HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-13, Page 8N �D f 4 $I�YiuIR botlgh4 1 VOtor� whQyeby; p iasJ "A 0V . �4 7�� },,. '�. � �, ^ 4 i �wrR•�'T"{TY' ^S�nCT:�!+,� w•4 i' �'u�r,�tl���F r . `,�31ii�,iip�itb pl,�� f,�anfrpl ate alcor,, I,esli4's, --THE LEADING— far rise 191;tbp,?ii toll., > 1 UNDERTAKER C� y it'141310TCHER SRO; `•�, FORD : # lA URI1 HX, e e W.4 are dQipg buaingpq on the. suet{ principle and. ° CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. r Mil supply our 040i4mon ill the 48t meats 04 theiolvwty4itiagl7r 140. Strohm merely up- �� �AL=10 ongood ssovige qud Prompt fillipg o3 orders. FORD' & MUA00Y j , Oentral Butahor Shop,"Olinton }r CH R' .' SHOP E , CI BUTCHER'.' �--� _ .x t I wish to inform the public that I will(not Candied Peels, Pure Spices be uu(Wsold by any other person in the business. I am a butcher, and i Fancy Combination Dinner and Tea Sets practical understand all the branches of the business. e In finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The best 25c Tea in town. Agent for the noted Monsoon Teas. Call and inspect goods and Highest We keep the very best meats and a full get quotations. price paid for good Butter and Eggs, stool; aiways'on, hand, and will sell at the d e N ROBSON;e N. - Clinton. Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your and get the meat at the cash price. _ mono �Ve -11 gibe Credit but•not-at-cash prices. can do for A. C.'D FTON Please Ball and see what you Cash at When this announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for FITZSI.MONS' J CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & VPII SON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that he have bought out the butchering business late�y conducted by Mr Jae A.Ford, and will con- tinua the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. produce Fxchango Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars'_choice bleed Corn just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON, COOK'S Flour -.Feed Store DRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL HINDS. LO pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Holsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament,1855 CAPITAL, - 52,000,000. ° REST FUND, • 81,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J.'H. R. MOLSON......... President T. W. THOMAS.... General Manager Notys diseounted Collection: mode, Drafts Ic+ onod. Sterling end American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest &I - loved on dep lash. Et'�iEiMERlS. Money advanced to farmes on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage rc- quired as security: H. C. BREWER, Manager. ,dEO. D. MCTAGIGARr1`. ' BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Busi;beae ti anstllveted a NOTED DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARIMAN & VISDALL 1 I fl BANKERS, 0*,IEI1i TOW. CYNT Advances made to farmers on their own Ig it; low rates of interest. A general ' B`"king Business transacted Interest allowed an deposits. We Notes baugh ' J. P TISDA LL, manager. CLINTON WAIL WORKS. OObkR�d'�:btall EiY'ADTIT, Next to clownisrow hotel. Th1f _ atab1ie21tn6nb irr •in n! it o► eratlon and s order J>1IeA iii the mbrt ratirtaotaF y wqT Oemr ff� l a i tie►: ..,, T Iter ,- Are 14 e f 'I'1'iAT, _ r y TM .97ht�$ �111p .1 �;,' �1►ffl� fiaR>; of Aha+ >i11�oJ�► , ?�qp.@t1EA �R {�4xll�t�la eini,�itl, R11�0PJ bU� '"bola once POO.." '•,When a�; prda7r?iq at tbstlt f(mrs, the lag on 0..4ei?, for a both !or IN. 1s6, and wol► nave distzess. In .104 :We, 5> y, urumw. TIP 0f God For, Coughs, s pruce Colds, Bron. chins, Sore cumthroat, etc. RUNNY. WATSON l CO., roorenc'rogn, MOsmraaL McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Ot FARM &I SOLATHD TOA N PROPRRT'V BMus INSURED orraroass. Gen. Watt President, Harlooh p.0.' Jatliai BroaAfoot, lice-Pres.6caforth P.Q.; W. S. Shan nen, Seoy-Treas„ Seaforth P.O.; X. Mt rdie, In specter of losses, Seafortb P. O. DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot,Seaforth; X.Murdfa,Seaaorth Geo. DaleSeaforth; Geo. Was? Harlock; T. E Hays, geai,ortb; Ale: Gardiner, teadbury; Th of Casbutt, Clinton John MaLesti, MVPeD. AQXNTs.