HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 2pwou'"m & I. FRIDAY, DEICE11BER 18, 18118 ii 7',, ; The editor of the Chesley Enterpri; ',gtv,,1041;ed the editor of the Chesle Fri .. isfvi„ yr ;rens a dead -beat. The let ter respone ii' by calling the former a living -beat. r.',i i °� .,insist be truly a great country whet seri - i"w people can keep themselves warns da} .Atte these without any extra strain o i ' .: their coal bin. I Not long ago not a little cousternt tion was created among hotel keeper by the report that the Ontario Govern gAent had in preparation it, new livens law which would materially lessen tit opportunities -at least the legal ( ppor Canities -for the dispensing of liqui( l) Py, The report turns out to be noth Ing more than an ordinary rumor, anv > like so many other rumors about tht policies of governments, without faun. - dation. The question has not yet been c•on9idered by the Ontario Cabinet. .a. e endorse heartily the following, �"froul tbe�Hamilton Times:—"Mr Tarte �should order that private car into the +i'10bops and have her made over into a "1+ 'arlor or sleeping car for general use. ,, Of course those cars were built by the Oonservatives at great expense, and it '4 inight be urged that they being built r1' should not be open to further objction. But it is to be observed that even the Conservative paper -9. lue now opprsed to the private ca)babit, and even if it conte somethin�"AAro get rid of them w it is bet(;dr to spend that money ' than ee u th p p e bad practice, 'A eom mon parlor or sleeping car- is good enough for any man in the Canadian .. 'Government. Get rid of the private tars -and the private car habit. It is rumored that the Queen pro- poses to visit Ireland next year. If the rumor should prove to be true, the I t visit will constitute another important l44 event in Her Majesty's eventful reign. 5 There are no people more open to con- ' ciliation than the Irish, and a friendly f, visit from the Queen would do more to icofnote good feeling and to make the a reality than auy other single n th a $one. Whatever said of the Irish people, it is oI tunately too true that England ? gnever done what she should have conciliate thein. Coercion cat p more take the plaice Of conciliation nIreland than in Manitoba. The ex- 7�1lances cf Lord and Lady Aberdeen Ireland show what English royalty 4ht have contributed towards the httlement of the Irish question, had one about it in the right spirit. I I `;.... k`Tlle St. James Gazette wants to a t now wbatEngland is going to do fc•r on the Lundou Road within half n -mile of Cliu tou Station, will I e icasPd on moder4o terms, F sada. Well, perhaps, it is not to be 1 xr d even if it should be desire"'., 1 nd a9 a nation should do a more forCanada than she hits H I ,)Bheha.sgiven its agood country I e in and a good model for laws to " der, and she has given us a gt,od R I.11 r . 1 . What more can Canada t t�� j I, t'for? Rat what Canadians might s a'z;�nsonabl ectis a little more in- � ,.i,. Yex P h "t`lf+estin their country on the part of QOW 1' 1. :(C: fjIVishmen as individuals. It IA pain- to a ,I,- true that the ordinary English- h `4,M5amb,, is sadly ignorant of the facts and r+ to X - 44�1;A$14t1rs of this country. To diiisipat e 4� �'-l4 be] the cv () i!iq:ignorance would perhaps P 1 aI I'll..., r,t thin that England could do for r g B h, V, �IA' ads. Were Englishmen of means tr �_ii wits► thvaet o oritrnities + . dq ninted pp rE l: L .. it h this county al'Fords for the do cattle &o. All ter da fr"'.9-6"tment of capital, a good ileal of mo- f., wh)ch is now helphig to keep alive 0' •' 'o%itid ' s of en le that are neith- 4e�� P P __ ,,- erfriendly , rthankful, would, with- ai O it t doubt a to r�9' n find its w to 'H K ay tht in ' country and secure investment that ni . would be profitable both to Vitnndianv or ill „• aced Englishmen. m tit Major Pond, the mannKer of Rev Dr no Juhu Watson's (ian McLaren) IertllrP hl flnrt , has this to say of the success of o ''r ti •' . 'the under aking in an interview in the h+ ,I A•� °`1Vew York Sun :- t1; t>itiz.•, . r. , Cr `y,, 11 .D[ Watson s success Rtrrpassws any- at ,' a.,thlu� ever yet experienced in my nla n- ly Mcareer. NotwithRiandinq the a �' ; 0 ection excitement, wherever we IlavP bt !-'-,'.been standing room only stared later f "°'>s "comers in the face. I have put do mat �t , ,.I. fbeeson twenty-four hours notice and Ii+u ked the houses. In Uhicagn, as the �� ttPpliea.tions for seats for the evening Ih � ,' ` le4ture could not be filled, I put in an th ""r' L •t',?ftl:'It tnatinee the clay before election, fa ' x;.