The Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 3lout °:rden aid t of the )iagflation. ted. about three Was killed on _Xin ' In on him. 1CXtablfl authority Al be the next at?Qutario.ILieut- rm expires next LIFE h carries to every fibre its nourish - f the blood is pure, ill be well; if nal. n overtake you. power to keep you ur blood rich and to talus, eaey to 5tig111, , biliousness. i; elf - Andrea ,day put up A and de - o `ire a big Ce $e. On the 9,1 t e fellow bor- 1 Qtp, 'OW, and then sea wa ,,j roved to be paper. o e -e j11Friday's Toron- the,marriage. in Cleve - >'di. of Zbronto, mew - n 80".Sherindan Opera wfprd, of Cleveland, d of by the Toronto de - Ford, who was tried or ,the murder of Frank arkdale, was in Cleve- iriik • that she is the 1}o was married. ORE EBTRACTOit u"r hours. This s tl e of thousands who ha ,e 's ants speedily; a th. It s oorns.,ip'iwent y -f ar Js,Tgary i as ro- e xtorbhei n) art nd a sec ion of ng.yot •,g cat - oh in Calgary, Were shipped ey were year - rand, after be- nch pastures at Mountains, they ,ek to Ontario o: the or exported r -toss looks like a round - king beef to send a distance of 2,300 em back again after -d• their growth and ion 1Q- t -6e butcher, gtlestaon of distance *nor importance. Ow women and young finally in tare? Who %2 Wh t have fre- without any ap- elligent physician Me derangement of 6dt�tta}t bate feminine or- tanffers, There bodily indue ;;pain, unreasonable %per. Dr. Pierce's exerts a wonderful .oat Qrganism. It nand is eppeoifio for *woman. and j f woman. Care - frequently treat ntijrfi r biliousness, ner- dr or kidney trou- N s Omega is in the or- ine', and no help can ma�giperfeotly strong Ly :i )tee's /favorite Presorip- eni one -cent stamps to the *try Medical Association, tad receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 'Aimee Medical Adviser, H. tat. f?Au .to an, of Belfast, has ceed the late Rev. pastor of old St. o. Mr McCaughan reacher. eel, the representative t'p. irt,movement started in kg; called the Blue Cloth Chatham on a mission 'I:Member s roust be strict dbe able to read, write tat e aravia ifiirrnmea OF TEE HEART, ACIDITY OP THD TACH rdrak Am' —t wart etc dh ;7i 11411.1"61.08 •41. It's a oct- ane, soothing t d Sow, Chette, Qne. •r4•ttnrnl toren Mre- thead dand branchial MtComb.t of y� I Y t., Tort Oil d SL, Tomato, tvrltes: „ant Dttkh and lung eynrp� Pyoyy intrliluneTe preparatinn. It OF. . tlefaM.ion to all who 'E'.. 6 epntan to me of the ono in their families. °Unit being plana to elle Mea born wnnelerfn tend It es a safe and Y tie. 23 Cts. A'111VCt3 CO.,,LTD, t'ofirietors rAt THE CLINTON NEW ERA scrofula Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, speaking of the treatment of s''rofula, he says: "!t i•, bardly necessary to state that cod-liver on is t to beat remedy of all. The on should be el .4 An emulsion, se prepared as to be s ie' rartlie also. says that the hyl)Ophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil, witE—hypophos- phites, is precisely such a preparation. EDITOR'S SALUTATION. Hle Unique Method or Drawing Attention to Me Bualneer. Herewith is a email hand -bill which is now being circulated about New Den- ver, B. C., by Editor Lowery, whose paper is oalled The hedge. The dodger will no doubt succeed in getting In !te "deadly work," and give the Ledge a fresh booth. Editor Lowery's salutation is as follows:— FELLOW PILGRIMS, ALL! THE LEDGE is located at New Denver, 13. C., and can be traced to many parts of the earth. It comes to the front every Thursday, and bas never been snowslided by cheap silver or raided by the sheriff. It works for the trail -blazer as well as the bloated and chicken -fed capitalist. It aims to be on the right side of every- thing, and believes that hell should be administered to the wicked in large doses. It bas stood the test of time, and the pay -streak is growing wider. The- annual assessment is only $2, and no palace, cabin, or shack is complete without it. A vein of Job Printing is worked for the benefit of humanity and the editor. Como in and See ns,but do not step on the Fighting Editor's bull pup. He is small, but very savage. R. C. LOWERY Editor andFinanoer. MAN AND WIFE IN DISTRESS From Chronic Catarrh, But instantaneous Relief follows the First Application of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder—Don't Neglect the S'mplest Cold in the Head, it may develop into This Disgceti•,g Malady almost before yon can realize it. Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says:— "My wife and I were beth troubled with distressing catarrh, but ' we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since tbe day we first used Dr, .Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Its action ties instan- taneous, giving the most grateful relief within ten minutes after first application. We consider it a godsend to humanity, and believe that no cess can be so chronic or deeply seated that it will not immediately cure." Sold by Watts & Co. At Devil's Lake, N. D., the mercury ranges from 10 to CO below zero. A train load of sheep -13 cars—was caught in the blizzard at Grand Har- bor, 6 miles west of Devil's Lake, and the animals were on the track in open, d.ruhle-decked cars during the entire blizzard. Out'of 2,300 sheep about 500 perished. SAMPLE OF LETTER We are receiving•evory day in regard to the marvellous cures effected by the use of Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills:— You are at liberty to use my name in the endorsement of your valuable pine. One box taken as directed proved such a perfect cure that I cannot find words to express my gratitude to you, and will ever sound the praises of your pills for liver trouble. (Signed) E.C. BROWN, North Toronto. Ask :Ellen & W ilson, Druggists, about them. Sample box Bent on receipt of six cents in stamps. THE LeRoy PILL Go., Toronto, Can. Try Don't Headache Powders, safe, Bum successful. 25 cents a box. NEWS NOTES A tire, which started in Mrs Tut ner's confectionary shop on Sparks street, Ottawa, did $400,000 damage. Rev A. (]rant notified Iiia congrega- tion at. Winnipeg that he hail written the First Baptiat. Church, Ottawa, de- clining the call to the pastorate of that congt eget ion. Mr J. R. McPhail, i'r•ince Alpert, an- nounces himself as a• candidate for Saskatchewan in opposition to al,.'1', O. Davis, the Liberal nominee. Mr McPhail is also a Liberal. I was nervous, tired, irritable and crosl Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me 41 and happy. Mrs E. B, WonDr e. Hold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. Sir ('has. Tupper and Hon. Mr Do - bell were amimg the speakers at the British Enip re League rneeting inLon - don, where Imperial unity was the principal su hject discussed. Tames Wesley Dorsey, an old slave who lived at Springfield, Ohio, until a few months ago, has fallen heir to $150,000, bequeathed by hie old master Peter Shaffer, of Frederick Co., Mary- land. Dorsey's whereabouts are un- known. Karl's Clover Root Teale a sure cera for. Headache and all nervone diseases. ['sloth ing relieves so quittly. Sold by J. II Combe, Clinton. Mr Archibald McLean, a farmer liv- ing on the townline between Arthur and Minto, was fatally injured at, Har•- rldton en Friday afternoon. He start- ed for home with a team and wagon, and had only, gone a few rods when the lines slipped from him in some way and in trying to regain his hold, he fell tinder the horses' feet and was Waked n the bead, and died in a few hours, ager fully regaining : Ca eeiout3t>less. e leaves a wideW and 't'birder children, it es 4041. The Second Coming of Christ. To the Editor of the New Rm. BENMILLER,, Nov. 30, 1806. MY DEAtt Sia,—In an editor iv' item in your issue of the 27th inst., you have attempted (and 1 think with very questionable taste) to make the second coming of Christ a subject fn_ ridicule, and have by doing so placed yourself amongst, those whom the Holy Ghost by the Apostle Peter ca'ls "scoffers," walking after their own lusts and say- ing, "Where is the promise of hie tozp- ing. I readily acquit you of any deliberate intention of being guilty of the sin of irreverence, or of a desire to vtound the feelings of those to whore the se- cond coming of Christ is a most sacred subject, and the hope of his speedy ad- vent is indeed a blessed hope. I say 1 acquit you of any such deliberate in- tention, from the fact that your atti- tude towards that question is the atti- tude of the great masa of the professing church, both preachers and peonle, but I wish to .point out to you that this very attitude on which you pride your- self, as a token of superior wisdom, is really a proof of the truth of the doc- trine wh'cb you thus deride, and to ehow you the fearful analogy between your pos'tion and that of his slayers— at his first corning. As a preacher', 1 here no doubt you have often pointed o tr to your hearers that the guilt of the Jews in rejecting Jesus was enhan.ced by the fact, that they ought to have recognized him as their promised Messiah, from the fact that his advent was plainly foretold in their own Ser; r'res, and our Lr.'d hi•n;elf reproved there for their inabil- ity