HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-21, Page 4Pae your be am Sibtant A. G. SMITH, Eclitor and Prop. TAB WINGRAM VANCRI Blyth • Mr, Wm. Taylor of Morrisrecently entrebaried the rissidence of M. John Stewert on Din. street East, and will pee •come reeidence of our town in tbe near future. One of the proutinent figures in the •• Lien and religions life of Myth paseed • away•on Wednesday morning Aug. eth. iu the person of Mr, Alexandre. Elder. Although somewhat impaired in health be continued nis public duties tilt within 'a few days of .the end. Death was due to heart failnre. , The late Mr, Elder, was born iu 48.17 . „ et Huntingtou, Quebec :end wlien a very youug luau came to Ontario accepting a Mon as liookekeeper with Alred ' ' Goodethams, ' after nettling this positiou • for several yearn lie came to Myth where . • with the late Mr. J. A. Anderson be est- ublislied the well know firm a Anderson and Elder. From this Mr, Elder retired a number a years agoelmt continned to 11 tile offices a Town Clerk and Town ' Treasuer, as Well as secretary treasure' of the Blyth Muukepal Telephoneaeo. As young Man he saw active service . ,taniing the Veeitte 'Raid for which lie re • ceived a, medal, •'In Sts,Andrews °Witch Mr, Elder fine- .' 'calumny offices during hie loug connect- . . • lon with tbe. congeegation, iniong them e' • . beilig Superintendent of the Sunday. • ' School,. Treasuer, Treasuer of Session, and others. ' Iu .Polities hes' was a conservative. His beloved wife, formerly Miss Mary I. Smith a Pine Grove, Ont, remains to 'motive his loss, 'else one daughter' Mrs. (gee.) W. Iebleleerin a Hanover. The funeral Which took, place on Fri- day aftereoon„ ,ermai his late residence was very largely. attended, being couducs ted by Rev. Geo °Telford M. A. 13. D. of St. Andremeitlitireh. Theaniuseronsind. beautiful floral tri- . butes both front claurch and municipal or. • ganizations as well as from private friends bore silettlestimony tolhe emise .see less felt by tne,Community at large. •TIM/IONS WHITEN AND ▪ •BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make , • this beams, totion cheaply for your . face, aeekarms. and hands. ee. At the cost of a, small jar of ordinary cold dream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the meet wonderful 'einem skin softeter and complexion beautifier, byesqueezing the juice of two fresh leen •ons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard Nvhite. Cere should be taken „iostrin the juice • theough a fine doll). • • so no lemoh pulp gets in, then this lb - tion Will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lesion juice is used • to bleach a.nd remove such blemishes as e :freckles, sallowness and tau • and is • the ideal skin softener, whitener and - beautifier, . Just try it I Get three ounces of Or- e. chard White at any drug store and two 6 • . lemons from the grocer and make up a , e quarter. pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into .the faee, neck, arms and hands. It is . marvelous to smoothen ough, red bands, RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between • MONTREAL • TORONTO • .. DETROIT • and • •CHICAGO • . Unexcelled dining car service •• . . Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on, principal Day Trains. ' ' Full information from any Grand Trot& Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. P. ' Burgrnan, Agent, Winghain. Phone SO, • National Yid °try • --Celebration Nn4C1f). OPENZD B RAIL; • PRIM:SOF WALES MB' MON *v.03 IX:PRONTO Sept. 6 • vlBritistiVerenatrier Guards Band • War Memorial Paintings • Sonietion of the art world; rpd1mg every pheoe of median operations overseaa. WAR TROPHIES Matoonoth asoenabtage of monster awns, aerophines And all the instruments of hellish warfare taptured by Canadian soldiers from. the Hun. • • Canada* Flying Circus • Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered •Gerrnati planes. • WHIPPET TANK CAr I./ BOAT mph on Nokia oi Winn. The terronder e( the Gorman Meet teary Arok. to Jorassolost.. o ofM ronemeltsoor f.rewso • 411014111011 iillildR11071 Of AU WASS 1 What Is Real Value You can Nina Pour Cyliuder 5 Passenger Motor Car at a lower priee than the Dort. You iPannot afford a car less good than the Dort. Von do not want service less complete. leleasure the serviee and satieemtion it gives you. Judge the power and quietness of its motor. the Size and comfort of it' body, theiso Welles eanteleaver springs mean easy riding. Its equip. ment and the years of service you get from it. . All these things the Dorl, gives you abundantly. As well as genuine service