HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-06, Page 8. , ,-� ,. :,� � ..�, A:. .. ,� :, +,. gra' ",• T, 1 J ,'1 { t' ] k lr. 1��3 ,I � _ter.111110 .' Ole 'u dersignad d4yire to intimate to bo pas �f,Rlllatoti.tsad vicinity Haat toe: b ll i gQ Kik,@ ?ed as batohelr sbop in the store of Vii. Oadoa, I3nrgn Street. They have b.Ad >xa>I Y',9b0 e liexienae,, t,nd feel, that they r gen g1aa,tlaa "bus,, of satislfaotaQA. ypllt`041T AQ.tilyr'far Qaab, and at the low 0tl),q o AilipIDOTrULLY SOLICITICD R. FITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MAR.KE1T COUCH. & '4 H SON. Subscribers cleeiro to uotify the pnblic ,bat hey have bought out the butoberios; business lately conducted by ILI, Jae A.L'ord,and will coll. title. the stttuo iludor their personal supervision. Orders will have prnu,pt and 3aroful attention, Freah n)eate of all kinds will be kept ill seas. D, sold at reasonable rates anti delivered ,anXwhere in town, ARTHUR COUCIi, CiIAFi. N. 1VIi.SON CLINTON. .FLOUR AND FEED STORE3. Produce ExclwV Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinols. We have a large stock of Feed Corm. Oats, Barley, ,Peas, &c. Highest marketprice paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in ezcharige. • Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. FIOuriFeed Store; BRAN & SHORTS In large or apuall quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KIN150. 1.0 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. I The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1868, OAYIT ' - $2,000,000. REST ND, $1,375,000 HEAD C ICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. ' SON..... ...President. F. W. TP .5,....General Ma.egor, Notes d}scount7a Collections made. Drafts is- lned,Sterling and American exchange bought j and gold at lowest current retell. Interest al. lowed on deposits. F`AEtM�Rr9. Money advanced to (armee on their own note with one or more endorsors. No mortgage ro quired as security H. 0. BREWER, Manager. (CEO. D, McTAaaART, BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Buslue»r ti, ansacted NOTF,S :DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAR AN & TI>`'DALL ��tt y(.. B {{qA N �Ha E R (YIN ra (33LIL% rows. V LS -R� Ad venaea made to farme a on their own nows st low rates o interest. A general Banking Business Irsinsacted Interest . allocded on cidposits. Sale Notes bang J. P TISPALL, Manager. CLINJ'ON MARBLE WORSE. r � OOOp)�'S' OLD" SR'g13II, kNeat to Commercial Ilotel, �+rhis ea ablisbuient to in full aeration and s o4der, titled W the most satiofAot6• y way, Oeme' to�t•yy And grauite work lk specialty. FTLees a rok o'tiabI6 as those of any estabtialsmont SHALE dl, HOOVItR,Clinton. lm Almrehitets ss, it Civil Enginee" Ado' tapetrtlfl tri lgrntsh r1nhR,'d�awfrt`gd;d( X stdi� at1H alme ielis ons o all kin ff of work hA:i't1ir01..Vr MADE r V 'FRY - FAM I'V' y4Fa.14{VPW THAT a� s is I/ s very rati4ok010 remedy, both for IN- WMANAL and l$$TBRVAL use, and won- tlsrW In Its ggloit t<atiou to relieve distress. P,, IN-KILLLiR a euro euro for Elora caaa� Titrant, Cou;F4a, I',lilt Marr600a, Dysentery. CruutVr, Itolflr to ail an Dowel Couspwuts. PAIN-KILLERae TIIO "EsT'-so- .<ly k w n t V, �gIiot:ule Eilelr 1¢errarnelve, t'a'n i:, t o ituc4t or tll/le. nhouwutievn and NenraWurx. PAIN -KILLER O`lQ r fl'+NAetY -4 ¢ es -. Ibl:ei`r x.:r ct eta hl ,tl►Lr. Ittrantle FPrrruv AND PPumA,K. T uric P au cases r Drutnos, Cuts, 8tiva1211 Severc Iiu.Fus, etc. PAIN -KILTER t. t,,e will td a s trust,., Nv'll d or Hs aeeatinvtle, nurvivec, Plalairr, Saiiur, "-I iii rout ll ,an erre wanilug u nvcalielpe ohraya at hood, at, inttvimny or r�ttYt•In.Ily ,s nh oar ernrt9f. . tQ,4,n,ltatlone, •r,tCi, na . 6,.t th. yryn,dco .,PTc �r ,-i„v'YH ,•.,...ti,• HIS Intl.% C Raton, CENTRAL BUTC EE' 80OP The modern stand FORD 8l, MURPHY, #' a'L",: '.'Wl We are doing buatnese on the pae`h prin91ple, anp with Wepeat Moate at and Family Medi - osippiy our customers the lowest paying rricea, Patrons May rely UP - service and prompt Ailing o or ore. }i oil good FORD & MURPHY a' + Central Butaalier Shop, Clinton common�w every -day CITY -BUTCHER SHOP ' I wish to inform the public that I will;noi ills of humanity. be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very hest meats and a full y��11`t stoc$ always on hand, and will Bell at the y. Lowest Gash Prices, Bri❑ along your money, and get the insist at the cash price. \Ve will give Credit but not at cash prices. Please oall and see what you cau do for Casb at R. FITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MAR.KE1T COUCH. & '4 H SON. Subscribers cleeiro to uotify the pnblic ,bat hey have bought out the butoberios; business lately conducted by ILI, Jae A.L'ord,and will coll. title. the stttuo iludor their personal supervision. Orders will have prnu,pt and 3aroful attention, Freah n)eate of all kinds will be kept ill seas. D, sold at reasonable rates anti delivered ,anXwhere in town, ARTHUR COUCIi, CiIAFi. N. 1VIi.SON CLINTON. .FLOUR AND FEED STORE3. Produce ExclwV Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinols. We have a large stock of Feed Corm. Oats, Barley, ,Peas, &c. Highest marketprice paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in ezcharige. • Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. FIOuriFeed Store; BRAN & SHORTS In large or apuall quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KIN150. 