HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-27, Page 3h, r
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1' e� lad wbeii all th trivial or pntrue Q � 1lityrr9tlAt i� , � R 314
{,� , e �r fid t}"#,;4�v4r t ', ty q4l >N�' �1Q tifa�
.,. t'. i€ tbi>t� A'last bast like vis babbles 4n ear sight. DN ST PEOPLE TOTIFY � ""��� "' ��''�
A 2 tnatorl fah 1?<As g. tGQmaxltal�f$ SJp#4* a 1pA >µt14 i1 �#_& 'A. fAt et g� 44 F�epthp3
01,Vi %6! 1J1i U. ' Lice fe v,�ox4h llvfn� if wa do ear b..est. -� �}i� t ., � .. x dt'te Rhf3$ .ttgwnl
r ,r, • �. our b9pt is often greater Ghali we dream. wall be Made I!osalt+ta a ti tlhe Npxt# ''11rap[pAzy. Gr xa isle dtv4r:r, t, a le pry
AY `v2iloli �p t0eiltrvoAd7FiAi111@v� pplt74;k ,; g.0it qI liktlt0y 0',,4
Iaiauorttil eoala,wrbh mighty forces team; p , 4xn4%_0 k1a.oSSF
>l S b4I3 spa Tip>ltztiATrsD�, F+9r T[lui are revealed by him who makes the Strong Statements in f avol OL dote E»slip tiw�fiOt gd. 4 !k.dFtlt °1� algae. q># ,tlairfy fahkt use. Por
�3.��,n[,No tiritilio itNP B,o'pp11N-- quest.,, , His improved Homoeopa- , �Eqe ftili.'�rlgd aP tvaenty rliiaateo w�th-
iq, �;.jrioiliia}'s ANvrgiar naoaaaTQ e[itlraly i?o1R sohetiio lopking to out haul§,g ally air )+>binlpoddowlu to hfut. .
' ?` : Lite i9 worth li\ing when our eeoret this Remedies aerial navlttnbftla elxd A)ght hes %, on The ggest Merit of idle lnvefltigii eeoXUA
- rya Tphi�. thought -^ suggested by Mr. A, 'N, N144ohi of ' 1ioe- to be trap, 'aha dith hi plea his Own air
> kiides no least wish or impulse: hope or - ten. It 1s raop a docidoh departUre,411� slrytpl IiAp¢At With . blot. The dress 1s
.�®otP vpleWa PrQrtl years of all the propositions' heretofore advatiood t e er aid a4 liraotltiaily a suit 4t armor
aim FACTS TH1�T CANNOT DE p whist 404'ea All 404" rte, yet am
ahiss the,
iR� Ni£YatiteiEtil:•to Site parson That can bring disappciubment, sorrow, for ut111atn6 the atmo+spllera for purposes
ti)t11 �t�tl�tl�tliblias'b@�nthe madiaul ahama. DENIED oY tranelt as to aommacfd nttent14t1 ,from wether to ntoYe 4hont with the utmost
XV�Ie it , `1st t tllerefgce •.sato to say that Oa hurt to my fellow''being's lot the scientists and others to whoa» tt 14as cage The ipvontors aro donfident that
4I ") "�'�6,0` %"�fulma in the
who .-- been presented, Instead a! discharging assay oth roaoh was, ease i depth they �r ttl;a;tovQfitnig Lite is worth living when we strive to be the latter hem their n7lnds as visionary thirty-threeaEhomA, and, !# so, they
I _';ears iYdq beetti a snPferarfrom fibeuma- Of greater use to -morrow than to -day, will be in a posltio to eaploretha wreck
l$ bat Mals, now been released from its Moulding uarselves from rough, on. '!`lit, tiv,xperfence o€ those Who and lmpraott.Cabla, declares the 13'ostgn.