to discern by the signs of tSe times that he was the Messiah. "Ye hypo- crites," he says, "ye can discern the face of t he sky and the earth, but how is it tbat ye do not discern This tine.' H th , Jews it ere blamewor thy b£- cat.se o7 their inability to recognize him as their Messiah, either by their Scripts res or by the £vents taking place around them, how -truoh more bltvmewortby ar- those calliag thent- selvea (atr•istiens to -day, who deliber- ately shut their eyes to the teaching of their Scrint'tres and the signs of the Mmes. But the special ar•alogy which I wish to point out you will titld in the 13th chapter of Acts, at the 27th verse, where the Aposlie Paul, in speaking to the Jews, st'.ys : "Por they that dwell at Jerusalem and their rulers, .iecause they 1• new him not, nor yet. the •'oices of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath day, they have ful- filled thetn (i.e. the words of the p"o- phets) in condemning hail." to like manner do those who make a mock of his second coming, unwittingly tulfil the prorlhecie., concet ning that event, seeing tarat at lcast one of the s gns of his coming will be that sec,, an event will be generally scouted, and that "There seals come in the last days scoffers walking :n their own lusts, and saving Where is the promise (or sign) of his coming, for since the fa- 1 firsts fell asleep all things continue as they were since tbe creation." All such persons, t rid there are many of thein, I would point to the warring contained in the closing words of the address I have alread, quoted: "Be- ware, there ore, lest that come upon you which is spoken of by the pro- phets. Behold, ye despisers, and won- der and perish, for I work a work in your day, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto yen." I need scarcely add that this letter is not written for publication (unless you should so desire) but only to point out to you the un wisdom of making light of any doctrine taught ie the Holy Scriptures, as there may be some among your reader's to whom that doc- trine is very dear, notwithstanding the fact that it does not commend itself to your judgment or conscience. I re- main your sincere friend, JOHN KERNI(IIIAN. 1 We think our esteemed correspon- dent has assumed more than he is jus • titled in doing, from the paragraph in question. However, we have no spe- cial fault to find with his criticism, which is courteous and manly.—Eu, New ERA.I CANCER CURED —AND A— LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on niy knee, which several physicians, IN ho treated nle, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done 14) sav(' my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla orrasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- deed, it seems as though i could not keep house without it."—Mrs. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. /►jler'B Pills Regulate the Liver. °Phe fag spt!'tsar is ea MUNYON Thousands have been cured by the use of his wond- erful little Pellets No other Medicines Receive Daily so Many Testim.on- tials from grateful People Strong Words of Praise Every Mail brings them unso- licited from all Parts of the Country The Beneficial Results obtained from tbe use of Munyon's Improved Homoceopa• tic Remedies by those afflicted with Rheumatism, liidney Trouble, Dyspep- sia, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronohitis and other Diseases are being testified to by thousands every day. Mr Emanuel Harrison, a prominent resident of Brampton, Ont., well known in Toronto, says:—"I suffered with rheuma- tism since last February, and the pain was Bo severe at times that I could not Bleep. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure was recom- mended to me and I purchased a bottle; took three doses that night, and the next mo;nir'g I felt greatly relieved. I have used only the 25 cant bottle and am now entirely cured" I consider this Rheuma- tism Cure the most wonderful remedy I ever heard of," Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cure in a few days• Price 15o. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble. Prioe 25o. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily heals the lungs. Prioe 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25o. Munyon's Headache Cure stopsheadache in three minutes. Price 25o. Mouyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Prue 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 25o. 'Aluuyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes and cure permanently. Price ii 1, Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure—price 25c—eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets—price 25c --cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price 25. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price 31. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25c a vial. Perkonal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 & 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medical advice for any disease• The \sterll For 1896-7 BALANCE OF 1896 FREE ONLY ONE DOLi.Ait To Jan, let 1898. SIXTEEN PAGES EACH WEEK —WITII -- ALL the NEWS of the World MARKET REPORTS, STORIES, &c Excellent Reading for every member of the family. We offer good inducements to agents. For terms, etc., address - ida-ertiser Printing Co., LON DON, ONT. OUTJA The Greatest Fortune Telling Game of the Century 1 >oes lie loge lee? I )oes he not? Will sad or happy be illy lot Soon i'll know for now I've got. ODUIJJA. Price $1.50 Each For sale by all fancy goods dealers or sent prepaid on re- ceipt of price by ) The Co P, CLARK Co., Ltd Toront is.4 The Quern's 11 den. These are the Royal Rotanlo Gardens at I1ew, near London, which cost an• nuttily 220,850 to maintain. In the strict- est settee they are publltt, for the admis- aiot\ to them is gratis, end their expense is provided for out of a parliamentary grant from the taxes. These gardens cover about seventy-five acres, and the plentiful -a grounds oonueoted with them extend over two hundred and forty acres. The gardens are beautifully and scientt. finally oultivated. In their hothouses is the most perfect collection in the world of all manner of orohlds, ferns, oaatuees and other tropical plants and trees. The palm trees grow to the roof of the palm house, which is sixty-four feet in height and three hundred and sixty-two feet by pne hundred feet in area, re- sembling a tropical forest, for bananas, cocoanuts, ooffee plants, ootton, ginger, nutmegs and cloves all flourish there. D lagppojn ted. Mamma (to Eche, just home froth her first morning at the kindergarten)— Well, Edle, how did you lite 1t? Edle—I didn't like it a bit. The keach- er put me en a obair and told me to sit there for the present. And I 'kat and eat, and she never gave mo the present. It is•otten a mystery how a cold has been "caught." The fact, is, however, that when the blood is poor and the system depresses t one becomes peculiarly liable to diseases. When the etppetite or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla should be taken without delay. HARPER'S MAGAZINE IN 1897 FICTION : THE Malaise, the new novel by Du MAURIER, the eagerly expected suc- cessor to "Trilby," begun in October num her, 1896, with illustrations from the au- thor's drawings. A new novel by FRANK R. STOCKTON—developing a Twentieth Century Renaissance—full of humorous situations and characteristically illustrated. A PAIR OF PATIENT LOVERS, by WM. DEAN HOWELLS. Other striking novelettes by American au• there. Short stories by MARK TWAIN, Tnes. NELSON PAGE, RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, OWEN WHITER. JOHN KENDItIOX BANGS, RUTH MCENERY STUART, OCTAVE THANET, MARY E. WILKINS anti other popular writers. SCIENCE: Story of the progress of Science during the Nineteenth Century, e series of papers by DR HENRY SMITH Wrr.• LIAMS, supplemented by contributions on special subjects by export scientists. Ar- ticles on the relations of curious psycho- logical manifestations to physiology by DR ANDREW WILSON. AMERICAN FEATURES : THE MExr• co OF To -DAY, a series by CHAS. F. Lemma, splendidly illustrated—the result of a re- sent visit to Mexico undertaken for HAR- PER'S MAGAZINE. Mexico is pre-emi- nently a silver producing country, and its monetary operations rest entirely on a sil- ver basis. Owing to the keen discussion of certain econoinro problems in connection with issues of urgent importance in Ameri- can politics, these papers will command general attention. AMERICAN HISTORICAL PAPERS by WOODROW WILSON, JOHN BACH MACMASTER, and JAMEB BARNES. The true story of SHEERIDAN'S RIDE, by Gen. G. A. FORSYTH, Continuation of HowEr.Le's PER- SONAL REMINISCENCES of eminent literary Americans. AFRICA AND THE EAST: WHITE MAN'S AFRICA a fully illustrated series of papers by POULTENEY BIGELOW, the result of personal observations daring a recent trip to Africa, covering the whole field of European exploitation of that country. Illustrated articles by S'rer'rtEN BONSAL, on the transformations going on in EASTERN SIBERIA, recently visited by the author. HUNGARIAN SKETCHES, written and drawn by F. HOPKINSON SIIFIH. The full story of the recent Coronation of the Czar, by RrcH- ARD HARDrse DAVIS, illustrated by R. CATON Woo1,vILLE, who was commissioned by Queen Victoria to paint a picture of the ceremony. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Fort ONE YEAR - - - - $4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Un:t• ed States, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P.O. Box 929, N. Y. CITY HARPER'S WEEKLY' IN 1897 With the end of 1s96 HIARPER'S WEEKLY will have lived forty years. In that time it has participated with all the zeal and power at its command in the great political events of the most interesting and important period in the history of the country, and it has spread before its read- ers the accomplishments of science, arts, and letters for the instruction of the hu- man mind and the amelioration of human conditions and manners. What the WEEKLY has been in its spir- it and purpose, as these have been mani- fested principally in its editorial pages, it will continue to be. It is impossible 1n announce with preci- sion all that the WEEKLY will contain during the year 1897. It were as easy to announce what is abort to happen in the WORLD, what triumphs f"r Goon Gov FRN. ArENT are to be won, what AD,' Nr rte of the PEorr,i•; are to be made, what is to be the outcome of the rontinnoos straggle between the spirits of WAR and PEA( E, what is to happen in the , rt EAST, what is to be the STATE oP Eranre twelve months hence, what NEW i?ARVa.r,s OF e( TEN, E are to he re- vealed, Or what are to be the AhHTEVEVENTR or ARTS AND LETTERS, for the WEEKLY is to be a pictorial record of all this, CARTOONS will continue to be a feature. SERIAL S•toRrEB: A New England story by Mrss MARL' E. Wrr•KINS, will begin in January- A tale of a Greek nprising against the Turks, by Mr E. F. BENSON, the author of "Dodo," will follow. A se- quel to "The House -Boat on th'e Styx." by Mr JOHN KENnRrCx BANOS, illustrated by Mr PETER NEWELL, Mere SHORT STORIES will appear in the WEEKLY than it has been possible to publish during 1896 DEPARTMENTS: Mr W. D. HOWELLS'S "Lite and Lettere" have been among the moat charming features of periodical liter- ature; Mr E. 8. MARTIN, and others will contribute observations on what is going on in "This Busy World;" "Amateur Sport" will remain the moat important depart- ment of its kind in the country. The WEEKLY will continue to present to its readers the world's news MOST INTE- RESTING TO AMERICANS, to make important advances in both the litetary and artletio features, and to retain for ttself.the leading place in the illustrated journalism of the world. HARPER'S WEEKLY Fort ONE YEAR - -• - $4 00 Poe ge free to all subsoribera in th Unit- ed States, 'Ot£nada and Mets. o. Add a ffidlIPS11, & B1 OT ERS, ',O. 130't 959, ,,Y, Crmfr ,'1 ue6ornb:efi' 11, :y ter.:. OldI .,;r v. =i Ce':eold C1UAEETTES W. S. Kimball & Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Detail everywhere 50 per Package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. ens Frieze moats $5.50, $7.50, $8, $9.50, and. $10 Extra value Scotch Suitings 01 our ooln importation, $16, $17, and $18 Satisfaction Guaranteed. R. O BT. COATS & SO Pi art NERO FIDDLED WUILE ROME RITUN•ER� But don't you fiddle your time away, going from store to store looking for•,I„tew and up to date goods. We :lain to have the rno't attractive DINNER, TEA, awlFIVE O'CLOCK SETS that are shown in town and at the most reasoneble prices, Our Store ie filled with the ntwest and prettiest goods that are on the market, Call and inspect our Stock or take a look at our windows and you WILL FIND W[IAT WE ALA'ERTISE IS TRUE Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc. CASH FOR I3t1'l'TEIi ANI) EGOS. OGLE COOPER & co Farm produce taken ascash.—TelephoueNo. 23. HUB GROCERY ,;_, LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS We have a very fine assortment of Lamp settle bough: right from the manufag- turers, and the prices are right- You want to N••,' our leaner for 81, .t is a daisy' for the money. Also Library Lampe and slanging Lamps at all prices. Wes think we can suit the taste 01 alumni, any pereui,. Gill and examine our' goods. and we duct, it will be 111 trouble to sell you. 1F (3r -J ) a ,S _C)W, - Gljinto NH,W FisUITS New Currants, Raisins, Figs, .lite, Candied Peels, Pure Spics (Fane) Combination Rinner and Tea, Sets in finest Porcelain arid (ir-it riite ware. The best 2.'k- Tea in town. Agent, for t he noted 'lonsonrt Teas. ('all arils inspect goods and get. tluotations. Highr,t prir'e• paid for good Butter and Eggs. N. ROBSON, - Clinton. !IL t: