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The Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 3
r..•', ` 1`•7 i. .a it ,n. .� Y _ ,iglv My J' � /' +, ':¢ �A �, "p ,;3:} q . n. sr a w 'Ik-e` , ` .: u, t t,. tl , 14'1,, r y,.,. =a q> ,... . 1K ,..,�,., .. :n ..,., ...'.. .y. 4r c a,,, , .,•,,,,,1. ,., ..-. r _ .. .�.,.,.,. _ ... >, .« _, ,. . ,,.., _. „ .. r .. ,, . ; it7 1 f . w , .y " �, :0 a 411 ,. E >S ,.s t.... ,, 1. - .t.;,xtt ,� G7�x G.- G?f _:l�LSr ,,�+� �; :' 1 �. n �t, ,, ,. . , RAW d. k , a1 .0 t , ", , 1. , .,-1,,, + Illift ' $.,h,, c c ., ttti 6 o ltsd , i e n.: Lti1A fb.. o ^., ` `; , 't Tile ,,BP.It I1 .GX 1 .'.. 1a �axo a, punt: , apt r e sue t .'� i, ketal a; �'4" , fl Vit., i>a: e2 »ti , eg Tt " l.G �, �+ ; ,� :: ;" y tt this yQttlr l0 24 � 1 4 +th" ,xp':'�13Q5• l ;a 1. fs N 1 VA 1? ._o, 9a Oq tom+ � %h. # b.ta a ?I 1C. $ pq ' �t1" ►M' ; ->~ .,, rr 1. IL bltl�l top.a�eu �Ircd , .AO t h .t .hart o>a a ii'utou People Tack Aua>rxt ;, . ,.rX >{r eI?, rtau resQlnbl 4 �<, ,,. I . tai , L i ��,� s k !ag Bon bI io ..rh a alE tine A fi'�;�t1-, ' r, . �y,'j� e '' f. ' iu>tzt 1tFUss was Q pa$. 4' .0 ,� 1G1A""' ,�k 1 e) pMI, e R`id !t �,Q �, tNip� -- ips o! a n. ri':e 1.. a ofs a ie r r,, s .� , ' r e, �, xutols Aig lG7 111g, a�I d la On Upper w 4ae � Q I �► .1) y,+ fi# � � " a t ''7�u ►t+iy` e�lRq #r o ae It is in the air. a pleasant onra'kUF't'g»atipaitoh, void k a; k14.xo tx# w a 4i111it, u er White �' oP q:. )i ,"'W! ]:i Ab �$V plea('t3 lh thii 11 1 utl .,' ktA `` UIi4»,' DP a Cap't atop it spreading. Jg.. 1i. tlatanbs, CliititonrAdak ' ? , stall, o p0alte two windows that faced , fit��<, fy� � �'. orf tSltNne.,aslld towtar ') rise rl��i, T'he: first visitors to the scene Can b kes down a ood thin bk, The (7ounL oft) a> 1.tA1?, a,, . xd feat 4ilpe iatsl~, tt►: eCtesl F°:ower -'the Feople who dont know about it want to , . were aat4nithed to find on the bl nk vote at the .reef ental �leckl9q+, tl . �'f,v 1# c'ltl tt � >aih('+ remains recisely G 0,I °' . ll#? tptl.'•IOI @mtoxy' a know. ;ice° ? p r ` ,"j ': "� wall an exact picture of the outside ALI as has been ofilciall disoov prod jt8= ed t:' 4Plks. he; f4Ct 1»a•kes no chap e tp1X, tea itips frog t elf rile •iloUse ash as ib It People who do k ow want to tall shoat did not now an eisC i s i:t4'tI1f8 res egt,'atad thereirore i,llsy are,'� ", , j appeared people it t oa ,)Va. ;i ��` tl at„ A ki fro the road. The Picture was perfect it' in progress. Ha eft , lel t;• lie,' tJJ%lea. s heroto ore, thou h t't rg r i Q'� 14,01 »' p P Ib is kidne edaoAtioq. P ' B Happy P p # +f Uld I'd and distinct as a negative. After pine y t 9��+, -are jirat to eke seats in the Co n - x a Q. AA aR days lb radlmliy dlHappeared Prom the Clinton people are learning fast. It fa the intention tP ask nthe Gpva ty S]ou Cis.' , `; } tt s� ll�p +'imus AQ8. g $aro are some facts: ernment to attend to 'the. 0rimjAgl t p� i:P >dk 4 DaQIa, wall wit toNG even being copied. —Ch1 "I am sure the area ood Ill for kid- Code, so that every tramp foupri With Vii. •` kto il>ys kite_ pswat of appoint- � � ; 4ttuntsl#13ANas,itrrs ossa Tribune. y g P 111 tlpltiill&tlh laillcerg during the Y �• ney troubles," says Mrs W. Jones, of Ful- a revolver or other weapon , may' lie re stat ,year4 A• ---The Warden of G A } s W..., 1A A Time for IMse7retlon, ton St., Clinton, "because they `are an liable to six months imprisolmleht ., • r a^' ?