HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-13, Page 3� , r�- —, . ­ P'11.1.x -_ 11. 11!.,, "'t. - - lk,,� -,K4F"V'­—,1 � ' I - , W.. -, r " .„r , I . I ;., -, � I V 4�. I„, I.., - "� . ” � 1. �. , ,� , , ;. . I 1 - I � ,, - � � . ,, : 1. :�, , . .. �, � ,.. - I � 1. ,,, 1�_ . : , I - I I � �_ ­; . " ., 1, 11 �11 I �� .... . , .. I I , " �-:,, ��,', _ :3 , I I I . V�71 :1 , , * . . , . I -.11,1�� _ 1: . , ,�, � I ... � �, 11, " . � , �,:,� , I �, - I I � k I 4�, �� - .... I . , " 0::, , ,, ,r: f , - I . I � . . , I .�� I � � I V , I I I W�_ 1_� . . �.. I I ., I . . 1� v% , , J:�., � � I I -, � I I , I ., . , . '. I . I � I — I � I I I . . � � 1 ''I � , - It, . I ., w7,�O, _11I.- . 11. I I 1 I,L4. 1 - - � 11-11 -11- , .i - ­ft1.1_jRhrr , I _'. - I I - __ �,, ,,, , . 1 �4 .1 � -1 — , ", . � � ­­_,,__ 111.-11 " I I I I Ai&LA1kAi& ,, I 4il k 0' 4 I . . Aw A, I 4 ­� .­11­1�__ , I __ � -1- ___ ....... �, - , 11 �. 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I )��,,, S�l 1*14. ; ... � � , I I " �tqj,�,, k � ), ,� 11 1, valOW 4 , Iih 1, I �' , ,� , �� , a,,' , ,, , I I -- — . .,. Tli.a jfjev��r og,�'. Sleg,q),''I ,�00� . . . I.. I r I .. V 00A " 4 goko � I � ' _ �oripi�,* ., � I I I . . I , - . to U.101 Pr9- I � � I ow"Of *: "", ­ 11 I 1. , V , -;. :,lofook ul4oh MQ I* P I , , , , , 1p I . _k, I , . 11", _ ,``,`�:��, ,,,­' I I's .,: t VVero,pt �# ,r.,*!a I . � " ,.r 1, 41 " ' ' , , '' ,',, ,, I , ' 14fwill'40 , i , , i"A 1�1 41 17 a, � I .ek STIFY . , lk:,, � . _. " I Ax,440ph . ftodv0m 1"VA4,' ��t r I I - j . : , r c�,' .. - I 40AM"T, at, #0 .1f ki , � . , *Aor J* I . , 'a- f, ,� r .. ­ . - _ " qt . , � . , , , 11 10r,q� ,,� "'li , X a -1 . . V too . ToRk 4114 i . tqo rM In , � �K. or , ­ " V'� � � �11 I .14 , V �, , �1. I _ , k _ _ I I 0 . I , . . , , A , '' pl I*A 4# to _ - go .40,11 - " JK$194. lof $tpp � to , ':, 1 V , . *. V� ,"� ,,�,V �N�,A re JrMy 0 Oft, t.1 Ir WA, 't-t1i. -� 414tori QUARETT E , , d, �' ", , , ;1 . lith"'AWN , vi,� � �,0 bite , , V We , . i � " ,,:. L Or� - A nX, ,,,,,, , _ uAlull I �A , 'tb4n, kmrr,01,4� XP 0404104,,� , 'pig"Apu 11 for r'! , , -� ; 1#4.0,�,AbR ;. . �.,,��, , - ,�. ., I I & - � , I . �;: J� � 111, I W , Aoy ,�' , c , Daily , W 64,0404"vIt AvW91 ":94 L , , . ,�, ;- I . , " I I . I 1. 11 I � , , - , rate � to m*,T­drk­; # I. ; �, I " , q#q W , , , " oig:'m ", - , Q - the bu,�helli plicogo in ,�G PI e are . � . � , � . - . . . , Ii, I T I . , I 4,40,11i"'o; I r . _ 1 ,4,� ,;;..;, ` " " I . * , .1. � �"' I ­`, ,� k,',;j�,,-,',.* )rem esti h{' ,!,� ', ,,r,,,,,.,,,,. t, , - , , I I - f- I ,!� ,. . . , I ""' It - . 0`9 ,.'.*',,,r : �. , "; , `�� " I #0 ; �siohpll Advice. orTrOt, e6 ,!,��- au , '0 , " "' ': , I - 4r�,#,*, ,;; , ' & Co., I '". . I I " '140 ..... eil ad, . 004,0 I from Slim tie p , , I I Ao 5W10 CIA ': Ylt: '10 ita'W'soo." Ho,� X40qtv4qoi f rene 41 P - L ; 1 ,,;�19;1 � Itiali martet, it so 6th 'q�,o. 00"�,t&�% i­�'01 1, roiispqg#jti�4,0 by� Mat 11", I 01, � . . , , . rult belbg Tellia, .. ,4 from On e I tollowlt 9M v 'KA10 0 �bis raodloljwto� vantageo. The quantity 0 I , 4 Irolie q , 1-6 0, there is no 0 , .►ted c�4440.", 1! la,4 W. Be Kimb &,,44, , , �. ,ltd,,;s, -4 ` _L_ �� -*, I 1 - . - d to w by rea- danger ATM I ;. � , ";.�,J, -',�,�� , 11 . 41 " , V- " much pmaller and lighter . h0q,po,tho,ro"14 _IyAoxg."'004,4" -, �,, role, ,)read 01�ease or other , 'ell I , 10 1114r . , ,, `10 -` , ` , , , - -, * 1`111 , ,, ,� I crushing; the, sqAipre , ;; - . . �, " . ,,,, , ,� 4", 1 141,131ae prq , ltottrrijim � , b," , 11 ;., V, .. .1 .. ". e , "�,, " I . . i ,. � '. , , , , .R*10 no apa�e is lost as 0 " -i"W"a , '; *`1{," " " -, I . r ­ , ­ Q , po ,41,u , aj Until, her w* has packages at ti . by- tit a e 61 41unvoll ,it0!kv*'0.'w­1 1 RI I W10 � 1�1 1"r� IWOUSTER. N. Y. :',.-.�, ,", ',�.' ,0 - ,_ It -together in cars Is %W(4y i in lue"� 0 :o e ro�.* .�; . ., . into 0'�400 " 5 ""; , �, , , kg , � � " , ght, I W ,, , 11 .