HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 4P1119
d three horse power upright engine
or sale at a bargain. Can be seen at
`1kApply to CLINTON NEW ERA or
FELL, Engine Supply Co., Loudon
Stray Heifer
tom subscribers premises, Maitland
orne, about the 1st of August, a
Helfer, having the end of the right
Any one giving Information that
fits recovery will b: suitably rewarded
(k'W, Cr'DURST, B-nmhler P.O. 1m1
wises, lot 2.5, con 14
he middle of October
Owner is hereby m-
y charges and take it
premises, lot29, 4th
about the middle of
$after. Owner is here-
porty, pay chargee and
YEO, Rayfield P.O.
Piano, Upright, Main's-
, for on very reaeon-
new one-horse Bob-8leighe,
:lurade, Will be sold cheap,
the G T R station, Clinton
{Boar ,fdr Service.
ape fer service at his premises
lett,a thorobreci Berkshire,l,oar.
e of service, (with pirvilege of
eoessary) or $1.25 if booked.'
Feeders—Corn for Sale
unt best`Yellow Corn, at 3.5c. a bush-
kes chop at less than 60c per hundred,
ran $12 per ton. At that. low price it
sed anyykind of stock, or to mix with
of grain,, especially to give boo and
D oats, barley, &c. Sell for cash, ex -
r any kind of grain, some cases give
moths' t&me, if desired. Drive right
use, oppolite station. W. G.I'ERRIN
ext to Commercial Rotel.
iishment is in full or oration and a
d in the most satisfaotoe y way, Came
granite work a specialty. Prices a
as those °tan y establishn.ent
LE & HOOVER,Clinton. lm •
Slot Wanted
a -
You'll be astonished
hitch you can get for
itttOyr- in our Shoe Store.
,of the bargains will
'led,. but not so much
,toucan entertain their
.8 andBnally accept them
'have a large stock of
'telling Bags.
'WS in Goat
ore Blankets.
Ogle Harness.
lOsale & Reta.il
1. Httrou County Endel;4vorers.
We would commend to the 'Endeav-
overeof the County who ate interested
in nnission work among the Indians of
the Northwest a little paper entitled
"Progress," published bythe etude-etre
®f the Regina Indutstrial school. It is
replete with information concet'ing 1 he
life and customs of the Indians, and
devotee much space to accuuute of
mission work being carried on among
the different tribes, It is published
twice a month, at the low price of au.•
per year. The editor is D. U. Munro,
well known in Huron Co.
When you COWS to the meeting
leave behind: --your fear of criticielu;
pressing anxieties; selfish thought.~;
coldness of heart; every hindrance.
Bring with you:—your Bible and hymn
book; prayers and praises; seeking
hearts; Christlike spirits; earnest
During Dr. Clarkts visit to London,
England, a C. E. rally was held ill
Spurgeon's tabernacle, which was
crowded to the doors. It was presided
over by N. 13. Meyers.
Twelve girls comprise a junior U. E.
society in an Industrial school for
girls in Toronto. ;Last year these chil-
dren gave thirty dollars for missions,
all raised by their own efforts.
An Endeavorer of Berlin, a young
lady aged 17, visits the House of Re-
fuge every Sunday with a supply of
good literature. The poor Did folk-:
anxiously look fc.r her, and her visit is
to them the brightest time in the week.
Twenty-two members of the junior
society of the Methodist church, St.
Marys, have not during the last three
months missed oh urch service, Sabbath
school, or junior prayer meeting ex-
cept when detained by illness. and
then a text of Scripture was sent to be
read in the meeting.
God does not measure our service by
the amount of work we do, but by the
willingness we show in doing what he
wants us to do. He may call us to do
some great work or he may require
from us only the smallest service. 13ut
whatever he the work assigned us we
should be willing to say "The servant
is ready to do whatsoever my Lord,
the King, shell' appottlt."
Miss Anna Ross, Blyth, Vice Pres.
of County Union, has secured a posit-
ion on the teaching staff of the Glencoe
public school and will enter upon her
new duties at the beginning of the
new year.
Port Albert Presbyterian church has
a Y. P. S. C. E. which has never been
reported to the County Secretary. 11
was organized in Jan. 1805. Total pre
sent membership, :38, Pres., A. Gor-
don; Sec., Miss L, Stevenson.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried fur ('ustoria.
