HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 611 I-, ,P h ' F: i of e�. �,,;-( ,A, r. •.. •Tr ,�a`•" i 11 "N ; 1.Y e o , ;'bra' 4�� 5 . ' , i.,` :w n y y n'�, M ,:1 , F s r l c,,S f. . , 41 If •'. 't t " . ,,, .. , ° } M r y' i41 ' 'I ' ''' �, 1, "7�F 7J, , ' - I m THE CLINTON NEW ERA, "'+ 'r I. 11 1896. «',,a ♦/�(CtrQit (70Ullty C`iODUQi1 ,t' . ,1 v A �� The, Deomber session of the County I ■ n a '%JfClal ! ,�,I � Council was held last week. The uommun- • ' {oatioris received and re ° p p ��� 8 V?_ , , , « ltha several.11 committees are mentioue re orfs as I , Fs *; 0 , OUNBuT diypoaed of by them, and are thflfiefore ( Isom,M r„ 'r #`:<, 1. omitted here, Mr Eilber, who ljlis been rhhe r('iit showroyW a ' I chairman of the Rouse of Refuge commit- mun��ffonce said • hx tee since its Inception, handed over all pa- people Like to be .LilA 1 pare and oorrespondonoe in his possession 1 Humbugged. ; �' ".” .�, ,� . , ,, to the Clerk for safe -keeping, gg A statement from J. T. lots as- With all doe re Two Wee � r11 I yaO gvieh to thank you sistant Ragiatrar, dealing with Dickson,moante Bard to the above gentlemen, we dop't agree with hie state- r .1. , � % I g meet, It may have been all right in the circus business, but in the retailing alt ' fob' the very liberal o1 percentage due the county, was referred of merchandise at the present time it simply won't do. When a woman �",'. to the Finance Committee, who reoom- buys a $rens she has a right to know all shoat it, its our baeineea to help bar "w ,k,a11)Ylage Which OU mended that the matter a left to they ,. ;, r' -' { a�(j t0 the 18te J., ]Rid- County Solicitor and IYIr Dickson for ad- make a selection. If the goods she deafdes upon ie all wool we tell her so, if it ie part cotton, we tell her its part cotton. There is no deception, no hum. Iffolidom ` , l_, ., , justment. bag practised in this business, y t• r A r'.eCOII�Je, duTing Ills last Samuel Anderson and four others ap- 1"',? , -'.., r h pealed against an award made re Union S. �,t) 41 years, and klucily re- S. Na, s, Tarnberpy and MorriQ, The SOME OF OUR GIG}ANTIO SALE PRICES. i !' 1 - 11:1.11..w , I. I;) f llAeHt that y011 Wil a%- Educational Committee, to wham the mat- Millinery has taken a tumble. e. , bllve your tOild the Baine atrOIIA a ter was referred, recommended that no ac- Ladies' Trimmed Hate, regular price $1.75, Sale price $1.85. We are bound to clear 011t a big lot of Stll� OP R'hich we 1f�>� & me at p g tion be taken; Reeve Sparling moved, sec. Ladies' Trimmed Hate, regular price $`2.r, Sale price $1,60, �)"'"y' to 118. The rinCi les Of by Reeve McPherson, that this report be Ladies' Walking Hate, regular price $1.2 Sale price 95.0 llaVe decidedly tOo Ill�('11. rhhe Snow haS not cools f., ! 1► ' +lite oepibk. P P �i� ' r + , v w•, adopted by granting the petition; thio was Ladies' Sailor Hata, regular prise 7bo, gale Prise 600 . ' , ." yt ,,h,toneety and intelty OII loot, Ladies' Sailor Hate, regular price 500, Sale price Sbo as anticipated, weather has been Il nllld, find �S i + Lt�''t which thio store lab WOII By-law No. 8, of 1896, which related to Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers and Jet ornaments all marked down. natural consegaenceS, IIIUd, 11eaUtlfal mad holds R �R��.Rrest