HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 8Ora
An x BaoxEN.••--MaeterCitBrewer,
U Mrd mon of Mr H. R. Brewer, of the
l�Olson,$ Bank, had the misfortune to
FUVJ,lA',FF iti �l:RR4V,NF�Rbvy�•„F,F:y N+a'7>FYk M"n.
last Friday, N Puuli;a tId Pit Btpa1G
Association waa fortped �Or t,00 -county,
M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, was elected'
KBFR 4, 1898
fol nd break lits arm on Thursday,
wh playing.
Hon, Pres.; Dr Scott, SeafoeGb, Pres,;- r,
Ibert Qrigg, Clinton, Vicel•Prep; W.
THE APPLE TRADE+'. -The shipment
artry, $eaforth, Sec. Among thidi-
r +:, f,Q1J:�L NOTICES.
of apples is practically over fur the
rectors are Rev. W. J. Ford and,Wal-
e me, etA, wanted. Highest price
Preeeat season. From Clutton Station
more than 200 cars have been reported,
ter Coats, Clinton. It Was decided to
hold a show early next year.
An x BaoxEN.••--MaeterCitBrewer,
U Mrd mon of Mr H. R. Brewer, of the
l�Olson,$ Bank, had the misfortune to
FUVJ,lA',FF iti �l:RR4V,NF�Rbvy�•„F,F:y N+a'7>FYk M"n.
last Friday, N Puuli;a tId Pit Btpa1G
Association waa fortped �Or t,00 -county,
M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, was elected'
KBFR 4, 1898
fol nd break lits arm on Thursday,
wh playing.
Hon, Pres.; Dr Scott, SeafoeGb, Pres,;- r,
Ibert Qrigg, Clinton, Vicel•Prep; W.
THE APPLE TRADE+'. -The shipment
artry, $eaforth, Sec. Among thidi-
r +:, f,Q1J:�L NOTICES.
of apples is practically over fur the
rectors are Rev. W. J. Ford and,Wal-
e me, etA, wanted. Highest price
Preeeat season. From Clutton Station
more than 200 cars have been reported,
ter Coats, Clinton. It Was decided to
hold a show early next year.
M gsq and rail butter Ri,h«bt price
r e reThis
senting over 30,W0 ha[ rets.
iS v be a larger quantity than
latest are. Hepry Reynolds,
i IrLvN taros.,
ln]rwil, bpld ohaesos for Etucution
rhippeiQped from any station In this vi
from Hensall and Jame Gunn, from
Colborne. Tire boy mentioned in last
a0r4a1011wire in the 25 Cub Rooms
$,11,11,:n1��ivury JuLurday.
ODDI+'ELLOws -The District Lodge
notes has secured a home with a far -
+4•Att also Huron road, a lady's b'no
of Oddfellows will meet in the Odd
raver in Stanley township, to do chores
; t5iingbag. Owner can have the dame
fellUws Hall. cu Tuesday evening next.
and go to school for the winter. The
q ? 06ttlkW office and payinix for ad.
A large number of representatives are
House was visited by many of the
flTtliG>E far Roses, carnat'ona, stttlla,c
'•ower Planta- All laude ut Miow1 r De
expected from all parts of the county,
and the members parts
Lodge are
County Councillors on Wednesday a.
into inspect the work done by Coun-
lsde up o+ short notice, t'ric,e n•asou
lin-paring to entertain them in a be-
ty Commissioner Ainsley. and many
cou,mg manner,
exprecced themselves as higbiy plege-
(�I plltll �UIl1lC
eel with the improvements made, as
the manner i❑ whits every -
tt,ra is virilia his son and
1, Y g
Janles Campbell, returning officer fur
Division No. 2, gives notice in our, ad-
t+ell .:s
thing about the Institution was man -
4 jq Montreal.
