HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-18, Page 1AS
..71c irgr4,77:.
O*.taluk. a giving?
Wet) TIO Man ever
eti too many of them,
14 they are always
-pur lloliday Neck -
is the "very
latest" and you can
4nake no mistake
tiliaking your eelec-
tion from our stock.
s, Cloves,
s or Umbrellas
table gifts for gen-
Our stock of them
Deplete and values
96 81 a year in advance $1.50 when not 00 paid
Is always in taut°. It ill tievet
but is always acceptable. Alf gt
&low very speolal value itt * 0
top bottle, any odor, :dear
put up one in a neat box. .40.0
price we have aleo a good. elefteejlit
stoppered bottle. At 500 Willg
them one in e box or two in a betS';',
750 the celebreted orchid fierier..0
in a triangular glass stoppereek
one in a box, or a round spriukloleg
bottle,with the new odor. AvOliffet
oleo put up ooe in a box. Front
they run 51, $L25, 0.504 P't
$2, 53, eti, $6. The French geed:
show are particularly tine; th0
are ao good, so true and so latit
These we have at $1, $1.25,14.50,i
$2. It le in fine oat glass bottles
they run to $5. In balk good
beet is 750 an oz, good 500, fair
ordinary 10o. So satisfied are wle#1
our stook is a superior one thet Nele
we begin to talk on it we get °refiner
It is so good we ottn't help being\
thused, eo good that we want YOtt
free it, so good, in fact, that we,
epee satisfied that any bottle ine
whole stook is sure to please eny
son to whom it ie given. Intipee
Where friends
are numerous
ROBERT HOLM.ES,Editor and Proprietor.
ins :Bros.,
fe0 the West, No.
-0' 'hate y important
enesn ess se he next meet -
,le e a.m.the re requested
V:r tit send in their
lite,ree'se eie
' •••,eetee. eni safe for the
enefit fe Courtrtt.
e -,t, so
o e
l'stsree.—Rev Mr Perrie,Rf Wing -
what wide-awake and reliable correspondents rind worthy of reourdieg tor 'ruble:400u. barn preached a tserruon on issionary
Goderich Townehip work, in Knox church, last Sabbath,
to a large congregation; Mr Perrin is
an excellent speaker. Word has been
received of the death of David, son of
W Geddes a,t the Pacific coast; the
West Wrawa,uosh.
LEAVING.—Mr C. J. Washington,
who has been a resident of this town-
ship all his life, leaves thie week for
Goderich, where he will reside to fu-
ture. He will be much missed in every
way, as he took an active part in gene-
ral matters, al?
f bis
hosts of frien,
home. Mtn,
ttnue to wri Xhe farm, wine a,
hitherto bet worked in partnership.
NOTES.—Mr and Miss Jenkins, of
Goderich township, were visitors at J.
J. Washington's a few days last week.
R. H. Taylor was a guest of a special
friend in Blyth last Sunday. Miss
Elizabeth Cox is spending a few days
at the home of Mr George Rutledge.
Mrs Jos. Alison, of the (Ith con., visit-
ed her brother, A. Robinson, of Au-
burn, one day last week. Miss Mary
McCatz, of Buffalo, has returned, after
a short sojourn with friends of this
township. Ezekiel Phillips spent Sun-
day last at his faeher's-indaw, Robert,
Medd. Mrs Goodfellow will spend the
winter at her isaother's, Mrs Jones', of
the boundary, Misses Mary and Car-
rie Mills 's spent a day in Blyth recently,
as guests of their sister, Mrs Wm.
Eckhardt. Mr John Washington, of
Goderieh, is at present the guest of his
sons, Charles and Joseph, of the 3tel
con. Jos. Hickingbottom has been en-
gaged for another winter with Ed.
Craig, of St. Augustine. Messrs R.
Bruce and A. Feagan spent Sunday
evening last at Wm. Robertson's.
Wedding bells are ringing; the next
two weeks may do much towards less-
ening the number of our bachelor
friends In this vicinity. There was a
bee, cutting wood for A. Robinson, in
John Fluker's bush last Saturday. Mr
Thos. McKenzie and son Donald were
in Bayfield oae day last week. J.Win-
ters, cattle dealer, of Seaforth, was
through here last week, buying up fat
NOTES,—Mrs Steven Butts is at
present very ill. We are pleased to
see Mr John Schwarz is abie to be out
the good wishes t.)
follow him to his new
rother Joseph will con-
ExessieeTioN—W. A. Elliott, teas
er S.S. No. 8, will hold a school exerni-
nation on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd; the pub-
lic ere invited; there will Le several
other teachers in attendance for the
eurpose of aiding in the examination.