��11yy''a vc!ri481ra• The two girls were oa a oho in sly recommended to me. and fifteen lashes,-h@o>apiiy, in #ytnre gear4 the County ; uY+ri Y� tib o rQ rasa of PP gyocr, stzon C10 1Cii• ! of p 8 "You didn't speak vary. courteously Go Before I eommenoed taking 1;hem 1 Dr. Cullen M,B., son of the late �i Xtlste1.Itll,Cet}tUry, a the clerk, said one of them, could neither Glee or rest. As result of (� fi#tn a 6ott;rllvide the two votes W. lY�.�ici.11 C© • stay W p s Rev. Thomas Cullen, of 'oukhlapildo», whiWheis tit# orized b the act to . lNa3f Sair.TH iL `� P has been a pointed to the important tYs, or must he give both to one can-' I m sure I didn't msstt to be inoon- taking them I now alae well and feel rest• I ' ! gttbgf Flay elihatributious on siderate," was the reply. "I don't see ed when I get up. osition o pinstructor in g . ` w �"" p art aaie tiats. Ar- „ P f i yttecctlogicgl ditlttteP, A.—He may divide them or ROC��F'S E' R N. Y. . ' * � P that there was any oconaion to be elabor- Rheumatiam and kidney trouble had of Patholo y, in the Jam. n o ki s i3 � ' °. s t otra of .earioas a oho- l, P h Pi • glut Chem bQ; h to, one candidate, as he , . r; p y ately defereutial. ' flitted me for years and made my life mie- ver@ity, al t' more, Md. 1e ptioui�to physiology by Da "Well, it's just as well to be very care- arable nearly all the time. I cannot tell pleases. " n, 11 LLLLL fit' ful indeed at this time of Tbousands of easee of Consumption, Ae. (4) Are the nominations to be held i r Full year. There you how badly T felt because words fail to p 1`�---- ls.A A. A UTtES THE Mixt' isn't any telling who is going to be the describe the sufferings I endured, but no thins, Conse, (.olds and Orono are gated an the same day as ordinary municipal Ir. 1, a i�,by CHAR: `ii'. Lllaraus, only man at the summer resorb ever ds b Shiloh's Care. Sold b J,B. nominations, or the week previous to , F y your sooner had I commenced taking Doaa a Y Y y the ordinary nominations Pp A.—The'r + I• t Mtet� the roeult of a re- „— ComboClinton.yy I fattier Waists on visiting. Washington Kidney Pills than I began to get better. ' statute is lei I Retail ever where � a o; uudgrtaken for BAR- Star• "The have removed all the sin and plain on this point. They+ Y P So Ear, Patron newepapera have had are to be held the week previous, but? . bT . 1Vfaxico is preteemi- tired feeling, and nllade me stronger anti rather hard luck, The Farmers' t un, the vote to of course to be taken on the I j ', s tj'oduaipg oottntry, And its vI oatdn't Gratify Them. better in ever way', and enable me to ob- after makin is vigorous h t for an 9, p¢t(a, t, rest entirely ort a Oil- Mr. Bangs—Dou'b you think we'd het- Y g same day as the vote for municipal I 5 '[� ,t Y ter y tain restful sleep at night. existence, had to give it up, and is now elections.