To. a reporter Mr Da told his sightly clay have beeu cured proves that the Post, several profonn•1 students havo. track of thq FrnBtis Channel, I3en the
ilii, {4b4• y ii
I • r'anop subatr,utially as follows: "I To something. lovely for the world to see. most Chet in to i•Urnls gt ahs a, couldn'taitdbepmn�a lmesible?" it.
yWask Bra �ass viatodbWiths the
4 phari Invention
�0,,�aen a sufferer from rheumatism for matisul, Catarrh, D, P Y► Hitherto thepearl divers In Afastrallon
,(i plaids of twenty-five years. It usually Frank McLaughlin of St. Catharint s I;iduey COVI) ►laaints and Blood themselves. "Why sic it ps that
is l use waters have not beed able to exceed a
}spkod raga worst in eprtpg and fail, and upas knocked down by a runaway and Nervous L)iseases are the enormous eleatrfc Forces that 1►lay a depth of twenty fathoms, and not a few
$1tt, ea th pain I endured was intense, horse, which fell on him. The young; promptly and [►ern►anerttly mysterious, yet potent and Important, of theta have been healed up dead from
ria; . [n oil's Ifem$tlles part throughout the earth.
C ifp{61 ft difficult for me to obtain rest at man died in a few hours, Cured by 1VIuuy It Is the Idea of Mr. Nitsoh that the that dleta_nos,
{s1.1kit... From my hips down to nay feet Mr Alex. Bell, Manager of the Scot -ask ! one Dl u;;gfst for Mult subtle magnotio attruntion that holds the r No Need of Them.
bkpt . 1. . 1 and every muscle appeared to ti Mr Al x. Beadian Loan and Investment, yon's gui(W to Healtn, select a nCcdlo oP the mariner's compass with "Curls are, becoming more sensible,
i} ,oted,all the pains appeared to chase Company of Mon areal, hasdisappeared, 360 lieniecly and Cure yourself nuswerving fidelity to the north can be don't you think?" she asked.
do another until .at times I was nearly, leaving a number c,f clients Out of utilized in a magnified form for man's ,,in what way?" he inquired, for he
- _.
ild;' 11 mind. you this was my condition ockeL. Convenience, profit and pleasure. Aoeep6- w man And objected to Com-
\ a' words of twenty-five years. During P was a lee
k ;at perio tiled litany reuiedies, and- -Mrs Scott-SiddonF, the actress, died Dir James Hardy, a well•lcnowntraveler, tag the theory rtdve�noed that past de- mitting himself lrntll_ha. had seen all ape.
relief from in Paris, corner of Yonne and f{ing Ste., Toronto, posits of magnetic ore exist its the imine- plans and specifications.
lb lzih I obtained temporary says; "I wase, mplete)y run down in health diute vicinity of the North Pole, and Well, for one thing," she explained,
,,� iue, f could get nothing in Lb® way of The bye election far Lrtkeside to the . after a long trip through tli"u Provinoee of frons there come the magnetic currants "obey no longer wear tight gloves,"
;, >p?anenb beriAt. But lastyear the pains seat in the Manitoba l�eginlnturP, made (�luebP, and Nova Sootia. I felt tired and distributed over the globe, and it le the "They don't' need to," ha answered.
a not come hack, and they have not re, vacant by the resignation of Dr Ruth- had no animation whatever to do any work. ,attraction of this thus far unbounded "They Mr have -probably learned that they
.•, gliled since, and this is the way it came Had no interest in anything, and even the field that draws with ningic power the can get their hands squeezed other ways,"
jliiit, (Ina deny while tolling my neighbor, Jas. McKenzie, Libel ail; by til uutjoril'y" smallest thin I tried to do seemed a labor
g needle of the compass', there fe nothing, "Well, that's sensible, isn't it? And a
l it W. C. Switzer, how badly I was feel- to me. I us„d one bottle of lfunyon's in- its Mr. Nitsoh looks fit it, to prevent its .
