HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 7f f f- Oocewber, 11 ry1896 `IT PAYS TO l 7 8.uooess continues W attend pupils of eCanada Business College N'' CHATHAM, ONT. 1`47 are everyvtthere successful, and are being 4H104 in the , bbeu t positions in the gift of t h o ,siness public. �on B art just placed as Book-keeper and �!tNu a her for the kHadley Lumber 0uL It L Ross as a teacher of Mathematics and 14 morcial subjects, in Troy Business College, It 4 New. York, at a salary of 010,20 per annum. st Payv to Atteud the Beat. ,►p ]lave plaoed over fifty pupils in such >osi- tgn as rho one secured by Mr Ross, and ave I01# au &P from from another American tpelriees College, to supply thorn with a teacher tot the Shorthand Department. r7er catalogue of either department, address X,7ki #LAC13LAN Co Chatham Ir Jft9t Nedding, Cakes 81 as. McClacherty's are made for peo a who want the, beat. They t. arelunequalled for fine quality and artistic decorations re ship them by express to all parts a of the Dominion. Safe arrival guaranteed. italogue and prices on application, J.A IES IiCCLACHERTY, sker'al'1ti Confectioner, 'Dlinton LAD I ES . °0,08nalpation from Pain is FOUND IN Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills, 17[e only relia0[• and traetworthyp�rpA�r,aat.. Uwe milwedy eyver Ulama mored for alt utetp• tA1s11tim mitts remntenyetem aealeduheular i free. Price i[ for box ofdra¢Ctsta, or by mat I seoetely Beal on receipt of pr 7 Pill Co, Victoria St., Toronto, Can. ! �olr Bale by AlAeNN&V4+MSON A burglary, g y, t h . e highest on record, is just heencoulmitted in Paris. The lief worked his way up the Eeiffel ,we[, and broke open the srtfes at the leatre. and restaurant there Unfor- matelylfor himself he also managed ,open the ioont where the liquors ere kept, got drunk and fell asleep, here ne was found in the morning_ MURIZAY L.ANMAN'S FLORIDA., W.NTER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESH. tollPjarlirlg ni�l� I / AND ENDURINU OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE —AND— HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR DRY IKIL '! •S` Tiber having the very latest !m rower T. ani employing the most skilled worE- ble to do work in his lion in the 1�Uet I ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS AND f Pry manner, at reasonable rates and to shortest Notice. A trial solicited i �i� '} 11A -N?, �, \ RRA f 1t�• �' "I beg yor pardon, air, but will you purchase that for me," 1 �:,i '' (:� 1'4 �, Cures } k have much leisure time. The newspaypers ' t " r, , `� written by wasters. They are superficial; 'I r� +f i;'g. 3e,„• .. r The tramp spoke hurriedly, as though " y �, • , i A 1 1 his plea. He wanted the book, and to indicate that he was not of the lowest order of tramp, said; "To paraphrase — Canner, 'All Ualis divided into three parte—the bitterlbess of the world, of the flesh and of the devil.' I have experi- "Paine's" Has a World-wide enced the first, aro experiencing the Record of Life-saving second and hope for something better A burglary, g y, t h . e highest on record, is just heencoulmitted in Paris. The lief worked his way up the Eeiffel ,we[, and broke open the srtfes at the leatre. and restaurant there Unfor- matelylfor himself he also managed ,open the ioont where the liquors ere kept, got drunk and fell asleep, here ne was found in the morning_ MURIZAY L.ANMAN'S FLORIDA., W.NTER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESH. tollPjarlirlg ni�l� I / AND ENDURINU OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE —AND— HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR DRY IKIL '! BATH. Tiber having the very latest !m rower T. ani employing the most skilled worE- ble to do work in his lion in the 1�Uet I ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS AND f Pry manner, at reasonable rates and to shortest Notice. A trial solicited i GENERAL DEALERS. 7 NEAR' G.T '•I. STATION, CLI.. picked up a copy of Les Mlserables, As 11 CLZNTON 1JARN'ES­k___1 EMPORIUM Opposite the Town Hall. BES... A splendid line of Saskatchewan Robes—three c�lors--light and dark brown and black, 'quality equal to Buffalo and prices.trade 1 winners. Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices. IRNESS, ETC, { Our special make of Single Harness has gained a au,Verior reputa- tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. learn Harness 4 always in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Bells, 1 Combs, Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises. ods are Bargains at our prices, JOHNSON & ARMOUR. E; ALL KNOW iT, ALI, ROADS LEAi1 TO CLINTON AND ALL STREETS TO netts I urnita e Store Where you can buy Furniture for, very little monrv, its i haven gond assortment in all lines in stock, which will he s(,ld >il greatly rcdn(e(1 prices frogs now until after the ('hristrnns holidays. Kindly give me A call before buying elsewhere, atirl he cf,nrtinrcd that y prices and (I it are right.. Also 11 frill line of Fndertaker• r+ (roods nn hand. BARLET �.�, Clinton Huron St. Year in and Year Out the v Pt City Business & Shorthand Colle�iri, London, Ont `r,Ou Gives the mostpraetical business and shorthand ran Obtainable.. CnursrR ottlrefully graded. Rooms and equipment the boat. Studento assiRtrd to t Profitable positions weekly. Good board, $2.50 per week. Fdr partirularB of either conree address J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal s nton Sash,DAoor�BllndFactor� ��, -+,.•.rte COOPER BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, '� General Builders and Contractors. ft ik factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- kl'yy capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive able stook and prepared plans, and give eetimates for and build all olass- df Buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- `1f1 A' fneohriniosl wag and eatiafaction gnaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. terior and exterior material. 1 Who Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Et I Cit RAYf3D.lLr• 1300001, E O DES ; iitaflufa tared D +� 'f,_ rif:e,nd eatlmatpa wfao patlioillg ttr b'1'dMjr a , +, , 'i;�"il �s,:.. ... c. g ,a f •iii I , t TUB C, LINTON NEW ER The(.;•n arnauTrump• THE KIND YOU NEE] A man stopped at' a book cart in Ann street, Saturday, to look over the cheap paper editions that it Contained. He — picked up a copy of Les Mlserables, As he did so a tramp touched him on thev shoulder and said:— Nalnel` �,` Celery (.UI11pOU111 "I beg yor pardon, air, but will you purchase that for me," the}Ullly kind that A gruff "No" was the reply, but the tramp was not to be easily got rid of. Cures "I enjoy rending, sir," lie said, "and have much leisure time. The newspaypers — do not satisfy Inc. Their stories are not - written by wasters. They are superficial; Other Celery Conco(!tioul they are not front the heart; they have no particular object in view. Hugo had no equals, and so no euporiora." Merely Worthless Iilll Y The tramp spoke hurriedly, as though unwilling to let his forced bearer escape tatlons his plea. He wanted the book, and to indicate that he was not of the lowest order of tramp, said; "To paraphrase — Canner, 'All Ualis divided into three parte—the bitterlbess of the world, of the flesh and of the devil.' I have experi- "Paine's" Has a World-wide enced the first, aro experiencing the Record of Life-saving second and hope for something better than the third. I am a tramp, an outcast —_ —you can see that—butt I have been a gentlemaln—tis the world uses the word If you are numbered amongst the sic] —and at times I can momentarily for. and diseased, the medicine you need is th, get that I belong to the Brotherhood kind that has cured your friends ant of Adversity. But even these moments neighbors. are getting rarer and yet more rare. Paine's Celery Compound is, to -day, thl But why bother you with this? only medicine that can meet your needs i. "Purchase for me this cheap, copy of you are suffering; from rheumatism, neural 'Les Mlserables.' Jean Valjean was one gia, liver and kidney troubles, dyspepsia of the brotherhood, Fantine, was