Bell has sold
n Hill, who
n. 1st, 1897.
" le known as
'teresent. Mr
Tat and most
i.co his credit
,e1 °erectly in -
in temper •
some ttme
PUBLIC MEETINCL—Tir're will bo a
public meeting at Pickard's Ball,
Holruesville, on Saturday next at 2 p.
in., to discuss the new county council
Act and to consider the advisability of
placing a candidate in the held. Every
elector is invited to be present.
CHANGE.—Last week we made men-
tiou of a Xmas tree entainment at
Zion„ Xresas eve. Since then it has
been deemed advisable to change the
date to ',Wednesday evening, Dec. 2:3,
so as Trotter conflict with entertain-
ments at 13ererniller and Union church-
es, which are nceXtuas eve.
HARD LINES --zg'inancial reverses are
hard enough whers.they come in the
ordinary courses of lite, but they are
infinitely harder when they are the
outcome of friendship for others. The
hard lines through which dkir John
Thompson, Bayfield con,, is TW Pass-
ing, are said to be of this maul' •and a
good deal of sympathy is express for
him; he deserves it.
L. O. L.—The Loyal Orange Lodg
No. 189, Sharon, met on Monday and
elected the following officers : Master,
P.W. Currie; D. Master, Jn. 'Jantelon;
R. Seo. Walter Emerson; Chap., Jas.
Connelly; F. Sec., Geo. Cantelon; D. of
Ter. Thos. McCartney; Lecturer, W.
Committee—Robt. Cante-
Ion, Thomas Churchill, Alfred Naftel.
Thomas Elliott, Clem Newton.
COLE'S CHURCIL—The four days'
meeting in this church last week wa
a great success. The congregation
were good, the singing inspiring, a
the preaching eloquent. Thefollowi
gentlemen occupied the pulpit:
R. Millyard and Rev W. J. Ford,
ton; Rev G. W. Andrews, Holmes
Rev R. C. Burton, Varna, and
Walker, Ethel.
leaves next week for Honolulu,
he will occupy an important p
Will is fully qualified fol his
and the inhabitants of that
find him to be the right In
right place. Ho will be mi
in this neighborhood, as h
and favora known as
teacher. His many frier'
a safe and prosperous sojo
MON ICIPAL.—Efforts ha
for several days to secu
arise between 5lessts
John Cox, so that, both
not go to the polls for th
teissionership, As the
representative in the ta
liott naturally feels t
claims 1.0 the positio
be a vacancy in the n
Mt. Robt. Elliot.t, of t
candidate, and wou
and possibly successft
man for the position
NOTES. — The ti
bre ueht the plowtt
onte again. A nu
It' from near Go
enjoyable evening -
one evening last wt
continues in tinge.
slight, hopes are.
tin • e-
Goied TOt• °'05tratea" -
oor on thehal rs
family have e Wro•
orris, to the farm beeV•
months ago. N ee lefk
dere for carryin tinse
e post oftlee hele an st,
d there are likely be s
put In by the 'way ao
. MI Geo. CrawfOrd. of Kii,
n., arrived here last week
111011g.st his mends; he is
on of Mr Wm. °mooed,
mperance meeting win be
Dec. 22rel, to he address-
ubbs, of Peterbko, ever
e. Mr T. I., Adams,
started on
C.; he will b
mines, of M.
er sistee,
r -in-law,
ther oorres
a. — The
ing grea
I have a
who has been elating his uncle, Mr
East Vikwanosh.
of Toronto,
NOTE —Mr Frank Linn,
Robt. Ma on. retur1 ed to his home on
Saturday. Mr J. „I \ Elliott, of Clifford,
called at Me H. .
Mrs and AtU Mar
are visitio
ACCIDENTS—Mrs CharlesWalters had
the miefortune to fall on the stove and
burn her arm. While Mrs Malloy was
returning from Hullett Friday eyeuing
her horse became frightened at some
iott's on Finlay. sheep, and throwing Mrs Malloy ,
Keith, of Elam, I ran away; the buggy wars badly brok-
en the haruess alight] damaged, and
ohn Elliott's. Mr
body will be brought home for inter- Elliott, of Elam, are
went. Preparations are being made and Mrs r
visiting at Joseph Johnston's, of
for the usual Christmas celehrehtions Westfield. Mr , as. Ray,who has been
b the VariOD• churches in our village. ailin for some ,irne, was removed to
T e roads are in a very rough s a
present, and many are wishing for a
foot of the beautiful, so as to make
sleighing and hide the mud. The
municipal elections will soon be on,
a,nd the aspirants for office are becom-
ing exceedingly fiiendly and solicitous
about the health and welfare of the
friend e a.ad relations of those who
have votes in their respective mug
Bay field.
