HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-13, Page 5;t
very department in their large establishment will be $ the most seeping reductions, The
e o
eingthat not alone in one department, but all over the 401113 the stobk is too lame and must be
to .a reasonable amount, as in another month or so new spring gocds will begin to come to hand,
re 'will have no place to put them, and we are determined that no matter how great the reductions that
rill be made in the quotations given below, they shall only be made in the interest of our customers.
tremendous bargain month will begin on the morning of Saturday, November 14th and continue till
day, the30th inst. Remember this store's reputation is todo exactly iu every instance what is adver-
d, and this will be no exception to the rule. because every line of goods and every price given here will
iei' adhered to to the letter. All prices marked in plain figures. No goods will be given out on approval, and
will be taken bak after being sold. Scores of ~other fines of goods not mentioned here will.>a'
be added to this list of bargains, so that any and every customer may be suit 'd,
e piece Heavy Black Cord
Wing, worth $1 35, will go out
end tour yards fancy black
Cckk Mantling, regular price,
ip, will be sold at this sale for
pieces Fancy Eiderdown, for
a`lt!s Cloakings, all in splendid
Dors and patterns, regular 50o,
tk'sell at 25c.
4 'pieces Lovely Plaids, this
eon's style, all latest makes, re-
ular price 30e, will go out at 20e
11 of our beautiful stock of
;lack Dress Goods, and Navy,
1Myrtle' and Black Serges,
alley il►ress -Goods are in -
tiled: in this Sweeping Sale, as
;r sticks are entirely too large,
i we are bound to reduce for
ing arrivals.
2 pieces beautiful Art Muslin,
38 inches wide, regular price 15c,
clearing sale price 9c.
3 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress
Goods, double fold and beautiful
mixtures, regular price 50c per yd,
must go at 35c.
3 pieces 18 inch Heavy Striped
Towelling, worth regular 8 to 10c
sale time 4c.
5 pieces double fold heavy
cloth Dress Goads, all plain colors,
Gray, Black, Bronze, Seal Navy,
all worth 25c, sale price 12 - ie
The best Flannellette in Can-
ada at 5c, is going to be sold at
this Clearing Sale, so keep your
eyes open.
1 end, 3 yds. of fine Black Di-
agonal Mantling, regular price.
$1 50, for 98c.
Men's Braces, Ties, Socks and
Gloves, in Kid and Knitted, also
Collars, Cuffs, Shirts & Drawers
all at Special Sale Prices.
6 pieces Gray, Cardinal, Navy
Myrtle, Black and,Seal Mantle
and Ulster Cloth, regular price
90c, clearing price 65c.
3 pieces Tweed Dress Goods,
light colors, worth 30c, now lac.
These are real snaps.
2 pieces beautiful FancvCheck
Dress Goods the Latest colors and
make, regular price, 30c, sale time
will go out at 19c.
Ladies Greenland Seal Capes
all sizes and lengths; Fur Coats;
Ladies Long Black Astrachan
Jackets, Fur Boas, Ladies Fur
Caps, Ladies Storm Collars and
Muffs, all will be sold regardless
of profit.
7 Fancy Scotch Tweed Dress
ends, 7 yards each, double fold,
and latest goods, were $1 00, sale
time 74c.
2 pieces 54 inch Tweed Dress
'Goods latest mixtures, regular 90c
at Great Clearing Sale time will
let them go Ot 60c
Beautiful Cretons that were 20,
for 1 tic. Another lovely line of
Cretons, formerly sold at 15o, will
go at 11c.
Art Muslim in both single and
double fold, all .fast colors, Cur-
tains, Curtain Nets, Portiere,
Table Covers, £'heenile and Wool
all must go at this sale.
150 Remnants of the very best
Dress Goods in our house, all
colors and weaves, worth from 50c
to $1.50 per yard regular, mist see
the last of these at half prig
3 ends fine Sealettes, regular
price $5 50, $7 00 and $8 50.—
Sale price $3, $4 90 and $6 30
Boy's Overcoats, breast' meas-
ures from 28 to 35 inches,
4 only that were $3.50 for .. $1.75
3 only that were 4.00 for.... 2.00
5 only that were 4.50 for , , . , 2 25
4 only that were 5.50 for.... 2.76
6 only that were 6 50 for..... 3.25
3 only that were 7.00 for.., .. 3.50
Boy's 2 piece Suits, from 22in,
breast measure to 29 inches.