� Thos. Netlane Harlock; Robt.11to) wf%n Sea forth and J. Oumings, agmonAv11111e. Parties desirous to eHootlnearanoes or Iran sant other bMsiness will be promptly etiende� to on apDlleation to any of the above offiow adr4FBed io their resper.itve g8ioas 8�axxsill®r TO'=a®r9 FRUIT A.ND ORNA ]INTA,LA T1iEES NORWAY SPRUCE, BC&TCH AND ASTRACHAN PRI•E, The latter of which we make a apeataltr• LARGE STOCK ON H.A.IrTD The above ornanwoW tracts swd alirabbery oil be sold at very low prises, and those wantinganl thing in this conaeation will save money by put ahasing hare. .Orders by .bfailtoill be promptly at.knda to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BEl[ll ULER Fol, 1wouty-Sia Years D UN2140� BAKING A R.Y TH� • �• r RIEND r'Lmt Its,SAL! IN AMADA. McLe 's System ., ItNOVATOR ,IND OTZ#Rik Tested.-Reraedles. S �MrlC AND �` ANTIDOTE Fo pure, Weak ail Impoverishes Bl y psis, Sl owness, Pulpa tstion of the Heart, Liver Comep Neuralgia, Lose of . J4erpo BronohitL Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaandioe, IM ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dana Female Irregularities -and Oeneral Debilitl LABORATORY, AODERICNe O1i1 J. M, MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton b J. H. COMBE, and ALLAX & WILSON 7 1MIR �lY i1t11•tal ;p PS1ri�FiraOtiPrl.�: ° aAgP.l�llia�iierl ,;,f�Fd a R "'�:11�U ;I, undere"ic ;,111 the ney of the igtaol? t►p, and in a few Jaye .liongh''tiles Oe,'t&f..' dootd to, isavet, the htlilding., Qaad oement are its component parts, heacie 1G1 oheapriess. One part, of oemeat Irl' gDiXed with, three parts of sand; to Rhese to ,pctiF ed enough water to give tt tl%4 oolpeist- oncy of thick mortar. The macs is pressed into a mold, and the • tile, aftor standing for. three days.. is ready ldr. A 4. The machine is so light, and simlile that a boy can work it, and no boards are neededin r t t de be thin h placed, g when p o , whereby a large item of expense is done away with, the tiles being set on lathe, placed six or eight inches apart. The tiles have a looking ledge, by which they fit closely into each other, making a roof absolutely proof against rain, snow, wind and weather. No paint, or plaster,, or cement to needed, and they are`proot against chemicals and, what Is of supreme Importance in this country, against &a. A report made by Consul Managhan,.ot Chemnitz, Germany, to the State Depart - went, says: A man named Kohler,ltvtng In Limbach,, Saxony, has recently In- vented a cheap, durable roof. It consists of cement and gravol or cement and sand, and is as durable as slate, is Very much cheaper, looks ag well or better, can be made much easier and put on quicker. In a country like the United States, where wooden shingles are almost universally used, heightening very much the danger from fire, this roof will soon win its way to favor. The practical values of the new roofs are: First, of all, against fire; second, It fills every requirement of a good roof, Is durable. being proof against all kinds of weather; it is light and may be made as light or heavy as one may wish' It may be given all the colors of a natural slate and 80 shades besides. A square yard of these tiles weighs 86 pounds, but can be made lighter or heavier. The distinotion Is due to certain ridges that run around the inside of the plate and permit of one so lying on and into the ridges of another as to preclude the possibility of wind or water working their way -Inside. Nothing whatever is needed for these roofs, except these plates. Nails, paint or plaster play no part whatever. Plates may be made of pressed - glass In exactly the same forme and fitted to roofs, thus avoiding the cost of building in windows, or dor the purpose of an artist or photographer a whole roof may by made of glass tile, therarby getting the greater amount of light without ob- struction. . c. STEAMON, I I a tory and srsaite .Irk m, specs ty. Prlees a ° GODDS Win STOCK i rsaspllable at{athoaa of 6a jr atablLhi:ent dil7lll t ton. lip � • - 1,ilrFii.i i f W r{rY ,. �y •-�-�•��•�• ° ° -.