HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 4M.
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� p kir:' Q � ,� Q� OIFlatalt e d Bsv. ?fCr: tt$nt, 1�V?tnni ag, will uao. t 1+,80 ; rKl„ xedtdaxl ' jlapr a, 4�
wf,,.?]tllal'r l)11t �,v 9t�Ott4 i9 fire of i! t Q . it
Pastgrate a# the hits wallaq
�t t %ti tl�rn. ptlat Clhurah, l!elartia . tilt
a k `fit ;e tires t� I* cvJilotl #eta trw�:al- Y a��� clrttasva, �� pr8ai�3eub �a#�"'i� �v��,;.. a rl � x a��ca �
�er 1�1:clax�a iQrawiag In favor y a It , ,:'
- ling t'i#Jaa4� a ci�ttt. vxtaplr an, r A7r ,Tames I`I., Saierb, of Brandon has since the last gjiaet p tip err :;IT' T� ,+9R ` Y,.
`r`' wi5.b::die. eongregataorx every week.-- been appolutgd Deputy Minister Del;3 in Wil ll And ��' 4q, Aq,rhe''1lttafce�
y of the In• '> ,M ` .'
1, I' tailor iu the C#reenwaq Glavernmsnt. was bakeu i'p' tljis xuaablh its iu t1aQA' jt tr.
, " t I@. the rpiEBc1 4 } . f ' , h,�ll .i . ho. I1t aerv9cee are ow 6eing was banns to be a en3oeseI
}`,' ' , ,, , a�lugelislal lige James gold of. Belleville was burp- 'pee preatde>xtr.theii called upon ,A U'll ,
Vl, {', it fi gtl1+ kl> �. . ethodiat church, Kl en,
Pose, ar�ct; cine qatisile; eYtlk9rel"y ;sv 1►rWN addnll. P ed to death by clamp which was knocked ♦Ilan, of Qoderich, whose epbjccY was fixe11
3 r+ is worth tt lelt.af adver,tltJiia$.t6tas Op �uu44Y last Rev 19; Acheson en- fr°m•her !rand and set See to bar olothing, Packlum and 19hiFpin of Frit lt. He divaj4-.
and. the carry tlxis idlest, 3p fp full Leee4i on is thirteenth Year as pastor Mary Gailban, u! Alexandria,• Ont., ago, ed the first ppeat of l:Js subject iraba tkc>raQ11
Wit' f our dealin'ga. l�xop us.,a.parct ,fir of, $ d n rew's ahuroh, . Kippen, 1% is charged with cutting the throat of parts: L What to Pick: 2. When to Pink: S
. 1Z call ai; : The X19800 Rall, evangelists are her illegitimate babe. The corpse was How to Pick. The sabjeot was very inter.
found under a hes of bruahwood eating and much, needed, The seaocd art
f' �i t,�01!1i'B>oYaLilDa;p bolding special services iu Berlin, over 1'
It 11SR, axr11v7Cpl+t - b having Jahn Qlark, aged seventeen, and Edmund of the subject was Shipping Fruit. Firs
}� ron y e ial served s in B conversion. g
t ! '" Pot41n, aged sixteen, were drvwned in the speaker believed the old system of shipJpI
tti i2rvr -84V A. Stewart, of Willis church, canal at Ottawa in an effort to save a oom. would be abandoned. Elb said tate Xr, li`Jdi ':liV�x��u�zis. conducted `rhonksgiving services in wag to ship urea in boxes beat wool o
i a e& tlxt3l Presbyterian church, last paaion. '['lieu !rad been skating. shoat a bushel, as it was more satisfactory
r LrostFoup D 1S KetFiqgd Thursday. Archbishop Fabre of Montreal will not to buyer and seller, and it .would stop tli�g
U y %. likely live more than a few weeks. Scania! !rand carries on in placing a good" setting
gw`�' ` Stray heftier--OBeaaYoo Rao A. C. Crews, Secretary of the months ago tine archbishop left for Roma, at both endo of the barrel, and only eeopnd
�� , - Perfumes—J H Oombe E worth Leagues and Sabbath Schaole,, but in Poria he was taken seriously ill, and nines fxuit in the middle, causing buyers to
t , lilttk for Bala -Ii Irwin �vfll - attend anniversary services in . on the advice of pbysi°ians rotnrned be 88 fru t in He recommended farmers `
i Fur sale—Jackson Bros Clint* on Dec. 20.21. home. The A.robbiehap is sufferingsrfrom
t+ JeweJery--J B Rmaball to ship their own apples, thus savhl the
�P'tlxt far all'things and the time is here fox our an- Mantles-13adgeng Brog On Sunday, • nest, Dec. 6th, service jaundice and other complaints, which ren -
will be held in St. John's church, der his Daae Incurable. middle man's profit, for in times eoclose as
11le°tion—data Campbell we have, we require all there is in diem to
