The Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 93 oeoliber,ii. 1890
assume that very few of our readers
ever hear of the annual sale of lands
for text% which takee place in Gode-
FRIDAY, DECESIBER 11, 1808 rich. The date for the sale is next
Tuesday, 15th inst. The list embraces
107 acres in Arhfleld; two 1-8 acre lots
In Goderich township; a block of 50
acres and another of 90 in Howick; an
eighth and quarter acre lot in Ford-
wich; acres in Manchisster; lf acres
in Br user's; a few small lots in Exeter,
and three I acre lots in Wroxeter.
The towns all deal with their own
lands, the county having nothing to
do with then; so far as selling fer ar-
rearages of taxes are concerned.
A Present with every 100 of Flour—O. OLSON
lbs good Young Orson Tea for $L at
J. W IRWIN'S, Clinton
Turkeys, Geese, eto., wanted. Highest price
paid at CANTELON 13ROS.
# Ib bar of Soap and Wash Dish tor 25c
—u. OLSON, Clinton
Oue ear Montreal Sugar, at, Wholesale
prices, at J. W. IRWIN'S, Clinton,
Wanted.—Egge and roll butter Highost prioe
peAd.-0A/NTELON BROS., Clinton.
riA.No AT A 11AUGAES — A First -Class
HeintznianPitiou for sale tit a Bargaill NE w EltA
We beat theta all In Dinner, Too, Toilet
; Sets and Fancy China, at J. W. IRWIN'S
',.;2•• T. COTTLE for Roses, Carnatein
ion., ilax
ll',,.' , • Bulbs, Flower Plants. All kinds of Flower De-
ll,: signs made up oo short notice. Prices reason-
FI:.. Mixed Candies
5c Raisins
per Figs
lb Currants
At J. W. IRWIN'S, Clinton
Iowa (O1)1(.SCHOOL TRUSTEES—The election for
school trustee will take _piece at the
ame thee as the munici al elections.
he members of the boat. ose term
Mies this year, are,Messre. Gibbings,
.VV. Irwin, H.Stevens, and I.Jackson.
.A.11 are eligible for re-election.
- PUBLIC MEETING.—A public meet -
trig, to consider the new County Coun
••1'.' dps Act, the manner of voting, etc.,
'',4s,aied to nominate a candidate, if deemed
advisable, to represent this district,
'Will be heldie the town hall, on Fri-
. day evening llth, There should be a
full meeting of the latepayers.
i3eitoorn shipped a car of apples to
, Cti ow last week; they went via Bat-
' ti Mr McPhail shipped his last
acar. pples last week, to tilesgow; be
has shipped about 6000 barrels of ap-
ples from at ound this vicinity this sea-
son. Elliott & Mitchell also inade
their last shipment to Liverpool, last
• Tem Evaeostarost—After being run
"-to about its full capacity for about
three months, the Evaporator will be
closed down to -morrow night. A staff
of 25 hands ,has been employed, and
over 20,000 bushels of apples used, As
• soon as he closes up here, Mr Case will
return to his home at Rose, N.Y. We
would like to see him become a per -
anent resident of town.
SONS or ENGLAND. — The annual
election of officers for Sheffield Lodge
No. 83, Clinton, for 1897, resulted as
follows :—Pres., N. Robson; P. Pres.,
W. H. Webb; V. Pres., J. A. Moore;
Chap., H. Joyner; Sec., F. W. Watts;
s. Treas., T. Judd; 1st *Mae, W. Jas;
2nd Guide, J. Appleby; I. Guard, W.
Sionaan; 0. Guard, F. Sroman. Dele-
tes to Supreme Grand Lodge, Thos.
aekson, sr., F. W. Watts.
ra am has bought out the interest of
re Shannon, in the Electric Light
fplant, and is now sole proprietor. It
Is altogether likely that Mr Graham
• may personally superintend the man-
s, agement here, and will endeayor to
give the citizehs the very best service
V, -possible. It is not anticipated that a
morning service will be given this sea -
on, but if circumstances will warrant
;,jt the service will be given in the near
a -future.
CHANGES.—Mr S. Davis will shcrtly
ove into the new house he has built
sti Huron street. Mr Al. McKowen
as rented the house to he vacated by
Mr Davis. Mr Charles J. Wallis has
bought the Colclough pt operty on Hu-
ron street. and will next year erect a
house thereon. Mrs Jenkins (mother-
• in-law of Mr Geo. Levis) has bought a
s• smell house and lot on Albert street
ntrth, from John Patterson, of Bay-
field, paying about a, couple of hundred
dollars for it. The eastern half of the
droxt house, Rattenbury street, hits
'huroh Nutes.