01 -tiding calamus, that a rneetiog for
eged. Henry Candy, formerly of
God erieh township, and an inmate
It l(itcher, of Plattsmouth, Neb,
ig14.0s:t,of Dr. Bruce,
the noii)tnation of candidALes fur the
Cuuncil Council will be held in the
since last March, has recovered his
sl ir3 Fair was last week 3isit-
Town Hall, Clinton, at one m. on
usual good health, and now goes
Centralia, wnere he has secured a good
'e manse, Seaforth,
Munduy, Dec. int.
situation with Mr Anthony Nevin, for
""1�Ote W iliarns, of Allenford
BVI-:DDL+D.-A few days since Mr
Isaac Blewett, a prusporuus farmer of
a year,, on a term, at good wages.
f ten sin town.
y l
Mot rid, was united in marriage to Mrs
A few days Inspector Paisley
since P
licks,`` Tip, of Detroit, has
her 6 friends here.
T. Fitzsimons, of Clinton. The ev�nC
took lace at Winghatn, and after
laid information before Police Magis-
C. Pace,
�`• nanti� pick of Toronto,
b pendln r a few days with the bride's
bpending y
trate Seager against A. of
Goderich, for selling liquor oil Sunday;
3pb Visiting here for several days.
friends here, they settled down to life's
the charge was sustained, and a fine of
s:; Steop, of Clinton, sp,entThanks-
duties in their future home.
$20 and costs imposed, On Monday
fbe guest of Miss Rosx Evans,
It,, laid information before Messrs Mc -
,nand for the world -ren pwtied Doherty
Keozie and Broekenshire,• of Wing-
` Gfo, -R f' p has gone on a
Organs is so great that it was necessary
to keep the fr.ctory running in full
hare, charging hotel -keepers Dingley,
Stvarte and McKenzie, of that place, I
';t vl it her parents at Diount
(urc•e un Thanksgiving Day it, order
with selling liquor during prohibited
to fill orders. A handsome dray,
hours; they all plead guilty, when a
Andrews is in Seafort.h
(made by Bir Fred Rumball) and hard-
fine of $20 each and costs were im-
t illMulette's hardware store
ed by a magnificent pair of two-year
posed. He also laid information
taev weeks.
old,, is used exclusively for the cartage
against Mr, Roe, char gins, him with
Dkkre1l, of
the tealrti>rrgtuf
of thtesf
having the view throng}, his windows
visiting rrtttithil
ij;as. ill4
tau the-suchoas
obstructed, contrary to the,regula-
I•lie4, etc.
tions; the offence was proven, and a
D cSenz}e, of West Bruce, was
RETURNED, -Dr. Turnbull, who has
been attending New York arid lialti-
Hue of $10 and costs imposed. OnWed-
ties B. Saulte, Goderich, was fined
is sister, Mrs McLennan, on
e -;-Ong Day.
,ogre hospitals, has resumed his prat-
$10 and costs for allowing cards to be
Marshall, who iq attending
t is, here. Dr. Krausinan, who lucked
played in the hotel.
AUlate here, spent Thanks giy-
$ 1 h
,atter the practise while Dt. Turnbull
was away, and who hits made immy
TRIFLES,-Thanksgivin day was as
C dr home near
't. French, of the Mitchell Re-
.friends during his sojourn here, ex-
to leave town in it few days, but
mild as a da in Juno. 1�he butchers
others din lacy some fine poultry
C,Rson of Dir French, of t Ire House
t e)spent 1'h;tnlcsgiving here,
hats not pet decided where he will lu-
lie has the offer of a good posit-
these days; there's it Iuarked improve -
nient in the way these ire dressed,
twi l Holloway has returned
cat e.
ion in Chicago under consideration.
compared with a couple of years ago.