Y {Ce of ready made Mantles. Ever year about the
Turkeys—oanteton Bros Holmesville, at 11 a, m, land at St. The Trade Bulletin, remarking on the pay, During the discourse
Every y Stray c0 le—W 0Durat Peter's Suriggaerhlll at 7, make them
tI 010 Or we commence to clear out our mantle stock Furniture— C Barletta P• m• large quantities of Canadian poultry which there were many questions lint relative to
--'-• -_ , r Clearing sale—D Ni Cook $7.15 contributed In Clinton in aid of aro being sent from Canada to Great Bri• file !raft iaSaetrp, all of which were vert
fr 0 ng gO time rs QT'bl. nd one•more. . RoumQYcd-=,�?�$4i19wa A! oma and Northwest Evan clic I twin, says it is certain that the Liverpool, satisfactorily answered, as the farmers � ,%3
,Y' t ° CCorn fortSaie-° Q PaBrrin ' ao T g Manohaater and.London xnarlCata. wilt haus e'. .
r3, �,� y y understood his subject and the e � �,a !
on'a� Mantle business 'has been exceptionally tionall good and Auction eaie AlUovenlock sionarw ed e b has never beforebeenonItr as problem gbnerally. ; - - - -- . ..- . ._ - k ti'
g Coipoxtage Mlssion re 1 ratefuil" man who un
3 1 g d y 4eo. Bus in mrs- P Y p frdit
y witneeeed at their We Heaton, of Gloderich neat addressed
p y g Girl wanted—era Hamilton Christmas markets. the meeting on Tho Farmer's Bun, Ilia eE r
��� tt" d It u by clearing out every garment in the Servant wanted—Mrs Scott On Monday evening nest, in the ii
Y�t�7 Mortgage sale—D Dickinson Barracks of the Salvation Army, a The latest count showed that McHinle di scourge showed that he bad given the sub- Btq ,
�' Tt t'WAnt t0 O It at OIIC@ for the CihliBtlnaB rush will °ws°egsgred—P B Clavus very intereatin lantern servlae will carried 2e i3tateg, Bryan 22; Maginley has jeot a groat deal of thought and was apten- , ,,, r
' }.; mus stock—Allan Witaon g 872 eleatorial votes, tivel listened to. r .,
% soon be upon us. Xmas presents—Cooper & Cc be conducted by Eheiga Scobell, at 8 p. Bryan, 176. The y
PtiesJaal culture—»figs' Fisher m. Admission only 5c for adults, and states that voted for MoSinlep contain The evening meeting opened with musicXmas °
Fain v F 2c for children. doable the population of the Br an states on the violin and the following program: u,
Va:v Holiday trade—Ho tie BTaa•
Cutter for sale—$eale,k Hoover and -three times the valga o4 property. Speech from the president, gong 6J Morgan 'b+
9 �+ tluu@@ things about them: file prices, tilt!! every One Advertising•-4iirz& Wiseman The Expositor gape:—Rev Dr. Me- 'MoKinJe 's ma'orit on the o alar vote g y,and a epeeah
'Ss Skating shoes—Ja son Jackson y Dalton Song. McVuroh
�`A`6 ,fsoAS;, garment and' that if you want the choice the Donald was sufficiently recovered to will be aboub 829 000. This is the lar set b amid he :
All changes of contract ads be able to walk down town on Friday plurality aver Y A. MoD. Allan, Tho speaker , r
0 14,e ib come is as soon after you read this advertisement last, but on Saturday be took another date. (ylrant' e68 400 in 872eaomes neat_ wondered from what he htid cess
must be sent in not Inter than bad turn and, although h some better, Lincolns plurality of 491,196, in 1860 has that this aeotion should oontgibate angq;h
l� <P ' ; as you Can. • the three hundred law sire atarvin
� Tuesday night. he is still confined to his room. the third place, and Cleveland's of 380,810 Toronto, and thought that the parents '`' �}
4 ;,�� There was ac,od audience at the in 1892, is fourth. 112oginley'e majority is ehonld give the children an intexest in the wpb
,, Q IInin Tbanksgiving service in Willis also the largest on record. The total pro- home, as an incentive to beautifying and:
1� h -are gomw �� ���� ���� � �����tt �� �� church on Thnrsaay, and the sermon hibition vote this year is about 80,000 making home pleasant. He also thought ' t
