HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-12-04, Page 1i" " �$... 1� .t � . . , . " . � ..
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ga. . A CHAN E.—On lVlonda arlcttklel• � Pxlsl�' •+ mil a a r G 0', *)#..L' §
y� illi' 91t4�1t` �tC ai#MJg$ Mon>�>t,t�rBl�. . • Ttie Modelites cone• auYw4.Yr .�4ttdC
.; r+: r Vvbat wide -swats and Tellable correspondents rind worthy o1 recoreilllg for Publlcablon. Change took place otl'the GF,T,;R.• Iltie, Li1ORe(1 its t4 4, ,jv hotxsi, c7d iii 9, base manse their examinations on Mond aeYG yoGl tR . a ii` a
Gloder Cir '1'Qwueslrip Benmiller whelp a new time •table again cCt a irir. lI�}0,.xie,�+3htly ellQotgc) b ,. pp4 elE' 13d ,s: Dec. 7cb, ,A,il the isle brit' two nor V xhe areae ilk r �g4 ,.
s`1-1 `' Siox.—'Phe youngest child of Mr John to force. When one cgneiders' that Ot`: liptb . ` f °iQ ,b ,tl, e.oilufotitahle three have secured eahools while aoAup.idRr o! Q ,'
°j" '" Intleaovlz�c+. --Mr Tnhn Ea leaon wlro Y gr , th0 r,:iSi�
�t ItM B + Levy is ab present sorioasly ill. Mrs Wm, each new.: Liine table issued GoHtltr the' d�velltlal , hn Vve' it pe �YIr and ililre hasp leave to do Without, not one of FIWE pI+}Rl'Zj ' ; `d;
> last winter got thrown out stP hie out- Fisher has been on the sick list for some company $1400, it clearly demttnetratas• Mair 'xxrfy lend be spared 4o enjoy its them lraviug got a school: Several0.S r'''
"+" • '' talc, and dislocated hie, shalt (der, has time. that .the above is an esceelingly. �llelter: :v were of%iced situations, Out refused t0 ` ` alteoiaity ggjt abx, �'r' 0'i
�4 ; been in poor health, all summer; he Ctauaea, — Mr A. Allin 'preached in wealthy concern. PIIaLso',Nts,wxlgo. -A largo mitid influent!- come down to the low lialaries offered hitt ars, §0 A ,g n) �ittirr�{ j
seems to a improving, but very slowly. Holniesville Sunda Mr A. Oourbioe, off s : meebin o!'tfra •electors o! phis townshi by tcusteea, Aa low ae l o'agr o�-�I b
Y• I Do I,xKEwisa,—You were speaking g P ox In bulk. 25
REn3ovED.—Mr John Hood, who has that pleas, occupied the pulpit at Bethel iii in our last issue Mr Editor, about p 1l" held iu•'Bg1I Q 401. Lopdesboro, on the rgt,i*ii iy
v +� resided on the Dugan , farm for the , Sunda morning. Y ' 80th WILT, INVESTIGATE TSIs Too•-- e- od rs of the b B ;t
�F`�IN collar Y1electric light f6t early morning use.;, Nay., for Niel gut pose.' of consider- gently Mr Seager, of this place, was Enq land a # xpia 11 ;4
et'. past few years, has moved into Gode- , g iug.the advisability of aeleotin a candidate g , gariae�s pits'
9 M9RRIeaE.—Mr (leo. Hebei, of the Mait- in Winghstm we now have the ligtrte d appointed a commissioner to invebti- And what oils o#; p'n
rich. Mr Wm. Hick has removed land, and Miss Sarah McCabe were mar- burnin from four until twelve m, Go"..cor►:tesG this division in Ghe County y isy lh
from his Yarm to Holmesville, where g p' ' tJoarsoil, Mr John Wilson, of Auburn, was Rate ter sin alleged irregularities in would not a1?gxeciibe 1pl
X,' ` he lies urchased a small lot. Tied ab the parsonage on Nov. 12th, They and from flue until eight a.m. Now connection with the transfer oP the
(} v4 tLrni these bleak P g aplldinto.a chairman. and' Mr G oo. Stephen- Uobourg poet office. Since then car• good perfume as a
;y P have taken u their residence in Goderich. let Clinton o and do likewfee. OE w
eiieiler dayB. �# good gI•PLEs.—Some of our farmers, who $yam ENTERTAINMENTe,—A 8mae tree sort of Iiiubura secretary.' The chairman
"h have of reports of their apple exports, course we hardly expect her to cam- y tain alleged irregularities, have come NOVELTIES in $`
M" est .preventative g p pp p , and entertainment will be held at the Pete altogether pp briefly stated the object of the meeting, g g A ' ,';
IbiCippef Have you realize that apple buyers have not P g iter with Wingham enter- R. to laght in the Customs o113ce, and the We have control of
Q9ercoats we are made a fortune this year. The market Zion h church
h i Christmas eve. rhe iodise of prise, but while we lead she should en- reading the prinai al pe is of the Aot. following appears in Saturday's ofHc- these goods in theZo 1fl
ta; xis- Fall ? The fit rs y Zion oharah intend having a tea=meating eavor to follow. This was followedty a lively discussion of „ o } l'
at present is splendid; many mobs sent on the evening of the 15th inst, several features of the Act, in which Mr Tal Gazette:— Charles Seager, of GOde- eaoh'ooTAiping a gob gook
hip and fin their fruit sent it too early in the sea- FARn l30LD.—Dir Neil MoCurvey hoe sold NOT THE FAIR THING}.—It is some- Britton, the Reeve, Dapnby Reeve and rich, barrister -at -law, to be acommis- town ha
llll .I
bra ihe'styles ri ht son. times said, and we regret to say truth- ioner to inquire into all matters con- $mall ewel or,tritr t