1C will soon be necessary to r(snrrect
`1ra:inito`l�a; he en oyPd himself in
yg iottyof ma.gnificeut distances.
anxiety is
-118SIN0.- is
inToronto concerning the
your snow shovel or invest in anew
one. A couple of Assyrians,
rit.De ut Dr, Shaw, accom-
:¢ P Y
whereabouts of Law •er Shilton, of
Walkerton, have rented houses and
by several other -Masonic breth-
that city, who «vent prospecting in
will move here, this will swell the col-
lt make an official visit to Park-
Algoma several weeks ago in company
ons to four families. A. T. Holloway
with a, surveyor, and hits nut.H1nt'e
leas moved til Ills.new premises, Hrnon
who formerly attended
iili�,Institute here, has re-
been heard of. It is feared that butteRath,
may bave been drowned, and yetit, is
Stand hard & Murky are occupytug
Mr Holloway's former stand. Gordon
lle iate
d4-' g -
-ln order to prepare for ma
hoped they will turn a all ri-fit. Mr
J.V. Shtl-
'Waldron, Toronto, son of T. Waldron,
Shilton is a brother of ties
ton, of Niagara Falls, fortnerly of
London road, is a contributor to the
current number of the Canadian Maga-
s* W. Coulson, of Guelph, died
�£residenze of his brother-in-law,
zine. Cantelon Bros. made a large
butter this week.--
�, Marten, Toronto, formerly of
was a fairly good attendance at the
Shi meat of roll
peeve li euuedy and Deput,yCocl)er are
' on
11 son of
Will Powell,
concert last Thursday evening, the oc-
attending the last meeting of the pre -
sent County Council. The "Monkey
lin Powell) who has sold his in
carton and the program merited abet-
ter bougie. The chap• was occupied by
Theatre" exhibited here yesterday,-
ri'the restaurant at Blyth, will
Mr Hoover. Thane who took part in
It. Irwin is offering the Skating Rink
Holloway is now able to be
program were Chester Whitely, it
violinist of Seafortb• Misses Combe,
for sale; this is a chance for some one
to speculate. Seale & Hoover sold a
oliclay �
We have been busy getting in shape for the holiday rush
and are safe in saying that, we have for your in-
spection a range of useful articles suitable for
holiday gifts that discounts anything shown by
us in the past. The totidency of the times is
toward the useful for presents and nowhere will
you bet better choice or value than here.
4a. kJ,
For holiday announcement on page 4 next week.
We'll print some news then that will interest
you. In the meantime it will pay to carefully
read our large advertisement in this issue.
:1 1,
F 0%19% `V WORA
We have just opened a shipment of Ribbons,
both silk and satin in all the sha+les used for
fancy work. Our ribbon stock is easily the
largest in town, and you'll find prices shaved
close all through it.
Fine japan Art Silk 32 inches wide, for (crapes
or cushion s, two patterns only, regu ar We at
40c per yard
The Rr GoOdS Palace Clinton
aaout t.�.e oomp.� melux'�to
we hear about Our . ,
It has its comman.
is gathered from all QuIl
globe sparkling with a
abounding in thea
When you think ofosr,'
Children; Somethin mc. t
cal or ornamental for sen i o ,ft
in fact any article suitab,e',
Christmas (lift ---think of
to ' us. We've everything,.
fresh and new. Prices as lob
The W. D. FA:IIE
Clinton, :
.t a ♦Y t,.
Fall and Winter F,
-A T -We Ta W ,
Y'l0 MLM- &►
Ii1.EP YOUR f'l'it:' WA101 AND DIRY-You make 4't
nlibtake when you come to its, • We are headquarters for all, kin,
of Bouts and Shoes. Our motto -the best at low grids. Ouch td &
grand stock for finding just what you want, And few Will naee� ' '
none will heat our stock and prices. ;
ONE AiM OUR LOW PRICES High priceeahatpe. an
To keep the best, will prevail is long as conquered -by ori `sy
wo have goods to sell. tem oaf. small protltl
ONE PRINCIPLE and quick returns.
Fehr stealing.b s
Late styles, bl
ONE AMBITION and low �1res acQg
To please our customers Full stock of GRAN13Y for our tore liens
and CANADIAN RUB- crowded withcnat4tl7ei;
ONE PRICE BERS & OVERSHOES who know wheri °they
The lowest, quality con- Also bigg,r stock of OVER get the wort!* of ,the
steered. U A ITERS money.
