HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-27, Page 771"ITMI"I'"Upw
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1, 4� I , � by. tbo'Wayoldo, � - -- 90alro# , g4, 4-s" �ppte;Rj " , i AM ., r It , 0§04, , A 7. �
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, � ". - 411 his. .At, �cjr,Aui7 - . . warmth to 14
�11'.11 head 'through the or4p� C 10 . .ap)irlt, fin I0011, a ,60r 4usibwss 444 our I .. nees,,voinoA ii
A - through R � and. & t , rapi For t I -0 from our T , , "I
, ,
%W AOKI, to 13,qr� , '� ball. .ere your 1,44 ,I wage a g( we put U a SOC. s1z , , I . ra seems absen I �
�. ,� , , " ,� I ,. pleapara, , Laloq hirig wh1ch �r
100109 - �i 5 . . . � Children's clot . it' .%?P,F,;.,
1, I f- , I . an' go git the otranger a fresh drink, - 1 i - . 'AtkOZO 0144 fr9ill Out 0XVQrle40q- Push .. , I., " i"
I I , !.. , , - n I - ,'�',
1�,'.Im�djxj'lr,�, , ; , 'i . ,f6i all . the coldest blasts of wi;#,or..1.,i`,,,,
11 I 'i .. He watched and saw a tow -headed gir is enough I and thither at ' I I. .11 ,
- .
I .. � I � . I
I '
P �%�;#AMAO I'll . disappeari down a path which IP4 through cou-h or cold or'us useful w,111, As"to the result, we lack calmiieso : I I I - � . For your own sa'kd1,'40rl',t'�#y V
- . - 11 i ,�,V
11 210.00A W04 * . I � I a truck patch, until 9ba sjopped upon a - . .
� '... - -tp. triaTfor babies and children. r ,of son). - orderly procedure and steady and ,� do without this backb(�.nd,�;Q(�l.";"A
, . - AW"
, ,. ;,..
, - . . ,
q00r0AoT JL- .�: small board pl4ttox He saw her let a . 0 � - `
I , dignified 4otion, We become fridtful, Sm- I I ". 1, 11 � ,�,�
. . . ,--o
0. ... ; I ,. rope rapidly down, but there appousiod to In other canditions',gain. patient and, Inconsistent. We. fall 6 got # I- � :11P . winter comfort. I _� I ,%;��',,.j
, gain.
I - -
� I a
be..o Don't buy any ready-to,Wj�
jo bucket attached, and be heard no i the best ogt of either. our physical, mea- ,#
1 ay, o or . - ,e �,',,:
i!- To a very rO, I must be slow, someit me* 1901ak-lao - - -, 11.
I , I RNA use, and won- lino6king against the aides of the well, tal orepirituail faculties. . suits, whicY`!;baven't, the, 1 �,:��";%",
'9 Leslie's ter such so a bucket usually makes In itji almostimperceptible,health Fibre Chamois hibel. Think of the healthful .warju P ,�A-4 1 a.qt�ou clip,ve distress.
� #er' I I I . lite descent. When it wan drawn up again, J�Rlightened. , th
e� lilt I . ,. , ,
4nWil.,t up in a difference in price doesn't count. , _`,':. ,
, �.
PAIN -KILLER ria ,,a,, . can't be buil " He 7"a t 1, _�,`,,
Rik I: .su..,.7 ,,,oz, . 11 ", the girl had changed her position so that YP "And before I go," he said. "there Lis 11 d_
""k!4, ;�
•;• , r- . f,,jjlIIlj, Diarij-h4pa, D3,,ienfrersl, Crisluva, fig,coufd pot see what was on the end For this Scott's Einulsion one matter upon which I should like a ,
� , � ,it,", ..
