HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 7'h t'tt'�48^ *1'' '�"�''*' ♦ HORSES LOST ON THIt OCEAN. f� of . d Dr. FyP V.y., Palmerston, recently M r rJ�% On Areturned from England, whither he cral Ql' 1(PUII " went with a shipment, of horses, Then I aniulals were loaded At Quebec othe Dotninion line steautship Queensrnor•e. LIFE WORKlb,t (t7GiTTI,L (IEM Acle The voyage was an unusually tedious 1 s are oat and bo:in ' `tsi4 4 e . one, and uc•cupied 17 days. the wee- — i 14" der, making the same ther win rough, and the ship eucuuu- ts,1,l "f¢, I *ill be glad to mer- tered heavy gales for three days,- Devoting HiS Energles oils iR this direo ion. `� 1 While this storm prevailed t hr vrssE I E i shipped seas continuously fur a da Curing the Sick ALL WORK satiefao l '� ti and it night, and during y b Those 1L ancEa int h loss was g ite cuntinu- ex experienced 1pha highest terms of it.- p enced by -- e machine and get prices. THE GREAT owners of stuck un board. As the ship , careened, rhe hot•ses un one side broke I IIOUSANDS OF PEON T SEELEY lmily Medicine of the Age. loose from their halters and fell ! ' Taken Internally, It Cures tbrough the open hatchway to the+cat- -- eneral Repairer, Leslie's vnccua, Cinunp, and Pall) /n the tie deck below; as she rolled to the e Shop, Clinton. tnaoh, Sore Throat,Suddep Colds, other side the opposite row of horses 0WO Their Health to Munyol .,qhs, etc„ eta were thrown down, their halters srinp- USed Extornall It Cures ped' and they, too, followed the others Improved HOIuwopathic UTCHER SHOP y• thiough the hatc'hways,whlc•h it seems s, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, must necessarily he kept, open to yen• 1�ellledlOS '4 MURPHY, thache, Pain !n the Face, Neuralgia, late the cut tie decks. The owners de- umatism, Frosted Feet scented only p psaonthecaahprinciple,and y to tlnd theirs lendid ani- omerawiththebeatmeatsat ort+^+�r�^^OW11thlwsuch unbounded populax, mals, on which they based their hopes rices Petrone mayy rely up• v aY the 011r.,r nr n e rein• of It pr•oHtable return, lying In tt hang- Ask Your Druggist for Munyol. nd prompt fli 3ng of orders. Or,„ ,, , ..a„u u,e y g �Q led heap of writhing hurswiesh, some . Guide to Health -Buy a 26•ce. MURPHY ••.•, .•-"w u w to � iu„n .rikaa—u,p,•,n. with broken hxeks, ot.herswith hruke�t Muu ou Remedy qit„et., , ulodi the reln•xuler, whim Is necks,while loan y y and Cu. tabor Shop, Clinton...vWwwei+an,a7µ,w1lclaennWlnnY.: Tenntu., many leg fVACtUI'(-R, The annuals, the clay Yourself. run rwU m.Nil ... m11m of removing IYYl n, op before tit for- the market, were then tit TCHER SHOP h.e nrvlulroA p tepuWUm eq u.l to Torry D.Vy -- ., s.,1,Y„( n•.Y•., only for shark food, and the y were _ ''•ai'ee/1mli.UnnY nu— the.»r�r coubigned to the ocean, Bfessrs Hay •' Hurn ^.•.•r...n•.r,• In„-,�„el..mw. Miss E:ama D. Lucas, 293, Eno] the public that I willjnot and Kidd, of Listowel, were especially Avenue, Toronto, Can says: - any other person in the unfortunate, having lost. 11 out of 17 "1 have been using allopathic treatme a practical butcher, and AVP ►���N��sH1��D6�4�®mss►® horses- insured. Dt Fyfe was much for years for indigestion and liver cot he branches of the buetness, more fortunate, as he lost only one Pkint. In all .he time I did not receive y beat meate and a full W Give horse out of 36 -insured. The horse much benefit from it as I have from tt 4 hand, and will sell at the 0 the 1 Ile only food market in London is unlimited, but ie bottles of Munyon's Dyspepsia and Liv s. Bring along your c� that ]will build flat it present. Cures, When I began taking the Mu. the meat at the cash price. pBaby up a weak cons- IF YOU ARE SUBJECT TO CRAMPS yon Remedies I was suffering terribly fro edit but not at cash prices. O see e. Oyon can for a distress after eating, and felt like giving r Cash at J tittltion gradu- You know how important it is to have a altogether. I began improving at once at TZSIMONS' � �hanee ally but surely i, prompt remedy on hand. Nerviline- I now know that a cure is certain,” ." 