HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 2:1. ,11 1, , ,' I , * 1, I .�,�... "I � ,,,,, , -."�� I - �17 4 - .A , .. ­ . , ­ �,:.7.'­, " 'T — ". . �, I . ­ , , � I ,� .I . . I , � ! !;, I� , I I . 11 '' ; . . 7� '' _1 � I . "I "I I � , .1. I .1 . . I � . I �� �', ­ - �­­,, ". , � " !, I I I 11 I � "' ,.� , , , � , �, � '. � -�� �:� , I'?'- .) , � , ,,, , '.d. ''t ,,.,I'. . .. ��, *. - , -11. - 1� � : : i �", V, . , �",� 4 . , , � I I , , � , "i . , �, I _ �', I ­ , -, � , , . � � . � ,'�� ;, " , , , i -,Z11 1, �11�1,'�,.*�, I 1 I � ­ , (: � �, ., , . ,� , , ; .'' I I . " ,. ,� . , 4 ,, --�, � ,� , , . , , � . ." .� - ,,, , ��, , , �, , '. . , � I �.. , , �, , , ,,, - �., i�� , " , ! ,, " ." �� � z�, . ; � .. _. .11 '. ­ -,� , .. '. . 11 11 �. , �, ".", ; ,�, oi � � ,,��, ; ,� , , I . , , ". , , "" , " ,, ,� .1 I �, � : . � I . :,A� � I 11 I I c,� ,�� ,� , � 7' :,, � ,. , I I V I , I I . . 1, I . � , 4 't ,;,,, ".. . �'ll,'&AIV,, I .1� . . I ll o - , ��t � t " 10 , . 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I . . ,jwl, � � - - , y ` ii, � #4,4Wii4;7u ': , , , � , " ,.� I 4440� At -M 44 , , : , *� 'I , 0, -a , .-��I, " 77', , � , � A,.: -P.4 . hm�� . , 19 . A##)% Im A !Tll�� I . , A1101rowr 914 ho", ,7; I 1­0� 0. i m , � k , , , % . *�i '; ,,� -7 "I", "I 1� ,�% i'. ., �� ... A Mwt 4'�,qiosla,� %4941P, : , . KIIJOU 14 4,,r,k1q& ., ; , , , 0 A ","'. �� . '', , 711 Winal *T44,440. . .W!T­Ao* 1,41 , �� �!111 . f, . � 11 . Vim, " �, I -11 - I � - 4 *4,0r1Ce;oVWA," , "'70'' 1 ,F A ,,, , ,,, ,� ": , - .'I 111-1-1 _11Z I ,I ,I _* Illturfor is t, . �', - I "WIF IR -.4 - & !"� ', f! W1 A ,.� �, " �,V, TI, , i.., , I " � 4 , , V; aptgra!u A6Q0 upon having effected so sooi - Pat,, Toellaw .41046'. . . " , . , "I'l�'A'W4 pm�& V lir 0vga,Ji-0#,# sit '� "".., I , ­, . 1. I ­ I -1 1. 111'... � �J-IHOL,fll Sales FM1k.TJ0�i;_a.!,'.'. ­ � , 04 , Or 0 1401 -to � 0 It, � " �41,, A I 11, ,;� , #.410 I '_ � I -to .� 111�_�'111 � ,I � ... ­� qib* I W " _# _ � . - :;� i ,A _= :�. , at - � . FT"4 'i. ..". ", � � . .,A p4A% .:Rq i .A7�4,, L ��i � "', oil 40,490 R4,'W �.Qnx � ­_ I I 4` , I .. It Joseph Wilt _' ' ' I �.. I, . POP0 led 14 r1a Page& T"rq age be. 9% , I "i- . , 0914.00 V, ----," - �_�' I r"1#;.,;J o t I , h141AMI14f;, After We aP0,000m to pow9r, a q0t, Ov� Of W040 T40V0, V40 � �'. . pf ,� " ,, IT ."'X�",. ", U ': to ' by KVIf -#A,140 ()It j, , ,�­;­��.,.,�,_ i �,�I�, ; CIPIVA49 A, load of apple 1- T k �014eo tl)V UNUAL de 0-1-14, poek'na __ _1� , , ,,,, , , ,,,, ". I I be money 09 4 distarbIng qqabtlon, The Local GOV. I.W400 litho ,r,.4i .9 9� A%f 110 ,i James Whitcomb Way, 1; I'll .11" , g;,1,K IDA Christmas gift . �. , " A � � q urumeAtaro also tobe congratulated for, on Apse And , "11 Tell on DIM , , , 04, PRIUA t4b., " go, n 4 9p vv and others, . ar$io1cq )-,I:&" 14. Stautun I I WO AM RT, I 4.4, 11""M ftl; . their m.asterlylODUCInot of Ilia Qoatroyersy. - I _, Wrpallgolvo A 10.0 I't.- Or'"'Ust, . wall OQUA$O. QOO . � 4.1.". � ,,,, I . R. � P Collar hoit� and aqA b,r,pg,, I NVII . ?)ties, Pt 11 114AAly lqoatqd� ro .6-1-1 ; � , �,'­ . - ­ '� . ",", an, - . 41000rd Christmas dai te"irl.u., r sale or TV I , "11, , Cbristwas entertain. I �", V�1� 94010W��, " , I ,,� . The 1`101100�1 question Is settled. � 04 ONY-040f V;PV910tso Modicing his wants And festivals, and the h9me. The '', ;� i 11 vauatry� this Oanada . . _ ease o4 11*1,0.1',_I� . 11 � I ;r . - O. SUARY,U 19, 'O I L� .­�.: '. " - ,., ��!,, �, , " ' ,A -shiply, J,4oaulii It PC, esseafnv�r If current Journal is exceptionally rich in ill, " Dole tiq ,�­:%;.#OJA�34!1� , " , I " 40 % like the w�ather The Archbishop of St. R VO ALM, , , , 111�� , �� .... � 4 upert's Land This is a fickle world. A few� weeks , , , 0 rell an ustrations and interesting in ev y line. futfl; X,4,�.h Ai �,Xf I , , . M,;lfit I 4 ago everybody wAaafraid . qmd prg4vice �. t P 4, , �� .. I I 6bewould � . p g;O&I or 0 . " , 11, , 11 ­t;,�� BSYS.-I think this in about the beat go. be tendered an Am,qr,Ic&U 1AV, Now, I - m , __ -1-494 AW144, 0 44", Alt! ok� ") 4: f � . hil. . I I � � l 0'.. 11 ,."I Y lj;,; I � :.,�, * WaAce of everybod,v it) grabbing for it. I what, Hood's 0408SPAVIlbak, doe that tells a elphia; one dollar per Lo, To VUnt a. Lot 441 1 , � " � � - ;,.,, � , , oe rrau , say, but ny, P will Bell at 4 sacrille Mont that can be made, if the silo a Z y0ar, son cents It 17 ,,do ,is wait ,for a few &4011 our 000r, It tub not what 13 the Curtis Publishing oQuips, or The oildersigned %, � � ::'­�. Y per 11 V.. -A LO TrITYlU , �r, I I 11 44agg, q,4`,can religious teaching is not neutralized .Pon JID"It'-w-Trou. J'Alry'Alosob SOOIT" "Al Wro XV04, .", . - 1. L. � b Lieut -Col. Litzler-b4a 01allm the story' An AdvlortiselMeAts of Hood's COPY- . or 11. I � � Amqt of the seasons these limitations. It is 'exactly what I commi-1111.74. Uy line , ro a�pojnted Sarsaparilla, like Ilqqd'a SaresparlUe It. __1 ------ ­� 1� i, � � . , hita &V . 1 4149 - - ., -1 I � A ., � 4,10 , , . - , : . . I 11 36 ro*',!',�.11�1" , . . I . -eight hours. wanted 8 far &a itg6eo, Rind it is about otmaster Gen 40111f 4r9, honest, We have never F �k ON RAAY . , � I 1, , -� � . 3,11 el'41 to luVe&Ngate the , . deceived HIRPER'S BUIR , � ::� JI, b , . I thinkots' 04arigep agAinst. the J�Jklblicl and this. 11_1�;�� I __ - ' hat is possible in the present state Mr. Farr,oW, , Lot als, msitl.' Xpailotli. I...- 09 1 11 � of the country, postmostQIC at ruseels. with Its superlative I I'd Concession, Goderich JUbte.r.... I.. ...At%!1011;�, 4 po . W � ,, i0f I ucation, R � RI;',1-,; � . A: I Q Ql.