P'. �►J/ ��1 by Rev. Mr.Harria was in perfect syym- against 262,799 in 1892, that school trastpes should give a prize to
�'1 pathy with the Occasion. The collet- the beat oolIeotion of fiowere kept by the �'1° ''
'W Y c F
"hr�t} Y° FRIDA2, DECEMBER 4, 1896 ed in' $16 goes for charity, amount- Tho Oollegiate. scholars. The address was followed by a r,,,
r I $ song by M. Wallace, music en violins, song . Y`< „•
{ The UnitedStatesdeficitforthe est
Rev W. H. Palmer, the English evan- The Secretary of the Collegiate In. ne,aMr McInnis, "Nevar paeht►,man when ,
I " P ails! who vii stitute going down
ear just,amounta to a little over $26,- ago, wilt begin epeC°ialtonservices in the has received from the Educa- g g' hill, and a speech by R. t:
tion Deppartment the report of Induce- D. Cameron. He was happy Lo meet the n
':. Buys Ladies' bd�lack rough cloth Mantles'' If ever our personal `deficit Baptist church here on Jan 3rd. Mr for Seeth on his visit to the Institute residents of Hintail at their Fgrmere In- �` ;I
y ill&t Ilea@ b8@n $3,90 all season, gets that large we'll gait the business. Palmer is a powerful speaker, and on Oct. 26th and 28th. stitute meeting for the first time, and was v..
I. �ust ter@@ great results are ex acted Prom hie The buildings and surpriaed at the rapid strides the Institute *':,;
Rr` of chem at this price Left, The election o! Hon. Mr SlPton, by visit in Clinton. P grounds are given was making, more than. doubling its mom. ;u
the usual fair rating, while some small
improvements add re airs are recon- harshly and meetings the last year, He
{ acclamation, for' Brandon, a coastitu- The meeting of the Local Union will P set forth the benefit of having a public Iib- Our holiday t�$1gj1'�
11 eneq hitherto held by a Coneervatfve, be held in the Baptist church this Fri- mended. An alteration in the accom- rary for the benefit of the yonng people of plet8 wit ;18114
y 1`� ' . . .- shows his popularity and the wisdom day) eveningg, to be addressed b( Mr 'n°dations to provide for the teaching the rural district, Then came a aeleo pie of
of his opponents in deciding sot to op- Hale, of Goderich and Mr Karr reeve Of Physics is advised, and the rovid- music the aestion drawer answered byat go
fin11, ; Buys ladies' Tweed and Beaver Mantles in Pose him. Ingo spacial sets of texts in the differ- q that t0
of Brussels. What will add to the in- A. MoD. Allan, song by Wm. O'Laa !ilii
a" Black Or COIOr0, all newest styles some terest of the meeting will be the un_ ant languages for sight work in class- speech by Mr Hemton, showing some of the $LO�ks 6
x I r It is reported that Mr Laurier Is to furling of the flag won by Huron in ice, French and German is suggested, reasons why the farmer's eon leaves the
,, „ Collars; some turnover Collars, all of them be knighted. IP be chooses to ecce t p the books to form part of the ibrar i
p the Provincial con etition. disciplineon and Y farm and proposing a schema by which the ,
*q • right in style, perfect in fit and have b@gn it that is his own business, but a grebt Rev J. E- Howell, of Acton, reach- school is pr no nced "Satisfy try the
thederai G4overnnient would loan money for � p;:'
lll p Fancy�"� t' "�
�; many of his supporters will admire ed in North St. Methodist church, God- 'The character of the teaching is giv- sons purpose of aotonizingbntario Farmers'< rK:{
h +-
se ng at $6,G.50 and6, 75 him just as much without the title of erich, last Sunda And ��'1
�� y Irev J. Edge, an the fOIIOWing very high gradin i �' 'p °'
"Sir."- The Ottawa correspondent of Chairman of this District, in Acton, on English and history, III; (the second Meeting closed by all joining in singing + � �a� � v�"�1'`
�j the Globe says he won't accept it. welch the Acton Free Press says;—Rev grads in thio department is due to God Save the Qneen. h,,,,,.