�� ,
F, B"T rent. of the rope, but he did not bear her set t. I 0. I % . a, r,4 . ."', ,,,""
AITCRE11, SHOP b"""' " b""J'a"WE" Reduibed to 25,cents a y ' '�""'
PAIN -KILLER must be taken as nourish- little light."' ,I I
"y k1lown fu, St a bucket dowd', find, after she had left, m ::And what Is that?" she asked. ***+"*"**+***"*+**"*****+"*********" � -1 I I
ku;,-&sh814jlL hueaiilache. Palo lit 1100 t 1, 1:1,
& 111VAPIRY, 14,10 4 saw only what 1�6ted like a bunch of than Your feeling Or me. Do you love 1 1 ��',
' Banker, Ida It aaaaaC4111a and Neuralgia. ment, food rather, - "
�,)Erthe cash principle, and ]a NQUV,sTrnN.kuI.T thr) weeds dangling from the rope. But she . . . . - - -
*erawlt thebestmeateat PAIN-KELER U medicine, food pyepared for m"' $1 __ ___.__ - ---
t "EIAT LlINAMENT brought the water, and it appeared all me i 11 Yea,
4WI. Patrons way rely tri, NIADE. IL t, ,Vero right. at her side, a '
,, prompt filling of orders. to hu ciums of 11=1=scyult�'11 voraliza. 1k I tired and weak digestion. The young man Atnod ' I '
, "How did you manage to gat it," happy smile playing over hits face. A AN,
Burns, etc. he r 11
. L
PHY in tho well tri.0 and asked, "without a bucket?" SIM" & BOWN36 chcraists. . ll- AM #t- ' "Well—" , . �3 � "
� :,i, I
, .1 .1
PAIN -KILLER trkA.W11 friend ar 0w A blush came Into bar cheek as. she 1896 CHR, I-STMAS. , i� .111,11,
her Shop, Clinton ydacwt4lie. F=r, 14muter, 16allor. -0 III "We've got a bucket," said she. "'Dad
s, Luedudne alwaye at h d, v, He fished — --- ----- - - -- --- - spoke-
- tif
thl-t1sku Ci--- W101 - or ext4irnany .,tLh brung us a new one yesterday. - - �.
ajZAirar -ro use ratiern4lb - it up quite a while ago, but I�bnd t b . "'Don't you think you havehad all the . . Aiv)
fral I .0 6 ' - 7- I 11� hlllt �
itit1wis. =a but Wo Cut- A , 11�
"' 3 .�Og It - ', W6 bO
.IFA ,,- R, cleaned up." ;...I;.r'Mi.; light you need?" ' . 1.
r;I=A ,
trile. �� .I?
4 r—. . Anxious to see the bucket t In hysteria, that mysterious complaint Ha was a wise young man, and under- New Fruits for Christmas I'll
'the public that I willinot . _._____._____.___ I_, been "flebod up" and "cleaned," the that assumes so many and varied forms, stood. I I I I
I " .
I .. � " .
person in the a some excuse to step to the _,`
any other traveler ,nada the influence of the will against ths reflex ,
�,_practioal hatcher. and - well, and what ha Raw wag .a large sponger action of voluntary muspiep Is oopAqAt)_v . Raislw,. Currstfits, Figs,. Primes and Peels_....;�
_ -1 A doctor who here investigated, writers,:- .. "
� branches ofthe business. , yls I which, when it was lot down, would seen. Mr. Skey. according to Take, . Toronto, Aug.4th, 1896. ;,,beat meats and a fall I ab.goru as much water as one person records the cam of a young lady of 16, 11'IS 1b box for iisil,- Headquarters for Teas,:43.GrN- As you hhve asked me to give you a Old ifal'sins, 2 1. I .Ii
and will sell at the , Syrup cowid draw up and hold a good share of who for many months had been suffer- opinion from a medical stanTpoint on . ,` . i.
, . .4 , Sugars. "
per. Bring along your it until it was drawn to the top and Ing from inversion of the leftfoot, wmoh Wright's Liver and Rtomacb Pills, I find
jer mest at the cash prio9. I : , k emptied by squeezing. was twisted at right angles Wtith the it a pleasure to recommend them to all
�jj' but not III cash prices I . . . - � - . I other and was treated by orthopaedic Crockery, China, Glassware avid Lamps, We have to make room for Qqr impot�
* -1 persons suffering from torpid liver, bad di- ad Xmas and New Years goods, arid have reduced prices considerably ii' I Call aw
,pee what youcando for - . . ,.,z , . surgeons with an elaborate apparartrus of' gestion, frontal headache, languid feeling, see our goods and got prices. Good Butter, Eggs and Dried. Apples taken as C54.
