HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 6�.
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4 ,1
", October
, Lumberlu on the Ottawa.
r ;the
the other
sense of tante are each of them blunt-
tYorld There's Nothing 8o XTlna
A Iumlly 1n Indiana Bu Numerous That
yI{_ in
7�C y
■■ ���
All the
as tl�a FrieudM1hlp or women.
Ashmore, }n summarizing her
Great Ii'trtlhlilp au(i
Nartued Cannot be Fogad for Thew All.
German Township, Marshall County,
Ruth A
Life of
Indiums, has a remarkable family. They
paper on "A Girl's Familiar Iiriend"-
are the the pioneers of that
� 18285 BOTTLES IN TWO MONTHS. Bottles.
girl Yrlend-in Jul Ladies' home Jour-
y I
a Exposure•
being ,Mr. a,
fsmlly being Al r, and Mrs. Jacob HAok-
nal, offers this wise ooansel; d
frierrdahip and
Milan, sr., who carne fro,u Fl,ark County,
•: friend,
but guard your
(71110, to rho naris ,SOs, find ars the oldest
your friend as you would a crystal vase.
Once the orystal vase Ss broken, all the River
rounding in the world can never
Drivers Often Waist Deep in ley
Waters -Pain -Rooked Budges the L�ro
settlers of Marshall County, the husband
now S,Hiug 8;i years old, the w1Yo 81.
! 0H
make it as it was, and once there has
quent Outoome-Only the Most Robust
Nottiui had spun tui electric were until
last winter, thn.ough both were -towns
1 --.AND—
come in your friendship the words
Can Stand this Weary Round of
rant esu thutil 'lho wtfo no ver rude un a
jarred, the actions that were unkind,
and the looks that seem to out like a From
rho OtGiwu Freo Yresa. ;
rullroad until l proubduf a year afro.
Butte are wall pressrvud, arid are the
"'S". p
�� ��
1,I loto do work in his Linn in the most
'. �Inannor, at reasonable rates and
bread for themselves and help child
ren, in n city Of ft6,000 inhabitants. Toe
knife, the friendship, like the beautiful
vase nu❑ never bo as 1E was. And Whet duous
Only those who have engaged illthe ar-
occupatiyn of lumbering lulow uw
parents of lu sons and two dexcepts, all
llvtntl in that vlrinity, esuept one
ed to men and women, inoompatibility a
temper being the general charge.
a girl withot a girl friend? She stands dearly
earned is their livelihood, fur among'
daughter, with seven children, who Yves
alone. Men think that she must d►ffer the
many vocations of men that of lumber•
in Kansas. Hour of the sane aro the par-
't r
� les for Month of September 6,676 Bottles,
from other women, And twat there must mail
be solnothing about her less sweet and I difficult.
ranks amen the most dangerous uud ,
There is the heavy shanty labor
ants of 1`2 ohlhiron each. There are 157
IIackamawi, nano mune distantly related
''October 11,689, and Published Hereunder
Ices feminine than that which pervades + from
her sisters. I am a believer In the girl the
earliest dawn to evening star, when
toiler for balf the year is remote from
than first cousins, who rerido within a
f❑ that locality.
friend. Any girl can with very little home
and frieudv, and whose daily round
dSstunco of two mhos
5o numerous are the Hackanians in that
f, is the Affiimation of it :
trouble, gni❑ the admirabto❑ of a man is
finer, something
to eat and work and sleep, only getting
of the outside tvorld
net hborhood that the advent of a new
but it takes something at,
better and something more charming to through
occasional glimpse
a long looked for letter from somt,
infantile aspirant for a name different
from that of soma ngrftvo ring Hscka•
attract a woman, and to make and keep loved
In all the history of the
one far away.
Then the days lengthen, the frozen lake
man tg tt matter of grave concern, and
y�t, o;r In the matter of Dr. Chasos Syrup of
;ijtnnce o1 OmarioI Linseed and Turpuutiue'
ser a friend.
world taoru is nothing so fine as the breaks
up, and comHs the driving of lugs
names are now found duplicated, causing
The Hackamans are
p ark.
a X To Wit:
friendship of women; whether It be and
it be
hewn timber down the tortuous swift
necessity often calls
confusion. senior
eat- rent -rand parents, andthe family
gr g € 1 Y
F •.
iit`hpn Morrie, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, do solemnly declare
firm of Edmalisoa, Butes Kt: Co., proprietors of Dr. Chase's
given til, men, or whether running
BSvon to women, it stands out magntS- the
stream, when
driver to wade body deep in the swift
is uotod for its ion evit one, a Mrs.