q his property to Dor Wm. r nstone.Vansto It is others took part. The meeting proceeded nested with -_certain -certain-- lidjm llel iell o Wit V
r. e can ar[t out that klE l rl ,—Mc C°lirtice, an excellent -farm and Mr Vanatone has fully _so, ilial telnpelauce .people_ -to -the main-objcot -of--tbe--meeting, the go-
ib or "y a, made from teacher of No. 9, has beea re-engaged, now with hie old homestead one of the beat not stand by their principles as they lection of a candidate. On the first ballot and promotions in the outside service 250•1. s4
?;dterials at most mo- with an increased salary, Mr Cour- farms in the county of Huron. should. For illustration of this let us Megsrs MoDonald,Jas Snell and Britton as- of her Majesty a Customs at Cobourg, $mall trays, difFexent,,.
•,,� -prices. tics is a first-class teacher, and always give ttbe experience of a man in this cured the votes of .he meeting, Mr MODou- during the months of June and July, ,,.
FRIENDLY RIVALRY.—For ears past the town. Mr John Lou head through aid baying ten of a majority over Mr 1898' _ Ink bottles,, 91olj; ;°'.J
has the interest of the pupils at heart, Y P ' OoNatasT.—The Thanks s] boo,
POW vied Vests y Maitland and the second concessions have the influence of his wipe is endeavor- Snell, who was followed by Mr Britton. giving Sapper on 4of S
and the trustees have acted wisely rn b f ,
securing his services for 1897. vied each other with a good deal of what in to run a first-class temperance Mr Britton stated that he would not be Thureday evening of last eek was, we may rdettor hold® jo,,,�6a',
NV "- OBITUARY.—A sin we are called u shall we say—jealousy? or is it just honest house; no liquors or tobaccos are sold; i lv y ,
ar *.orn thein? Worn g P- , bound be the notions of the meeting but i truthful say, the finest repeat of that Card receiver a
on to chronicle the death of an old and competition to excel, as to their shooting a•g0od table is set, and every effort a Gtlo,11,, '
filet's vest, the wi;Id leave himself free to sot as circumstance ,kind ever provided in town. The tables 9i 5i
urate them and the reapeated resident of the Huron Ioad, in Proclivities. Be it what it may there has made to cater to temperance. Pro- required. At the last ballot Mr Britton's were tastefully deloorhted, and altogether These are very pretty a, "
f e bad is retain- the person of Mrs Win. Lamprey, who existed, and still exists, a spirit of rivalry fessed temperance people make use of name was withdrawn. Mr Snell secured , the lecture room presented a fine appear- fel goods, and are speois i
"' p much drivin departed this life on Tuesday morning, as to which possesses the steadiest nerves his, stabling for their horses, bring the majority, when it was made unanimous. ante. The program which was presented for souvenirs, absent`fi" ,',
g Nov. 14th at the age of 80 ears. She and the quickest eyes. Again and again their own feed and often ask him to resents.
Abe Without one. ' g y have the ttted themselves a nines such look after the team and never as We understand that Dir Britton hoe since in the body of the charoh, was also good, P ":•
was a woman of sterling integrity,and y P g assneed Mr Snell that he will not oppose The ohoir rendered several selections. Miss FURTHER NOV ',
S by her kind a.nd affable manners had other, sometimes one being viotorions,. much as offer one cent of remunera- PP 4 ,,
another time suffering defeat. Then like tion. This is more than unfair, it is him. Case, of London, sang a solo, joined Mise in brass, eta Boat`s',
won the esteem of the entire commu- g Graham in singing a duet and sang a000m- bottle• Same in 0�rit l�
i by S$turday some of nits. During the last year or two she Tam o Sbanter's wife they go home and inconsistent and dishonest, and no en- Londesboro partied by a violin, played by Miss Laura e,
estGientlemen sNeck- had not enjoyed her usual health, but nurse their dashed hopes for a day of re- Couragement for a man to ivy and re Slott—Mr Wm, Martin, east of the station, is ; Acheson, and once accompanied by her braes oandleetigke.. Sbati,
id;styles that al'e hav- her whole illness was borne with Chris- venge. About once a year these reservoirs trieve the past by a straight life in the verysickat resent The doetx-has notyettie- banjo. Mise Eva Achesrm can a solo,and glass and colored latrs'cefltl
won an encore. A hall ora jewels. Match -holders 'di"
In lju the cities. tiara fortitude, she being a firm believ- burst and spread through the land. These present. oidedivhat t e disease is but we might say it � 1 ., g 7,
tl and see them.er ontbreake as we said before take lane is not caused by Londesbcro water, as his lives I . , organist, gave an in price frogs l0oto $8....:r':.