• —ir .
in St. Joao h's R. 0. church last Sun -
Father est conducted the service
The regule4 meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will be held rit the home of
8 o'olock. Mies White
Thursdey tile 17th at
.Sorts of
LOCAL Carole—Last Easley evening
the Baptist church was taxed to its
utmost capacity, it was the regular
ineet ng ot the Clinton Young Peoples
Local Cnion, and the young people of
the several societies were largely re-
presented. Mr Frank Hale, of Gode-
rich, who was a delegate to the Do-
minion a E. convention held in Otta-
wa iri October, gave a very extensive
and instructive report of the sessions
of the convention. The Junior Ban-
ner, won by Huron County for having
the largest number of junior societies
of any county in the Dominion, was on
exhibition and served to enthuse the
young people with fresh vigor and
energy in doing their share in the
,great work of winning the world for
Christ. The President of the County
C. E. Union was also present and gave
an excellent address suitable to the
occasion, which was both pleasing and
HAROLD JARVIS. —We are sure that
all lovers of music will thoroughly appreciate the opportunity of hearing in
our own town so distinguished a vocal-
ist as Mr Jarvis, of Detroit, who comes
here on Tuesday, Dec. 29, under the
auspices of the Oddfellows of this
place, and who intend to make this
entertainment worthy of the support
of all music hieing people, and al-
though they do not expect to make
money out of this venture, as the cost
will be nearly $100, yet they desire to
give a strictly high class program, and
we feel sure that a big, if not the big-
gest concert audience that has yet
been gathered, will greet Mr Jarvis,
and a big advance sale of seats are ex-
pected, as all members are pushing the
sale of seats, and an early selection of
seats should be made. Miss Fisher, an
exceedingly clever and talented elocu-
tionist; Mrs Wall, the well-known so-
prano; Mr Foster, Miss Combe are
among the artists who will assist, and
with the reputation that the Oddfel-
lows enjoy for doing things right, will
he fully sustained on this occasion.
Plan of Hall at Jackson Bros.
anted by Mrs Pogh, of Bluevale.
o not know of three vacant
s in town; this certainly speaks
for the place; this fact should also
the urgent necessity of some of
e vacant property being utilized for
Jidences next spring. As soon as
e house ou Victoria street (drone ed
fire) is ready for re-occupti,ncy, r
alter Coats will move back to It. field, spent a few days visiting in town.
This weathet is a cruel thing, es soul -
BAT RAILWAY DEAL.—Concerning less as a Nero; one day it smiles like
hie rumored lease of the Buffalo an aentle spring, the next it drops to zero.
'1.11oderich branch by the C.P.R., the y3
ert liodgens spent Sunday in Exeter;
‘'.•% s •Montsgal correepondent of the Toronto they say he was helping the choir of
:AVOTtltEittys : —"Although the rumor t o one of the churches; it's a Imply' under-
;,..:. 0he effect that the Goderich and Berra- taking. At the time ef the late fire Mr
• 111) railway had been leased by the ('a- Pratt get, his foot, jammed by the fir e
nadian Pacific is denied by the latter engine running over it; he has been
Zceenpany, it is still believed that negs- confined to t he house ever since, hut.
se • thttions are going on with a view to has now about rscovered. Six utiles
the control cf that road by the C.P.R. north of town there was good sleighing
e.„ on Saturday, while there was not two
Those who know what they are talk -
•0 ing about say that Sir WilaVantlorne inches of snow here. Only 14 days till
,S arid Mr Shaughnessy are about. to con- Christmas, and 20 days left, in 1890.-
- e:nde a deal that will put 1 hem ahead Trade in holiday goods is in full swing
ifiktshe Ottawa and Parry Sound, as far and what our merchants have to say
as the NeW York business is concerned. in t heir advert isernent e ie scanned with
One thIn01 is certain, if the Ooderich eassernees. Friday evening, while the
and Buffale line has been secured, it is audience was corning out, (if t he Baia ist,
for the purpose of providing a direct church, some one threw ii:` snow hall
summer line from Sault Ste. Maria to which struck Rev. Mr Millyard a sting -
New York. From Biltialo lo the sea- ing blow fairly in the eye. J. F.Milne,
board visethe Lehigh Valley road, nip Veterinary, has returned to town and
diet mace is about 460 miles, and an ad- opened an office at the Queen's hotel.