� published Mr Laurier's name. has ' mod oln9l merit, U. why the people have IN 1897 Township. For terms and particulars ap. Kid ,,, 14. , `��,,i .1 �PO -been recom- gt,141ug Go" onsall.... p..'' h favo� Sir Adolphe Caron: -I Must confess thqt mended b dOnt0a, in It, and buy', - Ply tOIJAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton ,on .... * "" ", . ,� ... I ,;! _ "t- 1.�, I . not regard wit % Lord Aberdeen to the Im-1 1.11 � The AAZAA� a tboiougbly up -to -da I per --- I , . ��::,% .: 'A 1, Ill appears to me to be nothing else than 01 PeNAl au orities for knighthood. Mr . odical for W t , I- — Clinton _,:,;"' � , �. PX Laurier will accept the hou . Omen, will ewer upon lie Tbir- - Loudesboro "' , " �� �, ,, I I I; 'A 1 4de from time to "Ime complete surrender of the rights of the or. V * tiolth VOlumd'in 1897. 1 PERRIN BLOCK Slyth :-:6 si�,,�;��; 11111�1 . us education made coin. minority. In my judgment, the The Tariff Commission hos issued 4 1 :00 S A a a Fashion j,,urn&l 16 is , . ." 0 present , .. ­ ZIi� :11,111, _; � I .... I ��,011' he circular t? agricultural societies of all Wingbam ...... 1.11, . , 11 ettlement cannot be accepted either unsurpassed, Belgra4 *::: ��� � , , I e publin schools. "We a by t and is An Indispensible requisite for every W1 FOR SILE . �,,�4 � . `0 � f the Opinion," says the minority in Manitoba or the people of man. kinds inviting them to give their view$ . d, well-dressed woman. RATEUlaiNsi Dm FOREST $300 cash. and 120mon—thlVa The morning t �,, ,A 6 tlii ­,"'InA, " , , , , itobA without abandoning the rights which on the questions now. before the Colin- I%. , writes &,weekly letter on current fashions 1) J CIA Pffmonts of sis each m I # the sooner the leaders minorities have under the constitution. try. low Paris. In NEW Yo" FAeulons, and 'LL, Hamilton into Clinton stati I , 0 �, � . Satesaparillat train. I , � � % L", ,,Ikk� �11,1` I': � - "' � . � ­,, 1;��Vll 1 V ". '�Os can be brought to see I in the fortnightly pattern -sheet supplement FARM FOR SALE. 11 ..'�,.�, _��,�,�,�11, �, . i , , - ' - '" �,�!;­. t �;; ­_ I Chancellor Burwaiih, of Victoria, Uni- I �n ig.t6iresting feel,ture last Thurs. ladies find full-det4flo, directions, and dia- — . I I - I IN it, :1 .., . y U, t if Prepared only by O.,L H004 & Co., Lowell . I . ". , . I I., �u p - S Of All at;eMpts to have versity:-It seems to provide all that can da the Now York live stock Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it, ,riber offers for sale his farm W. JACKSO ' �� �T�i, e show was the sheep t 6"-- - grams for gowns, wraps and childir Subac I I" . I.. c e "A_ M Gibson, of Delaware, tillett; about 85 _� I-- . -1- � , tA of the secular la 1 M-4. on's being lot is, on th of 100 at res, � '0, rellgigue instruction done Do asked for, 1. think It satisfies th -shearim clothing. SANDOz, BAuDE and CHAPias draw a 64h con. of H hools, soientions requirara;nts of th Roman fl" C 0111, I cleared, all Ill, for puttavatloia. Log house, I .11 � , -; 1.311"T".11 � I "j, 06' the members'bf their 11t7w.Qu - pills or,, the .1 plils to take and engrave the newest and finest Parisian with frame kitchen, frame barn 86x6O . . . . . '�111,:­ .�, '--v �,i;,O,. 7' �� I ,1 ,� , with us. , `ic-­�I,, ,1 4 � ��.`, 1,,,;.� Osobolios, and at the same time it pre- -at prize; time, 23 rain., 40 t4ec. The Hood's With Hoodly. Saroapernis. designs every week. ual outbuildinfo. Good bearing orchard.' Too 0, ,a'N6---­ I ,gW up their loins and serves the thoroughly national chars, second prize was awarded to Ddn ) Professional all",,, " � ottir __ Tha serials for 1897 will be: THE RED ---" '- -;r"" " "' 'a found and term is In , � � ,, �' �; I "I ��, , , "IV "I .. I !,�� I, good con Lion, live acres In fAll Wheat and near. — - 'p�'t, X their own special work of the sohools. Taylor, of Millbrook, N.Y. BRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD, by NADU Ajoulan ly to acres seeded down. possession I lei% ry-Afi"e. &avely,- the -1 -, " , *11", � -4, 3',, ,8 wl",tv A 4 'b' 0anad4an readers- of Prof. -Drum-, . Jas. Welton was one of the pFL11- Pooi; and FATHER QU�.INNA�LION, by O0TAVH time Apply on the promises or toA. AW JA - , On 'u,"' " efor all concerned.." Mr E.F. Clarko, M.P.:-As a compromise rnond's works will regret to hear that biarers'4f; 1be fune,al of Sunius-Ro. TluxxT. . Short stories will be conatent,ty Collsk-ace, t ve n Sa0y, 34 a � ,;? V�-%,V,�?,',A'. . . I . . "M ,,,,�,W Of the same opinion. of a vexed question, the settlement ig a he is lying very ill -in the south of berts, a farmer at Double Sprin presented by brilliant writers, among whom 1-191"' , , � way a ex ecte go. ---'v ' ""' I .); I 01 , 6 d to reasonable one and will a6commend itself Fji land. He is unab e to leave his As the coffin was lowered into are MARY E. W, 13CSIRABLE PARK TO — - B amster�-�,'. '," -,ill'); , eo - the MUNS, HARRIET PRESCOTT RENT � ,,,l ,,,l ..I ­ 11 -_ I :,�;,�, " - T, to the judgment of the POOPle of Ontario. bef There is no chance of his being grave the strap held by Welton and SPOFFORD, MARros HAwAND, RuTn 111cEsimy , , ''. � I dev _� � I - beyoll all The undorall .ti.. -w��"­11,.`T q, I M. fabulties; Mr Laurier has certainly kept faith with able to undertake Any work for a very another man snapped. 8 I ned Off8ra to rent the splendid 0 ONVIDXVAJ;orxigw��`IW Ys I z ", � . .. ... .