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The Clinton New Era, 1896-11-13, Page 15
�p,�yW, yy, yy "'�•P, , y, .. �. C ✓..' ,.r ,'... ., y,-. ',. - ".,, ' t' ^r� Are. ,t1Q g !t del 1. a ! 1 ',At'rr. r .. , r l+►rt D �` t y+( .a , 1r q v: , , -t� .,- 111a'ttt ,.i,, D >b to-` )a lIt >l>Xti 9ft .: '�:r �da't31J6..:R4, Q. xme ,, ,. ao , : , r . -�.. ,, >. , ..: , _ `.. y:. ,.. ; _. ., terry Xj . IfsO Y rMy,Ai' o1c, 0 , maT A 4 11 h r r .. �y1- dN:{.yy, all bl44. , , Yi. �t3 Via_ I ,1t 'till 1 . ,:. a. _ yylr^ , i :., :...i .....,! .» I, . ! t r, :., .,. •..• .:. R .,��ir is ."�).� ka g Ttglil tl 4lltlrit, Y' ll'?I?. , r .,.,. � � � ,.. .,. .. r -,- r � .',, .. .. d ,.. -, :. },. s .,: rtt -�fl� la4' ' � i . t t,itil+�.t.d.,#k v' #iz, a n IRIi :llKt.?t '"'� r+ may, - {.� 11 nWµ , tt I3 i.1 1 ' • M1. , � : r. .�� 1rd!'. �t�r t a t fi:: n, ., Y,�i6t1� .Kiiir lIl t+ ...%„ tl �I 11l ti. ,.ltll #ll : r .. � �' � l , , �± _ . ,., , still .r ,, � , � , .;, r e' ilt full :.? tats ► f Jh,l, .. h", + .� aq�y }fie �, r, I . , _,F y ,r.r�Qt,.�',:p .1. )a ,. , -: rf �MIIFi�.}T , , i , ::' ,.. .. 3ftrx '}, - 6 K. h .M.,MM .Ftpp 1' ,, _ . - it i .' 1 ... t + rk d fit A S qli . R . 1• , i� tt.:.-:,.,. F a ��yy • . e> b u 'i ~a t : ,. 4 Ili,.. 't, r r ,, . , ,p ill- M1Y....,. i t t lrx ?n 49 . 1% s,lixa t:.: ., a �1OW 1 l, Q R lit Olf g h ! < � kI Cx . , .. pt l , 1? , t , 0 a , ,,,. ',,nit t< 1 :.' .lit h?�# ,.' tnl a lIt . 1pIt4iI..,..4. �"t: •,...., --. ; hitt „t+lJ �i t cO� � , 0 tt }}�� . , ., .. yi 't }�rYrpp - - b hy+� :'�tiitla rlllrri -.. !. ', d, e� `+RR .< A �. a t ltl.4lt''., A^",,':. ' .+ ,:::: .. eta pl kJ �. .# :+1„ :a 3a,b a l 911 ca r04 :.'11d (i} i ':v .r.•; 4., , r U. A:'Qt}ll#tNf .fill, ,r>: .. �:ca._ ,;i, i SQ.t•.-rTldiB- ill: ':ttkp.,tl,1L'Qr .',.. .. w ,,•. , . ,, a Pvsh d itioci alt's. xlF lags. . all 1. 'it„' ,t .,,.. v.' ,1Y-�Yt'n4,'1"h.#M rF'. 4'!,•e<+''r3 �t y 1 - 4 Y f a , �i' . `i`'`i, i s b:. awl'', A ..�', . " rda ud. 9 a .4Ip' gp d'..,�Ii G.zq .s J}A : 1 :. ti"b" Aiglxt,>I illi., i1akltl It g 1.t".,, y f ,' q Ir yYt'k as Sti til '1 II .�. ',xotXld.,,� dirk t, ;; r r'c� bed a d' aF f ipall ax}�} �: ' ...; lorl.v@ ,his t 11 . . tr . $ .: , k f:. <' . f Y.,� ! N Gr UD CtiRST1�AN ... lit e.. �' ', ,, f Ile st Iixoiegtl0�t.�. W'AaGlt4lr do 411 p1?@no , . t e : ..» ►. ''9 th r v� ;` �j.�,, 9a :tllrvul3lt G ditQ �jj � . ; ati R� • .*{ '� k?,'..'. e' , arld.91] Nit 01F 1 P• :llR�9>lY' 'hip �S►11S18r4Arti Sail.tll N �Sai'" t * c n ; 1r+. -,. :.', , . ,f Ifrasgxfbe . fQt tome' p . P 3. II . r r',, Sado r � Fe .. s .vk . iP11 �R+ (�1�, *sips ,qtl u0pq" p�Ns- r } }':. ' ^ ? '. �,� t r �CQllitit•' i 4} Al : 08 , ,.. a rs A, ,.1, dr c} ` kit a r ;Nr+ '.c:t wa t , r ab e: t - ttQ11111 T T� . I � ,, I y Ito: t+nortAous pressu a ulAdtar �hiah alit fie t 47Rnxfalrx` ' M a xo!>a oki : e qt '1 Ai r~ +v .>�a'�'.? �,.;+� sof n vnm ellvd tQ burtJen Unseat �`111ing it1 x . diff 0gt ap 49l�ues,Qf raft;. gttltpepigtt�' ,ny )"x 't," , U lie f, to P A+ < 4� � > gbl�� � 7?S mitYleiu>r , for weeks ata tulle OrtnaeCOUIr We %r Ilam And Happiuless Rudlop" . 'fin tbft Qlilld t"tlto:liad bestq t' ` 'bl�it<h'• ti qts ; ]tt;, 'Will �,y n out He !s irre Nlnr In hie habits, He _ e, So 'tpllratirepess *be r4oultent �� "� g ralltlt t'. ti „ " , sleeps and seta a0 lrretzular intervals. Tu ipt}stlae'a4wgx�tisttl aito,xt.ta tlt0 man, tM.7' axn��� 'V., ',k rt�� _,', f 1 .f. 4kt �' . `' J,1 u�1 3C�t l: 1 (ALIS '4I � looking after Ghe, health of others Ue. tor- When "a house heoome dilapidated and: F�EeQ�onal< vlttltpx benam� tat�Jlp iptol- wI. >t gilt'' tQ '8�[f! seta hie own, 11,a ►ddfa q e 00 , Nr 8 el lax In t t ws atttvlt a [IQCIiIESTER braiuet — beyond the passibility of repair, it Is ref � ,il�lb t e. ' r t. A'xhier s Trick, moyed to make roam for ;h straatar0 that s R iI taxa rotas madq