�-n d in spite of the pouring rain we- of i'44•tt��h Iii over $4,000. After that Dr in a r r1 +t ori agreed to speak twice a day of rt,!'tit't0 rest of the tour. On the way a�, , , orontd to Grand Rapids, where F,i; . i "' as to speak the following night, i Rh i, :L i1 1yi12.. morning mat.ineP in T)P.trO t, he , 11�'t111)tfp"�'�iraeticahy unheard Of there, sit 1. , 1 ` . ;tai ecei-pte were nearly $1,". in ' ='ait'rx�' i. elphia orders were received av * abd ' ' >1:j afore the date of the lecture th fr�, @ltt8, and in many places the gr ,i +; rl, 0, •,�f �l' been, :+Qld out a month in too r I#aitixltY 4 in �I-�., f` t t� t� tdon arim+a to .Q tnerlea, Rte 1 2'�� oitp PO4 , giiiio oltjthe Bost -- — ` • , r { The Trlttl� About It. -1 Isp County Clippings I --- y ��" A VENTUREF3 OF A LULLET'I Under the h'adhi "Unmiti lacyC n Madnees," the Cpadian Freeman ♦ FARMER Mr Wm. Mose, harness -maker, of Catholic Journal ublished at Kings- j tlteoeived too late for last, wook) Gattis, has purchased the business of ton) says: -CIL em ut rather noted __ Mt I. U. Richards, Brussels' band of Tortes -Ties ret and Catho- This is the complaint of O❑ Ulonday morn at break of day, ;e Mr R. F. White, of Falmerston, has lice at a verypropince ndpainfully thousands at this season. ��� A od man to his kin makes way; ,e leu -ed the hotel owned by W. Johne long Interval -de re it th r purpose They have no appetite; ,,codEat t b of butter, fresh and sweet, tact, in Wroxeter. to keep the Man' a school uestion does not relish. The need a of 18 towed beneath the sulky seat. Is in the Dominion ities. In Dc nion y g P t Mims Swayze, of Thorold, is visiting politics the ue n cannot e t the stomach and digestive organs, which Arr ving at the railway track, her sister, Mrs J. H. Ctlellew, Blyth, without gvave a lasts°g�inI the a course of Hood'i Sarsaparilla will give Our hero hits leis horse a clack, s who is very wick at present. minority of Maq.oba. The I ry fa- them. It also purifies and enriches the He thinks he's crossed it very sleek, s Mr D. Sutherland, Wingham, has natles OlVa Tlot, for mfno- blood, cures that distress after eating and W hat I'll all's in Kuroounal's creek. n disposed of his hardware and stove rityr theybRole 4, 1011 1. In . eat{b business to Messrs Paulen and Ronny, ras8, tlttiSslf sal ps rl lI Y d In, It :' Iptesnal misery only a dyspeptic cea Iiia horse starts off at a merry pace; pig' iggty, testes 6n appetite, overcomes that when some cod curries in {hat fbrmer'a Laos of Dashwood. tier (aovernmea>t *, I}A In GAerl t?' �}�° Ila now liar in the io Rheumatism is caused by tsetse acid in but thoy con n t�18 r' 'Roti) Ode ,feeling and builds op and sustains y stream + ��, Awakened fru,rl his olden dream, the Llood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neatraliztd stroy that Adm istrext rk' . 'i'llteI. h, �y� `, 9whol,a physical system, It so prompt- g the acid and cures rheumatism. ever, they can -they c•A,n make tlid jy and efficiently relleves dyspeptic symp- Some ueighbors who are passing near, 9 minority more rid rgoreiodious in the tom and cures nervous headaches, that it Behold hitu fishing in great Pear tier many friends will be pleased to eyes of the m ority, rid arrest the Seems to have almost "a magic touch." Of losing some of his dear wife's butter, kouw tbat Mrs Robt. McIudoo, Wing- hand of justice,' or ch' the heart of Which, with him, had made such a e I haul, has recovered so far from her enerosityy in the m r•it The case platter, t late illness as to be able to be out again. i out of Dominiolt lits s. It could ' 'rhe pele passing heard the plea, The missing Usborne townebip man, be reintroduced int he Federal arena Would they his kind good helpers be, Salr,l, Parkinson, Mill eludes the vigil- only by unanirnoust onsent of theCon- To this they gladly gave assent I Mice Of his friends and his where- servative par ty fri i all the Provinces. Hoods And willing hands to him were lent, . abouts remains a mystery, especially from On�lrio. It is, we de- Before he reached the Bulky east, Muses Henry, of Ethel, haepurchased viers, a case of uqn ',%vd madness Sarsaparilla His coat tails froze quite stiff ar,d neat, lot 27, con, I1, Gre eontainin 1W not to make use of su advantages asHo, standing in. hie elippsry cart, g the settlement concedes the mino- acres, paying $2,1300 or it. The farm city, with a view of better their con- Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Puriner. Paraued his way with a heavy heart. is known as the "Miller farm" and has dition and placing them on a same been rented for a number of years. footingof o astir with allot are the beat after-dinner q Y I-'- Hood'S PMS pills, aid digesnou. 