--•:L t �����• '"�"" .l.i Yr lit �; e Q A MONTH OF DREAD 'o All Rheumatic Sufferers AINE'S CELERY COM- POUND, Priceless Blessing For Suf- fering Humanity November, with its variable weather, is month of terror and torture for all rheu- atic sufferers. At this time, a remedy that has power eradicate the cause of rheumatism from e system is indeed a priceless blessing, toh a remedy, for all forme of rheuma- Am, will be found in Paine's Celery Com- uad. In thousands of oases Paine's Celery >mpound has produced marvellous cures, ren in the longest standingg and nearly curable oases the great medioine has giv- e ive wonderful and magical results. If you are a sufferer, delay not a mom - it; procure Pains'. Celery Compound and at ism powers. If you are vainly trying sure with other medicines, throw them ide and use the medicine that is now our - g your friends and neighbors. llrs J. Vince, Barrie, Out., after vain tempts to effect a ours with the ordin- -y medidines of the day, used Pains' Cal - y,Compound with truly blessed results. he writes thus:— ,I am happy to say that I have taken sine'e Celery Compound with great re- ats. I had soiatics so badly that I could A turn in. bed or walk without help, and r a period of three weeks was helplessly id rep and suffered pain that at times was obearable. "I tried many medicines, but all in vain, was afterwards recommended to try mine's JCelery Compound. I used six Atles and am entirely oared and enjoy sod health. I take great pleasure in re- ammending the valuable medicine that fired me." _ The boycott on American silver at Windsor has been raised, and the man - will betaken at the banks at par, as hftherto. Other places will likely fol - ow suit. Hoh. Louis Tourville, one of Mont- eal's beat known business men, a Lib- ras, -and a member of the Legislative ouncll, died Thursday morning, aged 85 years. "Tarn the raaoals out"—tba familia arty-ory—may be applied to microbes Cts ell as to men. The germs of disease that irk in the blood are, turned oqt"by Ayer' siraparilla as effectually as the old post master@ are displsoed by a new admin stration. A man named Thos. Hardwick, well-known resident of Stamford ovrnellilp fiskr Niagaret Falls, Apttempt d solei a by throwing himself on t , cobra,, the t#7 Chili: is n-' ,NrRO But dolt you fiddle your time awes, going from store to store looking for 'new ails b�FlA� ' la�fion,• . ,: --THE LEADING— p ibpre qi~be efit7 : '. 1 UNDERTAKER p• Clip �aflgh,• h{ld < cdlilage, ttlact il a `•�, yield bitr {' prPoe• e e --AMD—** ° CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. r a �� �AL=10 ►,� e,very ono should e,rlµ�t+l,°. j , tOr COrdOxt by a ciiiA t x'. !ik: ot�or b finding t he Pibrp C�IIw a�;e >, }r p �--� •.%Ilfng .>adw for 25• CW. a yard: t A PULL LINE OF Candied Peels, Pure Spices f? i Fancy Combination Dinner and Tea Sets e In finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The best 25c Tea in town. Agent for the noted Monsoon Teas. Call and inspect goods and Highest tory and srsaite .Irk m, specs ty. Prlees a ° GODDS Win STOCK i rsaspllable at{athoaa of 6a jr atablLhi:ent dil7lll t ton. lip � • - 1,ilrFii.i i f W r{rY ,. �y •-�-�•��•�• ° ° -.--•:L t �����• '"�"" .l.i Yr lit �; e Q A MONTH OF DREAD 'o All Rheumatic Sufferers AINE'S CELERY COM- POUND, Priceless Blessing For Suf- fering Humanity November, with its variable weather, is month of terror and torture for all rheu- atic sufferers. At this time, a remedy that has power eradicate the cause of rheumatism from e system is indeed a priceless blessing, toh a remedy, for all forme of rheuma- Am, will be found in Paine's Celery Com- uad. In thousands of oases Paine's Celery >mpound has produced marvellous cures, ren in the longest standingg and nearly curable oases the great medioine has giv- e ive wonderful