itself hoard, i tis'b0ore siprioip damage /4'S uo up, rohbishop1, 'it said,' lit t" 1-11 tic ; ,h': An Englishman has just been robbed will have Strength anti.permaneliay: press Gages o rebuke. and !t le needless ? nl' "t t as been 'done. A 50-Cet-t by an ingenious .trtok In a Paris-cafe. Our bodies, when no's proparly oared tot, _ -_ + He entered in o oonverantiou with a well- become frail, weak and i?rgkei]-d9wn, soil t0 a tb&G the r0n9at>1 kQd the desired ; bottle is enough £or an or- F 0 eat, ( ' , Iciinary cold. dressed abrangefr; who began playing when the work of rebaitding is not nom- 1, x,i a with the lever of a aaitzer water sly on menced in time, death surely o7aims the Tt► ,yang apntica(i 6- ' ^' a ;1 1. a sO seats ao4 S1.0o on chd table. Suddenly ha turned the wasted and worn-oat fraiToe, and it is, r6 oa d tor, nett Retail everywhere lk x(7 l4orf & B.pwae, Chemists, BellsvBle, Oat stream on the NJngltshman'a shirt front, moved forever. O! al1'tita gifts too PFaAA t, to rads at heart, toot anti gandenees In :,Y r> jumped up, apolaglzing proPneelp and Can we rebuild our wasted bodies? Yes; g f•'Fr'ti`•t An Alibi Ulnae, wiped oft the water with his bandker- the work can be done even though the spark ,xpaniter axe t;;tis fgosp deslrahle• A 'q b'rusgp0,tthy,gt rt Manna, ",a,' cold lndlfiar-5 ! , tl Tiavet ideas ace being put into practice chief. Than he left the oafs, and the of life gl' mars but fitfully and' feebly- encs, a snappish petalapoe, a brgtal aP ' r` �er �Gu�i age f , ' 7,A every dap, and 1f rumor to Ga be believed Enr:ifshman found that his pocketbook Thia wax at rebuilding is done'through parance of stolidity, antagonize and ' r"x the latest thing in original conception with $800 in bank notes had gone with the use of Paine s Celery Compound, that wognd and rob even really kind actions § 1k I t ty l!��hhs assumed the Corm ut on alibi office. the stranger, marvellous medioinc wbioh bas brought Dt half their value. It is worth while to , VPhat fe an alibi oflioeP the bPvrilderod new life to so many in tbq past. This g y 3 17 FIRS' PRIZE MEDALS. Al'- , �,40New IJen for i3enaana, do a kind thing gracefully and taotfull 4 ' reader may be Inclined to ask. Well, In heaven-sant remedy Hots directly On the There is q certain propriety of dAmeanar tsf ,� eq" this parbioglar ease itis an establisIImeaG Dried bananas, or banana flga, as they great nervous system, giving new Strength ;` ti��' are called, are now an article of nom- to ever nerve, makes freak vitalizirgblood, tyhloh never makes a mistake, which • I , wlliob nndertakos to poet lettere from y rtnnrds the feeling of a loved ono ua Dura• + l } .4{ any and every corner of the world. It is, merce. They will be a great article of inor4rases weight, and gives Yresb power to fully as a mother cbetrishes her little del- r t t %�, trade as soon as found by the schoolboy. every bone and muscle. '.1 !n taut, a sort of philanthropic lnatitu leate child. In time such tact becomes tion, devised for the benefit of persons They are sweet, wholesome and nourish- When this is accomplished by Paine's P to C eler Com ound, it is easy work to keep natural, and one who has it makesRIF u +' who, while remaining quietly at home g• Y p others happy without urging to do so. 1 ''-?iii 1n a sort of incognito condition, can the relllit hoaso or..hnman..atruatare fn' Y.. ri fit make believe that they are on a long good condition. Ordinary care .in diet, An After Dinner Novelty. ROME R r '"'`' a tour.. 9ltun Is hutnari vanit9 eatla8ed, sleep and general living will surely keep up a novel Idea for a family Tbaukagly-711)w0� FIDDLED WHILE �dol`�� "�� fA,r]', and thus are toe expenses of a rogular g l`IIL ' E�,r-- -.