front the man yon buy as is not so with ;mine other eo called peillare who will promise you everythiug and give your nothing. fulleline of parts for Dort Cars always kept in stock in case you do need anything. Buy a Dort and elituthate your troubles. E. MERKLEY & SON, Agents. Phone 84 WINGI-IA.14, ONT. I3o 62 ESTABLIFII-IF.1) 18'72 _ OFFIct HAMILTON Ltt teeAREFUL'and yet aggressive enter- prise in both farm and factory should be the keynote of Canada's de• . velodment for 1919. Taxation can only he reduced by increased produc- tion. The Bank of liamilton is ready to encourage every legitimate enter- . prise 'tending towards increased pro- • duction in farm: field and factory. F HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH -C. P. Smith, Manager East Wawanosh Mr Walter Box and Mr, earl Mrs. Bruce Hyde and, four phildren of Stratford motored up to Torn Irwio'S on Saturday returningorrunday, Verna and Hazel Uwin who had spent the last three weeks in Stratford returned home with them. Mr, and Mrs. Heron frwin have retur- ned borne after their honeYmoon. 4 On account of the rain many . farmers have been unable to finish harvesting-. Mrs, L, Cliffora is visiting at her moth, or's Mrs F. Johnson, Miss Gertie Sone has retorted home from her trip to ileited States., A dumber of the boys. of this vlcnity have taken in the harvesters eversion to the west. r......„....... eateensemose ea• loosmoreesessemowegel NEXT WEEK I We plan to have for sale a few bulk Groceries. . THE PURITY RESTAURANT I sundown, until Saturday, nne-quarter hour after etmdown. Time this week • m : Friday, 7 00 p. . to Saturday, m rday, 7 30 p. . Meals will be served to regular boarders during this time: - I TAKE NOTE -Will close every Friday evening.. one half hour before I THE PURITY RESTAURANT I PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor, Special Discount To Regular Boarders. IIIIIIIIIIIIGNIMMI41/01111111011111111111 The longest —. lasting benefit, the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEYS in the sealed Packages. Air.fight and impuritY-proof. 'WO SEALED TIGHT KEPT R G HT Made in Canada The Flavour The °Lazy" Zulu se eneenneeeseeteene efeeseeneseneenfeeseeleeenalefen IIE Zulu, one of the nneet members of the Bantu race, inhabiting Zululand, a terri- tory lying to the nortli of Natal in South Africa„ provides much food for thought and reason for questioning. He Is to be Met with outside his own country, -especially in Natal, where his intereourse with the whites is frequent and fairly inti' mate. He still preserves many of his tribal traditions and is but very briefly removed from his able and warlike progenitors who made the life of the early settlers no eaSY 012" Brave, fearless, intelligent, and of beautiful physique, they were no mean defenders of their land. Today they far outnumber the whtto seetion, and living side by side with them, offer the student of hue man life in all its phases, a wonder. ful series of antithesee Eu.10111001 economics, ethics, religion, and Phil-. otionley of lite. t is crime of no small magnitude for the "superior' white to pass tairried sentence upon and Judgment of banislunent against Bantu standards of living cad to con- demn an false his pleiloeophy oe life. His standard of living, as might. be expected, is "lower" than that of the whites, His food is very largely farinaceous; corn meal predomi- nates; little meat is consumee sane on special occasions. His hut is sim- ple and ,well adapted to the climate,' arid hiS' clothing •Moyle.% In spite of this, it is certainly begging the question to use the aeeepted term ot "lower" without comment. It is true that his life is far, far atmpler, for his needs are inatnee.sur,. ably lesa and ills days are tilled with a spontaneous happinees and zest of life seldom seen elsewhere. His fund elteer life -joy is. nnapproeehed the rothig race. His code of ethics Wee for lone a high one. Before he WO intreduced to trial. Isy jury ' and the teohnical plea of "not guilty,* 'lie would nearly always ulna erinte Whet; taxed with it. Until his contact wan the whiteti beealete more ,intimate, his neetraist, In the1:14/TONY' sense of the word, Were good, Even ilow he shows eeadinees tq "lay the game" that d sp, is refreshin g. Of religion there is neeto ealt here no •His plinmeephy of life is one bo. gotten by the sten and open alr, nur- taxed by a genial, generous alienate. Hie econmnics are largely the result 0 his philosophy motit distinctly, philegopley of life is not dictated by economies --- this in, itself ia note - Worthy. They "were a rtee of happy children, hitt civilization is showing