' Print r Saviour, chs Two of member of the +Y+ Y , y did not HERE AGAIN,—On Saturdayeveniug upstream, lir and Mrs Hamilton are both i Instrumental on the piano. The Harm6uy ti
Presbyterian periodioall but this ear the that great big, tall, formidable man doing well Orchestra were present and gave two over- TOILET BOTTLE$ $reitxi
run their allotted time, and, instead of NOTES.—Mr Campbell is improving the looks ; tures. Rev, W. Godwin ae Cha;rman PERFUME ATOMIZE$I"
have preceded bei in death, while four from Clinton again made his -appear- of the Hill e
MS, Bros., having the usual test (?) of skill on Thanks- property by removing A.
couple of . Edge introduced him "
daughters, two sons and a sorrowing ante in our midst, the result of his vis- trees in front of the Hones. Mr A. Woodman :. g oar beat tea meet- �i,
LINTON iving, it moss decided to hold it on an earl- had floe trip to Ri ley during the Thanks- ' to 25o upwards.
husband remain to mourn the lose of a it not being very satisfactory to more p g speaker addressed the audience for
kind and affectionate mother and ter date, and accordingly the Thursday than one of our citizens who cater to giv't�g holidays, vial Ing his daughter and Pam- ' five minutes, while Rev. J. A. Anderson JARDINIERES,
P previous found the leaders of the clans ar- fly. Mr Wm. Gaaicy is making knives at G. I ave a practical address on Thanksgiving. 1$illo faithful wife. The funeral on Thurs- rayed like warriors of old, with ane the wants of the general public with Snell's this week. Mr Foote seams to be giving g P gi fine assortment, all kuid
Idfor last week.) day, to the Maitland cemetery, was g regard to the sale of intoxicants. We gvergy good satisfaction to the Presbyterian con. Rev. E. Scott, of Toronto a former mem- rices.
Govenlock s sale, last lar el attended, showing the respect I do battle for their kingdom a honortio Ten differ from the views advocated b� ladies of the Methodist church intend holding , CELLIILOID QOODS;
g y g p I pistols, e scions of Knox and Burns churches. The ;ter of the church, end a fellow etadent of
at in which she was held by the, neigh- I g many temperance advocates, that If It a tea meeting on Methodist
nigh Rev. Mr Edge, gave a fine address. Pro- '
ly tended, and was a goodly men were there on either •aide to do ght, Deo. 25th. 1
borhood. It is needless to say that the is right to grant licences, whynot let ENTERTAINMENT.—The entertainment given seeds were over $150. Combination dreasin man
,rices were realized for bereaved family have the heartfelt or die for their cause. The morning had ,hent sell, if they wish,' at 11 hortra here on the evening of rrhanksgiving Day, by i jewel cases. Glove i'nl '
k sold, which was ad- sympathy of the section. scarcely dawned when the braves were on during the week, and if it is moron the pupils of S. S. PTo. 8, Hallett was an un- CAUGHT IN WINDSOR.—Elijah E, chief manicure. Nooktfe
uda to be of an cep- NoTEs.—Mr Ben" Yeo has acted the war -path, many of them even at that why not st° the sale alto ether. gg' doubtedeuccese in every way. JPhe hail was 'Kidd, of Toronto, was at recated at Collar and Qtbff, etc. 1?r
ality. The proceeds p early hour carrying trophies in the shape p g Of well filled by an appreciative audience. Sharp Windsor last Thursday night, and
bout eleven
hundred with his chestnut driver to Mr B. Hig- of "tails" for counts. The woods were course we do not mean to insinuate at 8 p_m. the curtain went up and mfr Phair locked u on a char $l to $10.