10 nerve pain cure -has a wonderfal and ion- Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fai 9 • mediate illflunce upon this malady, It re- M a Martin's to relieve a one to three hours and our EAT MARKET r r, Havas in one minute and aeras in flee, in a few days. Price 160. '' Pleasant to the taste, and the best reme- Monyon's Dyspepsia Cure pokitivel r ,,, dy is the world tut Valu, aurae all forme of indigestion and etomsa iUH $ WILSOPl. t, n 1 , , �:, , trouble. Price 25c, Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pnenmonf o*0 desire to notify the public that FW a ,,;I; j,• :,, , � motional Irgrotist., and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Pric out the butchering business The plih g self-contained k tied by Mr JaeA,Ford,andwilleon- @ Lutrit•t'e ' ••, .. contained wowan of a moody t1i.. and broodingtum Munyon's Cough Cure Stops co❑ hi kmeundertheirpereonal supervision. O Clc'liir.� t ilii.:r��1 perament nearly always g p g Ukhdve prompt and oarefal attention, O thinks herself miunderstood and "nap- night sweats, allays Soreness, and speedil I�Rt all kin a will be kept in season, p tt P. s •r %V,�77; , v ,, Cc preciated. She is eonsolous of man ideas heals the lungs. Price 25a. his rate and delivered anywhere C h and emotions which are seldom expressed Munyon's .Kidney Cure speedily cure C OUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON that those around her. So she imagines pains in the back, loins or groins and aJ that they are unique and that she herself forms of kidney disease. Price 25o, MoKIIlop Mutual Pare Insurance Cc Is an original thinker. She finally con- Munyon's Headache Care atopeheadach t? CLINTON. cludea that these vagrant and fleeting in three minutes. Price 25e. FARM.4I80LAT&DTOHNPROPERTYONLY thou Muayon a Pile Ointment oei INSURED thoughts, which would be rejected by p tively care 9A AND FEED STORES. -- stronger minds, are worth preserving, all forme of piles. Price 25c. oratezas, and that its much courage is required Munyon's Blood Cuts eradicates all im Geo. Watt Preeldent, liarlock P.O.; James g q t® purities of s blood. Price 25e, Broatifoot, vice-Prea:Seoforth P.O.; W. ; Shan• spank or write Cham, Such courage �Ce Exchange non, Beer-Treas., 8eatorth P o.' si, Hurdle, In- argues the possession of genius. It fe Muayon a Female Remedies are a boot spector of looses, 8eaforth P. O. thus very easy for an egotist to grow to all women. DIRROTOaS. consider Itself unl tie and a Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in ►i uarters for all kinds ofI Jam• Broadtoot,8eaforth; M. Murdle, Beafortb• q genius. ;,Q Geo. Dale 8eatortb; Geo. Watt Harlock; T. P' A notable example of this absurd into. 3 minutes and cure permanently. PrioE r Rays, Bealortb; Alex Gardiner, t, ribury: Thos take was shown by the late Marla Bosh- 51. Lit C,IRi DEIV SEEDS OarbOtt, Clinton ; John McLesn, Kippon, ku tsuff. Ilex great terror was lest her n Thos. Nellane Harlook; Robt.6lcMillan Bea• "feelings" should he forgotten. She Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure -price 250-eradioatee ,'Choice Geed Corn just ar- the dieease from the system, and the Ca• forth and J. Cuminge, B.ginonavine. would have shown higher ounragn If she Llinols. We have a large Parties doalroas to effect Ineurances or tray had consigned her PMotionR to oblivion tarrh Tablets—price 25c—cleanse ancj heal rib" Corn. Oats, Barley, sact other business will be promptly attended and allowed onl the parts. 8ea8, C. to on , ppplication to any of the above officers y her work to stand. parke0 rice paid for Coarse adressedto their res peolive o�floes The most profound ftielilt8 which her Munyon'e Nerve Cure is a wonderful N, or taken in exchange. Story arouses In the mind of the reader nerve tonic. Price 25, ash paid for Eggs. 330=m,iller 1'�NUrger is of pity for a women who struggled, MUnyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. 1hL' was overwhelmed and sank in such Price $l, ' JOYNER `-- shallow waters. A Separate care for each dieease. At all RAN 1ST., CLINTON. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE$ Her Sufferings, which were Taal druggists, mostly •l5c a vial, i, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH enouah, arose from an oversupply of the Personal lettere to Prof. Munyon,11 & 13 t AND ASTRACHAN PINE most vnPortunate Albert St„ Toronto, answered with free PINE, passions of the human medical advice for any disease- kCOO� S The latter of which we make a specialty, beart—great self-conceit and profound self-absorption. And to these she added LARGE STOCK ON .IIAND the moral blindness of n(iver r8 ed Store _ f;Iibl per- ceiving that they were contemptible, ° It is Worth Something. f.• _.,,_ ,,- The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will But there ora tunnbe y other mon and SHORTS thing I at is cot w prices, andave money by any women, dubbod geniuses by the world, Canada Presbyterian. thing in this y low prices, will save mons b y y par The office of Pr•eutter of Canada, Mr ohne' age or small quantities. Ing hero. Whose genius consists in the fact that the only passions In their natures which Laurier finds, as others have clone be- OAKE and MEAL Orders by M¢iltoill be promptly aetendtd they find strong onough to give the world fore hill), no sinecure, It is worth 11 to. Address, are the lowest of which human nnture something to have at, the head ofaffair•s OF ALL BINDS. JOHN STEWART, $B�i]glL],E[l is capable. The genius is rarer who a man hurl of the lndustt•v which his S latl glia •E at Is Choice Oatmeal for 1 knows that there n,uat be omissions, i the Cluebec banquet shows ,bushel of Oats. that the lower passions most always he him to be, who has the aspirations for For Twenty -Six years Saeriflcod to the higher, and that in the the Canadian people which he express !OK, CLINTON. e1 soul's struggiv upward It Is wisest t et;• "poll the Divine Providence t ' BANKS. i. Wolsons Bank. ated by Act of Parliament, 1855 iTAL, - - $2,000,000. V FUND, - 81,400,000. OFFICE, Al ONTI EAL MOL13ON......... President .HOMAS....Genaml Manager M Collections made, Drafte is - and American exchange bought owest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. red to farmes on their own note ore endorsers. No mortgage re- qulrgd as security BREWER, Manager. AGGART. V ST, - CLINTON. it rl Bashing Business tit apsaeted yES DI80OUNTED ted. Interest allowed on & TISDALL 1.ANKERS, L�NrOW. OVT !e to farmers on tbeir own •low rates of interest. eking Business transacted allowed on deppo8fte. tl'e Notes bcngh ,,i PTI$DALL, Manager. PloARBLE WORKS. ' Commercial Mief ;nt is in full o• eration and a ie and44318facto, y way Came - b WdI ,"; #!)t ia1ty. lenses a 1JT!!09;??M0r1'd1. lm Nf p f. 'roprl�ftK E�ltF0 belt t3Aw Agent, by t3ie Sale and kp- FF� It t. jC� iqV Atlld1dATio k1AM ti!Il1a$ftl 18hed I on g1YO'rtitoti�gAt. 4' P 7bk' tlfE` MA_ 17tf+!*biI${ fjy ,If vI#il to A only to crush outbut bury without an lite his aspirations. "I tell you Sincar- � IWS eplutph feelings of which we Should be ely that I have often regretted the 11th ashamed, of last. July, when i was sworn in as first minister, that the days in place of 21 hours had not 38; but the had cel IF YOU SUFFER '4.ha tend well Occ pi coasting, t selfeve I. have well neon teed each of those hours. With tiros and with the assistance belie of that Providence in which I believe, that Providence immutable and eter- TNEC SBE3TFRIEND nal, iminutabl wise and iminntahly The Fault '1S � 011r ('ternal, shall give cu the Canadian LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Olhn people all that, we have promised -that is to say, general 1 (•fol l-, peace, har. XcLeod's PAINE'8 CELERY COMPOUND mony, concord and prosperity." ��'8t8n1 R�I�OVATUR EARTH'S ONLY CURE FOR ALL As an emergency medicine, Aye is Cherry pectoral takes the lead of all other AND OTHER FORMS OF RHEUMATISM remedies. For the relief and cure of croup, whooping -cough, sore throat, and the dan- Test.Od 11 medles. geroue pulmonary troubles to which the you are so SPECIFIC Hundreds of twinges of pain and hours prompt to acts sure to cure�nvaloable, being AND ANTIDOTE of agony every day; weeks and months of _ For Impure, Weak and Impoverisbed helpless suffering, and still You go on from cn umunlen� n— lin co,t Brod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- bad to worse, until you become crippled Wor9hlp !s oommunlan with Clod. talion of the Heart, Liver Complaint and deformed. Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis If you are a consistent mart r to They• Communion is that mysterloua oom- Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid metiam and its tortures, the fault is our mingling of souls whlch makes them ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance own. You might easily have avoidod all otone,her end gives to each the gifts fOf r the Female,Irregalaritiesand General Debility the agonies of past days and nights, had other. We Pnel It in human lovnortriehd- LABORATORY, OODERICH g ship. It IS deeper than words and larger you used I sine's Celery Compound. than gympnthy. It IS the opening still ONT You canot plead the excuse that you did giving of heart to heart. Thtle we COM - J. M. MoLEOD, not know otSuch adisease-conqueringmed- Munn with 00d. Ifo dwelie in Its and we Prop. and Manufacturer icine, You surely have heard your friends in Him. The worl(I fades awn Sold in Clinton by Speak of it. The newspapers have herald. y. Our J. I3. COMBE, and ALLAN WILSON ed thousands cf victories won b Paine'e sorrow" are fogotten. We aro uplifted by y new aspirations and hollrnpulses. We Celery Compound over rheematism; and if your physician has failed to tell Ou go Porth into the world 'again with now about the great modern rbeumatic cureYo light on our facvR and qaw .joy in our has kept the truth from you for his own hearty. We have bran with our God.-' benefit. Rev. W. $. bayorS. t SUMP) P Yon ure ow in agony, you era oar -Tramps In Anstraun. tafnlyin peril, You must to -day give up A correspondent SayS that Australia experimenting with useless medicines and Is a paradise for use a truly ecient8c remedy like Paine's oomprine nearly nnerqunrtnrwoft oopopu- Celery Compound, which will surely re- Istion. The "F;tntionR" being So far apart -THE LEADING— move the cause of your suffering, and per- -twenty or thirty rnllrR, or even more - You core you. the people have not tun You are not by any means in a hopeless them ogleadriv the t nh heart to Send UNDERTAKER stela. lie assured, Paine's Celery Com- for the night, and thy are rrono nlud - pound will deliver yon'from present bon- as s necessary evil. The well-to-do —AND— dage of agony. Notwithstanding your farmers have uguallt a "travelers' but,,, C peat failures with nervine, sarsaparillas, and regular rations are served out to the 6 EMBALMER 71AED bitters and pills, Paine'g Celery Compound wayfarers. will give you the now life you are so eager-- a ly looking for. Try it; there can be no no"sina (be J.b. _ - failure. One er de great tronhlas 'bout ROUOa A FULL LINE of Mr W. McWilliams, of Bradford, Ont., ei de folks dot trfea ter refohm de human G an old Suffnrer front rhenmat.tem, says: - race,' said Uncle li,ben, "tstat day GOODS gLPT in STOCK nn "U'laolirited, I forward thio testimonial d"nn' wanter do nufiin' but Stan' 'roan' to tun value of Paine's Celery Com_ an' bORA dA jos while udder pOop1O does pnund. i am pretty well lip in ynary and all de wt%ltk•" was Sorely nMicted with rheumatism. I purchased and liked Rix bottles of yotir — ThebestEmbalming Flu idused mod,cnne, and am now perfectly well; I have no rheumatism left. What a world of Ruff, , i' it', I inkwry it 0 -- ---- rrrinposed in that kirk h• It '•i I,- 'Talon ad. Mr G. H', Marter, M.R P., is 4irk, and vaniaRn of the result (f t r f invnetlga- Splendid Ilea,rSe, has t)(1'11 confined to his bed for sever. tion and stndp, ;It, l I,,I a hex of al day -4. Wright's i.icrrrill- from Hail. Peter Mitchell is mentioned l)9 Allan A Wilkon'a I'',n',. , 1i IR no ex- • ALBERT>ST.,OLINT the likely successor or the late Lieut,- periment, but a prrf, , ! „t and posi. OId Uov. Fraser, of New ilrunswick. Live cure. if yon rin , t t , o,trst 50 R903c1,9neeoA92atorp CJa.at t tl ct.tsa cs.. ctn, send Rn. in stnntps i,, I A Wright, •, The fan Toronto, for trial hex. + •m r oonytipa. • d i'CkSxTli t '04y11 ,RAPL 111111F to an tion, weak stomach, loyR Of appetite 'ni- M aline ° Ov,tp paired digestion, all trruhlr ,touring Prom 101 maPpM disordered liver. • THE WOMAN HATERS, A Cgtrlow Htee4 OVVranke what ""I Floi,rloh ill Dnalarid. The art of viitomnu bating has raaohed the degree of PWOOMO0 is 1001"Itylitilss in England, There American visitor who delves into so customs and closely sorudnizes the to610,341 manners of lite is amazed to I that there exists a race of woman hal whose oreed, originating about the ti of Tbaokeray and based upon man, his sayings has been reduced to prix plea and by-laws. In England women have less pot lE and freedom than 1n any other count This is shown by the laws and by d( Slone of the courts no less than by I meek and humble demeanor of the av IS age English girl Compared with 1 American stater. In many oases the an woman sentiment is Carried to abeu Iongqthe. 