8 suits, regular $2.50, now $1 25
5 suits regular 3 00, sale price 1 50
6 suits regular 3 50, sale price 1 75
4 suits regular 4 00, sale price 2 00
8 suits regular 5 00, sale price 2 50
Huron Co. Endeavorers.
Btepd Deuteronomy, 81, 6.
ry„ he first Local Union in India was org-
in.zed at Muesooie a few weeks ago.
This column is open for suggestions on
iF ow to shake hands in our Endeavor
meetings" Be short.
=The report of the Convention held in Ot-
hied; will be very valuable and the prioe
)lily 15 ciente. Every Endeavorer should
leave' one.
Mussels Epworth League has lost its
resident by the removal:of G. D. Lamont
A 'Brantford. Rev. Mr Allen, Honorary
president, will complete the term.
,:',The Co. Sabbath School Executive have
?postponed the date of the Co. Convention
,rem January to Summer, when it will be
„ 1eld. in conjunction with the Co. End-
"' or Union.
,Every Endeavorer in are Co. shonld con-
,'teibute to this column. So far Secretary
Cooper and Vice -Pres. Miss Roes aro tbo
only two who have responded. Address
,,,'Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secretary,
.will he in Clinton Sunday and Monday
.Deo. 20th and 21et. The Monday night
naeing is to be a mase meeting of ah the
youngpeople in the vicinity.
The' subject for prayer in the Worlu's
, Christian Endeavor prayer chain for Nov-
etnbex';is, "Pray for Canada, that it may be
litGod-fearing, law•abiding Chrieian land,
,pray :tor every, wise effotl of the young
peoploao advance true Cbriati an citizenship.
• I:m.0 oratthe recent C. E. convention
Belfast, Ireland, etch "I am like the
:centurion .4131d, for si co I have had a
Christian Endeavor So ety I am able to
esy` to„011e, SO, and he goeth, and to another,
ddltliie, dad. he o�eth, arid to the Lord's
;Bervent, do this, and he doeth it.”
To uron bounty belongs the honor of
aving. the largest number of junior
branabe of'x b. O. E. Society, and as the
de egate,fromthie county at the late inter-
,Provluoiell. Convention, Frank lisle had the
ploai'nre of+ bringing home the, handegme
niter awarded by tho',Oonveution. Tho
benner,i. o on for competition next year
tend' s0.e: other' counties are already
workingsrrit,•brit Huron should make an
effort to>raisin it. 00 Dec..'4th a rnblio
?>hteiif els wi11 bo.lreid at Cl}'nfon, when Mr.
;Gfnderioh, chili preesnta report of
elation: ' The President hue also•
fted to.give CO' address.
exandezi,President West Preeby-
;obrlroh 'Ci. E. ',Booiaty, Toronto,
T )0611, of Belgrave,
x+o11i c tiite,'otiet ,. One' hese
work In thla oil :'i'a very praotioat.
e1`ppera iii; huff llttee have for flys
tried mill' lithe t lesion cwork ];'ri-
Veda NOVeiztherNovember #ci . April
'of flail wort nartere of the-; city tw
o' n �.ladierc, art; tt ""amen the
y li , ,,, g
• err *auoatroa' had lrA i ;
wma-?r>ni�ld ndlE read ,,e;� wk �b
e , . rt �:
�' ,i8.
t ,.hit
AIS( �o
li o 3! ,.. �K. , g'!
of e11,�M fine of them Are
i'fiw llvfiiil tiled o0e0trying.
alt Method,
92400 0i
Christmas•this year comes on Friday,
Mrs Wattereon, of St. Catharines, fell
dead in the Roman Catholio Church at
early mass.
Thomas Mallon of Brookville was shot
through both lunge by a companion named
Harry Songer, while hunting.
Mr. John Walter, a well-to-do farmer of
Camden Township, committed suicide by
drinking carbolic acid.
Archie Gillies of Teeswater was wounded
by a boy friend who pointed a revolver at
him, not knowing it was cocked.
We do not need to go abroad to find
heathen temples, for there are three ander
the oontrol of the Chinese in Victoria, B.O.
The outgoing President of the United
States,Grover Cleveland, is a Presbyterian
the President-elect, William McKinley, is
a Methodist.
It is understood that Chief Justice Hag-
erty, who has for so many years adorned
the bench of the Outerio Court of Appeal,
is about to retire.