25c. The Walter Shillinglaw farm of 60 es of their fellow -subjects We _ An Ottawa Cor respondent says that acres, near Hensall, was sold under tO see the Catholics of Manitoba NEWS NOTHS a ��ttaculdar fact has come to the know - mortgage on Saturday, at Beattie's all that can be obtained for their' : 312ge of the Department of Marine and hotel, by John Gill, of Exeter. John benefit, but we are decidedly opposed r W. H. Hoyle, I2eeve of Canning- Fisheries in corinec'tiou with it ship - Alexander was the purchaser, and the to their being used by factionists for to as nominated by the Uonse"va- ulenrof lake trout which were seat to price $2,110. the benefit of a faction that Is respon- Live' , North Ontario to contest the New Zealand soma years ago from Ua- sible for whatsoever loss they have sus- ridinga Local general elections. nada. It was fa,ind that the fish, in - Rev J.W. Goffln, late of Edgar, Sim- tained and suffering they have endue A lue as been flooded at Aborn- stead of rein F, iii) g in the rivers, drift - Coe county, has received the unani• ed," uth of Wales, and 110 ed down W,the wea, and there grew to triage invitation of the Turgberry and ant, in tliw in the mine had a race the weitrdt of 15 and 16 pounds Hawick churches, and has already en- men who we teix were drowned. d upon his ministry. He intends A GREAT BOOB FREE for their lives.` A will -known farmer from Pelham residing in Gerrie• Nightwatchman,'`1'stman otWelland has,ust awed through an experience When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N, ars whom he was P On Saturday night last the stable of Y., published the first edition of his rear was attacked 1)y bur Brown Bron,'. t it which fruit growers hereabouts Mr Rogers of Rogervilia was discover- work, The People's Common Souse Medi- attempting to drive t an profit. Sortie weeks back this gen- liquor store and beat insensi .• tleman shipped 401) barrels of apples gen- ed to be on tiro by James Bonthron and cal Adviser, lie annoonoed that after 680,- Torte burglars escaped but sled to w to swell -known Montgeal firm. About J. E. McDonell .wha.atoused the neigh- 000 copies had been sold at the regular o e❑ the safe. r• four weeks ago he received a letter, boyhood and succeeded in getting it price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on which p the g under control. would repay him for the great amount of enaer,rom the firm claiming the fruit was Mies Ethel Smith of Tor ))Pe are sorry this week to have to labor and money expended in producing it; P►'secured with the Sanford go u inti a bad condition and unsaleable, and chronicle the death of one of Seaforth's he would distribute the next half million y the Royal Canadian HumarL g• demanded the arnount of freight paid, Oldest and most respected residents, free. As this number of copies has already ciation for braveryy in clinging $jAs hz attended to the packing person - Mr Samuel Stark, who passed peace- been sold, he is now giving away, absolute- boy and baby Galbidath when ave• ere ally and knew that the frust was ail fully away last Thursday evening after ly free, 500,000 copies of this moot eom- on Strawberry island last July. vi that cuula be desired when shipped, he an illness of about seven weeks. plate, interesting and valuable common It immediately concluded that are at - While engaged in throwingba eenae medical work ever publisbed-the Robert Trumbull, a young Ha .I tempt was being made to defraud him Y ma f recipient only being required to mail to man threatened to shoot hires out of the amount of the sales, and he from the loft t the he floor b clow in Ilia him, at above address, 31 one -cent stamps, a few weeks ago because Miss Mlildt(•i at once left felt• Montreal. After locat- stable one day last week our old P Bissel refused to mare him coram ing the apples, which were found in friend, Mi Jas. McMichael, of Sea to to cover cost of mailing only, and the book Y �� will be sent poet -paid. It is a veritable ted suicide by taking ateychndne wh t, elttallent condition, he returned to the missed his footing and fell with such