to the seeker. uessand]Test.00lltainsll@tfhel' " and lambs fetched from 8yA to 3%o per 1!£offatt'a ossa, and he deems it hie duty to By means of this Invention ni htsl nalslior maukind to make the facts known through esS. Book about it free, g g m,MO tC TIC. � pound. Good lambs and • sheep ars » Can be made when rock or flash lights � �~. the Columns of theAdveztis0r, iVC1T �.Il•�iC Ct'I'IC. iople cured by Paine'- wantbd. Calve@ are quite unchanged. octs. and $t.00, at all druggists. might be uselass or liable to betray the 31• compelled to make Hoge are wanted at 8 7.8c per pound Tan Nests ago Mr Moffatt was working 5 g in the Newmarket Hat Factory. Throat; sCo'rr & trOwne, ilalfevit{e, onL position of the ifaet to the enemy. It can 'ith a view of benefit- for the beet, and thick !at fetch 8C 1f the influence of the damp room, and pos- also guide a squadron in line, with all tad but stores other lights out, even in dangerous i lata- �ppixpnnfOldlDS�f11f(lLZ1!fPCll!?Tt Cured people grata- good. Prima firm; all wan ibly some carelessness in regard to his 16rrfhhin died iortaut testimony in BREADSTUFFS, ETC., health, he was attacked with a severe cold Among the advertisements in the Gudos. tlLrBenrw+ id afiiieteii may cease Wheat -Outside roarkeba were weak which evenbually settled;in his limbo, For Grocer, the first item in the announce- The French Navy atone possesses this Ilaaffdlebulb- ��?` porthlesa prepare�bions to -day, principally the Ghioago market, some Nears be was an almost Constant auf- went of a leading London house is as light, and the Adnilrnity evidently nt- llsiasbeat . b a Dore. Tuthful I reliable pe e, who where there was votive hnnrmaring by Parer from rhenmabio pains, and spent under: "Butter -The best value in taches great importance to it judging �innn� �__ _ of 1?ai 'a Calory the bears. The cash situation remains much money in treatment for the trouble, batter is Canadian creamery, in square by the precautions that are taken to 71 13 e '�, Qnrohty fluence for strong. A fair decrease in the visible is hot with no result beyond.an occasional cases, at lolls. There is nothing at guard it against discovery. `Phe com- �. looked for shortly. Ontario whoat is temporary release from pain, k'lAally to any price in Australia to beat the mander of a ship and ono sworn officer "`preo! d by thinking easy, Red and white wbeat is quoted make matters worse �he was attacked with quality of the dairies we are getting alone handle !t, and it is kept on board at Sbo, Hoar -by freights to mina, and at malaria and rheumatic fever. He, was each week, and if the trade would only in a speotul upartinent, of which the AperlectRefnedy f0rCOnsGpat of Tiverton, N. 84 to 880, longer freights. Buying la then forced to go to the Toronto general divest their mind of prejudice against commander hol.l.s tan key, Pfau, $OLIr SfO�Cti,Diarr�l0e8, i3 poor. Manitobas were at a standstill to- hospital, when. it was found that he was Canadian, they would Bud money in re to add my testi- day. Holders asked $1, g, I. t., North the business.' It is something to 1paine'B Celery Com- know that there is a prejudice against FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE X13 Bay. past I havesuffer- hlour-Dolt Holders still ask $4.25, "Canadian" products. The circum- When Nerviline-nerve pain cure -is ap- b1oB.,also pains in the stance should impel our exporters to 'medicines that were middle freights west, but buyers do not r plied. It matters not of how long staud- want to pay more than $4. Demand overcome this and dice by so attend- ing, its penetrating and pain subduing pow - but never received ing to package and quality as to afford At last I was ad- from Eastern dealers is slow. / or is such that relief is almost instantane- Peas-Steady. Lower ocean freights