vi orator and my old vireo th rapidly re- great many of us don't wear such tight
it .,. ha said; 'Get hely a dozen boxes of NO [ISE OF HIS Lb1GS K being made of real eervice. waists, either." '-
;vI Williams' Pink Pills, and use them ac -,turned. Inside of a weelr I was able to do "I hell�vo," said he to a reporter, eyes, yes, of courser" he exclaimed, ~
;e',;1., ;... -
�rdrng to directions, and you will find amount of work and have teen in a „ hastily.
d tis e 1 n NOT HFI P ul)r ur^r 'two BOT- any that magnets could he ,suspended in11
W. S. I[Limbali 0
Retail everywhere '.1.
.. . ,
,� der Package . .".
V1"_;1 y will do just what they are A ver c DO,Telta coni. splendid condition ever ranee.
6qdQ-Dore you. I know this from expert- TLris of bUCT1,1 Atn^nu-•AN K+nxsl Ccit+- P the air of stlfiicient force to counteract And thereupon they went into executive
os in my own family,' Wali, 1 got the Rr;nrovt'n'rltr• Uise,\s+a--Tr+x sroav Dluuyou's Rheumatism Cureaeldom fail the resistRnne of the air, ovorcomo the session. --Chicago Post.
t� jTaei and Head them, and the rheumatism of A WlVnriAN I':\x\Iris to relieve in one to three hours, anXcure adverse currents, and move more or less W_- •- -
in a few days. Price la -c. rapidly towards the north." What Harold Meant.
IN 01
la 6,been driven out of my system. and last gidney disease eau be cared. 31r John )\qunvun's Dyspepsia Cure po.iticely
i,, i ter and spring for the first time in cures all forms of indigestion and stomach Here Dna of the largest magnets in Mother -Every name means soma
t) p g Snell, a retired farmer : f Wingbam,•Ot t.i ordinary use was introduced to illustrate thing; Harry, the bold; Charles, the
1 f d H !d bbM, U 0 ba",h
` ,,i� 4 than twenty ye ars I was entire ,y res
"Am my old euomy. But there is Dna
says' I or two ,years I suffers nu o,c
misery, and at timea could not' walk, and
trouble. 1'rieC 3fiC•
Munyon's Coid Cure prevents pneumonia
the Idea, The magnet was of two pounds brave;
weight and b its attraction the little
lYfllium, the goo aro e -
Helen (starting from a reverie)-Flar-
they have maple, and the fame tl;av
have opened Ino a'ny for r.
l:,thing more Dr Williams' Pink Pills did for
nay standing position gave intense pale,
and breaks np a cold its a few hours. Pricy
cross sustained a considerable pual before old
-oh, yes, Harold means business;
%e',' and which astonishes me a
the serest of kidney disease, Local Physa-
giving way. The magnet itself figured as he
told me so last night.
ably be greater than that of the most
b ld be re a
'Pverfortyyeaxs ago Ihadaseveregardche,
in hope
eians could not hes roe, and I was con•
Alunyon's (%olt�h Cure stops coughs,
the magnetto ore deposits, and the bar
t, treatment. They tiro also a specific for
make lives of so
And better
mi4kkai[duuaed a liquid preparation the
relief. it nearly ruined -my
tioually growing worse, which alarmed
fatnily and friends. Seeing South Amari-
night swl'iirs, allays soreness, and spcedfly
heals the lungs. Price •G5c•
aA the air ship to h attracted,
"Now," continued the gentleman,
eg, g g
W.;of getting
A "T .. and for all the years since I have
ria Kidney Cure advertised, I grasped at
hlnnvou'a Kidney (:ore speedily cures
"let be attached Ga a
of reach-
iieen art+ally deaf. After L took the Pink
'' 'ilis y hearing came back, and my oahraVe
it as a dying man will Grasp at anything;.