1.0 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. I The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1868, OAYIT ' - $2,000,000. REST ND, $1,375,000 HEAD C ICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. ' SON..... ...President. F. W. TP .5,....General Ma.egor, Notes d}scount7a Collections made. Drafts is- lned,Sterling and American exchange bought j and gold at lowest current retell. Interest al. lowed on deposits. F`AEtM�Rr9. Money advanced to (armee on their own note with one or more endorsors. No mortgage ro quired as security H. 0. BREWER, Manager. (CEO. D, McTAaaART, BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Buslue»r ti, ansacted NOTF,S :DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAR AN & TI>`'DALL ��tt y(.. B {{qA N �Ha E R (YIN ra (33LIL% rows. V LS -R� Ad venaea made to farme a on their own nows st low rates o interest. A general Banking Business Irsinsacted Interest . allocded on cidposits. Sale Notes bang J. P TISPALL, Manager. CLINJ'ON MARBLE WORSE. r � OOOp)�'S' OLD" SR'g13II, kNeat to Commercial Ilotel, �+rhis ea ablisbuient to in full aeration and s o4der, titled W the most satiofAot6• y way, Oeme' to�t•yy And grauite work lk specialty. FTLees a rok o'tiabI6 as those of any estabtialsmont SHALE dl, HOOVItR,Clinton. lm Almrehitets ss, it Civil Enginee" Ado' tapetrtlfl tri lgrntsh r1nhR,'d�awfrt`gd;d( X stdi� at1H alme ielis ons o all kin ff of work hA:i't1ir01..Vr MADE r V 'FRY - FAM I'V' y4Fa.14{VPW THAT a� s is I/ s very rati4ok010 remedy, both for IN- WMANAL and l$$TBRVAL use, and won- tlsrW In Its ggloit t<atiou to relieve distress. P,, IN-KILLLiR a euro euro for Elora caaa� Titrant, Cou;F4a, I',lilt Marr600a, Dysentery. CruutVr, Itolflr to ail an Dowel Couspwuts. PAIN-KILLERae TIIO "EsT'-so- .<ly k w n t V, �gIiot:ule Eilelr 1¢errarnelve, t'a'n i:, t o ituc4t or tll/le. nhouwutievn and NenraWurx. PAIN -KILLER O`lQ r fl'+NAetY -4 ¢ es -. Ibl:ei`r x.:r ct eta hl ,tl►Lr. Ittrantle FPrrruv AND PPumA,K. T uric P au cases r Drutnos, Cuts, 8tiva1211 Severc Iiu.Fus, etc. PAIN -KILTER t. t,,e will td a s trust,., Nv'll d or Hs aeeatinvtle, nurvivec, Plalairr, Saiiur, "-I iii rout ll ,an erre wanilug u nvcalielpe ohraya at hood, at, inttvimny or r�ttYt•In.Ily ,s nh oar ernrt9f. . tQ,4,n,ltatlone, •r,tCi, na . 6,.t th. yryn,dco .,PTc �r ,-i„v'YH ,•.,...ti,• HIS Intl.% McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARIA & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOaRB. ' Geo. WattPr3sldeut, 13arlook P.O.; James Broadfoot, vice-Pres.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; Al. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIIAHOTons. Jae. Broadtoot,seaforthM. Murdie, Seafortb Geo, Dale, Seafortb; Geo. watt Harloait; T. H. Bays, seaforth; Alex Gardtner,'Lertdbury; Tb o Carbatt, Clinton ; John McLean, Kippsu A011INTe. Thee. Netlans Harlock; Robt. McMillan Sea forth and J. Cuminge, AgmonAville. Parties desirous to effoobinaaranoes or bran seat other btlitinese will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above offio adr-seed to their reapeolty of Laos ]3I3==A 110r 3'Ru ze FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH ARD A814RACHAN PINE, The latter of which we minae a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HARD Thi above ornausntal trees and shrubbery be sold at very low prices, and those wanting an thing in this oonnseVon will save money by p ohilstng here. Orders by Yailwill b s promptly atk to, Address, JOHN, STBR'ART, BIINNILL)E 17 777 77,17" �.,.,. ..chir'^rn-m 1r�!.=,�F v -w;�.. may �.a,.w--s •«.,..n--•-.r..-t.- ja7r - st r .„ " ,• 6 kis<tt wm icier it! there (bat I'obter r a , ') L. v r r.., r•n t t, , e CT {V 1 l &t T 11 l 1 t c u n tut rt v tyre t €,h even wttls lots tAs�,u to , tit caret' expel,+see? sltllc "Y� ID fit Vii. merchant aid at Llai; ytt),tu ',volt, . Tho 1lsdeaar l;rcu, tl tr'Ils of it All- 17+nr- I .�ueturoLy��q�. vi�3f �4 recently mvrilrpsng bath less Spplets, � Cit& trY tJll$ % n i,11I� ,tel Juta.ea, ti ho w rs a,t,pointed by the tP t 'when I kie raitirchittlt fogk,,t he wto itot �*•^.a- lato l.(A','r, ut+•I!I iii w%Viklg th+, now ""in it" with the milk ditpent-or, when to<'i9l'l. [�'ypLl'Gb„i Cilltt't d"ll ,'`- titidpe at J.,n,•, loci.,, Tne b; idge iy 1}^^1,r,a remarked) --"Why is it, you ask, v.- cult a,f t hVo, I,eeMti ,ti P, cross rhe Rid- w thrtt 1 have. 011e reputation Of neve! l ib - for 'it q;., I gro 0( -•you t,att o-tt tbts p„ittt anti was built last t being out Of' 1411V I'll tell you. r Lit I su truer 1'ue otllrr nue is to he built make it," t•119;ake It I" echoed toe rner- can tl"�l�a� that 1 1` this winter, bill, until it is built the one J 1iK74Nte chant, "Yes, sir? And I willgive he offers you Sornetl ins ttlteady in pl,tt'k+cauuutht•o.,ttl. 1{owl you a fortripla for making its nice milk " ever, befoiti oin • out, of office the la•e Go*'$CotteaRoot Costpmod 1 s ut nS 004, he will Sa the going l IVIr Samuel as ever @nvQtll i<t'ttr a sow, and whil,t'tl Government 'tppoiaitet q Manufactured by The K rA K more, it will st{tnd the tiler oil any in- g; me when of doctor" Jones to the pusatou of Its Age awing. Cook Co„ Windsor, Out., yid. spe'_tor's instrument. When T Hud ` er, and Por three ninths h,a has drawn I whit@s a regi t10I'1 for