HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 54 ;r lo, the Jewels, the beautiful Jewels ed in J. E. Rumball's window; i are right for the beautiful Jewels ed in J. R. Rumball's window. hies, the Watches, the stylish Watches ed in J. B. Rumball's window; i are right For these stylish Watches id in J. B. Rumball's window. ,the Opals, the ever-changing Opals ed in J. B. Rumball's Window; are right For this beautiful Stone ,d in J. B. Rumball's window. JEWELER UBALL, WATTEL PHOCH NE EXCHANGE R'S INSTANT COUGH CURI PROMPT RELIEF AND CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS, F ESS, BRONCHITIS, USE WINTER'S COUGH CURE, PUT UP BY FREDERICK STEARNS & CO, ood satisfaction as any other Cough preparation on the market. Wi any preparation unless we know it to be first-class in every partionlawe guarantee it to give good results always. In 25 and b0o bottles, ckman's Kootenay Cure for Rheumatism and Eczema J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Established 1855. ;mistake purchase your Os, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' and (rent's ohes, prices to suit all buyers. By coming to us you will save i, both time and mnnuv s� c -Repairinf; a Specialty. BIDDLECOMBE, Clinton PE" CIAL •.• SALE. have twice too many Dress Goods, the season is well advanced, in order to clear them out we will offer all Dress Goods tLls IL at cost and under, they must go and our prices will sell them. Don't fail to give them your attention. r; Regular Prices New Prices NoTrs. -Mr R. S. Lang has already Thns. Brown has reenivcrl inatructlons from shippe(1 from this and other stations Dress Goods were 18c ................ Dress Goods now 10c (} t. .. " 25C .... . .......... „ t, 30C................ .. ra to 18C as 22c Wm. Bawden 35C................ 4()c ................ at a, a. 32c '• ,a .a „ 45c.. a 50C.. ... ..........." " 35c as 40C Werry, who has been in Manitoba for 60C ................ ar 47c ower, t aced drill and slot of othor>✓nrming lot nfiother r nin (35c ................ „ 70c ................ „ 50c 55c have moved into the residence recent- ly vacated by Mr D. Dyer. u a, 75c ................ 90C ................ as to ., floc 70c .. .. ., $100 ................ .. „ 75c u want a new Dress see our goods tertainment on Tuesday evening. Ow - ing to the electric light bein in .et our prices, it will pay you. 1. n(,t Operation, Mr Pars d and Mr L. g13in- UMSIL"EJEL & GIBBINU Albert Street, Clinton. CLINTON HARNE884,t, MW EMPORIUM " • Opposite the Town hall. A splendid line of Saskatchewan [Lobes -three colors -light and dark brown end black, 'quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade anprices. winners. Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes d i t ° ESS, ETC. ¢ Our special make of Sin5le Harness has Rained a superior rrputa- tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. 'Pearn harness ` alway� in stock or made to order. Ilorse Blankets, Dollars, Bells, Combe, Brushes, 8tc., also Trunks and Valises. Gods are Bargains at our irice�s. 11 1 4OHNSON & ARMOUR. 8 2 _.�xe you heard. EWE rhe Story wide andglta made thed, ory, � —ANFOR, MSwtlet h(mr tfi atv� Roa7, bright and gay eeoaieo was si!iing. listening to, WOOLLEN keaf'c'l that DLTIITON'S Is the I 8600 16godng Lor 70o a lb I ki >ly rl�tt #or ..........500 UNDERWEAR T. )fy 18tiij r .......... goo Medi ttl6 tap ...... 