HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 3if • e0era a', 18 1696 Ott ttt ttt tit tit ttt ttt tit tit tit rrr tit Mt?? tit tit tit rrr tit tit tit ......... OUR GOODS were never so ATTRACTIVE DRY GOODS �........ ATTRAOTIVE OUR PRIG were never so-- • o� -- 1 ATTRACTIVE • ... HE CLINTON NEW ERA GIVABLES From now to Christmas is only a few days, and before another issue of the "New Era" reaches the majority of its readers, Christmas of 1896 will have come and gone. As we have said before, more and more people are buying sen- sible things for presents, and we believe the "usefuls" will be the bearers of love and good wishes this year more than ever. We would remind you that if you would do your Christmas shopping in comfort, it is.best not to leave it till the last two or three days. here Can you find the range of useful articles that make sensible presents; that are to be found in a Dry Goods store ?� Fran what Dry Goods Store Lf4 tkq d • Can you find the choice, the assortment, the values in these articles that you can find here / Run your eye over this list, every article in it would make an acceptable present. Handkerchiefs in Cotton, in Linen, in Sil k. Handkerchiefs of almost every kind and sort. Handkerchiefs hundreds to choose frorn Linens What makes a nicer gift than a piece of Snow White Linen ? Table Covers, Napkins, Towels, Fancy Linens. Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Blouse Silks, Dress Goods, Japanese Piano Drapes, Japanese Table Covers, Japanese Chair Scarfs, Mantles,' Fur Huffs, Fur Capes, Fur Caps, Furs of all kinds, Chenille Good) Rugs, Mats, Curtains, Umbrellas We print no prices this week, but you can rely on our prices on any of the above being absolutely right and the assortment away ahead of what is to be had elsewhere. It's worth your while to do your Xmas shopping here. Hodgens Bros, Clinton �llllllll�l�l�»1�1�11j11��l��ll�l���j��j��l�l1l •Church Chimes el Epworth League, Porters nues to attract the crowd. lair's paper, last Wednesday , was good Private meeting 'Inhere Thursday evening, Dec. annual Xmas tree entertain Tient aptist Sabath School will he the church' on Tuesday even- inst. The program )gram will con= !readings, recitations, tableaux, jg%,etc. Silver collection at the d: y morning next Rev. A. C. etary of the Christian Ell- ett ,f the Methodist reach in Ontario g and flat.ten- ev: fin • . On Monday l address a general meet- eral Young People's So- Ratteebury St. church, tion Army aro busily en- ;,,'"getting n- '`getting up an attractive 1 t program, consisting of tied other items, with fresh OM the band. The 8. A. col teachers wish it to he or the children there will e, and they would like to d enthusiastic muster of of Christ -like effort n. SERVICE.—The service church on Christmas e very bright and ap- ±' he church will be taste - owed and the choir have kr?* very bard for some ,preparing the musical part ee, which is of a very high :amok -port Wainwright Faille Sohrucker van Wo were Shepherds ..Buck tir+ Gilbert Tours be Angels sing" te...."OaivarY . .Rodney some all ye tai ins" an early celeration of *Won at 8.81 and also Service. The ser - ed` from part of the on Earth." All 'At of Chinese Missionary work in Ontario St. church Mondayy evening. The I)r. interspersed bis address with many in- teresting incidents drawn from his ob- servation and experience aurone that ancient people, who had evolved acom- plete system of civilization, with phil- osophies and schools, with its codes of laws, its civil and judicial systems, its magistrates and courts of law and judges, in a word everythirst which differentiates a civilized tnan from a hatbarian, at a time when the ances- tors of the Anglo Saxon race roamed the woods, a little less wild than the beasts which they hunted for a living. A collection was then taken up in he - half of missionary work at the close of the lecture. Dr. Hart intends to leave Canada on his return journey to China the latter part of January. The Junior E. L. of' C, E. in connec- tion with Ontario St. church, held an election of officers at its meeting on Friday evening last, for the first half of the next year. The following were elected: Supt., Mrs W. J. Ford; assis- tant Supt., Miss Newcombe; Pres„ W. Galloway; Vice Pres., Clara Steep; Sec. Harold Steep; Treas., Carrie Shipley; pianist, Maud Wiltse. The Executive Committee met on Tuesday evening, and struck the committees, and arran- ged an excellent program for the next six months. p Hallett 