,,gash at . I splints. Neither they nor Mr. Skey . . �
: 9 . "I . I especially in the morning, no appetite. I 0 Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs. I
USEMONS " I '�� " of Red CANADIAN TERRITORV (though he recognized the nature Of the know of no proprietary medicine of equal
I I � , affection) succeeded In ouring it. Pay- merits as a, liver and stornaeb treatment. . `
— � kj . I
-1 P4 ohical agents, however -in other words, (Signed) A. F. DIXON, M.D. J. W. IRWIN., - - 7 - Clin
EAT MARKET mental Impressilons-effected a cure in a Ask Allen & Wilson, druggists, ab- ut to
! — .For Coughs, few minutes. She willed to use her foot thenn. Sample box sent on receipt of 6- in . ,.,�,'..,�
I Spruce - - , -- like other people, and she did. This oo- pbgt.agp stamps. , __
' Colds, 0
. & WILSON. Brou- wil
. A Cedar Hill, Victoria, B.C. curenee is related as follows: "She AG- THE LL,ROY PILL CO., Tcrontp, Con.
t_ chitis, Sore Gum
' comparded bar family to a ball, Ww fopt, Try Don't Headw�he Powders, safe, sno.
r6 to notify the public that a he enjorgo too ball ropign, bidog hot cei3eful, sure. '25 ci.inte a box, - C) C) I 0-
out the butchering business throat etc. � Case that has caused as
8 - _A6.I_jT__j C5 �@."
,,'.%4r Jae A.Ford, and wi) I con ) re to zzar position. --- �,'l
jr.tbeopersoual supervision. red to Its nor tl0n. ObS WRS I �
d careful attoutiOn. KERRY, WATSON & CO., PplorinjeTon.. I . Mach Favorable invited to dance, and, under tilip novel WHEN MATRONS ARE 06WDY. ."
"'i", " I be=in season. lo be found . beautiful stock of Ml1
JI11,31dali . anylyhore astonishment of her family, she danced The Beat *Treatment for Hands and Paco gi
1-ith MONTREAL. Comment excitement, she stood up, and to the . In the Emp6riumNER1 that is right tip to date.
I '. - ----.---,-- ___ - - __
, *.*5 n#,,R�s ws&Ung. having almost gud- After a Bicycle Ride. some Dress trimmings. Serviceable DreNs Goods very ctieftp. rltIl,
NK.CHAS. N. WILSON 144111sp Nvitual Ptre Insuranos Do .QMAj mavcred the healthy muscular ettes unsurpa8pel in value.
":.., - -_
� iQ,N. . I ' Action of the limb. She onineto me me," I sometimes wonder why domestic .. .11
I FARM &ISOLATED TOWN PROPBELTY ONLY , adds Mr. Sksy, "two days afterwards, women are so often dowds, says the If you want a good SUfT, OVERCQAT, UNDERCLOTH ING, or Do I "I * I
I INSURED Philadelphia Press.
F - 4" . . ___ AFTER A LIFETIME OF AGONY She walked perfectly well Into my rooin SHOE8, do not buy without, inspecring ours. (;OA,r IJOBES and.HQ
j_ ' r
T,Mq , I have watched with wonder thetrans- BLANKET -S at, very closie. prices. Our GROCII-Aty departrTlent' ., %,�al 1._. 11
�TBEDSTORES. orricsRs. and paced the room forwardR and hack- formation of a very pretty,, dressy and plied WiLh good goods. About 100 lbs. of 8 A LT YORK K .,tt 6c. per lb. to o 14
, President, Harlock P.O ; James FROM RHEUMATISM, ,& LADY " ��
., Geo, Watt, Pr wards with great delight. The actions of I
11 � _____ ___ Broadfoot. viae-Proo.Seaforth P.O.; W, J. Shan- IS CURED BY PAINE'S CEL- stylish girl Into a dowdy, careless -look:.