• ri �� CD ��ON the good work. Then will the rebuff t man Ing party is to have the maid appear at y y. going t4 r.1 t, journey saved. Aman takes leave of hta or womnnbe filled with true• health, tom- the end of the dinner bearing on a silver , ,,, friends at the close of the seaman, with -- fort and happiness, and life will be worth salver a very real looking' turkey. The Bat don't you fidd�e our time awe oin� from store to store lcokinst for new' hvt ", A Modern Development I3ecom- living. the announcement that his recreation g• turkey should be made of papier macho and up to date goods. We claim to have tile•moet attractive DINNER. TEA � dt ' '�u,. will assume the form, for Instance, of a ing Too Frequent. Will yap, dear reader, rebuild your brok- stuffed with tiny souvenirs. Qay ribbons and FIVE O'CLOCK SETS that are shown in town and at the mostreason$ble • �I'{"' i`tk'a en-clow:, SlAt The work can be so- t, run through Spain and Portugal; and It Requires Attention era soattPred over th@ lower part of the prices. Our Store is filled with the newest and prettiest goods that are on the1q` ' at regular intervals follow lettere from -_ complSshed `4ltt -ii yon pall tb your std turkey -u ribbon far each guest. When market. Call and inspect our, Stock or take a look at our windows and you, ci'rl=, F°(' Madrid, Sevilla, Lisbon, Oporto and so Pain, Cel " FSpOt.q No physician Great increase of Bright's Disease. is regttlred t you have no the ribbon is pulled, out Domes flpretaat. WILL FIND WHAT WE ADVERTISE IS TRITE Il 'ti' t , + on, duly stamped and postmarked. The a Children and cid folks, too, will eliloy �h.: alleged promoters oY ,the enterprise are And diabetes• heavy bill to meso• Y fire ttfTide well this immensely.-dew York Norld tv 1� Yk * , re resented as arguing that after all this They are caused by kidney derangement. acrd whole. The work" lies bean d'oae for Christnmads Fruits, NeW Ra,lalnS, Currants, Peels, CtCi " . Z "' pleases some people who do not caro Por Take it in time. thousands of others •will you have your CASH FOR BUTTER qND EGGS, ( k r the fatigue of traveling, but Restore the kidneys to health. share of the good tIIr it 11* towa� ,C ���� �� dg� t, "' r t Doan's Kidney Pills do it. - V �L �-� Y�* _ (a _ are eager to enjoy the prestige with They, cure all kidney complaints, lame m �j j 1 COOPER "" 1 g t" t R"�- which a grand tour will, as they fancy, AND THREATENED ++j"'---rrr Y back, backache, urinary difiloulties, etc. 2. qtr invest thorn In the epos of their friends. New proofs every day, beta Ss Dna. DALDESS p11 As to the logic of this Lias of reasoning, Mr P. J. lYlcAlpin, the well known andWItH Ft1rr1> r(Ddtxee titicen 89 enr+h.-'lYelet)ltona No. 2$.t &„ . to say an, more, your readers may saPel `�A be left to draw their own conalustous populsr proprietor of the McAipin house, ARE RED UNIFORMS DANGEROUS? g tai , Says,'-" have been affiicted with kidney The Dan ris Averted b V . �'T " v After fill, this may he meta report, for British investigators Advance Arsumenta ge y ' T t ry T t ►-I^t �^`v ' disease for Solite time, The doctors said I ����� }1 A� j`\v` EW JL--d' 'Vf it 1 S ��� 4 the office is dasoirbed as being a very had diabetes. Claiming They Are Not. discreet institution, having no outward "'One of the most terrible symptoms was The scarlet uniform of the British re- VIGOR ` a1 k°� and visible sign of existence, —London ientr has been greatly oritfotsed in re- -Q, �'Sf' 11, 11Telegraph. the terrible pain in my back with a great p i`TC►1' Cnrl'allt:s, RiL>IS111S, FIj,�St QAC, °, a . deal of feverishness, sleeplessness and tired Dent years, chiefly on the ground that it .��.r -1.�-- Peering eaposea the men to needless danger by '"Nearly forty years ago, after Can Peels, Pure rS[IICeS s `s, BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH 44 disclosing their whereabouts to the some weeks of sickness, my !lair ' In this ^ondition I commenced the g �4� '"" irn -- use of Doan's Kidney Pills which I got at enemy. The objection taken to the soar- turned gray and began falling out ' Fade Combination Dinner and [lea Sets o*"a1'` � 'tv .