� .,:: , , .j '�I,g , )tnj,X and steamerai 'I . . s we' woll�d'llki ­ ­ I � . � " ,,. oig I . - , *' �7,0 i ..; '� ',�l ()��q AWA -1111 � 10111'1:41 - � Q, , I . _ I . O,W,�, � . — , `� , ,�, J�;V b r ape. - HOW',- 'W "' W.""U"rik"'Alm I ,�, . 1C 1��, I ­�, Irw . 104000oiana an, � � '0 _* iii the case of barrels. It is so much , _ , a , . I I ., I , wl �� Imt moug W 9.1'1� etre. � Improved manage %.. 14 - �, 40 t , ., .. . ,12 :T1.11-ulto 1,1041 or jupp,stauding easier to, exa . - 1. I-tO " , , , I a wine the fruit in bushel : . I . , - , 1, .. -�.W;�*,Afv chronic, . I *.. - I 11 I _,O- .1 � ---__ " 11 11 1.� �!T I A +1, �� 416.1 'alit.aQ � a Al t.t, V,�, �;,� I . . , . I 11 � ­­,! I . ,­f�tp . . boxes than In urrre 9, ..A . V , pa U a ux" -X , - Ottery. . I . ,,ill h I , I k`4 , ; �, " 6#'j,Ae call for "Wk, - " I I t2. �, ,,,, , poreonal treatment . ., � *40.106g "�!. . and the pbsitiq4 would ,,�k " bbl. must be about the same for either ,14 gtV0'X; A . fine opp.ortu,0410.15 (60,0_4 *10444'. i� . �,..`;�N!4.'��,!A' , , , package. We expect that these enter- __ 4� I . ­- I , � , '�, Viol _... ,ill, r4a of the country became, 00 t class, tof Pop] .. .i fl pers -who have adoptod ' . solid wJt1i thiel I 1- 0,10 " Retail everywhere ' "R A tPok or 4 �:,.: *1 . . P_j %� . to etbot an 113- . t A [�I ". , , ,�: 4 �j , I �1, I � '� 60 * to * � -, .�_V­ . , trl� t1twels necessary P"" "'p' ,ill find good reason sk Your Nearest Drug to bflq,'$( p,'� . , I , i , t�e new package vi I A gist F would be likely ,b " 'gr(�'r-� - , �;- - '4-04o a itud. I , . ";j ),so large that. under one roof x,nces, 9!4%rrel qkiio ,. A""I.- ,� � ' 0 - � . , I IN ,§,�,,, t feel encouraged by the result of the 1. RA rt and luxulY Munyou's Guide to Health, SO , . , ,W.V�t, " ,,%$ fqn-4d every IzGTIQ: P�rtvaintal store, TheltiV4 4�, I , 1. ��,`,'j ., 0 1�k , f - de] 8190 of I �� 'A 00 * c " it '14,1.013liginsat,'who in the o%paoity o experiment ')Oct a 25 -cent 'Revived.3 avid --� ,, , (11, J�I *�­',�` ."I . Package k � 'i ) q the lej,al troteseloo 1�j ,leg6l,,O � ,-,',,# ( - eatment from . , or , . , I '� 0 & Co. 8 It My t , 4411 t I k"S", � � , , I _ I treatment , 0 PL4 , ho'.�',4�vlt 'I, . � 0. �%jld�wopld receive . or Tour;self. " , - , , ". It ta of"the big,, I lic5stry tre,41tiovIo. 4 41 'e _ , ' - as' I A neglected cough in dfulgerOuls- Stop it Doet t'; I 15 is*% medical skill § ,'R ,,'a , �m nbells is � i ,tion with Dr, g Shiloh's cure, Sold by J. . - Ill 'ba� 0 .- A. I .1 ' ' ' 11 I , .�# couquIto &t onoq by uain — . f, "7 4' - requent That •H. Coi�o')be, Clinton- down to a 14dry good*X410," 11 � "It Ile � , I, V I I departwen I � , - ' 11 ," : '. I 1i, , I I , ;1. I , R ,,, ,1 '1�� ' of 04 b' President of the Faoulty. I I I I ,, , r i,�,,V. , � I fal stores, Foci ' - . . j,_ ,0, MU NAVY WAM 'Aa� - ­ I.,koe, the , great 30N, 16 Nutust street, .one another In redur, ug , a . . . . . . , - i 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. W� , .1 .411 1i up 1, U. �% in conception onceasked a saloonkeo�er ­ . I , A ppr ect ubled 'm -My little boy . , Z nee never tro .4 , , 0 he b%fi �, " , [on 1W this � - , , , , I , - - ­ —_ , VA I I I if .his conscie ore,, *X1 14M - .1 ... �k,Z tit ti A minister " , , , , I . in'dotall, Of largo dimensions f i sections, that 0 Toronto, Canada, says; lays to & minimum.", - __4� 1". " The man said: Was very ill with a severe attack of bilious-' 1106'y-�&­W ,. . "N., , nial�i 4 patient hoer run .ji_ ., 0,61610 I po h a from �I, middle no Do k I k'�,�� , lb I I a pr6otioing medicine should have, - A 05 . , �&�,, _ respecting his business. Hoag anti Ch6rdfai to into I , . . _ &­�,,P sotics, Over� -the - tloome-lneide� air," ltwmsthemidd as Mbibus-__ He&ula' . , ono of these t0llib� 1� r . ' 001 anything on bi Was in ments, havehie wounds dressek anew ` " �, �1' 9 ""' _k_'a'tsod-t1_hia_Pr a atomach, and �',; , ,;", o ­q ' fi�utjon like this, of the day. There waa none of the keep I . I 'IM hot is just what usual customers about. My friend a h gii fever. H6 was so b&d, in fact he *Ali,Am," �" _F, .