rush, municipal nominations beau held a week Carlin Ton e, re alar tics 100, $ale pride bo. r ;.ri,.,r, ,) 1 ,4p the confidence of the, ub- earlier than county nomiaa8one, was re- Pine any size you require, regular price bo, Sale prise In. suer( Ina lloWer In town and country, and here WP, . ?F4'� Q11. ' a �W soled, and the Clerk lnatrroted to notit Ladies' Cer et $li r,> �wll xh,q iiawuaou Ii in the 8sti Wil be A p p Slippers, sizes, S, 4 and 5, regular price 400, Sale Frioe 26c. are with a great big Stock, a house full with ever �'t" -, I i�Mp itrtistiu the Clerk of each township. Black and White Cheek, $aliebary Cloth, good patterns feet oolote for waists i y ,i l :; etriatly a hared t0 In Mr A. T, Corrie, Seaforth, asked to be re alar rine 14x, $ale price 100. nook and corner packed to overflowing with must t ,t t!", dobe earlier, g p >,r, , Agfaver io the futllr�, appointed constable in place of the late C. Ladies' Ribbert Cashmere Hose, regular price 35o, Sale price 26c. desirable stufh for nlell, womcu and children, and �" }eY.t, M. Dunlop—(lied. Ladies' Fine Shoes, Pointed Toe, Dongola gid, perfect fitting, regular price + +y'r,r7'� 1 The baeineea will be conducted The council spent considerable time on $2.00, Sale price $1,50. all Seasonable, and besides that here we have laid Friday avenin discussing w ,, rtt . ! + under the able management of A. Y q g the remunera- We have jast purchased some extra value in Carey flannel the are worth on to ► of all this a lot Of t 5 a tion to be aid the Treasurer, Mr Holmes, looking at. y 1 y l d; " " J, Grigg, a practical man who bat P g xy {t, �,� d{g now in, you had 20 years ezperienae in the and flit Prondfoot, Chairman of the Fi• In Ladies' Cardigan Overshoes, we show name interesting lines, all sizes. •, ,-Qhristmas jewelery baeineea. Oar stook of Douce Committee, for their trip to the old Black Rough Mantle Cloth is in great demand, we have it at all rices ape —� %" . ' rt { 1,A,,t1,lt i%v Mod. No- y, to dispose of the now county de- dials at $1.40, $1.(15, $1.75 and 2.'26. prices, P v lM> 2aw-4 M engrav- Watches Clocks bentares, These gentlemen put no bill of Towels, large size, fancy border@, all linen, regular price 36c a pair, Bale Goods �i}l�l,fA$10 ab r letter de- 1 v s expense in to the council, bat gave the price 20o a pair. �� �� �i Ik)ts;lflteonl store oourail an idea of what their 111 r"t y Jewelery, Silverware a proper ex- Another case of Flannelette hoe been opened asp they are the same as we r 1 t1R ubr eoogtaving, p neeajwere; a motion to pay them $600 was have been running during file last three week@, regular loo goods, but our "}' P', and Novelties voted down, as was also a motion to a rice is 0 c a ! pay P yard that means 10 yards will coat you only EiBc. ,ll r" I is very large, in it may ;be found them $950; a motion, making the amount Flannelette Blankets special line at 75c and 90o a pair. 1 ' almost anything on may desire for the two '$850, was then unanimoasty There's not very many days left, this year to sell goods but the few that are �`; for Xmas Presents at prices which carried. left we are going to make big ones, °%. are as low as it is possible to sell The tollowin� are the reports from the Cholec� Very d' llolcC, pretty nCW and lrp•t0•date r)ni � ' BALL goods. different