400 .P+ .la+:it........... 860 CALL AND SEE THEIR• Ft 11,1"111RTS, all wool, 50c, that were 70c. �) d �D�l1fR UNTS9 60c9 that were, 75a, F d OSRYR�i�'TS, 8k, that were $ tb fl r All tolopgi k. va wilt P •ps Illayl�Iw ypTt 411 �►+1r;a�dk 11e0 7i for t)ha tho11(9jr. r. D ' ,, v THE QLINTOX ides and S e'epskieis'' s WANTED. FaIld a 1$ IuittlQ •'�ib I The highest cash price going will • •BA v f t( f be paid for Bides and Skins Use in Advertising at the . RGAI r, CLINTON 't't�NNEItY, rusiness, every person is acquainted with it lows we keep only thebest goods, that we do 0. S. DOAN & SON, Clinton' busineY anon the same basis, That's on the cash system; pay cash for every dol- CLINTON N s1 .i �— lot's worth we buy d sell 's 1�tARKET9-y r t STILL Corrected every Thursday afternoon the only up-to-date method. However it is well to Thursday, Dec. 0 8 1898. remind you that our Gigantic Clearing Sale is in + ` ` Wheat springy Whest,fall. .............. o ea p o es full swin;, it started two weeks ago and will con- %jXN`:_ Data . ...................... u 19 a o 20 time for two Barley..... o weeks longer. We never complain Peas ..................•... 0 88 s o ao of dull times; take a turn through this 'store any Flour perewt.............. 2 40 a 2 50 zl;t t4^, Pork ...................... time and you will see bow business is done here. 413a4 b Butter .... , (•,�,' 0 18 a 0 14 d tt oonae in stripes or checker I Er{geper doz................ 0 18 a 0 14 CP egoist price 25c, Bale price 2'Oc ,• ��'. Hay new, $8; old.......... 7 UO a 700 Corsets, sizes 19 to 24, appeciAl line, well made, long waist, regular x Sheeepskina ................ 0 26 a 0 25 price 50c, sale price 40c. We have still some beautiful Tweed Dress Stu Corsets made of black sateen nicer trimmed, and guaranteed to fit , " ( wool ... . . . . . . ... . ee ...... 0 1a a o 20 r which we will close out at a b'lrgain No, 1 Trimmed Hides...... 4 00 a 4 26 reRtllar price $1, Bale price 75c. i ala 1 Ladies' Vesta, yon sleeves, re ular rice 25c Bale Potatoes .................. . . 0 25 a 2b g P price 16c. Ladies' Vesta, long sleeves, heavy make, regular price 35c, sale t,l$ MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS rice 25c. Men's Black Wool Socks, regular price 25c, sale price 15c. We have a few Ladies' Mantles in Black and There were about 900 head of amtsbu off cattle, Black, Brown and B1ueVelveteen good width,re ular rice 35c for 25c. Beaver and stylish Niggerhead, all Bine ryIlia,"`l 20 salvos and 1,500 sheep and lambs offered for .g g p , y' a� + sale at the East End Abattoir. The tile, i d which must be sold 'between now and ACU1481 supplies demoralized the pricer of cattle, and BOOTS and SHOES prices dropped about one quarter i cont per and Some body i�; (rOin(r t0 get d bargain '" pound, and a considerable number will have to pt ,q . y �,A be held over for another market. A few of the Children's Heavy School Boots, sizes 7, 8 and 9, regular price 70c, ?t best cattle were sold at about Sic per Ib, with sale price 50e. Pretty, good stock at from 21ro to 3e per lb; corn- Misses Heavy Boots regular price 95c, sale rice 75c. Some extraor- mou beasts sold at from 11 to 21c, and the lean- . er beasts Bold at from a little over to to about dinary values in Women's Boots, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. We have two or three Greenland Seal Ca es 32 !j]t `� +�" lit por lb. Calves were in brisk demand five Men a Heavy Laced Boots, waterproof, regular' price $_.25,sale price 98c p . ; good calves were sold for $8 to $12 each. Nut- Men's Buckle Felt Boots, Rubbers and