� IC schools are do A Welton lost TUART, VIGIA Rosicnono, and MARGARET farm on the 9 h con. Hallett township. being — " .. ,A0i,u,,1­ � , I a th9 I PQOPle' of this Province in reaching the long time. his balance and fell headlong into the 6oTToN Biuscoz. the north half of lot 36 contaluju', 85 &or., Commlealonertor0a. I t , L "'IN '.. a WHAT Wolilux Ann DOING im various parts �;--- hoyse, barn. stable and sl�od, young Ulnce Immediately Bout '. � .. In, this should not be out recourse to coercion. ve, which was six feet deep. At chard bearing this year, a creek running I 91!.� `1 , 11 ­ , Ow�7 of morale ue&' doe red end by concill tory means and with- Mr R. Porter, of Soutb. Hastbope.-is fhvla ame time the rear end of the cof. Of the Union will form a series of special throufli the farm 411 the Year round , _ ; - - - - - - ..;;;`14 .-1111'' I ­ ........... V614%11 . A doeirabla _�,d�r, h, I W, around the The i turn line town of ClInDon, "I' ""' lk "41 � I'i -1111 to ask them to teach the victim of a very serious accident. fin, -which had been held by the brok. interesti. fam -or stoelt or grain, being onli six Milos Wd BRYP - ��,Ki_ r"MA' 400t4ri[Anism is to ask Winnipeg Nor'Woster;-This settlement While engaged in drawing a stone out en strap, thinged downward. are The Out _f AWV, 12111", - 3 Y to BdRS JANE BARRIS 1�#`,S' neither antMes Quebec nor insures Green- of a hole, the chain placed 5,1#4 1�'111 ��',,#R4# entirely their pioper way'asafetyi t efutur . oth RODSWORTFI, or JOHN ry ,Holinegville. - " � 11 h a _h the handbpik coffin strue Welton on th ad and door '�romntaenr,estdienvgotfeedattuores _ TER, 6 I . a., It is in fact a stone slipped throng e he healthful sports I OLI . � ­ � I � � � farce. j knocked him against the side and Pastimes; Music, a, weelay critical sum ,nis ,�;k'11� � I � I o PUBLIC ' E-ilo. � "� ""N'�'I", ­ '. , I No one Possessed of ordinary intelli. hitting Mr Porter on the head .be of the SPLIENDID PARM FOR SALE I I , Ir", T�Al � ,� JBI- - ,�� 1111 a the right e&r. He was rendered un- two hard soil. He died OR TO RENT I Office -B Ir * � � 111 genoe can for a moment conclude that tbi 111,131 , grave which was of wary of music inNew York; Amateur The - document is in reality a settlement. It is conscious, and in that state he remain il'ours afterward. altrioalo, Embroidery and needlework,; eave , I B-1 � 1�1, I -uy G-lippil)gA - -_ Up-otairs, Opposite F, ter'n. �fl " - I �, A 11 , 14 , , . Ceremony and Etiquette, Good House- LOtl%Bayfleld e0a, GoderiQb township con. NTOM, " ... ��, ;S, ibltk�l � .. 1�)il. % , 1, *_ � . 0- ed for several hours. . aiciuR list acres, abou' . 'W"01. , 1 11 1v g- r - BimPlY On shrilingemalitbetween twofriendly or'l 00(g"o - -, .1 r_ Governments. It can only be a settlement The London Presbytery heard a c keeping, "WHAT GiRLs ARE DOING," -,Cu'r-- a t 85 cleared a ,�, , - .4 ;11 1'_,'�,w' I.- ­ I 1 Nllffl. " nd In good — ­ , —I " "M ... ., , - OM* tate Ol cultivation talano 1W V $ P N ","."', - I ,�jhardwood, bush and ­ nkit mbf .. 2 �, 3RNI ... �N, L, I pastor 'er, Go , comfortable brink � � " � oda 9 when Mgr Langevin is consulted and when plaint against Rev. Mr Fun and Entertainment for rant Social E vents," and Personals gleaned Boma cedar that ' ) . M.- G., CA - , , , il � '' I , V , ill will r holies, large ,�,,t.. I l .f " Little, from original sources. , .11 i 11 "' tared, spring creek running across , ,�. I � cepts it Do such. of Bryston, who was accused 0 1, ank barn, good orchard; well , � , " . wa _q _ - , r.J"to'-i1Dn- ',ee- f Lurn- (Formerly of Cameron, Ifolk,J , ft nos serious y ill. � � "'' � , jk ,;, ulvery,'IA.P.P. (Conservative) i ng his back on an approaching orange I the WOmHN AND MEN. Colonel T. W. HIG- the farm, N. ". " Stewart M Little Ones. GINaos will regularly continue him valuabl� w0lob is Well flanced, mostly with cedar. Term BARRISTER- Axq � I, I � %!0;,4R*mill, with mach- �Whils,there are a few points which may Of sale will be toad I ­'�7 I � i '. 1. 0 QUO' I �' procession and walking into the mallse. essays. 0 very easy. if not Bold will Offloe-Hamilton fg .,��1?11 �. I, p eve. has bbbn purchased Tbe Fresbytery passed a resolution -_ be rented for a term of ) cars. Apply to I , "I , I'll I appear object.onable from a national stand ANsw-xna To CORRERPONDENTS. .C. ...' Qf. GXW �.� .i 11 . � advising the parties to the trouble to This SrMON -4, 72 bt, Davfd'� St., Goder GODERIC %Fuel e:V411 , I 1, . lob ;� P, ". 000'and W.J. Geddes, point, yet, on the whole, I believe the prin amn is conducted for the benefit and __ . - — " �*,;,,,,�, , , _ I I 1� I I ITg-,S 1-% I I '­ "' �41�',V�V I V I --- 1. 111�., - "seek the things that make for peace." PARENTS AND OTHERS venienceof readers, and allquestiona re- '- SALE X, L. R. 0, P,.D . . � ,; -1 I , L kj�,!Ast as Mrs Hugh Phillipe, OiPle of National Schools remains intact. CHOICE FARIK FO.i R, VVU. O ON I . ", 10,41 , � - -_ D Edinburgh. 00101�--011t 11 ' 1�`p - A.Y'04--'bf Ashfield, was nn her 0. British workmen are attongly averse ARE DELI ceived are answered in rotation, as prompt- Subscriber offers forsale the 80 acre farm on Night calls t frolit'door oJ r -IM& I . . W . . . . . the whole I believe that the terms will I .-� of the 2E, ... gi-,-- " " i "', '�4K­ she slipped on the road, prove satisfactory and the placing to woiking on Sunda and are organ- .GHTED. ly and fully as practicable. the corner of the cut line and 10th con., Goderich bury St., Opposite Presbyterian. 