committees: "Good Goods, Low Prices and everything kept on the and th veather has been Such that people will � I� ''s J. BIDDLECOMBE Fnt'�I°a co�mrTTHa'e RHPORT. We are making up another oar of Dried Apples. IIOt COnIC and 11113' tllenl. NOR' What are we going CLINTONd7LINThe committee recommended the ,pay- t0 d0, give nS your adVled:, Sllal! rr'c keep them �'a�?"'' Cw meet of a lot of ordinary accounts, and '�1 a say, further:—"We have examined a0- . , , 1�_ ICI�'non CO., Blah over for a y(ar and run chau�(s for jest such Vii) ooante nn connection with the House of t'„ t N °; Refuge which have been paid since last weather next SCaSOr12 NO indeed 1Ye 1V111 sell, meeting, $3574.21, and same appear to be Cash and one Pricey Butter and Eggs taken as Cash alld SCII'ChCap alld get Ol1C lnOile out Of tl1C OUdS ', "' correct. In pursuance of inetrnotione from y+ I ' +;r� this committee, the meager b and Mr ,1� �AI ImAk and give the people the benefit of the low prices, ] ¢11AA Proudfoot sold the mortgages hdFd by the and we purpose doing so now right away from to- ' 1 t • • scanty, the Brant and Elma debentures, Tiplady'a bridge, on the base line, should 'T' l p 1•+ �. ���„/ ALE and fife new issue of debentures, realizing be more than 20 feet long, in order to allow J Hides and Sheens • (lay till Christmas. E er thin°' fives. j ., therefrom the sum of $271,185, Ont of the water to pass through is times of Y [' 1lIUs y )^ ,+ 11"p ,, , +' this, and balance in cash to the credit of fresbet; it should be at least 26 feet. The ' ., i f this account, they paid off the indebtedness Bannockburn bridge, Stanley, should be WANED. C$�too . lVl1 . >olany D Ss Goods, the season is well advanced, of the county, and after doingao there re- rebuilt next summer; it might 'bo well to �r 'to•Clear themuut we will offer all Drabs Goods this mama a surplus of shoat $9000 in the Trea- rebuild of iron or steel; the span is 82 feet. Tire highest casts price going willWISEMAN 11111.0 .,: ?. under, th; r must go and our prices will sell them, eurer's hands. The Treasurer and Mr With the commissioner from Middlesex, I )tie paid for Elides and Skins GILROY � ?'} " 011',t fail to;tve them your attention. Prondfoot went to England and wound up examined an old bridge on the boundary at the ;' i �; the business; we approve of their having between Uebcrne and Biddalph, the bridge ia� done so, and believe it was in the bast in- is old, the timbers decayed, and anew CLINTON TANNERY,, `f n r ., New Prices terest of the county, as they effected aenv- bridge of cedar should be built next year, ing of $1415, made up as .fellows;—exoesa the span is about B5 feet. There will be 'S. DOAK f ....Dress Goods now I0c of tender, $475; exchange $350; aoaraed the usual am(u nt of repair�megaired dor- SON, Clinton 7I j iy 5 x( r.- �� 11 18c interest, $240; coxamission, $350; total 'ing next year. The total aasrannt of orders 22c $1615, We find that the business was oar-. 'issued daring the year, either for new ULINTON MARKETS Elegant V �Vli�a®®�� to t,'rlzoOl . ..1r " � � • • �� �� " 25c ried ont in the most satiefaatory manner . `bridges or repairs, was $3766.13, Corrected eve v ,. M. ,# .. • • • • .... ry Thursday afternoon 1 t, .f , . • . • . • . • . , It 35c The report was adopted. PScrxr Co�ttrrtrn� Thursday, Dec. 10th, 1896. r `.. , r „ 1pc Bonn can BasID�s Caal111TTHx, Wheat spring. 