you say the electric light
ed? Councillor (seeki
Oh, almost anywhere
front of your place
but I fancy that wi
the elections.
the dynamo
light syster
e Reev
mas entertainment is to be held on the
evening of the 23rd of Dec., at school
Nat. 7, where Miss Ferguson is teach-
ing. A choice selection of dialogues,
reritations, music, etc., will he provid-
ed,for the occesion, and a very eojoy-
Oe time anticipated. Everybody is
tewoesru LEAGUE. — The League
assembled at Bethel last, Friday even -
and was conducted by Mr A. Al-
oe usual. The subject "How may
elate .xnenalers help the League,"
dealt with bsn Miss C. Blake. A
ly discussion followed, which
ved interesting as well as beneficial
instructive to all.
Mrs A.shle
;the last si
to be in a
A. And
hed both m
,till house,
ing. in the
thweite is
rooik CASE.
thue allud
Of t
, etincern
ie etindin
, jli
4'Inesday fo
who is g
E. Sherritt,
. Rogerson,
dies of t
urch inte
Xmas ni
en 0
r R Mar
ud Andr
as., Mr Jeff
. The var
months sho
eves, of Wro
ning and ev
nd ripparen
those prese
are out fora
near future.
slowly. Mi.
ort the sick lie
The Winnipe
Ei to a ease e
A la Richer
e Editor of the New Era :
EPTTOR,—In regard to a few etate-
(nada by your correspondent of last
found in the Benreiller news, 0O -
the shooting match between the
d and the 2nd cons. He stated
ears there has been jealousy be -
two coneessioes, and that
abont,0 ce a year they break out agains
each ether, sometimes one being victorious,
another time suffering defeat. This., how-
ever, is not altogether a correct statement,
Lor thitre has only been. two contests, one
two years ago, on Thanksgiving, and this
ear, the Thursday previous ts Thanks -
'144, iand the Maitland won both times,
;Your ccrrespondent also makes another
statement, that those who brought in the
least points, he will not Bay the losers,
footed the bill and the winners intuit have
been too mach absorbed in making the
oysters disappear to appreciate them for
not a responsible laugh could be beard.
The reason for this is that they were so
badly beaten that they couldn't take a
joke; probably the true solution might be
in two words—troubhd conscience. It is
evident that your correspondent was not
at the feast or he would have known on
which side the troubled conecience lay for
if the second oonoession were not the losers
they were very liberal in footing the bill
without saying a word. Probably they
thought that Borne of their woodpeckers
heads commands as much respeot se some
of the tails that lay in the heap of 12,550.
I Ile ale° makes another statement that
there is unmistakable evidence of strong,
very strong, reinforcement from other
quartere, which is another violation of the
truth, for it can be proved that there was
no help for the Maitland team from other
quarters. The paragraph in your leet is -
true would show to the public that the
goodly ten on the second are a real good
Innocent lot of fellowe. Well, they are a
good oivil crowd, but some times they say
h t 1,f. the cat out of the bag.
v 3.
ace will
n in the
ch missed
was well
a school
9 wish him
e been made
it compro-
Elliott and
them would
.)ounty Corn-
Idest Count y
nship, t• El -
t has prier
Should there
nicipal council,
e 3rd, will be a
make a, strong
un; he's e good
weather has
on the scene
her of the young
rich spent a. very
Mr N. Sturdy's
Mrs .brck hint
ng condition and
,ertaineil fo'r her
here did
ill be pier: -
g re-election)
I think one in
ould be nice,—
be decided after
onaldson is getting
position for the electric
. The man who wants
ip this year is likely to be
care to it. The band favor -
win with a number of well
ed selections on Monday even -
is fast improving.
the ouse of Refuge last weel:.
called on the atnuth, of Wingharn,
and Mrs 1 3. H
day Thejarrriers' club met at the
2ith concession on Sun-
13ehool histive on Tuesday night. Mr
Win, akcBurney is disposing of his
farrealatock and implements.
RE'S To SUCCESS.—The new bak-
, Messrs Langloie and Mellough,
o recently bought out Mr Thomas Stanley
SUDDEN CALL.—On Saturday even-
ing last Mr Wrn. J.Slavin, of Usborne,
near Lumley, and his father, Mr Win.