c sr - no room for it. -Monetary Times. ons. Nerviline is a nerve pain cure. This cry Compound, and enable exporters to pay batter prices. statement expresses all. Try it and be jTe first bottle I ex- Exporters were bidding 410, high freights t / Convinced. ange. I till Continued west and 420 middle freights, to -day. �� e not fool with cheap purgative pills ammade till I had Oats. --Dull and weak. Offerings are � i • when you can gat o medicine that removes ash made a perfect the Cease of sick stomach, pain in the Two Kingston Penitentiary convicts free at 19C for mired and 200 for white, free T. R. west. escaped b scalingthe wall. The wren mmend the use of back, sick ho thehs, indigestion, stole that pp Y " � �` " goes direct to the seat of the trouble. A are McDonald froToronto, and My - lid to any one sof- Barley -Quiet and easy. Carlota of Na t` are from Essex. ubles. You have 1 at interior points are quoted at 34o; tions,compn treatment a Sed with full Wil- Panoy iota at 350. No. 2, at 28 to d9o, mons, and van be obtained at Allen ct Wil- The boiler of a threshing en the at e future success of son's drug store, Clinton. Sample box Bent work on the farm of Mr Arch. Fergu- �„ outside. son's Car lots west -- !` on receipt of six Bents in stamps. son, Yarmouth, exploded. Mr Alex. 7astice £the Peace, �•aR+t ^ >,t the above Peace, offered at 290, and oast at Boa THE Ln ROY PILL CO., Toronto, Can, Forbes, who owned the engine, was I artiCe ab DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. afflicted with tortioolliB (wry neck.) Dur- struck by a flying piece of the boiler in the first six months in the hospital he Dont Headache Powders will care that in I he back of the left ear, and instant - was receipts Gfl day were light g splitting headache. Safe successful, sure. ly killed. Three other men were in - Choice light and medium weights by was under the treatment of the staff elect 25 cents a box, orrowing' the load sold from $4.75 to $5. Packers tiician, but the powers of electricity en- jured. n have The NEwquoted $4,75 for oar lots of same, on tirely failed, and after a consultation of but pbyBicians it was deemed advisable to per- Passing beside a stall a liveryman of, for one dolidar• track here. Provisions are steady, f; y BP i 5 T O L' S e reach of ever rather slow. There Is a fair enquiry from form an operation. Six weeks later a sal Ho kinsville, Kentucky, lost a part of ager any exon a the pacific coast. Mining oporation.a out Gond operation was performed. The ope- one ear, which a horse reached out and H R l S T O L ' S rations proved successful only in so far as ding of it. Sub- there Dense increased consumption. `Phe p Seized with his teeth, they afforded temporary relief. Ile re eyed bi borrowers following are the esA, ions: Barrelled y P y Constipation, causes more than half the JBRISTO��S�J j; ibj item with a pork, shoulder mesa, $9; beau mese, 1890, tin the hospital from November, Y 1890, till Januar 1892, and with all the i11P of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is fore tips harrow- $11.50i short cut, $11,60 to $12. y a pleasant aura for Constipation. Sold b Dry salted meats --Lon clear bacon modern remedies and appliances known to P p y g. J. H Combe Clinton, i'ij,o; toftlots, 5�0; case lots, 60; the staff of that well equipped inatit[1ti0.0 + + hacri tion list is car 1otA, no permanent relief could be obtained. He Sarsaparilla ur aim is for 500 backs, 70, wag tbgtn advised to o home art. in the � Thousands upon thousands of barrels 11. Will you helpSmoked meat -4 -. ,tjgms, heavy, 90} ,n the .lope that the change might prove of apples are still on the trees in Ridge- and ea fre, An predlumj ),0�pk kight' ftai brach°' town distr4;t, and will never be picked. y i rat b?nefieial, but instead he