('1�'r FOR 26 YEARS, SAYS 111Ra J. D. STOD'DARD, Luckham'a drugstore. I began to improve let, however, is groundless, and aolanll8o Bp rapidly that I was threatened I'llt +' ' OF AaBIIRY PARA, N.J., AND TWO BOTTI,E9 In finest Porcelain a td Granite ware. The best 2fic Tea in sown. �a, � y,, at once and now am completely free from reasons are given why the prevailifig with immediate baldness. Hearing sl of DR. Aoxl w's Cans FOR THE calor Is Por all purposes the mast suitable A er's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, Agent for the noted 1tlortsoan Teas. Call :Lod inspect' goods and *;�,� s4 t' all my troubles. y g get quotations. Highest price paid fo ood Butter and Eggs. , u, y HEART RE$TOItED TnE LosT "I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills high- that could be selected. j commenced nein this prepare- _ %` f.1 , d w;> TREAaCRE ly as a magnificent kidney medicine. In the Brat pleas, scarlet affords the g r dI i d P. J. McALPIN. best attainable protection against the �. R OR�0Tv � � •. �a i xt�r5 For twenty-five years I have been 6 �` g 1 extremes of heat and cold to wbiob sol-, ROBS ++ aA' great sufferer from heart disease, palpita• - _ - �"li� . n' "i` ,t tion, dizziness and savors headaches. I saw Mer" ars liable to be exposed. The darkeri. ,k L,i The Marquis of Duf'ferin, formerly the color protecting a warm, body, the _ .- v- U wt 'y; Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart advertised, Governor-General of Canada, and re- more rapidly radiation proceeds. White �+- ,t a£ hv't'da a ' and determined to try it, Tufo bottles Gently British Ambassador at Parts, would be the best oolqr to reduce radia- The Best t t'. have done wonders for me. The dizziness was banqueted at Belfast, Ireland, �r v✓ �✓ t and ai itatian are gone, the headaches tion to a minimum; bat whito ie barred t I ��`(Gu�QJ>)(tt 11 , p p lately, and made one of his, brilliant h other oo sideration, as are also all ltd,+. rb have dteappeared. I never cease telling and characteristic speeches; in the the grays. Boarlet or red comes midway t°A0C "'""r �io�i my friends the wonderful benefit this erect course of which he said: "AlthoughP QQ�� / between white and bleak or other dark 4; It iY P t o W �j � curd has been to me, and I cheerfully re- England is not loved,. she has no drs- I colors, while with reference to protection : • � _ V1Mey5���. .. ry commend it any and everywhere. Sold irte V th any nation of Europe except I "`°"'°a`a,.� IV, <' Waite & Co. from the sun scarlet takes afar higher f "� ' �� � S , l 1 , by Turkey, and the solvation of the At place than any of the blue, greens or a x I tnenians cannot. be found in any drabs and other shades often used for •-. 11,*' Loa rd' eat citsP�. schemeapplied to the Armenians alone, military alothtng. You do not know what you miss by not, using the above Tea, th but in reforms giving protection to All yellow or orange is excluded because I. ' Every custouler using it is a pleased costumer I And as to the tenrieticy of the Eirs*► g ;... r . • "'` of great cities to enervate nations, ttrEre Turkish subjtcts, and he hoped the I those colors are particularly oonspiouona ;; Our line tri �itaple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as low as It I le no proof of it at all unless we identify i sited States and England would be at a long distance. Although scarlet or a�;il J is ron-,istent with honest goods and honest dealing. 'G ,; the life of great attics with the passion t he first to practically ripply the prin• red is more cotrsptcuous than gray, when "''it,'.a ?I'll +;htc 1 `.i ", ` '' 1 '' r for idleneae and pleasure and self 3138 eiple of arbit ration to the settlement the sun Shines directly on the troops it .,"""f t For tL few weeks we will harp a choice collection of Hcalse . 