and magical results. If you are a sufferer, delay not a mom - it; procure Pains'. Celery Compound and at ism powers. If you are vainly trying sure with other medicines, throw them ide and use the medicine that is now our - g your friends and neighbors. llrs J. Vince, Barrie, Out., after vain tempts to effect a ours with the ordin- -y medidines of the day, used Pains' Cal - y,Compound with truly blessed results. he writes thus:— ,I am happy to say that I have taken sine'e Celery Compound with great re- ats. I had soiatics so badly that I could A turn in. bed or walk without help, and r a period of three weeks was helplessly id rep and suffered pain that at times was obearable. "I tried many medicines, but all in vain, was afterwards recommended to try mine's JCelery Compound. I used six Atles and am entirely oared and enjoy sod health. I take great pleasure in re- ammending the valuable medicine that fired me." _ The boycott on American silver at Windsor has been raised, and the man - will betaken at the banks at par, as hftherto. Other places will likely fol - ow suit. Hoh. Louis Tourville, one of Mont- eal's beat known business men, a Lib- ras, -and a member of the Legislative ouncll, died Thursday morning, aged 85 years. "Tarn the raaoals out"—tba familia arty-ory—may be applied to microbes Cts ell as to men. The germs of disease that irk in the blood are, turned oqt"by Ayer' siraparilla as effectually as the old post master@ are displsoed by a new admin stration. A man named Thos. Hardwick, well-known resident of Stamford ovrnellilp fiskr Niagaret Falls, Apttempt d solei a by throwing himself on t , cobra,, the t#7 Chili: is n-' ,NrRO But dolt you fiddle your time awes, going from store to store looking for 'new ails b�FlA� ' la�fion,• . ,: • a �r p ibpre qi~be efit7 : '. Y¢ way, 'h4 070,V p• Clip �aflgh,• h{ld < cdlilage, ttlact il a `•�, yield bitr {' prPoe• n Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc. :+ �„en�°e Lei eqn: ail entbltelae and t1 or, n. is dig'ereneo betwea great eat'nestness'11ri ' riensible ,work an great senselessnPes in advocating much needed reforms. re m . Hope r r as n n 8 pe nese hurts yens, ever yet t 6erfergd with duty,; nay, always strong thon's-to the psrforignrioo .,at duty, give douragei and olearg the judgment. Too much liberty Is a bad thing to some men. If you do not believe thl now, think about It when you see a me who is•druuk. The roan who never speaks gently t his horse is the same man who neve speaks kindly to hie wife or ohlldreo �'� �� O�witi Btekef3, end i>�riree I `: When a traiti.ia discovered ttu Itlpy� on to �riplitful Ca ' 1>%eI it is st t a6 t wb1 ttIe whistle I t' !Sown 1� brakes l' / apd rev*rse /! his lever Braes alon .M I are no, enough ; : w h o I,e pr penin¢ _er of the o gine mdit b reverssd an made to war in the'oppo site direc tion. That i how it i sometime i with disease There at times wife the system is flyin� along the track of din ease at such a frrlightf t nee that no 6rdinaic methods will prevan►t disaster. There an plenty of medicines which act im4rgly AN brakes to "slow u " tht disease' " pts off disaster. for a little while; but` that lee' enough. What is needed is a medicine Cha will instantly reverse the entire wast degenerating process. When people are losing flesh and stretigt and vitality, with the life oozing out of th day after day, they need Dr. PiereeIs Goldq Medical Discovery, which acts directly upo the vital forces, completely transforms th entire nutritive organism 'apd. totally re verses the wasting, debilitating proces which is at the root of all diseases. It enables the digestive and blood-makin organs to supply the circulation with at abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. I stops the wasting of tissue, builds up soli muscular flesh and healthy nerve -force. Miss Mary Whitman of $eat Dickinson Franklin Co., W. Y., writes: Por nearly to months I have hada bad cough, and instead o getting better, it grew worse, until I was advise ley a