Socks are going at sale prices. wide sweep in Skirt, beautifully lined and ton critters nea are lower all round. age aShippers are Some people thought it was a mistake when we advertised Men's paymbs peaselline per lb for good largeeheop in Satin. These capes are of file bast quail � Lambs aro selling in iota at about 37rc per Ib; Gloves worth 90c far 50c: there is no mistake about it, see them for and a tot. of the best at about Sic per lb. Fat yonrsolf. The success of this sale is another evidence of the eonfi. are t0 be cleared d➢Qlt at a bargain. .< pore are plentiful, and sell at from $3.75 to 83.95 dente people have in t b is business. No exaggeration ie indulged in, per 100 lbs. but when we have a good stock, and prices a little lower than other 'r,t etU1du eAtieuteuts. stot es, we do feel like BLOWING OUR HORN A LITTLE. c+� 1; AN APOLOGY—We beg to tender a humble apology to our man friends who have been kept waiting so long during the past two We have some repeats in stylish Mantle and Cape C A Girl Wanted. dr weeks, but with a larger staff we hope in future to be able to serve you better. " We are not here for the benefit of our health," from 75C double width upwards in 1$Ii1Ck and' To do general housework, Apply at the Manse, Londessoro. "WE WANT YOUR TRADE." Niggerhead, Beaver, lMeltons and Tweed mix�tll++� Wanted.going to be soul at sale prices. c � non & Oo. Blyth A food genoral servant tri, for small family. i1` Apply W MRS JAS, SCOTT, High St, Cash and one Price, Butter and Eggs taken as Cash �t 1t, SERVANT WANTED We have Shirts and Drawers Cardigans, To S >� GOgeneral Servant wanted at once-Ap• heavy wool Socks and Mitts, Gents line ea ply too T. JACKSON, Jr _ BORN ( PIANO FOR SALE. and Kid Gloves, all known to be excellent Cutter for Sale. COOK -k, Clinton, on Nov. 19, the wipe of Mr ; A firs' -Claes wi111ame Piano Upright,. Mabog- but we purpose 'tll alust submit to the proe Fred Cook, of a son. any Case, almost new, ;or ale on very reaeou. y� Cotter, as good as new, having only been in use HENRY -In Clinton, on Nov. Both, to hfr and able terms, Apply at NEW EtRA OFFICE. Cutting and will have t® y�,0 at sale prices tilliu a short time, will be void on reasonable terms. Mrs John Henry a son, are cleared d out.'+ SEALE ez HOOVER, CURRIE-In Ooder'cb township, on Nov, 18, BOB -SLEIGHS FOR HALE Rug Logit, the wife of Mr Peter W. Currie, of a eon. tt _ LEAVER, -In East. Wawanosh, on Nov. 17, For sale a pair of new one-horse Bob -Sleighs, Logit, somewhere on the Bayfield Road, be, the wife of Mr Peter Leaver, of a son. steel shod, and well made. Will be told cheap, twoen Clinton and Ra MARRIED Apply to WM_ GRANT, q i yfl dd, a buggy rug with Below the O T R station, Clinton GILROY Q�tiger figure on it. Finder will be rewarded onMogRIEN-ELLIOTT-In Clinton, on Nov. �(!�//' rata ruing same to D. B. I{ENNEDY, Qljv inton., 25th, by Rev. Wm. Stout, Mr M. McBrien, of WEE Vt Goderich township, to Mrs. Eliza Jane Elliott, SALE$bIEN WANTED. AN Stray Heifer of Goderich. -- We want two or three aotive, reliable inn b Came into subscriber's premises, lot 99 46h LAWSON -BEADLE - At rho residence of sell onr.hoioe, hardy home Keown nrlrsary sta.k con, Goder+oh township, about the middle of the bride's father, on Nov. 25, by Rev. A,Cozene is H-_215"' ron Oonoty and vlciniiy. Outfit free. LiD Mr Luke Lawson, of giubnrn, to Miss Rita era] terms w good men. App l at once fro October, a yearling Red Heifer, Own cor is sore- Beadle, of