continually gNOw The Comprise the choicest kinds of TA TA S or the small bacon, 9i4 to 1035c, rolls, 7e; backs, 9 worse and in Maroh 1892 was again forced p Q There's nothing to 100; picnic hams, 6�/, to 7a All r ' } fruits, such as Baldwins, Russets and p�� A E Sy as a Cod live p to take to his bed, and those w_o knew of Greenin $ The best rico that farm - as out of pickle to lose than prices g g his condition did not believe be had long to ars in that section cowl get was 40 eta. The Greatest of all Liver, ear; just see all quoted for smoked moats. live. At this time every joint in his body a barrel. Many refused to sell at this n -week in and Lard -Tierces, 7e; tubs, 734o; and was swollen and distorted, and be suffered Stomach and Blood Medicines, palls, 7%o; compound, 6j; to 6o, price, preferring to let the fruit fall to the most excruciating agony. If a person the ground and rot. Several farmers pPT THF.Mr-The PRODUCE, walked across his bedroom it intensified are feeding the products of their or- A SPECIFIC FOR °Wenmtethat j;ggs- There Is no change Iii the Bitua- the pain as though he was being pierced chards to their stuck. Apple buyers Rheumatism, (lout and '--We are running and torn with knives, and if touched be practically refused to handle more than h tion, Supplies are moderate, and de- would scream aloud with agony, In this a limited amount of the fruit, fearing Chronic Complaints. Globe Advortis-' mand keeps up. PPI00e are steady. Quo state cf hopeless suffering he remained bed- iiia,o. We can- tations aro; Limed eggs are firm at 14tr4 P no market could be secured, ut of that firm, to 150, cold stored at 16 to 15 ,o, fresh fact for eighteen months,dic all the while as- �f Cleanse and Purify 111E f The same ads. gathered at I6o, and now laid at 20a ing all manner of d for.aee from which Singers, public preachers, actors, auction - ERA, but we de- Potatoes— 9toady. Carlota, to arrive on relief might a hoped for. Then to was lira, teacher-, x n d it and all wild are Blood. 'm without some try)k, aro quoted at 31 to Ago tar Chotoa Put under the treatment of a Toronto ape• liable to over -tax and irritate the vocal or. Pere have them- stools. re quoted lots out of store sell at 400, cialiet, but with no better result. After Bans, find, in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, a this last experiment failed, be determined safe, certain and speedy relief. A timely AU Druggists and cepting such un- poultry -Receipts were quite large to- to ►r) Dr Williams' Pink Pills, at the dose of this preparation has prevented General Dealers. wn advertising day, and the tone of prices was easy, same time discontinuing all other treat- )many a throat trouble, n they are apt, to Turkeys sold mostly at 6540. Quotations ment. At the end of three months there tile, nre—Turkeys, 6 to 7o per poundf geese, was a very noticeable improvement in his Y HERE, -Every 455 to Woo per pound; ohiokans,20 to 400 condition, and so much so that his mother at home helps to per Pair; ducks, 85 to 550 per pair. l)onghb he could be lifted outside. He elf and the whole Field Produce -Dealers sell small lot$ was still so weak, however, that he was The UUl1UA of l�b Tariff V Ever dollar you of turnips, out of store, at 25o per bag; only able to remain up a few minutes as Every y pians, at 60 to 700 per bag; carrots, at y hke the tunes to 4, betbiU. When taken back to bed he felt a tter. It is the 40o per bag; and parenips, at 400 per sadden tingling sensation going up from 1 may be verN onerous, but that will not prevent our Customers from having the best t was eve- made bag• hiB toes and through hiB }Cines and spine. material for their Christmas cooking, as we have a fine stock of everything necessary 'Whole, you save Applea-Dail and uftohang®d. Smelt The next morning