another; constipation, nervousness, or from any the book Contains many others, and I trouble that results from impoverished or wish to read it again. I have read it four impure blood. It cures the sick as surely times and havo passed it on. I will do as night follows day. so again, for it contains much that by The vast reputation tbat Paine's Celery contrast makes an outcast's life seem Compound has acquired as a lifesaver has easy, and although you may doubt me, led unscrupulous men to put tip worthlesE while to an extent it embitters us, it in imitations, and to name them celery pre - the end elevates us, only to a slight de- parations. Many people are deceived daily gree it is true, but it has a heript3cent 'by these miserable frauds, spending th�it effect, and that, no matter how slight, money for remedies that have no establi h^ Is something," ed record, and that Carl never cure. The plan addressed, wishing to ter- A little care on the part of those ,who minato the appeal, and heing more or Purchase will soon have the effeeb of ban - less impressed,by the tramp's words and iahing such deceptive liquid preparations manner, picked the volumes from the from our midst. part, paid for them, handed them to the Ask for "Paine's"; insist upon getting trump and walked away. "Paine's"; and be satisfied that the name The Follow of the Brother -hood of Ad- "Paine's" is on every wrapper and bottlo versity said: "1 ' am much obliged to that you buy. When you secure "Paine's" You, sir. Humphl cannot even wait to you bate the only medicine on earth that be thanked for a kindly act because the can drive off your load of misery au•1 suf- beneficiary is a tramp. Curious thing is fering, and give you a healthy, fresh and human nature."—New York Times. joyous life. AN ACHING BACK - 1'•e, r'1 }• Inn pl'BfiYl011 n. — &vrsry ono niust have found how difft- And the Misery it CaUSe$ en:tItistoeradicate early impressions, or to overcome prejudices acquired later The kidneys cannot talk and the only in life. Our first impressions cling to us way they have of letting us know when with a tenacity which qo change of place they are sick is by making our backs ache, not' situation can destroy. The home of If it is only a little ache the kidneys are our childhood, the friends and assoofa- only a little sick. If it is a big, peace- do• tionrt of our youthful days, form Images stroying, nerve-racking ache, the kidneys in our remembrance which can never bo are more than a little sick. In either case wholly obliterated. The wanderer front it must be attended to at once. his native country may in his adopted Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on the home meet new associations and acquire kidneys, make them strong and healthy, inore wealthy c-onnectinns and a higher slid stop aching backs in every case. standing 1n society than he held in the Here is a sample case. land which gavo him birth, still tho Mrs R. S. Gagen, Clinton, Ont., says, humble dwelling in which he was reared, "Since I was 19 years of age I have But- the partners of his early joys and sor- fered from lame back and other kidney rows, the habits he was accustontea t0 troubles which seemed to become worse as in youth, ore all "green spots" In his I grew older. remiuiseanees continually watered front "Although I had taken a great deal of the fount of never -failing memory, M., hoping to get relief I am sorry to -- say that none of the medicines I tried were InR OI the 7nIlPL. successful. However, I am now happy to Fraulein Payer, a Swi-;s, who has state that the DOan'a Kidney Pills which I recently obtained her degree as Doctor of bought at Allen & Wilson's drug store Alediclne, 19 lecturing her fellow -country proved the remedy 1 bad so long been women on the unsanitary enormities of searching for. modern female fashion, "They were just what I needed because I Rnvently, when the Society of Swiss commenced to improve at once after taking Sehoolmistressos was holding Its yearly them, and now do not hesitate to say• that session in Aurau, Dr. Payer was invited every vestige of