WostWawaooeh, formerly of Clinton A W, (1I A$A1)d DRUG j O notified a prove ed Hely pa tsar is and 1 ` U take it away. BhN yLU, Hayfield P. p. POW ELL-ELLIOTT-,At Niagara Falls, on Elgin lfnreertee, w Thomas, Ont, G s t ('1 Nay. 9, 15 Rov. Mr Brownlee, Mr F. Powell, of ��C 1.J StrayCOMBE Cattle Niagara Falls, to Lizzio. only dauggAter of Mr s y John O. Elliott, Bayfleld road, Godorich town-' BOAR FOR SERVICE -- ship is our highest price; it buys the hest butt le of Xtn u+ perfume rn Strayed from subscribers promisee, Maitland Snbser(ber will keepfor service at ilia farm, store, 25c buys our che,ipest 11nt)S perfume. C013 Colborne, about the tat of August, three BLEwETT-FI'rZSIMONS-Atwtngham,on Enron Road, Goderich townshiy a well-bred Sachet Powder in hulk at 20c an ounce. head of yearlings, being two Red Heiterb, and a Nov. 18, Mr Isaac Blewett, of Morris, to Mrs T. Cheater White Boas, of good pedigree. Terme We are centrally located. Red and Whyte Steer, all paving the end of the Fltzainlone, of Clinton. $1 at Gime of service; or $1.25 it booked, right oar cut off. Any one giving Information DOUGAN-COWAN -At the parsons, in T. J. POTTER, W ri: We are accurate. ZZ that will lead to their recovery will be suitably Bruseels, on Nov. 24, by Rev. S. J. Allin, Mr T. Goderioh township. Nov. 9, 1895 ;.;l 9 We are prompt—no long delays. rewarded. W. C. DURST, 13enmiller P.O. lm; Dougan, of Morris, to Mire Mary Cowan, of m O We are cautious. Stock Feeders—Corn for Sale H1ilt(tt. STRAY HEIFER +7 ar We are old and tried —reliable. KICKS -HORN. -At the residence of the Q M We are neat and scrupulously clean in prescription department, Any amount bust Yellow Corn, at 35c. a bush- bride's parents, on Nov. 181 h, by the Rov H. W. Strayed from the remises of Wm Robinson, U P el, It muton chop at else than n, per hundred, Lucke, blr John Hicks to Miss Violet Maud I , Huron Road, about Oct let, a light gray flout r, daughter of Mr Thos. Aorn, a'1 of Exeter. rising 2, with red neck and head, little white on We can interest you in prices for drugs. Our Hot Water Bottle &,nd Fountain and less than $12 per ton. At that low price it face. Any person giving each information as Syringe, $1.00, pays to feed any kind oP stock, or to mix with BEBEI3-McCABE.-Tn Bonmiller, on Nov. will lead torte recoveryy,twill be suitablyrewara f.f any kind of grain, especially to give holy' and 17, by Itev E. Olivank Mr Goo. Hebel, to MI(s ed. THOS FLEMINq, Clinton r>. strength to oats, barley dtc. Sell for cash, ex- Sarah McOabo, both of Colborne. change for any kind oigruin, some cases give WATSON-AICILWAIN. -On Nov, 24th, b the two to 4 months' time, if desirod. Drive right Rov. J. W, Pring, a y Berkshire Boar for SerP1Q0. rU; to warehouse, opposite station. W. G.YERLt[pr g• t the iso bride's WE ALL KNOW IT, ALL ROADS LEAD TO CLINT father, Wm. Watson, of West .Wawanosh, to � t ��'• OLINTON MJsa M. J. Lneq McUwain. daughter of Robcra Subscriber keeps for servloe, st his premi see ¢' y,k ,Me[: wain, poet master at Nile. 2nd con. of Rolled a tborobreA Berkahire,hoar, AND ALIT STREETS TO B+ Terme, $1 at time of service, (with mrvilege of and Curling Rink TuRNHULL-WANLESS -On the 2nd Inst., by returning It neoessary) or $1.95 if booed. { Skating Rev. Mr Murton, Varna, asslated by Rev. Mr .. J ,: «'alter, Fthel, Mr Geo. T Turnbull, of Me- HDNRY FREEMAN, Barlett's • Rmllor, to Mlse Lizzie, only daughter of Mr Fomitore8toFOR SALLA: ON EASY TERMS John Wanless.House mu(1 Slnall Farm to Let. �r _ ) R. IRWIN DIED. The oomfartablo dwelling with barn and four - Where you can buy Furniture for very little money, as I have agob(y.!l' BIDDLiCCOMBE - In Clinton, on Dee ]s1, tseo acres fo tabl land, including garden and y Y County Council Election Joseph Biddlecombe, aged 66 years and five good orchard, belonging to Thomas East, and assortment in all lines in slorlt, which will he sold at read reduce '`�.