when he awoke the pain to the production of a first-class dinner for that day, Our fLRislns, Currants uy some article lots of dried) delivered here{ did fill0bad had lefb bhe body and lodged in the arms, me cheaper than at 2 to 25So, and dealerg feieii at Be. and then for some weeks the pain flitted Peels Spices, Extracts, and every other requisite are the boat we can nye Evaporated are quotei3 lid ®bout 4 to 60, from place to pin°- itt sue arms and )hon and vre�lrava been in business long enough to prove to you thvt our prices for firat- it at home, per- P class goods are always as low ae the lowest, Call and see if this is true. If you have any Beaus—Quiet,f;`M3dlocr hand-pickeddiBappoared, Bpd he tae not had n particle erity and well stook sells at 7166 psi bushel, in small of pain since, Al! thio time be was taking atrohizefirst and lots, and ordind beans at 60 to 600. Dr Williams' pink Pills and slow. but ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR TEA`. hie, all the tomo Honey=fid btationri are: So for 60 -IN surely regaining his strength. Then an W}rether yon are or not you are invited to try a sample package of our yALADA tins) rh'tid 90 for 10-1b. tine; now olover invalid's Chair Wks procured, and he was Black, and Black and Green mixed, 25, 40, and 500 per pound. We believe it to be the bonb�, in combs, is quoted at $1.60 to wheeled Ont, eventually he was able to host value for the money in the town. $1.75 per dozen sections. nheol hims''lf about. The continued use Thankful for past favors, we will be pleased to receive your orders, and promise d Wright'e Liv(.r :Baled nay -Rather flrmor to -day. Sov 01 the Pink Pills constantly addled to his personal experi- oral cars of No. 1, on track, sold at strength, and then the chair was discarded prompt and,careful attention. C� 1od with gains in $10.60, and fancy would bring $11. No. for crutches, and then the 1806)trutobear for a Opposite Poet Office, Clinton, ]ACIffurray & WiltsE g for some time, 2 sold- from $8,60 to $9. Dealers quote cane. At this time Me 't., 1896) Mr Mof• Phone 40, V Liver and Stom- two ton lots of No. 1, delivered, at fatt had so far recovered that be was a fre- lete ours- I Can $1N. 60. quest contributor to the columns of the to give immediate traw-Slow. Choice ou gtmw, In oar Acvortiser, and proctring a borse and bug - t,, Danville, Ont, lots, on track, is quoted at 0. gy be was engaged as local reporter for the /-ry-T' _'T"�-f 1�1� - AAIRY PIRODUU& paper. The once utterly helpless invalid is F 4 y�tA� +'- �s tl� \..J-LJII% , to get Nicolet election Butter--••Tbe tone is &6od. There fe no now able to go about, and!n and out M its nd Mr Boisvert, accumulation bare, Acrd offerings of of his boggy without any assistanoe, and is taHARNESS.. the seat. ohofao dairies and oream0rieg move at his post of duty whenever called upon.` =.;t readily, Modlam dairy !e slow, but low Thus we find that after years of sufferingy'jri held a meeting rade m0ece with fair buying. QnotatlOna and helplessness Dr Williams' Pink Pills;y ons protesting a he:v0 roved succegaful after all other reme- N, school settle aro o; follows: Low grade dairy Gabe, 7 diol and the beet of medical treatment had EMPORIEN to 80; medium dairy tube, 9 to 110; utterly failed. With sash marvel]ong cures large dairy rolls, 12 to 140; small dairy as this to its credit it is no wonder that E CUNUMY rolls, 14 to 150; creamery tubs 19 to Williams' Pink pills is the most popular 19540; pounds, 20 to 20%0. medicine with all classes throughout the Chaege-Offerings plentiful and prices land, and this case certainly justifies the Opposite the Town HaIL earvv. Summer makes sell at 054o, and claim put forth on its behalf that it "aures ROBES September and October makes at 70 to when o her medicines fail." 10)40 A splendid line of Saskatchewan 111.6bes-three colors -light and Rollie Wheat, white, new • • . - • • . • 67 88 dark brown and black, 'quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade The Wheat, red, per bush....