When she became Miss, Lho clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
It is reported that there are now
more than forty cases of typhoid fever
at Staples, as well as several cases of
dipther ia.
The investigation int() the conduct
of John Crowe, Indian agent in Bruce
county, proves that he was an ofiensiti
political partizan. 1t is said that he
will he dismissed for wrongfully in-
fluencing the Indians,
At Korneko, Ind., the amputated
leg of a dray man, who had chilblains
and corns, is to be disinterred under
his doctor's orders and buried seine
the frost line in order to relieve the
man's present sufterings from the old
The Associated Charities notify the
public that 8,000 families, including
35,iree persons. are now destitute ul
Chicago. This covers only half of the
city. The total destitutes will apprex-
irnate 70,14)11 persons. The ut•edy one,.
are chiefly foreigners.
The other clue a 111ru1 went into an
Aurora drug store, and took a handle.
of camphor halls out of a glees j 1r,
thinking they were candies. Ile ale
two of thein and became very sick.
He will hardly meddle with candies of
that kind again.
Karl's Clover Itoot Tea purifies the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton.
Henry Cooper, the Rnglish giant, Is
staying at the Villa, Moons ('lernene
He is eight. feet six inches tall, wel
proportioned, and weighs 34(1 Ibk. Ile
sleeps in two keds placed together.
He was born in England, and till his
170) year was a youth of ordinary hize
working in the mines. After an 111
nese he WAS taken to India. where In
22jweek he gained 'Ili inches in height.
Mr John Bart., an old resident of
Westminster township,nearNilest' wn
is differing from some disease in his
arm, who h apparently baffles the
Ail) of the hest physicians and sur
geom. Over a year ago his arrn'hegan
to pain hen and hem swelled to nearly
twice its normal reef), the pain at tinier.
being almost unbearable. A 1.1 real
number of eurgeone have examined
hire, hut hold out little or no hopes el
A cure.
A remarkable example of the tenac-
ity of life possessed by a mud -turf le
was shown at Peter'bor•o' this week.
Three weeks ago Lyroan S. Terrill se-
cured a small turtle, and wishing to
preserve the shell, decapitated the ani-
mal. Although three weeks have pass
ed since the animal lost bis headpiece,
it is AR lively as ever, and Mr Terrill is
puzzled to know how to knock the life
out of his turtleehip, short of allowing
a railway train to run over it,
"My baby had croup and w a Raved by
Shiloh's Core," writes Mrs J B. Martin,
of Hz(itsville, Ma, Sold by H. Combe
A novel sight was wit
for two ago cn the farm
'Blue, about half a mile w
Feeett Co. A deer ca
rough h the orchard an
in front of the h
at d towards La
sly la quarter
er was seen In
tier brr forty
nt ilii .Keil'
°nett ton
d a day
r Albert
f Duart,
sed the
t went.
n. It
ntu ry
Love in the Scale.
" now much does the baby
weigh " is only another way
of asking, " 1s he healthy and
strong?" When a baby is
welcunled into the world with
loving cure and forethought,
his chances of health and
strength are increased a bun
dyed -fold.
A prospective mother cannot begin too
early to look after her own health and phys
ical condition. This is sure to he reflected
in the babyAny weakness or nervous de -
'pression, or lack of vigor on the mother's
part should be overcome early during the
expectant time by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, which promotes the
perfect health and strength of the organism
specially concerned In motherhood.
It makes the coming of baby absolutely
safe and comparatively free from pain; ren
dens the mother strong and cheerful, and
transmits healthy constitutional vigor to
'the child.
No other medicine in the world has been
ouch an unqualified blessing to mothers and
their children. It is the one positive spe-
cific for all weak and diseased conditions
'of the feminine organism. It is the only
medicine of its kind devised for this one
purpose by a trained and educated special-
ist in this particular field.
Mrs. F. B. Caunicge, of No. 43.10 Humphrey 9t.,
,St. Louis, Mo., writes : " I am new a happy
mother of a fine, healthy baby girl. Feel that
your ' Favorite Prescription' and little 'Pellets'
have dour ore more good than anything I have
ever taken. Three mouths previous to my con-
finement I hegaq using your medicine. I took
three bottles of the Prescription.' Conse•
queuces were I was only in labor forty -Five nein.
Utes, With my first baby I suffered 14 hours,
then had to lose him. He was very delicate and
only lived 12 hours. For two years I suffered
untold agony, and had two miscarriages. The
17avnrite Prescription' saved both my child sod
`myself. My baby is not yet three weeks old and
dun L
o thiol[
I ever felt better
tt my
A Talk ,....t Mr. Bayard.