t: Joseph,E e, Of Godericb, is one of the absence of Supplementary reading Game ,
x5 : �ffietal f1 ores for the year ending most Popular pastors who ever minis- Mathematics IP science botan and The Toronto Telegram, Conservative, ' ' �ikk ;.
Buys Ladies Beaver and rou h cloth Man- g
g June 30; show that the manufacture of tered to a congregation in Acton, y, says:—The Conservatives can lead that 'N x'
e' -" chemistry, I physics, lI; classics, I; P
lies, new and stylish goods that Were A 1 liquor in Canada was greater than in Rev Dr. Griffin, Toronto, Secretary French and Garman, I; reading, II; they did nt know the ReFnedial Bill way..+fix
value at original price and at n@W price are of the Superannuation Fund of the drill calisthenics and loaded until they met with their aooi- - `r r f
�'t previous years; it shows, also, that the MAthod'st church has had a Ion e' The record of,the p gym°Mica I-II. 1..
, consumption during the year waa less a ' g lege p pits from the Pub- dont last June. list tIr9 same esonse will Ci0i11e aAd 88P1^1i2`-
a decided bargain. Were 7,35, $7,75 and than in an of the after-effects of typhoid fever, lic Schools is,specie ly referred to and not be available should they be foolish ,' � ~"#
y previous year. Thera but his iron constitution has arisen commended. The report closes with enough to again monkey with the danger- y0ar seleo i41 8 ai' r,t. ,'I ill
$8•�5. �QYIr CllO1Ce now $5.75. would be greater ground far ongrat�- from the fight little im aired b the follow* words; '•When I last in- ° weapon, self tllk3 b'�
r: lotion, if the manufacture had also de- ion illuese. He was out of the house ,� • el
P y the g
areaaed. g spected this Institute, Mr Holiston had re Henry Ward Beecher is bedridden, a1" ;*,
K tinea nesday afternoon for the first and Principal for only a few months, tr¢QQm the effects of a tall., �;,
,e , The Wingham Advance, with that the attendance was but small. t,,Y �;
Buys Ladies'' Beaver and rough cloth Man- marvellous perspicuity for which it is The anniversary services in caAnec- Since then, both the attendance and �/'r ��, ', S A'` . tY.,ti
# tion with the Seaforth Presb tartan efficiency have improved very greatly, t},`',
t ''' ties in Black or Brown. This lot includes noted, assumes that the NEW BRA and Y and the examination record is an ex- +� COOP(T�'church will be held ou Sunday, Dec. celJent one. I have pleasure in stating �� out' best goods, lines that have sold at $9,50 Signal have no influence with the 13th. and the anniversary teameetin ,�'government, because lith Laurier q�es on the following Monde evening that, except for the few and easily re- ,f
:, • = to $10,50. They are stylish garments the on making appointments to the Ben y g• medied defects which I have pointed t
ate two Rev. Mr Neil, B. A., of Westminster g Y A����. f,- h7
nobbiest We have had, and are for value jour sial continue their oppositioxcellent n niversa�ry sermons alndpdeli erten tea_ oat, the school is in a highly satisfac• V s ,
tory codt!ltlon and I am convinced un , a�"
North every penny of the original price, bIIt this antiquated institution. Now this dress Monday evening. p der its present able management a ° f Af
1:1h is very smart on the part o£ the Ad- successful future is before it.,, It's a feat, I have bean