Examination will show that ourstock isespecially strongin varietyr` "
thoroughly reliable in style, and always trustworthy In quality.. '
Sole agents in Clinton for the POPULAR SLATER SHOES
,,,;around; he had a pretty hard Boles, Hamilton and Herman, Airs fine Swede granite monurnent to John
�RRL having six week's confine- Gibbings, Mrs Hoover, R. Downs and Sher•itt, of Stephen, on Wednesday, to-Tayloze
tOthe house with pleurisy. the Clinton Orchestra. All were well he erer.trd at Grand Bend to the mem- O '®
i'T, McKenzie has fitto up
a ma - received, the latter particularly so, spry of his wife. Notwithstanding rnrr ®•
lflrltoffice for Jackson Bron. in their The accompanists were Misses H. eeenlargement
t g omit this
sorr eweek
o f our local We buy and sell for cash Butter and EWa takerk at Qaih'..p
yeore; nothing but the best is good Combe, L. Irwin, A.Gibbings, and Mrs y
iirl.ior this enterprising firm. Nall. Mr B. J. Gibbings won the ban- c�trrespnndence, rditorial, :tnd repo••t of
net lam West Huron Teachers' Institu:.e. L iA
Thos:WilFgington last week put q p' week some ons broke into the market -
t power -mill for Thos. Stinson, CLOSED UP. -By an nrrangs,nent he- weigh scale office and stole therefrom •
#fie tly erected one for tween the C. P. R, and G. T. R, for the several articles of no value to anyone, derich township. interchange of tickets, it has becorue including the stub of one of the check L ��r�i`� C .�a�I Sal. 0 gobinson, of the Huron possible fur these roads to dispense books; if discovered the guilty parties
rich township, who hits with all outside ticket agencies, and are liable to severe punishment. r
`ipg with his brother, has the consequence is that in towns GUN CLUB SHOOT. -The Gun Club Sit
"he foremanship of a furniture where such existed they have all peen had an interesting contest on ThanksA IN At, t A'Lt 0" t -
;x�!•St Woodstock, and Zeit there withdrawn. This, of course, affects ivin Day, using both artificial and
p Monday. such as the town agency represented ve birds. Ia the first live bird con
,. by Mr W. Jackson, for the G. T. R.' test, 10 birds, John McMurray and J.
&-The tax-collec.r ot is bust and the C. P. H. ticket agency of Mr
er the tsar e as the money is
1 Dodds made possiblea, T. F. Blackall
A. T. Uoo et, bath of which have been
a8dto meet the current expenses P being next, with nine. In the five bird
3fii p. I discontinued. While this may seem a6<,ot three ossiblee were made by E.
Mown. Taxes should positively to bean advantage tothe rttilroads it
i's'id before the 15th inst., and rat'. Cantu-lon, 8 tLi Band Brice, fours
, will not he act the travelling public' Neing mads bby ovey, Blackall and
!Ozs should bear this in mind. i who have found the town atKenc•ies Dodds, The possible made at the ar-
1 O. Taylor, of Blyth, has been quite a cenveniPnce. 9fr• ('doper re- titicial targets was by Hovey with ten. 1
#$edasfirst assistant, teacher for' tains the C. P. R, Telegraph agency, The wind was heavy, tnakrn({ it. dif$
selsfor- the year 1897, at a salary and sir Jackson his strnu,ship agencies cult to run up bid{ scores. Following
Miss Taylor was fortnerly ( and Express money order tnrpiness' ars the names and scores for each ev-
pyed in Clinton Model, and gave I ent:-Live bird match, 10 hirds-John
e>atsati�faction, resigning only ACKNOWLEDWAKST,--Duringthe fall
Powell 2, J. L. Hovey 7, F.d, Cantelon
" Mr R. Docking, of (' press i3iver,
n,00mpelled to do so on account of g, y► 5 }f. (;,tee 6, John Rlc Murray 10, J. E.