ditional 100 miles will cover the dis- Dr. Freeborn and Mr R. Itansford have
muse to Goderich, from which an air had the electric light placed in their
at ertmehip line can he had to the Soc." houses. Mr Manville has gone beck to
So ENDS VIE COUNTY Cornecns—At London, where lie Will represent Marin
about 10 o'clock on Friday night last Bros., bicycle dealers. Messrs Fife and
•the members of Huron County Council Merriott, two 6nergetie young men,
joined hands in a circle and singing were in town this week in the interest
• Sld Lang Syne, closed the existenee ot that excellent, paper, the London
„easnitinicipal body which hrts lived Advertiser. Messrs W.and T. Jackeen
st,SCI years. In Ile earlier years of are hath in Toronto this week, on busi-
iberlife of the council setae stirring ness. Three S11111,11 treys were the ones
slues have been witnessed. political who abet) acted certain articlee from
7411d othervvise, and the events that the market 'cale house; they manifest-
ranspired at the close of a council sit- (el penitence for so doing, and were al
:7i",116'igtatentysepare ago, when some of lowed to go on a reprimand:- Dr. Ag.Ate membeetrused to go around from new has placed in his ()rewriting room
4itee hot el to anoSher, and have a II, lleW CO1111'111)171. dental chair, which
tiooping big Prise, are fortunately
.0,Sflifloge of thOpartt.' Huron council
iiSf had a number of very pi eminent
•:iiiid able men among its membership,
Inane' of whotn have -passed off the
' tege of life's action; to their judgment
'web of the &edit, for Hut on's pro-
,.reetit is due, and the men who have
''sf•fiprseteed them have ales) hent their
,.•titirgiet towards advancing the wel
rt‘ef the county. The county ?min-
i:ell hae been fortunate in having goad
4iitOettlive 'officers, the late Treastirets
''':alli:,;44.. Roes and the late Peter Adam -
Evangelist Renton concluded on Beautiful
Sunday last a very successful three
weeks' series of evangelistic services in
Mr Sawyer has for several weeks
been conducting revival services at
Alma, and has wet with gratifying
success, nett -1y thirty persons profess -
in conversion The meetings were
brought to a close on Sunday evening.
Last Monday night Ensign Scobell
conducted a highly interesting lantern
service, entitled "Litt4 Jamie," which
was thoroughly appreciated by a large
number of people. During the last
few weeks it is a noticeable fact that
the services have shown a spirit of in-
creasing interest and enthusiasm. To-
night Adjutant Hunter will hold a spe-
cial old-time Salvation Army meeting.
JOINT MENTING. 10n Monday evening
next at 7.80 there will be a special meeting
in the Ontario St. church, under the
joint auspices of the Epworth Leagues in
the town. The meeting will be addressed
by Rev. Dr Hart, who has been engaged for
many years in missionary work in Chins
and is now on a visit to this country.
Everybody weloomed. There will be a
collection in aid of Methodist missions.
The Christian Ladies Association of
Ontario St. Methodist church intend
holding a tea meeting on the night of
New Year's day, and are makingbig
preparations therefor, An excellent
supper will be served from 5 to 8 p.m.,
after which a public meeting will be
held in the church, for which a choice
program is being arranged, a leading
feature of which will be the addresses
to be delivered by all the resident doc-
tors, the ministers not being in it this
Musicas. Evesmo.—The ladies of St.
Paul's church have prepared an excellent
musical programme for an entertainment
in the school room on Monday evening,
Deo. 14th, to commence at 8 m. Dr.
Freeborn has consented to give the chair-
man's s.ddresin Mrs Ransford, Miss Lolo
Miller, Miss Coach, Mr. Foster and Miss
McMurray will give solos, and there will
also be selections by the Mouth Organ
Band. A quartette by Miss Mc:Hardy,
liaise Herman, Mr. Dowzer and Mr Foster
will be rendered. There will not be any
admission fee, only is silver colleotioe be-
ing asked. -. ,
ODDFELLOWS.—On Tuesday last the
District meeting for District No. 15,
Independent Order cf Oddfellows was
held in the Oddfellows Hall, its town,
with H. B. Chant, D.D.G.M., in the
chair. All the lodges in the district
were represented except two, and the
reports show Oddfellowship to he in
flourishing condition. Several ques-
tions relating to the working of the
Order were discussed and many good
points noted. The committee also en-
dorsed the action of the Grand Lodge
in endeavoring to build and sustain a
Home foraged Oddfellows and orphans.