We must empty t e mantle racks and you vance, and shows that if it cannot be On Sunday Rev J. H, Hazelwood re � � #
have your choice at $6.90. logical it can be ridiculous. If Mr pastor of the Paris Methodist church, boldly censured for not
appealed to the congregation far a Seafo:th, having changed my ad, G•� t "i 1' %` ii
x Laurier wanted to adopt our excellent Thanksgiving offering of ffi200 to raise APL$°Q NT EvzNT'—A treat is in store not even Duca since I firer
advice concerning the abolition of the Money for a fund of the church, in- `F I �1� �'
Por those who attend the concert` to be held made my announcement �" " ".. i
lee we cell six Children's Ulsters at prices a OOd but that is no Senate, he ties not the power to do so, eteaa of raising it by the usual annual in Cardio a opera hall, Seaforth. on Wed- to the pnbiia. My defence, GU1- k
l .114' less than you can make them up for. ' g not continue to agitate woo we because 'teameeting and concert, but the con- nesday evening nest, Mr George Fox, the is a'�yn&t one and I•esteem it as We have put in is s o"l, "
tribut Dna were s� liberal that the al- celebrated violinist, assisted by Mrs Greig, hJghlY complimentary to myself, call and inspect thegjf,�'
, ase reductions are genuine. We make them silo 1 we believe the time will come when most reached the sum of $6o0• y eleaationist; ,Mise Eva Acheson, of Gode- for my repairing department has nixmber of , I;ar�a
P public opinion will be sting enough rich, soprano soloist, slid Mae Florence, actually been rushed, taking up all week. Bn guns to `re >",-I , 1 -
' matter of business for it pays us batter to let thele to ask for the amendmant of the con- At a meeting of the official board o Johnston my time and ener I may ea et the best your s, . 11" , b.
etitution, fa order that thel3enate ma +pian+et, have been engaged for gYr Y y g}
$7 now than to run any risk Of carrying them into one$t y the bancardine Methodist church on that evening, and will furnish a program ever since I swept the floor for the , c
be abolished. Monde evenir, Mr I. A. Carrick first time, "` , {_
Monday g, that will indeed ba a treat in this vicinity. REPAIIiIi+IGf'A��y� r
, " 4%,; �$` `�80n. was unanimously elected recording The program will be oommenoed on time, That ie oat+ IE{uginogk "': l9 '
11` $�% Poiitieai pointers steward—the hi hest office in the gift so that those Mtendinq Prom the west will thin °` s e
-� have a reputation g,in th�bFa
of the bard. ^ �Mr Uarrick is well- be ably to remain for the entire entertain• repairer, an will repair an r9 ChAb2f8d
c.e a re chine
go Laurier has no intention int present known in Clinton, his business often went and catch the last train home. thing in my line that can be ie- 11,
W e grilxt3,
111118 FURSOf going to England. bringing him here, and he is worth of qhs.
aired; if I can't do it I'll tell you Knives and J301 ", the "
Quebec Liberate are organizing for the the honor the church has conferred on thing
the San and Expositor) P B0 er if regtjihed � -•
a, 04 Provincial elections, which must come off him.) R.ETIRiNG.—Mr W. J. Shannon ur-
p P I have made extensive and We repair G'U s a A " %'11
� I� in the neat three months. RATTENBuny ST. CHURCH.—The to- farm anal becofrom active life on the varied purchases for t +bt'b. .
tai receipts of the Thanksgiving Su forth, having purchasedsithetof comfor_ he holiday rale rQu ikirY .