0 80 a 0 80 Come and inspect our Holiday (;tits, whether yon buy or not. It is The report of the Special Committee, .as '1 wheat; fall. • , .. • , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 80 a 0 80 ,ray �@ �'� +• •t • • • • • • • • • • • " " " 9.5c The report of this committee was adopt- follows, was adopted;—Tbat the etition of @ 0 18 a 0 19 to show them, you will Lave more time and a Letter selection than let - , ty.,M i1g, ;- .. • �a " " " 47c ed as follows :—That the •coant aseame gent council, concerning q,rotection from Barley Uur Christmas Perfumes consist of all the leadin makes, Loth In bottle and III' t4C .. ' • N • - ........ •• •' �� 50e Ti lad g Y I,�s •.' •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 0 25 a 0 25 bulk. All prices, We call attention to our spec leading value in 25c perfumes. I.,`'?'•�,,, F1 t .. r, Tiplady's brad a between H•ullett and Godo- locomotive sparks, be signed by the Warden Flour 0 BS a 0 40 In Celluloid Goads, flair Brushes, Photo FrameH, Fan Pr es etc. _, ' N,' • • • • • • • • • • tt ` 55C rich township, and make it 25 foot span. and clerk. That the petition of the rete- perowt.............. 2 40 a 2 50 selection is good and rices right. Y p our t< aI'} u, tt •a� • • • • • • • • .... •< t (30c Recommend the rebuilding of Bannockburn payers of Hensall, to be erected into a vial- 'P::k • • • • , 4 50 a 4 75 g P g ' y qN�' 't •a•' •' • • • • . • • • t" : 70c bridge of steel or iron. Recommend that age, with a population,A 398, be granted, Batter • • -• • • . • • • • • � . • • 0 tl a 0 13 � t •t ............ • • • • • • • • • • 7 the bridge on the boundary between Us- and that H. J. D. Cooke, barrister, be re $figs per doz................ 0 14 a 0 15 �. �, �® V E 1 . .d I borne and Biddolph be rebuilt, provided turning officer at thefirstblectiontobe'held Hay new, I'1e ess see our goods 'Middlesex pay one-half the cost. in said village. That the eheee'' old • ..., , • „ 7 00 a 700 Dispensing, (hellllst, n, g petition of the, pskins .. 0 25 a 0 25 p �Illllton. h;�Ceb' will oa liooea orFocH i�i031SIITTEI . ratepayers of 7,urich, aalt+ng that the place 'Wool "' ley' Ifo, 1 Trimmed 0 18 a 0 20 ;`„: be erected to a police village, for fire pro_ Hides,, •. •, 4 00 a 4 20 i xr The committee reported having had re- tection purposes be granted, and that the Zotatoee _ -_ , . EL pairs and additions made in and around "' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. 0 25 a `25 -- - — _ . GIBBINGS -the House of first election by held in f D village, et noon 11 '' age under the eopervisimn on the tact Monday of December, of the T T ,� E) of the Count Commissioner, who had car- present year, Fred Sreguer to be returning C� l\V/11 COMBE'S Store. {` tied out the work with .credit to himself officer. The committee'racammended t,hat�dIJQCtf$Qilil'ltt$, •�,;j; i Street, Clinton. and to the best interest of the count The —_ Inspector, keeper y' no sedan be taken concerning the propon- -AGirl Wanted - I per end W. Weir were an- tion that the Property Committee base ea- __3 i9 our highest price; ;t }ltlys the heft t,ottlF (rf Xmas perfurne in our thonzed to purchase some farther articles pervision over the House of Refuge. To do general housework, Apply at the Manse, store, roc buys our chrrnpest Xrn;tS perfurt)e, .w1I ,.