The Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 8THE CLINTON NEW File,,
•H091,0ll`lPik THAT
is or Iron
TUE GEM" Axletiro oat and boning
Making the same
will be glad to per -
10 this direction.
k�JstjT•l WORK Betisfe°
vile Who have bed work
" I- Higbest terms of it. -
xtllto ire and get prices.
Vt '
fieneral Repairer, Leslie's
Sbop, Clinton.
tiafneee on the cash principle, and
f=eae. Patrons mawith the y mrely u.
oats pt
ae,and prompt 11111ng of orders.
' Butcher Shop, Clinton
4form the public that I willinot
,,4y any other person in the
am a praotioal botcher, and
ball the branches of the business.
tevery best meats and a full
Foil- hand, and will Bell at the
g11h Prices. Bring along your
eget the meat at the cash prioe.
asOredit but not at oseh prices.
haid see what you can do for
Cash at
tit` a wit.sow,
i deeir8 10 notify the public that
,right but the butchering business
'ted I y'Mr Jas A.Ford and will eon-
un er their personal supervision.
laveppronlptand oareful attention,
if aiikinds will be kept in season.
'able rate, and delivered 'anywhere
e ExchanOe
Arbiters for 11 kinds ofy
lie rn just ar-
ave a large
, Barley,
for Coarse
of Jr or r
0e4 --
K�' r_94ne, or to
ks„ Cayln ,pa
atmeal for 1
et of Perllament,18e6
LEON President
B. -General Manager
Collections made, Drafts is -
American exchange bought
at current rates. Interest al -
ed On deposits.
t0 farmes on their own note
endorsers. No mortgage re•
ikedas seourity
43BEWER, Manager.
Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN-
TERNAL and IBETBRNAL use, and won-
derfulIn its amok Aatlon to relieve distress.
Chute, L,nretanta Dr+a,at r �'O1auhe,
Cholera, and all Bowo1 CoNylutnt& �• `raw N.
PAIN -KILLER h Tefn MENT rv•ns-
Plakne 8gInk 'Oeadac�ll u, sll'•tlu rein �1 Sic
Dank or'Mide, lahearuat ,n and yeurnluha
MADE, It brInge arasny AND 111101/11.1ENT xxtaxr
111 all eases of 1b, Cuts. httrttllt , 6overe
Marna, etc.
is tho well tried a n d
trusted fpleand of the
Mechanic. Partner. Manner, Stalor, and In
fautall newel wanting ae' edlolno always at hand,
snd.sArs ro obit Internally or externally with
c.rtldntp of rete!.
,ten of imitations. Tato none but the sonui .
"rapt. DAM." Bolds, errwhsre • 't6, W bottle.
Vary Iv; )+stiles Pik.
of Red
.For Coughs, Spruce
Colds, Bron-
chitis, Sore Gum
throat, etc.
StitRY, WATSON i CO., Peoae,rTene,
Moet* CA t.
MoltINop Mutual Fire Insurance Co
Geo. Watt President, Harlook P.O.; James
non, Seoy-Tre ., eaforthrP.O.; M, Mardie,an-
spector of losses, Seaforth P. 0.
nJas. Broadfoot,Seedorth 81 Mnrdle,Seaforth;
Geo, Dale Seafort:h; Geo, Watt Harlock; T. E.
Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, i.eadbury; Thos
Garbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, $Ippon.
Thos. Neilane Harlook
Thos. Sea•
forth and J. Cuminge, nomon•+vi11e•
Parties desirous to effect insurances or Iran
snot other business will be promptly attended
to on a plioation to any of the above o$loore
&dressed to their respeoftve offices
Benmiller 1iTurscary
The latter of which we make a specialty,
The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will
be Bold at very low prices, and those wanting any
thing in this connection will save money by pur
chasing here,
Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended
to. Address,
For Twenty -Six Years
Tested Remedies.
For Impure, Weak and Pmpoveriehed
Blcod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
Tb eb eetEmbalmi ng Fl n idn sed
Splendid Hearse.
1 onnec oxstore
..urroeltlea of toe "stem.