medicaltitpcomplete in one volume, being removed to the jail tel which he hotel, first informing the commisadon force on his side that two broken. ribslibrary, P was sentenced for an assault. teen chat. his tib eat was to conserlt a was the result. Contains 1008 pages, profusely illustrated. L J The Free .Edition is precisely the same 9A Tum Hawkins, a noted negro char- �tartner before put chasing He return - Alex. Porter, sr., has moved to that sold at $1.50 except only that the acter, died in the po.rhouse at Pal- elf in a few minutes with the partner Wingham and will live in his new books sore in strong manilla paper covers myra. He had been Fact inmate of the -it detective, who proceeded to de - place on the B line. Mr Porter is one instead of cloth, Send now before all are Institution for :ill years, or, since tell m�°J the why and wherefore of all of the early pioneers of the township, given away, years of age, and was a freak. Al- thl deception. It took but a few will and now after years of work bats earn- though an idiot, he had a most ,e- rite to convince the coluniiision Wren ed test and retirement. markable memovy, and while he could the they were in a had fix, and they J. Reid, Goderich, has returned from Book Notices. neither read ror write, he could recite, chee'fully acceded to 'the demand of a successful trip to England with a -- word for word, chapter after chapter the s rewd Pelhanute, paying a gaud cargo of horses. He jnst missed a des- , The Christmas No. of the Canadian from the Bible. Whenever he heard price )r the apples, fare and other astrou9 experience as he had made at- Magazine is an unusually attractive one, anything read he comtmitled it to rile- expenses• rangements to Bail on the 6taa[llshj[- containing several well-written andinteres- mory, and never forgot it. His re - Memphis, lost' on the const of Ireland, ting articles on timely topics. Under its markable mentor y has been pat to se - hut having sold his cargo of horses to a present management the magazine has were tuts on nwnerous Occasions, and French buyer, be had to look for ail- made groat strides forward, and it deserves was never known i.c fail hire. iIs had , NYNG (FRAY 3ther cargo. the support of the reading community, frcgnent.ly "('cited the contents of Heve- ral COILInins of a newspaper, word for 'ZID THREATENED S. B. Mories, of Wingham, celebrat- • The Canadian Home Journal for Dec. word, after hearing it read once. In �� A his eighty-first birthday on Sun- ember, published in Toronto), edited by the all other particulars he was a pet•fect WIT BALDNESS gentlemanlay, The old gentleman is still hale well-known writer, Faith Fenton, late of imbecile. tnd hearty anv] is as fond of attending the Empire, has just reached aq. It is ar: iv.- tn L.O.L. meeting as ever he was. lie tically gutton up, full of the Xmae BPI ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS AT WHITBY. The Be ,'srisAver•tedbyUsing pined the Order in. 1Fiti1 and has been well ilht9trated, and in every way joetly _ �� dent ified with it ever since, lays clai_l to be•the leading ladies' Paper Mr, William Malley caught in a'rumbi v'G6OR A genuine ghost -story has yet to be at- of Canada, eiDgIO copies 10 Ceuta, or $1.00 Rod and Frightfully Mangled --Shot with A� ' ICO R ested; but not so genuine blood -purifier, a year, Address, Home Journal Publishing a nt]d rttne. .o., Globe Building, Toronto. .. at ears ago, after )ver and over again it has been proved Whltby, Dec. 7. -Stephan Coffey, aged Nearly Y Y g' + hat AyeC'a Sarsaparilla stands alone COLUMBIA (pt,FN(1pR FORIflf17. ThetWelth about 14 years, was plaving with a some week `f sickness, my hair mong medicines as the most reliable tonic annual iasnc of the Columbia Fad Calendar small bird rifle this morning and acct• turned' a 1 i began falling out lterativf, in pharmacy. It stood ELImm at hall made its apparance in more pleasing dentally shot himself in the hand. The so rapid 3 w' I was threatened he World's Fair. form than ever before. The public has so- bullet entered the pails, and found lodg- with ibaldness. Hearing Finlay Anderson "net with whatq_ired a decidedly friendly feeling for the ment in the back of the wristHa , just Ayer' ir for highly spoken of, light, have been a serious ac•ciclent Cuolumbia Calendar, and its annual advent below the thumb and first finger. using this prepara- While Drs, Warner and Carson were 1 C0111I11enCe( +•hole driving on. the 9th con., East is