*o,ria, y J�tmdiug so ins suit of clothes subititutipil for, tbe'dam� M11 Ank A916 ,111 " T F, �1�1, �1,k,'­ � 'a head from the . . arksble, ftl@ Yet t could not rest, nor raise his not 4) - -seems rem all I 41V . , I - ,�,v , - will not permit went in. The gro, seller went behind d ones. and a writ issued ag . 14r,7111 -,` 00�'3�'" ,-,$r Pierce I 'a e �M,' offender, all In the ap4ce of h4lf an , ,as don�. SP96ce I , Invalid's Hotel, his own bar, and Cning on It, said: Pillow- He began using 'Munyon Fever ;�, I I SU _,t, and Cbolera Remedy, -- I � f�,"" d ibe this great I and the vomiting ,,'g;.;; ,,,,, t �, �, � us to eeor -,P � � replete in every - R806P- "Reverend air, there are times when I bourorso. Bargain do;js for law .-W.. ;.� �,­ detail e childintro- !',,' , _ , , '1 I nj unctions, executions, etc.,will V.;.,�, brat it I a 00 look at the stopped at once, and in two days th lreading room, stand behind this bar and lo I ;,g ss, - ' ( parlors. library, 4a entirely ,well.'! ,�,! ;4. ,tiori rooms ; I hear their was duce a new excitement into the time. ,�� ,! , , I, i. # � bath depart- ,men who fill this room eumatfam Cure seldom fail% THREE REASONS - . �,t private rooms, Munyon's Rh honored pastime of litightlop- . I4 " magnificent , Iandother baths, blasphemy arid their lewd songs; I see _�.i ment supplied with Turkish 11- to relieve in one to three hours, and cures . I I I 0" 44,1 medical, surgical, electrical departments, their fighting and their awful robjeo in a few days: Price 16c. Why our Sales of Stoves ,this fall , 11 . ,g we will allude t9 its Bar- duct, and I often say to myself. "If Cure positively How many young an and young women , Mnnyon'B Dyspepsia � I .1 es all forms of indigestion and stornsf-h last aa' I in ........ i ,., etoo in pass") �nce, where from there is a picture of hell on our earth, are out off the future seems bright- ,� esu of medical correepcnd! car n have been so much increased: I 'I'll ... 1, 10 to 12 doctors with 'their atenographers it is in places like this." eat and rudest of promisel They are take I I i 6, � , _ I attending to vast trouble. Pgice 25o. . Tor ons- �. 'M'. , are cons employed in i fyoui invalids munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia away by the disease which causes o let -We keep the largest assortment of Stoves in the County to choose from. such as 11 V; 1 jence received ndbresks up &cold in sfewhours. Price sixths of all the deaths in the world -the I , 2nd --Our stock is composed of the leading gtOV69 manufactured in Canada, , .j,� .. c9rreBpuxn IT, IS ALL TALK - a - welcome Pearl, Famous Model, Grand Pen- ... i � ,t in all parts of United States and Canada. - 250. . disease which aootors call consumption the Happy Thought, Honor Bright, I , s , T . I � ,ives the careful __ Muuyou,o Cough Cure stops coughs, There is absolutely no reason in the world its, Radiant Rome, &c. ' " ,,, . insular, M042ble5s, Y%vOt "I �� � Bvery important case rece , and for spot cash, en- -�­44. I I composed of from . night sweats, alloys soreness, and speedily why consumption should be fatal -Irby it from the a uf t r r lb,�� consideration of a e0nno"'� - fkg��_Tifjy�ilf_,_S�ICVI�,�) , it is a disease of 3rd -We buy in large quantities direct tr m - n ac u e 8, .f ,1 I I due of these expert specialists' be . . ...-I."Mo heals the lungs. Price 250. should be even serious. abling us to*bpy at the lowest prices possible 1p,,,�. , three to v and prescribed TALK Mnnyon'e Kidney Cute speedily cures, thwblood, and be cured absolutely orad Th. - loot always on hand and delNerad to any part of the town. beat grades of C ffll��l " fofe finally Passing Upon, ,,� I - I Y — paWs In the back, loins or groins and all always by purifying and ouriohipg the Amerioss and Canadian C0061 Oil- See our now Lanterns. r11 .for. ,��4� � � .11 . forms of kidney dissaBe. Price 25o. blood The only exception So this Is the ,­ * � g. , , b4he rear of the Invalids Hotel is the .,. . is building is Ono The [kind That Tells In CUutOn Mupyon's 1jearlsobe Cure stopshee6dache case where the disease has been neglected �,,�,.