8c IooL ENTERTAINMENT—An enter- tainment is to be held in S.S. No. 7, on Wednesday, Dec. 23; an attractive pro- gram is being prepared, consisting of songs, drills, marches, &c. The enter- tainment is to commence at 7 sharp. MUNICIPAL—It is said Mr Britton has decided to he a candidate for the coun- ty council commissionership. It is also reported that the friends of Mr John Wilson are hound to run him for the township council; he's a good man,and should have been in it long ago. Brucefield C. E. The following have been eleclt- ed as o cera of the 0. E. Society bqq Union church:—Hon, Presidents, evi I W. M it and S,,4�,salon; Pres., Mr A. P. Keclt s '�ice »,fell, ss Lottie Me - GOO > H,,. l i gie Burdge;; Brucefield, was married at Parkhill on Wednesday, to Miss Eleanor Gra ham. W. Scott & Son, G. Monroe, .1 Snider, ,1. dart and R, G. Simpnor have had the appearance of their ro spective places of business much im proved by neat signs. ANNn'ERSARv, — The anniversary services of Union church will be held on the 20th and 21st of this month. On Sunday Rev. John G. Shearer, B. A.. of ilarnilton, will conduct the ser - vires. On Monday evening Missionary addresses will he given by Rees. Shear- er. Shaw, Graham, Henderson and Stewart. Suitable music will he fur- nished by the church choir. Meeting will begin at 7 p.m. • Amberly. Haunt'ED. —Mr J. T. Henderson has been engaged to manufacture cheese for te fine River factory for the year 1807.J J. T. is an excellent workman, and (.he company are to be congratn- lateci,rn obtaining his services. APPLEH.—A number of the farmers in this section are getting their re- turns for their apples shipped through Mr Houses, of Lucknow. The results in general are not very satisfactory, as a great number have to pay something for the honor of having an interest in the shipping. The apple crop in this section has been a great, injury to the farmers. NOTES.—The boys are making pre- parations for a shooting match here New Years day, and a concert will he held at. night. Mr Andrew McDonald is dangerously i11 at present. Mr J, Steele, of Pine River, has moved into our midst; he is engaged in the feather renovating business with Nelson Bow- an. Mrs Wesley Potter, we are lad to report, is improving from a evere attack of spinal trouble. LITERARY.—Amberly can boast of having one of the best literary socie- ties in Western Ontario, i has now a membership of about 21,E the hall is crowded eve ' v, 'C Thursday eve i to Kintall, wh tween the;. and Autbea tt�a of i�ig e cffer' you 100 pieces of New Musio at 25o a oopy. Many of these pieces are worth 40o, 50o and 60o, fou will make a‘. Mistake If select your Xmas Presents be- fore 1 king through oar stock. EME S will BI OUSE, CLINTON ew Advertortneuto. Notice—John Bell Excursion—G T It Woollens --A ()Dutton Man wanted—New Era Xmas trutts—J W Irwin Merry Xmas—N ltobsou Ready—McKinnon et Co NioeSuit—A J Ho.loway A necktie—Hod ens Bros Merry Xmas—G Swallow Xmas goods—W D Fair Co Perfume—Allen .k Wilson Xmas goods—J B Rumball Xmas novelties—P B Crews Holiday gifts --Jackson Bros Fruit cake—Jas Mo(;lachert.y Candles—James McClaeherty Xmas presonts—Cooper & Co Xinas cheer— W L Ouimot to Xmas clothing—Jaokson Bros We want your wife—H. Foster Xmas presents—Hodgeus Bros Agents wanted—Brown Bros Co Holiday gifts—Mrs Biddlecombe 7 days to Christmas—J E Hovey Holiday sale—Gilroy & Wiseman Candies and fruits—J MoClacherty Xmas offerings—Jackson Ja Jackson Holiday display—Gilroy & Wiseman Holiday presents—W if Beesley & CO The important question—W D Fair Co Headquarters for hardware—Harland Bros Vinton 4',eiu (kra FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1_ 1896 Political Pointers Parliament is not likely to meet befor the latter half of February. Cornwall election takes place to-morro it was formerly represented by a Conser- vative. The Dominion Tariff Commission wil hear the farmer delegations immediately after the new year. There are now no vacancies in the Sen- ate. Seven Senators have been appointed by the Laurier Administration. It is reported that the petition against the return of Hon. Mr. Paterson, as M. P. for North Grey, will not now be proceed- ed with, Hon. Mr Fisher is going to Washington to see what modifications Can be made of the quarantine regulations between the two countries on horses and cattle. Premier Greenway and Hon. Mr. Sifton left Winnipeg for Ottawa on Wednesday. At the capital the Premier will meet the Dominion Cabinet to discuss