friend to try Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medica Discovery. I hesitated at first, for it seemed t me nothing would give relief only death. M pparents were anxious about me, and I was saf to have consumption. I tried your medicines and before I had taken many doses there du great change. When the second bottle was empty I had no cough and was a great deal stronger, " NEWS NOTES 6,Tbe tariff commission will commence operations at Toronto. Owing to ti absence of Mr Fielding,it may not h possible to begin before the 113th inst Rev W. H. Allworth, of Lansing Mich, died on Oct. 29th while speakin ata prayer meeting. He was for years pastor at Paris and afterward at St, Thomas. Joseph O'Donnell, a prominent far mer of Maitland township, while driv irlg last Monday night, fell out of bi buggy, landing on his bead and break .buggy, his neck. He was a comparative) young man. Consumption, La Gripe, Pneu moni and all Throat and Lung diseases are cure by Shiloh'. Cure. Sold by J. H. Comb Clinton. A small dog bolonging to Mr Donal Sheppard, of Paris, bit three persons Mise (3r ace Sheppard, Mr George She pard. and Mr George Newman. Th amimal died of hydrophobia, and th persons bitten are going to the Pas eur Institute at -New York for tree ment. Diseased blood, constipation, and kidne liver and Bowel troubles are cured b Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sold by J. Combe, Clinton. The funeral took place on Wedne day from Stratford to Phillipabur cemetery of Mr Peter Wilhelm, one the best known farmers of North Rae hope, who died euddenly at the ago 77, When deceased came to the tow ship of Wilmot some 50 years ago, bad only enough money to buy an ax At his oath ,be owned LWO acres, f which he paid $82,700, and be bad m ney besides. 3 { �. to: �l���lR!!�'l�Tl�" �ark4!M , °; ,: ;• �t'�►g11: '��11� :��ltfiy}I � til: t��, ,NrRO But dolt you fiddle your time awes, going from store to store looking for 'new t'Il `' • a �r 1 1 9� # Y¢ A. r yy. T T �1Ri, 1R1 A. 'i 1i#q: its >ad yet' 2fRtit.>111<. s WILL FIND WHAT WE ADVERTISE IS TRUE ;, f � ;•�`�. 111► non con�iic>•tirl$ �I�IX�R��t k� . n Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc. (" It, the, most •peri'�+ccR ,;alai t lilt i ti ° CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. r ell�` warmth $Iver that -�" OGLE COOPER fir. CO: ►,� e,very ono should e,rlµ�t+l,°. j , tOr COrdOxt by a ciiiA t x'. !ik: ot�or b finding t he Pibrp C�IIw a�;e >, }r t0 1/A�1 sill l they may pu>iciiltse,, 4W •.%Ilfng .>adw for 25• CW. a yard: New Currants, Raisins, Figs &c, FIDDLED WHILE Rom E - B�U1tN ;Y Cal o ]?°w fi g1 em ,NrRO But dolt you fiddle your time awes, going from store to store looking for 'new and up to date goods. We claim to have the most attractive DINNIA, TF,a and FIVE O'CLOCK BETS that aro shown in town and at the mgatreasouable is to be found a beautiful stock of MILLI e In the Em orium � 9 prices. Our Store is filled with the newest and prettiest goods that are on the NF.RY that is right rep to date. Hand- some Dress trimmings. Serviceable Dress Go,ids very c ,exp. Flannel- market. Call and inspect our Stock or take a look at our windows and you ettes ucsurpassed in value. s WILL FIND WHAT WE ADVERTISE IS TRUE If you want a good•SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or 1300TS or SHOES, do net buy witbout inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSE s n Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc. n ° CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. r Some half -gallon and pint GEMS to dispose of at 12J and 9 cents. OGLE COOPER fir. CO: a Farrel produce taken as cash.