New York, Dec, 7.—A special from
'London to a New York paper says: Am-
bassador Bayard assured me to -day of
hie belief that before Ills departure from
England some permanent arrangement
of arbitration would be reached between
England and America. Negotiations
were, he said, being conducted at Wash-
ington, not through him, but they arose
so naturally from the affinities of the two
peoples that now the Venezuelan ques-
tion had moved so far toward a settle-
ment there was every reason to hope
for a speedy and favorable issue in the
larger question.
Discha.iged Them Wholesale.
Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 7.—The Dominion
Government has notified all the look
masters and other t mployoe on the
Rideau Canal from herr' to Kingston,
that their services are not further ro-
qulred. The notice ,aye they will not
necessarily he re-engaged in the spring.
About forty oflielale are concerned.
Heretofore it as been the custom for the
look mestere and must of the others to
hecentinued on the pay list all winter on
the ground that the locks need watching
even after the ice has formed.
Took Paris Green and riled.
Owen .sound, Des. lt.—At shallow Lake,
a small village ten miles from here, on
Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Hawk took a
large dose of Parts (.green, from the
etTeets of whteh she died an Thursday.
Medical old was called soon after the
poison was administered, but it was im-
possible to Rave the woman s life. Mrs.
Hawk had been Mentally deranged for
two years past, and the rash act can no
doubt be attributed to this fact. Mr,
Hawk 1s n manufacturer of shtnglee at
Shallow Lake.
What remit lieu want.
Windsor, Ont., Deo. 7.—On account
of the Comm lael 'n appointed by the Dom-
inion Government to enquire into the
tariff laws of th, country a petition Is
being circulated through Essex County
amongst th, fruit growers, to be pre-
sented to the comunlission asking that
body t' re•comrue nd to the Government
that no change be made in the duty en
fruit corning into the country.
i tont Postmaster )
Ase e tA. I. Flint, at
Holland, Man., acoldentally shot and
killed himself at that plane.
Keeper John Mills, of Kingston peni-
tentiary, 1s reported to have fallen heir
to an estate in etretiand worth $1 40,000.
The Methodist Trust Fire Insurance
Company will apply to the next session
of Parliament f"r incorporation. and the
Commercial Travellers' .,AAsociaatinu of
Canada will apply for increased powers.
O o • GRAM RS •
srhd aft
S amitR GOMPY0ct'NTS
re, eluldre or 'Adults.
P re.1 G IE.—
Cramps, Cramps,
and all BOWEL, COMP. TS. '
A Sure. SafeQuick Cu �, e:e
Annual Meetlnrf of the Association Cop
eluded —Question as to the Advisability of
Rstnbllshirt,lr it Dominion Derail Exper1-
110•14tal Station,
Kingston, Deo. ti. --The closing isseion
of the Ontario Fruit -Growers' Associatiou
opened at U.SO o'olook on Friday. Mr. T.
11,111m reported for the committee ap-
pointed to examine the fruit exhibit at
the meeting, excepting the exhibit at
Or1ll]a two yours ago, the collection at
this year's meeting expelled any shown
lu many years.
The committee to criticise the expendi-
ture of the tissool'•tlon reported that the
annual stater: o should Tow the
assets and liabilities, as well s the ex-
penditure and receipts for the year, nob
only as to their accuracy, but also to
suggest any economies that they may
think might be etfooted, They questioned
the expenditure for printing the Horti-
culturist for 1h lett, and suggested that
tenders should he asked from a number
of priuting establishments.
The question drawer was opened, and
the advisability of ostnbllshing a Dom-
inion fruit experimental station in
Southern Ontario, was considered. Mr.
E. 13. Smith thought that such a station
should be estahllsheu, but it might olash
with the Ontario Government's experi-
mental stations.
President Wellington believed that the
Ontario Government etatious covered
the ground.
Prof. Saunders thought It unneoessary
for the Dominion Government to open
up a station In the district mentioned,
when the Local Government attended to
the work to the satisfaction of the fruit -
growers, Ile could Hay tbat the Domin-
ion Government would assist in the
work already established.
Mr. Nhepherd, from the Niagara dis-
triot, strongly advocated establishing it
br.clrh experimental station. In testing
new varieties it would assist the grow -
err in Southern Ontario.