-',� - ' 'World's Dispensary. Th six stories high, /_ - . � I NwI - hundred feet square and in throe minutes. Price 25c. and improperly treated until is in stronger E ,,, : 1t, hundred contains the laboratory where Dr. Talk that tells. Munyon's PUe ointment positively cures than the body-antil the body has become . ERCHANTS - - - CLINTON. jViejoe's-celebrated remedies are prepared Talk that is endorsed. all forms of piles. Pries 260. so weak as to have e lost the ability to recup- HARDWIRE N 9 whence they are shipped all over alk by people that know. Mmayon's Blood Cu)e eradicates all im- erate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disoo-. R514 - and frbm. Pierce who founded Everyday t very will cure 98 .per cent � -'-' �- �;, � the world. Dr. R. V Pie[ e blood. Price 25c. . � Remedies area N� City talk, kidney talk, parities of th �, ,., * ' ' this institution that bad no model and Do the kidneys talk. boon consumption it used according to direc- ' ^ ow lrll,�`, geews'too perfect in its 'aPPOintme11t8 for both loud and long, to all women. ' tions. it %Igo cures all lingering coughs a % Regu'ar " , 1r, , imitation, constant personal an- Well; yes Manyon's Anthema Remedies relieve in bronchial siDd throat affections. I itation, maintains cons You are learning the kidney language. or Suites only $ �,,,".a up , , , over every detail of its Vast eye- a permanently. Price Send 81 cents In OM -Cent 8*610VI to•Plus�.ParI. Wpr',.ce $34 , means ,� minutes and cure g ,,,.,,,-, perv1sLO11 Backache in kidney language World's Dispensary Medical Association, " I years old, is & :! tem: -'He is not Yet sixt� f kidney ache. 1 $1. 6 pieces, every piece a different color. Bice as for Extension W', ' Catarrh Remedies never fail. "' and one 0 Buffalo, X. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's "d Walnut Frames, .1. okiug man for his age, Munyon's Catari . - `,��i�' I Toung-lo L&mo back means Ionic kidneys. Window Bhs,dos, Picture Frames, ft , ��,. , f :jost,citizens of Buffalo- He was The Catarrh Carta --price 26o,-ersdicstea looB page Common Sense Medical Advit*r, Tables, High back Chairs, Lounges, j:,��,,,�,, , the Oren - Weak back means weak kidneys. illustrated. 1. , , e, and Bubsequen he disease from the system, and the Cs- illus I Of' elected to 0 1© StstO �en&t The kidneys are talking trouble. . t . I . =j"_'TU�Tl �'ji.-;,'k-*, �-tly t4 Congress, but felt called upon to re- Here is some Clinton Salk. tarrh Tablefs-price 250 -cleanse and beat am 0_.T_1. 01_T:Wzj:AM_W!� N0sign high I honorable - "Mrs T. Walker, Fulton St., Clinton, the parts. . . - ­ . mw� i,, ible position to do The came of the township of Chatham r4,Lkq,% , . to his business Bud the to mumespaii- — Q lay. , vote his entire I -W , � 110f = Out., has this to say, "I heartily recom- Munyou's Nerve Cure is a wonderful will serve as a worn' service .'t '4�- ' service of his patients, and this reveals the mend Doan's Kidney Pills because they nerve ionic. Price 257 ties with a encriant or Noing to law - �,",.`­ i I A'. ­ coess, by showing 9 � his- wonderful su have done a great deal of good in my fami- Munyou,s Vitalizer restores lost vigor. on all coal le occasions. n a dispute w � . re'. Off , __ - 4 A __ , ,;W_ . ,'1_:. the- ear 0 tuesa and devotion with which I with the C.P.R. as W the kind of cul- " 1 1�_.,", . , chosen profession, ly, and I believe they are a most excellent Price 51. each disease. At all vert that ought to have - been built to �;-`� be applies himself to his medicine for kidney trouble in any form, A separate cure for a h��­� � he i , � I improved methods accommodate the tr%ffie of 'the road at ' ,,!,. ng now and I ,, druggist%mostly 250 a vial. accom . . � . "� 1. always a . 0 the - e�.`; � to Prof. Manyon, 11 & 18 a certaintownship, the - � . 