alwayH looked forward to with intereat e tatr6uting the hall they were summoned IVawanosh, near the western bound, and pleasure. The Calendercan be obtain - r y, ane day lastweek" His borne i ed f ,r five two cent stn,;=pe by addreeein to the residence of Mr, William Salley, ) g tumbled and becarue Entangled in the Calender Department of the the f Pope Man- s in the western part of the town, who lives attend hfo sun William,, who arness. Mr Anderson got out of the afacturing Company at Hartford, Conn, uggy to release it. The animal rear- this morning was cunght in the tumhl• d and plunged, knocking Mr Ander- A QUARTF]l Or A CFNTURY. --Agood family Ing rod while working in his father"; )n down and severely cutting and Paper improves in quality and influence as cider -mill. The pno. follow wall Parried v Hiking hiA face. Wn hope, however, the years pass away. This isamphatically around with the rod, and every tial' It ) hear of his speedy recovery. true to the Canada Presbyterian. It has revolved it crushed hlm in it frightful never been bettor than during the past manner against the floor. The doctors Wednesday of last week the silent twelve months; and the publishers promise any he cannot live but a short time Mrs. natinan ronvey('d the spirit of Mrs' many attractive features for 1807. The Bailey, mother of the yonng man, to manoel Olver, of Mor•riH, over the unusually low terms to clube, offered to almost frantic over the affair. Another I ver• of death. Deceasvd way at (]air • mark the close of twenty-five ypare of pub- lion of Mr, and Mra. Bailey died Auddonlp 'r of the late Alex. Campbell, and was lication, will enable every PrEabyterian a short time agn, supposed to be from )rn near I{ingston, In 1hit she ac- family in the country to subscribe for this the effects of poison. g:-, . r Impanied her parents to'ruckeiHolith excellent paper;'ar:d will 3Cnbtleae result - -_—T 4t%f'�t1�1. r +wnship, and in the same year she inthonoandsof additional anbHcribers. ACCIDENTS AT ST. THOMAS. $t' li ;)., .fol` :f� i %t''= )tR united in Inarrit)d to Emanuel -._--- -- �': �„ i,t: ; c 1.,i I Ve.r, w}10 ill P -d Pceirsed iter three vPare tJA:]AntAN AI,1rANAr,-«e haV9 re0elved A Lar¢P Number rnJurorl nn the Ran wave to, learn c surer of the• ntorench. They from Collo, Clark & f:o., Toronto, a copy of -.Many 1.1mim CrnahPri. well satisfied with 'Kan their home Makin in Fullarton this publication for 1897, Thio is the fif- tion, and was Ft. Thnmwn, DPW. H, -To -day's nrct• have never tried wnship, Perth cnunly, and after a tieth year of publication of this well-known tho result that Annual, and its size hall been increased to dent sudden err nipping 9. I i freight drPASinK. It BtOp- HirlencP of two years purchased lot r train suddenly Ftopping at Rldgrtevs•n, any other kind o 3rd lint+, btorris, where the lived 3''4 PP• Among the now features area ed the hair fret falling out, stimu- I • Y Condurtnr Lay and Rrakeaman Wesley p th of hair, 3ndkt t ) to 1.hE tittle of Mr Olver's death, short History of Canada, giving the main and Wright were bruised and ant. John latfd a new grnt P •er 3f1 years, events in Canadian history. The re ular dandruff. Only - ---- departments of the Almanan have been McIntosh,MPintoahaged 15, of CwlRttr (',enter, the scalp free fir horation Is now I while getting on a M. C. K. train, nnat an oreasional n 1 � Win Rrham. invaluable tip to date, amon them bein that y flair of good. g g of the city, had Ilia tent treated. He was nEPdivl to keels Il F1' t invalaablp Poot Offico Gazettnerof the Do taken to the hnPpltal horn, and his i,,g lt'vrr hvgitate to ) i AHH1N a t R' - A Av. Th tr (' )all r' fat he minion, rs non, Ivin the name of sear natural rolrtr. 7 giving y plata in wmpntntnd hnlow the kn,•. ,Tames SPgI., Aj'''r'H medicines sin Het in sERgion on Monday even- Canada, with a railroad or atnRmehi linen recommend any n R. Soon will ere again be elect on which located or nearest tation, a ten-yenr•nld Intl, fell and inn n needle to my friends." -1 r�1.IL if.IIA[GHT, w offlr.ers, or reinRtttl ing t.h4 ) and a lot of atter in formation. y Into hf9 knnP•oap. Air, W. I'hillpa, form- avec a '�1eh• Es. The ppre+yelnt counril has not. Prly C. 1'. it. no o operator bore, had �t1 en idle during the past, twelve A Mucri CONORArnr.ATRn PAFFR.