Mr McKinley, the President-elect of the
United States, states that "no words will
better express my feelings towards England
thau, Peace on earth, goodwill to 'men."
• Edmund Harvey, late City Treasurer of
Guelph, having pleaded guilty of embezzle-
ment of city funds and made restitution
so far as he was able, was seutenoed to
three months' imprisonment by the County I
Judge. -
A Kingston lady suffering from continu-
ous headache was subjected to cathode rays
and a depression of the skull was found.
A bony growth pressed on the brain. This
was removed, and she is improving.
Prank McGarry, who disappeared from
Cornwall a year ago and was recently tbe
subject of a sensational story by Mrs Win-
ters, has been traced to Montreal, from
(whioh port be sailed on the steamer Lake
Superior as a cattle -boy. ,
The Manitoba Cabinet held a three home
session to discuss the e611oo1 settlement.
The agreement was practically ratified, but
one or two pointe have to be confirmed, by
the Dominion. Archbishop Langovin re-
ferred to the question in his Sunday even-
ing sermon.
A 9-year.okl-eon of Fred King, Amherst -
berg, placed a pound of wet gunpowder in
the stove to dry. soon after Mr King
started a Are. The powder dried; instantly
exploded, blowing the atovetto atoms, cora-
hIotely wrecking she kitchen and'firi'ng the
at*.rortunately there wan no one in
the room at the thus of the explosion.
, liar. Bryan has declined the;of#er of Man-
iger of the law` department tip Siegel, Oobper
dt Q4, r,big iltdre, Aeolarin that he' -,Meana
give' itx(e all
t �lll ltih�tei time Ao nhe can
to the
offer of 4126,000 8 year
it4$bdve!:b3en'te(Yptlsin a man hose
Qo}hr .ee W. lawyer Odrahardly, have
q 1 aitettholtbiwtatniount. Butfrom
aliltit>11l .taud biwfi.>�kr Brya ni 1. pmbal;ly
Thanksgiving day in both Canada aed
the United States will be oelebrated on
Thursday, Nov. 26.
Flags on the public buildings at Ottawa
were flying Monday in honor of the anniver-
sary of the birthday of the Prince of Wales.
A telegram from Winnipeg nays that
there is good eleightng in that district, but
that furtbur west farmers are still plowing
While tbe want of rain has caused a
wheat famine in India, excessive rains ,
have destroyed the potato crop of the west
of Ireland.
Mr Alfred Lamb was working ander a
oar on a switch at Stratford when a shunt-
ed car struck it. The result was the shock-
ing death of Mr. Lamb.
Tho body of Michael Dundon was found
at Hamilton lying on the street in a pool
of blcod. It is believed he received his
injuries in an accident.
Prof. Coleman's report upon the discovery
of what was supposed to be coal in Balfour
Township has been issued. The snbstanoe
is called anthraxolite, and the opinion is
expressed that it may have aoonsidererable
eaomonia value as fuel for loose use
A veterinary surgeon in Toronto sorr.e
months ago gave a cat a cupful of milk
taken from a cow affected with tuberoulosis.
About a fnonth ago tabby began to lose
flesh, now she is peevish and has a.hacking '
cough, whioh betokens that she is in an I
advanced stage of consumption,
The steamship Rio de Janeira, frorp Yo-
kohama, Hong Kong and $onolnln, brings
the following Oriental news: Li Hung
Cheng'e oelebrated coffin, whioh he parried
with him in bis reoent tour of the world,
was burned recently in a fire on board the
steamship Glencarteney.
General Manager Hague of the Meohants'
Bank of Canada, has It1et returned from
New York. He say the result of the Preei-
dental eleotion will improve business in
both United States and Oanada, and will
be especially beneficial to oar lumber
trade and industries affected by It. "With
regard to tariff legislation under Mr Mo-
Kinisy," oonoludes Mr Hague, "I did not
hear mpoh, but I fanny that, owing to so
large a number who voted for him being
Demoorata and free traders, it will be al.
most impossible to pass a tariff bill through
Oongr'ees that .would impose higher duties
that $hos at preeent'prevailing.