The following Bible curiosities are said
to have been gained by the study of the
good book by the Prince of Granada, heir
apparent to the Spauleh throne, during
hle thirty-three years' imprisonment at
the Pince of Skulls Prteou, Madrid: -
In the Bible the word Lord le found
1,868 times; the word Jehovah, 6,866
times; and the word reverence but once,
and that in the ninth verse of the One
Hundred and Eleventh Psalm. The
eighth veree of the One Hundred and
111ghteeuth Psalm is the middle veree of
the Bible. The ninth veree of the eighth
chapter of Eelher 1s the longest veree.
The thirty-fifth veree, eleventh chapter of
St. John, is the shortest. In the One
Hundred and Seventh Psalm four verses
are alike -the eighth, fifteenth, twenty -
filet, and thirty-first. Each verse of the
One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Psalm
endo alike. No names or words with
more thatl,plx syllables are found in the
Bible. The thirty-eeventh ohapeer of
lealan, and the nineteenth ohapter of e
Kings are alike. The word alrl 000nra
but once 1n the Bible, and that in the
third verse and third ohapter of Joel.
There are found in both books of the
Bible 8,686,483 lettere, 788,698 worde,81,-
378 verses, 1,180 ehaptere and 66 books.
The twenty-sixth chapter of the Acts of
the Apostles is the flneet chapter to read.
The most beautiful ohapter In the Bible
Is the Twenty-third Psalm. The four
most inspiring promises are John 4:2;
John 6:87; Matthew 11:28; and Psalms
87:4. The first verse of the sixtieth ohap-
ter o1 Isaiah is the oae tor the new con-
verts. All who flatter themselves with
vain hoardings of their perfection should
lento the sixth chapter of Matthew. All
humanity should learn the sixth chapter
of St. Luke from the twentieth veree to
its ending,
In the Shadow of Death,
The Condition of Many Young
Girls in Canada.
Pale Faces and Bloodless Lips -Given to
Iieadaohee-Extreme Weakness, Heart
Palpitation and other Distressing Symp-
toms -The Means of Cure Readily et
From the Leamington Poet.
The attention of the Poet bas lately been
frequently called to a remarkable cure in
the case of a yOtitig girl living within a few
miles of this town,whose life was despaired
of, but who was completely eared in a short
space of time by the most wonderful of all
remedier, Dr Williams' Pink Pille. Since
reading in almost every issue of the Post
of the cures effected by the use of this
medicine, we felt it to he a duty we
owed to investigate this case which has so
urgently been brought to our notice, and
we are sure the interview will be read with
interest by the thousands of young girls all
over Canada, as well as by the parents of
such interesting patients. The young lady
in question is not anxious for notoriety,but
is willing to make her case known in order
that others who are similarly afflicted may
have an opportunity of being equally bene-
fitted. The symptoms in her disease dif-
fered in no way from those affecting thou-
sands of young girls about her age. She
was suffering true, , xi, eine weakness,
oeused by an impoverished condition of the
blood, and her chances of life seemed to
grow less every day. The best and bright•
set fade away as well ae others, but when
we gee a young girl of sixteen years. who
should be in the beat of health, with cheeks
aglow with the rosy flush of youth, and
eyes bright and flashing, just the opposite,
with sallow chocks, bloodless lips, listless
in every motion, despondent, despairing of
life with no expectation or hope of regain.
ing health, and with only one wish left,
that of complete rest, mental and physical,
we think it one of the saddest of eights.
Ir, the quiet little hamlet of Strangfield,
in Essex county, just such a caee was pre•
vented to the sorrowing eyes of loving
friends a few months ago, in the person of
Mise Ella I3eacon, who frequently said she
did not care how Boon she died, as life had
no charms for her. To our reporter she
declared that life had been a burden, but
after suffering in thfit way for months, and
after trying all sorts of remedies i reecribed
by 1physiciane, or furnished by friends
from some eheriehed recipe handed down
from their grandmother, but without being
benefitted in the 'e tet, she was at lvt
persuaded by a neighbor to give Dr Will.
