HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-11, Page 2ae mt}lr ..=.w . id � I !, a i , . P I p 1 , s i' I , tt.. ' ? 71" 001 11,1896 i 1 4 � e' . In r (kIa , ]DEC.UMBER 11, 1896 net debt of Quebec is nearly $16 A of the population. Quebec will to begin to make over her old its and hats, if she is ever to get again. �ome alleged leaders of the Uonser- tS.Ke party ar,p determined to revive �e:Manitoba school question. If that ii08tion belongs as certainly to the t', the political existence of those j�40rs, they are not ;it all likely to be zOoessful at the work. -Toronto Tele- p�,6m, Conservative. F.here are those who say that Premier 4,urier has a bad memory, but when Vl (the next general elections, he re- Gmds the country of the rise in the dice of wheat which accompanied the tI oming of the Liberal Government, apse people will be bound to admit kt Mr Laurier's retentive faculties ra+, @ ;able to cope with an event some h,�R . o" years past. -Toronto Telegram, $Xet'vati ve. Rt is no wonder India fears the ight of famine. That densely pop- ,�,ted country has often experienced 'terrors. Between 1860 and 1878 OVe were seven famines, in which at Sgt 12,000,000 persons perished. In -98 3,500,000 were starved to death estroyed by diseases consequent deprivation in the Presidency of ras. In the province of Raiputana in 1868 69, 1,500,00,1 lives were ',`The icreat famine of 1876.78 anni- .,, d 1,050,000 wretched natives in "re, one-fourth of the population. epel Griffin says these famines �ture's reply to the great increase ,q ulation. This is doubtless a fac ,p i �,, ut in any estimate of causes the a'T f scientific tillage and manage- 4FF ,,, of the sources of production must Lb T,i en into a4count. 1- . Mr Tarte, who has returned to ;.. eal from his western tour, is of I 4 n - that Archbishop Langevin `l► conclude within three months % a has made a grievous mistake it t accepting the Manitoba schools, i' h,�+ went, A return to the condi- IT, ich prevailed under the old O.arate schools system is not to be li 'tight of. Ah, that past, said Mr r e; "It makes me sick to think of itl '0whave much more talk about the Clement we will investigate, not '.he � eent situation, but the past. The F --what mistakes, what errorsl hen 'I contrasted St. Boniface with I city of Winnipeg I could t host have cried. Wirnipeg is a mc- Cp city with 40,000 people. St. Boni- �seI whic-h had the start in the race, 3probably a population of 1,400. It ;ping back instead of moving for - ;rd: The late Archbishop had the illi of founding a great French -Cara - y. in colony, which should be isolated lin all other peoples and interests. ,. ttefa al. He obtained large tracts ittld, nd held them against all out - Org. Libok at the I eselt to -day. I Esick t heart to think of the way , bdu tt ytnen had been handicap- �_ r` C'oneerning the Militia. �6,XL Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, �,'p at the dinner of the Toronto Yi6on last Thursday night. He de- ed annual drill to be necessary if 6igda was to have an efficient and �ctive militia force. Said he. i,: people of Canada have at last ne to the conclusion, and the ad- �,Jmtration of the Militia Department y+awakened to the belief, that in or- ktidfhave an efficient militia force it Bary to properly equip and of- ' I Y,rrn now have the hest rifle, Elie e, i t� e;world, provided for i1dr, e. You have new weapons on 'Way ,out for the armament of t he 66,- We do not want war. Thp ;(farations we are making in this 110, r,,yq are not intended as a menace �tr#y ody. (Sod grant that we may itiiij'te,inpeace forever in the future, �*ory self-respecting man must be �1;,t0' defend himself; every self-re- 'trlir country must be able to de• �- ,,;Tfl atld the better you are Dre- foI' self-defense the less likeli- il L bre is that you will be called t1:t ii;d'efend yourself." r �. maybe quite true, but if Government wishes to ex- bnomy, and at the same time od sense, it will cut the mili- ,- riation down more than one 't'l'Is country and any other will *sI .,: •:. I I"to war, and it is criminal to 11 t" thing soldiers and cultivating 1 I .00rit,when the entire eenti- tli►f the age is against it. The „Il, ,tI'„era all the time praying 't d-i�oVotd may be beaten Into a t L”. n but sentimentalists talk ntiriii7 different strain. )'k'tDPOR 3C CENTS DISEASE 11 lj btAimenti will cure all oases iiltliif,ll'i heti three to six nights, I TT�w I I * �. y T l 1t' ql� i.., ,,s/ Religious Instruction With every regard for the hottest convictions of the churchmen who are asking for the adoption of a system tof religious imitruction in the public schools, it must be stated that the idea is impracticable. The Anglicans of the diocese of Ot- tawa desire that the instruction be haled upon a common text -book. Does anybody believe that a satisfac- tory text -book could be compiled? All of the difficulties that split up Chris- tendom would have to be encountered by the }nen appointed to do the work. Their efforts would be nugatory. Honest roan who believe in one doc- trine would never consent to its being omitted while another doctrine held by other honest men was inserted. Itis