`` months. (Funeral on Friday, at2p.m. eater onto sed by James Hartwell, sitaat(d greatly At`.11 y p prices from note until after the Christmas holidays. pct on the London Road within half -a -mile of Clio - Public notice is hereby given that a meeting ton stadou, will to (eased on moderate terwa. Kindly give me a call before haying elsewhere, and be convince )f the electors of County council Division No.2, SALE REGISTER. d titjgf Apply to H. Halo, Clinton my prices and quality are right, Also a full line of Undertaker's Goed>% *fit ompposod of the Townships of Goderich and on hand. flulletr, and filo Town of l'linton, will be hold - ---' t1r n the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, on MONDAY Farm stock of Mr David Cox, lot 21. Don, o, Hullett Township TaxetR. I)EC' MIIElt 21st. 1896, at the honr of 1 o'clock Goderich township, on Wedneeday, Doe. 9, at I r: 1- j.m. for .m. 1). Di — Q T ( y� y� r filo purpose, nominating candidates p ckinson, nuct. The collector for the Township of Tinllett H. C. BARL T ,P, Clinton Moron St °r .o repre8ent thernln the County Council of the Farm stock, etc, of A. M. Cook, lot 13, Haron will be the following places on the date named r1 y t` 'ounty of Huron, for the years 1897 and 1898.- road, Anllett, 3 miles east of Clinton, on wod- for the pnrposo of receiving taxes, At Londe— A 4• :; ., nd that in case a poll is demanded and allow. nesday, Dec. 9 Thos. Brown, aunt. born on November 80th and December Hth; at --- ' --- _ - -- - ;d 1n the manner bylaw prescribed, ouch polls Mortgago sale of valuable farm in Goderich Kiubtrn on •December 11th; at the CemmPreial +rill be opened on the 41 h day of Jannag, 1897, townahlp, at the Rattonbury House. Clinton, Hotel, Clinton, Dncernber 12, All taxes remain- n each of the polling sub -divisions, at the tune on Raturday, Dcc, 19, at 2 p m, D, Dickinson, ing anpaad after the above dates will he chargqed end pinto fixed by br-law or the nnmieipnlitloe oust 5reute ontsedellareatra.-TROhL>y NFILAN6 n said County Division No. 2. Collector, 'r hoe „• JAMES CAMPBELL, Overcoats. )atod Doc. lac, 1)l,9e. Nom. officer. Clinton Y. P. Local Union TIII', 'I'OW�' 1InLI,"TIATTF.L MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM Toples at the aerernI Young People's SocietyA a fair tl ' HTCCI{ ANI) IMPLEMENTS. fee nun being he during the week: - Th undersl ned will soil b ; TinttonburyHt Met4lodlst H.L. of C.R. Mon `BOOT AND SHOE Judging from the', rlUmloer ()f idirowrl buyers W, gg y pnbl c nartion. day, Doc, 7th, consecartion servioo, roll call, nln •. m �i'hllNl SDA Y, DE('. 9 nn the form of Mr collection and monthly reports. 1.�,,. lurid (lox, i.ot21, Don, 0 (lode Township, RatAenbl Rt, Mothxllat Gfrl's Junior $ , purchasing our Frieze T'l�t('rs it seems t0 be, concedi3llFi'' t.til.m.,theundern tlonodpi4ertyy viz; 1 REPAIR 51101'. 