Result -before half a bottle had been tak-
d two
ains in the back, loins or gro+ is tu,d all
P ,.,`
I forme of kidney disease. Price
1 1 b
magnets enough
balloon to feel the force of the attraction
near the North Pole, apd the car would Kidney
Pills Srst proved to the pe�pl
tag by them meame in a
Y on I was totally rehevsd of tarn, an 1lunyon a Fieadachc (.ore stops lea c ac e
l�i�,Cnow all right, Iii wife an ars er
iso found much benefit from Link Pills, bottles entirely cured me." To cure ]rid• I in three minutes. Price `Guo. be drawn in that direction. IP trials that Kidney disdase is curable. Bciug tire_
1 work and it is safe I• •d medicine must be tak- • P'1 Ointment ositivel cures should prove the correctness of my opin-
e Y i ival Kidney remedy in pill for;u, tile•
hen run down by over
N''f to say that they evils always be found in
,�", house."
Hey dteease a rqui
en, and one that is a solvent, and can thus
dissolve the sand -like particles in the
llucyon s r o
, �;
all forms of piles. I ri e L>e'
Al++nyon's Blood Cu+e nradicalea all im-
ion, the problem of sir navigation froth
south to north would be solved, and a
thereby be
they have maple, and the fame tl;av
have opened Ino a'ny for r.
Sati4P<i(tioii �rniil'illlt,eell.
`,.�,.•. r
a(' Dr tiVilli»ens' Pink Pills strike at the
blood. So]d b Watts Sc Co,
pori .ies of the blood. Price :.oc.
great point would gained.
"The velocity of motion would prob-
imitations and substitutes, but
)Zk�oot of the disease, driving it from the sys-
fat" d estorind the patient to health
11uuvon's Female Remedies are a boon
all women•
ably be greater than that of the most
b ld be re a
who have been curd of
5.50, `� .50, $0, E
X19.50, and I
Suit'iY� S
til mir own impoTbAion, $I�
i,'tow, an r p
rend strecgth. In cases of paralysis s incl
1luuyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in
p owerful l000moGive, ut coo g
laced by the size and shape of the air-
Sati4P<i(tioii �rniil'illlt,eell.
t4"tronble, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheu-
I111� troubles,
God gives as what He knows our wants
� minutes and cure permanently. Price
ship, which would have to
carry theImmy
&,ji,matiam, erysipelse, scrofulous
v eco.; theca piIle are superior to all other
things than those a bleb we
ar25c eradicate8
magnets,and the end of R voyage oouid
be determined by lowering and using
t, treatment. They tiro also a specific for
make lives of so
And better
The+CaytarrhC Cure -price
I _
and the a
them as anchors.
:w+,the troubles which the
,Ita , barden, acd speedily re-
Some pray for riches; riches they obtain;
l the disease from the syetepi,
thrrh Tablets -price 25c --cleanse and heal
"Aside from the poseibllity
of reach-
through the use of this won-
,tr�xnany women a
t f health to pale and
B watob'd by robbers, for their wealth
tag by them meame in a
very short
th - whose lame back is
k,i store the rich g ow o t e par s.
, , time the magnetic ore deposits fn the derful medwino, o,n
11"'. Ballow cheeks. Alen broken down by over- aro slain; now fxee from pain, thoeo who now suave � i11 � � ' C CAT �r
I�}ftsork, worry or exceesos, will find in Pink ome pray from the prison to be freed, nerve tonics Price �(:uro is a wonderful north, which world probably prove to v ►`, J
�`'iile a certain cure. Soli by all dealers or and come, be of grant value, and accessible by lAnd no headaches, those who have areal e,i
k; I or water, and of reaching the North
rgsent by mail pont-paid, at 50c. a box, or When guilty of their vows, to fall at home; Munyoo's Vitalizer restores lost urger. ! from the, death grip of Diabetes a.nd
"I1, 81x boxes for p2.50, by addressing the Dy Murder'd by those they trusted with this Price A separate cure for each disease. At all Polo itself, a mode of air navigation
r ,` �ljilliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., life- ervant, or EL bosom wife; druggists mostly `Lbc a via). I could thereby be established that would Bright's disease by the use of Doan't
or Schnectady, N.X. Beware of est as cods Such deareboaght blessings every Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 & 13 invariably guide the balloonist from the Kidney
" g south tea the north. We would thereby be
iia. Ia... I tntesalleged to be "j g Albert St., Toronto, answered with tree PILLS dei enabled to carry mail and merchandise
'fix" Beaaaee we know not for what thins to medical advice for any disease quicker then any railroad or steamship.