Math. Man., (formerly of (;oder ich township) Blackall 9, 1. Dodds 11), J. Miller 7,
fdpp' 'T:EMPLARS.-There waa a had the misfor(une to get horned out, Sheardon 8, 1 Brice 8, Geo. Hinchley 8,
) t,tterr ace at, the regular rnret- losing practically all,.he had. When C Overhury 7, W. Foster 6, F. Stev-
GooTemplare last Friday ev- his old friends Ira d of his mister- ens 7. Secr;nd match, 5 birds -F.. Can
telon 5. J. E. Hovey 4, Sheardon 5,
u T e program embrnced sing- tune through 11 columns of the Nrw
y evl'ton Crich, and Misses ERA, Several o them set, to work to Brice 5, J. E. Blackall 4, J. Dodds 4, J.
ugly and Miller, and short ad- and gathered 1p some clothing, which McMurray 2. Third match, 10 artiftc-
ks y Dir J. Houston, of the Cul_ gas forward shout a month agqo' ial targets -Dodds 10, Hinchleyy 6,
v W Stout and R. Holmes, On Bionday : oho 1'0o rrccived a Cantelon 7, Hovey 9, In 7, atde
o9eph McLeod, grocer, of Kin- let ter from Mr Docking, with the tat- 6 McMurray 6, Brice. 7. Fonrthtnalch
died Saturday of typhoid lowing acknowledgment, euclosed:- ]0 al titicial target s-Cantelon 7, Dodds
tt1.g, A (,'ARD OF TIIANKH,-To the editor of 8 Cade 6, Hinchley 9, McMurray 5,
(, :{tftRI an illness of Some two
air {t the Nsw NRA:-DHAR )+alt. --Please Hovey 7, Blackall 9, Miller 7. Fifth
uration, in his 29th year; he allow ape through your valuable ,aper match, 10 artificial targets-Blnekall (3,
gQj g;$adtire disposition, an enet - to thank the many triendw of Clinton, Cantelon f3, Dodds 9, Hinchley 7, Jack-
ka; p iness man, and his early dr- 11olmeaville and vicinity for the kind- son (f, Hovey 10, McMurray 7, Sixth
1&, greatly regretted by a ,srge ness shown us in sending go many good match, 10 artificial targeLe_ Blackall 9,
bd( ,efdf friends. This young man and useful articles, which safely at- Cantelon 8, Hinchley 7, McMurray 8,
0#0_ 'the business with iter J. W. rived here an Monday la,tt, Nov, 10th,
iii`whisn he -waw in business in Kin -
for which we are all very thankful, Hovey 8, Overbury 9, Miller 7. Seven -
gad Der Irwin speaks vert y th match, 10artificial targets, McMur-
"ti t May Gad bless us all and grant us a ray 8 CoLotelon ti, Cadeb, Doddw 4, Ho -
meeting at, his right hand is the prayer way 6, Hinchley 9, Miller 6, Blackall 7.