and Detroit, Mich., is the ugyeeli critt,r!inA shunt of the aenume p p. $1.25 per day, though the h, idle hits only knowptsafe, rclial,le article I ta6;e a couple of cane of good I Which he w4tits to pt a never been sw ung, and won't be for monthly medicine on which Jadies condensed milk, costing me about Igeeidl effect Play the probably six nous lis or it year, He can depend in "lice hour stat, lirrlt 1 twenty Ceuta, our there into a fol Gy- has been dis,uiis=ed rut- the same real- o neem," Vver lady who reads quart cauiful a water, isddio ls little gayne of life and death for un that ot.b+ rs h.tve ht eu disntislwd. this is requested to inclose two 1) ,st common baking soda, and Merl thol•- the Satre of `&t penny or two because 11- wa, i;a I t till; o,oney he was 1 age stamps, with her address, for oughly stir the mixture sap, The soda I p , nut ea, Ileo ;, N„ it i., .,II o. er bacteria. takes the. sweet taste ft'oiu the milk more Profit.. Yoaf can 1 Ilundredn + t'or+ a, i�r•,e 1+art in l,+„iii and �iveti the mixture „ regular Jet- t9'4t5t <jl4Et AilGidri. is�t 4vEllit to live ou• the lwop;v wtthmi( givialg sexy fl•ot.h. 6 n'id a little stilt, wh}c}r ituy v,tirae ; n aas,•,;t i s •reiv+tl. The wttli the soda, sNisd, the test instr't- ogl ask for rani Sl for, itttoroat, of the '+e..)'e doiwmd the t and full particulars, which A wi't di ! send by re urn mall In plain. <e•i!, sl, (A i use-ut right up to the cutch required y p I hese tvr, i .', i,. i , .•rt l ' I rU 1 i,c bylaw. Lvhv, ,holier the •blizr,aad Whether it 1�,1tJt'Ott t3 mil- I envelope. y }, public (.11-1 ii; t; a , •I I An old physician, Yea:,, ` last wis,ter I s,•I+1 tit's y cavus of utv I 510[1 O1' allytl11I1g FSISe. .pullers. il.,u,,lt,-,s Tui, :•. P Y 35 Y hone -made milk o, et y da.v, at a clean tinned practice treating disrrtst +„ ie k., profit, ou e: ea y c.tu Palk about it ff pn;i N powna,�!)pvtllr, Oat. ]ry ewta O,..o --- women, has charge of the atilt, ,, 1 milk sc;tvii y vont beeves this -1 clue when 1 - �” =y' '- �`"" can be consulted by letter o- r,', )d 1 1 X do bn irv,v.v,' ISHMAEL'8 MANGROVE TRFxE. LOSS OF VOICE person. Address our main o, l, Ira ,'' A lr"iie Affvioulturist Frola India Works TWIG COOK COMPANY Y, asi UNYON'S {v'ondors .in a !Baine San, A'f`ter Acute Bronchitl9Ii,00m 3 -No. 2G3 VPootivrari�v.'„M obCO Chief Cdihnao, of rho $angor pollee CU&EA BY Zf9INti _ force, has a ooprleslty up at hW resldenee it -Cook's Cotton Roat Cols i�cr on the west aside dghiob, it it coutilaues is sold by all responsible wl j�It j to tbI•ivo, will be Ukely tics !trove mare of I AYEWSCherry and retail cru g;,ts in the Du M Pectoral of Cauada anc�Uuited States tr,i +!ecus Improved Iflllll epatnie rem. a sensat,an to people of tits vt'e"Aity Dollar per box. than anything which mV rbsult kcia P ��.,1 eflies (�0111hille (he Bust i the Noveutber Qle ttan or this co-RO 1ued- A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. -.-.a fail 1n the prloe of That This Is a pretty ill all $1si ills little plont,abdat a foot !n height, whfoli `Three months ago, I took a via - - Ishmael, the clroag Llindao r;w W the lent cold which resulted in an attack -- county jail hero, tnloked qui 4T A pile of SYMPTOMS :rr r p7 ,a a �1 tt wet dirt up at khe prison theotlter isile Ab. of acute bronchitis. I put myself iJ. T III; Y. (�t1 It E Ilil��l M ��rt��a [' Ishmael is already well-known to oar under medical treatment, and at the AND readora. It was he who stabbed the Sin- end of two months' was no better. CURB -- galesa rascal who dared ridioule the faith I found it very difficult to preach, - ltf (� of Brahwu, and he -got Into llaugcr jail and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry oP Ill int s�(�r, (Ibti(ill: ,.IseS for chins it. Heart �° Nerve Troup Where JI lDtlll'1' tif'Illtliil'4 As soon its he struck the jail he be tin to amuse the other prisoners with his !n Fail antics. He is more of an athlete than has ever boon soon In Bangor, and, though Have You Palpitation, Throbs �o he is only 19 yoars of ape, and rattler v Irregular Beating a J� uudorsized he can hcndlo a roan twice Heart ? DO(iTOIt YOURSELF his weight and years in a way that slur- ld pip astuuisheB the hitter; there l9no If 1.10, Milburn'sHeartall-! a -- fathoming his tricks of wrestling, for he Pills will cure you. s 1 has catches and holds that have been Have you Shortness of Brea, If You are Sick Ask Your Drug- banded down In the inner circles of his tress after Exert Aye race for many goner•atlons. He is as Smothering Fe.', •,.yl'�r gist for MuuyOu's Guise to Spasms or Pain tr•,-"ry hi solid as a bundle of wires and as dooile 1 P Health -Buy a 25 -Cent the Breast and H .. r as a child. He is a handsome bop, and t l,9 Munyon. -Remedy and he became the pot of the jail inmates , If f30, Milburn'sHeart anc!"