�, 1. required for the inatitutien. .I,oudesboro. Sachet Powder in hulk at l(k ar, ounce. k CoaxTv 1'aoeettry CoxatTTas, The coetnoil closed its proceedings by the .�I singing of Anld Lang Syne. __ / We are. centrally locirted. ,t,7 JOHN F. HIed to VETERINARYandOPeBURGEON, ;.: � (We are accurate. ° 111, is The committee recommend an inean- has returned E Clinton and opened an nitle EON, ��� �� descent light in the jail,.es asked for by time • At the Queon a Hotel, where he may be consult- m � = We are prompt—no long' delays, �I =. y , jailer, The committee visited the jail and Clinton Y. P. Local Uni00 ed for the raeacment of all diseases of horses, .r = C We are cautious. «'{T 1: ' county buildings, and found everything ir. -- ieo�e3 oc. All esus, night or day, promptly at A [•••+ I We are old and tried—reliable. j 4Toptosatthoaeveral Young People'ssoolety Z if We are neat and set'utlulollsly clean in prescription departmenE. A xry good order. The committee also recom. mer Ungr r t,inK hold duriaK the wook:— r'••JUESmoused incandescent ltghte for the cart Stearn Engine for Sale ..+ old SL Mcthodidr F.L. or C.F., Mon _ We can interest yon in prices for (trigs, Our Hot WH,ter 13ottle and Font. 1.''' S On $ossa and county offices, all of which was rhly, Dec. 1 lth -Lipo and work of Ili -'hep Tay'' 8eoond-hoed three Loren power upright engine adopted. lot.- :1, µ', 1Slanning' and boiler for sale ata barggain. Can bo ossa at �Yrli)K(', $1.(x), " %unt EzBczrtcr GfYY3rI7TEa, • Itattenbnry G Mcthoeiat 010's Junior F,, this utAce. ,kppty to cLINTON NF,W F, RA or 1 ► lI HT LINES L. nt (' E Friday evening from 7 L, 8 F, (7• NlTCIiELL, F.ngine8upply Co., London The report of thisoorrrmittee, as adopted, T+>Pir• Pnr ]ter•. 11th ChriHtinn (IracvH ifope, __ _ _ `v was as follows:—That Mr Ainsley, county I'mce' lids'c.--Pearl Caarelon, Loons Yottr+, — ` __ . commissioner, be granted $50 for the large Nona Miiler. Stray Heifer amount of extra work done b On tart() st. F. L. of C. F To , `ds ryId'oumotto—Good Goods for flood Money. We y him at the lin for 1N c. 16. Cainintosaship ab'e premised, lot 2.J, can PEU`PLEiik6 lark, re Refa e, ` illi,mreo)y ares wo yearol, t0 seleCt, their Chrlstmaa� ;Carrs everything that is to be found in a K That Mr Lane, coapt}' p,about•chemiddle or ort„her clerk, receive the gam of 5100, for his du ��'lll` Preahyterfan (1. F Topin for Dtxr a red two-year old Heifor, Owner Is hereby nu• I6 Le�sonA from Solomon H life writing,:. Cate- t•(fled to prove property, pay chargee and cake it t, yg r ties and expenses as returning officer under rhfH7n rine 4 MiHH Bary titewnrt, away- 8. HIBUERT, Gifts before the rush of the floliclay week. There'$ ` FIRST-CLASS GROCERY and the new County Councils Act, for the years Tnrner'H Mothorlivt, church F. I,. of C. H:. 1P;17-98. That the earn of $5 be aid each Topa' ror Dee Ct Pre,8ma Holl in tho sacra - C !pC&ERY STORE P tnent. -T. Walker. Farm £(.r sale more time to look thronhll the �tocl;, A greater vara #ITf a6 • nominatng officer in the county, for nomi- I _ rx,M, C, ,i t ” nation, and $5 additional i1 an election is ifolmn.ville �lothnrllHt church F. h. of C. F. The undersigned offers ror sale the eplendla � h , ', held. In reference to the claim of Seaforth Topic for Ur•r. l t Cun,rx-raLion anti roll r..a1J, n�ealRtojartn, Pains lot %', mon, ll, Hallett, tm sty Of .