Mr. E. 13. with stated that the work
of the established stations would be ex-
Mr. 11. 13. Whyte, Ottawa, thought that
the r:uults of the Ontario stations should
hex watched for a short time yet before
the Donllnlun Government was asked to
establish one.
Mr. Sydney Fisher pointed out that as
the fruit -growers 1n Southern Ontario
wanted a station, fruit -growers in other
Readmit; would slake the same demand.
If a station were established In one part
the Government would find it hard to
refuge others. If the Dominion Govern-
ment started these stations, in many
lnstanoos 11 would be duplicating the
Work already done, which would meet
with disapprobation from the people.
The question of establishing a Domin-
ion experimental station was referred to
the committee appointed to prepare an-
swers to the questions ae stated by Mr.
:Sydney Fisher,
This closed the aneroid session of the
essoolatlnn In the afternoon the direc-
tors and delegate were driven around the
city by the; Mayor and shown the prin-
cipal points of interest.
The neaS place of •meeting will be at
Thousands of oases of (''onsumption, As-
thma, 1.'ougs, ('olds and Croup are cared
cetery day by Shiloh' a Cure, Sold by JAI
Cumbo, Cfintou.
.\ reolaakahle item has been placed
in the New South \\'ales tariff. Ptince
Ranlit'lujhi, the clicketer, appears as
•rxen+l+l iron) la.x, Lite will visit the
shiest y with aft English team next
yea!, and has been exempted by name
burl t he penalties of a hill imposing a
lax of £11441 on all colored 1111e0s that
Intel di the euIo{ly. The hill is intend-
ed to exclude 11.14.41uuv, Chinese and
de/e nr4.)' fru111
Break Up a rolr.: H
EY US'li,".
PYNY PE 3ircFi'-'.
The Quick Cure 1,,r 3 1.
(•11.x):3. Clio/ 1',
CHLTIS, HUAIth 7;\P_tiN, et.-.
MRs. Jeler'r) 3V,•,.s 3,K.
of(1 Sorauten Ar, ,l r.,l,te,,nr t� •
0ymy Protocol hon ne•exr re.. -•1 e
my r1,11.1ron of rr,14, n•,.,•'
.1 •e•.•
meed myself of along nl:u Lr,l!
• nalongere,
serrerrti rather•. t',,,1 rel...1 ,l IL •.,a
provotl en eorlIo(
family 1 prof. It to snr �,e l,rr'm••eL [two
Inc oongh•, croup er hoenonaart
11. O. rbAReelvr,
of Little Rcecher,'N 13 , write,
'Ams • sure for coughs Pyny 1'rrt•rn1 I.
the boort .riling modIrlu' 1 have, my cu, -
tomer. will have Or, other.-
' Large Bottle, 25 Cte.
Proprietors, MORTrRArx
Heart # Nerve Troubles.
Have You
If So,
Have You
If So,
Have You
If So,
Palpitation, Tlnohbing nr
irregular hea'''l; e'1 the
Heart ?
Milhnrn's Heart and Nerve
PIILs will curt' you.
Shortness of Breath. Dis-
tress after 1!xor1ion, a
Smothering Feeling,
Spasms, or Pain through
the Rreasl and heart ?
Milburn's Heart and Nerve
('ills will cure Or relieve
you if taken in time.
a Feeling of Anxiety that
something is going to oc-
cur when there 1', no ne-
cessity for it ?
Milburn's ileartandNerve
Pills will remove it.
APO You Troubled witltSleleplessness,
Nervousness, Forgetful-
ness, Brain Fag, of
General aaehilily - the
after effect of L Grip ?
ou can take o better
edicine tha ' Milburn s
cart and ve Pills.
ey will itr
u. Erre , are.
Many thousands f unsolicited lettere
have reached the ma uf.noturers of Boost's
Emulsion from thee oared through its aso,
of Consumption' an Sorofulous diseases.
Noun can speak so oufidently of its merits
as those who nave tested it.
Mgr. Faecal, vicar apostolic of the
Saskatchewan, is in Ottawa, for the
purpose of asking the government to
aid to putting down the barbarous cue -
'toms that yyet)r'evail among pagan
Indians in the Northwest. Mgr. Pas-
cal says that some of the tribes in his
diocese are very -ferocious and blood-
thirsty. They engage in a war dative
twice a year, during which time the
performers are tortured most cruelly.
