The Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 5i e
Stray Hoffer
Came into subscriber's premises, lot 99, 4th
con, Goderich township, about the middle of
October a yearling Rel Heifer. Owner is here-
by nodded to prove property, pay cheroot) and
take it away. . BEN O. Hayfield P.O.
A Brat-olaee N Miami Piano Upright, Mahog-
anyCa, almost new, for sale, on very reason-
able forme, Apply at NEW ERA OFN'ICIL
For sale a pair of new one-horse Bob -Sleighs,
steel shod, and well made. Will be sold cheap,.
Apply to WM, GRANT,
Below the O T R station, Clinton
We want two or three active, reliable men to
sell our choice, hardy, home grown nursery stock
1n Huron County and vicinity. Outfit free. Lib-
eral terms to good men. Apply at once to
Elgin Nurseries, St, Thomas, Ont,
Subscriber will seep for service at his farm
Huron Road, Ooderioh township, a well-bred
Chester White Boar, of good pedigree. Terms
$1 at time of service; or $1.25 if booked.
Goderioh township, Nov. 9, 1896
Berkshire Boar for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service at his premi see
2nd con. of Hullett, a thorobreti Berkshire.hoar.
Terme, $1 at time of service, (with ppirvi,ege of
returning i1 nooessary) or $1.25 if b eked.
Stock Feeders—Corn for Sale
Any -amount beat Yellow Corn, at 35e a bush -
e'. It makes chop et less than 60c per hundred,
and less than $19 per ton. At that low price it
pays to feed any kind of stock, or to mix with
any kind of grain, especially to give body and
strength to oats, barley, &c. Sell for cash, ex-
change for any kind of grain, some cases give
two to 4 months' time, it desired. Drive right
to warehouse, opposite station. W. G.PER til N
Hullett Township Taxes.
The collector for the Township of Hullett
will be the following places on the date named
for the purpoee of receiving taxes, At Lon le --
born on November 80th and December 14te; at
Kinburn on December lltb; at the Commercial
Hotel, Clinton, December 12. All taxes remain •
ing unpaid after the above dates will be charged
5 recta on the dollar extra. -THOMAS N EILAN
Sausage !
We are now keeping in stack
Sausage made from pork only.
Hams, Pork
Pigs Feet, Headcheese, &c.
We handle only the hest of
pleat to be procured, and don't
ask quite as much fur it as
most dealers do for inferior
stock. One trial convinces.
JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton
James Young,
The wet. known Boot and Shoe Maker, bas oppen•
ed a Repair Shop in the (Almon T.wn Pe11
and will execute all orders e, trusted to his care
).n short notice and at satisfactory rat, s. Or-
dered work aspecialty. Give him a cell.
Thos. Brown has received Instructions from
Andrew Oovenlock, at Winthrop. lot 26, con. 7.
McKillop, to sell by Public Auction, On Tuesday
Dec. 15. at 12 o'clock, noon, the following vain•
able property-HORBB:R, 2 teams working horses,
I driving mare rifting 6 years old, 1 driving colt
rising. three, 2 driving colts rising 2, 1 spring
colt sired by Barbwire, 1 well bred drlvingmare
and severs good working horses. CATTI.e, ,ter,
5oows aurpoaed to be In calf, 4 twe-yr old aloes
1 fat cow, thoreebred Durham bull, thoro-hrod
Bertebire boar. 4 sows in pig, 8 pigs 4 months
old, 12 pigs 5 weeks old. rMPLKMENT8,
mower, 1 need drill and a lot of other farming
implements, several waggons, boggles, sleighs,
e quantity of lumber suitable for building, fence
ing and other purposes. FARM 'LANDS -east. 7.5
acres, lot 28, con. 8. McKillop. N 4 of W4 lot 28,
con. 7, McKIllop, W 4 of lot 28, con.7, McKillop.
lot 27, con. 7, McKillop, N 4 lot 30.eon. 9, McKii.
lop. lots 17 18 and 19, con. 18. Grey. TRAMS -
$10 and tinder, cash; over that 10 months credit
on furnishing approved Joint notes with Interest
at 6 per cent per annaim. Terme for land made
known on day of sale.
T. BROWN. Auct. A, °OVENLOCK, Prop.
...Ayl e,^
Supplement to the Clinton New' Era
Mr Oliver Teft of Hamilton is roported
to have fallen heir to $5C0,000.
Mr John McKeown, County Crown At-
torney in Lincoln, died in the Hotel Dien
et Kingston.
John Mills, a keeper in the Kingston
Penitentiary, has fallen heir to an estate of
5140,000 in Scotland.
Woodstock police suspect a yoang Women
of setting fire to Mr Frederick Cox's house
and barn. The barn was burned.
A petition is in circulation asking the
sent nee of Mr Brennan, of Simcoe, be
oomtnutted to Imprisonment for life.
Mr Wm. Bailey of Whitby was caught in
the tumbling rod of his father's cider milland
frigbfully mangled. He cannot recover.
Mr Harry Foster, a brother of the ex -
Minister of Finance, fractured his :skull by
falling down ataite at Moncton and died in
a few hours.