ins, of Varna. Mrs Chalmers of that Mr Paisleywas not doth his duty made a short opening address and then caned P charge of obtaining
L only a small portion gins, scoured from noon till night, and when the g y upon Rev. Mr Andrews to.perform the pleasant: money under false pretences. Kidd SPECTACLES
Guelph, was here attending the fungi- g + in doing as be did on Saturday, for we
e limitedeed was r alt he Tal of Mrs Lamprey. Quilting bees shades of evening began to descend there yy+ duties of chairman. The first part of the pro- has been working an alleged swindling forlparente or grand dr
moss not a vestige of anything living to be most emphatically believe hitp to be grain moss Riven by the junior pupils, who, by ga�ms in God and other laces. p exit
seem to be all the rage, one of the best R y g g the right man in the right place, but the way in which they did their work, showed I He claims to have the right 0f pale s. thing could ire more suitilil 'i
rown,who weilded the being at the home of Mrs B. Y eo, 4th seen for a radius of several miles. Air the we cannot but believe t bat there is a much patient training on the part of their g good pair of gold -rim`'' 'p
tccasion. Rain set in hands ivhioh mark the fli ht of Father teacher, Miss E. Johnston. Choruses, dr Us and j a patent potato peeler, and he has We guarantee not :ealr.MI
con. Mrs Jack, of whom we made Y great flaw in the administration of the dialogues were all well rendered, each being been securin agents, to wLotu he bat the glasses too. ,i ' c
ick, Which somewhat mention some time ago as improving, Time neared half -peat six there might be law. If our hotel men are violating it better received than the one g
crdwei, and prevented is, we are acrry to state, in rather a seen hurrying from ell quarters to thea ap- are not those who buy viol it al- Especially must we mention the preceeding select I would sell the rigght for one county. to $10. e„ ' d .
ye stock from being pointed rendezvous figures that had been y g tion, a tableau, "Tenting on the old camp. I Wilmer Smith, of Goderich, purchased ' ''
critical condition at present. Mr W. so? And why should they not help to ground," which was exceptionally tine. The I for g PICTUR F1iAMEs—id r;
3 the land from being Yea lost a working horse a few days ell day i❑ the search of trophies. �+ The pay the penalty? chairman's address moss received with cheers the County of Huron about thee middle PIIR$ES"
Belay, the 15th of De- £arm of our miller, counting 'points from and continued apylanae. Shortly after nine
since; cause of death not known. T DEATH.—It ie .our ver of Ausust. Smith claims to have die -
;arid balance of stock, schools in the township closed on We� either side, could be eeen among the war- y painful duty o'clock the seeonei part of the program was
rits, ate:, as per•adver- P riors as they eat in the only public hoose this week to chropicle thedeath of Ed- commenced and oontinuod for two hours. The :savored later that Kidd had sold the 1013 up; a good line of Aster
,the column, will be Thauesrig evening last week, owing to our town boasts. The a re ate showed nit, the thirteen -year-old dau liter of openingchorus, "Canada forever,"bq the senior 'right for the name count tosome received. , <''.
Thanksgiving on Thursday, and the gg a Mr Pae Little Edna had been sick pupIIe, was very fine and well calculated to ; twenty y AGBIIIfiS—$1 n �1
-p pe on hand at the teachers' convention on Friday. Mr 4 X00 for the 2nd con. the The twenty tired g arouse notonlythe patriotism of the ohisdren, distal y h$ different persona, and imme- up.
h John Yeo bad the misfortune recentl y for about flue months, but lately she but also that of the parents. After a well ren- y d him arrested for obtaining Mirrors, Hair BjnrsLogw;
l impdssible to say, p souls and forty tireder solea eat down to do seemed to be improving, and it was dered solo by Mise Hill Mr Cole, the junior mono under false pretences. Kidd fI ,
to lose his fine prize Sidney colt. Last fondly hoped trustee, was called on for an address. is re y P Meerschaum Plpeei, (�
drat; particular time
Thursday being a pleasant da justice to the repast prepared by mine Y p that she would recover, merle of appreciation of the work of the secured bail, and was to appear in Cigar Cases, &c.'' ,
Iles will be offered. y g P y, quite host, (for which, however, those who and again make lad her home with children and Jheir teachers were veryheartily eight days fat examination. He then
a number our locale w r m took to Fmiles and song. But a higher ower endorsed b the andience, ,ludgin the en- went to Owen Sound Walkerton, and Out of a stook elioh Gill ci
arty noticeable in the brought in the ]east points—we will not g g p y g ,
thing oda,plenty
thinkingthe warmth would intervened d thusiasm which' the assortment ratr+Q,-.,�t -if g,'�
B. w o, as' usual, ap- g P y game; game say "losers" —footed the bill.) The , an the Master came down p yaronsed. Mr ole em- Blyth, and was arrested on the same hi
brio out lent of arae their and lucked the fair earthly lily, and aticallydeclared No. Sto be the banner sec- charge, but was released in each care of say ape artioie ie::a , ,a
th eliyy missed the bags were not heavily laden on their jokes were fres and witttniama were the or- P tion of the township, if not of the county. solos as soon as it was learned the t he moss well to choose early,art .., I