Mayor Smart of Brandon is reported to P 00 g p eeagon, innlnding the newest de. �G'e to ri Sg atj
have been offered the appointment of De- por' in this church were $1 20. Next table dwelling on North Main $l,, at signs• many of which I control, an o t
%hippy weather is the kind that makes one feel the paty Minister of the Interior by Mr.;Sifton. Sunday morning the usual monthly pabled occupied N th John LodSt,, a . oand P t canoe! braoen elsewhere. One y paptd Art e
fellowship meeting 'will be bald at 10 Mr Shannon expects to move into m worn l a rSIC
p :; trice is not ill@ only thing to be Considered in Hon, Senator Moolelan will be sworn in O'clock. At the League meeting on town shortly after the new ear a tra°tine fanfares of Llmbrellaa;,Vol, od. `
ag Lieut•Govinnor will
Now poi need t and Monday night Mr A. T. Coo rgave will devote his time sole! to the Y stook is the elegant assort- of Bice rlstittg 4 1N tf
0 of any kind, for there is nothing so doer as what Mx George King will be appointed to the an excellent and comprehene ve ad- tereate of the McKil s m y and
went of Rings with Precious estones Wme bmfld' so b
eaaanoy in tea senate• Y in- we into man a
�,( ` advertised as cheap furs, in a'gh�rt time the buyer dress upon "The rise of Methodism." Insurance cam art otos! Fire can Supply Clocks to mast all de- Give tt t � wax r
r; y The East Northumberland eleetign pro- Next Sunday evening Mr Millyard will well known thio mahout rthe aconint is menden F `••'
that: the dye is not fast, that the skirl is rotten Or test against the Conservative member was i s.
4t- twig poorly made. We make it a rule to only handle y, g of deliver a sermon specially to young as one of McKillop8 moat intiuential �v n �itTC1 �lYWAB'D► �y
dismissed on Friday, no evidence heli people. and highly respected residents. P• B. CREWS. q. err.!
fared in rapport of it. There will he a general exchan pp ;
,k! b.ftvrs, those that give the buyer satisfaction ever ge of FOOTBALL',—The foot ball match on k'ItFGiteid ke
y The Cabinet fres sot yet conridexed the ppulpitb by the ministers within the the Recreation grounds on Saturday d1��'1 TTM-2I&� -0 1.
, , C3 '�JriC@$, duality for quality are the lowest in
the gneation of the date of the mee•,ing of Par. bounds of Maitland Presbytery On Sun- afternoon, ,; ' , 1.11
,� * e t1'ade. !lament, but the ministers are in bo a of day, Dec. 13th for the between F.gmondville and :i'
y� pe purpose of Alma, for the Crawford cu resulted
( o ' liVCathelr was bad for F being able to coli the House about the mid- hilum;ins prominently before the con- in a tis each side securing t*ptiraegote Y
ylr $ales. With Only ter®0 dte of February. grmsgatione the claims Of the missionary In conaPquence of alis, the Alma club, _ _ 11 7`�
turas; eelhng of furs, dust be shay and p e Chapteen Lieutenant Gov, and educational schemes of the church who are the present holds .
p W@ are .rnor of Sir Adol h by liberal contributions by the people, cu will still retain it in their posses- ���~�
>: pJeBs that lean your way very much In Order t0 IOW- his approval of the terms of the school P+ �11"' t
Y P A special collection for the ethanes of cion. Qii account of the heavS k '
` er our stock by that time, settlement as the bast that conic be obtain- the church will he taken in all the con• fall tea grounds were in very bpd ' • g 8 -4, -'" ' ' `;
ed ander the leironmatanoes. The impar- gregations on the aforesaid Sabbath, sh�pa, The Alma hoyd have a atron�
ill gl you an idea of values: .F
tanoe of this is very great. The name of A Blyth Correapandent of the Expos, team, and have withstood the attacks rs? , s'
t, 6trre �F1itt'ctlets, Gloves Ladies, Black Coney Cape, 25il lies oliemPl Province of Quthe ebec-outside only powerful
to eft in Lib. hops! was Qu Sunday morning the of a number of clubs and to all appear- ---__, ��''"� • Q 4 ;1'• r�'''`'
'verb d0fottablt and Ing. full sweep, nine evan fur, era! arty, and his judgment sastaine that yard, of ClintonP who defvered anev Hr �ello a Nozlte��Jas, Beattieare , many who has re. r' t ,
, rel ixlhr 8:25 sands, Regular $12 ............... . pp �" x, •.