1 7 �y� aiding 5 yours ctrl, 2 inn os Snfoal, 3eowsln L. >! (). F., Friday evonlnq [mm 7 t<t 8. a the values are the best 14fored Xi,'() 11aVPl Still Ory Ilan nIP, 2 yenrlings, 1 set bob sleighs, top buggy Topic for Dec. 4th- Consecration, letter I, col- , 4 S1' nnrly new, democrat waggon, road cart, lnm- lection, roll call. James YO�.In of last soasori s Overcoat `, tV ll loll we )ffor aL greatly z"" I ` er waggon with raek and box, set doublo hnr Ontnrin St. E. L. of C. E Topic foe Dec. 9th. YOUng, rl `fir 1+ l nen nnnrty new, set single harness, sot plow-_Gonsrerntloi, and roll call. L�7 prices. They aro All tY O(11 1. wee(i, Well lined nrnes8, hny rake, binder, mower, set Iron hnr� ov's, Iron plow, tanning nild, set weigh gcalo8 Willis Preshytnrtan C E Topic. for Doc The welt known Boot and f;ho•) Mnknr, Lan upon. Colors; pr1CCy WCrO e�:) t ' fi, 'Oj71' ChOiC(' 11OW fell' 3 •' nd drill, Innd roller, 2(N) bushels carrots, Irh nth --li w to strengthen our (nitb in Christiana- Pd a Repair Hhop to the Clinton T,.wn iiall q `A t nnh• Potato. -s, I(N) bu-h. mangold8, 9acrescoin t7. Catechism quost. 7. --Mr D. O. McTavish. and will execute all orders e0.rnetr,d to his rare t0 Ji). Also 10 Tweed- 1(dtOlV an(I ]ila'�l{ vYrnr$tE9C] looked, and other articles. TRRMo. 810 and Tnrnor's Methodist ohnrch F. L. of G p;, on short n •tfepand at eatl.fartr,ry rat, 8. Or- , oder, va-•h; over tha'. arrinnnt 11 mon'hs credit. Topic for Der.. Mth-The third person In ovory dared work aspecialty. Glve hlnl a call. in mens sizes, at about. half price, Ivrn on furui8hing approved joint not ns, with frinndehip. Conhecrat Ion and roll call. Prosl- - i lternst at 11 par Dent per annum, or n discount dent. f 0 per cont per annum fur rash on credit mnnnts D irTf:KINhGN, Aurt, Exeter ORMON BALR OF FARM STOCK, RTC. NoTrs. -Mr R. S. Lang has already Thns. Brown has reenivcrl inatructlons from shippe(1 from this and other stations ndrew (lovenlnek, at Winthrop, lot 26 con7, rl{illnp. In rll by l'ublie Auel lon, on 'hiewi,ty 15, 180 carloads of apples, or 23,500 barrels'. Al r A. Taylor has purchased the cot - or. at 12 o'c.lork, noon. the. follnwlnpp(( ruin- )In property noasrta, 2 tnam� working horses' Arlt Ing mare ri°1nq 5 tags recently vacated by Mr 8. Sweet, on Darling t., from Mr yearn old, I driving colt Sing throe, 2 Wm. Bawden (Irlvin9 colts risingg 2 1 spring ,II sired by- Barbwirn. and has d therein, Mr Thomas I I well bred drlvingmaro .@ 1d ervornl good working horsos. CATTLE, n, 'Own slli,posed t.n be itl calf, 4 twr-yr old stems Snell, whmoveo told his leg broken a few weeks, is al- le to (Pave his bed. Mr T. 11t,nom , thorn bred Durham hul), thoro-bred Werry, who has been in Manitoba for er.hirr bear. i Rowe in pig, 8 pigs 4 months d, 12 pigs .5 week s Old. some months, returned last week. Mr ower, t aced drill and slot of othor>✓nrming lot nfiother r nin Thos. Boyle and family, of Centralia, 1plement, sov,,ra( wn.ggona, buggles, stetgha, lun,nl lt.y of lumber suitable for building, fnnr. have moved into the residence recent- ly vacated by Mr D. Dyer. g and of her purposes. FARM LANDS—east 75 ren lot 28. con. 8 McKillop, N 6 of W j lot 28, 7, N1tARLY A BLAZE. - What might n. MrKillop, W i of lot 20, con.7, McKillopp, 27, con. 7, MOR111op, N j lot 30.con. 9y, meTc l- have resulted in a serious coliflagra- p, lotand n r, and 19, con. til, Carey. 