K - P O.; M. Murdio, In. the limb Nvero thoroughly restored and Some hair -gallon and pint OxEMS to cli,spose of at 12,J ftnd 9 cents.."I
I eon, Sec:Treas� Seaforth Ing married woman. I
0, specter of losses: Seaforth P. O. ERY COMPOUND traces of the prey!oui malady had dis. I would not like to believe that this XDANVP EMPOUIUM . . 1-,,� j��i,
4 �- ,Exchange I)ISUCTOILS. appeareq Fortnnatuly, " ad;U the histor- .,N � ,,,
. ., ) ,
il. Us. l3roadfoot,5saforth; BE muyaie, Sosfori;h; I transformation was due to their entering " . ! ",
, _FX - AD A �'A
Geo. Dale, sonforth; Goo. Watt, Harlock; T. E. I
ion of the event, "no nook modloine or . �
, 'j.,$
*a for all kinds ofd gays, Sealortb; Alex Gardiner, Learlbury; Tb os — doctor arou.-wd the will In tki:; case; for. the matrimonial state, but rather that I "",
. '. 'SEEDS iCarbutt, Clinton ; John McLe3n, Elppou. they, thinking, very mistakingly, that a . I "Al-
, tunately, not amly bemuse �hoy would I. -
Will-RDEN 'SEE � AGUINT6. There is no other medicine in the world . they had no more to gain by keeping up ' - . ____ -• .1 . - - - - ______ 7_��.M
!r Thos. Nallans Harlock; Robt. �-icxiiilan gas. have had credit of this cure, but because their looks, lapsed Into careless dressing, . I , �Q,
.. �i
so prominent to -day as Paine's Celery the reality of the disorder would' have ca F"",
Parties desirous to .ff act I usurances or trap ave still to d ,
We have a large. " REASON �
ii Seed Corn just ar- forth and J. Cuming relessness in arranging their hair, and
11100111, ga, Ronion,'ville. Compound, The results it invariably gives been denied by Macau wbo b also in mann personal details. TH RE ... ,
Cor snot otber business will be promptly attended to rheumatio sufferers are so astonishing learn that those rociiveries are porelb1iii,' _' " I
Is, Oats, Barley, to on application to any of the above officers and sektisfyingtboa it has justiy b6en named a Th" seem to 'think that their virtues ' ., .1 I ....
L nd that it Is one thing to admit the " .4 _ , il
leas, &C. . dr.risodto their resRocAve office% as wives ani molibers make up for any "N by our Sales or Stoves this fall ;� ,11�
. a I the world's wonder-working medicine' - .
,-t price paid for Coarse _ -i - � _____ I .. __ virtue cf lnert remedies and another shook that t6e outward woman may % , 11
" -
,taken in exchange.- . NUZOGr7 The desperate case of Mrs Elizabeth thing to recok,oilz.) the. secret of their give the eye of the beholder. A very few, ' I .... C." .1",
35exi=i1ler King, Cedar Hill, Victoria, B.C., is one have been so much ilie'reased: , �'�,
�Md for Eggs. frequent s�;c,�,-"�"--13hilft,�cl,)Ii!.,i lime,�, .1 � �,
that is well known in the city of Victoria more serious, might possibly assert that 1_
11 es in ton County to choose M.
& JOYNElt * For almost n lifetime Mrs it to sinful. to spend so much time eni- 1,t -We keep the largest assortment of Stoves ,
ST., CLINTON. NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH Icing endured the variable agonies of rhea- THEY DO NOT DESPAIR. tivating the, natural gifts, but I think 2 id -Our stock is composed of the leading stove ma.nufacturp(l in 'anada',,s, ",
i mat - indolence and carelessness is really the the Happy Thought, Honor Bright, Welccme Peal, Famous Model, Gran I !, I 1. I 1�
AND ASTRACHAN PINE, ,ism, and failed to find a care by the An utter loss of hope is not characteriii base of moat -of this state of feminine insular, Mat,hless, Favorite, Radiant Home, &c. 1.� ..