impossible to teach religion With- out bringing doctrine into that teach- ing. Religious exercises and religious doctrine are totally different. The suggested textbook would never be satisfactory. It would lead to endless trouble. If the desire is to have the exercises amplified, the petitioners might be sat- isfied without injuring the efficacy of the schools. But, when in teaching secular history, o c for instance, trouble often arises, how futile it would be to expect that instruction in religion would not be sure to be something im- possible satisfactorily to carry on, ACHING JOINT8 Announce the presence of rheumatism which causes untold suffering. Rheuma- tism is due to Iloilo acid in the blood. It cannot be anted by liniments or other out- ward applications. Hood's Sarsapaailla purifies the blood, removes the cause of rheumatism and permanently cures this disease. This is the testimony of thous- ands of people who once suffered the pains of rheumatism, but have actually been cured by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its great power to act upon the blood and re- move every impurity is the secret of the wonderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla - What Chapleau Says. There never vva a time when Sir Adolphe Chapleau did not possess good judgment. Eight months ago he declined to enter the Conservative Ministry, because he saw that the fab- ric of the Government was perishing. Now he comes out with the statement that the settlement of the school ques- tion should satisfy everybody. Sir Adolphe's is the most important utterance that any Quebecker has made. The Bleus are doing their best to stir up race feeling and religrou3 an- imosity; tb-� Rouges, according to their enemies, are going to ba punish- ed for their action in negotiating the school treaty, by being defeated in the P-ovincial elections. The opinions of neither are absolutely unbiased. Chapleau never was a hide -bound party man. His first care usually was Chapleau. His term of office at Spen- ce -wood will soon ex i, e, and he will enter poU.:-,s agai.l. In the ranks of the Opposition 1% Ottawa he will not be coutent to sit under Sir Adolphe Caron, who has a Bim hold on the leadeiehip Of the corporal's guard of French Conservatives. His political adapttibility may lead Chapleau;to join forces with Laurier. IIe would be a valuable recruit, In Quebec there is no man, save Laurier, a preaching him in politic, it strengt�. His view that the Government h, -.s done well in the .chool case is not uri- likely to be followed by an announee- inent, after his term as Lieat,-Gover nor expires, th,-,t the Government is Diving satisfretion in other respects. - Toronto Telegram, Conservative. AMERICA ASKS ENGLAND'S AS- SISTANOE. It is not every day that an American firm willit dm a i its inability to fill an order for goods from a Cananian house, and ask the assistance of an English firm to help them out. Nevertheless a reliable despatch says, that thn demand for the "Orphan's Prayer" picture, which is sent to all sub- scribers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is already so great that the publishers of the Family Herald realiz- ing that the firm of Prang & Co., of Bos- ton, were not able to produce the pictures fast enough, cabled to the firm of Rowney & vo., London, Eng., for assistance. A favourable reply has been received, and their large establishment is now busy, day and night, on the Family Herald's great premium picture, "Orphan's Prayer." Of course the work of producin the "Orp- han's Prayer" requires a greet eal of time and skill, but with what are probably the two beet Art housea in the world, working day and night, the publishers of the Family Herald hope to be able to fill promptly all orders. The plan announced at the beginning by the publiahers of the Family Herald to send the "Orphan's Prayer" to subscribers in the order in which subscriptions reach them seems to give perfect justice. "First come, first served," is their motto, and it is a good one. The price of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, including the "Orphan's Prayer," we see is only one dol- lar. It is indeed marvellous how it can be done for so little money. FROM AGONY TO JOY Acute Sufferings from Acute Rbecmatio Ailment Relieved by South American Rheumatic Cure When Hope bad well- nigh gone. Mrs W. Ferris, Wife of a Well known Manufacturer of Glencoe, Cheerfully tells the story of Her Cure. " I was for years a great sufferer from rhenmatic affection in my ankles, and at times was go bad that I could pot walk. I tried every known remedy and treated with beat pbye{clans for years, bnt no permanent relief. Although my confidence in remedies was about exhausted, I was induced to try South American Rheumatic Cure. I pur. chased a bottle. The very first dose gave mo relief, and after taking two bottles all pain had vanished and there has been no return of it. I do cheerfully recommend thia great remedy." Sold by Watts & Co. CAST®R'A For Infants and Children. 0 fart.. 1 A - . Crisp, ,!'