1T11ry Cavendish, the famous chemi had such inveterate abhorrence of fent, soolety that from the precautions took to avoid personal contact with al 18 mem bar of the sex, he earned for hims, it the sobriquet of the "Woman Haber re It is said that be used to carry on cot munfoatione with bis housekeeper e tirely by correspondence, and a rig rule was enacted in his establishme, that on no pretense whatever might id female ventnre Into hie presence. A gentleman died recently in Vienr at who used to adopt extraordinary me. a. sures to avoid contact with wotnel is kind. At the theater it was his praotb 70 to book three seats and occupy the mic 9r dle one, 9O that a female should not t - any possibility eft next to him. as When traveling he would engage a P entire compartment in order to avol d the risk of having a woman in the cal l riage, and he invariably chose the roe in walking for the reason that he we s least likely to find a female there. Th man's hatred of the sex was Indeed oar Y rfed so far that in his mortal sioknom b gave orders for the purchase of six fee of ground on either side of bis grave it s order the$ in death a female body shout, e not come within that distance of his. A man now living in a London suburl has a Similarly pronounced hatred a f the gambler sex. Being wealthy, he keep, s up a large staff of servants, but no fe 1 male is to be found among etheml. Met and boys have to do all the domesth affairs of the household, even to s•trub bing the Boors and malting the beds, Women (even the relatives of the serv- ants) are strictly forbidden the place, and any menial trangressing the rale by admitting a person in petticoats is in- stantly dismissed. One opulent gentleman In the north of England, who for years shut himself out from female society, died not long since, leaving a will the terms of which 41s - played In an unmistakable manner his hatred of womankind. Ignoring the fe- males entirely, all his male relabives were provided with legacies,' but on this condition, viz., that the single ones were to forfeit their Inheritance the moment they married, and the married ones wern not to come into theirs while their wives w;ua ldvlwo- I❑ order to pay an election bet three Louisville men ate a oat. Notbing unfeliue about that, UNTOLD �VSERY ruI FROM 1 m amu✓ W, G ® �l�m 0 Pfi C. Z Zing, Water Valley, XUB., cured by r� Sarsaparilla r� C 1' 9, 1 siXered untold misery rrc:r: mu,•,I;.Er iheuntaustn. I u•te,l every It'r.,,c u u •,r., ,!y, e.rasulted the best physi- n:,r;:it+'! IlotfiprinF•R, Ark„three times, !Tr:-IJnr; Gln„r1 than., hesides doctors' hills; 1-ut (,wind r! ttill) only temporary reller. sty was v:;i,hrd 'nNny sl) that I %keigt,e,l salt r!n, t'.•!! rue pounds: alp left arm and leg were t;uwn c'It of shape, rho muscles neing twisted up In knots. I rues nnahle to dress myself, except with asslslam'(', and could only hahtrle soot by using had no appetlte, and was assured, hp the doctors, that I could not live. The pn11 s, at times, were so anful, that I could procure relief only 11y means of hypndel-mle Inlet tions of morphine. I had my limbs han,IagP' I In clay, in sulphur, in poultices; Lot these gave only temporary roller. After trying everything, and SutTering tile, most awful tortureR, I began to take Ayer's Parsapal IIF,'$, Inside of two months, I was aLle to walk withoutacane. In three mnnths, my linihs began to strengthen, and in the course or a year, I was cured. My welght has Increased tt led pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith.” AYERYS The Only World's_Fair Sarsaparilla. AY-E.8's