— Globe. �' Qir Package Pi ,V+N� l t,, to the keen discussion of pull down the parlor ehadeaP we "They are a wonderful medicine for the property of a Toronto firm of o � � 1 V} Q. ,:iq problems in connection shan't be home for ben days, you knoyq, -rheumatism cud kidney trouble in any nbllehers,' of whom Prof. fiFt3ldwir� -` -" ' , t I t"itYilirirtatl'igs-ti1C$YtfBrt — �'I`r Bangs•-- No, indeed, if we put the orm, and I heartily endorse what is said Guelph has now a population of 10,700, r 8Ae papers will Oommand shades down half - the women in town Smith is chief, The late editor, MI It was made A sit in 1879. about tbem by the hundreds who testify to W ri rle we are informed lost every- y +,', I AbrESIOAN UnToRlCAL whom I know will hnsblef u here and Wrigley, 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. - r P heir value. thio ho put into it. And now comes '+ I}Ow RTa:aox, dgHN ]3eaH leave their cards. I'm not going to grafi- g the failure of the Patron which was �® 0 0 m 0 cc 0 0 0 a � � ,� +1 r ,cl. J4e BARNES. The true lfy them In Any each wag. ' tg hoc's RmE, by gen, G.'A. _ STATISTICS FROM THE FARM. pro provinan ces. The The the ed tor,' DuncansMar- 0 �Q �� tl1l �li�� ® ternI "d; tinuation of Howelas's Pin- shallof Elder slie, in his valedictory t. a, ORO of eminent literary @''TIS LOVE THAT MAK65 THE Some veru interestin information address says that it was an uphill fight f' �k ` t r, g Y P eL PLASTER .® I �® ', ' WORLD (i0 fldlJND.'• is given in the annual report of the from tho first; and that week by week ® 0 x, I THE EAST: WHITE On tat lo Bureau of Industries for last the fight for an existencebecame hard. --- !ly illustrated aeries of year jnat issued, There aro 23 113 315 g ® Ihavep"e arrb,Nlti+wthoirimterinanumbnr ® t . r r er until finally be was obliged to let or,maou ar nous Wgta nod,'hruu,u,tc pains, and ENEY Bramow, the result am vrvy wu.:h. pl.•aead with rho tussis and I r,' acres of assessed lands in the Province•, his paper die. orVAtiona daring a recent r, P P yitmmu,trta"sorltanppn,mtlaa—N',a,CARPZ.4- it I y,, and of these 12,426,992 are cleared. The •ran. It. n., llot,l oxfa,A, Bar.lon. 4 1 g µ Zn -' a09ering the whole field of Illwouvol llruthoi Hastwo in sevornl cages , ..i.; � r cleared landlis thueldivided:Inpasturer ahnanculartha,tn,avtm,,,ndand;neval- �a.e litiiptioa of that country. r 0 i'I -111,. 2, 728,f155 acres; in hag and clover, 2,637• Q f- lhxtltg.va.duratlwi4W and patm,ment relief. doles by STEmBN BoxseL, on 674; in oats, 2, 373, 306; in ens, 799 9&i; TH.L 3 E•t,• — t. n, ares 6l D , tVnoLingtan, l,.o. - a p P;Oils going•oa in EASTERN7 P ' It C,tres tlnhetiva, La„ibngn. Nati- in fall wheat, 743,199; in barley, 478,- 1, , raltcLc. i':riun to Rim* or Side, or r ily: Waited try the author. 048; in corn 461 000 in spring o r' 0 :t:ty tti�uscniar F lr,a. FD U't z e �, �, , e "11 S rit ver,c 11' ' TanE@, written and drawn i P g wheat, '• IRA I LY hT E L a C' N P 13x=H. The full stor of . 