its influence, The Zttln has often been termed lazy, and various expecilentS have been tried to incluee hint to, work. The Meet successful influence has been to create a demand for modern "necessities" and "luxuries." The result has been happy, To Obtain these new toys he has had to leave his kraal and migrate to the indus- trial centres, such as Johannesburg, Kimberly, and Durban, where he must live a life utterly alien te lahne must conform to rules, seemingly ar- bitrary; must learh to esteem as priceless things of no worth. It is patbetic to see a fine Zulu man rigged in a reach-me-down suit, polished shoes, smart hat, and even carrying n cane. To see a woman adopting a corresponding style is tragic, more so when their fine natural bearing and physicitte are remembered, A modern and fairly well develop- ed system of edudation ie, contribut- ing to the complete upheaVal of ma- tive ideaa. Most of the work done by the Government and by the raany societies is admirable, but it often seems that the white is fat too prene to take far granted that bis life phil- osophy is the ,onlyeone, and with this as a poetulate to introduce the thou- sand and one corollaries , of Thought, manner, custom, dress, fOod, arid pleasures. It is freely Admitted that it is Im- possible to •segregate any section of the world's populittion or or any to preserve unlalltienied its own "life a7nd thought, but nevertheleasweal- low little self-determination in the individual mental sphere, nay, rath- er AO arrogm ant are we that we ake any Inftuenee upward Impossible: From the Zulu standpoint, we daily forge for ourselves fresh chains; we gather ha congested areas and the demand rapid means of getting In and out; we adopt a type of educe, - tion to conforM to our ideal of a "full" We and thus produc'e abnor- mal hypersensitive mental states; we fill our housee and !Ives with liege essentials, from 'his point of view and by himso little needed that he hat to be goaded into desiring them. We tusk him to barter his natural free- dom and lightness Of snirtt vvith its gloriously happy laugh for aocial con- ventions and amenities 'useless to him. Ile seldom gays continuously at his work for more than six months. Ile returns to his kraal as though to breathe for a, while; again he is called lazy. The pedantie theologian Who• 44. early days debated the Stending repenn tPD Megan en a needle's point took, themselves seriously; we smile to- day. What will be the verdiet of 40,0' years hence on our feverish actiVi- ties and the latY Zulu? Meanwhile he Is nationally 102. happy.. Is it too late for us to eeasd studying the native as an interesting survival ot early untutored htunimitY and to study ourselves from his Standpoint? Such study would pro* foetidly influence our methods of handling the "Iovver" races through- out the world, and possibly recall to our midst tlx laugh of the kraal. The Christian Scienee Monttort '•" A Portable Rodin. Per professional entertainers a portable dressing -room, made of fa- brics stretched over a folding frame, has been patented. DRUGLESS' PHYSICIAN Lgekoow OSTEOPATHY, Mr. Malcolm Niebolsoit one of the hest • DR. F. /I. PARKER Osteopathic Physician. only ,saliuied osteopath in North flui•on. Adjustment of the spine iN111OM quickly seeured and with fewer trim teneots then by any other method. Blood .pressnre and other exemitestions made, Alt diseases treated, OFFICE • OVER CHRIS" STORE "1"."Yrwt"."mktrocen......a.rer, S:44 -e" Verner Deridea and giclinmond Streets. Up.te-clate coursr,s, Day and eight classes, 1. IVIorritte Terencipal; N. Steele. house, Vice•princepal. Phone 7330. Tory Corners Mr, Stewert Findlay and Mr. Alf. Tay kir triede a bUttiness trip to Winglunt one day but week, Everard Careen, and Mr Mee Taylor took a trip to Ooderich one day recently. Mr. Oliver is certainly cutting grain now with the tractor and new binder Mr. Gordon Underwood and Mr. Wes. ley Underwood accompanied by their Ilady friends spent Sunda? in Milverton The award drain la in fa owing now which was recently surveyed by Mr. Bd. gar, Oruipliiii, amoklosyrail).W.P.A.040.11,4 Of.)1.1.P.I.1.1.1 I•14.441•44...,,,af.05.10441... SALESMEN WANTED To represent The Oki Reliable Fonthill Nurseries The greatest demand for Niareery Stock in years, ritish and gurapean Markets again open for Canadian Fruit. Largest Bet of Fruit and Ornamental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Canada. . • • cocoa° . , Write for particulars • Stone & Wellington Established 1837 TORONTO ONTARIO „ LIFT OFF CORNS! ........---...., Apply few drops theft lift sore, - touchy corns .off with • . ° i • [ ' fingers . 