In the evening a Lodge of instruction
was held, when the Degree team of
Hensall lodge, iti a manner which did
themselves credit, exemplified the su-
blime teachings of the initiation degree.
The lodge then adjourned to the Clar-
endon hotel, where an excellent spread
was laid; about seventy-five sat down
t o supper,after which songs and speech-
es were indulged in until a late hour.
Shot t speeches were made by Mr Jas.
Beattie and Dr. Burros's, Seafor th; W.
Taylor, VValkerton, J. Protaifoot and
W. Babb, Goderich; Dr. McDermid,
Hensall; Messrs Parkinson and Steven-
son, London; Chant, Holmes and S. S.
Cooper, Clinfon; the Oddfellows' Glee
Club sang a couple of pieces, and Mr
Towne. of Seaforth, gave a song. The
gathering closed with Auld Lang Syne
and God save the Queen and the com-
pany dispersed, having spent a very
pleasant evening. It was decided to
hold the next meeting in 1,..xtster in
June next.
NOTES—Reference was made to the
reported disappea.rance last week of
Mr John Shilton, of Toronto; he bas
since arrived home safe and sound.—,
Miss A. Johns, Tuckersmith, has been
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs Stseley. Mr A. Ferguson, of Bay-
Suitable for holiday gifts are to be found here, but
we don't wait you to forget our regular everyday
stocks, the goods you're in need. ofievery
Our Wonderful
50 cent Underwear
SUIPMENTS.—Mesers Doherty &. Co
sent two cars of organs to Liverpool
last week. F..11 Colvin and Wes. Mar-
quis each shipped a car of lambs to
Buffalo. Jas. Fair shipped a couple of
cars of flour to Montreal. L. S. Dim -
ham, of Concord, Mass., shipped a car
of fine thoro-bred sheep, purchased
from James McFarlane, Stanley.
I. 0. G, T.—Thia lodge met as usual
last Friday evening, when a most en-
joyable time was spent. After the us-
ual business had been disposed of, a.
prolonged recess was granted, for the
purpose of allowing the members an
opportunity to become better acquain-
ted. This (Friday} evening there will
be an At Houle to the friends of the
•ked ibili
4i11,,C1 er being men of inet
e r sUcceesors, W. J. Holmes,
Vtqtfe and W. Lane, Clerk, are
1141ildfi*Oltiently qualified for their
44,445OttiOna, and men who look
'11401eUt0;iitiaell Of their offices.
wsill Add very much to the comfort et
both tient and operator. A number
Has been a record breaker and is still without any
equal for value in the trade. Commercial travellers
ask us why we sell it so cheap, for it is as good as
they sell at the same price. , Buying a quantity got
us the price right and we have made the price right
for you.
Shirts or Drawers 50c a garment
Ladies' Underwear
'Tis Christ
Warmth, wear and comfort are combined in our lines
of Ladies' Underwear at 20c, 35c and 50c. They are
marvels of value and are without, equals at the prices
The Dimities
We are now clearing out the balance of our ready
made 1Vlantles at cut prices. There are bargains for
mantle buyers, for every garment must be-sold:0RJ
The Millinery
. . Time •
Everybody. is giving, ever -Amy',
everyboOryiarancouraging soruehOtt
You haveno time to read long a
nor have we' time to write thogivi,',,
briefly invite yolt to IrAP
Galaxy of Services,
This season our ability to atuipwlyiiis'
greater than ever; articles thflt
value and service to the recipient, a�
to the donor. Whether you have a doll,al
dollars to spend for a Wedding or Chris
you can spend it here to as'good an ad
anywhere else — probably better.
seeking worthy gifts for men, women 9r,
should not fail to see the advantages ottel:0,,
The success of our line of $2.25 ready Trimmed
Hats has been phenomenal. They are new shapes
trimmed up with the balance of our good trimmings,
in order to clear up the stock before the season is
The Dry Goods Palace, Clinton.