Slavin, were unloading straw in the
barn on the farm of the former, when
Mr Slavin, sr., who was in the act of
pitcuing stiaw to his son, who was in
the mow, suddenly exclaimed "Oh
my," and fell over on the load and ex-
pired. His son came to his assistance,
but his life had fled. He was aged 70
years. Heart dieease was the cause of
death. He leaves a widow, two sons
and four daughters to mourn his very
sudden demise. He was a highly es-
teemed resident of the township. The
funeral took place from his late resi-
dence near Lumley, on Tuesdae, last, to
McTaggart's cemetery, and was large-
ly attended.
Mrs Malloy fortunate y escape
out being much hurt.
NOTES—The portable mill is now in
Mr W. Good's hush, but has not begun
to work yet. Mr Pfr runnier has a car
of Manitoba wheat at Goderich station
Rev. Mr Olivant preached in the Ger-
man church on Sabbath evening, while
Rev Mr Becker preached at Ball's.
SOCIAL.—The Knife and Fork Social
held at Zion church, Tuesday evening,
was a decided success, the chtirch being
full to the doors. Rev. Messrs. Edge,
of Goderich, and Olivant, of Benuiiller,
delivered addresses. There was also a
eocial held again Wednesday.
tog, have moved fro
nd have fairly started in to cater to
their new public. They bring with
thetn a high reputation, as men indus-
trious and skilful at their business, and
we are glad to extend the hand of wel-
ceme to them. We understand that
they purpose delivering the bread to
their customers in the country as well
as about the yillage, and will no doubt
build up a large business.
CHURCH NEWS.—At the evening ser-
vice in St. Andrews church last Sab-
bath, Rev Wm. Graham gave a
most impressive address, which WaS
foil of earnestness and eloquence. Mr
Gralloway, of Clinton, preached very
acceptably in the Methodist church
last Sabbath morning, The time for
tne annual Christmas entertainments
is here again, and great are the prepa-
rations which are being made, to give
the tiblic something that will call
ENG AGED.—Mr Th01110.8
engaged with Mr Charles
SIMSTITUTE.—MiSS iSabelia McFar-
lane taught S. S, No. 1, Stanley, last
week while the teacher, Mr Geo. Baird,
attended the Model School examina-
tion in Clinton.
Inglis has
Ross for a
FORESTERS.—Court Selwood No. 87
00.F. will hold their regular meeting
this Friday evening, the 18th inst., in-
stead of tlee last Friday in the month,
which falls on Christmas. A good at-
tendance is requested, as bueiness of
importance will be dealt with.
NOTES.—Mr Geo. F. Oakes will hold
a meeting in Pickard's Hall, on the ev-
ening of Saturday, Dec. 26th, for the
purpose of forming a singing class.
Mr Youngblut has moved onto the Cole
farm. Mr Nielans. who has been liv-
ing on Mr R. Baker's farm in Colborne,
has moved into the village, and occu-
pies Jos. Lobb's house. Mrs W. Wal-
ters is visiting her daughter, Mrs P93' -
ell, of Port Albert. League meeting
was on Thursday instead of Monday
this week; consecration service was led
by Miss S. Acheson. Mrs Leitch, who
has been in Goderich for a few days,
has returned home. A number from
here attended the funeral of the late
Mrs McKenzie in Goderich on Monday,
Miss Hunt, Clinton, spent Sunday
with Mies Gardner.
STOCK.—Mr James McFarlane has
just returned from Quebec Province,
where he bought a car -load of thoro-
bred Shropshire -down sheep. Part of
these he has since sold for export to
the United States, and some also to Mr
3. W. Sturdy, Goderich township.
Visieoets.—Miss Bell, of Henault, is
at present the guest of Miss Taylor.
Miss _Bella McOnwan has gone to Lon-
don to visit friends there, on the oc-
casion of the death of a niece. Miss
Minnie McNaughton and her broi her,
Hugh, are visiting in Stanley prim to
t n home to Teeswitter. Mr
10031 ferth met ited praise. The Alex. Campbell, of Kincardine, atten
for Wednesday, Dec. :30th, and pro. ed the funeral of his nephevv, Colin
Corriere. at Grand Bend, last week,
rians announce their Christentse tree
.1 eve of nd is alit; week. visiting old itecontin-
mise some enjoyable no vel t ies fer
recovery. ()win ti su
, hor colds have he -
changes in the weal
come (111110 Preva'ene, in this neighbor-
hood, nearly all Ili
family being indisi
wish Lo to(w);e ti
members of one
osed; we do not
e in me,ntinning
those who intent .