-- 86 winners. Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices. Wheat, goose, per bush.... 00 4F1 Peas, common, per bush. _ 44 HARNESS, ETC. y, Oats, per bush .............. 22 24 Reye per bush .............. 00 48 C Our special make Of Sinole Harness has gained a superior reputa- Barley, per bush........... - 30 tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness i $sands of smart Ducks, spring, per pair.... 60 ' 40 alwa 8 in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Bails, "gda'find that the Chickens, per pair......... and important •Geese, per ib..... 05 08 Bo CONS, Brushes, Roc., also Trunks and Valises. .1th their aid, the Butter, ]p l -lb. roils:::.. _ W 22 Our Goods are Bargains at our prices• d the mother bar- Eggs, new laid ..... . ....... 40 45 #t m� eased, although potatoes, new, per bag..._ itat»st� e Q4y be old material Beans, per bush............ 76 10 > r rgu& JOHNSON & ARMOUR- Beets, R ,j,1u Beets, per doz............., 09 �J �J wv Parsnips, per doz........... 9 10 t$at I hw" bum ?atiOlr lasting and Apples, Per bbl ............ 40 1 50 ftltr& 10.6c tt o ani a dyed with them Hay, timothy .............. 12 00 14 00 96WOMlro- Any one can Straw, sheaf, , ............. 10 00 11 50 itpt}ed for to opgt. 11g aro so plain Beef, hind$................ O6 04 PYID, t cf thetrt r Chript, ldoef, fares.. 02 08 can d e.g. v y{s i 4/Y 1 titseded. The Spring lambs, carense, 5 00 6 oola Woruls,Gonvulsiofis,reverlsw ; mess andLoss OF SUMM :FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. tlnstoria 1s pat up_is ";y Is not sold in bulla, you anything also on -1, its "just as gooar'sn, pose.tt 4W Ole that E7CACl CCPV or WRAPPER. Tbo fao- elg Milo of �a'ST9 a" YOUNG What are you going to buy your motner or iN;; ,y-,.,-:: Christmas? That is what is worrying a great N'c now, well let me tell yon, CALL CALL AT THE 'k! WOOLEN WOOLEN And buy your Mother ort any of yourdear friends ;3'.- WOOLLEN BLA.N And their delight will pay YOU for the little (14110e@ -yo s You can het a beautiful pair for $2.50 a extra wide pair for $3.60 and upwards t CALL AND SEE OUR Cotton Blankets Thesd goods surpass anything you have aver seen for .A-, C. D U F T O N I °PP' AND UNDERTAKING St Brick Klock, Clinton : Near Fair'`° We are now prepared all show ed the very latest uaasigns.of every It NO *Over grow flim, Veal, par lb. . , .......,.... "I o� JCI tll�. ;:...In order to ... , ...... vin over Mutton, per iii... 4 26 6 00 �, , k tui yy g, y 7Droseed h0go. . ..... . ....... will >stlon be hexa, acid we fere preppelree>a to as It as vFitit aX clbltler gives her tech dal RAISINS, CURB NTB, "till Ei df tllhor palokaga Ci�IIT IJ STAT S MAiiSETB. .+ Trstz jnaar.otcl .. pi°ese x fot tririeklil, c ll' alive ' 'r 1' �o>Y tr a ti K haxiddoriis 8st+ Xtf�bldr �7go, b.-vrltooalpts--Gabti wlttglt ftlC m bit tint t B W U, 1Oii'�r S, ��3I�!t3 % , g e>ntiit..;''hri tiuitt'k#�. ,�f1'aj}{ Blydgt.Iste+iti(��". MMnYaihr�Y��it'Yt#d^iti��. �..., Our Undertaking department is complete in every tirangi BR OADFOOT, BOX. k �' SPINNEY The Old Reilable SPOc � CD A-0 `j(ttrA7i`r in on u weakeafn f the systam ina tt - filer men who �to of this difficulty .L cure In all such eaeas� ani 6eAlth suttation free. "Those unable to ca11, medicine Beat tfy empress, with full 1 writing, attih'ce hours: Protn ilei. DR. SPINNEY &�tol dir tiphiso� wJtb a OVA m•re11r7 tow f or MT t•AtIsM�;�i1�. NINO- I M a oftlit snail Mr aha patkm erttdht to# iiia ettia•�.[ 'T7M+ *�irrS�talf�w�, atiti'trl ubm file' stYlsr I[ir!' M to a W M y..1 sats rsocf�irif4�i f�TRi.Cs.Tf�7 l+i:/ 1; u.