The W. D. F
Fall and Winter F
—A T—
W. Taylor &
mistake when you come to us. We are headquar
of Boots and Shoes. Our motto—the best at low
grand stock for finding just what you want. An
none will beat our stock and price
To keep the best.
Fair dealing.
To please our customers
The lowest, quality con-
As the days go by we are gradually getting more settled than ever, and in a
it4 s.hort time we hope to be. able to say we have a modem store and up-ta-date in
every way; we are also proud of the fact that we enjoy the reputution of carry-
ing in this store a high class stock that is seldom seen west of Toronto; wo aro .
going to keep up that reputation,..and will not yield to any temptation of selline• low grades
which are so plentiful just now. A customer reinarked in our store last Saturday that when
we sell so much we should be able to sell cheaper!—that's just the point—we are selling
cheaper; take for example our Overcoat trade, we never had such a good trade. When we
sell Frieze Overcoats for Men at '$4 50, 85.50 and $8; if we did not sell them in such quanti-
ties we would have to mark them up higher, and our 82 and 83 Pants the same way. Where
is there a place that sells as many. We are satisfied with the profit on such a quantity as is
turned out, and then every one is satisfied. When one is not we give them their money hack.
;We want to make it a satisfactory afore to deal at in every way.
will prevail ars long as
wo have goods to sell.
Full stock of GRANBY
Also big stock of OVE
Examination will show that our stock is.espec
thoroughly reliable in style, and always tru
Sole agents in Clinton for the POPULAR SL
W. Taylor
This week our Mr W. ,Jacksonwai again visits the markets for novelties for the Christmas trade,
have all the new things in Shirts, Ties, etc that you should see.
and by Saturday next we
We have many useful things and that is always appreciated for a gift. Next week will give
a big list, of prices of useful articles for this purpose, awl in making out your wants see what
we have.
In the meantime we are going- to make a big push on Furs. We want the cold, stormy
weather to make one think about it, but our prices should have some effect just now, we con-
fess we did buy- more than :we should, but then it will be our loss and your gain. We have
all the new styles that are worn, and we simply say come and inspect them and. get oar prices.
When so man different makers goods aro in the market it is hard to judge by quoting prices,
and we have t e best, and with tholow prices at this season of the year you should think
about it. Read the following list of specials that we are still offering and it will pay you to
11 d see them
of the twirl keepers of the Count y met ea an
here on Tuesday, to discuss matters
porfaining lo their ewe businese.
118 ve you paid yuir i axes? if not you
will find it to be to your interest to do
so before the 15th; it must he done.
Animal meet ing of Clinton Home Cir-
cle next Tuesday evening, 1h; fill
alt endance of members 5 req ties( ed.
Mr Chas. WmIli8 ha lyiught, out Hu,
butchering business of Heal Woe., and
will continue the seine al the old st rind.
Can t elon Bros. axe shipping dressed
pimItry to Halifax. Harland Drop,
have received an order for a hot air
furnace to he 'shipped to the old coun-
try. Mr Cook is pulling own the
empty house on Queen St,
• . ••• • • •
1 •
A pair ot Fleece Lined Gloves, all colors, worth $1 lor 50c
A Suit of all wool Underclothing, all sizes, north $1.50 for $1
A pair of Bra,ces, all sizes, worth 0c for 25c
A Nobby Cap, worth 75e for 50e. A 'rieze Ulster $7 for $4.0
A pair of our Celebrated Pants,.... ....... wOrth $3 for $2
Look for ad in next week's issue—it vill sure to interest you.
ON itiekr
in MA new „Ogre,
We buy and sell'for cash
, -
sj:i• _
tr la a
' I
Ladies woolVests
Our Ladies all wool 17nder-
wear Lt 40, 50, 70 and 95c, is
extra value
Our Ladies all wool Vest. at
50c is a good one; when we
tell you wo have sold over 10
boxes of this Vest, it shows
that buyers think as wo do—
that it's a good one.
At 50c we can give you a 6
hook, long waist Corset, drab
or cream.
At 55c we offer you a fast -
black sateen -finished Corset,
worth 7'5c
At 75c we offer you a drab
steel -filled, glove -fitting Cor-
set, E.T. make.
jag. 'See
Shirts at 5
thereis any
Boys' Un
Prices we are
this departmete
things lively. Thi.„
some of the bargliA
Next week we
something to say
day goods,
The LatliS FavoTiO Estah