6, F'. children of all classes and denomination8 izi ng to make it as digicult, as possible Township ... ., N,"", .4,V00�*,;;roke her leg. , ART. The BAzAR is a notable pict - - It is well watered, wl(b good bearing '11 , � 11 �', uru 11 .1 � . educationAly on an equality will for employers to demand work on that __ orchard, trame house ay)d new b X t, t ".... ' ILL" , � k b ru Con- J. L. TURN33ULL '36, ;% "" C M ,V ,t, �"",� L " gallery, reproducing the most beautiful vanient *o church slid schooll W"oll be sold on DURriversity, Ill. D . lg ,( I" 3 'It is easy to keep Well works of American and foreign artists, as reasonable terms. Apnly to 0 %",' ,I , J#,'lXra,*�y6ur systelz to get weak Prove a Rest Day. The latest expedient is to ONE BIG COMBINATION FOR TEN - . , great 120011 to the young generation of this demand double pay for all work done MR. JOB 9PARLING, Clinton , 14, I 1-11 Province at least. presented in the annual Paris an"d New X. C. P & S., Ontari�. A,114rdIT": a " , a 6 , hii, , Z!," , X,`Uking Hood's Sarsaparilla. I I between 11 P -M. on Saturday and 5 York exhibitions. WIT AND HUMoR Edinburghnospits a od'U'a"'42 I'll " � .- Society of Edinburyb., lat If X6 .W,z*.�,, . `t�' '�,' 1110tighby., Exeter, ac La, Minerva (Con.)Kontreal says: "They . CENTS. turns for a hearty laugh , Ev- DESIRABLE FARM TO RE - . . o"M , 11 I I '... !.�,, :,W a -m- On Monday- to the NT Office Hattenbury 6t, olial ill,1111 ") - I " ""11- 11 .11 I, call it a settlement. It is a capitulation lt is exactly 112 years since Metho- -_ - - answered lat the seine �1600. -� ,�,,� , I .. 11 0,10ailded one of her feet I =last page. 5, at I �, . As ALL-ROUND WOMAN'S PA A choice farm ot I � . �r�'' 11 � � 40 6psetting hot te&. " thinly disguised. They promised full anti dism was started on this con PER_Whai lWacroo,on thenth con.01 I J2. .� I The tinent. 'Goderien tOwn8bIP; about 96 acres cleared and J. w. SHAW, rmygrc.4j �1-1 ., ,�, �ftbdr C4uses Jher consider- complete Justice to the minority. They Baltimore was the home of the church, Will you be in the rush and swim? more appropriate gift can be made to wife, ing-iodstatoofoultivation. Frarochouee, bank Me t4r, is � k I �� I", Oki I , - refuse it justice and sacrifice its most sac. and to commemotate the historic event you afford to spend ten cents for the Can daughter or sister than a nbsoripti6n to barn. young orchard oouchour, etc., office -Bad, It " , ' I A ' 01, � we Just beginning to bear, taxio St alto English c _,� . , �'��%01� has d .­ I , ,P . I #16V4 - ,, llwatered. This fa'rm lain antxaelltnt�Wl- copied Y App......, Cftht6ni'o � , I red rights. That in a big- HARPER'S BAZAR? Sma � Ouro 'O § lisposed of his few words is what a bronze tablet was last week put in gest and most useful aggregation of inte- . ore it all a we)- ation. not farfrom church or school, about four � -.1 .*I : , �,,',,� the Liberals have done and what.tboy ask Position on the building occu come visitor in your household for 1897. miles from Cl - .. ,,,, �1� � ''I". I � .. ft, � 0',Ull con. of Stanley, con ied by r .... ting matter ever ofterad to the public? Inton. and will be eased for a term. AS, S. FREEBORN, W.D Ta "' ' " " �', I .� I - latreal, man I years on reasonable term�, Full rarticulars a 'a " 4-9,j excellent the public to approve. All the schools re- the Merchanto'Club, the site o the old afacturers of the celebrated Diamond Dyes,' FOR ONE YEAR - . . 0 application to C NE61:11TT, Clinton P 0 . J C. P. & S. 0 ., Grad t .f b - -M 1 1,011.1 61 �Ulv, . , Lovely Lane meeting -house in which . 34.00 o" I c0lege of PbfBiclans, D"VA1LJ,4rel*-, `� .1 R!"46res' to Mr Win. Hart. main under the control of the Department F Wells & Richardson Co., Mo I HARPER'S BAZAR eFproad in- . 'a 0g4loprdvement quality, and Of Education, a Protestant creation of the the Methodist Church of the United having a, desire to make a wid 4 ,1 a' 11 . a 0 Medical Coqu�U,,%dW,ow. I . .11 ­�,, .1 V,4,',J�7 , . U_ — " I ego Physicians ana"Iatu I j';'.,,1;v,I ..... , S will naake a Greenway Government, which can if it States was organized. . trodnation of their new "Excelsior Rbyrn- Postage Free to all subscribers in the Uni- FARill FOR SAL M.'.nberBZ)1sCaI _ I , �... V, I ted States, Canada and Mexico. t4trto. .I'or,i,er,yreaidenvofB4).tq.,*" , � .�,_ I ing A B C Book. Illustrated," make th LO 25, Con. 5, TOWLsbip of Hullett 100 acres ��Jlng-in and G�,aecologi - " I ol F, ­41-u0na""A 12 _ -_ , f wishes clairee what religious instruction A locomotive that will run 200 milesl following extraordinary offer, good for' Address t,,D,,.res cleared and In a good state 'of cult attenourY 1:1 . onet, next doorfo, _ ��. , ter in Wingham will be'given to Catliclics; which can ]-- an hour has just been completed at the HARPER & BROTHERS "" iva, nag - , 1C I t year's wool, has POGO UP011 them anti-Catholic books and Baldwin locomopve thirty days: P.O. Box 959, N.Y. Ci�y. wood 'b'llaIlleut claY loftin Poil; 12 acres of bard' pe.roo . . ' a. I I 11 1. 2,M ­ ations works in Philadel- b. There IS a good bearing c, 1 .2,� ,1.11 ` I .1 - First: -One "Excelsior Rhyming A B C and rchard ,,,,,,, � P �..,,.