pain hn been removed to address then[. She took for her pub. from my back, and also that I am in much lett "The Sins of the Toliet," and de - better health in other ways as a result of livered a militnnt oration against the using these remarkable pills." wearing of corsets, against gloves, and against long skirts. Her reasoning was A novel method of punishing pupils has so effective that at thn end of her lecture been put Into operation by Mr W. A. Knee- no fewer than 100 women came forward land, the principal Riverside School, Point and subserlbed their nitrites to a pledge St. Charles. He believes that constant re- to renounvo tho corset, to wear gloves petition maketh the heart sick, and when a Only upon "ceremoninl occaslonR," and boy breake a rule, be ie forced to repeat his to Nati' t:.rlr dres rR made n foot short infraction until he is Aauseated. Recent- of th" ern n-1, Iq the teacher found some of the boys with tobacco. He to)k some of it, put in a glass of water and made each of the boys take a REAt,, MAax, LKAax.—An exchange gives sip. As the principal intended, the boys the follnwin„c sensible hilts to correspond - became very 111. He took them flown to ante: Number the pages of your manuscript. the basement, and they vomited as bad boys should. They were returned to their side Don't number the Items. Write oft one of the paper only. Ifo not refer to classes, none the worse, and the teacher people by th"ir initials. Do not write rny- scored atrtumph. aterions paragraphs that only yourself and a few others understand. Ilonot abbroviate words. fin not refer personally to voting ponple's courting. Give the -day and date of everything. Try to du good for you when Iin.by wnq Riek, wit gar, her ('astnrfa. "'hen stir w1u; a Child, shot "ru"I fur Wh"n Thr brcarno Mian, : hot r I utq r r,A;;h,ritL WlWrl she had Children, she gave thorn Castorla. i1,• 1, lir t, nd„6e. while ,fohn Chrilnhrrlin loved a harmlegp prrtctical joke, hr would not tolerate nnythinv that would wound the feelingy of strtniter or friend, nn`l he any rnngnuntlr watchful tojwovnnt newly 1110`1" nrvlrllit1,tnrl`•'M from attempting to rtnnlnte hila nt the oxpenso of the nom fort and snm"timrs the Rafety of othnrA, \Pith the exportation of receiving Chan)b"rlin's npi,roval and ereating a reputnrinn try n joker, It pmminent poli tirtnn, with rotor .• n,on•y than refinement of Rentinwnt, pror•ured a half dozen large and livol'v lohstery and tied them so they "nuld not oyrnpn in n hold where an equally nnrr,flned fellow pnlltlninn was in glerp in grent glen he ronfiried in Chanherlin, who irnmedlrttely pent a Porter to the room, with Inqtructlons to remove the lobsters; and look the door of the prartdr•al Iokpr'R room, after placing hit hnggng•• In the hall. A rlork nam" out on thn piazza and hnndpd the• pnlittelnn his hill. "What'll this?" he asked, "Ain't I good for this amnunt7 why, I could buy the hotel if I want -Ad to, .John." "well, perhaps you Could," roplied Chamberlin, "tint YOU Can't buy me with It. i g11A9R YOU belong down where+ they Cnngidrr it real, gnnulne sport to souso hride[rr•nnmR in horse troughs and to tdn tin pnns to rings' tails. There's the Place to play your lobster tricks, and not here• " The politician paid his bill, and had the decency to keep away from Cham berltn'a forever thereafter.—Atlanta Journal. THE BF.BT ADVF.RTIBEMENT8 Many thousands of unsolicited letters ave reached the mannf.,otnrers of BOott'R lmnlsion from those enred through its of o, tConantnptid 40d•,k of hlone di pees. tend rail apat" 8 ttil u iia stsis, a those Vniq Q Wlll�lte.'r -. a... may never have as good a chance again. Build people up; don'tpnll thrrn down. Eternal Vigilance. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." It is the price of everything worth having ^ It iv theprice of life itself A than needn't hr always looking forclanger, / afraid that , 9Otttrthing will hnppen to Inns. l but a wise nine will form It hahlt of care shout the Important things of g life e It isn't half so much trouble to take care of vnurself aq it \� iq not to A plan who follows regular, healthy habits, feels good all the time. Life is worth living to him. But a man who "don't want to bother" with taking j� care of himself has J more pRin and miy ery crowded into one y clay than a good healthy, hearty man who lives right would ever know of to a whole year. When a man's storaRch is Out of order, and his digestion don't work; when his liver gets to be sluggiph and won't clear the hili out of his blood, it is time for him to look Out for himself. He gets no nourishment t out of his food. His blood gets thicker and thicker with impuritieB. Fiis nerve9 Ret Irri [ tate& He loses energy and fighting force He may Bay, "I Can stand it, i will feel better to morrow;" but the chances are be will feel worse tot-tnOrrow and worse still f next day. He ought to put himself right at 1 Ince. Fie needs Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is made for just this condition t it rouses Up the diReRtive and nutritive lrganq, and gives them power to extract rrnm the food all the nutritious elementB ind tranRform them into rich, nourishing t Hood. it enables tl[e liver to cleanse oat all s Alious impurities and pour into the circUI - inn an abundance of highly vitalized h1oOr , I all of the life-giving red cri puscloA whi mild up healthy flesh, won at etren�t E ind nerve-e.hel`97. It doea not make flab EDUCATION IN MEXICO. Llrm'td Tieing Al"" to Sk'CUre a Better �G Claadof Dchpel '1'c AAo liing. ����'"-�"'�"^�"-•— 4, "Mexico is Catching UP with t10 rest rrtmw�,nuo„mwmuwuninmunminwmwwuemumWnww . s Of the nations by the only plan that a country can hopo to attain a high pluco among the olviltzmi GUwer'nllltnte—t'y t(,r 9 1 if uduoatlnq her oltlzeus, " said Prof. Andres � Odune, of that oountry to a Washington Post reporter. Prof, t)Runa is at thu head of a party of HIx young Meslcaus, who having been graduated at normal schools In thelr own country, rr0 sefking to ux- , 4 r ^s t. f�' r tend their � - elr know]edg0 uY the ort of teach• tug by a full course at the Mussachusetts bt1 a State Normal School, at Drictgewater, — — S1tYia l '^` 1� � p'Fk' ' near Boston. S1GtrirA fh�fM 'Education !s gettinpr to be prized by AVegetable Preparationfor.As- our people," 110 continued, "and wohave in nearly all the states schools for �similating lheFood4ndRegula 'J. training teachers, the one at Vera Cruz lingtheSlofllach andBOwe Of '�—QF--:+r.Y`M�{��N�Ti��d�rl being noted for Its excellent work. But atr6 ,t+ti a the lack of guild to rhers is still keenly t It, and it was thought advisable to - t Iflra� send is parby of young men to the United States to learn the very best methods Promote sDigestion0eerful- of pedagogy. If the experiment is a sue- ness and Rest.Contains neither •} ;fit 4' come many others will come hereafter. tUR1,MOrphlne nor hTulerai. These young men will not only learn IS ON Z' 4 to be good instructors, but they will dT NAt3c OTIC. 31110 learn the English language, and broad by ducats with Americans, pr the I ��� " t i broader education which is the product of a superior environment. 11ww1cin dyad- ,�.+ , "American schoolmasters, who can Alx.Srnno • �7s .tat,' ps ;peek Spanish, are very ',Inch in de- 14 J.; J rotund in Mexico, but It )natters not how �+�yrr'_�s"sr`d OF r ��� _^ �I ' }flocteut a teacher may be if he can't tilCa/i3vta�0 fa Balk the language of the natives ho ��`J BQ would be of little use. Good teachers et about $l,"ei1)0 a b year in our country, Education 113 free, and attendance of ehil- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- "w iren is compulsory, tion. Sour 5tomach,Diarrhoea, 1 F "It was only by the hardest offort WOIITIS,GORVULSICIIS,Feveflsh- ;hat our party was uble to carry nut this )ndertaking, Owing to the heavy ex mess and LOSS OF SLEEP. mnso, as it requires about $3 In our " honey for $1 here In TncS[mile Signature of Payment for board, g AST 5 „. looks and tuttion. llnwever we feel that he two or three years we shall remain vill make 119 better fitted to tnach, and NEW Y0IRK. 0 ria is put Up in one -else bottles'o hilt our