immigration plans. Archbishop Langevin leftWinnipeg on an eastern trip. His Grace desires to be pre- sent at the bedside of Archbishop Fabre of Montreal, and also to attend a council of Quebeo Biehops to discuss the school ques- tion. John A. McGillivray, M.P. for North Ontario, who was unseated on Monday has definitely made up his mind to quit polit- ics. fie will not offer himself for re-elec- tion, but devote all his energy to his Fore- stry work. e w, The Government has received a com- munication from the Patrons asking that they be allowed to send representatives to expound their views of the tariff before the tariff commission. The request will be complied with. It did not take the Ontario Government long toappoint a crown attorney inLincoln. The late attorney died last week, his suc- cessor is already appointed. If all vacancies were filled with the same expedition the Government would save itself, and its friends mach anxiety. Speaking of his intentions in regard to Canadian public works, Mr Tart said that not a single undertaking of importance will be commenced without a personal know- ledge of the situation. He has covered the weetern country now, he says, and will visit the Maritime Provinces and Ontario in dna time. Mr I). Rolling of St Thomas, has visited the Gordon coal mine, near Sudbury, Ont. A reporterinterviowed him. Mr (tolling is a typical Yorkshireman, and was employed for about twenty years coal mining in his native country. II the Chelmsford deposit is coal,obutt s think sure of it. Says the Toronto Sentinel! "No man can now plead as an excuse for leaving Canada that the Country ie not as pros- perous as it ought to be. Canada is right. Yea the future of the Dominion is assured, if. men will cease stirring up religious ran- cour, and unite in promoting the material welfare of the people." A Winnipeg Telegram says—Hugh John Maodonald, at the last moment, declined to attend the Sifton bangneb. This action was taken under the pressure of hie Con- servative friends, as Mr Macdonald bas all along signified his intention of attendirg the banquet as non-political in its nature. His aotkin is taken as small business. He is privately explaining to his Liberal friends that he was forced to take this notion. The Globe says:—The Canadian Senate will have to get rid of that bar. By a vote of 104 to 7 the United States Hones of Representatives has passed a bill prohibit- ing the sale of intoxicating liquors at the Capitol. It is stated also that President elect McKinley bas promised Miss Willard that no liquor shall be offered to guests at the White House daring the next four years. Canada oan hardly afford to lag be- hind the United States in official recogni- tion of the growing sentiment in favor of temperance. A thirteen -year-old son of Mr W. Hj Cruse of Kingston was killed by an elec. trio oar. A little eight-year-old girl named Mary Hartford near Newmarket, shot herself dead while playing with a gun. Mr Robert Mackenzie, ex -Mayor of sr- ) and a deet brother of the late Hon, 1. exander Mackenzie, Premier of Canada, s dead. The Nlr * ERA was in e expressed he belief that a :,h:''• seen appointeli' .oldri by 'thri 'Gilahaiir lion it J.H. tO Only a few more days left to do your Xmas s Many of our customers were wise in the fact that they have their selection made and the parcels are laid aside. 'Tis not too late yet, come as soon as you can. Our Fancy Chinaware is by all means the choicest in town. Watch for Santa C visit every home and also be at till Christ Our Kook and Toy Departments are a pleasure to all who hav Bargains, Bargains, Bargains From now till ,Xmas W. COOPER & CO., PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—The regu- lar meeting of the school hoard was held on Monday night. The principal business was the hearing Mr Lough's report., as follows: The average at tendance for November was 880, a lit tle better than Octobor. There is con siderable whooping cough, chicken pox, etc„ in town. In regard to pro- hibiting children from attending the monkey show, the principal reported as follows : —As you probably have seen by the News Record, some one has censured Inc for not allowing the children to go to the monkey show. My posit ion is this :-1st, The interest of the whole school is concerned, 2nd. We may as well dismiss the whole school as allow one-half too. The work must he repeated for the absen- tees. Those present have lostinterest and it is so roach the harder to teach, 3i d. This thing occurs