g y-
W run h, livingto be 108 cure old. Be-
timahipperfor the
d}eues, and am familiar with tae quantity of goods sold and shipped by said
the months of September Octoberthere were
.!� U1respectivelyrup
liko---whenflit is theright kindof friend- can
engage in such heavy labor, the
aides these Inonionad, quite a number
uring bottlest of Linseed and
I Ioti of Canada 6,576 and 11 ,
I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing It to be true,
by virtue of
ship. You will remember that to Slm
most robust are able to stand the ten hours
but mid-day hour's re-
the Hne dig ana live in a
]tole mors distant.
e, nd
�_ it is of the same three and effect as if made under ouch and
who was without sin, the joy, the beauty
of daily toil, with a
;ua1 E idence Act, 1898." (Signed) BURTON MORRIS.
and the sympathy of friendship was spite.
Such, in brief, is the life of many
laborers the Ottawa valley.
She Considered the Lily.
at the City of Toronto in the County of York, this 2nd day of
known, and that it was a women who
friend, who stood by Mary watch-
and amonhandsg of
and among the many is Thos. DoorH, of t 80
At a teachers' ' tion Detroit
$red before me
er, ItJf)6. J. if. DPNTON, a Commissioner, eta
was a
ing, until the tragedy of the cross had
Head street, Chaudiere, who for twalve
speaking u
lately a lady, spanking about the in-
and wafting until the glory of long
years has wrought for the great luny
fluence of beautiful ohjeete upon the
the resurrection sad begun."
her king, J. R. Booth, chant,ing in the
character and conduct of young pupils,
anis n pretty story received her from
Ardent Gamblers.
an pyo -witness, and thus reported by
In no part of the civilized world has
" /1 oi!%j �j'
the News -Tribune. The occurrence took
gambling developed to such an extent ae
Like an epidemic it has
*t p. ' Po'i'/ y /
/ /�� _ ,,,,; 4
place in New York.
"Into a school made up cl'kf!)r of
"I tried a bottle of Dr, Chase's Syrup of Lin.
in Russia,
seized upon the higher plass of society,
chieflythe nobility and persons of leisnt'a,
r V
d / / /
children from the slums, the teachoi one
day carried a beautiful calla lily. Of
�; suffered very severely from asthma
seed and Turpentine Porn troublesome affoetion
r Thomas n,
who stake and lose large fortunes on
course the children gathered about the
,Wenty-five years," says R. u. Moore,
'• If I ventured away from home
of the Stanthrod," d Ba k, flow Melbourne
of the Standard Rank, now of 11 Mclbonrne
s of chance, utterly regardless of
co consequences.
/ '�^
pure waxy blossom in groat delight.
"One of tlicnl wits a little girl, a waif
air would bring on such bad at-
avenue, Toronto. " It proved very effective. I
Ever well app ointed home has its bil-
of the streets, who had no care bestowed
e of
it I was afraid I would suffocate at
rogard the remedy as simple, cheep and ex-
liars and pard and the }at6er
upon her, as was evidenced by the
�ahort time ago I found it accessary
Ontario, on business. On the way
ceedingly good. It has hitherto been my habit
to consult a physician in troubles of this nature.
as many as fifteen tables may be ?pans
cichupiud at one time; indeed, the play is
dirty, ragged condition she wits Always
in. Not only was her clothing dreadfully
pey attacked me with great severity.
Hereafter, however, I intend to be my own
frequently continued all through the
'- �`�
soiled, but her Pace and wands seemed
,, to Paris I went to Armitage's
night, until daylight warns the excited
totally unacquainted with soap and
tjI got
nand bought a bottle. It relieved my
I have been away from
people that it is time to cease,
Gambling 1n Russia is not confined
f�fyr�"^ •
"As this little one drew near the lovely
fa'nd although
''I Val times since, I experiencod no
„My little boy had a bad croupy cough,"says
to the male sex alone, for ladies con-
w .o►
flower, she suddenly turned and ran
fable. I regard my quarter as well
to some more after it."
Mrs Smith, of 256 Bathurst street, Toronto.