! "' G1i pings West Rerun Teachers. James 1, s, k► least Wawanosh, The West Huron Teachers' AesooiatipD met In the Collegiate Institute, Goderloh, Is vets II , Q- "t• . at 11 a. m., Friday, according to the call of .,; We are `''eorrp , 4 4varn that Mrs A. the executtvle committee. J. S. Delgaty, Andera4en, Fast awanosh, has been president of the Association occupied the indisposed for some time. chair. Dr. J. R. Macdonald of Win ham 1aYt s The following committees were appoint- ed, via: Resolution, Messrs Baird, Tom, on the early train 'Iburada morning, for Roseland, B. O. � Lockhart, Mrs Robb and Mise Wiggins; c. " audit, T. A. McLaughlin and J. Spencer; R. S. Lang, Exeter, has shipped nearly 2,600 bbla of apples to England program, S. P. Half, W, E. Johnston and Mr � ;:x bliss Vesper. It was decided that this season. Baird's nototl of motion with reference to R. F. White, of Palmerston, bas tak- bonusing periodicals be the first order of em possession of the Commercial iso- business in the afternoon, tel, Wroxeter. Mr Baird withdrew his resolution on re - Mr Chas. Donley, formerly of Gor- stricting the bonusing of periodicals, on to- e financial stand- rie, died in Winnipeg General Hospi. ing ofgthesureaceo Assocationt ill permit the con- tal, from inflammatory rheumatism. tinnnance of the practice. Ringing noises in the *ars, snapping, buz- Wm. Houston, M.A., director of teachers' zing, roaring, oaused by catarrh, all disap- instituted, proceeded to discuss the subject pear with the use o1 Hood'B Sarsaparilla. of teaching literature, taking as the bade Wm. Sellery, Staffs, dropped dead of hie remarks two of Tennyson's poems, "Crossing "Break, on Sunday while returning from the bar," and break, church, Heart dlfeage was the cause. break," copies of which were distributed Carling Carlin Brea., Exeter, hoe hC a tilt• among the teaehe-e. Mr Houston's re - marks wet:o Lyell received, and the teachers key on Tuesday from Nelson Baker, seemed to derive much beuellt therefrom, of Stephen, which weighed 29 Ibis when G. W. Holman introduced a disonesion on dressed. the new copy books and condemned the Mr Penhale, of Whitby, has sold his Newland series ae unfit for use in the farm consisting of 150 acres, in Step; schools, and inferior in every respect to Brown hen now occupied by John Station, 01 KellermannBros,Dashwood,for$6,500, those of Ga a. R. E. also spoke the Newlandeeries of strongly condemning W. H. Johnston in the The property in St. Helens that for- copy books. spoke the adoption o I merly belonged to George Joynt has changed hands, Mr R. McGuire being lame strain and urged Gage's series in West Huron, regardless of the purchaser, the oonoequenoe as to the want of grant. G.Baird suggested the use o1 the old auth- W. Wood and sister, Hensall, left on orized book until a better is authorized. Tuesday evening for Los An$elos,Cal., S. F. Halls, B. A„ said the Gage's series where they intend spending some was decidedly in advance of that of New - time in hopes of improyrng Miss Wood's land's. health. G. Baird then read a carefully prepared The best cough care is Shiloh's Cure. A pa er on "The care of school property," He the tea neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure, which was well received. said - cher should be guided by the same interest Mr McKay, of Summerhill, has leased in the eohool property as he or she would manifest in ane preservation of his or her the blacksmith shop of Mr D.MeNaugb- ton,Varna, and Mr Bays,who formerly own. Baird urged teachers be very ran this shop, has bought a shop in i vigilant t in the exercises their duty in the preservation of the trees and other orn&- Elimville. mente' of the echcol premises. R. E. Meseta A. Rose and A. Cameron, of Brown then read a paper on "rhe Dignity Stanley„ did some lively work in the of the Teachers' Proleseion." It was evI- bush of Mr Roes a few dayp ago. dent that Mr Brovm had given much They sawed, split and piled six cords thought to the matter aivd many valuable of wood in four hours fifteen minutes. hints were thrown out. . Mr A. M. Rush, a Brantford wind- The question was fnrtlm discussed by roil 1 expert, fell off the barn of Peter P t. Mea®re Boyd and Johnston. y McEwen, Turnberry, and broke his EVENING leg, He had just finished putting up A very successful "At Home" was held the mill, and went up to show Mr Mc- at the Collegiate Institute Assembly room Ewen how to oil it, when he slipped at which a splendid program was rendered and fell to the ground. including Excellent recitations by Misses The Gorrie Pnblic Library is now Johnston and Ball, a solo by Mise Strachan free and no membe' ship fee is charged, and instrumentals by Miss show. A lively but in order to defray running expen- discussion was held, in which all wore in- ses the managers have issued tickets, vited to participate, on the subject, "The which can be procured for 10c, which Outlook for the Public School, Teacher." entitles the holder to thirty books. Many of the citizens of Goderich were pre- Mise Lillie Howard, daughter of Ed. sent, including the school trustees, who took part in the discussion and made some Howard, attended aparty at Crediton valuable suggestions, President Delgaty last week. She went outside from a occupied the chair and delivered