urchasing that for der of the evening, but the "whiners (?)" transplanted the same to the beautiful and recitations were all well rendered; a slight what you .want. York, t
return, however. Mrs T. Green, of the Eden above, and there amongst the damperbeing thrown on the sojaymeat of t�re out pn ball. He did not return to God -
y attended the sale. mast have been too much absorbed in further, worry yl,,
7th tori., will shortly take a her reef- g children by befit,
o[ the sudden y and etI., , ,
'anley dance in Bayfield. Mies Harris, of making the oysters disappear to sive fate glorified will she await the coming and severe illness of their schoolmate. Ina An- ' ouch, and his bail was forfeited. An- disappointment. Rete Its
London is visitin at Mr John Bea- them, for not even a responsive laugh oma of her dear ones who are left be- drews, whose place on the program had to be other warrant was taken out for his
;alnley �,.. ,
��.Sir , �' could be heard y hind. As late as Thanksgiving Day hastily provided for. The drill of the "Red arrest on a charge of embezzlement, they ybn bay or nqt wt#°,iy!..':
nclair held a sale tom s. Mies L. Middleton visited her probabl the tree solution a'pleaenretoshowyoaar �� ,
might be in two words—"troubled con- she was down town, but that night white and Blue" was very beautiful, the eight and he was captured in Windsor. B
B'riday last, He still friend, Miss G. Torrance, at Zurich, on science." Well, Dir Editor be it as it may, tiym tome set m which terminated children performing it looking very pretty and While in Goderich Kidd became ac- 'ALLEN $ ILS ,'
ieni " Thahksgiving, The special services, at Y, perform their Teats march ng iI a meaner t'
Edi Neil Gilmour, well Cole's church, are being Pairl well at- many of those tails could speak for them- fatallyon Tuesday morning at 8 a. m• that would do credit to an cid cadet. However 9uainted with Julia, the eighteen= Drtpyggists and O)j 'd
yy selves wad oonld tell tales of wce, and they "My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the mouth organ and violin music brought year-old daughter of Levi Card, a pro- ,.
iwns'hip, who taught tended. Mrs Thos. Miller, of Lucknow, all with one accord and with, one voice de- the beds of spices, to peed in the garden, and to things to a climax; the. mouth organ trio was minent merchant of that lace. He
tool in 'Manitoba for is visiting her sister, Mrs J. Miller. gather fillies,•'—Son twice encored and very cord ally responded.'' ,pressed his attentions u on �• �1 �jj ,{
oays, that we may have seen better —Songs o[ Salomon 8, 2. The club,swinging by Mr Phair accompanied . P p P the girl, We have
e 1 ^ ?+�:•j
viiia missionary to the Mrs R. Jennings visited her daughter days," the refrain being ' We•re not ae The Master came down Qne morning by Mr Melville on ttae+y�in end Mise B[cKen- until finally abe consented to meet him , , ;,?
,ane Hills, Manitob � at Woodstock last week. Mrs Keys, 74 Tom the beautiful arden above, tie on the vieo rtu moo very heart en -
young as we used to be.' The 2nd con- Whoreall is y gt organ,rp y in London, where he promised to mar- p/� t.�•
}ejr"year. Iilr Gil- of Stanley, visited her sister, Mrs P. cession acknowledged their defeat and ae- Crowned with aeadcoaod love, thelia o showed
�ieA work In
ry her. Since September,it is claimed,I�V Moved.. ecbtlii, �da
e en who makes a Cole, last week. Miss Turnbull, of ce ted it with n cod rano for they felt R d g the air have been living in various 0I ,. .
+� p g R He came to a little arden, ren ern of • The Ci ieket on the Hearth" was P
irlg.he undertakes, Harlock, spent Thanksgiving at Mr J. that they could not object to the shooting Where grow a lily sweet, exceedfngly line and awaked many pleasant places between London and Windsor, �. f+ ;il
[iLny* of the farmers Ctuff e. r•G. Stickley has returned without casting some disparaging remarks �Sheddiiing ng its upon
the litfragrance
a flower reacolleot[ons of the old homes of our land, and Kidd, it is claimed, has been WE ARE GIVING
ftbOetd met in 'Bruce- from the old country. Mr David Cox g P r g R prance at his toot, many of which are broken up forever, Lack ;; 11
a d settle from 8 Navin a sal of farm stock on some in that heap of 12,650- pointe and Said "Little flower, will you come with me of syncs forbids our mentioning each selection working the potato peeler game in all SOME SNAPS IN
�ri e + this the would not do as they bad been To heaven, to bloom through eternity?" as fall as we would wish, but, we may say, p y have been.
itlxlal Fire Insurance etc., At his pace, lot 21 con. 8 on Y t the laces where the
D taught that "age oommands respect." In loving memory of Edna Page, who left us that whenever the children see fit to enter- ' Both Kidd and the girl assert that L, 35C• FourAn' R
6Cfetat',p is now set- Wednesday, Member 9. There were also unmistakable evidences o! on the first day of December, 1896. Lain their friends again, they may rest assured 'the have been married but neither of '
;,'the var;ogs pillages strop NOTES.—The infant child of Mr She- Boardadeaires andappreciativepubli ly thank late who them will tell when or' where. Kidd OP two
co r, � .;
Summerhill g, very strong reinforoemente from ridan died on Sunda kindly assisted ig tie preparation and Tonder- was brought to Goderich on Monday, �jQ(•, Fi p>�'.�.6an
Farmere$nd it ad- other quarters, but all is fair in love and y evening Mr 1.