A sad drowning accident happened in
Palmerston, Nov. 4, by whioh Joseph 'Wes-
ton lost his youngest eon, It egeema that'
Errol, a;ohiid of three years old, was pidy
ins, in the yard as naval.. and though he
bled not teen noticed for
the space of 20
minutes, no,..ppYehe lbus were enter.
tetined.a When arMenton came home or
dinner, Rupert, the S
ewed ton
. wen
o the.
oieternfor elof water and dieooveted
the youngest 'brothex >dcabluoft the Surface
of.tho'wAter. The:pning of the', bittern
prb �ed.bya Soz About af teen%in �ea
high axed- it is aOpposed that the. Child, in
looking over'the box, fell int Ho.tvalt clavas
known Jo go tont the cistern'Wore,
Hon Mr Fisher, Dominion Minister of
Agriculture, visite Washington this week
to confer on the proposed changes in regard
to the quarantining of oattle affecting both
The skeleton of a man, supposed to be
Peter McLellan, was found by i&r. Weir
while plowing on hie farm in South Dor-
chester. McLellan worked for LittleSt os„
former occupants of the farm, and dis-
appeared under enepioioua circumstances
ten years ago.
After 27 years of persistent labor, Mies
Rye, whose name is known thronghout
Canada as the originator of the emigration
sobeme for English girls, has retired from
the woik and has gone to her home in
Hartfordebere, England, where together
with her three sisters, who have also been
engaged in the work, she will spend the re-
mainder of her days.
The town of Parry Bound has five good
hotels and nota bar room in any of them,
The liquor traffic is outlawed since the in-
spection of the town, through the influence
of Mr Beattie, founder of the town. Mr
Beattie owned all the land upon which the
town is built, and in making the sale of the
land to purchasers, eaoh deed has a special
clause prohibiting the sale of liquor for all
t,me to come.
In Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, women
voted in the repent United States Presid-
ential election on a perfeot equality with
men. The Philadelphia Bullletin says
that in Live times out of six the women, if
married, join the party to which their hus-
bands belong; or, if unmarried, that *0
whioh their fathers, brothers yr lovers
may be allied.
Harry Beno isa freak, who left New Or-
leans about the first of the year on a wager
that he could baffle 15,000 dootore, has
strnok town. Harry makes a speciality of
driving a shoemakers' awl into his ekull, of
baying dootore out bunks out of his body,
without drawing blood, and other gruesome
tricks. He says he makes a standing offer of
860 to any doctor who oan draw blood, and
from any part of his body, the doctor be.
ing allowed to out half an inch deep. Beno
has exhibited himself around the world al-
ready, and in making hie seoond trip.
The Army'e special week of Self -Denial
commences next week. The principles of
this scheme are so well known that they re-
quire little explanation. , The Salvation
Army,aeeks to save the drunkard, lift up
the harlot-, help 'ex -prisoners, and are for
homeleeuand' motherless children. .Its 01-
floere vies ho dame Of Our larg oitlei�;.tell-,
i ofthe 1 e of Josue, stolid a ainkk an
n e v , e , t t� $
dying, to food. to the 'etarvifi , Visit rip-
MS and ipIhale andlln every forget,
seI ear Seek: id' help ',he MOSS
ttng.th r ., .:. , p.,..,
needy This'kindbflove•s�yogakster �ltaolf,
Bolt`. a foa l's is encu
Ther re th�r• iia . o , pr et, .1, , ag t ,
7 r e ani
The ligator �i11 be., ..ad to . �a ��� Y
t e of a, e; give.
con htt tbha #h e p urs .wT la W i .
Be 'teener er great theyr'darn bo Aeettlred bt
ttl leB4b1bre• �atids M
t° t 6the
de 0o that x wdh on
A "
yti the Meet advant.g"eotie
A Wonderful Reception.
The enperb premium picture 'The Or-
phan's Prayer" is now being distributed to
subscribers of the Family Herald and
Weekly Star, Montreal, and it must be ad-
mitted that it is an astonishing premium
for a paper to give. From all accounts the
piotnre 1s receiving a magnifioient reception.
We see amongst those who are highest in
their praise of the Family Herald picture
many artists , of ,world-wide reputation.
Men who were never known to give their
endorsation or a word of praise for a pre-
mium picture are lavish in their praises of
the Family Herald picture. It is felt on all
hands, and amongst rival publishers, too,
that the Family Herald of Montreal is just-
ly entitled to theoongratulationsof the whole
Dominion. We hear that the subscription
bet of the Family [Jerald shows the great-
est boom in the newspaper business this
country has yet witnessed. Very few
people will believe when they see tho pic-
ture that such a gem and so wonderful a
paper as the Family Herald can be had for
one dollar a year.