. �,
The latter of which we make a specialty. aid of doctors and patent medicines. tic of Consumptives, though no other for I for spot ca ,_
ItS A friend knowing personally the value of T affairs 3rd -We buy in large qnantiLies direct from the manufacturers, and I
.z W, . of disease is so fatal, unleiis its I)roQr,!.qs is * 'e"
Paine's Celery Compound and ita power to arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion. Nvhich , To most women bicycling in the morn- abling us to buy at the lowest prices possible, . h
PSI LARGE STOCK- ON -HAND. overcome the worst cases of rheumatism, is Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as in moans beefy. burned faces, faded The best grade,; of Coal always on hand and delivered to any part of the town.
,",',,e,d Store The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will advised Mrs King to give it a trial. The hair and browned, fro6kled hands. But American and Canadian Coal Oil. See our now Lanterns. .
til:,. . be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any afflicted lady complied with her friend's gream. this condition to all the result of a lack .
. his connection will save money by par request, and wan d .A- , " 0 . �,., - 'I
3 - —
ORTS thing in t chasing here. delivered from her life of of care. . HARLA"N'D B R S
torture, and now, with a heart fall of joy The new Government at Ol.t:kw:t h!18 When you return from a ride warm ... ... � -
I M 1fd and thwakfulneiag, makes a public state- proinpl,ly settled the claim � - .
,ri,,G' all quantities. ' ahn of the Chip -
and tired, undress leisurely, and got Into " 11
. Orders by Mailwill be promptly 0tenc � . NIII��
to. Address. meat for the benefit of the thousands that ewR, ,Indians of thp.,rhamem, which I sotuething light and loose. . . . CLINTO
[�F, and MEAL have not yet, found a cure; skis says: ras existed since 18M. A portion of Than take a bit of good cream and HARDWARE HERCHANTS9
" , ' ::1 i:,
& BINDS. JOHN STEWART9 HINUILL&R, "I have been troubled with rheufflSti801 the claim has been in dirvii,;Aicin tinder rub It thoroughly into the ,face. neck .
, _.jL K ' V
Oojipe oatmeal for I - . --- - all my life, and about eight years ago I had arbitration between the Dominion and hands. Pull loose alovea nn the --- -_ � - - -, , t.
1j,61, of Oats. I a very severe attack, almost losing the use Government Pnd the Provinces for a latter and after a short rest your duties I . 11P
For Twenty -Six Years of my,ri lit arm. A friend recommended lolltime. When the vaic was all about the house can be attended to even I .1r.1
�;" CLINTON.1 I jWjt!!� Paine'a right
Compound, and kindly gave readyfor court, a compromise war ar- without removing the gloves. Forest City BusIness d Sho hand C
. . me a bottle. I WILS so conch ban-fitbad by riveat. By the agreement, t1-,eCbip- After a while wipe nff the cream with
that one bottle that I took three more, and pewn's receive some $30,641), and about a sort cloth and apply morn, doing this . "'.
A.N KS. was,quite cured, Sinrie then it has been $25.000 wot th of Inn (is -trespaisred upon many times until tho ekiri has become 1,0,% DON, ONT.
— D UN im io and improperly coal and fair to see. If cream Of any 80�t
I I I I I almost my only medicine for all the " J'aind properly allotted to the. Muncey ' dcoutiseobtainftble. Coursda �;
� menta from which I have suffered, and all , '11A in Addition all costs of pros- lit not at hand, buttermilk, not too Gives the mostpractical business and shorthan, -
8 carefully gralod. Rooms and equipment the beat. Stindents assisted to. !�,
5186us Bank. 'AKmy family have found some benefitfrom it, I ecuting the claiin, which are to be paid fraph, will be found an excellent ub. I 1. .,i
. profitable positions board, t2,-) per week. For partiou ars
Act of Parliament, 1855 c-2 IN Ca I am sixty-8ve years of age; I live oa o, by the Government. stituts. "eekly. Good IF I . I .