1 . , • 1 il 1 ! ••. , 411110- . • Doesu t hurt a bit? Drop a little Free zone on an itching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, agiel m A tiny bottle of Itreezoee costs hut a few emits at any drug store, but is suffici- ent to remove every hard corn, soft corn or corn between the toes, and the callus- es, without soreness or irration. i Freezone is the sensational discovery on a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful, RAILWAY TOLE TABLE' Daylight ........_. . Saving Time GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAVE FOE London .. , . ... , 7.30 a. m. 8.20p. rri, Toronto and East 6,40 a. m. 3.10 p. m 'Kincardine. - , - 12:20 p. in. •9.80p.na • " ARE'lvE FEM. Kincardine.— 0.16 a in. 3.10 p. m. London * 1205. p. m. 7.46 p. m. Toronto and East 12.20 p. in. 9:80 p. m. W. P. Burgman, station agent Wingbant , , IL 13. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ,. TRA.riis r4PIA.37.0 YOB Toronto and East" 6.40 a. m. 3.00 p. ni. Teeswater 1 04 p. m. 10.32 p.m. AREIVE PEOlvt ' Teeswater . .'... 6.40 a. rn. 3.00 p m Torontriand East 1.04 p. m. 10.20 p. m J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham. J. W. McKibbon, Town Ticket Agent, [DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN • ,,,„A 4*4.1i: , ... .. , ra....., .:4a 4 1160,4e le' • , C •,Irkiiii1.0 CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Healing accur- ately locates'and removes the ,case ol disease, allowing nature to restore liealth. JA. FOX D... D.O. Osteopatey •Electricity Member Drugfees Physicians Associa- tion of Canada. • -Phone 191- = IA. RARE For immediate sale, a complete small farm, near Wingham. Good buildings, well watered, rural mail, telephone and a fine grow- ing crop. Will be sold either 'with or without the crop. Best of reasons for selling. Easy terms. Apply to ABNER COSENS Insuranve and Real F.state Successor to Ritchie A CotenS, Wingham, . Ontario know and most highly respected farmers in the Twp; of Kinloss, passed away at his netue on the 2nd Oon. He had been ailing for the past few years, brit had been in Walkerton hospital a few months last Yearr-ttnd was thought to be on the mend. NO that news of his death crime as A shock to many. lits was (et years of age and had never married, makin,r his home with Itis brother Alex and his family. The rtmerat was held last Wednesday to South Kinloss cemetery, and was very largely attended. , The seheot board -has engaged MISS Money, formerly prineipal of Blyth condo - %ration school, as principal of Luelcnow publie school. She cornes here Iiigelly re commended. Miss Frances $pence who was se successful with the entrance class during the past year, has been eogagec as assistant, and Mise Margaret McKen- zie will be in eharge of the third room over whin Miss -Ada Webster presided last year, Miss Murdie and Miss MaCal. nun have be reeerigaged for their respec- tive rooms, but a teacher for the entrance Mass eas not yet been secured. In a keenly contested game of base ball at Lochalsh Monday night, Lucknow boy e Came off vietorictlie by a score of 0-0. Irwin and Johnston. Lucitnow battery were air tight and at no stage of the game was Lochalsh dangerous, This is particularly l'eleditable 58 Lochalsh has trimmed Goderieh and Kincardine several times this year. We understand a. tourrna- mein wilt -be put on here on LaborDay to clecide the championship, of Broce and Huron counties, as Cargill is also very sore at Lucknow, suffering, their only de- feat this year at the bands of the Sopoys. A rink of local bowlers went to Cargill last meek and played for the keystone trophy and oiler a keenly contested game brought the eilverware home with thUm,. Mrs. new -too 0 Neil, formerly Mrs, An- nie Howe, whose hnsband died very sud- denly. at their home in Windsor is spend- ing a couple of weeks ,with her parents .Mr. and Mrs.. Jno, Howe. Mr, Chas Stewart, exsreeve of Ashfiekl, has a gime: steer Which he is goirtg to show at Toronto exhibition. The Animal - is a grade Durham* four years old meas- ures nine fek around the =body and weighs 8000 lbs. A meeting will be beld in the Methodist church an Tuesday night, to organize for the coining referendum an prohibition, 'n caprpaign Will be started to give veters binasitirortion 00 the four questions on the • Rev. n. T. L. McKerrol of Toronto, a former pastor here preached, morning and eveningen the Presbyterian chnich and Rev. McIntosh of Landon, will preach nextSunday. Miss Fleeces Siddalt of Toronto, and her brother Mr, Elden Siddall of Winni- peg, ar,e visiting their parents here.. Miss Frances Spence. is home