` ,­" , I , lized b make a thousand vexatious regulations," phia. It is called the "fightiaing ex. good OUPPly of water. TLefarmbasnover 1. t -6 ­ 11, le y , ga ,­,,IMi,�,, n on d Book, illustrated," a real gem of litbo- been&rented. The buildings 11118TAN"kJRT, GRADUXP4V�ili r, UK I � ,­ I , ec press electric locomotive. Nothing g comprise a good J_-/ Idedical Department , ICZV,r I I . , e - 911se An r I' e a cleat The Mail and Empire gays: The ar­_ raphio art. It measures nine and a quar- Quantity frame house, barn anti stRIA-z. Tbispropertyls i c ,_� � , _ ran , that resembles it has ever been con- aituate on an exc*110,t . dity, Toronto, rorm -_ TW . I goment is a departure fropi the theory of ter inches long ann six inches wide; the from the Town itmvoi road, 2J miles 0181'eugaries. No __Y4 -_ '_ '_ I 11 ,� ; � a non-sectarian school system. It is Of (ALLICon. Terms easy. For 11 a structed. With this locomotive a cover is rich and artistic; each letter of the farther rticulare &PPIV To Me undersigned, county of Huron. --,.,.., , . - . Ppa , " V �, �, K- 11 . � � Wil- throwing aside of the prinCIP an the gftll�ft,', Or to J04,4. SCOTT' llaflLt�r, ­ I 1, ­�df. JI[Mville,' - made privately. clintan, . I " b , to Sidney speed of 120 miles an hour has been is Not Wanted , :1 , . ", Oq�ft� was d )as of unifor alphabet measures two and three-quarter �� 1� , I _ � � I ­_,.' _'I , � , � � .1 � es- mity and of the non-reoognition of religious inches Iona, and two inches wide, and no k MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton p. 0, OR AtA I , �-, I �,A r . �& - , .. Y2 ._0 ,". "Ikt i, I orning, about At last all the returns in the Uhited two letters are of the same color, Each -Ir — Londeaboro,'%41!X orto.]�,-,Tw.� -�,. , , � distinctions, for which a larg . 41 I a body in the M � ,� , wilg� �, � the geason's crop, community fought. At the seine time it States Presidential election are in, and letter has an appropriate illustration and *r— Tenders for Farra Lands. v.. � . and implement$; , T. AGNE w, M. B.. Toronto ualviri �1. . � _ I L 4'. �, i doesnotgivethe Roman Catholics what the total vote is aocertained. The a verse- �� Sealed tenders — X., TrInitV University, Uembetnit, I I I � e cause Insured in they were taught to look for, and what was electors who went to the polls numbei- A'Jeading Montreal school teacher says: eased to tario. 0 , #Vibber t 0 will be received addr 8xiano and Surgeons, on rIJ � a _J " ,,,,, 0. riot Method po It" .,f, L' distinctly promised to them by the Liberal ed 13,579,638, a gain of 1,5W,000 over "It is one of the very best and certainly the It. I I M. C. Cameron, Reg,, Goderich, later than Jetebureb, Nightealle W ." l0o' a Four o,cl,)-,k p. m on the l5tb day of December sameplace. Office 130prosto'lo's , khd.. ,,,44nd has agsdil. entered party leaders. The arrsngem Dt is an I Offllk A.D. 1896, for t� 4 to 9 P.M. I a . 4, ' - the vow Of 1892. Of this vote McXin- most attractive Of mediums ever placed be. , -1 a PurebAse of the followin � L F", � -�,� , , � ., .taken away in the bloo In attempt Of the Politicians, after their long ley received 7.050,516, .Bryon 6,221,6592, fole the little tots from which -to learn the - - ]ends and prerniaea namely: Lot Ton and the — � .1 1. A"d6r' roost esteemed young drawn-out conspiracy, to square t . southerly twenty a�rOB Of I t Nine, both Ju the , , , "' -_----------Iq— , " ­ 16. 1 bemsel Paliner I38,570, McKinley,s pluriiaity English alpilabet." - Fit4h COnceriston in the townablp ,bf Go&rleb, DR. T- C. laptupt. ,� , Mon of Mr John Hess with the opposing views wbiclitbeyottitivves bt,ing 828,964. The demand for this book novelty is &l- I in the coun f Huron and 82J acres off the SURGEON I)B,NTJM ,�'. at. all, *ivafts ingood health Mon- ad, and to which they pretended to agree. land commissioner at ready taxing the printing capacities of the . west end of ot Too In he sixth concession ot Graduate R 0 D a of Ontario � ' The C. P. R. 1Tc 0 i , , I '- lithographers. Goderlob Township. . )J,,,::41� Went to work ad Thatit will be satisfactory to the con- Winnipeg reports that sales of land in The above is a firs"Jaso farm situated witbiLl varsity ToroutZ.. sad �Triail 'Ienj 0 Cirdnoon had to retire and t 3nding sides it is almost hopeless to expect. Manitoba this month ate 300 pox con 11 gecond:-A full size Cabinet Photo of I 1. 4 miles Of Goderiob , " , ty I Alvassed away Thursday in -advance of those of a yea the "Three Fr -tare Kings of Engle 11 I . d , llp-.ial attention given to the P I `�,,, , � r ago. He ad, - There is situste,l'on the farm a frame 0"", the natural teeth. , "J44gon of; r oue-, 4 stt,rey, 30Y,40; a flaine b,Lrc, �.i­",�'� I - -edicts an immigration boom to the Duke of rame harn 37x.14; t* stable 18164 and a carriage Othoo, Coots f look, over Taylor's 61100 J � �,.'. The Globe says: -The provision is doul:t- pi the Prince of Wales, his son � ­ b ,,r5A g I less leas than Archbishop Langovin ard , ,#4,rls, - , , I— f4,W4 V049 received last week me of his friends would degire. Wenced Manitoba and the*Northwest next York, and the little son of the Duke. This house 18,50 with abed alitached. , . N, B. -Will visit Blyth evof�, ft, ,; a , , I, lk�W*`bf Mr.john Hetherington so year. The school question being set- photo is beautifully finished, fit for any There is also a Arat-claos orchard. 8011 Is good Payfiold every Tbursday 'Uh I . '081;h of N not go into that long vexed question farther tled, e hould now join in parlor, apd wall worth from 25 to 40c. 1 TV RMS-One-fif th down at the time Of summer "orn ;.,, , 0 i � - ov. Mr Heth- y. set- 0 Fur- �: � t_� 0 _ , , Third: -One package of the famous Dis- _. " Obese and the balance in l3ve equal annua In. E. SLACRALL VHT8R1NARj,)4&W.