Hams' Pink Pills a fair trial; but she had
tried Bo many remedies without getting re-
lief, that she still refused for some weeks.
However, after repeated nrringe by her pa•
rents and friends she began the a'e of the
pills. Before a box wesitaken she experienc-
ed some relief, and after the use of a few
more hovel
e was restored to perfect
health, and there are few young girle now
who enjoy life more. She says she ()wee
her life and ha pines to Dr W;Iliame Pink
Pills, and is willing that all the world shall
know it. Her oae( attraoted much atten-
tion, and her perfect recovery has created
mach comment.
The facts above related are important to
parents. as there are many young girls jnat
budding into womanhood whose condition
is, to say the least, more oritioal than
their parents imagine. Their complexion
is pale and waxy in appearanoe, troubled
with heart palpitation. headaches, short -
nese of breath on the alighteet exercise,
faintneae and other dietreaarog symptoms
which invariably lead to a premature grave
nnleee prompt etepe are taken to bring
about a natural oon'ition of health. In
this emergency no remedy yet discovered
can supply the place of Dr Williams' Pink
Pille,whioh build anew the blood, strength-
en the nerves and restore the glow of health
to pale and Hallow cheeks. They are a
certain onre for all troubles peculiar to the
female system, yonng or old, Pink Pills
also onre such digestion an rbenmatiem,
neuralgia, partial paralysis, l000motor
ataxia, 8t. Vitus' dance, nervous headache,
nervous prostration, tie after effect; of la
grippe influenza and Hover° colds, diseases
depending on humors tri the blood, such as
ifirofnle, ohronid ergs pales, etc. Iii the
e a� Mann they cited a.radical core in ail
Al♦ 4 t tlfin# 0001 l*to al worry, overs!Orin\
Diamond Dyes Have A
World-wide Record
The Diamond Dyes are far ahead of all
other package dyes made for home dyeing.
When the plain direotione are followed, a
ohild can dye successfully.
Diamond Dyes are warranbed to color
more goods than any other package dyes,
and to make colors that last ae long as the
good hold together.
All wise, economizing and prudent wo-
men use Diamond Dyes, booause they ne-
ver suffer disappoiutmente, failures or
!owes that result from the use of poorly
prepared dyes. Every package of Diamond
Dye is warranted to do the work intended
for it.
When purchasing package dyes, see that
you get the "Diamond," Some dealers
will try to sell you imitations because they
get large profits from them. Avoid each
dyes, and use only the' "Diamond" that
brings snooese,
Sochi Tragedlee.
An old man who had worked for one
firm thirty-five years, and who all the
time had been punotual and faithful, at
the age of sixty-one was thrown out of
employment beoause he was not able to
keep up with younger and stronger men.
That such is the fate of old and patient
wage -earners -a fate which an English
paper palls "the worst of all our social
tragedies" -1s to be deplored. Ix this
particular case the man thrown out of
employment was at the end of his rt.
;ouroes. He had nothing to show tor his
life of toil and went and hanged himself.
This man's olroumetanoes in old age le
by no Means exceptional. Thousands
Dome to the end of Ore as poor as he. Is
it obliged to be so? By no Means. It was
not neoeeeary even in the oase of this
unfortunate old man.
Taking into consideration siokness and
death and misfortune that visit the
homes of the best and most industrious
of people, 1t must needs be that we
have "the poor always with ne." It woo
so when Jesus was on, earth, 1t will al-
ways be so, It is easy to see why men
thue afflicted are poor in old age; and
everybody is prepared to must them
and sympathize with them. It is just as
easy to see why this man at sissy -one was
discharged and left in poverty. He was a
drinking man. True "he was never seen
the worse for drink," but a large share
of hie earnings were spent for rum. Any
man on earth who starts life with no
capital save a trade will face want at
sixty years of age if be spends the earn-
ings of thirty-five years in strong drink.
Indeed, they are in poverty all the time,
wafting only the roll of years to throw
them out of work, and reveal to them
their true condition. I1 is then too late
to build up a fortune -alas! in most in-
stances it is too late to make a living.