1 223,957; in patataea, 184,647; in Curnip�, 1 i •tis ► s ftp tri I Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltil �J it � y 151,806; in rye, 120, 350; in beans, 72,747; al x, Rr �:t,< oto r ruprietuts, yfoNTanaL. I fr atiOil of the Czar, by Rlas- I in mangel wurzels 34 343; in carmte ° la Is Foer Bnowa. os' s of Praise � "Iit 4 )lure, a'lYastrated by R. CATox ' from a New York 1 ` - ' for Q£qi CI+ [tiA elr+ � t^!r�r A"� Qd W ® � I 4 0 Brae 400mmissioned b 13, 002; and in fruit, 202,614. Middlesex ori", y county has 757 526 acres of which 555, A ' g� 9 \r }} ; it to paint a picture o! hire Some ,people think money is a eater 080 sire cleared, 190, $48 woodland, and, [' � i �� `5� �� �� 5 ® 5® 8 t ;��' pP; power than love. Oh 1 What a mistake 11. 588 swamp, or marsb. -- AND ! f (�� f '.8 MA:OAZINE. See how the great money kings are con Of the counties Middlesex Rave the " I would like to add my testimony to C��� � 8 �® anQ� t� 1 `l�' Extra " yI' : trolled by the little boy Cupid , See hoot largest area to fall wheat -61, 269 acres tliat of others who have used Ayer's f ;'; 1. .'- - - $4,00 the great soldiers and men of power arc tt7$%'lsab@oribera in the Unit- twisted around his little fingers 1 -sand Musllcka the least -17 acres. Pi Its, aucl to say that I have taken them QF xR The largest yield per acre was in Sim- for mane ears ' shads and Mexico. A woman's most precious possession it years, and always derived the �.} �T t'� � F• " the capacity fbr awaken%n coe, 281-2 bushels; and the lowest in Heart lV �� f i. � r � �� �J (� 1, $°Fi•R.d% BROTHERS, P y g pure and noble beat results from their use. For atom- • Scotch V h u 1 t 1 n s i love. More stent titan wit or intellect is Norfolk, a little over 101-4 bushels. "U., `_V' 9. Box N. Y. Ores P ach anti liver er troubles, and for the cure _ 4,. the womanly ca acity for happy wifehewd Ontario count had the lar est , area •s "'' " and motherhood. O Y g cf headac..er caused by these derange. HBVtB YOU Palpitation, Thmfabinr< or '°' in spring wbeat-20.833 acres. Norfolk , A woman who is weak or•diseased ,in the ciente, Aysr s 1 ilio cannot bo equaled. Irre 1 t 3eatiu r of rue 1y special organism of her sex is deprived of had the smallest -20 acres. Irregular L , Of our own illlPortt`ltlon! �'�:a*!10 ii Heart ? ! � , S, WEEKLY the power and prestige which naturally be In Oats Grey gaave the greatest acre- I long.t0 her... Such troubles are nota ne.he HBe -139,155 acres, from which 4,411, If 80, Milburn's Flearta»: \t rt l�iLtlSf`dCt10I1 Guaranteed. i T 1$(�7 eessii'l Organism is and strength of the 214 bushels were raised; Huron only Pills will cure you• feminine Organism is insured b ro er had 129 998 in cru but it raised 5,134- _ , , . rr'; •�.' g Y P • Of 1896 HARPER'fl care and the aids afforded by enlightened ' p' �HILV6 YOU Shortness of $rend, G;,- , age, lived dilorty years. las medical science. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre• 921 bushels, while Simcoe, from 107,778 tress `after E x c r t ; u r, , a. , seri tion tures all weaknesses and diseases acres raisad 4, 451 231 baehels Essex had rtioipatetd with all the P Smothering Feeling, , � t� IiitI command in the teat 'of wtmtan's special organism. the bI1'�Beat yield per acre, over 45.1-2 Spasms, or fain through - x r g For head 3o years Dr. Pierce has been busbels, and Lennox and Addington the Hreaat and Heart ? k r; the moat interesting sad thief coneuting Physician 'to the Invalids' ' he lowest, 28.3. in: the history of the Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffdlo, if e0, MiPburn'sHenrtstnrl �'�rve uEar. read 8refore,ite read N. Y. No other physician has had a more The great pea country is Simcoe, �t�.��,,. Pills will cure or r�.:..yz R C p " greater success in the which last year produced 68,274 acres, . O Ll T OAT AJ & S eats of science, arts, extensive raetice or y v Itt"ki.P.1-0i �atruotion of the hn• treatment of women's diseases. No other and yielded 346,129 bushels. Dundas you if taken in time. • n 11 elioration of human each perfect and scientific remedy for these was at the foot of the list with 1,276 HaVO YOU a Feeling of Anxiety that ' i' ailments has ever been devised. It has re- grs. acres, and 29, 470 buseele. The biggest something is going to oc � ,.'i~ Y etored'h0alth,'ptrength and womanly power g ..�,, + ha�beea in its Opir- to tens of thousands of wgmen. ylaid per acre was in Huron, 231-2 bus- cur when there iy no ne-%.g see have been mani- , Women who would understand their own hels, and the smallest in Pedterboro, cessity for it ? %• ' .eiditorial pages, it po" rs and possibilities should read Doctor 13.7 R. � ,. ,.,� 1 If 90� Milburn's Ilea rt an 4'ierve19", tt : Pierce's thousand - page illustrated book Essex and Kent are the two great t,?;;,;yji°i U. a ; f' Iseibie to announce with reoi "The People4s Common Sense Medical cornrowin counties. The acreage ���:• 'N �;:y .,, f� ,.;1.`;` �� Pills will remove it. p " It them ,r tz o,,,,Yl t.ti%r.;::x:t , . NERO FIDDLED WHILE ROM�:� Adviser. oat'iatereatin and in Essex wab 52,166, and the ield 4,955 �''ii :tP:ilt1' •+I.%:; :i? i;'':: tip' AP8 YOU Troubled with Slcep;r.csness, ; the GVEF1gLY will contain; g enlightening book of the lfistd ever rib• Y `'ii'"''r `'" ` c ":% ""' "" tCarg$97. It ,were As easy toF P copy will be sent 770 bushels; in gent, 39,561 acres, and Nervousness, Forgetful. Bat don't yarn fiddle your time away, going from store to store looklt j 6046 ` about to -happen en in the r fished• A gaper - bound co 3,839 812 bushels. When m friends salt me what ie the nese, B r a i n lr a i; , or and n to date goods. We claim to have the moat sttraotive D Pp absolutely free ,to any one sending'31 one• Y P g cavi trtriamph6 for Goon povERx-+ cent stamps to pay the cost.of customs and gent was first in the production oY best remedy for disorders of the @torn- General Dei;ility -- t I,e and FIVE O'OLOCB GETS that ate shown in town and at the tnopi��e tl jl , Oe vitas, what A%vANczs of the mailing only. Address Wotld's Dispensary beans with 40, 809 acres under crop ach liver, or bowels, my invariable after effect of La Grip ; I prices. Oar Store is filled with the newest and prettiest goods that'.atg gitti iolbe $nada, what Wto be the Medical Association, buffalo, N. Y. For a over half the entire crop of the Prov- ' market. Oall and inspect our Stock or take s look at our windows :tt ur kl.acontinuousatria ebetweens 'handsome cloth<bound a answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in see 1g0, You can take no better ' gqi oppsmdsoetamps, ince—and a yield of 877.99 baehels. _r :> eon, the medicine than 1litburn's V.