=' •t�rAt,.f Cure Yourself about as soon as he got acquainted there. Pills will cure or Ishmael brought with him to jail a you if taken in time few of his goods and cb4tteis. They ata % MR H. B. TAYLOR, TORONTO'S WALL-ENCWN b s queer lot of dinky coddles, ministate HtiVO YOU a Feeling of Anxiety' thabc',. s DRAPIIR, rN BusiNRss AT 119 BIN. STREET tom-toms, dried hotel nuts, pieeas of a ;' 1'/ something is going to odder WnsT, TORONTO, SA2a;—"I walk troubled ' . cork, syoc3al, snake skiffs, gtonlke, �Dooa- ,, •., ''��` ' �. , �`� ',a, cur when there is no nciIy'f with •pain in my kidneys, superinduced nut shells and tin dishes --everything i eessity for it? )s sj� aq by a gnddan chill while in the water, I you can think of --a pile of common Pectoral. The Bret bottle gave me If ISO, Milburn's Heart andNerv�yr began using Manyou'a Kidney Clue, and as thugs with very unoommon powers, as great relief; the second, which I am I Pills will remove it. r I took thesi�nnedioine, Ibe pain got less saah fi aal taakes thein work, now taking,®ttas relieved me almost ntr' day. I1 LeUriainly a great medicine. The young 13indoo is a f kki�a---•not to entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, •Pe YOU Troubled with Sleepplessnc4j,t' P Manyon a taeamatism Cure seldom fails kind that haunN the areal corners and Nervousness, ForgetflPi and I feel sure that one or two bot - lo relieve in one to three boars, and aures sells stloaelringe and patent modieinae, nese, Brain Fag, ffd'Tg pin a few days. Price 25o, tles more will effect a permanent General Debility - t y for they aro bbs creations of the slang Y !1T Munyou's Dyspeppsia Cure posibively language of the day; he Is a real MU6 cure. To all ministers suffering from after effect of La Grip aures all forme of indigaetion and stomach Indian tabb, and the trloka which he throat troubles, I�recommend Ayers If fro, You can take no bett$if 53 trouble. Prize 26o. rhes ase regarded by big people as well Cherry Pectoral." -E. M. BRAWLEY, r x, Manyon's Cold Cureprevents pneumonia nigh supernatural. %hey have never boon D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Ba t. medicine than Nerve pill . and breaks a a oold In a few hours. Prion g p Heart and Nerve Pilf�r'P P solved oxoepiing when Detrayod by some publication Society, Petersburg, Vis. i They will relieve or cu4$ 10 860. member of the race who gat drunk on s•t Ayees Cherry Pectoral I Every dose helps thy' &innyon's Cough Cure stops goaghe, westQ¢rt 17rewAter, and exposed the whole Qum. at h i sweats, allaya eortnese, and speedily thing. These rascals die suddenly goon " 4 will heals the lungs. Price 150 after. GOLD NEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FA11L For sale by, all druggists, or by mail qpa s y Manyon's Kidney Care speedily onres One Qf the best of the tricks is tba apt of prase by T. MILBURN & CRO-, u tfD3 in the bhOlk, loins and groins and ell growing oif a buaki out of a pile of 41cl AYER'i'LEADS ALL DTHER SARSAPARILLAS. TORONTO. ,orals of kidney disease. Frios 150. io full view of an audience. Ishmael ($W Prioe 600. per box, or 3 boaes fes $1.130..,• nd� Klinyon's Headache Care stops heads,bo do l%. ae did it the other night up in in three minutes. Price 460.8hs gl-�� Yks la=► when eri8 Brawn gave l,1------- Munyon's Pile Ointment poeftively onrss1 au. forms of piles. Prioe 211c. Manes tO s t e apparatus, and 011alt Manyon'a Blood Cure eradicates all ltn- aFAa�wn lwthe pleat as proof. SO RICH—SO PURE—SO WHOLESOME --SO DELICIOU8� LOmasi teak a !lids pipe of Bead qui parities of the blood Prion 95o I- For Twenty. -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOt1KSBEST FRIEND LARG96T ILALlti IDl CANADA. McLeod's Svstem RENOVATO AND OTHER 'Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverlsh Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa tation of the Heart, Liver Complain Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronobiti Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitne' Dano Female Irregularities and General Debilit LABORATORY, ®ODERICH, 0 J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by I. 13. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON I1 --- J. C. MVENAN) -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER —AND - EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK, Thebos6AbAlVAinV- Flulauaed SplendidHearse. A]IGBEHTsT.,i L1NTON ' ;�taa9ld�tiemop'dfHtora �� i:, ,, bL1EibCtltl!U', %�b1tlGB: llJlgtL` Manyon's Fem+le Rr'naliee eta a boon mud which had bean lroaghl fns Alm the jam yes, underneath Use wLodew PURE to all women. A i whore be looks out and tf,inka up now Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 8 ,minutes and ours permanently. Price f11, �� every day, and ylaoL a fThen lies /1 be Munyou'a Catarrh 1lemedies never fail. middle of the Boor on a cloth d she ed ( EV LO ' The Catarrh Cure-prioe 26a.-oradioa/ss look what is Bald was a need asbd showed qtr ��I the dioesae from the syetem, and the Ca- b b his small nadienoo This said was tsrrh Tablets -price Sbo.-clesinse and beat �a �e thing Loan whish hg had proKQ the parts. dnosd a dollar bill a few minuWa baba Manyon's Nerve Cure -is a wonderful by simply equoesing it, but that didn't BLACK OR MIXED IN make asy ditlerenoo to bim, but he prN nerve tonic. Price 450. I HALF AND ONE POUND PACKETS ONLY � Man ou'e Vitalizer restores lost vigor, It in the dirt and got rowdy to grow bts ea Y g bush. Nobody ,bought he waa really go- AT ALL GROCERS -25, 30, 40, 50 AND 60 Price 81, ling to do it. He swore that loo would CENTS A POUND A separate sure for each diesasa. At all produce a mangrove tree. THE DAVIDSON & HAY LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO , drnggiete, mostly 250 • vial. � ,� Personal letterato Prof, Runyon, II A is lahmaol Hest took a olotih and plaoeli Albert 8t., Toronto, answered with free