`1i_4 v, a than to say that the ideal after which they t I i I I g I Vhe. rlyooln.et 7 There is a great . .", %s tmailried 'to Miss Me- are striving is impracticable, and, from the future before the Dominion. mond Dye Ink Powder, which makes six- . stalmonts, with interest at 6 per cent. J. HonoraryGraduate of theOutail M , Ab#shk_k� Helens and formerly iitizenal point of view undesirable. , teen ounces of For farther particulars apply to M. C. CAM- College. Treatinaildiseaseno I � - fi, ; .0, . , pare and brilliant black FRON, executor and trinstect of the late D B .1 .4 6 . oe store here. The foramersof the settlement were practical Sometimes we bear complaints thal writing ink, sufficient to gupp In some thinV. You'll be mfonished Hodge, or to male oil the most od I ­ ­ 7 III The "' dOvr, who is left with ly a family 4 I I Atl - -r -i -b men, and were bound by their position to the examination papers for teal,bers . .1 _. � IN' for a year. at how much you can get for CAMERON, HOLT & Hol,MgS, 0 do- inimedis, el 010, VWX �11'011dren has tile"hymPathy consider the question as statesmen and are very difficult. They may t The above-mentioned combination 0 V00i"... idence - A 4r f., " I 14�1 P_�� Qa] r f Men'lls in this vicinity. be, bu ur mouey in our Shoe Store. Solicitors, &e., Goderieb night .Res . ­ they do not seein to reduce ,worth rday at a d ��;� not as Churchmen. They have given re- the cro 66 cents, will be sent to any address for �h r �, � ;� , . Mott of the 12th con. teachers. ,ia --W,; -i!,-. 1, �','E of The 6chool board e size of the bargaihs will CHOICE FARM FOR SALE ,___ ._ _�� , asonable provision for religious education; N ten cents. stagger you, but not so much " 7,­T.,�,�11'4 T-7 TOMLINBQN, VETIDRIN,AAL,I$Lt,v.��iltvi6o-g- r sale his excallon farm - - . Honom Graduate o1.thlll,fttat;d,,V . , 106 27,4th Con of Hullett. nary College rotito. TrpaW-.aJ?,--,?1lkbA0o,- - .T . f ena ,,,,, acres, betu merit brought 291 applications. Those 7 the Whole cleared and under cultivation. Domestic Atilintall, on the 1".. � Form has two-atory brick 61 - be invaded, no one's conscience would be order may be filled promptly. i 8olendfle liso ; , od , , 11'&peremony was perform sandfluallyacce tth of SO4 'i, d'vote 6�i�Xr Andrew Leirft, of ment that no one's religious liberty would Leachers this fall, and an advertise- stamps 88 ROO12 as possible, so that your but that you can entertain their Subscriber offers fo— B r4 L . WAnbsb, Was married on they have tried to make such an arrangs- Cliesterville, Cornwall, needeli four Send no ten (10) cents in money or rV.1 house, frame barn 'M 94 ay allag arom ; 6MC6Iol! her brother, Me wounded. The general feeling, we believer who desired engagement resided in Send small coins, or tne proper amount and #table, splendid hearig orcha,d. plenty of Principles. D .,, . fiftrpm 64 101011:1111 have a large sto " " fore the re- will be one of satisfaction the ' ,Iiiif tliftrd, be counties all along the Province from 4 8r anawered. Residen trouble- water. Situate about 2i tol so from the town of Hatch. ! - t a in one, two or three cent stamps. Stamps Trunks, Travelling Rags Clinton. A lot or fall Plowing done and 9 acres . I--. ,,,� !i��: of kbfidg and om. Mr some question ,has been settled in such a Bruce to Glengarry. of larger denomination will not be recei _'�� ; A. ' , � ; ��,­ ­ . n ved. of fall wheat b", ..I - . X'I*Oithe !9,'t,rio Ve- way as to put an end to sectarian strife, to While huntin befteants on the m SCSI your letter se Great Bargains in Goats Flown- Poeso"Jon given at any . %� and, 6xpecta to gradu- tsin side near P 0012- cutely, and before � ticulam Ply on the premi ... or R,R1 OR LIVEN , d - .r time. For par lasurcr of hUf owriag give an impulse to the educational and mat- ad Ran, Joseph Chem. mailing be sure you put on full postage, to A. WEIR. Clinton r.68. it L 0 j, . , !A'Q.�Xne present term, erial advancement of the west, and to pro- Paign bad his head rolling If full postage ill Robes and Horse Blankets. tf. and ReWdence,mor"y s It I ;�'.., L, ; . 6-,, . , , , , , out off by a three cents in stamps. t, , .... -,',,#j.'%vhfle,.T. J. Cornish, mote the beat interest of Canada. stone in a most remarkable meaner. His not prepaid, letters will not be accepted. Double and'Single Harness. MORTGAGE SALE . 1_.- "'47, 1�., - j, .1 ten-yes,r-old boy and two playmates were WELL13 & RicHARDsoN Co., Montreal P.Q. Shlflgleg-- Wholesale &Retail JAMES CAM -BELL Lo ii'1904 Coughing, thought Upon the up the steep mountain side about fifty — a'— , ISSUER ap kAffalL i!,"W40-84tang salmon be was Dalton MOCartby:-"I look �'1'01y'�' tovdr 081 settlement as a very satisfactory one, and yards tumbling rocks down its precipitous VALUABLE FARM LANDS No Will L 1700 1.11,11, I 7A , d a of pepper eniho Ing an arrangement that all those Bides in ordeF to see t IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP, rX ., 1"W60. s- " [ h A woman Senator has been elected for 5 .W r; 1p, throat. The cough- . . ht hem splash into the ONEY TO L I I . JAS'L,TWITCHELL, small gum , .. - the State Legislature of Utah, says the De- Under and by virtue of the power of sale, con- tooderaterateof"1011 good ' § 4 aj foright against the coercion of creek. A bigatoriestarted byyoung0ham M n flatt I " Of Manitoba should rejoice in. From the Paign on its downward coarse struck the troit Free Press. Her name is Mattie to t I 'I 11 , tfOftted 'until he was _ " �� , , I !�,,t ":.!�'ftlntnation of tht tained Ina cortain mortgage which will be pro W110114% '4tintked to g - 1. 11.1 " IL row, worse, !, I ,,, L ,4 dosed at the Sal% therd will be sold at public � , , "', I standpoint of the Dominicir it ought to be older Champaign and knooked the Hughes Cannon, and the defeated candi- -- auction by David Dialtinson, Anctioneer. on - F-AitSCOMB, ur.rz!