The Middlesex County Council voted
down a proposition to buy out the Proof
Line Road Company and do away with the
toll system.
The yopngest child of Mr John Nbil Will-
son of Ridgetown was nearly burned to
death through his nightdress catching on
fire from a gee grate.
Mr A. D. Flint, assistant postmaster at
Holland, Man., shot himself in the head
while handling a loaded reiolvcr iu his of-
fioe, dying in a few minutes.
Mrs Richard Hawk of Shallow Lake, who
had been m_ntally deranged for two years
past, took a dose of Petit, green and died
from the effects of the poison.
Frederick Small, the contractor who
pleaded guilty to defrauding the Hamilton
House of Refuge out of $100, was sentenced
by Magistrate Jelfe to pay a fine of 5400,
'Mich he et once paid.
Homer Howell of Montreal, enraged at
the breaking off of the engagement by his
stheart, Miss Annie Sims, visited her
home and shot her in the head twice and
then shot himself dead. Mies Sims cannot
Burglaries of country postofficee are so
frequent and daring that Major Sherwood,
Commiaeioner of Dominion Police, has
suggested to the Poetmaster-General the
advisability of adopting the reward system
in vogue in the United States.
Mr A. J. King, 8 Elm street, Toronto,
shipped to Liverpool last week over 225
tone of turkeys, geese and chickens; the lot
made up a train of 22 cats. Mr King has
sold this quantity to Ibe largest dealers in
England, one buyer alone taking 15,000
In Liverpool Canadian apples bring from
25 cents to $1 per barrel more than United
States apples. Iu this northern country,
our products are all better keeping qualities
than those produced over the border.
Canada has nothing to fear in competition
with the world.
It is noteworthy that Queen Victoria has
been Queen of Great Britain duricg the
administrations of Van Buren, Harrison
Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillimore, Pierce,
Burhanen, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes
Garfield, Arthur, Harrison and Cleveland.
May her Majesty survive many mural
The customs offirers at Windsor auspec'■
ed for some time ;het their cath drawer
was being robbed. The officers meant to
detect the culprit, but failed, and as final
resort set a muskrat trap in the drawer.
In the morning they found the cash un-
touched, but Bertha Haines, a colored girl
who washed out the office, bad her fingers
cut and bleeding. She was arrested.
It is announced with some show of auth-
ority that the Queen hes been a strict tee-
totaller for three _years past. She had
been accustomed all her life till then to use
wine and spirits sparingly, and was induc-
ed to try the experiment of abstention to
see if it would have a beneficial effect with
regard to the painful sffection of the knees
and legs from which she suffers.
The- Greatest Christmas Gift
"The Wild Flowers of Canada" is the
title of a beautiful volume issued by the
Montreal Star, end endorsed by the leading
men all over the country• -Laurier, Topper
Mowat, Chapieaa and a hundred other
politicians, in company with judges, artiste
university professors and thousands of
others. There is a Christmas Edition of
the Wild Flowers of Canada out, the sale
of which is limited to December at a ridi•
ou'onely low price, after which the figure
will remain unalterably at 812 and $10,
socording to binding.
ee! ` 1
1We don't own a Gold,
nor have we a big bank aoCiint• T
reason why we want $3,000 by Jaut:
If you owe us a dollar, please let us
If you have a dollar you will advance 20
year take advantageNof the following o
k. 56 D 4 D "a 42 p F,
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What are you going to buy your mother or any of your relativia for
Christman? That is what is worrying a great many young peo1.1s just
now, well let me tell you,
And buy your Mother or any of your dear friends a nice pair of
And their delight will pay you for the little expense you have been to.
You can get a beautiful pair for $2.58 and a very heavy,,
extra wide pair for $3.50,and upwards to $4.59.
CALL AND Cotton Blankets, AOPAIR 0
These goods surpass anything yon have ever seen fdr the money.
A. C. DU FT O N appCMa son on. House
� L
The dillies Ole Tariff Commissioner
may be very onerous, but that will not prevent our oaetomere from having the best
material for their Christmas cooking, as we have a fine stook of everything necessary
to the production of a first-class dinner for that day. Our Raigintt, Oplrrantei
Peelr,. Spices, Extracts, and every other requisite are the beat We can buy,and we have been in business long enough to prove to yon th%t our prises for first-
class goode are always as lowav the Iowest. Cell .eind see if this ia'trne.
r _
Whether you are or not yon are invited to try a sample packager
Black, and Black and Green mixed, 25, 40, and 50c per pound. We believe it t
beat yalue for the money in the town.
Thankful for poet favors, we will be pleased to receive your orders, and proait
prompt and careful attention.
Opposite [Moet Office, Clinton. I
McMurray & W •
Phone 40. McMurray �
A Merry Christ
will soon be bare, and we are prepared to supply you with excellent N•,• F
If you want a handsome Present for a friend, we have them in abundance'n (j
SUITS. and OVERCOATS—Do you want an Overcoat—this is the pint*
for a GOOD SUIT, either ready made or made to order. We have a Large
BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, &c., that are selling very fast, as they are ttf;
We have GOAT ROBES that take lead for quality and price. Also, one ttil
GALLOWAY ROBE. Highee 4 price paid for produce.