V_ farm, getup early in the morning, and am I ---. - __ __ It bicachee as well as heals, and is to of either coarse address i-11
L�' - - . #2,000,000. equal to a good day's work." be waabed off with warm water and J. W. WESTERV ELT, Prilf,ef
�, . $1,400,000. DER - DEATH FROM SUFFOCATION -plenty of good soap massaged In, go - I
. Treating Nervoua niseaseg of the E�tomacb - that the pores am tholroughly cleansed. . . - 1-1
'pyl C.t, Y, Cr 7 1, I A 11 THE SBESTFRIEND by Eleattilicity. A1,11081' A FATALITY BU—T FOR DR. Aniotw's Many women think it uncleanly to go �� - ___ .. __ _______"'�
ibj�ft ......... President LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. CCRE FOR THE HICART. STRANOIC STORY about with visage beareAmed. They rnF;b . . "T
The application of ,eloctric current In OFA NOUTHWEST LADV .
� -,..General Manager to the faucet many times each day ,,�,,%
— 'us and �iii�
_�O. the treatment of nwvo dbeosaa of the . ��,.',
bollaotlansinade, Drafts is- stoLunch has akwsys heret4ar been at. A death to be dreaded is that from suffo- ilash water over the lea g-sufferi 9 .." - 1L.
V ,ln4rrj0arI exchange bought . " cation, and yet this is one of the usual plaxion. But at night they *gno to be� Uragons "
1-1 McLeod's tended vrith b9th rink and dt;voomfort. VV k%'v kupp in st.Ick ?:"i i,
0- dorrint rates. Interest al- I 11
f It was necessary to, apply only small phases of heart diseano. Mrs J. L. Hillier, without the warm bath that cleanses . rder I �'.,
1W, . I of Whitewood, N,,W.T,, camo as near this and freshens, and this latter Is of more r d make e t I) r. . X11
ow&-,00�ddposits- " a . -
4!'� 8 Aem RENUNTOR doges, which had to bo under perfwIict ",, � " -
lkv-Pl *lit's -✓ control. dome expealmests In Ftarroe dangerous point nt ag need be. She aays� "I value than the continual ragging of the \Vagons -ind Bvggiies -, , ki
L- _ V
�d,,7fiijj;es on their own note much nfflicted w1tib heart failure, in face during the day. . which %ve g.iarantee d It, ill
I _�111-
, 4" mortgage re- have dismonstm-ated that this onin now be 'vaa T:b U ewa ank S tic �' .1,
- i's No fact f could not sleep or for The olive -hued ivaii hued woman is apt to first, cla.-s in every p 1
.4 it a 8'.r.'; r f by " Tested Remedies. done. The applied dUoutlyto .,
� 1�� of suffocation. I tried all the doctrorR In that hiking In the open air, especially at E31 gisliv Nothing hLIt th(! bOdt .
,,, , . .
01 � MER, Manager. "Ill:
i, the affected orgQu by :mans of a special
.4 this section of the countriv, but they failed this season of the year, Is apt to make
�-;ii I�,,, - , .....--I— - SPECIFIC UD ANTIDOTE electrode, which the patient passes Into to give me relief. A local druggist ri�womii her olive skin dark and leathery. . � . ."l-,
,1,4.,- ..'� his stomach. This conaists of a rubber I - Z'
, . lDfr, For Impure, Weak and Impoverished tube I Inch thiole which has at its lower mended Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. But she can counteract this and got Iii, ---- _ . 1. L" 151
%TAk0GA1t I Ir ' Blood Dyakepain, Sleeplessness, Ps"Pa- end a vuleautte t4, and which contains I tried it, and with the result that I irn- all the benefit of bar wheel alplo. 1, I �_
1r-,- - . mediately secured easis that I did not know Rub into the faoe at; night a little cold
Ifp-L'. , tatfon of . the Heart, Liver Complaint a rionductina wire. The patient first
X,$; Bronchitis before, after Makin farther doBesof cream. Knead It in until every trace of
XER Nbamigia, Loss of Memory, Bro drinks two glasses of lukewarm water the medicine the trouble Altogether left me. greminess has disappeared. In the morn- . . . . . .