PILLS cure Hdadao'ke , 0 a 0 O 0 0 0 0® 0• I.R_o4io f,f s t7� -IZ TLcq s T'Pol.LNea • E�ULSION� Ifo r0NRQr.4IT'T10?V anti all 1,UNa • IDa(tc,ef+F:F, rcr1TT1Y(. oF• lscoom. • DOWN (Or APIs F,T1Tr,. iD1r,n11,1TV, the bencn(v or thin • art.hh• are most nnanlrest.. klno n hw 1d of Th. '•n. k 1,” Rmolarrni, r hnvn trot • t king cough which hn4lprnnbinrl ml) Tor • err a 7111, and cough gnlned n n,udnrnbiy to rhnnh the Minn llilcmmnthApar,—iund to tnkn it. t w" Hid I• T. H. wtNGIIAM, d, S. Montreal • Me. and 81 Der nottle IAVt3 & LAWRENCE CO., LTO„ MONTREAL i v 4 illy not Ibis the Ila, a& - Ad on me at ci- You'll enjoy the Winter' through all its varyung " you have your clothingw!trlrl a with Fibre Chatnols, T,h4 1 � ' derful fabric is so light thg, never notice its preseAceal gartnent till YOU get out ll"U'1 p? wired and cold, then you; TOO. that you are cosily warts, ip ter - tho'lightlyckaiti,PlbtreChgo 1 1 is a comPlete non-opnduatp; 01 heat and alld, not the strum be - ,r_ wintry bkva pan penetrate it ` can the rotorc►l warmth 01' body escape tlhlrotl h it --I'll rd explanation and the that tba sells for 25C a yard gives the whole story, and easily proves th4t �e health and comfort's sake you can't do without ft. he ���NNN�►N�����NN+�NNN���N�NN'•�NN�i elf 1896 b A New Fruits for Christmas a Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes and Peels. Old Raisins., 23 lb. box for $l, Headquarters for Uq ,� y Sugars, A Crockery, Chins, Glassware and Lampe. We have to make room for�nr " A ed Xmas and New Years goods, and have reduced prices eonsiderabl,y, �1 see our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples taken '7 i Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs. J. We IRWIN, - - - - Cline t Bedroom Suit` S cQg15� t0 Here is the place to buy biattreRses, Wire Springt., Extension Tabl Dining Chairs, Parlor- Suites, 18erretaries, Window Shades, &c. Picture Framing a specialty. CH�LLM-W,Y BLY"'2 C-(Dp In the Emporium is to be found a beautiful stock of 111 NFRY that is right up to date. Some Dress trimmings, Serviceable Dress Goods very cheap. Fl ettes unsurpassed in value. If You want a good SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or BOO' ,'i OES, du not buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and 1$( BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROCERY department is well plied with good goods. About 100 lbs. of SALT PORK at 8c, et• lb. to Some half -gallon and pint GEMS to dispose of at 121 and O cents. ADAMS' E,NTPORTUM, . LONDESBORO R. ADAM THREE REASONS u. ` Why our Sales of Stoves this fall 'rt have been so much increased: 18t -We keep the largest assortment of Stoves in the County to choose Prom. 2nd -Our stock is composed of the leading stoves manufactured nada, such Yi at the Happy Thought, flonor Bright, Welceme Pearl, Famous nd Ped. insular, Matchless, Favorite, Radiant Home, &o. 3rd -We buy in large quantities direct from the manufacturers, and for a abling us to bay at the lowest prices possible The best grades of Coal always on hand and deliverad to any part of the town. American and Canadian Coal Oil. See our new Lanterns, ";<m HARLAND ROS., HARDWARE IIERCIIANTS, CLINTON fM Year in • 'Year Out the Forest ('its Busifrs ss & Shorthand Collette, Lond" ".A `T !.' .. Gives the most practiral bnsinessand shorthand course obtainable. Coin carefullym graded. Roos and equipment the beat. Students assistt trlr; . profitable positions weekly. Good board, $2.50 per week. For partioalo, of either course address X J. W. WESTERVELT, PrInidj «'e keep in stock and make to cyder NVRgons and Buggies , '., which we g,tarantee to'lie first. class In every partiou Nothing but the best lnart33E For RUMBALL, so OLIN THE BEST .r PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY H O RACE FOSTER rHE CUP VALUE ... --OF A TEA 18 THE dHLY TRUE TEST OF QUALITY. euro Has stood the Cup , Ceylon Test of ail classes and is the Tea excid• TEA g 9ively lised by the Black or M I Mixed. m09t discriminating +IY lead packets only-/ artd test -drinkers. f ;; pound, 25, 3l), 40, 5l) and Ctnc The D1Av1d-4on a_ , —may pound -at aroosts. co., eta. p t all g I-�t•'hnlesale Agenr• . ToitorEto. l