1. I I , I procured the pills at Mendre Allan & C L ( ) LLto extend is usef ulness. Pierce Wilson's drag store, and 'am glad that I Personal letters mt,n,,:,p I int in . . . NAV, red with free aF ty decided to fight it out in �,V, 4 - Although a very busy man, Dr. t did so for they have proved a cure in the Albert St., Toronto, answered 4:0�,e­ td lima I,] which to write a great the courts. The Aght has been a cost� ',�­. !1, has a case in which they were need." medical advice for any disease- I , — 17 one for the township. At Osgoode - — __ I book of over a thousand pages entitled, bled, Th --- ,eat gave the �- ,. I church and parsonage I 11�1,1,7POOPWS Common Sense Medical Adviser, The Methodist Hall recently Justice Street -, adjoining, final order to compel the township to "' i - About 4 o'clock Thursday morning at Wellington, with a house adjoi i I � in, Plain English, or Medicine Simplified by Mrs Jones, were burned [n the English I'angusge Fred Westrau, the night operator at occupied 1 t. The pay over, as a reatilt of .the dispute C`UITS� ; Few books printed j nigh with the railway company, the sum of ve reached at E6 sale as has this po- last Thursday 11r; he ,ached so great the Berlin telephone office, went to the down :$ " ".. $2,212, with interest from 1893, and all READY MADE 4�� - polar work, over 680,fioo copies La door in answer to a call. On opening church and parsonage were insured � 1� which will partly cover the The township . 1 . q: . sold at �1.50 each. Ybe profits on this on- it he was struck with a sandbag, which for $4,500, the 600ts of the action. "".. id its author for felled him to the floor . rendering him' lose, The Cause of the fire is unknown' has already paid $2,300 to the railway. ,­ ormous sale having repa ,.,., - � $39 *4.W $5, $ 15 .95 01 P" t amount of labor and money ex- demand for Australian horses The costs will Amount to something 1� , tbb great i be �has now do- unconscious, The roVbers then went The �V!�. pendiad on its production, through his pockets and the cash in India is now yery large, One day like $2,500, bringing the total amount ;M:' ­,. d ) give away, absolutely free, 600,000 drawer-, securing about $20, and then recently four large steamers of the to be paid by the township to about . - and $7. ", ". aided to I $6 �,,-. � 1. book, the recipieft made their escape. A short time be- British -India Company were due at 07 , 000. 0�� 'Copies Of this valuable b a - ­ .� . .., .only being required to mail to the World '@ fore this the night watchman culled, Thursday island, on their way to Sid , . I 3ary Medic -%I Assooia tion, of Buffalo, d no less , -, Sid - Dispensary and when he left he said he would drop ney and Newcastle, to 10a other False Statements Made To -favom $7 UP. ff. Y., of which company he is president, in later. .Young Westran thought he than 2,100 horses, while two. Ordered Clothing JLJL I—- 31 one -cent stamps, to cover cost of moiling was opening the door to the watch• steamers of the same line were expect- . I " 1% ba � . and the book will call. No cine to ed. via the Leeuw also to load d customs only, man on his return in route, Reap Large Profits I I I �, .1 .&D -paid. It iae, veritable medical fibra- At the Same time . 'i * post perpetrators as yet. Westran is badly about 1,000 more. UNDERCLOTHING, ZY, complete in -volume. It contains .1008 uses lip. I a steamer was loading horses in New _17— A FULL RANGE OF LADIES' 'iand over 3oo illustrations - Zealand, and three steamers, in addit- ,., large pages, � FOR THE SIMMER. ,some of them in colors. The Free Edition above, will be Diamond Dyes Hold the Fort , `j�,, � . that sold at $1.50 You would not take fifty dollars for a fif- 'on to the &1 . Altogether it is comPu ,.,,, is precisely the same 1168 and Stomach in the season J export this season Everywhere .' aiantecei. , . _ I the books are bound in ty coot box of Wright's Liver a I ", I .()Xcept only that . ted that the totA Perfect Satisfaction (iu, n,� stead of Pias if you were unable to replace them af- ,;i, I ,istrong manilla paper covers, in Witt reach about WOO here, the greater de - - -sin one treatment according to com- : from New youth __ I : ,1,11��.11'... , I I th. I 19 not often that our tea r •00 , to obtain a valuable an oportunity r F, plete diroationg to cure that terrible sick proportion being IONes. t ,j! , I P�I . 