—Telephone iso. 23. j , LOND ES�O2O [ }r NEW FRUITS a THE BEST New Currants, Raisins, Figs &c, , Candied Peels, Pure Spices d PHOTOGRAPHS � i Fancy Combination Dinner and Tea Sets e In finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The best 25c Tea in town. Agent for the noted Monsoon Teas. Call and inspect goods and Highest l' get quotations. price paid for good Butter and Eggs, e d e N ROBSON;e N. - Clinton. H O R ACS E FOSTER: _ A. C.'D FTON When this announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for `Y BLANKETS, Y�t f SHEETING, Double or Single, CPA YARNS and HOSIERY. Friends and neighbors are telling friends and neighbors of the wanderfut I lowpric�+ no which wa rice oif3ring qq »dil, :— n Ladles' fine black all wool Hose..............25c a pair e Boys' black ribbed stockings, all wool ........ 26c a pair Men's Hose, wool, from 15c up to..............35c a pair. Yarns, all colors...............................Wc a lb. c u% Single YArn.............. .36c a lb. Nowhere in this Country—in all the cities, villages ov hamlets—are rig ! Blankets of such superior or such true surpassing elegance and newness I offered at anothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In a' f. marking the prices on our Goods our one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything wig sell is immeasurably t P lower than anywhere else. Call and Rive us an order. A C. D U FT O N, Op House,llaso on. w 11v'l.k'Ii11 I S T H E BEST e g I7 Ship H ° of he R 130 N A is to be found a beautiful stock of MILLI e In the Em orium � -'I NF.RY that is right rep to date. Hand- some Dress trimmings. Serviceable Dress Go,ids very c ,exp. Flannel- ,i ettes ucsurpassed in value. If you want a good•SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or 1300TS or SHOES, do net buy witbout inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSE s usy ,1 BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROUERY department is well sup- up plied with good goods. About 100 lbs. of SALT YORK at ®c. per lb. to clear., plied �'t Some half -gallon and pint GEMS to dispose of at 12J and 9 cents. 9 ADAMS' EMPORIUM, 1� - ��ri � C� 1 S °. LOND ES�O2O [ a THE BEST e , d PHOTOGRAPHS � °4 e TAKEN BY ak: is H O R ACS E FOSTER: THERE CAN 139 NO BETTER THAN THE BEAT r; CPA -4, i TEA •i,} r It e. °- 11v'l.k'Ii11 I S T H E BEST LAC1fE'1'S ONLY—SLACK OR MIXED—'-HALP AND ONE POUND PACKETS-- -o 40 6f) 80 Ire T8 POUND E AIL 213, 4 " T"c DAVIDSON Ar HAY LTD. WHOLESALE AGENTS TORONTO ti IT PAYS TO C familiar The defiaendistill continues for graduates o! .ing Cal Wedda -n;.'he CanadaBuiness College om 4as. McClachert 'S are mad t f` ,; t ,,V�.,,;., Fr y TbdbestEmbulm1D Fluidused a an a rrlaohin train. 4tA1 K> ''''`fi ,''' CH4Tit.A►M, OI�T. people who event the best. Tt g track in front f pp It 3 rrc iti:' are ume uatled forfte uali + t s E Liltli;l , tWho'wse;..Ilef�r-by)otitic, ;: , r:Ms' ;3tffl holds,& dgbfded' lead cret its contourpocar• q !1 li dDts+rl olY 'the track +i >,t ottet'ib Sherthattd and Business training. end artistlo deroriRtiurist 1, weiinrlia ret, sad 'tboleter for trim best SAW Hardwick , . _ ,.., . � � c t'1� ., � , t j xil,L 30 tiui,tire.., Agent toxtlis:` uanKnda ifnirlediateIy :pttllesL him off« grCtdoj , x,, ;,, , �. ,; level;° io0i� ;Stndent% We Ohl t em b cap ess: to ecil.pagtei >� $ lendld Hearses .. p . Said arfivilL pliatio pf:}flits; ytaincir, iW7ttlT AtrTOlriTxd A, t. l� i ,wldk ihtconsideri@d to be of sound wind �f�il� :.: !�' . eolrr a etre itwar of the�omin CIT, . ` �F . .ft, r;; , HaVabean trafnk to • *Is, , g ., , e4 Bo 3Ixl t3;tpr63shsd ' ^ ` " :... a be ourid,inii4er= us' ant~eedy , ntatxQrrisf+>t E»� (� <... , an no catt6"e 3s'khd*n for the attemptr< r estmbliehed,10 1078, ard *r tc f g r Wd' �ittitc7 M oilYlllr rttttl0 4 , xyn is li e. IIti has ofr6n .eta►led that, , , a,,, ty ptstytotjn and city diftbis 4ouilubnt, hold. otism .'�' o s i w ; "; >{ , iri�sholPa ptNition�Y .. atalty a a nd,l ticee oil N�1 llci�tlbll. f Lillis, dl p,.OV, � : ALIBF.ATST'. CtLkXTC11J Ile wtl , kill himbeif. 41 Bu h • c>niiniitr` lsrr E rlbtfliL �,: ; , �, ,,;,:: 1fiftib'an1lY.ij'o'hjoi4flCuafuli► lab has ossa Y R "` T.i „ 11' ! >e #D iill>biotif it�s>desf..�. a• Ri rttd s f.AM . tbrAnY , .:.A Sdr lied#e>fdx A, 4fy sl��.. A I iA1 Irl iso alaailwf " N t dbtetWi! 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