every three or four weeks. There is some match or performative of some kind to altrart. and take pupils from school. When I examine classes I find about one-half ready for prornut ion and the rest. not. I find the CIUINe in iuost, cases in the blank spaces in the daily register. Is it, fair to tit hers to he compelled to wait until the absent pupils are ready? •it h. The intention to cause annoyance to parents, or t deprive pupils of plea- sure was not my reason for declining to give permission to pupils It. go to the show. i have nothing to do with the propriety or impropriety of games or. shotes. So far as I know they may I/0 all right. in Iheurselves. g My reasons were:- 1st. The gond of the whole school. 2n1. Many of the notes pro- rluc'ed on such uccn.siuns are not writ- ten by parents, as i have too palpable proof. 3rd. I cannot. neglect more important work to examine forty or fifty notes, •It.h. Many parents corn - mend me for not allowing children to go when it, pelts the srhnol in the se- cond place. lith. This did not happen to he a local affair, and I cannot he charged with prejudice in the rnatt.er, i wish the town authorities would pro- hihit such during school hours. if the parents were only aware of the disns- trous consequences of these things on the work of the school, and of the evil effects of excitement upon the nervous system of young children they would provide a remedy. At my urgent re- quest the Sunday school picnics were postponed until holidays, as one day at aicnic meant two days loss at school, not, only to those who went but to those who were at school. The matter is in the hands of the Board; I am willing to carry out any decision that you may make, and act upon any advice offered. Teachers are in iheir places at school trying to do the work, even when they have been advised to stay at home by a medical man. They feel as if they cannot afford to lose a a day when they have so much to do. The teaching time is too short to he wasted. i feel sometimes like asking the Board to unite with me in an ur- gent appeal to parents to give their teachers a chance. I aro thankful that in my room the average attendance of those enrolled is very high. Were it not so I should not have the results at examinations. Accounts were ppastfed as follows r dian Office and School elwood Furnitur, r $20.40; Geo. Haz- • W. R. Lough organ )rtt'� -;a nsford, sa .60; tory,su dries ' ria Our Xmas Novelties In You must know, are all new. We have not been in business long enough to have any old stock. On the con- trary everything is the newest and very latest. This gives you an ad- vantage not to be overlooked. The latest is what we show in Rings, Ster- ling Silver Novelties, Watches, Clocks Jewellery, Silverware, etc. Rings we show a very fine assortment of Diamonds, Opals, Gem and Band Binge, In Novelties Memorandum Tablets, Glove Hooks, Button Hooks, Manicure Sete, Paper Knives, and many others. In Watches We have them enitable for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Misses, in Gold, Gold filled, Silver and Nickel, at prices that will suit you. Engraving done on all articles sold, free of charge. REPAIRING Is our specialty. Always remember that. P. B. Crews ,JEWELER. Cutter Cutter, as good as pew a abort time, will be so pa 8 SALESMEN We want two or three aetty sell our choice, hardy, home gra in Huron county and vicinity, eras terms to good men. Apply a A. W. GRA Elgin Nurseries, St. GUNS We have put in a stock of new', call and Inspect them. We• number of guns to rent by the'c week. Buy your Shells from cid i get 1 he hest. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS That is our business. Send tie thing in the shape of ttma1 chinery that needs repair( ig3' We grind, polish and alfa Knives and Scissors, andrefe er if required. We repair Guns and re -brown th Eels of all kinds, makes and We repair Sewing Machi any of the parts are bre worn out, we can make ne Umbrellas, Parasols, and of like nature are repaired, We build new, to order small machinery. Give us a trial. SKATES—We are now Grinding dlri• and will promptly at. d' ONWARD Iii PERRIN s BLoo "NOTHING LIKE LE Xmas Offeri more useful or sensible oan be given for it of fine Shoes, and we want to call me all the latest and newest goods f the country. See the selection and our Feet iiay yourself- a ainst the c!9ld ?SIG fpr :tl the e ( attibp ntr4; l�.r tib,and 4 d�ititi Christmas plititiLint, ttention Ito St1 Coag had in the Nob ill buy. k' nd sle. best