it over the earth; than he began to QW - medical advice for any disease. off some kind of heathonleh inoantatlon, --- --- -" " and in the course of a half minute, D when he removed the covering, thttre S t= jJt was a little sprout starting up about an John F. Wilson, a pattern -maker, of inch above the pile. That's pretty good _ _ - _ - 3 -- - • - - -- Parkhill, wanted to vote at. the election Ishmael smiled demurely and winkad for reeve held there on Jan t3th last. the other eyo. tint hing succeeds like success. We eGlr'led in business nt•as ly j Edward F. Manes, the clerk of "Park- Again Isbmael put the cloth an tb► t Wo year+ Ai{n, and have made a success u£ our i euture• \\ 0 hill, and the returning officer, refused' dirt and again he rattled off hill rubble! st,{rtcd ant with rt n„w stock first-class Groc eIies, asci s, (,,-lt f hie vote, and Wilson sued him and re 1n choicest Hindoo. Something suddenly principle, and have Imilt tit) a r overed $•100. The defendant anl,ealed stuck Iteelf up tnside the cloth, which n m r�1t� 1 against this .rudgment to the Division- peaked up and' wrinkled as It did so, FIRST-CLASS TRADE.' t al Court at Osgoode Hall. Judgment and then off came the Qbver will a was reser ved. d swish and exposed a very healthy pains STILL -we can do tante, and in order to do iso we aTr ct l;arl; ► e buRIrstanding there in the dirt. ing sitar stiles And puttingin a plate glans front, R'hen cnn,plct a ' Of conrBe overbody said that the bush ed ice will have a at0T'e second to none. Have Yost t r ied oor DOANS a r made og, payor, but itnolst , It was n real thin and it waR moist and soft a � and pithy just aa, if It hila been neRly (,ItFASt B:1IliNG i'�/WDFR•, zOe per lb Tin t i plucked from the ground out0de. At its 'rhe llll'r0 (Iat,f' (,aSil Gral(. (f!' bottom 11,11, a full Bet Of little mota Kidney /� 9 which wore oovpred with the olinglbg K M earth in which it had -well, grown, COOPER /-' �^� Q t Chief h ho nn, who was present, took C) G L E / - O ( { P E R !k7 C the bush home with him and Bot it out L.,O t.J �.../ 1 l ���..._7XX�G... f' in his garden. He said on 8aturday that itanwanybody as getting do well, and that it looked Farm prodnca taken as Cafth.-TeletihoneNo• 23.. �� s 1l, had come to elod Ht senei herorgtand how Ishmael did tt Nolthar else. Some of the men in the jail declare that the youngster is a Kidney P1119 devil in disguise, but most of them can- eider him a mighty smart lad. But he Is a great vegetation gtarteri _ be beiR to be fI]nnd� ound a beautiful stock of M ILL1, ats woppr-phosphates at their owtigame. In the Emporium The bush is worth geeing; it is corn- . NERY that is right up to date,vposed of close -growing green loaes on some Dress trimmings. Serviceable Dress Gloocl9 very Clieftp. Flannel`DOANS a stralghb stalk and little red blossoms ettes unsurpassed in value. are beginning to grow on the top of it. ally. If y OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or IIOOTH o0 itIehmaeloRays it's seep as rolling Off B `1 HOES, dotn t buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSA Kidney Pillslog.-Bangor Courier. BLANKETS at very close priCPR. Our GROCERY department is spell sup• plied with goad gesnda. About. 100 lbs. of SALT PORK at tic, per lb. to cleat'. Some half -gallon and pint OEM9 to dispose of at 121 and 9 cents. . One. AD�tM1�S•'' EMPU[1LyZ�IU�r1, ADA � ' ., Ret11@111 her .. Tl, _ O i j COPiDESB1/JR O OF DR, AONEw's LIVER PILLS AFTER DINNER, , D'&OAN . ► IT WILT. PRO:ITOTE DTOESTIAN AND 0"11CONTA THE BEST ” ANY EVIL EFFIACTA OF TOO IMMITY EATING-•- t a ENTYRELY VrGnTAnr,E—Do NOT DIOTUR nIR TAE + �is YaTEM-BAFffi, PrnPT, ACTIVE, PAtNL�'S'S PHOTOGRAPHS Kidney Pill ANH PLEASANT --,-IOC A Vial. ARE it This offeotivo little pill in supplevting aI1 T EN �Y ARE TH BEST the demad is to keeps pwith ivasi TBe Y ARE J.iR Jr/ .rlt, demand iB hard to keep up with ainae pltco-. �j �j (� I ifiR it on the v/�titnr ietl� mailtai, T06 i�lt f�. RACE - 1. J �i,i,+! 'A aubtltttnte. 1lr d�l�e %tidr, Lit sill cixtlQgdiifn �ST ;, lw.,� ,R '�tw% `�w�� 1111` �'dt"atd''�lt' ,tl,�•.'�11Y � �ald by Wilts do ed� CJ1tnt�n�.. � RJ -P -A -N -S w The modern stand a Di and Family Medi - cine: Cures the U common�w every -day ills of humanity. y��11`t faaRlt McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARIA & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOaRB. ' Geo. WattPr3sldeut, 13arlook P.O.; James Broadfoot, vice-Pres.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; Al. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIIAHOTons. Jae. Broadtoot,seaforthM. Murdie, Seafortb Geo, Dale, Seafortb; Geo. watt Harloait; T. H. Bays, seaforth; Alex Gardtner,'Lertdbury; Tb o Carbatt, Clinton ; John McLean, Kippsu A011INTe. Thee. Netlans Harlock; Robt. McMillan Sea forth and J. Cuminge, AgmonAville. Parties desirous to effoobinaaranoes or bran seat other btlitinese will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above offio adr-seed to their reapeolty of Laos ]3I3==A 110r 3'Ru ze FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH ARD A814RACHAN PINE, The latter of which we minae a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HARD Thi above ornausntal trees and shrubbery be sold at very low prices, and those wanting an thing in this oonnseVon will save money by p ohilstng here. Orders by Yailwill b s promptly atk to, Address, JOHN, STBR'ART, BIINNILL)E 17 777 77,17" �.,.,. ..chir'^rn-m 1r�!.