-The Ilia foot rnn over by a train in Buffalo, A �Mf � �� Vigor rmfhs, but h ent,PrpriFft and push Montreal Witnena, this being its jubiloo and so badly crushed that it had to hn 1 g ,vo added to Wingham'R attractive- year, han been printing ever since last De- amputated. Mr. .John Oilling, G. T. R. err, "r camber a wopkl hritkeaman, had his hand nrushed while rttrr Rs. aracto r'r, l/e all harmony cosy haA ,V page of the rP_m1nlaCenneA p g Cayuga yegterdr AWFLL, MASS- U. S. A. +t charactprizPr] all their rounrils, of ice early readers who otill survive, many coupling cart; et Ca y• ofl. J. C. Avi:R fC CO.Co t divisions as to the w'hy's and whEre. of whirh have been of fascinating interPAt, yoring non of Mr. John N, Wll9on of -- t )cr »�rrR f'en,prre. a and all of which have been full of Dante and )tldgPtown, was seriously burned this Ayer's Sarsapa res have often prevailed between r worthy mayor and hiq collen.glip,l; hearty gond will for the paper which ball morning by his nlght-gown taking fire t, yon know, Pir, when a stone is been to the writerR a lifo long eounaellor from a gns atovo. - - -- - - - - Town into the lnkn, a ronsidprahle and family friend. Here is one of the Crinnty Court opens to -morrow, The .s ` p=I }� iT {,�` TQ mmotton enRI1P,n; the water Recuts briefest and most practical of these contri- docket to not an ' ortant one. .•YSSUat'Iril1L t d seethes and bubbles, and fr•pr{ dent- butions: _ _ --- ,-- - - t a tall jet iPAp9int.o the air. All this A FRfFNA'A MINT. -_ - -,--� R itation lasts brit for a mornent.; the (To the Editor of the'Witneso,') nlocki( � �� c hhling Auh9idpil, as the circles of the 9rR,---I was first induced to take this no- the ' {1 � I it ening whirlpool jtt�rows larger and ble paper by our minister from the pulpit, are tsowe►s. ger, anti the Ruriace regains at, last in denonnoing bail literature and reoom BI llgiJ< and Liver. j customary smoothness. So we feel mending good. He recommended the YutB'� g'mc�lY - a cured I hat the uRually placid feelings Witness among the bent family reading for >sa{bo4ltt Ing Tho dom,maol to gradaatna ,d1 the to at Pnerally el int between oar wor- old and young. Bhortly after I sent for els die irn 4111('!iN� clip e h g the a e u ,,,, , The (,suede iI y aldermen, in working for the wel P P r, earl although over aeons of tit h re of oor town, will again predomi- years ago, I have been taking.it since with � �Ctians;-� M, t)N,r. ,te, and from theRporttlnK and Reeth- Pleasure and profit. The price is very mo- sum time CHATH 4 bubbles will ensue A hPAiltif,ll sea orate indeed. The Witness is a true 'Dan- Ing Aclidlty- of was never - at nn, at ry-o"t a prosperity. Ia],'taking a firm stand for righteousness, Stomaeh,CnrbwB H. C. Beatty has b t''a°^,1 a. a r^anter tit i _ penmanship in W am• I;n.;oPg. College, temperance, and evprytbing that makes j"p" Mrs Elizabeth Snook of Dover Town- for the good of man, and the glory of the PI no),, I'M. t .a'ralarly, Wil. a Creator. Now I $ Sara McCaw as b "011. I' n" o ip was shot, hp burglarR, who fired at have a request to make Mr'n. itams, P , „ i k?llgl1l D r through the window when she was of two of the highest professions in the �. Of lira,+,,. gim•l, cannot There are three of rl' ting alone do the house. After Rteal_ landTtbe prase and the olergq; viz., that Skin, Dec +, II he filled, unless b ng •,n'lFnla •tit. of other _ ; her nrso the migcrennts went the prase shall kindly give this item in their Qf Its pogltlona to flu th r, " t. r i.,I TMaehor diCSey Salt of Graham 3h"rth n'„r),, t 1,r onth; ray, an the wounded woman lay for lonrnals-tho ont to copy from the other, another is fora t^. ear alit cr�'inato, a A. th t iii h etc. and thatminigtern -*'I-. $1`gtt 'rtg e PROPERITES FOR SALE on To LEL HOUSES FOR 14ALM OR RENT several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars on applioatlun to JOHN 110GARVA FOR SALF, 0H TO HPINT. small cutta,tc+, centrally located. For sale or to rent. -,-----.- W. C. 8EA11LE FOH SALE. -'-- The underelgued will salt ata sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, liallway 'terrace Clintuu, Particulars upon application, JAMEA SCOTT, Harrlster dw FOR SALE, ON EASY rITER]9I8 Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderieh Township. For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES hCOTT, Barrister, Clinton W1 PERIN BLOCK 2 _ Wit SALE $300 cash and 120 monthly Payments of $13 each D J CAMPBELL, Ilamilton Farm for Sale The undersigned ofTere fur sale the splendid 76 more farm, being tut 25, cou, Il, Hullett, Im- mediately adjoining the Village of Loudesbo-o. There are cu Cha premises it good story sod a half frame bouse, frame baru 36 x 56, and stable 20 x 50. Also a good orchard. There is a springg crook ruunb3g through the premises, Wm. H1LES or MRS BARKWELL, Londuaboro. Farm for Sale Lot 7, BayOoid Couoessiun, Ooderlah townshltt, W acres, 44 of which are cleared, and in a itood state of cultivation; 40 aeras good hardwood bush maple, beech, chorry, uucullod, with a few acres of d frame houseed cedar bt with outb ildirgvitl0 ucd bearingf lot. d which yielded about 400 barrels thisseason.