< . ,� ,........ ft:0g �9.Od of ]iii. Laurier, eluent sermon, full of power. He was 26 years in the council, !s a candibeen date
T'snc e' Greenland Seal ,Capes, 26 The Canadian Premier the Hon. ]fir listened to with thegreatest attention, for the reeveshi Mi John Barna has
't t'ey La#nb Oa s, !line inches lona, Pull aiveep.quilted Laurier, is cit voted in 1t,ondon, a000m- ghted with rented ]ria farmto Mr John Jackson We are selling some very IIobb � r
1I1m �pori¢¢` t {ddds, good t shin lining, regular $20
and the audience were deli �rf '
' leci I vEb 0 -at.. , • j qualit panted by Sir. Richard Cartwright, Minis- evening
discourse. He 'was followed in the of Morris, and intends coming to Sea. All $SBS, A II shapes, all Colorer alt , $�j ,
• •2.q0 at ...... y g evening by Rev Mr Ford g r
,i1; i t i •' • • • • 11yI3:.d0 tar of Trade an@ C s of elatadroe, gnext spring. , Of the soma forth to reside, Wm, Burgard hap- All prices.
r,'o , ;at es• Jackets; Naffs, Collars and Nee mail The �or+riagi, and Impar i aid ration,
o ver, a an. Place, who teas favored with an iro- paned with an unfortunate accident
ig wense aualence, who were not clasp- the other day, 1►e clipped and felt in
' Al'l tib ashionable furs at closest prices, targing the defanos watrits on filo paai8g Pointed with their preacher. Higfacts front of a Horse, when the anima! ` ,, ,�, . "`
1 �ftbntibn l"d tri s eeial ' orders hang sad Atlantic aaaatd of the 'Dominion wit! were clear and pointed, and he was kicked disfiguring els face badly.' Mr
p r made ar- ba the la'ading tapio's didouaaed bet* do the
Iis'tened to with pleasure. D. l7. Nilson hag been chipping out OUR mgPECIAL , ' �'
��10•^-zth the argest fur hoilsle irr (;axisda dealing in Canadiah minieteta azi$ IYCr KJIx>trgheelaill. Even since last June matters in con- eggs at the rate Of a cur load a da. fol' " s � ,
aeotion with the Methodist ehurob several weeks, and tharearee a 1 � " s• `'�' ='
�, ' $J b -' are rap ,re—d to g8t full ssor#utent O' ROa. xerdml 'a td lre>t rear ria3 io 4ttkwd WallacJabur Ila tO; y at uncia
I.f from tha went, t4egtlrdirigthdo4boolquaa- g' , i been In a rinost ora- ff°y'eti they are ail barn seat s s �i01]gOla iC iVlth lilt
satiafaotor aon'ditltln,• .aarl» "ta the bid aauntr' .. gg tO .ir' ' �'f
r,`, . d Ot, 11. it t rl6t'u Atook, Up on short notice ' Willa w�ic 'oeit'trb#E yropid, I'� aatiefaa- � T3 the y Tice iYtsideuceb
yy a poilltrYr6gt• Of .Itm1P, ACi+ Bir it Mssra Jnel>th and of skate heel, wears 111rer l9r'gt' t
Hari to ati kAriir ,e1JYc1 liyg i Id Ctatliolic ggi • to on'lip `C'�''ataan wore r r O:,,, ,, ,Od� , .
L - � io>l1, d • ;Jtw e , res tow. as can be !lad aaa rrat�at st. a oe the tui , heirge, rn ol5pgs4tiq t. tri th �rrtertd tt Mohd _,
il�w . .. e1;tXct>Yei�t wg es elf the ea i o �bistr a . Atte izrg last and .,, r.
bll ti 6 L ,y1 a� , 4 !hof au �r1 '{y_ g1 .. ;,
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