England entertainment is sitted,own
for two evenings previous, Dec. 2, ,
when, besides an admirable program.
of songs, etc., the pretty May pole
dance will be represented on the stage.
names, hut we hoi1 for their speedy
Dec. 2nd, 0" ()' 0nr most esteemed
decided to leave the
1n4e.rs of the Ruron
anks of bachelor-
raonadd tiincctehssef 1101 rfsarnr
of Mr F. Beattie,
ed:-- d •
conuee One of that crowd on the night of the con
17 Banke test while in oonversation, etated what a
...a. , , th baday it was for hunting and that he
of London. had about forty shells loaded for that day
' 'ItItIOis before d all he tired off was seven, but he save
'm enet,t,da7n ' betweeti 1400 or 1500 points just the
"dsts71.7' t'asr,H-- ta e._ This meet be one of the steady
;t00 'newee in ins a ved and qniok eyed sportsmen that
d hatl'alSaon • eleesit qnder a eile o' respondent ;Teske of. They have
receipt, Artbfii When the also ee ral other experts, in feet one of
tO Were appeird, a claim to them w a seen trying to get a shot at a
. De„„gaeltereWs residing in irrel twenty feet up a tree and a
elo; Ott deposit aft put in by a.
firer Whit produced the orig.
6 reeelp endorsed to him
1641,deptteltor. The liquida-
ito. retits6a tee recognize
reri littet the money, first
ta. a Dr. Barkwell
MO on't e • uble liability
tack,eet110 old offeet the
.11‘ th depOsit receipt,.
•ed that as the
hood and make life
heing united in holy
mony to Miss Enp
ter of Mr Wm. Cr
The ceremony was
Mr Hamilton. '1
wish them a lc
Might this not he
of otir bachelors t
John Weir, of
somewhat unex
last, at, the resit
Nft Andrevv Rei
not been in good
ing troubled wi
still her health h
and it was onl
she went out to I
was a native of
gerford, Hastin
Huron for a goo
she was well kno
ted. She was in
dition to her son
ID Stanley and a
nirt, Mrs Bridon.
crewed her some fl
mains were inter
tory on Tuesday.
just at
shoot, a
that he
to wind
ed to be
men too
New, M
ed that
as to wh
and tile
have 6
them te
an that wart plowing in it field
and asked him why he did not
d he replied that he was afraid
weld mitts it and he did not want
any more amanition, rind he aeem-
in great diritrese, so the young
pity on him and Lot it for him.
Edttor, your correspondent teat -
ere dill exists a spirit of rivalry
oh possesses the eteadiest nerves
de:skeet eyes. If they wish to
()rough, good genuine test let
the-Mmitland at a target with it
"efiratt renge ;or at a bird on the
' its face the
ahlo,ft it Wald, not
.thne 001186i:it ,Ofithe
e:;then, appIlell tothecredl:
SCHOOL CONCERT.—The school con-
cert comes off in the town hall, to-
night (Friday). Are you going ? If
not you'll be the only one at home,
The Bayfield brass hand, and a mouth
organ hand will he there, and W. Tay-
lor, of Varna, will render violin solos.
Everyone will be on tip toe to see the
fancy drills and tableeux. If you are
11 woman leave your big hat at home,
so the crowd behind you can see the
children. If you nre a man, be sure
and bri;ng your girl early, or you will
not get it seat.. Have your change
ready at the door. Avoid the rush.
Be prepared for a good concert, but
don't encore any number more than
t •11
lore enjoyable by
bonds of mat H-
ernia, eldest, drrugh-
x, of the Oth con.
performed hy.Rev.
heir many friends
ig and happy life.
e, stimulus for more
go and do likewise.
eir, mother of kr
the 15th con., died
ectedly on Saturday
mice of her brother,
of Hullett. She has
health for years, be-
h cancer of the foot,
s not been precarious,
it few days ago that
isit leer brother, She
he township of Run -
a, but hes resided in
many Tears, where
O and highly respec-
er 701h year; in ad -
ere, she leaves a son
aughter in Califor-
Her husband prede-
teen years. The re-
ed in Clinton °erne -
tancee in Stanley. Mrs P. C amp
Jo attended the funeral at Grand
Bend last week. Mr Thos. Gilmour,
of Turnberry, made a short visit to
friends here at the beginning ot the
week; he returned home on Tuesday.
three times. Keep your
when the stringed rirchestra is playing township.
d 't bring a . .
Inexpensive presents are often 1—*TiOett„;
town hall, which we show,'
oially suited for cinch preseeittr2
appear in Ink Bottleen JW
Boxes, Trays, Car'd .80tee
ers and Photo Holders at 25u(,,,
50o. Recedes these we have tete
many other small artiolea
be more easily shown than deeerbeeds
therefore we ask you to drop in end
look around.