after spending a month in Toronto. e Miss Effie Wilson of London, spent Sunday .with her friend IVIes. E Aitchison. Mr. J. H. Carruth of Guelph, and Fred Carruth of Wingham, spent Sunday at their home here, • Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bok of Wingham, 'Walter Day of Culross and Clifford Day of Tilbury, visited at Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Aitchisore Mr. no, Britton bas bought the beauti- ful residence of Mrs W. J. Taylor, who is moving to Detroit. Mr. Jno. • McDiarned has bought Dr. Walker's residence. Dr. Welker is going to BritielisColunibia. The brass band lupplied music for a garden party at Bervie on Friday night, ritr. mid Mrs Doupe are home from the leke and are preparing to move to Port Hope where Mr. Dupe has been engag- ed. Miss Mae Melyloran is home from 'ror- ontO, and haS adtepteda position in Thos Smith's grocery, • Misses Dean and Carrie Geddes are spendinga few holicialis at there home here, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Starer spept a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Aitchison. Miss Mable Allen, teacher in Seaforth Collegiate, Wag the guest of Mrs. Geo, Smith, IVIiss Sarah McLean + is visiting, her sis- ter Mrs, W. C. Johnstone. Dr. Stewart of Toronto and his sister Miss Stewart of Calgaty, are visiting in town, 4 Mias Mountain of Goderich, is visiting Miss Leah Smith, Mr. Berwick Sherriff is visiting nere. Miss Vrairces Webster of Toronto, le at he home here, Quite a bit of excitement was let loose bore on Friclay morning, when the fire bell commenced to ring and the fire whis. Ile blew.g hall the people in town raced for the fire hall and came down onain street avitli the hose het could find no fire. It was tlio inspector on the job. We do not•kitow what his report irets, but it didn't take long to gather a erowd The pipe band furnished music at Ethel • Old 13oys Re union this week. , liturstia Aug, SARD'S 'Arrivals of New FALL GOODS GIRLS WANTED . Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexperienced. A good livingwage to beginner..., which materially increases with eXperienco and proficiency. Write or cell— MERCURY MILLS - LIMITED Harnitthn .. Ontetrio rei sy, We have just passed into stoek A shipment of Ladies' Fall and Winter coats. Our range comprises coats for Ladies, Misses and children in all the popular and fashionable ma- terials and correct styles moderately priced. We invite your inspection. e . Raincoats—That are satisfactory in quality, style and price. We have the "Duktex Brand made of pretty tweed effect patterns, guaranteed water- proof and will give excellent service. Sweaters—Our fall range comprises an, 'assert- •ment of smart new styles in Pullovers and Sweat- er Coats. All the newest shades and .coloi corn- • • binations are here at popular prices. • . Top Skirts ----Another shipment of .silk: poplin skirts to hand. See our special skirt at 5,00. Men's Store iratoomawnsowagoladoixommonsek. . What about your new fall suit or overcoat. Shipments of .Men's and Boys' Clothing are now Coming in. Take a look at our FITE-RITE and BACHELOR. SUITS. Our new style in fancy English worsted effects wilf interest you, . 111.10,10.$1.1100)•11.0amparaonalave00.1,11.411101iNera E. isard & Co. 74 xxxxxxviirtAxxxxx xxxxxxvirtvooswic .410400911ely. XXXXXXXX:VANY, XV.XXXXXXXXXV, XV. X r4 : N. An .Exce timid i111,0Mie..4entom~iniaiiMs.WaMomMa* / Any person purchasing a piano or violin outfit -V- X 1 1 withinone month from this date receives ?A X !I One Term of Lessons. Fr• ee x x 1 x . InstruCtion will be given in our store by Mr. Geo. Fryfogle. . AI 1 iag liN, X Al- m We have special prices. Our pianos are unequalled Ifir • XX. and our violins are of the finest, being made by Brave & Son, the old English firm wfiich has a COD- Ws 1 riel linental reputation second to none. X ! leV, X I X Come in and see them. You are not obliged to buy. X 1 :4, X A good line of phonographs always on hand. rig .4 x New 1-1311Sie and new records arriving almost daily. N N X-4 /' Hills Music Store X x ..y. Vo A lb XXXXXXXXXXXX eliXXXXXXX,V4XXXXX (6,74fiCiSS and /ter rieritis; -fitetr.407, OW0191' 040e0cY old rere ' )1. I) •,,'"? , ▪ ,kt STERLING silver is always- of the same degree of fineness although the same pattern may sometimes be had in different weights. And You can purchase of us plated ware for your dining room or boudoir that wUl.aerve you satisfactorily forever. • If you would safeguard the health of your children allow our expert to examine and preseribe " for their eyes. R. M. McKAY Jeweler and Optician \\Ingham ee tat See-, :',Z.),•41, 0),,,,r e