„My Hopking,recommended me
stantly visit the clubs, find are quite as
reckless in their play as the father„hus-
snowy northern forests, and lifting tares
away down the stairs and out of
building. In a few minutes she ro-
4" intend send
neighbor, Mrs,
band, or brother who accompanies
inch deal during the summer seats. is
turned with her hands washed perfectly
to try Dr.Chaso's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
not to be wondered at that in his long{ ex-
clean, and pushed her way up to the
tine. I did so, and the first dose did him good.
the It is
periaDee and great exposure he should coo
flower, where she stood and admired it
One bottle completely cured cold.
tract a severe cold, that in time
with intense so.
surprising the popularity of Chase's Syrup. It
You and I uro Instruments which God
is Oil'
manent lodging in the region of his loins
"IL would ahem," continued Miss
appears to me it can now be Pound in every
mnst use to consumntnte' His plans and
and kidneys. Like many others, he
Coffin, "that when two child saw two lily
ebeen a ohmnio enfyerhr from severe
carry out His inflexible purpose. All-
thought to work it off, but in vain. Donn
in its whito purity, she suddenly realized
� a long time," sage Miss Hattie
powerful though He may be, fie needs
the pain in the region of the kidneys bP•
that she was not fit to acme into its at-
'i of 174 Crawford street,
your help and mine to hasten the
came so intense that labor was a torture
and the little fled away
season of the Year I did not
"I used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Ing of that perfect day, when the king
him, and it was only the indomitable tour
to makre,
to make herself suitable for such tom
liatitwas lobe freefromthem. Noth-
Turpentinefor severe throat trouble," writes
Hopkins, of 251 Bathurst street, Toronto.
dour of C'hrigt shall prevnil. The want of
age, born of a knowledge that others were`
panionahip. Did riot this have an elovat-
r emuch good until I got a bottle of
jinseed and Turpentine. It not only
It proved most effective. 1 regard it as one
best household remedies there is. It is
y p pervades society. We do not
F m achy p
know each other Draw nearer, clasp
dependent upon aim, that urged him 1O
his weary round of gaily toil. E�-
ing, refining effect on the child? Let tra
Into the
py cold, but I have not had another 1.easy
of the
and pleasant to take and drives out the
old with surprising celerity,"
hands, recognize the struggling soul the
sty sudden movement of the body was as a
' b nth
gather all the beauty we can
school -room."
iascribe the credit wholly to Dr. Chase. c lonely, the ostracized, too fallen. o
7: for the good and you will find the gooti.
'i, i)Sscover the best in each soul; resolve
,ti;' that ill -will, fault-finding and hatred
soothes and heals the affected shall find no place in your thoughts,
Chases Syrup Of parts relieves the over -charged speech or actions.
reed and Turpentine membrane, relieves congestion of ' Realistte.
" passages ; arrests the progress of fever and inflammation. It is pre- First Ilinatrator—I don't just Fee
,from the finest demulcents and expectorants from the prescriptions of what this big bulge is doing on the left
ase, and is specially effective in Croup. side of the heroine.
Second Illustrator -Ohl the opening
I41 t;,; chapter says "She entered upon her
�,: 1 Iduties with a heavy heart."
)REN JUST LOVE ITtDruggistsAp 2 5 CENTS. co vii"t in a,gnc-
Hiss Speedem-Does Your Mr. Diet
believe in keeping a type -writer fre`f
trom dust!
_ __ _- ---�-- '.Hies Seytaeip (sighing) -Apparently; I
IT PAYS TO I haven't reoved my salary forsix weeks.
poeee continues to attend pupils of
�anadaBusiness College
eveyywhere successful, and are being:
tlio beat positions
in the gift of the
dgart just placed as Boo'c•keeper and
pher for the S. Hadley Lumber Cu
ee as a teacher of MatbemsticP and
i>tl Subjects, in Troy Business College,
W.York, at a salary of $1M per aunnlsp.
4ys to Attend the
Befit—,placed over fifty pupae in suchpal
the one secured by Mr Roes, and ave
i.• pClication from anotber Amerlean
Oollege, to supply them with a teacher
its the Shorthand Department.
At(<logue of either department, address
c r•
LACHLAN & Co ChAtllrtnl
ollimThe two- �_= I�r9
&tails,;;Z!.� , ,`Gad^
ilee Mr7
It Is the Most Capable of All of Improve•
The sense of touch of all the senses Is
most capable of Improvement.8 Strictly
speaking, the senses are capable rather,
of alteration and specialization than of
Improvement. For instanno, those who
have much to do In the open air b000me
immensely long-sighted; but this is
abnormal, and the increased superiority
in one direction is compensated for by
inferiority in another, But there are
many trades which afford abundant evt-
donce that the sense of touch at any rate
in certain directions can be largely de-
veloped. For instance, the connoisseur of
Wedgwood china relies much more on an
almost imperceptible difference of feeling
In the texture than on his eyes to dis-
cover the genuineness of any piece.