`Aj 7 Y edlolnloq the Villas° of Londeaborr, goods, alld anything you l,lly n,,w you May A;v c iI" E Collegiate Inetitate, for alleged arroaragae, — — Thero aro r n the ppromises a gond story and a 6 kf , , <A } it was decided to refer the matter to the A Ituishinr. Rosiness, half frame house, trains barn 36x56, and stable, return and exelmi e for other' goo(l�, should you W1 � . t S` County solicitor forbis o rasion, and then y(Y 5t,• Alan a good orchand. There is a s ran r y S i ,y� i VVI atr(j`'extr-a'flnlaasaortnlent of Berry Aef.a, P crook running through eLe premises. W'M. w - r be dealt with by the Warden's committee, DsspatcheHfrom Montreal ea the busiest �Lr%H or MRti 1iAR1{WELL, Londeahoro. �' F:voclotziL; eaUete, Ubocolate Sete,:Water Seta, t0 d0 SO before ,\irir ' ' aild?ihshc1g173Cead an4 Butter Plates, etc, In reference toapplioationmfUsborn9coan- place in the city is the FamilyylIerald and 1S r erhal)S tills list may help yGU oil for a refund of $50 paid by them towards Weekly Star office, wherean extra staff are .Farm for Sale _'J (' (f +„ the maintenanne of Mrs Hewitt, no action working overtime to get names of new -- ADQU i•TERS FON • was talion. We recommend a grant of 526 snb8criber8 on their enormous subsori tion Lot a Raylfel'i wil 1cl, aregion, tlndarieh ana , a Ir" fh Dinner Setts ......,.$5,D0 ('orartp , , . , ,, , to Mrs I'renrh, matron of the House of list. We ardergtand any of our readers acetate oleniti44 wxcinu'40 acrex"qo A'hardwooa q'nri I)ioner Botts ........ k, ' •' ' o $ 7 � )swelr, -- ,I - t �r..q Refuge, for extra work in oonnection there- can have a sample copy free by pending a maple, bacon, cheer,, noevllerl, with a wow Rcraa 00 1L atrr f3Pttp 1.00 to 'l.iu) I3roochas, Stick Pine. /'� ; ter;. ma 1 D teh Tea setts ....... r I t..' "ja!tttsitl8, Ourrants and Peely, You will soon be with, We recommend that the grant to postal Gard W the pnbltebens in Montreal. ••••• 1•H•' H;r�g ,Setts, ........ t 1.75 Cuff Iluttone. Collet I3tlt'na )a�'' (j of .good cr,dar at rear end of lot. (}ood frame Printed Tea Hett....., 2.50 .lam i)isheq,.....,'l.5 to 75 Walgtq E3etts. - ti! 'f'�'.•, tii�kin your mac oke an(1 will want, the hest Rant lbaron Teachers' Association be de- hoses WILL outtwllriings, good bearing orchard China Tea Sett ... - .. 4.00 ti'aHPq . , , , , • , • • • r l krh.. l faired until Januar meetin that $78 be The Ferrol House hotel and stables at which gietded about Sop barrels this season. to 75 Linnna. Lc tit t at ie tt? b0 had—we keep it, Itemernber we lht d ._, Y g Cayuga were destroyed byfrte. 8prlagrreekcrnesee the lot, which i. two mites (bins Tea Sett$:;.00to k.00 Crnkinoln Roarde 1.'15 I'ownlq 5r, a pair to 5t, each. 3 "'' B 01'64n all Our Raisins and Currants with the up -to refunded rho township of Ashfield, fur from llnyflela nnrl coven from Clloton, Nn {m Toilet Sett, 10 u•rrq „ 4.ir(1 _ ' ddtd Fruit OI©liner. building Finn's brad cumbrance. Owner must give asp farminq owing Toilet Sett, IO pieces „ 2.Ci0 bast 1 f gr , , Table Napkins 75 to 50c each r �4`i", to bridge. ger now a county to woe health, Terme 880 par arse, 8150b @Rah, '�•� Tray Covera 25r. to i',00 ,1 � l 13urnor has been current that the Ontario balance to suit r,urchaser. JOHN EAOLF,BON (llagq Sett, fi places ... , 50 Nations . • • . , , J5 Table Covera $1.50 to $3,00 a Jni[ t n'q RE Rumor parliament would h0 digsalved at the end Ilagfl°Irl' Ontrarfo. Glaae Sett, r pieces .... 