- Springg creek crosses the lot, which is two miles from Hayfield and seven from Clluton, No In- cumbrance. Owner must give up farming owing ”' oor bealth. Terms $30 per acre. $1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser, JOHN EAGLESON Bayfield, Ontario. DESIItABLE FAR3I TO RENT A choice farm of 107 acres, on the 15tlP con, of Goderlcu townshl • about 98 aeras cleared and In good Boats pp tion Frame s d s a e of rattles ra a hon a bank baro,,young orchard just beginning to bear, well watered. Tliis farm is in an excellent vita- t ation, not far from church or school, about four miles from Clinton. and will be eased for a term of years on reasonable terms. Fuil particulars on application to C'NEn131TT, Clinton P 0 1 FARM Felt SALE. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100alrea, being lot 19, on the 5th con. of Hullett; about 8.5 cleared, all dt for cultivation. Log house, with frame kitchen, frame barn :)6x60, with us- ual outbulldinga, Good bearing orchard. Tue and is as good as call be found sud farm is iu mood cuudltluu, nvo acres in fall wheat and near - y 40 acres seeded down. Possession given anv ;Ime, Apply on the premises or to A. LAWSON, Joustance, ( I)ESI ICA 131..E FARM TO ItENT The undersignod offers to rent the s plendid I arm on too 9th con. Hu)lott township, being I Ain uorth baif of lot 36, cootaining 85 acre+, 'rame house, barn, stable and shed, young j orchard bearing this year, a creek running .trough the farm till the year round. A duairable t mrlu fur stock or grain, being only six' utiles E rom the town of Canton, At) ly to NIRS JANE JODSWORTH, or JOHN Ft)ltI), Flolmr9yille. o 3l'LENI)l1) FAItM FOIL SALL" a OR TO ItENT I, Lot 12, itaytield con., Gaderfeb towr.sl4p, con- t wining 11:1 acres, about h5 cleared and in good a �!lato tit cultivation, I al au co hardwood, h 9h an If D, .1W I buvn pMod Of awes oI abet. alu veer waft 01 or m....1aF, wii Wu L I t ten vaalwa �! 1 t C rep aQ}�!]) �� ralgla, Pnfv any M:usouL tf0llryIlct Davie t•. ! hold V 0 Cf SCIENTIi beaatffully arias any�solentwil ours 1.511 six mon he. VOX ON PAT,GIQ'r lulus 301 Bron, Professional JAME Barrister; OONVEY, Commissioner fort !floe immediately so W, 13F 1ARRISTER, 80 PIJ @Office - u e teixe it it on, , UPP M: Goo (Formerly of Car BARRISTER (floe -Hamilton 8 GODI: DR, WM. OONN, Edinburgh. ight calls at fro_ ary Sk, opposite , R J, L. T University, to .0.P& a.. Or lice Rsttt 31wered a *)R, Jr. W Accouc .rip Bt., o ,pied by muse, h.rg,• I auk baro, good orrho' d; well J -Of Phyeioiane, Dublin, Iii t iLtered, apnng ert•ek r„uujgg.j6cg6me t 'Leers] Ool,enora Medical Council, i which ie well funced, ru Fitly with cedar. Tta of College Phyalciana ono of sale will ha u)ade very easy If not old n)s h Formerly resident of not trill bP rented for a turn[ of }card. App y to •i and GyaeoolOglcal)Dabl SIAIuN�, 72 tit. Davul'r St„ Guderielt- (I' bury St, east, next door 6 u a. CHOICIE FAItN1 FOR S 1,1", R 8 'AN.IsURY, ORADUA7 Hubscrlber rifler. for sale the HO acre ar Me lea) Department or VIC ill o *onto, formerly of the : the carnet of the cut line and ]OCL con., t „,[Jeri - slty, 'r tree. New York, Township. IL is wall watrrerl, with goodboar• DlaptnsfHuron, Ba COr uruhard, trnme house and new bank 6nrt- )- Cnnnty ( ydeld.0IIt. veuieut to churcli and shoot. Will hu o_ reasotrabio terms. AITly to DR AGI�E111 MR- 1108 SPARTAW linton deeboro, successor to D: Lor House and Slllal l Farnt t Let. T. AGN EW- M. B•. Toronto Univet M.,TrinifYUnlvergity, Memberof The c[mfortable dwelling with bad nd four- sicians old Burgeons, Ontario. C Methodic 0 arch. Night calls frame A train furtherparticulara (:Ih)tno, Paint nu'i,rtnhlP. tenn acres of go.)d land, Includinir den and at gond orchard, helonging to Thoinu last, and same pl • Office hours 8 to to n, lately occupied by James Ifartw,-11, Pit']ated to 9 p, on the Lundou Road within half n -mile of Cliu tou Station, will I e icasPd on moder4o terms, Apply to H. Hale, Clluton, 8URGEON DENTIB7 - — - - FAIti1I FOR SALE Gradual C D S of Ontario, an versfty Toronto. Lot d5,('on.r,,Towt,sJti ` of Hullett,�;f)TI-d Spepi teution given to the I the nat toetb. W acres rle•+red and it, al good state f c 0r „) eve a N tion, exetdlent clay Inanl no11, 12 iter, s of Omrle, to, I lock, over Taylo wood bush, Thorn k a 9' 0 I.,nrim: or N. D. 11 visit Blytb ev and a goodaupplyofwater, TI., tart. 6119 r ayfield 'rl- Thurslay at O tern rented, rho huil,irngn r•unlpr'°j a miner houaa, barn ane gtanle�. 