as ?,pray, "It would not surprise me if the mag
en G' ' The Great Fruit Crop. natio toroe wonid rodnoe a veloolty of -
__ Quebec Province paid over $�1, 400,C(l0 p are the ones whose opinion is valuable
,�'�.,_ y mush more than 100 miles an hour, at
'{ : The Bureau of Industries' report for SAO COMPLAINTS ir. tercet on its public debt last year. which rate we could curry tropical fruit When scores of such people come forward
£heyear say: -The remarks in the Au It somewhat remarkable to find in less than a day from Venezuela to
�'`+ j ust bulletin regarding the great yield that there ,ire yet -1,27(1 workingoxen I New York or Boston, and distribute it and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills
t''f'a" B --
i':�xi of apples are verified, by the reports in the Province of Ontario. In Huron by rats to p'ofnts West. cured them after other means failed, it is
;<s'Y �tlst received. The yield was enormous, Count y there are 218, and in $puce 2:31, I "Valparaiso could land its goe3s in evident that the only
f`«',W' the market is glutted, and in many Neither Lnluhton nor Middlesex ore less than two days to points between
�f counties, more especially in Western LRdiles :itt161 jtrOtOCt T}10111- credited with working oxen. the 406h and 60th degrees northern lab-
Ontario, thousands of barrels of good elves trade; Lima and Panama prod acts could �� A
F,�.} "apples are going to waste. The aver- Some one hoe been at the pains to be landed at pointe in North Carolina, �l
fL,,i$ 'a a price or bbl. paid farmers is frbin collect statistics showing the relative Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York.
p;r x,.:,z�4Uc 1, (10c, extra choice bringing slight- -- voting strength of Catholics and Pro- Chicago could have Its depots of trans -
,1 Iy higher figures, and poorer sorts go testants in the United States. One- t for Sidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary
,,, . portation in Costa R-oa, Ntoarangua,
t"" lower. For these prices the grower is - Honduras, Louisiana and along the Miss- difttulties, Lame Back, and the number -
"-H'•.:uaua11 expected to pick the fruit, Several ladies have recently written to third of the population, or 211,(113, his
i'+�''�'�•bUard the ackers, bring in the empty the mannf etnrere of Diamond Dyes corn- are church communicants. Of this I ieslppi as far as St. Louis, Omaha could lele8�tsdfdisorderedHidnepsiaDoan'e.
l;ay.,, . p lainin ohaving received very worthless number 14,(I(H),(N1(1 are Protestants, and eetabltsh direct oommnpfoatfan with Be ante to get Dean's.
I" barrels, and carry the tihed ones to the Sitting
R Mexico, Texas and Arkansas. Denver Aidney „Psi s'
'�" station. home aver that it pays better dyes from certain dealers (whose names (i,1i00,111K1 are Catholics, The number se price fifty cents r box. For sale b}
;,c> ) oonld be in direst communication with y
"''s, to feed the fruit to live stock. The are known) instead of the Diamond Dyes qualified ote voters is
�reAcounted as
that were asked for, points near Acapulco and Colima.
Codling worm and the canker worm The manufacturers of Diamond Dyes, Protestant cn+nrnre norm while poor•- "Thin mode of transportation would
i, l �hhave been reported by a few corree
1,.;, while Lhey deplore this unwise and di hon- than 10,(NN),000 are nominally Protes- open immense Selds for ell Central and
t"' pondents, but the bulk of the state South American countries. It wonld reLBURN
1'r:�;,ments regarding this quality of the est praotioe of substituting, give any `if rhes c atholicsTiseaolittle+taro er than
neater protection to the public than they move the expensive and difflevilt trans -
Apples claim that the fruit is remark are now affording i❑ the way of warnings 2,000,000. _ - porEAtlon of the product from the inland
� :J"aply free from worms cr other injure• through the columns of the press. plantations to rail roads"and seaports.
Ice storms last winter, and the heavy All bra ere ofd es who ask for the Dia- �q "Enterprising North Americans would
1 ' )arfng 'of this season have caused u mood Dyes should look for the name on A SPECIFIC go south and cultivate on fertile soil
;,;,good many limbs to break, but fruit the outer envelope. If the name "Did-
saoh products as would pay them best;
,f ;trees generally are in good condition^ mond" to not seen, rest assured you are be- -FORT- they would carry their harvest by balloon
r: Grape vines made a vigorous growth, In offered some miserable imitation, 11'' �j((++ to home markets, and send the airship,
1 apd the yield of fruit was abundant. Diamond Dyes are the only perfect dyes Grippe, for Colds, Coiigi117, exhausted of its gas, back by rail or
in the world for home dyeing. The best Atenmshlpe to fetch new cargoes.
druggists and dealers sell them. AND LUNG TROUBLES, "New distributing centore would be
• ' established in the North at such )S'olnts
f' - - -._,__ __ _ _ _ -- _ \ CHERRY
1y , ('Inc G AYERIS as ar�fn a dlreat line with large dIstTI-
, Fountain o4 Yeath.P EC.rOR buttn Centers in Central and South
rr I The revolt of certain women again t
,' We all remember housekeeping fe not a revolt against America, and many a Northern town
the story of Ponce with a small population may become by
"e de Leon seeking their husbands; it is simply n revolt Two yeses ago, I haul the grippe, theQe means a ]nrge�commsinlal city,
I• •'"'!4°-' the fountain of against their duties. They conaidar hons�• •� '
°_'"4 .y eternal youth; and work hard and monotonnng and inferior, and it left me with a cough which g;uve ,* "Not alone would we be benefited by A N D
i we all eymQathize and confess VOth a cynical trciBkness me no rest night or day. Aly family tries,
increased W0111 Commerce wtth these Doan• ��� PILLS
' � � �
t with him in his that Isis prefer air eu{[roaA paper, or trine, bat we would also ase this mag- ��
t search,' Youth y physician prescribed for me, changint In guided airship at home. We
r means so much. It dabble in it
Pmhrolder pillow shams, the medicine as often as hP found ilia `-�•
1.of x811 geode, or in AOn]P way muko would vas St for excursions and for the FOR Y1IGAIC PEOPLE
meane more than a o a eP�:uuts who will cook things I had taken were not helping transportation of mail and merchandise
J . life -dor sometimes X41! ,y t. • 1' Y eh t tris as well as on bhoAe I
b life becomes a ,their l+nsbnnds' dinner;, and nbrgo their 48 p '„ Having Heart and Nerve Troubles, such
' . r, weariness. But babies for them. And they hvlfoyQ $hW have dela bg d_.
y - pit'. 06 ea1d, in bonoluafon, that as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular
" t' its u t h - i t h In this way they Fho v ther,iaelveA t
N•;n have superior miuCs, nod n?k apodia. for It might not prove possible, but it was Beating of the Heart, Shortncgs of
r heaAW and vigor, a deed which aught to raver tnP;n wish open to argument and ezpnrirnent, and Breath, Smothering Feeling, Loss of
elastic step, shame; for -actions spenk louder than there rues no telling what might Dome Memory, Dizziness Feeling of Anxiety,
+ x „ f And spa keiiaeg •+verde. And what dace saoh action =ri5`
of it. As to methods to return, should Y,
-' eyes all In the first pleas it asserts that any such a flight m piovnred ever be taken, or Morbid Mental Condition, etc.