Ropes are tied around the feet, and
then the body fastened to branches of
trees, the head almost touching the
ground, while they are cut and beaten
by their fellow-coulpanious. This
dance lasts six days, during which
time the performers are given very
little food. Sever al die from the effects
of the terrible tor ture. In spite of this
Mgr. Pascal declares that the addition
of a few 1114)re missionaries would re-
sult in Christianity being quickly in-
troduced to the fiercest tribes of the
west. This is no doubt a correct view.
111 all parts of the world the fiercest
tribes have been tamed by the civiliz-
ing influences of the Christian faith.
Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"Some years ago, as a result of toc
close attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de-
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once,
and gradually Ineronced my weight from
one hundred and twenty-five 5r two
hundred pounds. Since then. T and my
have used this medicine 3(143)
needed, and we are all in the lust of
hralr'i r. fart w•In, it we attril nh• to
:\y1•1'. 34-)r-arxtrill,t, I I,e•ileye r:iy e151-
dren we,nld 1,1'-e ire'en fatherless t',-dav
l.arl it net he, ti ;err Ayr's Sarsalearilln,
of v:Ly. , • reirirl•h n 1 earn ; ray too
nnu 11."
-11. l) Ilr� sn.v, I'ustmas; e'r and
1'I:u);, r. iVn.lr i'4, S. ('.
,. �r�l-tom�Saft.a �
AYr-ra'S Fehs•De ct1.,'_
ksierri Ad�crtisei
For 1t` 6-7
To .Jan. int leer),
ALL th-e NEWS of the World
Excellent heading
for every member of the family.
We offer gond inducements to agents.
For terms, etc. , address-
,1drertiser Printing ('o.,
The Greatest Fortune
Telling. Game of the ('entur3
1 )nes he love rno° i)nes h(' not'
Will gad or happy he 111y lot a
50011 i'll know for now i've lot
Price $1.50 Each
For sale i ' all fancy goods
dealer=''`` 1 aid on re-
Old sold
W. S. Kimball & Co.,
Ito(IIE,4TLR, N. 1'.
Retail everywhere
50 per ackage
OHS ; ri
$5.50, $7.50, $8,
$0.50, and $10 Extra value. 1
Scotch Suitings
01 our min importation, $16, $17, and $18'
Satisfaction (guaranteed.
But don't you fiddle your tiler• away, going from store to store leokine for neve
and up to 'tate goods We e ,In) 1,, have the ni s,t attractive DlNNF:N, TEA
and FI Vi: O'C Li he le sl:'I'S slut are ;h„wn In town and itt the most reasonable
pric'e's, Our Stora is tilled with the nruest and prettiest goods that are on the• ,
market. ('all and inspect mu- 5t• ck or take a look at our windows and you
\VIZI, I'1NU \'11.1'1' \\ 1: AI)\ l:Ft'I'lH1: 15 TIIUE
Christmas Fruits. Nevi Raisins, Currants, reels, e
C'AhH 1O1( 131 '1"11:1( AND EUU14,
Farn► produce taken (1rl cartel.—Telephone No. 23.
L;1111'`4 . 1.1111'~ . iL.t!if 1'lS
\\e have a very tine assortment
turers, and the prices are right.
for the money. Also Library
think we can suit the taste, of a
and we shit k 1
of Larnp goods bought right from the mannfae
yen weer; 1,1 ere . ur built . fur $1, it is a daisy
Lamps and !Hanging Lamps at all prices. W
Ironer any person. C,tll and examine oar good
t will 5' n-, trouble to sell you.
I:() tiii`VA 1x..11.(.>NV, - Unlit
NOV Currants, Raisins, Figs rte,
('andied Peels, Pure Spices
Fancy ('onibinafion Dinner and Tea Sets
=r -In finest Porcelain mud Granite ware. The hest 2.5c Tea in tOv
Agent for the noted Men•toon Teas. (';ill and inspect goods a
get tlunt.atinns. Highest price paid fnrroel ilutter1101 Eg
ROBSON, - Clinto
"Count Vour Chips!''
—before buying them in. Don't tak
any one's word that the right nu
of"blues" and "reds” and "whitds4°
are there. Leather, workmanship
pet make any shoe, but very
erent kinds according to the blend. Sed that you get
the "reed' and "blue chips you're entitled to where:
ing shoes. You can ways tell by the name an
stamped on the sole. oodyear Welted. $3t