Gold rim Spectacles
eery. The souvenir with's/SW.9
MABONIC,—At the last meeting of Morn-
ing Star lodge A. F. az AM., the following
offioers were elected for the eneuing year:—
John Wilson., WM.; Alex. Robertson, S.
W.; Mex. Glen. Chap.; Jas. Young, Treas.;
W.e. Young, iStic*.I. Grurnmiti, Tyler.
DEAT11.—Last Monday morning OUT Vill-
age was remindeitef the uncertainty of life,
Mr Ritchie, ()Myth, came over on some
business, got out of his rig and went lir tie
his horse at the poet office, and dropped.
The doctor was there in about two minutes.
but life was extinct. Mr Ritchie said to
Mr Doyle, wbo rode down with lnin a part
of the way, that he felt rather unwell,
The doctor pronounced the cause of death
heart failure.
b. S. GONVENTIc•N,—The comnaittee of
the Auburn Sabbath School Union held
tlivir meeting in the Presbyteriaa church
last Mniiday itfteruoon for the purpose of
making arrangements for the convention,
which is to be held in February. This
convention has been it sueeess in the past
and we believe that the ensuing one will
0 Jill at least any of its prodeci awns, juclhs.
ing from the program prepared.
Nonts.--Meirsre Cullie Howson are
busy at present, manufacturing rollers at
the farm of Mr Boyle, of West Wawanosh,
they having purchased about 25 acres of
good maple bush from him for the purpose.
Our genial saw miller is severely indisposed
this week, sufferiug from an acute cocapli•
catien of diseases acting on the auditory
nerve, caused by the doleful sound of the
village belle, set in motion by the supposi-
tion that he was the unlucky ecribe that
furniehed the item of the Hamilton exploit.
The Good Templars here are progressing,
and initiations are the order every oight at
TEAMEETINO.—The annual teameet-
ing of the Nlethodist Sabbath School,
Auburn, will be held on Christmas
night, Dec. 25th, in Auburn. Tea will
be served by the ladies from 5 to 7.30
o'clock, in the Temperance hall. The
entertainment will be held in the
church, where a good program will he
rendered. The following speakers
have consented to attend end favor
with addressest—Revs. 0:W. Andrews,
Holtuesville; le Swan, Dungannon; E.
(Invent, Benmiller; J. W. Pring, Nile;
Revs. It. Henderson tand E. Becker ar
also 'rivited. Good music will be f
nished for the occasion. All are coy
ally invited to come and spend it Me
Christmas with us. A special set mon
in the interest of the school will he
preached on fia,bhath evening, Dec. 20,
by Rev. W, Rigsby, of Blyth.
Make one of the nicest presents it lei?
possible to give it parent or any oore
who uses or 'needs glasses. „ We gttaX
antee lenses as (Well se frames, faid,
will maks any ange that may aftet4;
wards be found nee,essary, 52.50 to.51
Celluloid Goog,
In dreeeing oeses, hitndkeroldel and
glove, manicure, odor, shaving, calltkith
end cuff, etc., from 51 to 510.
5c to 53.
Albums, Photo Frames, Shavl
letugs, Bair Brushes, etc.
'jardinieres, Flower Centres ate
Tribee in great variety. We t
our assortment of these gooesthe•lite
in town. We have been told that it
too. Prices run 25c to $8.
Pipes, Cigars, Cigar CaseOr''
Etc., at all prices. Your 08016014
friends you know will be more plead
with something in this line than wi,
moat anything else.
XMAS TREE.—A Christmas Tree en-
tertaniment will be held in Turner's
church on Wednesday, Dec Z3rd. The
committee in charge are sparing 0
pains and a good time is expected.
MlilstutPAL.—We understand that
Mr Abner Cozen e is in the field as a
candidate for the Reeveship. He is a
young man of more than ordinary in-
telligence, capable and well qualified
for this responsible position, and we
would not be sum ised to see hint elec-
ted. Ile will at any rate get strong
support from the western side of the
NoTtlis.—Mr Gen. Crich is •
Mr .e. Morell, Clinton, to crush grain
lime cut. straw for some of the faseners
of Hullett. A number of the West
Enders attended an oyster supper at
the residence of Mr L. Wiltse on Wed-
nesday evening last. Master Wilmot
Lloyd, Exeter, visited telatives here
Ibis week. Miss 11, Carter OE the
sick list., Mr JUR, Cl jell is confined to
the house with it severe cold.