example will be followed by , JURN fan Bold in balk, Don't allow ariyb nany others, so that eventually the 1 t yonl ping also on the plea or promi outh of our country will be able to get is as good l' and "will answer• Ironer instruction without leavina lien`. " pose, See that you get 0-9-8 •, The . ,, WRAPPER. i aim v moof r L0� OF VOICE Atter Acute BronchltlS 0"ED BY USING 95Cherry AVEIN,_ Pe&,oral Havevoin ear A PRE/bCHER'S EXPERIENCE vino-The to "Three months' ago, I took a vino- • • lent cold which resltltod in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself Full of love, and'bride and glory, FOR under medical treatment, and at the How indsaidip to fappgetwSweet hearts made their end of two months was no better. In the garden sat. sweet Rosy, bright and gay I found it very difficult to preach ns. any fairy, and concluded to try Ayees Cherry And the words she said, beside here ssaid, was Hi*ting, listening to W George, have you heard that. I)I: ,TOWS is the place to buy Woollone, Their Yarn and Hosiery N immense; ' 1'ou can get t ply Scotch Fingering for 70c a lb Any shade in 3 ply Yarn for .......... 50c R�Z,1 QQ Any shade in 2 ply Yarn for .... -.,.,,50C I Aa Dquble and twisted in the grease ...... We Single Yarn ..........................35c CAL SEE T HEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, all wool, 5 Men's heavy grey UNDERSI111111S, Ilen's Fine All Wool UNDERSHIRT the, yrs MEN'S TOP SHIRTS, all colors, 50c. These goods anrpass anything you have ever r the A., G. D U F T O N,� C $0u8, °ectoral. The first bottle Rave me – --- treat relief; the SAVond, which I am T� low taking, has relieved me almost 1\ ��W_ ntirralyof all unpleasant symptoms, ••�_ �+ J..V Intl I feel sure that one or two mbot- �� 11 les ore will effect a permi Aanent t^' nre. To all mini9tf rs srlffering from UNDERTAKING ST hmat tmuhles, I recommend Ayer's 'h('rry Pectoral."—F. Al. BRAWLEY, 'J ). D„ Dist. hecretary, Am. Bapt. 'ublication Society, Petersburg,Va. Iirlcl. It10Cli, ClintonC11Near Fairs Jt ill, i ,J..i. 1yer's Cherry Pectoral"tl't, r We aro now prepared to show you n nice line of Furniture of every deecnptr OLD MEDAL AT THE WOELD'9 FAIR. ell new, and the very latest designs.? '• '>:.,�;kr YENS LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. Our T'ndertaking department is complete.. in every Branch. l{ - ----- BROADFOOT, BOABUR k ^�JYM i SPINNEY- NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE having heart and Nene Troubles, vnch is Palpitation, Throbbing or in-eKi la, 3entirig of the Ileart, Shortncsti (}f 3reafh, Smothering feeling, L,wq of Kemory, DiMoevv, Frling of Anxwlor Morbid Mentaletc. 'or Thin or Poor Rk xiGeneral Do.. ility, after effectq of La Grippe, etc., heyare most valuable. ThewPillq doof stimulate for fhr mon}, .•r I . ,dv nd other pmtbut cf aq a tonic, in�rnutnently, uilding up thvge tirtrs, restoring rngular leart action, regulating thergans and neutralizing the poisonousacid9 of Ilie blood. 'heir direct action on the Nervous Syq- tm gives tone and vigor to every norve, i that sufferers from any Heart or Nerveiisew%c are sure,to find almost Imfrle- thatwbcneflt. rich box is Alva meed .its er.iroi birta. W ld IE4011IMMO ispecla e,8 Years IN a•tree,t6i♦ '!j](0•b,•r, Catcwt arrrh, •twee,•, Chronic " •••s •t m•q and Lid ill Ind •tttiotitre currw witwo GyphiW aqd •11 no VnIrlsialt merearl, Ing go= or my htlwrl•i D►•a iLa•gOtiyf f4oekrv. li Lana, aqua• &.4 sag tions nt the, bladder. often 1ldMQPd Ne i aerompner a ■ 1%. m.akrnin nt the Rustem is a manner die ffa t Jy] rt,rn whn,iie of this rtifficWty I....Madthepgk• 1 fret r,+rc In all such rases, and hea.lttrr 04 the p • i ii ,u(tnlinn Erse, Thucr ury bI" to cal ta• W"to ad, med,rine seat by rrvr,, with fb(1 fb, q orinng. On,— I-Ilre,: FrrxV9 DR. QD1aNEyQ(Oa,. m. tD 8 p, q� � q • "o .ftZZ. y>ineits 'a1,, *.rvrntnrrn�,ar�� nET�rir "fool. PURITY,, STRENGTH, and UNIFORM y7V0W34y CEYLON I a• r i)! 'Uad Pdo[� 11 s f l 1'e i Seidd�t�r�.ck of lid 8t>i t f 4� �it 4; lfi( t 5i; and AW!,f "r el; i i..m. 7 1" 7f ✓P.<, ,% W!, tii8 R c'.