bia annual heated room, and contracted a cold, address which was well received and very which has resulted in her mind becom- favorably commented upon. Last, but ing temporarily deranged. not least, an excellent lunch including cake The Wingham Times says: -We and coffee was served by the teachers of were pleased to see Mr John Dickson, Goderich and their friends. In this part the Town Treasurer, on the street of the program every one had a share and again after his long confinement each bad the satisfaction of appreciating through illness. Mr Dickson had not hie or her own efforts. "God Save the been down town since the fits: of Sep. Queen" brought this excellent entertain- tember until last Friday. ment to a close at a timely hour. One of the oldest residents of St Pp- SATURDAY. hen township passed away on the 18th, in the person c,f Mrs John Morrison, of The Association met at 9 A M, the presi- con. 14. Deceased carne from Inver- nese shire, Scotland, nearly half a cen- dent in the chair. Tne Auditor's report was presented, and tury ago. adopted. On motion of Inspector Tom, seconded Mr G. W. Holman of Usborne has by G. Baird, the thanks of the Association served the wt et Huron teachers so were tendered tc the trustees of Goderich faithfully as sec-treaR.,that at the t e- Collegiate for the use of the assembly room cent meeting in Goderich he was re- and also that the secretary pay the care - elected for the 13th year, taker the usual fee. While a number of young people The election of officers was then proceed - were engaged in gttthering evergreens ed with, and resulted as follows, all being in Hillen's swamp, McKillop, on Friday elected by acclamation. President, S. J.A. last, they discovered a bundle contain- Boyd, Belfast; vice -pros„ Mise KateWatsoo, ing about fifty peir of ladies shoes and Goderich; eee.-treas„ G. W. Holman, Hur- a large quanity of Luitted underwear. 1'he goods were considerably damaged ondale; executive comm;ttee, Thos. G. Mlin, B. D. Grant, S. P. Halle, B.A,, J. A. from exposure to the weather. Gregory and Mise Voaper. While di ❑ oat holes, on Tnanks- gg g P G. W. Holman introduced a resolution on the practice of undermining and under - giving day, two young farmers' Sons neat Wroxeter had an alt-3rcation over biddinresorted to by teachers. G. M. some tr;vial matter, and one of them Kilty seconded the motion, which after some diacussi-,n was referred to the resoln- dealt the other a blow with a shovel tion committee. laying him out so badly that medical aid was summoned and Mr Houston proceeded to disenes "Gram - a serious case was pronounced. ,tical Analysis," dealing more particularly with the logical structure of an English Mrs Wm. Ellison, who left Wingham sentence. Mr Houston discussed the sub - about three months ago to reside with jeot in an able manner, and much valuable her aged father in Winnipeg, died in information was given. The teachers took the hospital thein of dropsy. Deceas- a lively interest in the disoussion and ed was a sister or Mrs Thom. Forbes, seemed highly pleased. c.f Wingham, and had resided there W. H. Johnston wag then called upon, for a number of years. After being and explained his meth(d of teaching com- sick for a few weeks, a private ward position to second and third classes. Mr was secured for her in the hospital. Johnston dealt fully with the subject and where, a week later, she passed away. his remarks were eagerly listened to. TLe Her remains were interred in W111I1i. discussion was further continued by Mesara peg. Brown, Gregory, Tom, Boyd, Holman and It is now more than two weeks since Delgaty. Samuel Parkinson so mysteriously die -appeared from his home in Usborne In the absence of Mr Scott, S. J. A. Boyd township. Diligent search has since kindly consented to take the .ubjeet- been kept up and every means adopted to discover "Proper Interpretation and Working of his whereabouts, but with- Signs in Fractious." Mr Boyd's explana- out success. Daffy word is received of tions seemed very satisfactory to the tea• men answering his description, but in- ohers present. vestigation proves the identity of A discussion then took place on the use some one else. While the family and of the spelling kook in schools, in which the friends have given up the search, they following took part -Messrs. Holman, hope for and expect his early return. Brown, Boyd, Delgaty and others. This A neglected cough is dang9rous. Stopod discussion proved very interestingg, and be- et or us by u -•r -g Shiloh'. cure. Sold by J came very general and was very benefloial. H. Combe, Clinton- The following resolutions as amended One of theloldest residents of Huron, were then adopted by the association: 1. That this Association is of the opinion Mrs. Ann Redmond, of the 5th con. of that the Gage series of vertical writing Hay, passed away on Monday. She should receive immediate authorization, as with her lata husband,John Redmond, reached here from the north of Ireland the present system in unsatisfactory. 