(O 0 ":` _ ­ I "I , , C . P. L. S. provf&1#1 ` alid - L . . u0s;,rega.rdo the election as evi- SATURDAY, Doe. loth, Ivil EnRlno6'r. Lotid etlrv�%O'i 400 411 the trouble. dence that on sage has not resulted AT THE Stowartle Grocery Olt '0AjL-6:0ffioe;jj � , j7 `­ to , f4a Iged in his wind changes in the school laW as are accepted An old man by the name of Covingtone in reducing women A stera.aa " , *�d`*p,iL larg sufficient that the Government of Manitoba totof his head off as Olean as though date is bar husband, Angus bf. Cannon. F W 4.!d , i d lot e Piece Of sal- have agreed to make such modifications or it ad been out with an axe. The Free P 0 is" , 0 . 6, 4, (� 4 � as satisfactory by the Government At who was for years section boas on the alid, a state of slavery. Rattenbury House, Clinton, I . .4ti4j'*6d; at wilpV8 Ottawa. The most significant matt6r end Tbefaotof their possessing thli suffrage N Caodia inac A. I , law on land at StOuJffvi]10, 0.2t.; has just been no- At 2 O'clock p. in. the following prope .. K9 the Most encouraging view that is present. rt , vIZ:- I ,,,, -Jobn Bider ad died tified that his sister in England died th- wai; atbribntied to the desire of the men to Loo No. Ill in She 17th concession of t10 said . I., I � - e "I IV% �40'the hothe of her son Od in the settlement is the bold and stateu� other day, leaving him a leg,Loy Of $ increase thsir own voting power, but the township of Godertob, containinf Or admea- R. A ", I . , 600,000. suromont 80 acres more or low, tea GNEVV,.�,L* ,. 'A I for some tim * acre sold ft r D , I . .V , 0. , -1 son, but was Ing to brave, in his desire to see that his cO- duoed oircumstancen in re- Position to her own husband can hard '.1110. a .oil 1. . .ley loam, all under I . I 8%L L � h41461orher - The old man has be election of a woman so a legislator in op- I lidga"CICY Minil. Deceas. manlike course of M.r .Laurier, who is will " 1897 - school 191%0' The , 0`616 494F and her death roligimifsto a, and 50th Year of Publication. . I 6 - ,� Ve ' the bequest xceps 8 acres, covered with good -31 Aduate of R I .. 1. toll;equally efficient education with the r 6 tromendo accounted for upon any other theory h&rd r 0 0"'r � rital sok� . i and Compatriots secure an means a sadden end us bette ' ly, lb: .."i Wood 4mber. The farm Is wall fenced &lid 0nt. Honor G lot, 4 Dow vioploof W�ingham eat ring the complete emancipation of the axe underlirmined. One acre in planted with choice Torort!o. ib . 101`11&Y�`df Whom had 'not of the community, the anathemao of of big fDrtanes. Four children share the ' This well known annual is a &VPIO trees just beginn to beer. The build. All nPeratigas i .1 I . I , the benefit of the big Is which for so many centuries 1166 beett COM n entig ­ . . .� 7 are In a good state a repair tin G " ----- ,ilt 11 if he ,';illness, Un. Eider , bigoted classes amongethillown people from and gaGY-two sons, William beaten down under the iron heei of samuo- plete bandbook of i I 01 consist of Be tl I . , I I � v ert t 1, Walter, proprietors Of The Bto � nfor- a I story frame dwelling house a as& Anson 6 0. In e no 14ber 45f the Wing. uffville a li stor. Office of - age A . kitobe%,good frame barn 4ozoo wi ston a f on Sodw T . n*A-* walr- � datlon t He ll Free Press. and the unmarried daughters. I ri a racial and religious standpoi line tyranny, I mation of all kin& relating to overysectono .'.' .1, ­ lat clidt,611, Was Promfixent � Stables andown a . 091 ever _ da4, 11 .J. and in the Daughters Of ser- house. A school bongo is t t a P 1110 It 6 16 0 fi. 11 Canada. 10 "a a P , ­ - The Hamilton Spectator (ultra con lid it Kwsfgbt bell 6 , ': I � 4 -i, I Iliewaa.,biniVerill tive)­"We are free to confess that ____ - . ,. ,, ))final* obin a few m no sk aft evills I , ,11��! . ,� ,­ ': 'n 7 esteem- Of Surnmerbill and A m as linton.. 1, I �, _ ; � k1l, tv, settlement arranged is satisfnetory be- I -_ - ­ It ig an accurate directory ,D , ­., �, % , � ,� Ill be deeply conditions i!! ., f TICIRMS-10 % of the purchase me . 11 ,� 4,1 t � I'll -her m1;u1)r,frIend9 and &c. YOtId 0,11 expectation; that we have been . ey down TIROS. Q I'll, 1. . 11 agreeab ;; 1: Officittlis of all kinds, both gov- an the balabee In so d: afterl Without . U.N"A I � , , -trurdst a the purchase in n . I V-4 ;AA440 , . I iy ourpt;oed at the manner in which interest, or two yll there ­ I I We Laurier has 80coffiplfebed In some conditions the - I . RK � a , ­0ft"11", 'I- . � - 0 . the work: I , ernment and municipal Insyromairlonmortrgoon the promises N14 41 baft , I.-. ­ I i ___­1__W%____� NOthingrelbalbs now bat to burT the corpse V I, :, I �� cent Inteirem urther terms, Panioularb C, 16 64 f, � ", 01 I k-bian hsa'b g�ain from the use'Of $.Cott's 11 , I I ... :e'd conditions Made known oil "my Cl sale, Is let 1 .73 Wv 'O"the `�' , lseh awfinceti to -1 rue =4111tous school question so deep It contAins & complete clergy list of all 7 fl, 4 0 IOU0 andtOO&Oil 01011thol ill . Or If Ona I ,� . m4w."111 t denorninations, 3 &r6at1ql1 to The uaftrsl I I A,�,i ,',Vi��: `,��!,,�� pin "i-'. __ - , _ " --o-il & 9&Wteer of every D. I,% ON, � . .11�1:1,�_�'_:'�'�":�,:. 1�, ", ihat It will never rise again. Itmaybothat Emulsion, Of cold-ffireir C 3MI. S8'0*T'T. - I- I.- 11. �, , I Auctioneer. 80110itof for Vendor . .. 11 1, I A ____ " - I . I , - Ojor renti#g #ongoll tail im. certain Cobservativeo may feel that they -or this reason' place in'Canada, with railway on which — . XOT110 I'll ; ll�w - , � ; dOW h6vA an opportunity to annex the is rapi . F . located or nearest railway st&tion . 11.1 I . I k I . . . " �,�:l I I . pt"14011 ­ i" .