":ioUNCIL.-The next, regular I of the recipients. R. DOCKING AND
of the council will be held on FAMILY. DEATH OE MB BIDDLECOMBx.- In
nil .�r'Aierling. Several rnntterq of RAILWAY NOTES, - A new time the death of this gentleman, which oc-
y;attelikely to come up. Their table went into force on Monday rurred on Tuesday afternoon, Clinton
Ii} s'•tallt in town of the council be. last, Goin down to meet the 10.27 looses not only one of its most highly
f tkod' 'td invests in the Electric pm. train a not as popular as it was esteemed residents, but one of its very
•jXt p' llioperty. and take fu41 control, for the 9.27 train; an hour makes quite oldest businece men, he having been
4,bd present council certainly could a dlf erenee sometimes. A fair num- continuously engaged therein since the
t,-0 anYihing in the matter, •ren tt her availed themselves of the cheap year 1855, and few men ever left a bet-
itjjoirle ja4abinitted, because it is Lon i Thanksgiving i ates. A slight change ter record for honest integrity, or en-
Kk.,%ho and otthe year. took place in the running lime of two jof ed more largely the unshaken COD-
�6# zR'r.-Tho OAdfellows of Clin• trains on Monday last.; tate early train ildence of the public. Born iu Bristol,
tf'iptond giving • the Pe -%1e of this for Toronto leaves now at 7.40 a.rn., Somersetshire, in the year 1830. he re -
ant ca,l ttroak and have engeafg and the afternoon train, south, leaves mailed there until 1852, when he spent
' tigell-kuor►n vocalist, H WO14 at 4,30. Travellers have been confused two years in thn Isle of Jersey. In ,
.!pf Detroi4, anfl along with Mrs during the past week by the arrival of in company with his only sister, (Mrs
wij'-kod other talent, they purpose ffl�ee earl morning train for London William Grigg) he emigrated and came
yjtjkl , Vary �ytlydq program. This before the train fore Toronto came in; as far as London, and }n 18,56 he moved
( omit +clone voill be rareatrly $100, but this brie been changed, and the train to Clinton, opening up the jewellery
'tAd, eutarprisa and push of thin+ from Goderich will hereafter come in- and watchmaking business which has
�14� . ho nevardobhinasbyhalvee, to the station first, although the practically been conducted under his
dw 'otdoubt that they will be am- Schedule time of both are the same- personal supervision up to within a
604id for their venture. The 7,40, travellers should also bear in very recent period. I made a trip to
tdz a io '1'ueaday, Dec. 89th. See mind that baggage for either of these the old country in 1868, and marred
Cit :#1 ry for farther partic train~ must be checked before 7.35 a,rn Miss Porter, who survives him, daugh-
'- --if they will remember this it will ter of bis old employer, of Sidmouth,
t�'Z*AS IN T>utpoc WERKS.- Save themselves and the baggageman Devon, England. While be wrla
d;. prudent holiday shop'perS considerable annoyance. Mr Ander- a boy in bathing he contracted a cold
ifitheir labor of love and plea- son, of Goderieh t,ownsbip, shipped a which resulted in lameness, adleability
gpf `k this year whenever circum- car of lambs to Buffalo on Saturday. affecting his whole aystem. Hehad no
sb radii permit- With the revival Conductor $�rker, who baa been run- family, and leaven no direct relatives
t31 t,06 Land the rising sense of pro• ping on the "L.H. & B,, is transferred other than his wife and sister, and Mr.
y t Ich is bound to come before to is mr, between Kincardine and A•- T Gri�Lg his nephew, who has had
�i >f a; the chances will be ex- Palmerston. and hia place is taken by cba.rge of his beeinesa lately, and con•
,a rush of buyers just. in Mr John Rnfrk, of the Kincardine fin
11es the Same, Mr Biddlecombewaa
tfb0ady for Christmas. That hi anch. A report was published in a a, very unostentatious citizen, deeply
iZltiti `C'rowded stores, depleted daily of Tuesday, stating that the C.P. religious, a great reader and conae-
4W41, 61itch less favorable con- R. bad leased the entire Buffalo and quently well informed, one of the }}hnost
dy sgrilectlhg gifts than early Goderich branch of the G.T.R., and genial of men, and enjoyed the cbnfid-
l' deft land. Therefore, the would make Goderich instead of Owen eneeofhisfellows to an unusual degree.�l 1pi(t 114l , tamer will be as quick Sound their shipping point; the report Never rugged, yet his Illness only last-
ittic ;flat lie i just what it has since been guardedly denied, but ed for about a year, and the end found
"j �►tii = l itr will be be'3t tar railway men believe there is something him well prepared. Tito funeral takesdil a# ttttld their COOL Well`; -in It, glue this kfteinoon,Vridt'q,at 2 n cloak
Will tie continued all this week. -
Buyers are taking adrr•antao,e of the
Special Prices we are offering; during,
this sale. Don't delay and them
Maine us because you (lid not get
some of tile $mills.