11; ., 'r fore, which sometimes, but b if means of ititernal disputes, for every think- Ell Ts Planis from the Benntillei-Green house, which we will sell ,,' y blurs on the sight, and Is consequently r « ,' jit;,. t universally, accompanies their growth. irt; m offs vatrt wunid rt anti in horror more d18Scutt to hit. tion, and was s0 well satisfied with at a very reasonable prime. (':Lll and get E fres. When you get a largo prolet flat living, at the tluii{ ht of any ft aticidnl colli- With existing rtfiea the aatualresult of t}te result that I have never tried `�J i1 l; an that of ancient Rome and possibly of sior? it'ith the C nitcd StrLirs, which i�rl'�[L1I �'� - �������' �� wi p p a fight is usually decided at a distance any other kind of dressing. It stop- , 1 tJ c Nineveh and Babylon did, on the alms ('orrld only r(+sult, in involving the just outside the effective range of the ped the hair from falling out, st}mu- i'uite(1 5r((tes ,and theta in cunurron F'x' ' ,k - of the rich and powerful, then no doubt weapons, Thin distance lieu between 800 luted a new g'l'ow th of hair, and kept , /vti t�Trt1D /t, � � T) (l,r(�Q��Tciej7i7(aL"[' 40 �'fi,• you have the conditions of a thoroughly M"'," It m-(-Ins a c;Lhuuity that such and 800 yards. Nearer than that 1t Ss the scalp free from dandruff. Unly N ('ul•� (>St0flice,,— i A Ltd! TJC OC 's, a ' unnatural and unhealthy life, and noone I a unit %!" Lo(d Uull'erin, tvtth :ill his Impossible to close without replying to - --- { , r di tloua. tic ex 4erienc(• R111sltire 'n(1 an oceastrnta] app]icati0n is now f�''` can wonder• at the rapid (leca of such I 1 1 •i g the enemy's fire, and as soon as the re —'— -- -- - ' ,. p Y utent, should have to openly declare p' needed to keep rrty h it of gnrtd, t cities and of the nations which gloried p turn rifle whistles about the defender's +• in them, 13ut ♦there the honest working th:ct rrtvinK it! hi., age and dt+rfneoa he heads the possibilttq o[ aiming rapidly natttr;tl color. T paver llPsita.P t0 -� �j �� ? ',u hrrd definite) decided to retire from (� �t j -� R E A S O N y _:11 class .for outnumber the proletariat, y and accurately deareaaes. ITC011ttrrcitd Rtt}' of a}'t T s mruicint's 1 �� ,a o[ ficial life. Therefor®, from this point oP view, 1t tumyfriFnrls."-JIrs.II.11.ilAu;ilr, where the middle classes of distributers fi r r' _ by our Sales of Stvv6s this fall ' and manufacturers and proteeatonal men Se unimportant whether the object to be Avoca, Nab. f ,rr t a', are laborious find energetic. and even HEALTH'S,, PARADISE. bit is conspicuous 'or not, but from a 9 .p! • r the class that lives on its accumulated moral point of view it is a serious con- Ayers Hai Vigor have been so much increased. � +;, ; wealth contains a considerable sprinkling REOATNED AFTER TwENTY YEARS' ToaarRE slderation. Within 700 yards each aubee• ft of serious and disinterested workers, we FROM THAT DREAD DISEASE. CATARRH— quent advance is conditioned by fire- pttEPARED BY tat -We keep the largest sedassof the aingStoves o the anafy to choose from. , . . do not believe that thers is the smallest HON.GEo. TAYLOR OF SCRANTON. PA., superiority already achieved; the d0ond• 2nd-Our stock is composed of the leading a lccmveq Pearl, Famous in Canada, each P ., evidence of any greater danger in rho life TELLS T$E WORLD WHAT DR. ars are shaken; the time for counting DR, J. C. AYEA & CO., i OWEi i,1itlA$Sr, U. S. A.' the Happy Thought, Honor Bright, tVelccme Pearl, Famous Model, Grand „" + r of tills city than in the lite of the agriaul• AoNEw's CATARRHAL POWDER heads IS past, and the mental Impression , p insular, tYIatchlesa, I''a VO[IEe, Radiant