� lt,4 �,,,,' , ;, ,"-, ;ork coundl ba') 'PU � NOTICE TO CREDITORS I '�,�,' � �, �1!1­4' 'i K Roman dstlidlio I Oto by reviving a demand Wid t UP :a 50c�.Size, which' Tariff of Cust6fus, Bank _i, , 0 J,dilh,g a fln6 1 f"sed an fOr*004to 86hoold it: Manitoba., but we, * .. - __ 1. a and gratiches, — ' * 't" 114� eetWe 6, # 6941J- 1 1 1 Me" L! "', �,07 00 -A bloyclo, , I 18 el I I I ' wo.fif - , v 0 $10 for ere of optaidd th-4t these P60PIO IkIl , learn iough fbi- an Ordinary .. . 1. I I Schools and0olleges, Societids and In- Its ae eseate of -A"A,40118, decevsed�' t I low '1� urull"eff V �11 11JR,-ftd70yk6Ail%, In the the . I � . I stitutiOt's, VOunties. Cities, Towns and Notice is hero�tj, given Oul'Atlalli'6 R.S.O. 1887 a a4q%,,e., �, thtittlig CQUO'brVative pa:rty dropped , COU '11'Or told 6r useful as a Vilidgeti Legal itiformation, rates of bapthr no, meet on as, Bad amending "td, tll&� HIP. cbh foit, �, W9 - --- 1 - '& m4laxtblia ,'school question on the ZBrd day + , , , I , I . 0 *ator. car. . of June last, never to take it up again. EnaTfor babies and childrem a and,otbera having ciaipie e,eglaoil f , � � all "'altora _Mf I -Y,- 11 01 I -90 01, to the next order ons .. Premiums on Life lbsuronce, Astro- 9,;=0 . ,,-U two Lot it h6jaiid, lat Us � nomical cgIleplationp, Militia List. the estate of Ann 1,yon late of the town 01 Ojib, oeasod vibo big a- .9 in it . '. Ag . tg .. ... . gain I 10 the dourt�.df Huron, ,Mht" r1ePt0Wb9V# I � ', -1 e ObIjiftha, of bitaineog." deeedaod� who df a , on or about tbMh!9`4,'n1, th;% County 0 6�4w,I �;., " 0 "I I . � ' Forill GovernmeA thro bout the to ' 71 , ir�% . An of 1, @ I - ... ClOtObetr, UK at the said to%n ot, alto a*. . , Wil* v 31� afe ili . fiiiist* be slo-,�r, somewilub 0 world, by Ur. Bourinet. . . !us J'A �0*0!0114+1$" , i , I .1 �= I d to send by poll% 10rapittl ok to , - � en for a 0"___1-__P*_ uVistorical _ oftr, 1 14�. 0-0 � - I ___ , I �. Y" CAN BE Diary., by Wall Nellie , rl, Phe -006 _ 4 a , " i, unton, untavily, bko� � V " ar,�4­ , W 1, . . . 1 . WE mostimperdetcble,health �' HAS A, Ftftoyo. - ,% � .., " al '11� Mies. The L,J. n main I it. th * 90aue I a"'.411 0 When Y�nr blao I King's Loyalists, by - Hart, and _ a lkod�on dt 9066, , 49MI'd d it pure, rich and noneish- . Ill of t A dAeo IS'- . N �i A �o 6tt " , � obtor of 5 wdl�. I . � I I 11.� I" I � , , V , I " , , 411 � "I M "111 01_� � I I " " 'i L "i , '* I .."It I I ,�q ,�, , , "" , ilnF,�t�r "� . , ��,It,,"144 �. I 1`0 1 , �1� �* , ,W 11 I � " , I I 11 I '94 4 I I a , , , 4 ,V " �- '�'11� �1, I w � ­ the 15th UY 01 Veda 06f, A.D; tqm� t , ��`4� pudrit randigib i day. I --- 12- _. , 0 CAet be bUilt -d i Other interessing articles on time "I t 16% " in Ci 110it,o4mo ,gddwsica 4.,- $16,dor. I til 0 � " ft� R � , � ink f0f ndrVed A'fid Mugolet. The blood is �. .. '40E ly addresses allid descriptions, in � the vittl finiakolid When it It podr, thin. I M. A'Ittl!'Ataflothotl _4#�WAJ.pul �' I 164"" . 0 611� A I , 's it:,* co For thiis: 9,cott, � , subjects. oremud"lan Old r1togl6f 0fe ��)Almlr 16041w, Ali# #660,10, 8 I �� I I I . 1, Z e i1a ,0Q1 .1 . 'IMPUto,yotibi,481 either Atiffor fro,& 1. , Wilt AlftOrtliff4I&I 'A Z,MOQ i Wolf lut 151011 . . 417 ' , , *414, A$N41t 854 PAObS UnGH 9yo. �b:6)4 b f�­fli " MW41N, � � do,thro."Were it 6 " bf, . and , . ,- a Em , . ,. V -, - P nk uto of the mee I thb i '' 11 �-, , 14 is JW ' I dt Mit. tho :46� , mu:St. Udl'tikkri 'as. nuft "I &,�,w , . , RIOU IN VA inp. 0 Alill Moned d t�-thh!: ! � I � I I It , Aft'36 its 4 it, ", , . . . . OVHRS a CAXT8 tot,olylptoe6oix.to,'4ts,tkits)Atbt � ,. " ih dhaagd I otroftig , jp#�ntl;, f*qq . "'.''C' C-1, ;� I 1.41,11, P" '1411, w Vldtlfhl,t,� pdac '' ti�pa'. - . . , X LUW' WTIa ,, it , I � r 4, ,#a aloi6fititg"'dillosho or you will easfl� I I I ow" ,V , .9 , , 11 , 4 � 'L 1, � . , . ,,� , !I S , , . 11 I t%falb'do of 411io 7,61,j7hfo ; �debVitftili�r­l I Pura, with , , � It. . 'O , _ S I I I . , ,,,_ . 1, la I 4 - of . U—sof . A 0119 to ,it, 0 Ar, � ., '.W, t& * � ' W it 44*1VIA0154 , � GO** , 00ft CA 890. `1 I � , , . . , 00 , �,,_ I . I' , 5% �' -hr V L'at 1jefi4ff �,,Aj' , . , ._"4, 0 _Xnef 1, �1' �� 15111 6 D'AMI'v'! . SIM'. 'it L. � .1 1 ,,, it , 0, CL 11 ) � I I — , ; , ", �1"��, **b% ,,'�,-, , " � , I 4`6 , __ i;2wR 4 I 8%v, (A to, ,; ., , ,tf � 4 #41 AfItI4 .-* , wi,� ,,7 " G�r ",�'..!,�J 1"- A�,;",', ;., - �,L': ;I I ,,� ;3k :: � .. I . � I Woll, . . I W� - , � 0 ,',� Ib #1x%4*1,*. , : tft Alalo',bj�'�11 4', " )' #.,."r 060 " ; . ob 'AnAll; U110 , � �',,;, if L !-T,^� ��R,_ PUVAIOIAIIW,� L, �", 11", 1! - ;­'­i.�,_��, I,— _0 ; " :: , ,� �9­4 I , , " , : ,ia � , ,, OR "q , , , ! �� ,,, 1'� , , tRo0or tomtylvot �*h I 1 '44i:"�'f"""��­":4' A"L'A'::1".'­.!j� �` 't � "Tu : ,�;� , ., ,-,u � i,�"_ 'f�41kol"4041116f: '160 I 110,III Ithtfi- #01A !M17. 71 .,�, _L' - " , ' . . '­ L'�­;'�A, "': __�!t ',6 '�"A J'Jjad7,7,7�­­�T r� ­­ `I­:WftT­",­ �JAfg.'Jol?j0p A9 . , �' I � � L � ,�",,!""" "" "" ",L� .", ��'L L�;�",:�. .1 , , � ll�"�.$f L *� , � " v'L �,,�, ,� � �"'', ,._. � �t'L ,�. '4* "W*J�J*"' ,� � `,�_ I ". L'� � , ,Aj��b , i*'Plh L " f, 17'� ��` "' "'�� �` ; ,,��, .�tT,L�.,L.,;L,.- — , , � ;,� � ��' "' 14 4," .�'� W4&Wj,,7171'! ;: * � ­' 1. 111'��L ' ' -, I ii I" �'�'Ie�,;;�� � ��'L - . ., I L - �., _ J,jo , j. Q , , jjf� , _ 4���,,' :� [,7 , , I � � liic�" iii� I I I . - I i "I L" . 1� ,� ,, , L, ��,,,, - I'll ­ 14!Pr.7W . - - _____ . I ,v"%�7 q 111W I � , TO,"— w M'W-,F-- � -T. ,,-V, "T . �,.� , �,io, sl�-,,rn-, w w- -. 7 � - 7-"W, 19 . * � I , � I P 1 r! 7M7 , ip", I - , . � , , , � . I . ( . "i T" " ', . i .1. I , .1 - , L� I WAR11 '. , - \ I , , WM I I I il I , �.