illi@ in these tom a- SCHOOL.—The Following is the stand- q Hill, of Clinton moss in town Thanks- y p p
P ing o[ the program, aieo Rev. Mr Andrews for
large salaries paid ing of the public school, SCimmerhill war, and they console themaeldea with the in clfarge o! Deputy Tbomae Gun •
' foot that probably the ivin Da the able manner in which he performed hie y+ ALL NEW GOODsz-, `I,
for November:—Sr. 4th class, Maddie P Y y had as much fan i g y• Mr W. Nichols, London, duties. the girl accompanying them back. Q�y1�
Murphy, and jaA as much shooting as the other side. is
visitin his brother, Mr A. Nichols. Auburn. A. �. •. V�.i , .
I �' tp y, Wm. Jordan, Frances Oakes, g � ''
0 oeinggexercisesJr. 4tb Minnie Kilty, Jane Wright, Rev Mr core, a very powerful even- Holmesville.1.afll. fl.1Qo. 1 Stan- Olive Aill. 3rd class, Lily Butt, Ira Tuckersmith. geliet, is now conducting revival meet- NorEs.—Neat Monday night will be the s. �fafternoon of Stan- Ings, which have been in vogue for election of officers in the Tempiara' lodge, 0HURCH.—Rev S. C. Couzens is still CI1l'l�ifirl 'F{
tf tlg:' bra examined in Merrill, dlouis Johnston. 2nd, Char- MARRIED.—Mr Peter Dallas lately three .weeks ,in the Baptist church. and as large an attendance as possible is continuing his evangelistic services at
k lolls Colbpurne, Russell Colbourne, of our township, and brother o Messrs Bl Yy, .cq al
°'?rizee were award (,}oldie Hill. Sr. II Pt., Pearl Wri ht, John and James Dallas was recentl Conductor Parker, of life G.T:R., now requested. Mies Nesbitt, of con 18 is vie- Donnybrook, with good success. Edu-
ahoilltq and rewards Carrie Butt. Jr. .II Pt., Melville q Y has the run froin Kincardine to Pal- icing at G. rebbutt's. Mr Graham, Lon- cational sermons are announced to be IT OANNOT BE DbN i i
l Hill married in Winnipeg. We extend to merston; his genial face will be missed don town hi has been visitingMr John- I reached on Sunday next, on the An- was made last we k to fliQ.gf{trip
li ll05 iQw o! CluatonY Ruby Kilty, Edwin Silty. lat Pt., him our hearty congratulations. on the London trains. Mr Frank Dav- Ston? Mr pp burn circuit, b Rev E. Olivant of of Messrs Jessop & Co. T13i"��lel
f 8raeeflolel,00adnotetl Russell Neal, Ida Colbourne, Lorne BACK.—Mr Fach who has tat T.'C.Piokard and Mies Pickard Y
BHoct addresses were y idson has sold out his dray business; took advantage of the holiday tickets, and Benmiller. Rev Mr Couzens is to extensive advertisers, a�it!ot 1
Butt. been visiting his brother in St. Louie, be expects. however, to remain here. spent several days in Toronto. Mr Fisher preach educational sermons on the ter•prisin , and out into iv A�
has returned home, He waB very The infant child of Mr Allen is very ill. attended the Teaoher's Convention fn God- `Benmiller circuit, the same day, ered legitimatd trade tib f, �,� I
omot1 tint, Thanks- Westfield rd weak on the way' home, but has some- Mrs Davidson remains very sick. 'The erfoh Friday and Saturday. Mrs Jenkins Noirns,—Mrs James McGee, who has of their rices, 'and' 8rv, p
bon4er ayfleidroad. DEATH.—Mrs EdwatdB, sr., aged 87, what improved and is able to drive y a
i' of $pgfleld road tiaesed away on $nudes morni8g. She around the neighborhood. Maitland ie getting its winter over- has moved from here and taken rap her been in London for the past month, return- - nese. The failure i a fiiiit,'r+,`
!Oh litliViii etttganized ' Was for many years a member of the coat early this yeah A new broom residence In Clinton. Rev G. W. Andrews ad home last Monday; we regret to say her tion of the fact so ofbB, bile
Methodist church. The funeral took 501100L.—The following is a correct re- factory will most likelybe boomingin left last week for Sta els for the n ose health is not mach improved. Thanksgiv- goods cannot be sold belt
b e I4ingiifg et the ort of the atandin h p p rp fn service was held In the Presbyterian
,�C�eil,lCpy., p.• $ich- Place on Tuesdayp, conducted by her p got the pupils of S• B. sWing am before many weeks; As of gettring a horse to take the plane of hie g yterian ures and legitimate kfubJ''0'0#,
b a6tor, Rev C. C. Couzens No. 4, for November, based on. attendance, the proprietor is a well-knownown, which he ie vin a rest, and return- church, Rev Mr Cousins preaching. Rev ed. Occasidnall a udn' Iostt