Persuade men to let drink alone or
banish the saloons from our land, and at
once more than half of the poverty and
distress of the people would be abolished.
Then the eoofal tragedy of an old man
"thrown aside like an old boot for
younger mon" would no longer wring
teare from the eyes of the sympathetic',
nor would there be need to shift them
on to the community for support. Every
man would dwell under hie own vine
and fig tree, and enjoy the luxury of a
bard -earned rest, -Nashville Advocate.
Mrs Mugger, wife of Capt. Charles Mugger,
of Sydney, C.B., got Relief in 30 minutes
from Heart Disease of Four Years'
Standing, and Declares She owes Her
Life to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
It afforde me great pleasure to commend
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. I was
sorely afflicted with heart trouble, a000m-
panied with dizziness, palpitation and
smothering eeeatione. For over four years
I was treated by beet physicians, and used
all remedies known to man. I determined
to try Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart. The
first dose gave me great relief inside. of 30
minutes. I used two bottles, and feel to-
day I have been completely cured." Sold
by Watts & Co.
Profitable Sport That 1e. Malting the ntrda
hard to Find.
An oetrioh chase 1s very attraotive
eport; or rather the sale of booty Is so
great as to attract huntere, says a Paris
exchange. The Arabs give themselves to
1t with a real parish-tn. Mounted on
their fine little horses they try as mnoh
as poeetble to fatigue the ostrich, for as
it la 8 feet high and has very strong legs
it possesses a qulckneee of movement
which the beat horse cannot attain. It
has groat enduranne. Overtaken by the
hunter. 1t aoeke to defend itself with Its
feet and wings, but more often It still
strives to escape by flight, tittering a
plaintive ory. In fart, tha oetrioh is de-
prived of the power of flight by reason
of Ito groat size, The muscular foroe
with which nature has endowed 1t is not
equal to lifting Such a weight. its pecu-
liar organization has made It the courier
of the desert, where it la able to quickly
traverse the almost Ilmttlese expanse.
The Arab known vary well that It la
the hahlt of the oatrlch to snake great
detours about its n„st in a circle. He
chanes It then without meting until it is
almost there, when, worn out, It nuc-
eumhs, c9noealing Its head in the sand
1n order not to see Its enemy, or inattno-
tively hoping to escape a danger which
It cannot see any more. This ohne re-
quires Dight or ten hours, but It offers
large rewards. The plumes are worth e
considerable arm, the skin makes good
leather and the Arabs are very fond of
the flesh, Bealde, In spite of the fact
that 1t reproduce., its species rapidly, the
ostrloh la all the time becoming rarer,
and it la hunted for export and domes-
tication in other oountrlea. It is one of
Africa's great reeourcee and may barium°
a new eonrne of proaperlty to Algerians
1f they are willing to make the effort.
The truth of the popular raying, "the
stomach of an oatrlch," has been con-
firmed recently by an autopsy on one,
doubt, se for a time captive, when the
folio ng wait found In its stomach: A
pare:; 1 bundle, two keys, two great
pieo.; of coal, a glove, a handkerchief, a
pair ,f eyeglaseee, a ring, a (tomh, three
larg rocks, the necks of two beer bottles,
the )Ie of a shoe, a bell and a little bar -
,mo .a.
The Remarkable Ase1/t„vernete of w Farm
Hand in Getting Bitten,
When the editor of the crank depart-
ment of the Washington Star looked up
from hie desk to -recognize hie ',leiter he
failed at first in recognition, but after a
minute it carte to him all right.
"How are you?" he said heartily.
What's the good word to Loudoun, and
what the mischief have you done with
your whiskers?"
"Moved em," ensued the vteltor.
"Spring's about here, and I didn't need
'em. But I haven't got any time to
waste. I dome in on my way to the train
to tell you of a queer snake story up our
"Isn't it a little early for snake etor-
lesf" suggested the editor.
"Yes, for Ghia year's prop, but this
one is a last year's one, that I just found
out about yesterday."
"Then it must be true. Go ahead with
1t. Take a °halt% won't you?"