%Wit and PEsa$, what is to Elgin calve next with 7,338 acres. y will break up a cold, prevent WILL FIND WHAT WE ADVERTISE I8 TRUE '� -'' • 1QtV'A'E EAST, whet is to be the Heart and Nerve Pills. Middlesex grave 96 '2r22 acres or hay, la grippe, check fever, and regulate the They will relieve or t:ure xF' Ipsgrit twelve mouths hence,• NEWS NOTES Huron had the tautest ac eA e-103,- digestive organs. They are easy to Christmas Fruits New Raisins Currants, PQQ, ►1{}*.M op eomxaarare to be re- % 091 acres. and Ni g take, and are you Every dose helps rile ! St. Thomas has now a population of pissing t least 6,125 , indeed, the beat all-round cure. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. {,. i4gt.are to be the.aoHl>zvEnsEntvTs p acres. The hi 1 'r I '"••„ 91,008, and an assessment of$5,20,M. guest yie d seas in CSar- family medicine I have ever known."— for the WEEKLY is latch, 1 1-2 tons to the acre., Mrs, Mex Jotlxaox, 3G8 Rider Avenue, t For sale b�' all druggists, or by mail ext 11 " iia'l reookd of all this. Mr Tardival, journalist of Montreal. oceipt of price by T. MILBURNY & CO., O L COOPER �T ;, ' 1 Middlesex had 2 New York Ci VC. r 'r + iglu dOtitfnne to be.a feature. 'vvho has recently returned from Rome, ,707 acres [n mangel City. iottvtrro. „ A New England slur wurzels, Perth had $43 and Huron, Y •says the Odtholic authorities are deter 3' Pulte hoe• per hoz, or 3 bases for $1-9a, Farm produce taken as Cash.—Telephone 2, :.L rtaIE-le WlLtmia, will begin is ,mined not to acoeip,t the school settle- 3,Oi2 scree. AYER S PILLS p ' of a Greek uprising ,moot: Wellington gays the biggest area Teaks, by Mr E,lF. BENSON, Two Canaditins, Richard and John to turnips-14,975acres, Ontario county Highest Honors et VVorld'B Ralr. 2 �'onseo," will follow. A se- coroiog next with 13.ti38" The biggest d lioaee-Bost on the 8 a " b Ifleattie, have, dean arrested udder mar- 1 ' y tial law in Cuba. Their friends have yield was in Glengarry, 510 bushels to Ayer't liartanarllla Curet al; Plead 0atordem mrin,&IOe Sellas, illustrated by the acre. ' Ikwim,• brought the matter before Mr Cham- . ® , 1 1 it has will appear in the barlaattention who pro oiei tc ice. it to Middlesex is the firstpoultry county " A Mi � C 'a �: attention of the Fonei n Office in Ontario, Navin 393,000 head. fire L,--%,athztm �•tit'!in it hue been possible to g • qq Y r � .11 ', 6 1$96. All the churches of New Fork are gp- comes next with 319,000. - . pit m '.eg ;. , liar W. D. NowELLe's ing•to revival services simultaneotpsly, Middlesex has the bigggest value of Timl , <:`.1 otters" have been among the and it is expected that there' will 5W all kinds of livestock—$5,609000, worth Break lip a Cold iii i iml 'r Ifng,featlttres of periodical liter- meetings going ou ev�rg night in vari- Hltron comes' next with 05,291, BY USING r . ' ,00q��; I.W. 