,. Cotioproption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid and then the,olectrods Is tntroduoe4 and F RUMBALL - - LIN I 1.1�1
-1. I
9T,,,r,- ' NTON. ney and Urinary lNeesees, St. Vitus'. Dance attached to the negative pole of the bat- It is not too much to say that it saved my Ing get a generous basin of hot water,not ....1.
4-", i- jCU Poniale.Irregn-laritles and General Debility I if e. ". Sold by Watts It. Co. merely tepid, and with 'plenty of good . 9_8� - ------- ---1- .---- ____ . - - .011
illi4i—, tory. From 16' to 20 milliamperes sonp, Knead and wash p the face, using . I :i'i', I ) L'.
.1 Busilleap LA130RATORY, GODERICH, ONT c-.nb are employed for five minutes. , -s''.
�,"4kutlg The treatment has been so successful that the finger tipq as in massage In prefer THE BEST ..:
-tivak zl`
, ",_
"$;A lted - ,-hfI.i,-W4;P1k0r"a Dentb. once to a cloth or sponge, With more hot f- ,
,#4- , I French electrothernl)lgts now look upon 11
I 6, J. M. McLEOD, -
_�_ I I water, take off the goap. Then with a 'T-10 .� -4
. Prop. and Manufacturer it as one of the standard treatments for Jules Simon was as modest as he was w 1. Itil-
��'p ,D . able. He had often expressed a wish that soft Turkish towel rub the face very -HOT IKO�
.,� _P(j01JNTF
, �
; I nervous disorders of the stomach and in r
, Sold in Clinton by
there might not be too much lanjoation gently but thoroughly, then dash with
��`��Abtereotallowed on . J. H. COMBS, and ALLAN It WILSON testines.
6,01ts, . - around his tomb.,He had also mentioned cold water to harden .and dry gently. ARE
,a ,
-i"01.1 . , - Not more than 10 minutes need be .1 -
I . . --- adeeiretob4told when death was ,
NIGHTS TAKEN BV ' ,,��'::,
'�'! , PILES CURED IN 3 TO 6 NI, preaching. A friend fulfilled this Find tak('M vIlit'll tP)- Pntiro task. ."'.. .,
L 48 1 & TUD'i L'L - - ' . Dr. Agnew's Ointment will care all ;aaes duty. The plill000pher showed no signs :, ,,-;�,,, ", , ,
.1 . . _.?�`!:
�,1,,,, of itching piles in froul three to six nights. of emotion or fright on hearing the ter- . . : 11 . ..
� , I , I - , :,,
k F, R E4 , . One application brings comfort. For blind rible news. As he could speak no longer, HORAC�E FOSTE R '�:i:,Y�' ,
, '11,11,1
,i>i and bleeding piles it ib pearleas. Also cures he motioned, for a pencil 61"d a piece of I . I SK . -,,�i! _ -
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eci,eme, Barber's Itch wrote his __ ___ __ - ____
Sf'.'� '43 % - It, STREWN 96 . :"-,_ -k
� paper, acid with a steady hand
7. T T. (49%, ) and all emptions of the skin. 25 cents own epitaph: "Jules Simon -1814-18 . 00
4 ,,��_ I I . I I I � � , ,- -
[,i,j#,,,,;jjjrmpps- on i their own . Sold by Watts & Co. Dieu, Petrie, Liberties" -hie name, the OR
I . . I j7f year of his birth and the year of his CURES ,; ,�;"'
fdv`�eAtss. oi int I -VIE LEADING-
I 'r evost. , year
c W death, and the beautiful motto that had 99 li`!`.t�:
- 1, . I use the eat .1 . I ..