A fl rat class N tIliams Plano, Upright, Mahog-
any Case, almost new, for sale, on very reason-
able terms, Apply at NEW E R4 OF'F'ICE,
Since issuing our big Circular
we have secured the following
trade winners;
Lake Huron Herring; per keg, 2,60 or 2 Jos >1 26
Lk Bimcoe whitefish, per keg, 4.50 or per lb 5
Lk Huron Trout, per keg,141 t' or per I0•,, 6
Finest Mustard pickles in hulk, per quart.., 10
Best Mixed Pickles in bulk per quart 10
Worcestershire Sauce, Chili Bauoe, Tomato
Catsup, three bottles 25
20o Broome for ,. 10
Bottled Pickles, 8 for 55
Scrub Brushes, 2 for 0
2 pairs Women's Slippers 25
Men's 4 Clasp Felt Boots 1 50
76o Felt Hate for 45
Men's Calf Faced Mitts 45
Men's Rid Gloves, largest assortment in Blyth 60
Boyd Woad Mitts.
Finnan Meddle, per lb...,
8 Bars Soap large size
Misses and bhiidren's Rubbers 26
Fine Large Trunks from 1 60
Boy's and Girl Moccasins 65
Men's Moccasins.- .... 75
Sweet Potatoes, 19111x• for
Cranberries 4 qtiarts
bank '
Ned Iiht Soap 2 boxes per box 10o, 8 for.
Ment Leather Leggings 1 26
10Ibq Salta cr Sulphur 26
Granite Tea Pot large eine 25
Ciotti Starob, ....-., . .. 6
6Ibx Qinge Soa fi r... 26
Very Ana led Candy per lb ., 6
Essence Lenon or Vanilla 10
lbo:Sealore•Baking Powder
node Bidenits
16lia L'1leetrio soap. ` r 6
Patti al and Cattle Soap 10
Ohs b ,.
�'B' 6 4
Cern'Maai albs .,,., ' 10
t ail 9 or ....4. t
i0� i'a IJ ftrli tlo til f .
e era
' u can
=AtiotbeiC °ori►rn5 of Qo]orad ,D1Ej]1es, �o
blew; anylilbo oyou ante forlett,eImoney.
le t or taexelow prleed.. +ll0020
coo gf, y!e. store
y, i Meati.,: q r
fl�, a e late f
i!t•anoe a „ e V Y . ri ,
foaled iilib'ltiae freeh'gabdd ,
lit-' JESS 0111" '6);:C0.0. tillit'T,
Mrs Ella Brower, wile Mr C. A.
Brower, M. P. P. for East Elgin, died
Monday from lung trouble in the 64th
year of her age.
Subscriber otters for sale hie excelien farm
of 9211 acres, being lot 27, 4th Con of Hulled.
Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation.
Farm has two-story brick hones, frame baro
and etable, splendid bearing orchard. plenty of
water, Situate about 211 miles from the town of
Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 acres
of fall wheat sown. Possession given et any
time. For particulars apply on the premises or •
to A. WEIR, Clinton P. O. tf,
Electric Light Plant in the
Thriving Town of Clinton
Owing to the death of one of the partners of
the Electric Light Co., the Plaut sad property
of the Company is offered for sale. Thin is an
excellent ,ppertunity for Investment, there be
Ing no gns or opposition Co. in the town For
term, and full particulars apply to D. ORA RAM
BONS & CO., Inglewood, or to J. P. TISI)A1.L,
Banker, Clinton
For Children
of all ages. .
of three years and over can
amuse themselves by the hour
with our
Pet Picture Puzzle
10e. each, or our
Wild Animal Picture Puzzle
10c. each.
of six years and over with
History Picture
uzzles 15c each, or
Every Day Picture .Puzzle 150
Bible Pietrire Puzzle 15c,
Tho larger Boys' and Girl's and even
adults will derive a fund of emnsement
Old Homestead Pioture Puzzle
600 each, and 50e each for
rather (Trims piotnre Puzzle
Ask your bookseller or fanny goods
dealer t0 show you,these puzzles or on
receipt of price we will trend prepaid.'1
Manufactntod solely by
�l,e �, >!
1g'liieii t til Virelxtf Toronto