da, il�tthfn pA�reritai P ,who preach- P P,young gi • g y' b
IC -41 ► ii bon of Mr ad an appropriate sermon in the West- demeanor, and general proflmenay:—Sen. Wingham citizen, we wish him suc- ed on Tuesday with a nice httle phoer, R. 8en;larson has been on the sick list, hie find it advisable to slut Ii(O
field church. 4th—Ella Johns, Harold Fowler, Mary O'- cess. A sister of Mrs Pringle was mar- We anrierstand that a man from near Lon- al it having been supplied by his brother, the business theft debijhiii]'
1!; cola+,n. t'ompatly Brien. Jan. 4th—Norman March, Horace vied in BelPontaine on Tueeda the ca don has made Mr T. Mnroh an offer for bfe Rev A.Hondereon. Mre Baer and plies R. time cute prices be10vN,
�y o#" M�' ' Wiltse A y' /t,L
� �1f94 l�ueiness `0}, West WawanogL. Anna Vafely, Mary Layton. Sen. remony was to have come of! a month • farm near rhe cheese faotory, where, if the Yonagblat took advdiitage o! the Thanks- figure, can onIy meet ,WW1 g
;. WEDDING, Bn1W s.—On Wednesda 8rd—Walter Layyton, Simeon Schwartz, Boone}•, but the lady was thrown from offer is accepted, he will locate, with an giving eeaoonrto pay a flying visit to Berlin and that is failure.
� ' � I I afternoon, Nov. 25th, one of those haps- .Elsie Bennett, Minnie Criob, Mary Crich, a buggy and hur t so badly that the aim of keeping cows- for the factory, we returning on Monday. Mr T. Anderson is
li�'1rYI .1. ..-- rldd llffeti= py evenly eo delightfully interesting Laurie Cndmore. Jan. Ord—Dsartha Fow- wedding had to be postponed. have tote of roan %r a number o! good home at present, having been hastily sem_ Brne9ei old, x `:
iFnadxlp. nein .;from' 'ta yyoung ladles o! every community, ler Easie Valely, Emma Carter. Sen. 2nd -INCORRECT.•—Last week our Wing- dairymen, and we hope that this one will moned from the Soo by the sudden death Nostra.—Mr Colilr H61k f
�r� C1bl, ' A• foot place at the ,residence i)f Mr (Ica.—bharles Forden, Christie O'Brien, Feed ham correspondent stated that --If come and bring allayy cows with hfm. The o! hie brother. Light or darkness 1p the home is Win�gghath on W4d
oL. ltbO,riI ° d'r• eir Bet►d1e wh®n hip daughter, Miall Rita, Wiltse, Robert Cochrane. Part 'IT sr,— rightly informed, the O.P.R. has par- shooting match on Thursday was very Well streets is the gaeijtroa , atr is en rdbplbe T. Scottie epl6 to be• at LL
+ItrUi MnMwitr, Mr lormerq of slip town o! Olfnton, Mand Plewee, Frank PIewee, Lnln Wiltse; chased the halt wall from Mr BpArling attended, and the fowl were all diiposod o!. the attention eat preieent; petitions for Vena Menzies t5! Brpl•
lf6 t�tttil�'11 I ni became thetlrife of Mr Luke Lawson, a � nrgl0 Brian. Pt. II jr,—ErneSt Brown Mr 8parling wiltes us to say that this Don't forget our school examination on and against a been oirealated and are this locality-. ladd . *``,
date► L. l' I ar fin- �1y et'ouai young fanner of Hinbutn, Y P wes, Norman 81;y Pt. i er,—WLI- Is entirely incorrect, the matter Clever Thmedby. Deo• 17, which will sur uses all naraeronely vigned. the T1lankagivl#5g holid# K
k iii .F '►lilting Rrec'selyIzenes
five the contracting pat- lie O'Brien, Milton Wiltse, Carmen lily. even being thought Of. Oureorrespo - prerdiationt; everybodgwalelome; bring your SIncsrdtfte, ev iii, .1
$pto,,ldz~tirt��t'�[i it C1. titer sib�p 1pon the carptat before the Pt. I jr.--Frank Watters, Elliot Wa1ts1B.— deaf ie rtaually very Careful and r;e�- baekot and spend a good timie with the Porter's $111. pits with Rev Z: SbAW Of."A
ikd it iii pxeI , ' the R6V Mc .mo a ekilfull and T• H. BRowxLEs, Teacher. teaober'and his Tamil The aster titin Thanksgiving`De� 1�j, ]or.able, and we regret giving cumene to y p g I, O. G, T.—The 1.O.O.T. met on Tuesday ev aakfiorih, epapt ' hpa
quiC�tl 00bedetQd tthbW fitO lrie Atd- Covxam.—The council met at Byle's any re ort not absolutely true•—Rli, at3sent on'sf h"day, ,hie work hese Was tak- � as,uaat, it being th evening for pay tar M*r W . Sbdit 4 ,
6t t;,; pj ;...F On brdiils ii*gtolI' b! actin raoniAl b)[1016, hotel on Nov 28th, all the members stere NEW > MLI eh by MrAllw, CalbOrne, il+ho preached r memo ar,e; pails a gooaiq. number vier pre• °' .