2, That on a000nnt of teachers having to just in the middle of the century andreside at the high school entrance and P. settled on the 5th con., where for up- g, Leaving examinations, and also the wards of forty-six years she lived, on eohool-rooms being used for these examin. the same farm. Few if any can boast ations, it is the opinion of this Association of better health or,& stronger or more elastic and enduring frame, till she that the high school entrance and public leaving reached the age of 48 or 50, when she school examintions, should be held after the 90th of Jane each year. was strickeh with hay asthma from 3. Tb at we, the members of the W. H. T. which she never . ecovered. A., express our disapproval of the practice of teachers applying for positions without NO AVAIL. first ascertaining whether the present Adam Soper, of Burk's Falls, Found All teacher is likelyto be re-engaged or not and that everyteacher in this inspectorate Remedies for Kidney Disease of no Avail having definite proof of such anprolleasicnal Until he Used South American Kidney condn3t, shall report In writing the same to secretary of the Association who shall re- i Cure -To -Day he in a Well Man, and port the names o1 such offenders to the ex - Gives the Credit Where it is Due. "For 1 have soutive and the ezeontive shall take snob a g time I been a great suf- action 1R the matter as shall be deemed in ferer fro disease of the kidneys. The I the severest. I had the beat interests of the teaching profesion. 4. While appreciating folly Interest pains a Bred were tried all ,nds of remedies, but all to no the manifested in education by the editors of avail. an persuaded to try South.Ame. our papers throughout the coast ,qe would rioatr ey pure. Have taken 1161f a dogen I as, and I can confidently 9�y�I that., $ I ani a eared wan, and qui' enggest that conlmitteee of towers b0 ap- pointed to di�erel,apariA of the 7 .dpeotoratk •'who t'hillA'colip4>l: iiattatirtp ltlild facto relat.: the squinty, . A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the teachers and their friends who furnish- ed the excellent entertainment provided for the association on Friday night. X"Rays Of severest trial and test prove in regard to Hood's fianayarllla Ist, Greatest Merit Secured by a pecullar Combina• I -1l Won, Proportion and Process unknown to others - which - ' naturally and actually produces I, 28bod, Greatest Cures wn by thousands of honest, r - voluntary testimonials — which naturally and actually produce , 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements of .. druggists aR over the country.' \,Vir,� Iu these three pelota Hood's ' sarsaparilla is peculiar to ltseM i ,Hood- J a , . Sarsaparilla g«. U the beat - It Is the Ona True Bloppo'�'d Puriner. Food's Pills withHooa'aSar'_]ArllL° laacli-Arno. Y'aee-Ache, 1lelatie Pales, Neuraluic Pian, Pain in the Hide, etc. 11m,uptly IWltevod and Cwed by The "D.,& L." Menthol Master Haring used ymr D. & L MentM Pro" for.eros. pata In the busk and lamb.Aor li uub-h.tingly recommend ,ams sal r aura And rapidremedy; in fAct, the] .Nr r, mao—A, LAMir HTZ, Eliaab.ihWwn, Price flee. DAVIS & LAWRE'NCE CO., LTD, Proprietors, NIONTREAL, HARI'ER'S BA7.AR XN 1897 The BAMA, a thoro4gbly up-to-date peri odical for women, will en.er upon its Thir- tieth Volume in 1897. As a Fashion journal it is unsurpassed, and is an indiepensible requisite for every well-dressed woman. KATHARINL DE FOREST writesweekly letter on current fashions from Paris. In Nxw YoR,c FASMOIIB, and in the fortnightly pattern-sbeet supplement ladies find full details, directions, and dia- granas for gowns, wraps and children's clothing. SANnoz, BAUDE and CHArics drew and engrave the newest and finest Parisian designs every week. The serials for 1897 will be: TnE RED' BRIDGE 1`IEIGanoanoOD, by M)nIA LoolBs POOL; and FATHER QUINNA!.r,,o N, by OCTAVE TnANET. Short stories will be constantly presented by brilliant writers, among whom are MARY E, W)I,HINS, HARRIET PRdBCOTT Sr01{0RD, MARION HARLAND, RUTH MCENERY P,T3ART, Vioi.A RosEnono, and MAROARET k3UTTOi4 BRIBCOE. WHAT WOMEN ARF DOING in various parts of the Union will form a series of special interest. Other interesting features are The Out- door Woman, devoted to healthful sports and past mea; Music, a weekly critical Bum mary of music in *Tew York: Amateur The- atricals, Embroidery and needlework; Ceremony and Etiquette, Good House- oeeping, "WHAT GIRLS ARF Domo," "Cur- rent Social Events," and Personale gleaned from original sources. WoMEN AND MEN. Colonel T. W. Hio- GrssoN will regularly continue his valuable essays. ANBwERs To CORR FSB ONDENTS. This col- umn is conducted for the benefit and con- venience of readers, and all questions re- ceived are apswered in rotation, as prompt. ly and fully as practicable. Aar. The BAZAR is a notable picture- gadery, reproducing the most beautiful works of American and foreign artists, as presented in the annual Paris and New York exhibitions. Wr-r AND HUMOR. Ev- erybody turns for a hearty laugh to the BAZAR'n last page. AN ALL-RoCND WOMAN'S PAPER—What more appropriate gift can be made to wife, daughter or sister than a subscription to HARPERS-BA7.AR7 Secure it as a wel. come visitor in your household for 1897. HARPER'S BAZAR FOR ONE YEAR - . - $4.00 Postage Free to all