Home, a�'Cr �'" P dyesr•a ____ - -_ - Removes I{m lea. �iih=o. f •j tars] village or the pastoral tribe. In HAS DONE FOR HIM. conveyedbythe slRht oP the assaulWag ird--We buy in large quantities direct from the manufaoturei•s, and for spot a ,A i;}'' deed, we should regard Olive 8eitrelmer's troops becomes the main point, abling as to bay at the lowest prices possible, i I it` : picture of the life of the modern Boers I was a martyr to catarrh for twenty P r.:.: as ture of the a oondttt a of beings mare years-tried every known remedy, but got It is a distinct advantage thatour men The best grades of Coal always on hand and delivered to any part of the Iotyd, � t' -a•.: little or no relief. Was troubled with con- should bulk large in the decisive stages Du vcag4 F, lase With [•rices? American and Canadian Coal Oil. See our new Lanterns. 1 ,F, r- ,,, prolific of morbid elemeate, with lbs al- of an eneonnter, and there is no color : ti moat complete nbaenoe of say Stirring slant dropping in the throat, terrible pains The returns for all industries fa this �-.* ARL A. 7D �R ,( g which enables them to do this so effea- .lis-_•�a. J { nt,': or motive Inteltf, Sao ; than an kind of in my head, end my breath was very Offen- country as in En fend, show that wngoa g F 9 tivaly as scarlaL On the whole, therefore, g 5'°�;. modern life that Is honsstlp labOrian s� sive. I was induced to give Dc. AgneW'e over sofentifio oonelderatt ^n justifies the advanced fully 60 per cont. during the - . - N. f> 1. . °�`,'ci._1i, all. The Boer lite to too sleeps, Loo doff_ Catarrhal Powder -a trial, and the result p period from 18110 to 1873, 1n which prions HARDWARE MERCHANTS,1. was magical. The firstapplication cleared retention of scarlet Re th• best uniform advanogd lt¢out i6 per sant, and wages Lute of stirring thought or effort, to by my head instantly. I persisted in its use, for our troops•--Pearson's Weekly, altogether natural. It Heade at least the - •-_ �.�,,, fell trolly 16 per cent, during the period and to-day I am a oared man,•and it affords from 1873 to 1890, in which prices fell Y �'; : old element of danger and necessary vig• , me pleasure to lend my testimoV. Bold The demand for A Pr s Hair Vigor in E6 per cent, The relative ¢aloe of the liana to render it even bracing. P y 0.jx,; by Watts & Co. such w;dely separated regions ae South laborers were far greater during the per-Plush Pa'rl OyI ���0 �Y1 a`h�1r/VP, y 4 The Dominion Statistician has made America, Spain, Australia, and Indra hes fad of eapanding Currency and rising 1 J,,,�,l $ r +(b p prices under bimetal-liM than Burin CATT RHEt7MAT[SA1 BE CGRED? up a table showing '.he Chinese pope- kept pace with (th; home coneum tion, g h„' latron in Canada. )VIr Johnson places which goes to show that they know a good the period of scarcer oarrPnap .and tall- Solid Walnut Frames, fi pieces, every piece a different Dolor. See no for Extrins I. The application of Ne[viline-nerve pain it. ai 13,110, an increase of 4,000 since thing when they try it. ing prices under the gold standard. Tablas, HiRII beak Cbaira, Lounges, Window Shades, Picture Frames, den,' ".'`f oars-wbioh oesesses such marvellous p y The statistics, mOraldver, glue the , P 1891. blrArchibald Cam hell, a wealth J.la,0�3mLL� vw n• �� , °' ower over all nerve pain, go read to wa l6 of labarera when aoGanllp stn-' ? p p g I3 y rain dealer of Lakeport, was drowsed B > i, • prove that it can. Nervilixe acts on the A woman of Florence, Mo., recently hursday at Colboi no played, and the heaviest losses of lahorere t. i L. ;,; nerves, soothes themr drives pain out, and threatened her drunken husband that under the gold standard hove Dome tram ' in this way gives relict. Tr it end be con- she would o with him and et drunk the look of Pmplo.msnt. This was THE PAGE WIRE FEC �?''