'rhi- i -mi, s on au exrellout gravel road, 2,i B. CKA1A, ' TF 1, the Town of ''linton TerTOW ranV •Ho rye y G radnatoo atO apph• t'' the uu,IL'rg lege Trt,aLnall,itae !>14gt n il+e promigeg. or to J.\.,, til'UT: , Har Co O the meat mod ie MRS T11"q. 1111,1,, Clr•)tna I tea oe- tmmodl �t lea tlesid011c! _ !b� CHOICI'. FAV It FOR NA ° dsy at '_ _7 , MILN Hubscribnr offers f"r wdn his PxrP; en J 0 nd op d 9:+j acres, helm, u,; "" Wi t''•u ,if Il at t e Qtld ti's! 9be in Nearly +he whnlo,leared "ml uuder rultiv ed for the tX6511i 611 dice hag two -a tory brirk hone, frame cattle &o. All ter da apleudf t bnar'r,g orrhanl pie te,ldoA to, water. Situate about 2i u) -lea fr'lll the t" __ 'I)nt,ou. A 1„t tit fall I I �n+r;� •Imre and') fall wheat sown, pt)-li v,n t;,von Pt TOMLINS N, VETEBIN B. of J111'. 1'or part.frulary aIj ply nn tl.'• prpu,i Honorary Graduatlicit he nary College, T route. Treace n A. WK114, linton P (t. I)nn)aatio Anlm to on the moa. 9ciantifloPrinol lee. Day and nig `// `' ` )lUi$T�s;l\tell i.�iiFi (inton,ered. R eide_ae-Matte ur- SATURI)AY, At lot .}radaate of Royal Cell, * ARRIAGE ICFNSH. d a ) 1� VALUABLE reel i{.1i i, A � Totonto. All operations in Dentiatr 411'1 insurer of and Residence, ferriage Lic ary ntreet, itenen, good frame barn 40xrq wit •t-ef .P conn- , anion and ntablea andnrneath. And a IOU the 6t i It .a 0r „) eve a N iN (1ODI,',RfCII TOWNSHIP, TAMES CAM BELL, LON Under and 1,v vi ix of . - +e rover of aa'r eJ IBBUE t OF MARR No wit] alnnd io m(•roln nn' ;ar.e, w.•.^ wi:' I,n . nd the balanon in 30 da s liners tP,, ,,-haat "'ou«x" uen,i at inP SA,l , 1I"", W. + 1,,. ,,,Id wt p ' UNEY LEND urt.on by David Dirk r'e"• AIIr,,"neer, n 111 Bmall'ea a on good 1)ec, 19th, I (I moderaterste flnterest.] AT T110 W. PAR N OMB, MEI RFAttenbury Itotr: e, Clint(f , F - P. L. 8., Provinaial t ri rbek p, m. the !n:l, d p''' p„rt.” 'td Civil Engine' , London Rtewart's Oroe ry Store, all , Nn, 16 •a ale 1;:,1 rn',r,•vau'n ,f inn �I �. ownahip of oodel'en (11-V&uuuq ad a' u-ament f') ac. Pa tnnro, nv IP,., IP.. t seen ve (• r R AGi R. EVV L.1 t grl,00l al e. Tv n w, i in a cm,' ". n. all der DENT) I]ItIVILLlnn, Px CPpa H MC r':, ,„t'r"p,l •i'.�1 sed Thefsrin oral' tans ad In t ntereat. may re ri r .}radaate of Royal Cell, aro wood,imbo,. t. nuprdralned. one sure is planted 1,,,1 r.ro,0C Ont. Honor Graduate pole trP69 JuAT. Wiq;naing to bee-. TPn hu 'd- in tit •spa n,4 rn,,P,g,. of Totonto. All operations in Dentiatr are a gond a„ai,e li story fran.e dwelling howe wio n 'i n ) Beet local terse r itenen, good frame barn 40xrq wit •t-ef .P conn- office wi anion and ntablea andnrneath. And a IOU the 6t i It .a 0r „) eve a N r,n6e. A school house to on lot. tuate few minntes walk it +tie v0`4011 , r'q , within a Hummerhill and 4 mlleg from Clltton THO TERb18-10 % of the purabsse nnnry down nd the balanon in 30 da s liners tP,, ,,-haat "'ou«x" or two-thirds tit the pn •haae l e t .i sales atte remain on mortgage on the p amlaP toll an Orders left a cent interest. Furtner term , pa•'. condition made known on Ray rf gale careful attest upon appplio tion to the uncle] r. ,and Dft'SINSO JAB. s 01T. �•t ` Anotiooe r. SOpoh r for VPcdnr VIQQn4.� BUS E1�N SSC N GE of dolor o ro f �"gin'! tee aye wt . nn , care, tin, s e e accost andll r0ihlta capable 9tonogre, at''e In , alae , +,+ aK , o ow strong enough to make her way ,speak of and recommend the Witness to $at ting 0 th and to act as tell P th+t I la for I e, , ap Ina Davis ay a the nearest, neighbor P. She is now their people, an it is such a ower for good N OUSA Busineso Oollego< rw 1 •,+< ;+ '' n r'•Ition Y J f7 Chatham whereve known. ,TORN �• i1aB>oNzta, Qpflp�Mi .z 7n, a munch. B �1r1&.h 1 Elie hospital at Chatham in acriti 1 ttet,d the VeS. w p T i Alen Oa t, Unt. all'tt I� , Does, I 1 . Thge t demands that are +!. }}# ` , ' . - , ,,,ti+_ ..-- .- . tlflflttl why attend a sn . y., radna tlYlgsIF ✓otA' yenwren Ill, at in the and at 1. on at