aubscribem in the 17.i - ted States, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P.O. Box 909, N.Y. CrTY. Quantity IIs Not Wanted In d at how much you can get for Phemoney in our $hoe Store. The size of the bargains will stagger you, but not so much but that you can entertain their proposals and finally accept them We also have a large stock of AS Travelling Bags.. i� Lt 4aargains in ciont* :;4i I I PROPERtTES FOR SALE OIL To LEL HOUSEI3 FOR SALE OR RENT, Several houses either for 9010qr to rent. Frill particulate on application to 4 INN MoGARVA FOR HALE, OR TO RANT. small cottage, centrally located. For sale or to rent. w. C. BEsaLE 4 FOR SALE., The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Partioulara upon application, JAME6 800TT, Barrister Jae FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. For terma and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton WI PERRIN BLOCK 2 FOR SALE VW oaeb and 120 monthly payments of 813 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. subscriber offers for sale his farm of 400atree, bo(ng lot 19, on the 6th con, of Hullett; about 85 cleared, all fit for oultivation. Log houno, witb frame kitchen, frame barn 96x6o, wlth us- ual outbnildinge. Good boaring orebard. Tee land Is as good as can be found and farm is in good condition five acres in fall wheat and near- ly 40 acres eeeAed down. Posseeaionglvea any time, Apply on the promises or to A. L sow ) Constance, FARM TO RENT The Uhdarelga6a offore to rent the splendid farm do the 9th con. Hullett township, being the north ball of lot 36, containing 86 acres, Frame house, barn, stable and shed, young orchard bearing this year, acreek running through the farm all tbo year round. A desirable farm for stock or grain, being only six miles from the town of Clinton. Appy to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeaville. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 12, Bayfleld 66u., Goderich township, con- taining 119 acres, about 80 cleared and in good state of cultivaWnn, talanoe bardwood, bneh and some cedar timber. Good, ootnlortable brick house, large Lank barn, good orchard; well watered, spring creek running across the farm, whiob la well fenced, mostly with cedar, Tama of sale will be made very easy. If not sold Will be rented for a term of years. Apply to C, SIMONS, 72 bt. David's St., Goderiob. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for sale the 80 acre farm on the cornet 0 c n Goderich t the cut line and 10th con.. Townebip, It to well watered, witb good bearing orchard, }rain,, house and new bank barb. Con- venient to obureb and school. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to _ MRS JOS SPARLING, Clinton House and Small Farm to Let. dire ecrnfortavle dwelling web barn and fou to • 1 aeres of glop land, Including garden and Rood otobmrdr ly ongivg to Tbomas East, and lately oeeuppled by Jameb Hartwell, situated on the Lvnd'on RUad witbfu half -o -mile of Clin- ton Station', VeilI be leased on moderate terms. 1 to.>J bale Clinton. Tenders for F'aria Lands. Sealed tenders will b3 received adcl-epsed t� M. C. Camercn, Esq., Ooderith, nos later than Four o'cA,A p, m, on the 15t1day of Dcctmbor, A. D. 18961, for the purctaga, oP the following la ids and Dirt nisei, namely: Lea Ten ai) d the aoethe- v twentlacrel of I nt b'ne, bc,h ie the Fifth Co• -c ,fico 1- t=ie r�wnsi.'p of Godmich, in the er.untp,f Huron, and 3'.1 aeres off the west end rf Im'i'en it) the sixth cvneesalon of 001orlch T_atrotip. Tne above 'i a fleet -clays farm situated withiu 4 m"es ,.f Gcderich. T`+ere iy altuete d on,tbe tarn a frame d.ve'"ng bouge,l4slcrey, 361}; a frame hare, ;SJxr', a frame ha, a 37x44; a atahlo lAvil and a carnage houee 18x50 witt, abed attacher. There is also brat-o'asv orchard. Sail lo;,"od TERMS--One-flftb down at tho Uma of 1iur- Chase and the balance in five equal aonual in atfalments, with intereat at 6 er cent. For further particulars apply to M. C. CAM- ERON,execulor Gad trustee of the late D 11 Hodge, or to CAMI,'RON, FIOLT & HOLMFB, Relirib,rs, jar., 01,,rirh CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Suhacriber cffera for sale his excellen farm of 92} acre 6, being lot 27, 4th Con of Hullett. Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation. Fa.m ling two-story brink houao, frame barn and Ptu)le, splewlid beAring orchard. plenty of water. Situate about 2y miles from tho town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 acres of fall wheat gown. 