- , that woe. spoken of as a• thing that would For Thin or Poor Blood, General De-
,. covet genn- stronger -even a young, uneducated pen- be quickly solved.
ibe yyouth, sant girl, hired for a few dollars n month i ___.-- - bility, after effects of La Grippe, etc.,
'Che'weak• -is able to perform the datles of the Deriberasa African Native.. they are most valuable. These Pills do
nem' or, dig-
house mistress and the mother. In the The natives' are very deliherato in their not stimulate for the thomon+ ac r ^^dy
,, a6ue which send place it substitutes a poor ambl- \�
1 .;ts PeOple tion for love, find hand service Pt+r heart formalities. One who bringq,you a mss- and other pow but
1, i; ' t .. before their sage doss not rush up sod deliver 116 act as a tonic, _..'. +°,, jet permanently,
rR mei is not the tresultof accumalpted years; AervtaP. In the third plane, it is a visible �;;, and bolt away. He Spat DnM" the wasp- building u the tissues, restoring regular 1#vingantl utthealthg abenemoot of the lottlest dnttes of wom• "'r' Dna fa a place 6f sstety, thea cresta g P
' 10tid. Whrfh the blood ie purl aild fresh anbood to the capacity of the fowPst l hiyrpii oomtorlu6bly near you on the Heart action, regulating the digestive
`+die" body Will be full of 'youth. paid service. A wife •and mother cannot t i f: '� ground, and eller n breatil fuii[-rpoll tests
hofisaudsof people `4v ,o•seam -it, have thus absolve her own Aoul; she simply „r Br organs and neutralizing the poisonous
Y''• d b their oath lir ciieaase and stYffeting fpr wheat. be iris to ray. }fe doss ndt under• acids of the blood.
y dIngraeeb and traduces her holiest work. \>",; J, •
ove found it ®gain tit ottgh the nae df br. . �r ,'. stand hultry. IY you roaoh a /111af+i 6t Their direct action on the Nervous Sys -
setae's Ooldeti Medical Dlscavhrq, the Suptrosd, moven, that fionsokeoMng IA noon to dor, no rohllrtt taw isnpditiHit
irlritit perfectly natzilthi'snd ecientifle Itt�,e�ve- hard. and monotonon:i, it is not more so me, but, In spite of his attendance, I oat it mltq be, %o kMtr tlieiisfi[, t,�1� o#►fal iilll tette gives tone and vigor to every nerve,
.;)iAtot;df fire phytHAatlorceb ever lcnotvii to than rtien's.wdrl: In the city. The first no bettor. Finally, my hu band, -read- teal INItT mash dlwppolrlWi3 11 .yob 'd ,so that sufferers Froin any heart or Nerve
iiiilitiit Wdenee. les$dtt, fi' bfi'ti if6ss man has to learn is o Ing one day of a geniis an vrho had oat spend 'lire wholb of tbb'neXt 00 .rig '.O#sea3e are sure to find almost imme-
,; y 'iigbeetbe blao&OtLkidg bYYggaaIlapowdtto do piepeabily 'what he -does not like had the i and wad cure(, v taking
"18 iftlVv blrit)il, full4 the iife>git+id�• .red do, rygulsr nsetdl work renst bA grippe y B getup iii iii` rfttrt his v#Iltlgd._, X144 fir diets benefit.:
: kr %tiftcl strata dile , btt l 1,
C# viflic itiiir ^ 13t h'And' int(ttotbtiiitrr; bat love engirt to make it Ayer's Oberry Pectoral, ptor<vred, for the rt 8f Afefoa til the' iI$ie19e>' gaoh mak.#si ithratiteed to give r:atis-
"irp.,l_, t ,l.°i.';dW'fitl?11:APL1A £.