'I'RRMs- credit and nnr(or, rash; over that, 10 months credit tion happened At the James St. Metho- dist chnrch ashort'tirne before the en - fnrnfehing approvod joint, noten with Intera9t 0 per Pent per annum. Terms for land -ado tertainment on Tuesday evening. Ow - ing to the electric light bein in own on day of sole. rtxowN, Auot. A. GOVFNLOCR, Prop. n(,t Operation, Mr Pars d and Mr L. g13in- hop were suspending some Rochester A ^ w' �p®, I�GA NW OPEN. a lamps from the electric chandeliers in when, some manner o -le of the at- ). OLSON has got the i remises be reoontl rohased refitted, and opened out this week for tacbments gave away, precipitating the lam t0 the floor, a distance of slneas, wicb a full stook of several feet. The oil gushed out and lour, Feed, Ileal, Groceries. was soon ignited and threatened ser - ious results, but prompt action soon I got it under control. Very little dam- e stook has been selected with great care, anda , public may rest assured that the very beet e wits done save the ebarring of one OC the seats. ne in all lines VM1 be given. Lily oft =011601119 WA week 25 The Flour and lbp. of Iiolldd oatmeslw1u receive S lbs, of 9gath'r;t, }petGrauux.6;A61196tfor256. I Mr Patrick Kelly, who wag for many turnkey 11 As yMrs and subsequently became )' ItiG t i bttbkel; ,6t1t(r. � . , ' } 0604940r o4 the lli';lddlssex Uonnbv Jail. iz ismise . Our cntlre (try r(,t)rl:; stock i , bristlitlg with barge We ars now kee lin in stuck Sausage made from pork only. business always builders. `Vliy cry 1,arrl (Imes; n'e filed 'tit '..:. ; able anti witlin� to b;ty whorl �;o()dq and pr; Hams, Pork right. Pigs Feet, Iletadelice'se, &c. Talc, a look at ],] ti FN ., ti'.'I' ( cel in this litX We handle only the hest of t are bought direct from lilanufact.urers' agents, and .+cit, m a e to be procured, and don't. ask quite as much for it Value, `V E' have jus: passedintotitOCl{ ChOiCe Tabl!liil'�` as moat dealers do for inferior b 27c t0 u(Dc a yard, also Table _tapkii)S, ID'Oyles, Tra Tray stock. One trial convinces. ' T ' Side Board I)rapos, rI'(nvr15 soil ()Wolin;;. We � JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton tnanufact•urer's word for it th'lt there i; rit)t a threaa,o; thitig but linen in the entire shipment. It 1s worth ar t EARL (( C NFNALIC OF FARM STOCK AND to you to know when buying thin Mlle Of goods that:" Thomas Brown has received Instruotions from A. M. Cook, tosell b77 publle auction, on Lot is, Huron Road, ttlllett, getting pure Irish Linen, u y on WEDNa9DAY, DRO. 9cb aElp,m.,rhrro the following sevoporoldg fine 1 seven year old driver, 1 seven yr old general p, l(� f COAT We have several No. I GOAT! ROBES; ty� purpose 1 driver rleingfour, CATTLE -3 Cows su posa'd to be in calf, 2 Heifers risfug 3 In calf;i"'. G' change a few for good hard wood at market p 1 teaEt Heater rising 2, 8 Calves, SRxmP 6A Pros-- ix=4 good Blwea, 1 large brood Sow, 12 young PIgs. —lItiniberwaggon,IcombinedMR. 1 outdiia box, l Toronto mower pair bob -sl i h ' Have you bounlit a air of VARASKA LY/lt J l0, p r, horse rake, set diamond barrows two If not, why not2 W, single plow, t hay rooks, got single It sets doable harness, gravel box, sugar i-Iy erre older barrels, 8, WOr with b row at. 'YY a call handle all the choice Doll .Butt �,. no, rasa abed sower with barrow at. �i oyole g;tnder, grindetone, Laq i(rk wilt pay the highest'price going, in cash or dt%ft. "? acid ae o ret o Altog9, goat robe pea large cools s vot a Tot of nouseewd y A es{g t % O[ other suiall artiolea, 40 0 o flfgt olatb' hby, all to be gut 1?eegf qo Ott rb t'iotor 3s givl8g t1 , Iv • i'�Ryi w •iii' ltd .. .. N� �it11Y 't ottsll o cl e iE kb efb tba z a h qk i v AZT . � i�Q.14�gOHxmr. ` a . . r),., •,- •:.r�..,t,.,,,,,,.<F"� „ 91t�'�1.16` "- I f Frt9-r���_-.$°I@.t. nl�,� ..