li c e looked oltrirgt1ii ly a wneet present, By-laws woto passed authorizin p T. A. Meta lsliii; fjt ft11
yea°Jttbtttti�+ fie` .'+�q and .'hatgiring sbrmon . itI Fhe tporrY+ ern>H Atter tit. duos w+brir ell Bald In ental the bg
Cllr ttY decd ,, ,aiko aitiretr b ' i +iiif ` ;Ylptus1lir trims�ned the payment of ealarioa . to the bewnahig r ntlbUiX'n. %g+ M&O' ad's as B� e, one in the ofatrin ; treasarl► prettY *oil All -UP' uP `tJ+a aszt�yu tion Uonvetatiori 4odortic%i, .
n P that came before the meet!n mobs tivlCat shat1
00 rgrii l9ta4o Wit ''D il)�lr.lkhe Arid 84tin rlbborr. oifioials for Betvicsir readeeetd drain rho ._ , . bit ii -.qa #e alt„ .jtofne let the palpi>b. ado w flrall ear mon w on the Cpl day. Mied,bolle'li2e�l`ot►N4f �i
hil thl Ad:'i►i DI. illbt i! ]1LIiw lialtd, drebsed im ink ear ap ! llo ,r.y g' NoT13s, Mfe ►7o m, ,porton +n�eited BlAbke all hili dfcha „ 1. i ev, Paartn.. giviifg at the homel .,Silt : is
p o rya. U. tlhepherd, Peeve, 846, her daughte psi , .Vit,@ t'bfif anti rdr pt t&eruptilti expettses.ew., tdnkglll0e;amoeg ,
# 414"jclialc,4bla . 44' ,touualfid► �oi ked tris.� til$8bfwdir�t whtie B D4cLean do g h, Mia (>F, Ht Clui tori, Of idetlpe t)itcb .lie tam tl i in it f' t4emtYaelr pa A sat; sad 'not tho.least interc9rr can McDonald. ib,, 0
iii : r ,, h '�' �d .ty b B. , Maty reevei; 886; d brier 8acaiford, •16at 'week'. MIb9 Jetntlie. ., ,, , a aim M in ,tlYthe sin r1r thetta a ell w' ha 'o °
O#i auk fl�ttitiri6ugljr Ii, tirburllC,ifd6lpted as 00berrs John McClo nd J e t'lektitl t » 0 .fiartt be1 1' Id big, tn- $ere, se yt e 0 I0,11t�nley, ♦ drf�, ii A�
Clio1T11 :' Y a a . C4eminali, .lgtirling,_ Gtodeiti b B e d 8uriael t: y ilv�1 Po terfb�}.tneimoo o ;,the hall;, vrho,ae atrif , • �,
t ttb f olilhion lel, p� a>X 1#� t i'11iYrri itrp'iigm e►rar ebgattil�Ore each 86 pp F; p ttcltaiiit►lion , "r Yor : rtraft .ri lrnm neap, 8epialjr,- ilii; .
p , Jar. litarra , .trees home. Mi be.'xelrla' Gfbrdon� n# made " r. ¢ . ob . rbonbad2a by tii13atf tie sotunaey to ethhdq�
C'4ilflNfii l'f'ibllftl�;ilii, ,�iit811�#dilj��li tCl I 0 ,�jnG FW��1I11W81sVet'ji .1trbY. $100: A. ti.13rf1111Ia, elerlt. �1ftiS• to «t..0 -.,. ..a nr� ',ar:.. �.� � ._ r. ,'.,.,;#04111be1lip,�if1''Qi►eilgai�bl'. D60, 18. � �v� w:.: .me.,.�..�_..,11. z, u, .t;,.4r, ,t '1!h0tiypdigltki>Y.Abr.AR.i1� 1f',
..y, W,,.
a "USIUAC1. ''.- e,-;'j4At4J I#1Na4,;i, jfrir aaivcli, 'A1 fsp4dti„rpSg
- uTO11 y ante .r;aetxr'a r
04' 11GR``b1llrY+l, , , * '�� 1a§I� IV
+';• ,t "• . " i','44 L' pit- ,14