COUNCIL DOINGS. —The council met
at Daly's Hotel, on Tuesday, Dec 161h,
all members present. The ftnmial
meeting of the electors for the nomina-
tion of candidates for the office of
reeve, deputy reeve and councillors,
'11 be held at, K yle's hall, lot 10, con.
—if you can, ant y
lantern to light you home, there'll he
splendid i»oonlight.
PERSONA Ls.—Mesere James Marks
and Rohn Erwin, who have been sail-
ing on the lakes during the summer,
returned this week. Rev. Mr and Mrs
Oaten are visiting friends in 13luevele.
Miss Susy Burgess, of Point Edward,
is spending a, short time visiting her
parents. Wm. Tippett iR home fr orn
the Goderich Model School. Mre Green,
of Goderich township, has moved to
town and is occupying Mr Caetle's
house on Main Street, where she will
carry on the business of weeving. The
Salvation Al my ca tains }neve moved
' 4 1 teiv
Our Prices
Are low, as low as 3t M1
than at most places.
lerneneists and. Op eitting
We have it bargain table on so
can see many snaps. One h
original price.
Stimmerhill ;
NOTEE1,—A, 1,Ublie meeting will be held'
the hall here this (Friday) evening ,t4
o'clock, under the auspices of the tetnnektin
order, and will be addreseed by M
who is sent by the district lodge.
Wallace is at present on a visit to
in eastern Ontario. '
Sciroote—The Annual examinatio
of the public school, Summerhill,
take place on Dec. 22nd. bortiinencla
at 10 a. m., There will be a lunch.
noon and at the conehisio
amination a program will
by the pupils, and the priz
ed. A number of visiting
expected to assist in the e
A. cordial invitatien is extende
people of the section and other
ested, to ettend.
held in the church here on Fricray eventu
last, for the purpose of organizing a Olariti
Gan Endeavor Society. There was aefit
attendance and Mr A. T. Cooper, ofC11
was present and gave an address in w
he explained the work and working .of
society; the pastor also addressed the
ing, It was then decided to organize -4
society here with the following Alt:44n'
viz.— Hon. Pres., Rev. 51r Stout; Preen.
51 Kilty; Rec,See., Flora Miller; Cor.SetIi
Wm. E. 51iller. The first meetiugnt
society is to be held this Friday evenitits
end we should be pleased to see 4 ,geed,
attendance as everybody ts welcome, it 4
last from 7 to 8 o'olock.
packers were at
put, notes in sev
apples making th
him, stating pri
their condition
This week he r
reply from Mr J
Surrey, Eng.:—'
win apples are o
capital conditior
cost rne lis eld an
at, the end of No
farmers can see
margin in this for
then why should
ceive a larger fig
was paid the past
t fall when the apple
Mr W. F. Hicks he
rat barrels of Baldwin
purchaser to write
e paid for the apples,
and time of usage.
ceived the follovving
,ssup, a retail dealer,
Your barrel of Bald -
very fine flavor, in
and are giving great
my customers. They
I began using them
ember." Now the
hat there is a good
he Canadian buyer:
ot the producer re -
e for his fruit than
vacated by Mr .John Walston, sr.; the 8, H. R. S., on Monday, Dec. 1,
into the house on outs „.,
latter having taken part of Mrs Cleave's, o'clock, 3,0(1 11 more then the necessary
T 'rch. Messrs E. I number of candidates be nominated,
it will he opened
house t it
and A. Smith have returned from
college, and are spending the holiday
season with their parents at the Rec-
tory. J. G. Stanbury is hotne on a,
short visit from Toronto. Alex. Fer-
guson has been visiting friends in
GoOD MUBIC.—It has been well eaid
that there are two things, the possee-
skin of which in a community renders
the maintenance 61 a constabulary al-
most unnecessary; they are— well
lighted streets and a good band. Bay -
Held got the neticleus of the latter over
a year ago, and it is earnestly hoped
that she will be able to commence t he
new year poeseesing both. Good mus-
ic appeals to the mind as stern rebuke
never could. It, involuntarily and ir-
istably effects a higher moral stern -
It have begun to
o,..avery day vial-
tryifoo he
Entertairoment an
Will be held, in the town
eet the enteliing of Tuesday,
rogram con
06404 tions, table
(vet -neaten'
public school
ristmas • tree
If Varna,
are a pttII d ended
on Monday. Janith, at the teem.l poll
ing plecere with Joseph Weber, James
Broadfitet, A. G. Smillie and Peter Mc-
Kay as deter t y ret orn i ng offic,ere. Mr
Cumming, the collector, reported that
about $500 of the tamer were still un-
collected. The term for collecting was
extended until the day of the next
council meeting, after which five per
cent will he adaK1 The next meeting
will he held at Kyle's hotel on Monday.