No, I'll stand, so's to be ready., to
start when I've finished. You see, last
year I bad a hired band on the farm
that 1 never Been till the day he asked
for work. I needed a hand purty bad.
and I took him right In without a word
except to tell him that if he got drunk
I'd turn him off. He said he wasn't a
drinking man and he went right to work
in the hay field. He wasn't the best
Worker I ever hired, but he was steady,
and we got along all right till the fourth
day he was with me. That day I wee in
the barn and I heard a yell, and I ran to
the door and seen my hired num flying
around the field as if the old serpent him-
self was after him, When he seen !be he
beaded my way, and ae ho went vast me
I (quid see a short, stumpy, mottled
snake hanging to hie leg at tile ankle.
He flew around the barn, yelling at
every jump, and I took after him and
naught him in a plump of woods about
200 yards from the barn, where ho drop-
ped, plum tuckered out. When I got to
him the snake was gone, but the Martie
of his teeth were on his leg, and I bus-
tled to the house and got a quart bottle
of llgnor I keep for snake bites and other
householdurposes, and soon had bins
Loaded dote to tte, wards. He was
sober by nest morn! g and all right,and
the day after he went to worst again. He
stayed with me a month after that and
left when I had no work for him, and I
tell you that in the four or five weeks I
had him that snake naught him the same
way six times, and to save our necks we
could never find the snake. Sometimes it
would nab him by the hoed when be
was workin' in the weeds, and some-
times in another, but it would always
hang on and he would run and yell and
me after him.
"Now for the queer part," said the
visitor, taking a final epnrt. "The other
day I was grnbbin' out that clump of
bushes, and, by hokey, I seen a snake,
and before it could move I stuck my
grnbbin' hoe through It and dragged it
out, and durn my buttons, oome to look
at it, it wasn't nothin' but a rag snake,
painted. I carried 1t up to tbo house,
and as soon as my boy seen it he
whooped and said it was the same snake
that had been feedin' on my hired man
all last harvest, and I reckon the boy
was right."
The editor gave the visitor a gentle
haw haw.
"That's all right," said the visitor,
moving away, "hut just let that chap
try to git work with me this year; if he
don't wish that that was a genuine cop-
perhead, then I ain't no judge of what
I'll do to him."
il\etildreR erAdulfa
Montreal's finances are in a rather bad
way and the oonncil is considering plane
to relieve the pressure.
Mr Joseph Buchanan of Hamilton was
killed by a passing train while walking on
the track at Oaineville,
Ayer'e Pills, being oompoeed of the es
Gentle] virtues of the beet vegetable aperi-
ents, without any of the woody or fibrose
material whatever, ie the reason why they
are so much more affective and valnable
than any other cathartics. The best fami-
ly physio.
Mice Pennock,' telegraph operator at
Langdon, N. W. T., had her lege ornahod
under d r a train
One was amputated, and
the young lady ie in a very critical con-
A cold wave of extreme severity is pre-
vailing throughout England, and several
deaths of trampe and others from exposure
to the weather are reported. Skating ie
freely indulged in.
The D. & Ln
Is Invaluable, If you are run
down as it is a food as well as
a medicine.
The D. & L. Emulsion
Will build you up If your general health is
The D. & L. Emulsion
Is the best and fret palatable preparation of
Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with the most deli-
cate atomaolra.
The D. & L. Emulsion
laproscribed by the leading physicians of
he D. & L. emulsion
Ie. : mar'rdllotta flesh producer and will give
on ail appetite.
5OC.&$i r(l'I le
• tiff gena le . OAlfl `:1111 110i# i
Millions die annually through lack of care for the kidneys-tli-r•:
first sign of kidney trouble noticeable is a single pain in the back
which gradually develops into, that dreaded malady Bright's di-
sease—one of the most alarming symptoms is highly co1ore
urine giving bricklike deposits—do not delay when the slightest.
symptom has appeared—Kidney troubles are easily prevented in
their earlier stages—if neglected they may become obstinate,.
chronic and perhaps fatal—medical science has proved that all
kidney diseases arise from an excess of uric acid or kidney acid
poison in the blood—One of Dr. Chase's kidney -liver pills if takea.
weekly will neutralizb this acid and prevent any tendency to
Bright's disease or Diabetes.