•. es eefally true of the '.care of panic and While deer-hunting near fine Tree -- i 1 vinced. Y 8 Y every Cirne be did. Hhe St get to her p Harbor, on the Sara eon peninsula, ;r word onep, and bet husband bas not ! depreeaton from 1878 to 5879. With the R p fir.; '` ` A 2-year-old child of Reuben Bennet, touched a drop since. rise of prices that followed rho re*amp Royal Gawley, of Spry, abut his bio- f11. Ji`. Oshawa found on g shelf in the douse ,, is tion of eraoiP payments and passage <f t.her Richard fatally. He mistook him ' Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood the Bland Act there was a marked ro- for a deer. apiece of bread covered with pares and given a clear and beautiful complexion. covert' in the rate of wages and a Still C green, which was intended for mice, ? and ate some Of it. He may recover. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. more maPked recovery In the extent of 8 f I ')' employment. A similar period of relief "t 6's'1.•- '"r •'» �'- -” +s, dr: { t r Some time ago Mr Bennet lost another Horace Burgess, a well-known fruit "' i Y 'i child who t+31i in a tub of bailing water. bu buyer of Woodstock has asci ped name with the rtes of ptiods under the t ,. + Y g Sharman Aon of 1890. ,But only during Break Up 3 GOlti Iii 4ill * ' {s.r Constipation; causes mare than half the and a meeting of creditors is called for rho years of ooinparative4. steady or rte• By Ug r y l ?'" Thia to eta the bean aad etrongest ivlr0 f me r ills of wornen. Rarf's Clover Root Tea is tine 23rd. The cause of the .esign , b ayv`:� ° e pl4asent ante for Constipation. Bold by merit ie said to he due Ca heave losses SeQ pricey wan Inbar fully employed and In exists ow St has a smooth to ne e, ail$ `ioliL 1 , �. cos ©roue, Wfiohever ptiode [all the panto P t � � r' j 6' ' turn stock without Snicry. 1t Ss Haat find s'.ii , < J. B Combe, Clinton. on a ple shipments. N(-arty a)I the p P 1 a:.. to nut Bn re9nlring few poste; it cannot b10�f "?' creditors ,are Apple growers fn the 4 A' or depression in the aomrneraial world dovtn; wits set break in winter; it is pl. tigtrt. , s r` Loddon is fourth on_hhe list of cities areatpd to the world of lab r The (amok Cnto tar C(fi?i}rti, • bulietrrngandborsehlgb. LestlyitfssOclf0# using electric lights ip Canada. It has county of Ei$.in. No settlement of as- „ 1 an army 'ot nadmpinped. 'The panSea +GOLI)r8, glsocr, u:1t", h that it is within the reach Stanley, at) 'the tuidex- 61) i station. sets and liabilities has yet been pre'- and deprpeeions never mama w n-prloPs 11311r xg,.110AitsSENI s5, et' • sieuea is sale lobFLce.tar hiparmaoltorsi,� d;7 4 _ I: Hallett, Townwhip,and.t7oltYortttf. ,"S + 5,1 q operation. pared. ward riBigg< Those Who tv)A are aim- will promptly flt1 orders' fox ilio eleotfdrt+`2 tTfir r; Word' tbA4. l?ace ved from Tacoma, MIRW�4 Josarn Nor—cR, le fence In any of the townships name$. , Washington,ojn Wednesday, rin.tlnunc_ ultaneously predicting that tiro free coin- of68goraurenAve.,Taronto,vr-':^ : 11, r h in - the death,• b. ednesda . of Jahn The two most critical times in a woman's agP of Silver will Caisse the .doubling of rbowsiht. nbGer rosea t-,--- *M9TA1q I@i Y '1oirll0011''tit N $ y B life are the times wbioh make the girl a , does and a oammeedfal patile, have as mr, e,ot,ciroq aRerateWdaa-a, It ea `' •-'„ ! HobAitso hose bairns was formerly p ' ;i,,,,W woman, acrd 'the women a mother. At ,(( oaredmp.�lr r4iffnpe nark Cn0$hnft.+r i1'i r Mftrrib; kl'.; 'I`it¢•ti�essage did^not Gimes >Dr; Pierae'e I♦'avpritePreeart ,: itttlfl history as llrgfo to suppntk them. A leYrr6t otUerrorvra il<naa sa dJ It has Clinton 1Rii�li� j����g °ani ar:1.,., ;r these p >•, anis Etas always meant the Inability of -Rio ioYeaRuttrrcauenaenugb rbe�luao �jj it an <ltairi &ny' partienl rs further than tion is of Idatildaldble volae. it' strength• ' r p ramtgy r prer t tv su�osxa rna '"r'+tv; ; - thitt the body,-had nbt'been recovered, one and innigoratee tlty organs ,8fatfnt5tiy lsusineas mad to .toast their dbifggtiq�ts roreowthl, +ttl�ry buanm(a ; } ABr Roberttti�xl rvari foreman of a �viehout eoltirfg of a loss. A panto nrsver >lsteet%a"--AlifA , I? j` rlldxt5daur And nevsr ran iioenl' ttlfieh 'pi; artiest li A� lit e.; ai it is supposed'feminine, rnmotet reAniatit of ills tang- , iit �` , ids : gg. f'g+.do a altays ir'itatiicrn s>jd in9lattlmation Would Fr86 Colnagb «ti �t iiti Ir ore '.rar�(+t�t i+ L'Si . ' .'P °'. t t. lib ,lt6th�'r I! `ter bee knocked .Q 1, dna., prieft Hire tlalatx.•�-,(^ oy- •A i�ni<: ,osiers til 'rarest�ctns; wetter .«.�.. . �`x, h, ?l . ntlebkr�, dflnR !anal, nxllauetf- <iYains, w4, ..,tltwtr, flG, pl► 99 bltrin Ttie ##Ti f#: 1#:4,;tte fii'rdT,)Ots"into the 9wiftoxtrent, }� 11-.itxta• Ai•- , I> > . . r' li sr1es ii ,8 bot, I . , Go Sri." .v , 1ppotprar ,,I L. ,,,', ^ �? „ tits f�ia �vltata'del t<etll@'cflkgt, alvo' Vl+tdgi b , e dr f� 6.AA°+5' t r i ... ,,: r, n tIlleti6` 1n�if°frd tr b,.. :, d .t t1tbtc<0nt1i Y I b 11etillsta9e.h>i , 1 t *. ,l• , '. „ tth ,. ` „ r �qy $dib im, lbioot d I $lib, bio (i 916., arrfiatitt ^atf. y,t�#vitl �. "d TNet tYfl i L 1i }$,. ., 9 :. 'i: %ills, if6t#Iti.l ,4 , M1, ( ,,: tt„ Thesn'Wbrib8r tirlia. p }'.. ..J. ""O ,. d .,:.;.� ,.. 1 t tf l ke d$_Tero'd' .:....., , , ....: , , „- ; . !: ;(1(i',p #,tdn, sndallha } tt. Matti•, >11� ,'w l J 3 f<< re traria ltYe tY some fr�f b �vhAit�` l xy ,• , J • , .,. nkind i � x �. -„� 6 dII ytbr� Itr ” %. - 1'.:�iP1 y ,..y.!i t :^I. o.. ,,., 11 ,a .yy Ju ,,.,y },} ilr'�.. .: r '�y,.t,. �.y[ Ah&i y. ., , ,1.. „... .,.�a t �e WO tI V W iailiil' .. : . :: ,. r d : ,.:. 4 .r ,.. Yr,4 4 M :.'. '�li0�t'� iidfi,` ,Ot.,. "I'!! ;: bl` c+t�ati aw t six., lx�a i ,, : �!ti ,. i 'tdiAit tial , s ..r fi , 4 lip : It 4; r. KA Ab , , �, l r y It i�r,io'az� Z r r t:. batt t dli+ '?i�. t►r.. clw ..: a all itis f► llaiaird hi` fir: a f ,,.4 ,,., �i'iSlid li •,tab ,: Zid t ptf P itfbtllb �1,it` $ „+: ,, ,, ,,;. a , . , ... ,' �: 1l gri(l9. , lY .... 41, e N „ . ,.,fr`►�+,,� ti . Q , i ,ya „. ty r i'�trc1 itn, d ...., ? ' lr` ('x`; ,. :Dl!d� 1 A,�'rtG$ x e(_,. lY )fr i t11�71f�tlYfaM bMt �fi4� it tw .mowi j� « 0i nit%ii ,{ r(! 4t „F+!"y) t lilill f '1 W.y'�1�}y�ey�,:L a vA if'! t 4r.. ::b.. r.,:. .. f K., :. a.. n. 3 :, Y ,... ...,, ,,.,... Y,,. '.: ■a1.,ii .,b., d y 4.... ;5 t '!,'M ,' ,„ .! .1 „-I,.. .. 1.,'4. .. . S- .. .. II . ,r .4:. f s ,t Z J., :M , ( 0 -"�> ' +:>ty r A'.' :; lii+i± iii" x•' . ;.,, a a, dA "'� ": ° n ,,,,jl lldh ,; 3:4t�ll?.., ., w :i "kt Ul", l N T � ( .,. .,.., „ i.. } ..,,, . :,... 1, ,. e- ,M... a e: , r y '.^P ce.w'. ':E', s.. k r> w .,1 a, ,,,..., < , . ,, .•. r..! -.. W. ...,, 1 4� Y yr '1 a -:. . v. .(H.. b .: .:. ..:•h r. l,. .'.,. , 'Y.,,'.. „ .. IJ,t.f _ .. t„ "\ ��1 .,�, ♦,ir*I . '.1, i. 'y,'^ , y 1 , n .. ,.�. t,. , :,'. , . ,_ ( ... i..., a ::i:$ < ,, i j��I r, . : Ir, , -t. t . , :. >,..,. ... q. ..: ... -. d. .,./ L.. • : + .,- .,. .:.,.. ,.- �- .., ,. .. dt. {e. as .i �. .ii gyp, :.r _,,. 9 w. ... „ �., ,,.. 1 i. , .� .. .., -t. r ,. ,F I .: F:, ., ..,, �. .. .v. ,. �.. , „�. "•�.� , ,..-...:: +:r ., , i � .... a A, N. A ;4Y r� ... , ..,, ... i. ... 1 t .. r.. 1, ,- 4 t .,. .t ,. ,r Ji "t .., ,a-.. lrrl .. ' u.,.. }, , a.: ,. ,.,. . .,,r .. .. f,.J�. u. , .., a. 1 .... , ,. ... .r ., - .. .. ..r .. ,. .: i ., p .. 4. ..., .- fir. .. r ,..0 . �f. r4 �: , i yy , �y -' .': . '.. , : r , h...., r ....,r, ., ....,. , 1. .'r. - K.. .,... ,.. ,... ':..., r 3 d' M1 1 � J wr. .. ,: ,: .- :. ',n. � 11:.,, y :: .,r ,Ili:... .,.. ib, �.� f ...:.. k'., di. ,.., .n ! ., ,. 1 � ..(., i ,.% T r �) � " .y' l� S,.,.�_, -- �iM.s�r-,ice. =lf.,.`t.�,:.. . _. _ x ,rfi+e-x:'fi `