1p , I., , . ' . — �, , I ,.,►,�,.� - . ,have we pro- - book on such generous terms, and v to, headache, weak stomach, 10,30 Of appetite, I .pout The f,.0sA P-to-monts, "just as good as . ,, w' I 14��,C,i,.,. � . I I I 'I'll -,, i, - , ,,, . 4,, � d* t that few will miss availing themselves l 10 hich ,of the unusual and liberal offer to w • constipation, indigestion, all bilious and nervous disorders. Trial box sent on re- . & Wri�ht, UNTOLD WERY , I he Dia- the 'Diamond'" ­Fut up same an tDia- mond Dyes," used by many dealers in or- dyes, ­ I 1.14 ROBT COATS & SO ` ,?W,�_ 11 11, lt.�:, - I ,we have called tb�eir attention. oeipt; of 6c in stamps to Dixon .94 d##,, jjk,j0,0r0# , il,fly not stimulate for the mornetit..- 1-110 der to sell worthless arid crude are . i.,7w -, _� .. 1 _X. , . ., k., " I I :. . _ matiently', � � I : , �, . act bw� a tonic, ._V, �02( per L Victoria Street, Toronto. Regular size 50c . FROM sufficient to stamp them as mean and dia- Heart action, regulating the digestive I "u, '�_V­' �- .�'�"J*'�'- ' An Ottawa girl was on her way to Complete treatment with directions you O'HEUMATIS M honorable. Such men are capable of any - .. CLINTOINT �, ,, be married, when sbe i eceived V, letter can procure at Allen & Wilson, druggists. Clinton. IN --- form of business dishonesty. The common dyes are �ffered to yon — - -_ _ �. from her father in Missouri, enclosing her fare out there, The to I f.tgff)� _Z,,� ,L 6'i J� . , 1 ,:.1$+,i; .,. , ,,, "I, 'M�,10; 1 I �'L 0. EL King, Water Valley, Nils-, cured by , simply because the dealer makes a far The farm era of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and - . , 11 a, 1, I I .. . I � I , L , ., , . , money pay immediately declared off, wedding was it NEWS NOTES ah 9 Sarsaparilla greater profit out of them than he can from the sale of Diamond Dyes. 6th cons. of Minto appear to be bound 6 I I . I I .Ie I , ll ;- and the young lady will do as her fa- Myer s Ladies, you who buy these common dyes to have good roads, and for tba cur- I 40 ... . I 1 , 1�, 1 I I L ," - , her "desires. I - , I Consumption can be cured by the use ? f The Commissioner of Fisheries at Ottawa has discouraged the stocking The "For five years, I suffered untold miser$ are he sufferers; the dealer pookete your t money, leaving you to chagrin, lose and pose have purchased two road ma- ebines at a cost of $2W each. , I 1 . .. . I I � A I . L ,_� � , " I ,';��, '.., " , L .. Bbilob's Cure. This great Cough Care "' for that terrible of Canadian waters with carp. fish introduced into United States wa- (rem mascular rheumatism - I tried every known remedy, consulted the best PhI51- disappointment. The experiences of long years point to : 010%wroo ' I ­ 4-t ,, . . ' the only known remedy -disease. tern at a cost of $100,000, are now claim. ed by fishermen to be absolutely use- clans. 1,011ted Hot Springs, Aid., three times, - $j000 there besides doctOts'bills, the Diamond dyes as first &a& best. With done, CA i RIA 1'* , 1, ,, " 11 - � � , � The Embro Courier says: --A farm of less and destructive to real food fish, spenolp.g _ ary relief I ut eowd obtain oul; teinpon . MY so that I weighed them your work is well and quickly and you derive a satisfaction that you have I - . 4 , , 11 �, � '��,.�j,'r - One hundred and fifty acres. within a this village, has been The hog colera, prevalent in parts of joeq, wt,s ivosted away . arm and only nin.-ty-iliree pounds; my lett saved time anal money. Use only the For Infants and Children. . ,1_i �': , i,' ' , . I r , short distance of figueed to this yomr, -notwithistand- Essex County, Is reported to the Do- Agriculture having leg were drawn out ot Shape. the musclos . 1,Diamorid;" beware of the inst As good . . I t . )�. 1, 1, , t 1. "i 'i' , , pay I Ing the low prices. The net income Of few cents of partment of as read into the gore of Chatham in Vent . kind. US 110* ---Woo Ig go " M "M X I i the fs,rm was within a as can County, and Dr. Golden, of I Aberdeen's Recall. 