124 0usiness traneaeted Mr W. P. Lindsay Kingstinn. Tues- commanded and ruled his whole life: I 1 66 ,
,6 t .
night be took part in a rollicking ,.,."
rinds day "God, Counti 0 0
* I � I EVA nij 0- Country, Liberty V' -From "Jules I F ot=laws
, ,
i _0 *Wbbuah I I serenade of a half-dozen married con Simon," by the Baron do Coubertin, I
�i"T, - � I
, � - . Vaig,to, AprI14,16M I , ,i
,0ilALL, Manager. -A,T; D- lea, .who had recently been united. in October Review of Reviews. , ,. if
I - - w � I . I when Mr Lifidsay returned to his - __.- - � � . If 0 P*bwt FlAllips. . -Twenty-ofie horriely 11 . .,' '. I
lt4�'4�fia - - I boarding house he retired. Thursday Owed Her Oos. DraW164 I?erp& 0- se" prohibitions Aj t, ty'
&3%01�n vonns. heard moaning, but iertl�r . I I ttl , . , ".
A4 , EMBALMER . The young womati utas dying and thy This b to I I ,
I morning he was he to a' - I.
� -47;01 ..
0 , . . no notice vftF% then' tak rdlos for a lo i ��6�,4.1,1
Nft��6L'' 1950.&�Iy. . an. Later he attAndaglb 10&66d over.the b6d, .,ii tbat�- I Mve sufftied from ing folly, bound i :
. . — i any fr$epd to whom you. . _Ag time and which tells how t tir
6kela Hotel, � I was found dead. Heart disease waa "gate Havio Y611 � tried ftYwAl Artieles ra- I i, r'..", ;
� 1, '. . , I I the eause. He was a carpenter, Aged wish to Oland tiny me$s4go?"' she � asked- � I , emmefid6a for tbh bra- . '.I
i ,& FuL� Lwz.6v * I . bt . feet, sore feet, tender f�tt ���
lilji�.; till or ceD.tift ip The pationt; nodded. . .. a4but hobeff them I 64 & . /. 58 years. I it" ba tu I trito I . 4,.fiftet6ly fty otdo, '. 4 I Ttol , . 111.i"
OCO , --Yoil, IT haVo it bear frtobd, who-& f "61 0 1 4990 r, I I �tevejat, gluct Iture cot �
I .1 I . I lut�z It .
0 *0XX1 4" 0641&q. , i�irrccw a I , She paused And §h6ok her head. , .,� I , bANtAouijf.= I t; also p6iA1t&A.;0if
ftt�, , , � I k �.. . , 1. 1. cur �
I , iotabl ohm - - � 1"It, jolts 'abit9m. I ,
40vz y . , " i* � I ted fee 1.11,
14�,, .1 WRIER NSTIGI P "What shall I witifte to hartl I asked the , - . U,
P "M Offitot , , �,. � "t6indant. I . 11 I rchasing, *h1cilt :'06,2,40*
-';.;.,:!-i-,1. 1_..`_,�,�,-� , $L -P,UhW-,, or,. b WN I I I P111 .Pili
, . I . . , I", � I � I The OAUent shuck her base .. .1 I I= I .001 " 601
"i � I ,
� " 11:� I I - WhY9' ;�VA,'
��_ '. I . 1. Woman '61110 I�Wftfl ,
. � 11 -1 11 11 ", . ,. ." I . .� . I I agal.b. 1 I I I lAis to 011y '.
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11).Q' � � "ObostEmbalming Fluidused you IIAVIC BALLdW SXtX, Pf,uplAs, ERUPTIONA, . r ' ��',, i.
�11 �4 Y, .. I . I— .,;, -."7 \ . I- I A!i,.,� � I ,,�
: . . !'Nothing," ,mbe, answered. "I had for- i -7 i , ii " ,,, card 1. " htlrts or tirei hith,
_., 'L 11.11 �*' �,,V� , If k � 0 1660M I . , I -
, I �, " " I gotten for the Wom"t that she owes me � i _' "
, 1, 11 I . I I I . *, or, 6"t 0 % .
�. "O�: .�, . ,4, 1 - a latter. "-Ohl onka Vmil" , - � ----n b �v . � ,A guamr. . 611' gtb," I "k1
Y; , �,'� . ; Dt9C6t1b1tATl0SA. WRT RF80'41 TO C09749 t ja . f � :" 'I", Any i ' �' "t V
" 1'* ,"r, ,��!. " , 1, , , . bill . � , � d
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When eb6*Afia'bhttd,t&crtrl6di6rdigoriN,
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