The blind beggar can very soon dis.
cern between different metals merely by
the venan of touch, and In fact the eduoa-
tion of the blind affordg a remarkable
Instance of the development of thta
sense. In certain manufactures the skill-
ed workman knows entirely by this sense
when a mixture has reached the proper
degree of solidity or a material is of the
A h r gives ver hi h
The old story of Prometheus is a parable.
Prometbens was on terms of intimacy with
the gods. From them he stole fire, and
gave it to men. For this sin be was bounli
to the rocks of Mount Caucassns, and v1 l -
tures were set upon him. They only ate
hie liver. This grew again as fast as it
was pecked away. Are big sufferings to be
Take a modern interpretation of the
parable. There is no cooking without fire.
Tn cooking and eating the migchihf lire.
The stomach is overtasked, the bowels be-
come clogged, they cannot dispose of the
food that is given them. The impurities
back up on the liver. Then come the vul-
tures -the torments of "a diseased liver.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is
more than equal to the vultures of dyspep-
sia and its kindred diseases. Tbere is no
more need of suffering from dyspepsia
than there is of hanging one's self. Fold
by all medicine dealers the world over.
Geo. W. G. Ferris, inventor and builder
of the Ferris wbeel, died at Pittsburg, Bun -
day of typhoid fever. Hie illness is said to
have been brought on by worry over
business matters.
An inmate of the Leeds and Grenville
Counties jail at Brockville named ypel'-
man attempted to set fire to the building,
but the ottempt was frustrated by the
If yon are anxious to find the most re -
right texture, an a eo y "Al
wages by virtue of this sense alone. on
hand, the sense of smell and
blood purifier, road in A�er a AI -
manna the testimonials of those who hale
r ;the
the other
sense of tante are each of them blunt-
been cured of such terrible diseases ae
rheumatism and scrofula, by the
As.McClacberty's are inade for
l+d and loge their finer perception if the
use of A_ver's Farse.parilla. Then govern
�le who want the best. They
same object is frequently presented to
y ourself acoordingl•y.
gals une[jualled for tfnequality
artistic decorations
them. In every case, however, It is not
the general sense of touch that is im-
Mrs Harris, of Kinloss township, ran a
rl. tbeni by express to all parts
Proved, but a special excellence of the
thistle. into her finger and removed it with
a needle. As a result blood poisoning get
rite Dominion. setfe arrival
in, causing her death. A week ago Miss
a'I guaranteed,
Lizzie Burley, of Newtonville, picked a
N ue and prices on application.
pimple on her lip with a needle. Blood
doctor call-
poisoning resulted, and a wag
ed, but he could do nothing. She died in
agony Wednesday.
`And Confectioner, limon
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood
. � -
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
by J. H. Combe, Clinton.
1v, ..
11 p
r Mill
hell Planing l ill
`Y' -A -$H3
A special from Topeka, Kaa., says: The
1 --.AND—
nffroore of a Topeka ebaritable institution
hate rare 4 the remarkable statement that
in this oily,
y,a .� I
there are 400 deserted wives
and that every day adds to the list of the
deserted or divorced woman who appeal
(fih,bor having the very latest improvod
I for work or eolioit funds with which to bug
1,I loto do work in his Linn in the most
'. �Inannor, at reasonable rates and
bread for themselves and help child
ren, in n city Of ft6,000 inhabitants. Toe
jjrjhmsnntnottae. A trial gollolted
divorce mill in Topeka is running; on step
dil,y. Every week divorces are beingg grant.
ed to men and women, inoompatibility a
temper being the general charge.
to from Pain
1A lrbt " rN , L -
rr 1�XL�
gk ypq,Drl got a Ileator fgr it"',
When Baby wes dok, we gave her Castorta.
when she was a Child, "aho cried for Castorla.