76 Authnrq , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25 Table Linen 25 to e(k s and "i� : t Dinner Sets that are shown in Mr I)iokgon repotted ear Pollowq; - At of next gnmener. Premier Hard wap _. Glass Sett, fi tees y r F ... 1.00 Several gnme8 ........ 10 White bedspreads 75 to $2.50 ) ...'I S v present I have ten persons in cua:ody, all aRked about it, but would say nothing ex- i ' r China Sett, 6 pieces L(>n 'I'r•�I nhe9ts * seen at The Gash Grocery. males; two are insane, who are awaiting P P K Business Change. Cheepn I)iphes .. fi0c to AO T°yg 2 .......... :i,, C 1 ne t that has would let the politicians keep Gloves, Rid and as,mere, t removal to the agylnm; two are awaiting oo guessing. -- Lamps....••,.,,2.,c to 4,( } trial for obtaining money under false re- The undersigned desires to intimate to f),IIs "' • • • • • • • ••' to 0 Handkerchiefs, is to r Hand, i{rd, ;yaps and Tan r"t 1',• p r r fs, $1.bU r, u#7i , tense; one is a debtor; the remainin fivB Mr Gladstann Pae bean afflicted with the peopl0 of Clinton that he Pae bought 4��, t g frerluently ocetrrring attacks of shortness out the butchering business Istel condact- are vagrants, four committed try Police I of breath since last Thnrsds.y. The doc• Y Y We have, Of course, nl�ily other lines t}rat :ire Useful as well • ,£`, r'I ,Q� /� Magistrate Seager, for terms of from five tore attending Lbs ex•Preroier state that ed b FLeid F3ros., and will continue the ' � P W CO. to six months, and the other b Mayor there is no cause for anxiety, but it will be acme in 9 strict attentiohe old stand, n rto the walntsoof as ornamental, and wUlll(j make accel)table lruli(lay presents. r, I., Phone• 23 Y Y where, bon at t, Shannon and Reeve Prondfoot, for four necessary for Mrr Gladstone k, spend the1.1,,,; his customers, he hopes to merit and re- a�11 t O" months. The rale regnireq the f the burning 1. winter at Cannes. ceive. a fair share of patronage. - He will _ e lamp all night t in the hall of the jail, , , 1,J N� This light hag always been a source of anxi- The next class •in the pnblic service to sell for cash only, and at the lowest prices, c,,; � ,, ety to me, as it was to my predecessor, on ;' account,pf the danger of its explod{ng and feel the weight of pthe Administration at 6+ Uttawa is masa o of clerks and otf,oia]e Cheer, J' WallfB, Clinton. i�NAPS IN This "I `. setting re to the building; twice it' hair whose aanfalnege ie impaired by over in- T - - Weed We're _ done pa, during the almost 8A years' of my dolgence in strong c3rihk, Warnings have Cutter fOr bale. TEED END (J t showing some y' r 13ORN service; the last time it was towards morn- been given, suspensions have taken place Cutter, aagond as new bavingonly been In ase " r,` lr"P" "'(} ing, and my subordinate was awake, and and dismissals are euro t0 follow if a short time, will be sold C� �y� C� lit 4fPbpfditi `af.Nov 2A B>;ATTIE—In 8eaforth