lis�fb r:; -I ir'Fd:aot}d#fttib4tlt fl r >?dt ati any rata, the lediam .of mo, a bottle of this medicine, anQ iietoso ---
t .d ati 'g : diiiiistl wierh is bdt any greater Igen the Y bad tiiken half of it, I Was anted. I• t<Aittl Jitexso'rt.• fr�n,,dtion. 1'dde irioney hack if you want it.
crdr�>r�to iktlL',;tl"�f,'9 afi8 ,..? ,, As' for house• tlorm etiildron "pita will,, pM__p%i,,Jbe tpwiaetiil;'Y' 'tiCb:GtC�perbsitcairg:ladit1 fpr.$f•.fi+s:
d " ,ott>;';tit►lTp lst£ifaitnNii ,rt -fotr, , t$tlitift� rat, 'bf�dt woi k'. , }tadb nsdd the"hctbra y tt
that to the veriest n er wo hero kn2i?ii)+ l rotitillridlit Xb tikliY"►Yr" d 4 -A
L' vert.. lrrWl drlF cplYtx'gdttiriiiiilbii ; t4oil, k►�till �p1irTi ligr tsnri to my lamliy, +whA ev =.)cif " '
, . it • d bei" lr14 )►ew - ii,- i r
b i .ikil c, 'a iver la 4 little '£o3!til �'r, an, . lido � , • ...,..1i , , y , y:
>antltlf�te fi#>S _ b diet,>. 1of>y +� t and nv ioilnd it a bptc
+ , , h . ftbd d l a b\: rl ,tires fin :1s
ire' tow . # M tl 0
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.. ! .le al's it rr
ib 1£ it It ati tYtfitb0r, b .�^ e
0 M 'ttlltf t4 . I 617itgiei# 't. - • +
s 1C 1i trotxbin.
,,: ti daft � "
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._„ , .., sok dg. r 11 t1 �! .. .;,
_r�:al.ir«� A.,vwt"ly.. r.,-.,... ,`�'K� r .,.. "..�.;..�--.v...s..�i� �rv��-,.rr.YiHtfT :�Y•�nAr�LfS':.. Wil '��., t'iti ,.. ,,115? � .;: ,..� p��b�l�tl>;•�o�t�',r ,�.. ,T ,�. if.:s.5e rs+,::,�...Ali..,u.:.:S7itY'.•..r�:.:•i,�aaiAlYifr:.. �i�l�lli
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L1 ..XfWLL ` } li
---.----- _________ " '�,�
But don't you fiddle your time away, going from store to Act
and rap to date goods. We claim to have the most attractiyF,
and FIVE O'CLOCK SETS that are shown in town and ati
prices. Our Store is filled with the newest and prettiest goof
market, Call and inspect our Stock or take a look at oar'
Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currant
'r .
Farm produce taken as cash.-Telephoi
N eiv Currant's, Raisins, Figs' R?
Candied Peels, Pure Spice
Fancy Combination Dinner and Tea Sid_
in finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The befA
Agent for the noted Monsoon Tens, (lull and; jt36
get cluot.ations. Iligbest [price paid for good B}l.
N. ROBSON, - C3'
C�'� Q�� fr` rW
You do not know what, you miss by not tfsid
Every customer using it is a pleased _r
O(tr line of Staple (foods is complete, and prices 1 11
is consistent with honest goods an&�tplt it
PLA et01P T� For a few weeks will have a eh8tY w
Plants from the Benmiller Glrealr tc���t�
frit a very reasonable price. Oa11,41ltlll
I1icMURRAY & Wit
NearPostOffice-CMTIRA.L Gt�'O +�. ,1•:
Bedroom Suits $8,,511'11,10 �, � �;� I,, i-,
Here is the place to buy Mattresses, Wire- 401b"
Dining Chairs, Parlor Suites, ISeeretaries, v41 I
Picture Framing a speii #44 ', 11.
:rf "'
. , , `: r lireilef' MilliWit, �iA %V