When ahe beeame Mtag1 tae, clung to CastorW
Whhsnbhbirad�Childrbii♦9lfp'gal+etbow "01.tod
., ..."L`
thorny goad that made him w 113 one
is sting. Added to this wag an unusual
and excessive sweating, which necessitated
frequent changes of clothing, and which
weakened him to each an extent that his
appetite was almost entirely gone, and
eventually but little food and much water
was big daily fere. Many vain efforts were
made by 2(fr Dobie to free himself from the
pains which had fastened themselves upon
him, and one medir.ine after another was
used, but without effect. Life became it
burden, and existence a thing almost unde-
sirable. After many fruitless efforts he
was inducrd to try Dr Williams' Pink
Pills, When three boxes were taken the
change fn bill condition was marvellous,
and his own words are, ,,When I had taker,
six boxes I was a new man, and consider
the cure worth hundreds of dollars," 1Nr
Dobie, although completely cured, contin-
ues taking Pink Pills occasionally, and i -
very enthusiastic in his praises of what the
pills have done for him. Many of his fel
low workmen, seeing the great cbangr-
wrought in him by these famous pills, have
been led to give them a trial for other ail
menta, end are unanimous in pronouncing
them superior to all other medicines.
Dr Williams' Pink Pills act directly or
the blood and nerves, building them ane,A
and thus driving disease from the system
There is no trouble due to either of theef
causes which Pink Pills will nct cure, am
in hundreds of cases they have restored pa
tients to health after all other romedie
had failed. Ask for Dr Williams' Pini
Pills and take nothing else. The gennin,
are always enclosed in boxes, the wrappe
around which bears the full trade marl
''Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People '
May be bad from all dealers or sent pea
paid on receipt of 60 cents a box or si.
hoxes for > 2.60, by addressing the I)r Wil
1 liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Her ni.covery.
"Charley," said young Mrs. Tooker,
"why didn't you tell me that you had
gone into a new business?"
"What do you mean?"
"You do not confide in me as you
should. If I had known that you had so
much on your mind I should have made
allowances for your not being more regu-
lar in your hours. It will be an economy
perhaps to send our clothes to your
laundry. "
"I don't know what you are talking
about, "
"Charley, it is useless for you to try
to keep it from me any longer. I know
you are interested in a laundry because
I heard you tell a man who walked
home with you that spending two or
three hours a day on the bleachers meant
pretty hard work, after all." -Washing-
. ton Star.
A Parts Poet Deserts the Pon for the Work
U,nn h.
Parts now posgesseq a new cobbler
who happens to be a gent],+man, Mr.
Jacques Is Lorrain, poet, noveligq play
wright and ex -professor, fins actually
opened it cohhlor's stall or hooth in the
Run du ;;ommerarll and proposes to
mend th(• shopq of the gtudentg and
others residing In the I,atin quarter. He
ham addressed to his prospeotive nustnnl
erg a communication In verse, In which
he refers to ether shoemaking or shoe
mending poets, like .Taamiu of Provence
and Hans 5anhg of Norernhurg. He
points out in this eflhslnn that, as the
ttmea are hard and ns It is dlfflenit to
put up with dry bread, he has regolvnd
to start business as a "gniaf," which 1.4
the glnng word for the patohers of old
M. Lo Lorrain has published three
volumes of versn and two novels, whinh
worn highly pralged, while a oompdy of
his wa.s reonnunended by Alexander Du
mas file to the ninnager of the Vauda
vlllp, who prnduce`t It, The nobbler
herd protst,ts agiiinst the insinuntiun
that he is encentrin, that he tries to imi
tnto TolRtol and is seeking an advertise
ment. Ho has simply taunted to float an
enterprise at which he can make money,
for during fift•enn years big literary noel
pogitions hnvwhrought him in verysmnll
Films. Hig piny wag a failure, principal
ly, he thinks, becnusp he roprPsentpd on
trip stage an llnscrupulnnF man of ]et
torg. Loving his lndepnndence, he pre
Pprred to have a small businms of his
own than enter an nMen. Ho has had 1
Rome experience in the boot and sh'pp
line, for his father was a follower of Si.
Crinplin. Ho therefore determined to set
up for himself. He ham thus given up the
life of a literary bohemtan forevnr, and
puts his trust in leather. M. Le Lorrain
has a folly gnalifled cobbler with hire as
partner, from whom he intends to take
Iadilli li. ,lie hAa already obtalned a few
An Apple Tree Pest.
A great many of the apple orchards
1 this vicinity have been denuded of
heir foliage by the canker worm, the trees
Coking as though fire had been through
hem. Although a few of the urohards
ad been visited by this pest in previous
ears the devastation Is the worst ever
mown. A very few days sufllces for the
aliliong of worms to completely de -
troy and eat up all the green leaves of
large ornhard. The prospect seemed
food for a fair crop of{ apples this year,
put the farmers who are furnishing for-
ge for the canker worms will be obliged
o look for their Income in some other
A nuaineaa P-vival.