'i,•�:'JltatsTlx, and ciliate will ons parts of the city. worth, and•8ruce third, with $4,3(2,06U• ����� ®ECT�rj��. 6i eiv*fiaona on what is going on • It is a remarkable oo-inciderice that worth. PECTORAL 1 1R W IkWo tl;" "Amateur Sport" all of the contractors and the inspectorsWok ' ` Sire, if thou Wilt but place thy foot upon this pp, -important depart- at the now O. T. R. car shops, Loddon, rete Srmal Caro for 110-; " .t ✓ rite conntr My baby had atony and was saved by e17oLD8. CROUP, Bztoar- � measure, I will in twelve hours, cover the earth yy 1• � y' ate total abstainers, not only from 1i- t3hiloh's Care," writes 111re J. B. Martin, affiT!<s, HOARBF.NES9, etc.n� leatht'2 >f 1' 114131.,-'.1 B.l' bane to present nor, buL tobacco. �� r q of Huntsville, Ala. Bold b J. 11. Combe itft � SOI' 4 lAows 14067 XNTE• y Mita osspu NortwrCK, - rr• *rQ . ) • r Y A drunken man has been ut to a Clinton. 1 ,,? �`ttpllAJ,6btet, tomato important P of66SoraurenAve.,Toronto,writen: HO'W a MOIL Of t�le third CE'11tu aCCO1II- / i k )it ; .e • arar and ar4istic strange use in Detroit. His wife has Thanks ivin Da p g r t- Y g yin Winnipeg was teetotal baa na.or rnnaa to caro a r.! notified a number of saloon keepers my cTiitareaoraroapertera[ewdoeea tt ({ h �e i� ''b,'.retaitt sr itself the leading P celebrate in a blizzard. rq�.elroralan ataaaln aaugh ,rear pushed this feat is told ^n I�H>~ CRAFT OI+ ST. ' �� ..; �• altered dliem cit the not to sell liquor to her husband, and °ee,°TV° t utast ram2- baa �`--'-, rt has q,• r, I j� ✓ . I,. f 110 ever time he cornea home loadeei'she Mayor Cole of Nia gra Falls, has call at,opmvedanea,wIIentcoagb curerormy � tool; Wt31C11 Y �' %mar. I prerer tt to ms othor medicine - C+�• spry, a neat little illustrated �, - • Xt+ 1.+ trxtPlER% WEEKLY starts out on her little collection route. ed the attention oft a Dominion Gov- DarooaQbs,grouporhoartene.e. ��� / , %c �;; The saloon keepers would much rather eminent to the scandalous treatment unfoMs the histo of the boot and tolls of its ' Iii', �> °W - - $4 00 P by American authorities of an En H. O. HAunove, history r ' l ! compromise than stand prosecution in q of Little Rooher,•N.B., writes: f.. �\ \ ur •A"s` b>iiblFsabeoribeisin the Unit- the courts. and the Detroit woman is liahman named Thomas Sbarvill, who foot forming influences do�tin to the " . t "1. •core for oongtup�m 7•Pectomi u 1? , <7aizade 9aa Ms? doing a land office business. She taken has resided across the river since the ba.t .wing meatdne.I Lave, my cta. a •' vete 1" 1i i it dl $I &HERS, trade where she cannot get cash, one July. Without a moment@ notice 0oIIwswarb"•enoother ripened period of the SLATrR S130I„ f n Sharville and Lia nmil �:. P fJ, kbi 959, N. Y. Clrr man turning in ten cords of wood and # y ar.d ailette >� 73ot ie, cls Cie• Every page is rich in foot- I- a $5 bill in payment of her $b0 claim. 