The prices on the goods are the kind to make sales,
for we need the ready money. You never saw heater
values, and no prices were ever so low on like quality.
At t>dpresent time we are carrying one of the largest stocks of Furs to
he -found in the Connty, but at the same time we must confess that it is
a great deal larger than it should he; and consequently for the month of
December we will start A 8PF.CIAL SALE that will smash profits. rKID GLOVE"
Study the following list, and if the reader is in need of anything' in the MillineryV -w-
FUR LINE, it will pay well to drive many miles to see our stock,
At Clearing Prices, no need to wait for
any special day, Bargains here in this De- A �r
LADIES FURS. partment every day. Ladies and Nliesee' y, �;
as' r
untrimmed Felt Hats at and below whole- ^'+
Greenland Seal Capes, 24 inches long, frill sweep, rand np-to-date in every sale prices to oleor; Trimmed Hate and
respect, regular $25, Sale rice .... 1. , ... $1 R
0Q Bonnets egnadly as cheap, and there is �
Sable Capes, finest on the market, 32 inch, long, regular $40. Sale price 29 bo nothing more ■eeessery to add, when we
Beaver Capes, 24 inches long, regular $46, Sale price ... . ...... . ......... 49 00 say they are trimmed up by our Mies Me -
We will offer a straight discount of 20 per cent. on Ladies Muffs, Collars Donald, whose excellent taste and ability
and Gauntlets. Nobody in need of Furs should miss this chance. as a trimmer is too Well known to require
any comment by us.
An all -wool Frteze Overcoat, big extension Collars, splendidly lined, worth Piles of Underwear.
$8 of any man's money. You can buy them from us as long as they last,
at g4.150, the greatest snap ever offered in Ontario.
Ladles' Loag Sleeve Vests....1Gc, 25c, 350
Our 80c All -wool Underclothing Ladies' a t,3_50c
1 an All wont vests. • ..
Lediee' end wbito all wool Vesta..50c
A.nd we have the beet goods at 70c, 1950,
We have been told by hundreds of people that our line of Underclothing
a0 60s. Beate an ever offered, and the immense quantity we have
cold is good evideoffered,nce that tbe*y are just a little better than what other hien and Boy's UndeFrwear.
people are offering.
See oar goods, get oar quotations, and
you will be convinced of the Bargains we 1 lot black H,
are offering you. sale rine Tile.
,Q,jr jl<j,j, f7 and pries
Hid d
Our stock is the largest, our assortment to not equalled. DRESS GOODS A" price 60o.and colorfor Oa
Novelties, 2 T, ec^s left, newest things r
SOMETF� NG SPECIAL this seaacn, 7:,e. gees for hoe. CORSETS
5 piece,; all wool Ven•ietta in Ca-dinal, 5 doz odd pa
which we are cow oIf ring, Is a great line of KID GLOVES, well lined, Garnet. P,ro%vo ani Blick, 4l inches wide $1.2,i and $L 46
and Hued value at $1. Hundreds of pairs have been sold at 60c. We I,,c, Ba,•gain p:'ioe 250.
have been able to get another supply, and the price still remains the same QU�
Flack All Wool Henrietta,
NOTE -A fewairs of Men's Pante at 75c for SATURDAY nest. They are I l,trze i 1o• sate p' ;c. ................280
sold usually for $4.50, but they go at above price to those who ask for them 830 6:,0 Maid
0:,0 ......A13 pare b r r
4p sees Tweed D:ess Goods, 40o at 2bo yyou ill 7$
Oi�r deiT'1�
cThe Famous BEE"
� tW.H
JACKSON BRClothiers,
ClintonCllnton Y vV,•,�..rrwr_id.'✓!
l'ne LRAM Witt 7'if
,t >i'iiliTi`�srr nr�f�tij t