=,�F v -w;�.. may �.a,.w--s •«.,..n--•-.r..-t.- ja7r - st r .„ " ,• 6 kis<tt wm icier it! there (bat I'obter r a , ') L. v r r.., r•n t t, , e CT {V 1 l &t T 11 l 1 t c u n tut rt v tyre t €,h even wttls lots tAs�,u to , tit caret' expel,+see? sltllc "Y� ID fit Vii. merchant aid at Llai; ytt),tu ',volt, . Tho 1lsdeaar l;rcu, tl tr'Ils of it All- 17+nr- I .�ueturoLy��q�. vi�3f �4 recently mvrilrpsng bath less Spplets, � Cit& trY tJll$ % n i,11I� ,tel Juta.ea, ti ho w rs a,t,pointed by the tP t 'when I kie raitirchittlt fogk,,t he wto itot �*•^.a- lato l.(A','r, ut+•I!I iii w%Viklg th+, now ""in it" with the milk ditpent-or, when to<'i9l'l. [�'ypLl'Gb„i Cilltt't d"ll ,'`- titidpe at J.,n,•, loci.,, Tne b; idge iy 1}^^1,r,a remarked) --"Why is it, you ask, v.- cult a,f t hVo, I,eeMti ,ti P, cross rhe Rid- w thrtt 1 have. 011e reputation Of neve! l ib - for 'it q;., I gro 0( -•you t,att o-tt tbts p„ittt anti was built last t being out Of' 1411V I'll tell you. r Lit I su truer 1'ue otllrr nue is to he built make it," t•119;ake It I" echoed toe rner- can tl"�l�a� that 1 1` this winter, bill, until it is built the one J 1iK74Nte chant, "Yes, sir? And I willgive he offers you Sornetl ins ttlteady in pl,tt'k+cauuutht•o.,ttl. 1{owl you a fortripla for making its nice milk " ever, befoiti oin • out, of office the la•e Go*'$CotteaRoot Costpmod 1 s ut nS 004, he will Sa the going l IVIr Samuel as ever @nvQtll i<t'ttr a sow, and whil,t'tl Government 'tppoiaitet q Manufactured by The K rA K more, it will st{tnd the tiler oil any in- g; me when of doctor" Jones to the pusatou of Its Age awing. Cook Co„ Windsor, Out., yid. spe'_tor's instrument. When T Hud ` er, and Por three ninths h,a has drawn I whit@s a regi t10I'1 for and Detroit, Mich., is the ugyeeli critt,r!inA shunt of the aenume p p. $1.25 per day, though the h, idle hits only knowptsafe, rclial,le article I ta6;e a couple of cane of good I Which he w4tits to pt a never been sw ung, and won't be for monthly medicine on which Jadies condensed milk, costing me about Igeeidl effect Play the probably six nous lis or it year, He can depend in "lice hour stat, lirrlt 1 twenty Ceuta, our there into a fol Gy- has been dis,uiis=ed rut- the same real- o neem," Vver lady who reads quart cauiful a water, isddio ls little gayne of life and death for un that ot.b+ rs h.tve ht eu disntislwd. this is requested to inclose two 1) ,st common baking soda, and Merl thol•- the Satre of `&t penny or two because 11- wa, i;a I t till; o,oney he was 1 age stamps, with her address, for oughly stir the mixture sap, The soda I p , nut ea, Ileo ;, N„ it i., .,II o. er bacteria. takes the. sweet taste ft'oiu the milk more Profit.. Yoaf can 1 Ilundredn + t'or+ a, i�r•,e 1+art in l,+„iii and �iveti the mixture „ regular Jet- t9'4t5t <jl4Et AilGidri. is�t 4vEllit to live ou• the lwop;v wtthmi( givialg sexy fl•ot.h. 6 n'id a little stilt, wh}c}r ituy v,tirae ; n aas,•,;t i s •reiv+tl. The wttli the soda, sNisd, the test instr't- ogl ask for rani Sl for, itttoroat, of the '+e..)'e doiwmd the t and full particulars, which A wi't di ! send by re urn mall In plain. <e•i!, sl, (A i use-ut right up to the cutch required y p I hese tvr, i .', i,. i , .•rt l ' I rU 1 i,c bylaw. Lvhv, ,holier the •blizr,aad Whether it 1�,1tJt'Ott t3 mil- I envelope. y }, public (.11-1 ii; t; a , •I I An old physician, Yea:,, ` last wis,ter I s,•I+1 tit's y cavus of utv I 510[1 O1' allytl11I1g FSISe. .pullers. il.,u,,lt,-,s Tui, :•. P Y 35 Y hone -made milk o, et y da.v, at a clean tinned practice treating disrrtst +„ ie k., profit, ou e: ea y c.tu Palk about it ff pn;i N powna,�!)pvtllr, Oat. ]ry ewta O,..o --- women, has charge of the atilt, ,, 1 milk sc;tvii y vont beeves this -1 clue when 1 - �” =y' '- �`"" can be consulted by letter o- r,', )d 1 1 X do bn irv,v.v,' ISHMAEL'8 MANGROVE TRFxE. LOSS OF VOICE person. Address our main o, l, Ira ,'' A lr"iie Affvioulturist Frola India Works TWIG COOK COMPANY Y, asi UNYON'S {v'ondors .in a !Baine San, A'f`ter Acute Bronchitl9Ii,00m 3 -No. 2G3 VPootivrari�v.'„M obCO Chief Cdihnao, of rho $angor pollee CU&EA BY Zf9INti _ force, has a ooprleslty up at hW resldenee it -Cook's Cotton Roat Cols i�cr on the west aside dghiob, it it coutilaues is sold by all responsible wl j�It j to tbI•ivo, will be Ukely tics !trove mare of I AYEWSCherry and retail cru g;,ts in the Du M Pectoral of Cauada anc�Uuited States tr,i +!ecus Improved Iflllll epatnie rem. a sensat,an to people of tits vt'e"Aity Dollar per box. than anything which mV rbsult kcia P ��.,1 eflies (�0111hille (he Bust i the Noveutber Qle ttan or this co-RO 1ued- A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. -.