'were dumped on the Canadian side of 1t �. DAMS a LAWRENCE CO., Lin. 2 The Detroit liquor dealers will become the bridge. He is a man of good @tan- lore and shrewd suggestions11 din and his rent a Proprietoro, Morerttasr. it#}tld the' Irish Catholic corps increasingly careful to avoid sell- g paid up w the end of ,� �. 'I i�bt VVl y 'litt•Otig lq sap- ins liquor to men with red noses. the month. ♦6 "`+ I ou choosing, buying, and taking care of, the, .'" fi itil�'era ,tthgal etttiement. � � — - , kind of Shoes. Seprets of the last the newest f' ,i lily ether day took - t �, prem tc� afid west- + "° '��,�,t -nd most foot f1i l x i ,drthg:Now York mar- + --- the different tarn j s 1 ,t rS(A 1 ffi demand t 10 y. N a R __ } �t;t+ tlr f3t>1' �">1 tneittopolie. H ZEMA-- ��'_= ¢y , 614*_1t°�r iiI *]ite$'1"', Vvfngonthe RHPUM �V� r '' latest colorings, o',1. � 4►f Fi1tl�. ,iJtidt`e prion he -et _ : °h - arc revealed and �. , 364AWr Iv$latx iffy a tam. LAMPS I LAMPS I LAMPS i I � � , �-;, -, j. ',�;:, 1, �, ��� , �. in simple terms. ;�1tTfiilrl tlis>xnoe tv0uld bade ele,ripr atCts claaag8roa„Bt. ste- We have a very fine assortment of Lsrtl goods bought ri ht'from the msnnfao- f MB �. ", edBsizetd tb 1r61k, but s.x�8 I A limitcd n:41 phtin, iti, Wt01r: ' OttaeSsOiatlnentcnredmeot latera, and the p g R g IV, bti'+ 6lnditroard6 Aliopb averytrtub�rll case ai IGthin�gg'Eczema Tried prices are right. You want to gee our leddelr for 01, it is a daisy . , J t7att >r> ey, lr+tl{6bSfteilifCc3{(sbit 4t6rYtlr6ig adWerilaed, ,eovatttl ph�yeteiaue pre. for the money. Also Library Lampe and Hanging Irampe at all prices: We /! `l Copies Will be]VG*T1.;" amptioris aNttfBut��permanettt rl!lfef. Snow of WIF Rugg "tt $lilt' fp. tadetaiitieslt Itcbingmilee t hMu cured" think too can snit the taste of almost anq putsch. Call and examine our goods f, ( free OT mailed Irk rayi�edilil tf and we'think it will be no tronbl® to sell you. '� 1 At .tet f6ra ,so . a if .y P N.1 ?%�1 t clap t t 9 iaal+r C� E S W A �,� Ate ' ,+ -. �,, , $ t< licr� ft , Y!bd ot�all fr0)iat ire) rtl `dr°gCt tw°txban mwt s t 1 A71 tlil►1t } 4 , - n ,,11 " ..yy��y,] y,.y 7 '..f� tit ':' , +-;%r, i L, : lie v xet. .,. ,'Fal• ��.`', + I `,te as , I fits ller t�dw ld tt ., .4 , i r The , L. ,, , ; I" ,,,.,,�.,'."., xtd �efitir+ liaac`tl • 1ut+l�edFi4l. '� .......r......,+ ;; t� q �JfiL°Y4 89'iL••» o fii'bi*. r — ,, w `, a r r,'; x .r,, i4 tet kA, ' �00 Xt 0 a �d ti N FRUITS � N � sY•.e 1 �•. r ,. 5°, �'4tab11 :OL'r �tA6tII r ' e 1 r Q ;i t 1 I >tYrettlntr to ir�asiit to nrrt tl e1 fir! #'� j y I N 1. 11 4 � 1. .. ��a�ral�ts �I�� f1. C��dled Feels Pry es � I !;-c - , 11 �.",�� 11r 11:�. ��. i�:.�_� I e,%i�_�''$ ►SiIC' I 11''! ,,r ''''I, , , I'll, 11. ,�_ "..G,_ � 01 I I ,, :- y.. ; , 4111 lea hf'L!elti ti.I'll .., a., yy�, , 1f lkYfi W!a Nio8 @It » fotdri. ia.ty�t. ia(o lti E~ k t f c tiihP t►is L li d i € >ti . �'k ...? ,. ;,, , ori ., 0t n hd�r ttlld ,.., , 4 •r ,. y�1 h.. �Y ` ,. e, . 1 61w ,.,,•�` , +� , � .,: i��•t' oozl`�ui:tiwti 1� . , .. t" � S•2 ..t, 'r ,. �, 17e7f,t. yt� aif e r ,.I t �r.. : ,.�i ,t tr cl , ,r , 4 , `', .f ' v ' 7 r