Dec. 28th, at. 10 o'clock.—A. G. Smite
LIE, Clerk.
CHURCH NOTES, — MiS9 Ida Britton
took cberge of the E.L.of C.E. Sunday
evening: her paper was "the ever pre-
sent Christ." The annual business
meeting of the Sabbath School was
daid in the communitv. It en
ll8 T'
uplift and ennoble, "But apatt fie ne held Tueeday evening,
this, who is there who does not take the old officers were re-elected. Tiles -
much pleasure out of the oweet strains day evening, at 8 o'clock, the literary
which come nom these instruments of meeting in connection with the league
bress? 'We are sure that tne zealous was held, the pastor, Mr Andrews, be-
ef:Torts of the young men who have ing in attendance; and delivering Ix nice
succeeded so wonderfully in giving 1 addresa; a reading followed by Miss
Bayfield a good band of our own have Jennie McGregor. one by Lu Farnham,
not, been unappreciated. W. le boys are Instrumental by Miss Hattie Dodd, of
all clever musicians, and while incline Clinton; recitation by MiS9 Nellie Medd,
trious in their business, are painstak- reading by Mrs Campbell, and an &d-
ing and entbusiastic in attaining their dress by Mr J Medd.
ambition of having men of the best lars held
bands in the County. The serenade
derin the past week Were • °roughly
enjoy he dtieens, att the boys
are an Viyiog, as tha inly
delierv Mere°
Porter's Ball.
PUBLIC M enTiNG. —We trust that
the Porter's Hillites will not fail to at-
tend the public meeting in Hulloes-
ville, on Saturday, and see that the
right man in hommated an a candidate
for the corning election. We under-
etand that Clinton and Ilullett both
have a strong man in the field and it
will he necessary that Goderich town-
ship bring out their very best and
most popular man, or we will not he
in it, and we want a representative at
the County Council.
Notes. —Mr Stubbe, the great temp-
erance lecturer, will lecture in Potter's
hail on Saturday evening, Dec. 19th.
John Cantion, of the 71h con., who has
been Rick for some time, is slowly im-
proving. Mr John Torrance has bed
a furnace put into his house. Miss El-
liott and Mr Reid, of DlIngaDDOD.
spent Feindity with Miss Amy Cox.
Mr A. J. Courtice took charge of Mr
Oaten's work on Sunday evening,
preaching to a crowded house at Beth-
el, Mr Oaten being away taking a
week's vacation. The I.O.G.T. lodge
seemsto be grovring in interest, it week
from Tuesday there will be an intereet-
ing debate, "Resolved that the cow is
more benefit than the horse." Some
of our petting people frorn t,he Oth con.
npent it very pleasant evening at Mr
Jeaserth MeClutikey's, 41h eone this
week. Ur St. McDougall le rOund
again. Mies tVison, who ha tent
Visiting at her Magee,. Mre Pot -
tot tor 'some t1140, TSS41011 WO to
•Ciroactr. Missionery ['emitter::
sermons were held in North St.
dist church last Sabbath cotiO ted
Rev C. Scott, St. Thomt, and /WV
art, returned ission ryefromaii
The North St. E. L. of O. E. held an
Home on Monday evening.
DEATH.—On Tlearsday last *fie
Kenzie, Brock Ste mother of ft:
McKenzie, hardware merchant,
to her rest. The funeral on Mdndi
was largely attended, friends undid' ,
tives being present from Holneestillee•
Brantford, Toronto, and other 0104
ELECTRIC R. R.—From iteme,i0itilt
er papers, it is to he believed. then,*
Huron & Ontario Electiic ItailWar is
coming, It is stated that thelifS0110
he in operation by 1898. We 4reedr
competition in freightfrom I*
some of our business men eirti
that, they ere too high.
Puenee Wonte.—The mane
the saw mill have lost no time
ing the road, provided for hi .th
port of the Town Council, open
It runs from the mill to the lane.:
Big Mill salt block. About Wee(
working on the sewers, 10 on t;
bor improvements, and some
were at work on the mill. ,
week. 'eeeee
TEMPLARS—The Good Tern
an intereeting rneetitig
night, With a nice turn out o
and it goo program; we W
to have 4 *siting sister ty
lodge, Re Mr Stubbs,
re pleated
tn Olinton
e aneer
A Nice
Suit of 01.
We have a splenc
Will Make lip
ell, Wean Wel