910 .Mm.., 4490 vziz; 11 _ lv ,,,,, , , . f.�N I � .S1,6W, and the net cost, as near 8 1,050, which locludes Windsor, has been instructed to pro- I — a - I 11-1. . . V, ­�",.­, � be figured, WAS cent, interest on eleven thousand ceed to the township and take steps to disease. I I SAID TO 13E TmE opiRcT sOUGHT BIr TUPPER. . , I, I "­ .� 5 per' il ' V itivested, also taxes and ever . stamp out the I V " Sot CHA.uLus ,dZlIArq, , 1. ­­ I -9-Aituoe The nice little bar A "eat of the Windsor Montreal Mt- Tt.. I . 1R1';-1.1-- . , ,- , Y, df, I ,11,;` !,, g 1 �, , It i�-,,, - �P..11; 1% 11111 ,­. I ., �Z� , ., �"710�� ­ ". I'll N .1 �,,....' , I - I : , ,ZkU`,� _rKM , `A. 1� '.. , Vi; — g-gw 11 , ". ;. ,11f "N I '11%, , A , . J� I ..I.- ­_; -;�i . '!_R .1 �,��g - , ,P�,�,M� I.a".4 %­� . - I Ar � ,�., ; 1,1�,13' . -.�eilyo 1 §, 11 A .1 -, 1-1- 11 I . I . � ., I . .- F. F ,. 4 , . , , . , , , I I, $, . 1�, I , ."A � ,.,,� , - 1 ,� . ` , �,�A ��' 1, I �'! ­.� , _ �. .P other . B I I � I Ine Toronto vV orld is responser . �, .. I " I I , - I � .. i �' * I `­ - ., .". �,!, � , , &W is tot sa had co sidering who registered a few days it as J I .. . I * ,. , tmdd A All ba6& 0 1 the following:- . . 0 1 Z I , ­th6 A that eve Baifoar, Montreal, was found fn a dy: . �-:, . , , � I 1 �, I r � .1 low prices Yarm was with hired �- There appears to be little doubt in I " �"" , 4" , v I ,.,_��, I/ I .. turn done on the fe, iag condition In bid room. Dootbra the minds of well-informed poiliticians I : :��,,�,�,,�, I -1 I ", � I 1. . I .L. ., were called in and it was shown that , .1 I I V -, : - help, at Montreal that thechiefobjec�,of Sir ti L � NR, -It'-VILL'J,. ,�, I he was suffering' from mor Charles Tupper's visit to Engivind! is �.: I the - I . - V ening. He was sent to e GeapeoriA"I I .L I . . WEAK PEOPLE � L, 1,4 . . I I . �.. . f., to, th� purpose of waing every possible . FOR . .,� . ' , I . I.: 41 V�l blx�`A! V I Hoaffital, arid after acme hours' hard " I.. L " 11 * '' means to secure the recall of1ord Ab- � . � Having Heart and Nerve Troubles, such I I ;1, r - wor be waa pronounced out of d0vi 0 I 11 I 1. : - " He raftieed to gay, a word about , . I I ,� I ­ilk.. , I I . I I % Wimself, but the hospital aufhb#iea , , ��e.7�'--­" , , . . 1. I I :L diobbiored that his cldthiiqg wat niark. I ' I I ,�` , I ad J`.. B. Catmichadli Dowyek., �11e'ww � , � , � I �', � -:1, '11:� _­� sullf6titigfebbi,"kidtioy,tt'6Ublo "livid it f�,.� �,., �ft . -7 p - that this wai,oh] ,, I , ,..� � 4 1 M 9 Q leiboh � . � ,.i �' �,., . I . �L _) - , , , A-vq *. "' u V'a"qo r , . �D' - , . .1 Y ", ., , mbr " I C L A ,ph ,� . . 2. � , -L. ,..,...,�.,-,,.",.,r,rti:"i"�'��LLL.L-I - .1 � I . ­ L i I 10 . ,." - —, , , , . , . I - ., I I .� , , I , " ; , " r. 4x � � FT _1__'.._ _ - , � �, 'y �.. � i ". . , . - 1� � __ . � , ,�', , i�, _ , ".�.,�,;_, ,�,� � '' " , � � , , ,�, 4 ", I'., , _ , . , '. � a lt� � �'tarp 01 , . , .. ", . - �w �,V. ,: ,,", I OVATElt I yourA81 I . . , . ,�`FVV � � � ,- L , _� I 11_1­LLL­' , ML ' L I I . . 'to '$ t!- �. � "" Auk � r ��.. J�i�' � E. t and I had no t' Con- I , d6tOlt, is. so,a times) V of sump i , by J. t ,j! , I P�I . 1p , I., , M� 60 � +. � . I Avu 0.11 ! " A& ,­ ", � .4 , I I go . 4 L .pout Q,4 , - "' 'LiA, . , it lye' � )t('L � "' L I . ,thio 01� ' I ' , - ­L� '� '1� .." .11 "eld"i I of, # , I the r$�Mllv �j the wffl . , . ,�`FVV � � � ,- L , _� I 11_1­LLL­' , ML ' L I I . . 'to '$ t!- �. � "" Auk � r ��.. J�i�' � E. t and I had no t' Con- I , d6tOlt, is. so,a times) V of ­ j., - , po�ltias; Unt. these sty tdldf. After trying oVernor,Getieralship I I AckhIg the 1110ht OW10i ' "iAk6AY6r's.8Ar8PP0AlIfr, of oariadi., Another th&,x9lit %[so I 10 th> , I with able tb WIfIlt � '5. I dir061hn6flis, My ffi4l, ti ' riv into t4t mind in that city, and t4 ttat ,4 fjJ6,t Slro.hafleb will succeed in � Ir. §,� 14 bili mission. That Lib6tAle Aire ftk�d*We tr6ftbl6d 6-Mr1lilt wtttt,k&, iwd f6r, Lfh6 "I PAI 'th L 6 r.tstaviekt,,Wid I f(illoWinLg"4r,o)oi"It-hgAbbbtxtV loper- I hf , , , - �y uskIng a eat . by the -,t,tT_tirO%jhath&t, jjjV'LtjL 0400 i - .1 .1 RI as�6tjrd6, live. Tliepalhi,st 68t 1 d6bl(l Probn re to sigh A ,,,d,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,I,rl,,.o . P Tift'l `f`cAusb:,dth0'0ik � " fft ,6 In rj��, .,,7-�,j -clia utiles . I— -%­­ --4-_"P1';1 - r$�Mllv �j ­ j., - , po�ltias; Unt. these sty tdldf. After trying mwea goon ops aTU,.uow­L%Ut4U1 IS L .11 . the - jloli0s,l;-,�, "I ota;Ahty 11 �, V-V.