Have you any of these symptoms ? Back Ache, Dull Heavy
Pain in the Bladder or Base of the Abdomen, Pains in the Back
and Sides, Unusual desire to urinate, Scalding urine with passage
obstructed, Red or White deposits, Tired Feelings, Weakness,
Dropsical Swellings, these are sure signs of kidney troubles.
With backache, weak back, deposits
in the urine and other symptoms of
kidney decay should not postpone
using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Troubled with stricture, impedimentd'.
obstructions, stoppage of the yatte!_
or a frequent desire to urinate ah
night will find Dr. Chase's Kidney- ,s,
Liver Pills a great reliever,
f. V. Browning, Carpenter and Joiner, of Kingston, Ont., writes the following
testimonial • q..-
Gentlemen, -I was troubled with my kidneys for ton years and was compelled
I have used enough plto arise four and fiveasters aines a nd pillht s to stock a d drug store paine, andn obtained
back noorelief.
Tho doctors pronounced my case hopeless and advised mo to go to Toronto Hospital,
and I had made up my mind to go when I read your advertisement la The Toronto
Evening News calling your p111 the groat K. and L. Pill, which I took the meaning
to be the KNIGHTS OF LABOR PILL, arid being myself a member of that order I
had confidence in tho name, and I pronounce there the Workingman's Friend tor
einco taking them regular for three months, I can say I am entirely cured and had
I taken thorn years ago, would have saved hundreds of dollars to doctors' bills
Very truly yours,
J. F. BROWNING, Kingston, Ont.
abouts heirose wonderful curatihave ve poweand rs.n Don't Don'tod be skepticar. l80 One orKidney-Liver sesuof
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Livor Pills may mean the caving of your life. They aot gently
and effectually, and do not in any way interfere with your daily avocation.
Bright's Disease, Liver Complaint, Headache, 13111ousuess, Costiveness Sift
Dyspepsia One pill a dose; 25 cents a box, or 5 for $1.
We will give $500 to any person troubled with diseas'
of the kidneys that Dr. Chase's Combined Kidney an
Liver p111 will not relieve or cure.
New Fruits for Christmas Trach'
Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes and Peep. '
Old Raisins, 28 lb. box for $l, Headquarters for l;as
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps. We have to make room for our
ed Xmas and New Years goods, and have reduced prices considerably. Cal
see our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Plage and Dried Apples taken as
Cash paid for good I3ntter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN, -
- Olin
Bedroom Suits X8,50 to
Here is the dace to huy Mattresses, Wire Springs, Extension Tablee,
Dining Chairs, Parlor Suites, 'Secretaries, Window Shades, &c.
Picture Framing a specialty.
F .T.,1T G-QD
In the Emporium
ie to be found a boaatiful etook of M
NERY that is right upto date..
some Drees trimmings, Yt:•
g Serviceable Dress Goods very cheap. Fla'
ettea unaurpaseed in value. ,
SHOES, do nat huy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and Hl).
BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROCERY department is wellllt
plied with good goods. About. 100 lbs. of SALT PORK at 6c. per lb. tool$
Some half -gallon and pint GEMS to dispose of at 12if and 9 cents.,,; •
T H R E !--4' REASON
Why our Sales of Stoves this fall:
have been so much increased:
let -We keep the largest assortment of Stoves in the County to ohootie from. !s
2nd -Oar stook is composed of the leading etovea manufactured in CailadaVil.
the Happy Thought, Honor Bright, Welcome Pearl, Famon Model, tuffs'
insular, Matahleae, Favorite, Radiant Home, Sco.
Srd-We buy in large quantities direot from the manufacturers, and -for ape_ .
abling us to bay at the lowest prices possible,
The beet grades of Coal alovaye on hand and delivered to any part of the tojttfii
American and Canadian Coal Oil. See our nebv Lanterns. ,
NA 1 sacii4 ,TS, •
L. , l .