'Poggesaiongiven at any time. For particulars appply be the premlms or to A. WHIR. Clintoo P. O, if. MORTGAGE SALE — O F--- VALIiABLE FARM LANDS, IN GODERICII TOWNSHIP, Under and b. t -rine of the power of sale, oon- tained In s -f—,n mortgr-ge whloh will be, ppyo- duced at .be Salo, there will be Bold at pnblla ancti,)n bl David Diokinw,n, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, Dec. 19th, 1896 AT TUB Rattenbury House, CIInWn, At 2 o'clook p, in. the following property, vim:— Lot No, 16 In the 17tb ponoession of the said township of Goderioh, containing w admea- surement 80 moons more or lwa, lens 1 acre wldue a eohool alta The soil IR a clay loam, all ubla cultivation, pxoeps 8 aeres. oovered witb good hard wood timber. The farm to well fenced and underdralned. Ono &ore le planted wlth oholee apple treea lues beginning to be&r. The build - In ge are in a good at&W of repair and oonelat of a 1J} story frame dwelling house with a 14 story kitchen, good frame barn 40x80 with stone foun- dation and atablee underneath. And a pig bougie. A school boese is on the lot and it is situate within a few minntee walk of the village of Summerblll and 4 miles from Minton. - TERMS -10 % of the purchase money down and the balance In 90 days thereafter, without interest, or two-thirds of the purchase money may remain nn mortgpage on the premises at 51 per cent lntereek Bt rther terms, particulars and conditions made known on day of pale or aepon app Itoatton to the onderelggnap D. DItMMON, JAS. 8COTT, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Vendor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Ann Lyons, deceased. Notloe is hereby given pnrsuant to 11.8.0. 1887 obapter 110, eeotion 0, and amending aote, that all creditors and others having claims against. the estate of Ann Lyon late of thewtt of 0111i,r ton, In the county of listen, marrlired wotllan 'S dereaeed, who died on or about the 7th day of:', October, 1896, at the said tonin of Clinton, A&#,,, bereby royq�lred to send b9 post,pxapstd, ot+W I delivef :M John Pinning. .Clinton, Ontario, dk:l Trains leave QQINQ dA Passenger ,... Passenger .... LONDON, London ......... 9 60.,0, Exeter..........8 Hensall ...... , gg�ni V .81d ,t ''..i r,,�,1. 1 ,rr.. eld On 41 t i ,( I'llr i, ( ham., t.i , �, si Blyth ..........0 a r , J F c. " ,ts The morning train into Clinton � ;:x train. ,,' r ,,. i„ - p. rl '` Y 1.A t ri,y F i �yFF, I I PROPERtTES FOR SALE OIL To LEL HOUSEI3 FOR SALE OR RENT, Several houses either for 9010qr to rent. Frill particulate on application to 4 INN MoGARVA FOR HALE, OR TO RANT. small cottage, centrally located. For sale or to rent. w. C. BEsaLE 4 FOR SALE., The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Partioulara upon application, JAME6 800TT, Barrister Jae FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. For terma and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton WI PERRIN BLOCK 2 FOR SALE VW oaeb and 120 monthly payments of 813 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. subscriber offers for sale his farm of 400atree, bo(ng lot 19, on the 6th con, of Hullett; about 85 cleared, all fit for oultivation. Log houno, witb frame kitchen, frame barn 96x6o, wlth us- ual outbnildinge. Good boaring orebard. Tee land Is as good as can be found and farm is in good condition five acres in fall wheat and near- ly 40 acres eeeAed down. Posseeaionglvea any time, Apply on the promises or to A. L sow ) Constance, FARM TO RENT The Uhdarelga6a offore to rent the splendid farm do the 9th con. Hullett township, being the north ball of lot 36, containing 86 acres, Frame house, barn, stable and shed, young orchard bearing this year, acreek running through the farm all tbo year round. A desirable farm for stock or grain, being only six miles from the town of Clinton. Appy to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeaville. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 12, Bayfleld 66u., Goderich township, con- taining 119 acres, about 80 cleared and in good state of cultivaWnn, talanoe bardwood, bneh and some cedar timber. Good, ootnlortable brick house, large Lank barn, good orchard; well watered, spring creek running across the farm, whiob la well fenced, mostly with cedar, Tama of sale will be made very easy. If not sold Will be rented for a term of years. Apply to C, SIMONS, 72 bt. David's St., Goderiob. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for sale the 80 acre farm on the cornet 0 c n Goderich t the cut line and 10th con.. Townebip, It to well watered, witb good bearing orchard, }rain,, house and new bank barb. Con- venient to obureb and school. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to _ MRS JOS SPARLING, Clinton House and Small Farm to Let. dire ecrnfortavle dwelling web barn and fou to • 1 aeres of glop land, Including garden and Rood otobmrdr ly ongivg to Tbomas East, and lately oeeuppled by Jameb Hartwell, situated on the Lvnd'on RUad witbfu half -o -mile of Clin- ton Station', VeilI be leased on moderate terms. 1 to.>J bale Clinton. Tenders for F'aria Lands. Sealed tenders will b3 received adcl-epsed t� M. C. Camercn, Esq., Ooderith, nos later than Four o'cA,A p, m, on the 15t1day of Dcctmbor, A. D. 18961, for the purctaga, oP the following la ids and Dirt nisei, namely: Lea Ten ai) d the aoethe- v twentlacrel of I nt b'ne, bc,h ie the Fifth Co• -c ,fico 1- t=ie r�wnsi.'p of Godmich, in the er.untp,f Huron, and 3'.1 aeres off the west end rf Im'i'en it) the sixth cvneesalon of 001orlch T_atrotip. Tne above 'i a fleet -clays farm situated withiu 4 m"es ,.f Gcderich. T`+ere iy altuete d on,tbe tarn a frame d.ve'"ng bouge,l4slcrey, 361}; a frame hare, ;SJxr', a frame ha, a 37x44; a atahlo lAvil and a carnage houee 18x50 witt, abed attacher. There is also brat-o'asv orchard. Sail lo;,"od TERMS--One-flftb down at tho Uma of 1iur- Chase and the balance in five equal aonual in atfalments, with intereat at 6 er cent. For further particulars apply to M. C. CAM- ERON,execulor Gad trustee of the late D 11 Hodge, or to CAMI,'RON, FIOLT & HOLMFB, Relirib,rs, jar., 01,,rirh CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Suhacriber cffera for sale his excellen farm of 92} acre 6, being lot 27, 4th Con of Hullett. Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation. Fa.m ling two-story brink houao, frame barn and Ptu)le, splewlid beAring orchard. plenty of water. Situate about 2y miles from tho town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 acres of fall wheat gown. 'Poggesaiongiven at any time. For particulars appply be the premlms or to A. WHIR. Clintoo P. O, if. MORTGAGE SALE — O F--- VALIiABLE FARM LANDS, IN GODERICII TOWNSHIP, Under and b. t -rine of the power of sale, oon- tained In s -f—,n mortgr-ge whloh will be, ppyo- duced at .be Salo, there will be Bold at pnblla ancti,)n bl David Diokinw,n, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, Dec. 19th, 1896 AT TUB Rattenbury House, CIInWn, At 2 o'clook p, in. the following property, vim:— Lot No, 16 In the 17tb ponoession of the said township of Goderioh, containing w admea- surement 80 moons more or lwa, lens 1 acre wldue a eohool alta The soil IR a clay loam, all ubla cultivation, pxoeps 8 aeres. oovered witb good hard wood timber. The farm to well fenced and underdralned. Ono &ore le planted wlth oholee apple treea lues beginning to be&r. The build - In ge are in a good at&W of repair and oonelat of a 1J} story frame dwelling house with a 14 story kitchen, good frame barn 40x80 with stone foun- dation and atablee underneath. And a pig bougie. A school boese is on the lot and it is situate within a few minntee walk of the village of Summerblll and 4 miles from Minton. - TERMS -10 % of the purchase money down and the balance In 90 days thereafter, without interest, or two-thirds of the purchase money may remain nn mortgpage on the premises at 51 per cent lntereek Bt rther terms, particulars and conditions made known on day of pale or aepon app Itoatton to the onderelggnap D. DItMMON, JAS. 8COTT, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Vendor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Ann Lyons, deceased. Notloe is hereby given pnrsuant to 11.8.0. 1887 obapter 110, eeotion 0, and amending aote, that all creditors and others having claims against. the estate of Ann Lyon late of thewtt of 0111i,r ton, In the county of listen, marrlired wotllan 'S dereaeed, who died on or about the 7th day of:', October, 1896, at the said tonin of Clinton, A&#,,, bereby royq�lred to send b9 post,pxapstd, ot+W I delivef :M John Pinning. .Clinton, Ontario, dk:l Trains leave QQINQ dA Passenger ,... Passenger .... LONDON, London ......... 9 60.,0, Exeter..........8 Hensall ...... , gg�ni V .81d ,t Klppea .........808 eld On .8'..:9Itn .......T80 Londeaboro ....7 eft ,: 8 Blyth ..........0 f Belgrave .......64 J F wingham ......680 1 The morning train into Clinton station train. JAXEs 131 Barrister, .CONVEYANCE Cowmiseioner for Onta Office immediately South W,, BRY BARRISTER, SOLIC PUBLIC, 1Ofce—Beav Up-et&irs, OPpowiteFos CLINT M: G, C (Formerly of Cameron, BARRISTER AN Villce-Hamilton Bt„ o t GODERIC I DR. W.M. GUNN,L. R 1 Edinburgb. Ofllc e Night calls at front door bury St., opposite Presby DR J. L. TURNBU Univerelty, M D. 0. t M. C. P & S., Ontario. F Society of Edlnburab,let I Edinburgh Hospitall.. office Rattenbury St. t answered at the same pla ' DR, J. W. SHAW, P t Accoacheur, etc., tarso St„ oppoefte Englis t oupied by Dr. Appleton, e JA8. S. FREEBORN, M C. P. & S. U., Gradu College of Fhrioiane, D tiate Goneral Medical C i Member of 001140 Rhysic tarto. Formerly iTaiden (Lyins-ip and Gyae ogi i —Itattedbury St, east, i Parsonage. R SBANBURY, GR Medical DepartmentA city, Toronto, formerly of the Dispenearfee, New York, Ci County of Huron, Bayfield, Oft DR AG11tE1 Londesboro, Buceeesor to T. AGNEW, M. B„ Toronto Univ M., Trinity University, Member siclans and Surgeons, Ontario, Methodist church. Night calls f esme place, 0111ce hours 8 to lo, 'to 9 P.M. SURGEOI3 DE 11 Gitiulnate R C D 8 of Orta varsity To'' ' Speefal attention given to the vmteiral teeth.,t Othca, Coate f lock, over T *1. B.—Will visit Blyth t; P.ayfleld every Thursday at summer JE,BLACHALL VETER . Honormly0radnateol the College. Tremae alldiseaaee o male on thoMostmodernan plea Office—tikmaediately so Mee. Reeldevae — Albert 8 night orday atte tdedto B. TOMLINSOnr VETER f> 1) Honorary Graduate of nary College, Toronto. Tr Domestic Animals ton the ' ScientMcPrinclplde, Day andel ly answered. Residence—Renck Clinton. MARRIAOE LICENSE,dAMI issuTer of Marriage Alcende and Residence, Mary streo4.Olin JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDtS ISSUER OF MARRI.&G, No witnesae -UfONEY TO LEND IN' iTJL Small sums on good meV moderaterate oft nterest. H HU FW. FARNCOMB, MEMS 1 • P. L. S., Provincial Land Civil Engineer, London, Ont; 4if,o1y_!wVo Grocery Store, Gilt} R, r ,�.. L.. Ont. rro r. , e1. .," , . 4 , A .rte 'r " .