# ­'.j ­ &6Mttdh# 40 AckhIg the 1110ht OW10i ' "iAk6AY6r's.8Ar8PP0AlIfr, ucjC..�L �, hey lbu4 bl'A�t-oa 16i thblk ill -I _1!� assetv that Ijdrd,Abiidoell ,Zst.Aidda C'04J�SA etd'i I 00eti, Zy th> , I with able tb WIfIlt � '5. I dir061hn6flis, My ffi4l, wfth�.Xb Lmurj6r, un4` 4101Y)o that 0 , hftd�dlfbuded the-CftabH - I I Ah� 004 BrU1808, 0 ' I 1166yha6he) A n'-s*11TI Ore couktao's a 'jyWe1j#4hggtMre81ed ,I - I d-.. 11 I stdolloncypig1jovo,op 04.vorifik Oily, fi o- tip Vy, ko6pin�l tbAMbeNtI4401�4tid'i 1' , . fthd'iffitatisfil, , , I . nir 1• arri situs stile to 66 ivi4lifotid bIPLOX14tV' 11 1 . . ,, . jobm L th,6Ir`wel1-61*rnbd`r0* 4..�olw life; ,, " �_ ��A"6-4*��` n'1,*,Kh-&A'&w A, 4i;�1h101AA1 ., 6 ofer I LI'l " ­06"kr,! , L .. to , ,­)_q.qF­1 11 _. I-, - .1___- ­ ­ I V 0 Was 0011410tted in,- A cider I -- �j .jll L , , , .L ( L ­'�,�� � L O!, � � L�, � �: R� #'� 1o#ot1hdh1g4,V I � , �!,�, "' ! , oover �`Gor I .1 ,�N I - �o, , " � -, jio , L r � peas ap�,, t6-a0he`e# . . I . ,,�, I , ' ,1 'L I I I . � , � . !'� `1 I .L . I ,� tj ".,.", , , � ". '­ 0'6t44'fin6h - "A" , $ not jadetn id'Vo b'(' edlaq.641L 04,- ", . . , L ; _ , ?0,4(wili, I , , � ,'. � �­' ' I ''I . . I I . _ , L _ I , I . 6Z�l I '''t, b"j#..1 '# , r I S @hMW1 , ti,r.ii,ii-ti,g,atii*A,,OA-j),d.iio�kt. yoni I % I , � . I " , 10"'I"', : 11 .d _i roir Aft I -, rl .' � i � Gaeod"M , � 6, � 11- . , � , V N . N, go 4 ,�,t6,-,tfh�� -L �L��_-� � :11 11-1; . � �', , � 0,4 1 . . i ki,ho.; Rlofiif,t tit, cAfi 'ArZn P1,tt'14 'e , '�"�A'0�'�' � , " , L , '�,�;, 111'Zl� ' , k,%104, !,. , , � 11 , I , r I I � �� 1. I � � I I I � . , I �U " , be to ' L, , " , I I I 'L ; 1� - , , 11 � dd fig P41 - " a L .1 I I ''.1. � I I , I " ", -, . , . � � � . 11. � � , 'L" '. _, � I � L I A - )r,,,,, .�r­�Z ' ' ' L, L " " i., it' , , , .�, . L.i I' ad . it, '�� idkklilwfiwi�� k, �&,i ,"it, � L i odic ... 61MA ,�'_r,,�� ' ' L ,r�­109­1;4 4 'I , , �,,�, ,g,ll -0 ' - �, fit), bf , I . r. I -- --"� -,L',-_L , , �, _� . I I �, ,'�W, b�j�4 ,� � � ,� ' '- ­ , , Of'V,J4 ' L ''' ' I ,� :. I"4*i _� 44-0, .�,,­, ­ 'I. , *Mt �)�,,�-,�, I I ?", I I ­ I I ,a I ­ I 1, L rw04o1bdhkt%ov1 ", ,�­ � .� I I �� . ,,, �4�11 6'1i, L � kjoh,*iR : L�"'� , ,�, , ,' tX *"" " L, 7�,� � 10", , viwxfoio, I qft, , ,g, . tii#]*�' L ' dd & �10 ­ . , I I IF, � ��11 1. 11 'L , I , ii_ o ­. ­ .1_'-t.-U,.4*,,A .­ r as palpitation, Throbbing or Ii-regular�,�, , , � I , Beating of the Heart, Shortness Of I—- "'' I Breath, Smothering Pealing, Loss of .. I I .. I , Memory, Dizziness, Feeling of Anxiety, "I'll, , -1 or Moobi'd Mental Condition, et- L,�: i . I ' ­ I 1. I I - 1�,, it For'Thin 6-t, �60r j1d,bid, General De- r ...... � L., 1 ,­ autvr ,etc-..,' 1- bifity, after effects of La Grippe, tjoj,ot,theAg�--' . L, "": t.b,,jore most valuable. Thesp Pills dor . � I - -L'� " d##,, jjk,j0,0r0# , il,fly not stimulate for the mornetit..- 1-110 . _ W M I div ' 641, Ad" , - - - .1, but, I �,� ,I L!, I and "Other :pow' .1 th,if, 4hidddh, 00100; L I I I :. . _ matiently', � � I : , �, . act bw� a tonic, ._V, �02( per L I I fj�(1�0'jt Cili.bt , � building up the tissues, re storing regUlArr'! _ �kj& ' Sad�a, $ptWpOl Heart action, regulating the digestive I tWA,1qd";NwW,q14 � organs and neutralizing the poisonous 1, "I 'fod Aebf. ' , �A acids of the blood. '_,�� 'I, �, *1 4, to wt�h -bo-W 0601ut- . Their direct Action on the Nervous Sys- ' I I t146 thiCtime."y dohs Wa. ltd atro�%ALJA *"Jb ,*h _ 011W1111 C - *; 4"41 attld6l - �*, ' . I Igor to tver,v nerVO�L i'' 4 , I torn givas tone arid v , . I I L 11 so thot- stdibrers from Any Hedk c�'Nbeve I . . 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