"You say that you have experienced a
;teat business revival?"
"Yee; I am as busy as I can be, trying
)o borrow money."
' .. _ .. _ _
a, ,:+�z, ,n- loafs
t' I 1
(rx?LnY' DAVIS%)
4iA ,pro and safe Remedy in every case
q. and evrry kinJ of Dowel Complain is
'1 -bis iq A tr.+e "1Atemnnt and it can't be
ta_du too strong or too emphatic
IIt la a c:mrao, sato and quick cure for
otnuzps, , courghy nlxctfmbtism,
. 9 " x
i ',:w �c;
Illi+1111111,IIIt1111111ililtl111111111++III+lllllll11111011111111111alll111.1. I , . "': *Jt , 1 �,
^P* 1�
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d.�,s o ,- 2 ria n ..
. - - -_ - FAC -SIMILE ,,,', 4"I",
1e --- - - SI >�0t ;'
A\ifleLat•1 pr 1 alaliouforAs i7
silpili2l i ct,tl lndi?cula ' a; r
:111113oK'els of — Q _ ._ , )'
1c Ilh'si`�. _..' R.
-- s
Proxcics Digs stimi,Cheerful- �..9&4 r �. *
iles.snn(ilZest.Gontainsneither 11 `' :,
Oprui%morplline nor 1`filleral. Is ON THE-
dlxaea/G 1�.iu%�F.?I1irl W EIR
�4L t`111o.
'It.A.1h, S,rl.'s - F EVERY
' 3r..•d .
�lnlse t
permiu! -
e/ - O
Aperfectllemedy for Constipa-U,
tion, Sour Stollulch,Diarrhoea, , f
Woi-tns Convutsions,Fl��erish- 1I11
mess and LOS'S OF SLEEP- ;11
xac simile Signature of
efle_14 G 4 _v. 1
NEW -YORK. I Castoria ie put up in one -size bottles only. Ii
- is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell
' _ ' yon anything else on the plea or promise that it
1 1 is "just as good" and "will answer every put.
yM pose," Aw- doe that you get C -A -d -T=O -B -I -A,,,.
Tho fao-
EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, tlaua �� ie ea
signatnro - ,%lidC� every
au of Irrtppoz,
.� et � -
1.S4061 fa Q%P4, t The Bies
'ill n xlk u°a�o �. �,
�<.,, I, -..o The Money.
You do not know wh� i miss by not using the above Tea.
Every customer using it is a pleased customer I
Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as low a.9
is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing.
For a few weeks we will have a choice ccllection of Seusa
PLA Plants �� Plants from the Benmiller Green House, which we will sell
at a very reasonable price. Call and get p- r_ces.
:�eTlrPostOfljce—CENTRAL, GROOERY—Teleph. ..:
Clinton Sash,.Door==BlindFactory
General Builders and Contractors. 11
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved me-
chinery, capable of doing work'on the shortest Notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All vlork is supervis- ,
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of inw x1
I terior and exterior material. �,."
Lumber, Leith,
Shin les Lime, Sash, Doors, Elinds, Ete
Agents for the Celebrated C„RAYBILI, SCHOOL DESK, manufacture8lp
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. ?
AN 1).
Brick Block, Clinton : : Near Fair's Mill ` r
We are now prepared to show yon a nicr line of Furniture of every descripltiorl, 1
ell new, and the %ery latest designs. ;;
Our Undertaking department is complete in every Branob.1
BROADFOOT, �O� &0:`.11
i0',V*10'1,�t It*r _ ,;F- l a;e;rtWf-ll 7►"j ae�
-,. t
The Old Reliable Speolellets- h
88 Years lt£xp�ir, to, ,
Is trresunent of tree Throat itati
>1Lpeex�s14416 tarrh, ., b
�W �u�,
' cored �l-tet. it
r tiCtictor- tsr� wtiti0tlt Ivry
�uap tyohiris aa� iitl ¢ D1rpt
r 1. art iM}ritlifla W;
. 0
ery' " } ,., �� �",r V
��vR1 . `.
tions of the biedder. often aecota"aled by a AW'
weakening of the syttern to a manner tale pYtiisvt0% RltlilbE
men who die of this dltfical of lire etless.'
fact cure in all I Casae, aril he tMy rtMbi"Mdit 4A '
"tatloa free. Those ambia to esl1. L' Writs lull'
inedteina seat elttniesdyl with fMM1 t�qr fiaii
n firing. hottfb! ift+6rb 9 Mw Ru - ?yr ;' . I