on rho 211th u)t,-the succeeded in extinguishing the fire, at the g p on reasonable time. Snapi� in T W sed ends XL_ ',1 t wife of J Woeley Beattie, of a dangbter a Chan a dose not take lace. Two ens+ BEALE & HOOVER, to /I i ft 't home o. cost of two beds; at the time of the explo- pensions hung already occurred in this a yy� 1 * ,,,+ ! ft dINY)t 'the bride, JOIry tON—In Clinton, on Dec 3rd the wits Sian there were 10 persona ❑ruler lack and locality. Rug Lost. yardf�, ■ ■ ■ an� of Uhe■ ■ ■ �j� es':)' r, )i„dltipt wows M.larnra Johnson, Cioderiob Townaltip, or a �y.�.7 • 9 7 dnnghmr. key, besides 8ve members t,4 my household, . — i yards (l , , ust L f 1 ; .. df, nes, w!n- who were sleeping on the second floor, and There is goad reason to believethat there Loat, somewhere on the Bayfield Roagd, be• enough for a "' rf r y�� CO( 1:1':RLINID—In Bnllett on the 3rd lust, will be fow it anYv snperannnation I before tlge fl sire on itnd F,nderlwirl be arde8 th � pair of Pant. PrIt }' d't feriae, Mr the wife of Mr (iso Cookerline, of a eon scald not possibly have escaped, had the 8q � ,_ �Iltddbr 8mlth,ot flames set fire to the stairs. In view•of the qupsrannnatron and civil note have returning same to D, B, KENNEDY, Cl)nton, ■ a , uV below Y' . ,,. -, a COOK.—In q -limon, on the6tp 1aeG, the wife this I ask that an incandescent light be next session been either abolished and new egoist. a;' .^, ' $ oe of the of Mr .ioshna nok, of a eon, acts eased, or else ver materially al- Stray Heifer t v D Perrin, ORrtA LI9., in Clinton, on he 8th Inst the placed In the hallway. r y rrrt t, 1' a,' 10o r eh, to Mies wino of Mr Thos. GtrealIs, of a daughter. tared The Government has for some --- , h ot7 t Alexander INaPxaToR A7NaLRY'9 REPORT. time peat been quickly Makin en nixie@ Strayed yes from eabecrtbera promises, Maitland y I 11f y g q con. o Red Be er,eat n let f Angaat, a CHRISTMAS FRUITS in abundance, uality the best Mr Ansley reported as follows :—All the into the working o the snperonnnation act, yearltag Ree Halter, Lavingg the eased of the rt�Lti q - )i�,;tlTQroatdenee of woke of im tovement ordered by the' with a view to;e that amendfngl or abolish- a®r out dip, Anq one giving information that We want good Roll Butter, Eggs and Dried A les,.> ire, 1f.� Nov 25th by E3�1 �113�¢iTp. p heft Win, Hincar• w•++ -ti council have been completed, except the I ing A at t e next seaafbn of Parliament, will lead to its recover will be suitably rewarded pp ly eldeebdangh• MortiragoifGto f. �alittt 1, Iarm ih #tyitd i4a Small bridge in Win ham, known as the p W. c. Dr�RBT, Benmitler p,o. lm= l � g end until is fe done ft is not at all robe- a;` r towneh p thd'. ,1114" itll'�'$ottA�'`" olintox 1 .Bade bridge. Z'bere have been oma good 1 bre that a fmportatit changes will be t ti 11�eau6l3atnrda7,Ilttf,I�i, x lt,tf i ` pf ploldifleo , uitllsta>ati I' Rffl­t;"m� roVemeatS mad at tpe made in th civil aervioe, elthongh ¢duan- �1 Chang Of �Ohtx` 't}t adf� ' �'' =.' , bm *0,01,1W• ..;'d•`be 000#1tyr `ufldin S ''sag,@ will n doubt be sken from titre to jUHE ugh Itoee a ix foxI, d t, 8 �'>wiuYe o o r hep fox • mugt be $e tin na>� 111f t / Le0 ` i=f gea>y to of lea, f ippeapfn w�h the r 1 ,r. ` i ;t'. 'i 1. rt(.b >A>l tfa dap11: �. �, �+11 yam, �, o . , d1. r 1 ' 111