-.a fail 1n the prloe of That This Is a pretty ill all $1si ills little plont,abdat a foot !n height, whfoli `Three months ago, I took a via - - Ishmael, the clroag Llindao r;w W the lent cold which resulted in an attack -- county jail hero, tnloked qui 4T A pile of SYMPTOMS :rr r p7 ,a a �1 tt wet dirt up at khe prison theotlter isile Ab. of acute bronchitis. I put myself iJ. T III; Y. (�t1 It E Ilil��l M ��rt��a [' Ishmael is already well-known to oar under medical treatment, and at the AND readora. It was he who stabbed the Sin- end of two months' was no better. CURB -- galesa rascal who dared ridioule the faith I found it very difficult to preach, - ltf (� of Brahwu, and he -got Into llaugcr jail and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry oP Ill int s�(�r, (Ibti(ill: ,.IseS for chins it. Heart �° Nerve Troup Where JI lDtlll'1' tif'Illtliil'4 As soon its he struck the jail he be tin to amuse the other prisoners with his !n Fail antics. He is more of an athlete than has ever boon soon In Bangor, and, though Have You Palpitation, Throbs �o he is only 19 yoars of ape, and rattler v Irregular Beating a J� uudorsized he can hcndlo a roan twice Heart ? DO(iTOIt YOURSELF his weight and years in a way that slur- ld pip astuuisheB the hitter; there l9no If 1.10, Milburn'sHeartall-! a -- fathoming his tricks of wrestling, for he Pills will cure you. s 1 has catches and holds that have been Have you Shortness of Brea, If You are Sick Ask Your Drug- banded down In the inner circles of his tress after Exert Aye race for many goner•atlons. He is as Smothering Fe.', •,.yl'�r gist for MuuyOu's Guise to Spasms or Pain tr•,-"ry hi solid as a bundle of wires and as dooile 1 P Health -Buy a 25 -Cent the Breast and H .. r as a child. He is a handsome bop, and t l,9 Munyon. -Remedy and he became the pot of the jail inmates , If f30, Milburn'sHeart anc!"=' •t�rAt,.f Cure Yourself about as soon as he got acquainted there. Pills will cure or Ishmael brought with him to jail a you if taken in time few of his goods and cb4tteis. They ata % MR H. B. TAYLOR, TORONTO'S WALL-ENCWN b s queer lot of dinky coddles, ministate HtiVO YOU a Feeling of Anxiety' thabc',. s DRAPIIR, rN BusiNRss AT 119 BIN. STREET tom-toms, dried hotel nuts, pieeas of a ;' 1'/ something is going to odder WnsT, TORONTO, SA2a;—"I walk troubled ' . cork, syoc3al, snake skiffs, gtonlke, �Dooa- ,, •., ''��` ' �. , �`� ',a, cur when there is no nciIy'f with •pain in my kidneys, superinduced nut shells and tin dishes --everything i eessity for it? )s sj� aq by a gnddan chill while in the water, I you can think of --a pile of common Pectoral. The Bret bottle gave me If ISO, Milburn's Heart andNerv�yr began using Manyou'a Kidney Clue, and as thugs with very unoommon powers, as great relief; the second, which I am I Pills will remove it. r I took thesi�nnedioine, Ibe pain got less saah fi aal taakes thein work, now taking,®ttas relieved me almost ntr' day. I1 LeUriainly a great medicine. The young 13indoo is a f kki�a---•not to entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, •Pe YOU Troubled with Sleepplessnc4j,t' P Manyon a taeamatism Cure seldom fails kind that haunN the areal corners and Nervousness, ForgetflPi and I feel sure that one or two bot - lo relieve in one to three boars, and aures sells stloaelringe and patent modieinae, nese, Brain Fag, ffd'Tg pin a few days. Price 25o, tles more will effect a permanent General Debility - t y for they aro bbs creations of the slang Y !1T Munyou's Dyspeppsia Cure posibively language of the day; he Is a real MU6 cure. To all ministers suffering from after effect of La Grip aures all forme of indigaetion and stomach Indian tabb, and the trloka which he throat troubles, I�recommend Ayers If fro, You can take no bett$if 53 trouble. Prize 26o. rhes ase regarded by big people as well Cherry Pectoral." -E. M. BRAWLEY, r x, Manyon's Cold Cureprevents pneumonia nigh supernatural. %hey have never boon D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Ba t. medicine than Nerve pill . and breaks a a oold In a few hours. Prion g p Heart and Nerve Pilf�r'P P solved oxoepiing when Detrayod by some publication Society, Petersburg, Vis. i They will relieve or cu4$ 10 860. member of the race who gat drunk on s•t Ayees Cherry Pectoral I Every dose helps thy' &innyon's Cough Cure stops goaghe, westQ¢rt 17rewAter, and exposed the whole Qum. at h i sweats, allaya eortnese, and speedily thing. These rascals die suddenly goon " 4 will heals the lungs. Price 150 after. GOLD NEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FA11L For sale by, all druggists, or by mail qpa s y Manyon's Kidney Care speedily onres One Qf the best of the tricks is tba apt of prase by T. MILBURN & CRO-, u tfD3 in the bhOlk, loins and groins and ell growing oif a buaki out of a pile of 41cl AYER'i'LEADS ALL DTHER SARSAPARILLAS. TORONTO. ,orals of kidney disease. Frios 150. io full view of an audience. Ishmael ($W Prioe 600. per box, or 3 boaes fes $1.130..,• nd� Klinyon's Headache Care stops heads,bo do l%. ae did it the other night up in in three minutes. Price 460.8hs gl-�� Yks la=► when eri8 Brawn gave l,1------- Munyon's Pile Ointment poeftively onrss1 au. forms of piles. Prioe 211c. Manes tO s t e apparatus, and 011alt Manyon'a Blood Cure eradicates all ltn- aFAa�wn lwthe pleat as proof. SO RICH—SO PURE—SO WHOLESOME --SO DELICIOU8� LOmasi teak a !lids pipe of Bead qui parities of the blood Prion 95o I- For Twenty. -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOt1KSBEST FRIEND LARG96T ILALlti IDl CANADA. McLeod's Svstem RENOVATO AND OTHER 'Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverlsh Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa tation of the Heart, Liver Complain Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronobiti Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitne' Dano Female Irregularities and General Debilit LABORATORY, ®ODERICH, 0 J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by I. 13. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON I1 --- J. C. MVENAN) -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER —AND - EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK, Thebos6AbAlVAinV- Flulauaed SplendidHearse. A]IGBEHTsT.,i L1NTON ' ;�taa9ld�tiemop'dfHtora �� i:, ,, bL1EibCtltl!U', %�b1tlGB: llJlgtL` Manyon's Fem+le Rr'naliee eta a boon mud which had bean lroaghl fns Alm the jam yes, underneath Use wLodew PURE to all women. A i whore be looks out and tf,inka up now Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 8 ,minutes and ours permanently. Price f11, �� every day, and ylaoL a fThen lies /1 be Munyou'a Catarrh 1lemedies never fail. middle of the Boor on a cloth d she ed ( EV LO ' The Catarrh Cure-prioe 26a.-oradioa/ss look what is Bald was a need asbd showed qtr ��I the dioesae from the syetem, and the Ca- b b his small nadienoo This said was tsrrh Tablets -price Sbo.-clesinse and beat �a �e thing Loan whish hg had proKQ the parts. dnosd a dollar bill a few minuWa baba Manyon's Nerve Cure -is a wonderful by simply equoesing it, but that didn't BLACK OR MIXED IN make asy ditlerenoo to bim, but he prN nerve tonic. Price 450. I HALF AND ONE POUND PACKETS ONLY � Man ou'e Vitalizer restores lost vigor, It in the dirt and got rowdy to grow bts ea Y g bush. Nobody ,bought he waa really go- AT ALL GROCERS -25, 30, 40, 50 AND 60 Price 81, ling to do it. He swore that loo would CENTS A POUND A separate sure for each diesasa. At all produce a mangrove tree. THE DAVIDSON & HAY LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO , drnggiete, mostly 250 • vial. � ,� Personal letterato Prof, Runyon, II A is lahmaol Hest took a olotih and plaoeli Albert 8t., Toronto, answered with free it over the earth; than he began to QW - medical advice for any disease. off some kind of heathonleh inoantatlon, --- --- -" " and in the course of a half minute, D when he removed the covering, thttre S t= jJt was a little sprout starting up about an John F. Wilson, a pattern -maker, of inch above the pile. That's pretty good _ _ - _ - 3 -- - • - - -- Parkhill, wanted to vote at. the election Ishmael smiled demurely and winkad for reeve held there on Jan t3th last. the other eyo. tint hing succeeds like success. We eGlr'led in business nt•as ly j Edward F. Manes, the clerk of "Park- Again Isbmael put the cloth an tb► t Wo year+ Ai{n, and have made a success u£ our i euture• \\ 0 hill, and the returning officer, refused' dirt and again he rattled off hill rubble! st,{rtcd ant with rt n„w stock first-class Groc eIies, asci s, (,,-lt f hie vote, and Wilson sued him and re 1n choicest Hindoo. Something suddenly principle, and have Imilt tit) a r overed $•100. The defendant anl,ealed stuck Iteelf up tnside the cloth, which n m r�1t� 1 against this .rudgment to the Division- peaked up and' wrinkled as It did so, FIRST-CLASS TRADE.' t al Court at Osgoode Hall. Judgment and then off came the Qbver will a was reser ved. d swish and exposed a very healthy pains STILL -we can do tante, and in order to do iso we aTr ct l;arl; ► e buRIrstanding there in the dirt. ing sitar stiles And puttingin a plate glans front, R'hen cnn,plct a ' Of conrBe overbody said that the bush ed ice will have a at0T'e second to none. Have Yost t r ied oor DOANS a r made og, payor, but itnolst , It was n real thin and it waR moist and soft a � and pithy just aa, if It hila been neRly (,ItFASt B:1IliNG i'�/WDFR•, zOe per lb Tin t i plucked from the ground out0de. At its 'rhe llll'r0 (Iat,f' (,aSil Gral(. (f!' bottom 11,11, a full Bet Of little mota Kidney /� 9 which wore oovpred with the olinglbg K M earth in which it had -well, grown, COOPER /-' �^� Q t Chief h ho nn, who was present, took C) G L E / - O ( { P E R !k7 C the bush home with him and Bot it out L.,O t.J �.../ 1 l ���..._7XX�G... f' in his garden. He said on 8aturday that itanwanybody as getting do well, and that it looked Farm prodnca taken as Cafth.-TeletihoneNo• 23.. �� s 1l, had come to elod Ht senei herorgtand how Ishmael did tt Nolthar else. Some of the men in the jail declare that the youngster is a Kidney P1119 devil in disguise, but most of them can- eider him a mighty smart lad. But he Is a great vegetation gtarteri _ be beiR to be fI]nnd� ound a beautiful stock of M ILL1, ats woppr-phosphates at their owtigame. In the Emporium The bush is worth geeing; it is corn- . NERY that is right up to date,vposed of close -growing green loaes on some Dress trimmings. Serviceable Dress Gloocl9 very Clieftp. Flannel`DOANS a stralghb stalk and little red blossoms ettes unsurpassed in value. are beginning to grow on the top of it. ally. If y OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or IIOOTH o0 itIehmaeloRays it's seep as rolling Off B `1 HOES, dotn t buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSA Kidney Pillslog.-Bangor Courier. BLANKETS at very close priCPR. Our GROCERY department is spell sup• plied with goad gesnda. About. 100 lbs. of SALT PORK at tic, per lb. to cleat'. Some half -gallon and pint OEM9 to dispose of at 121 and 9 cents. . One. AD�tM1�S•'' EMPU[1LyZ�IU�r1, ADA � ' ., Ret11@111 her .. Tl, _ O i j COPiDESB1/JR O OF DR, AONEw's LIVER PILLS AFTER DINNER, , D'&OAN . ► IT WILT. PRO:ITOTE DTOESTIAN AND 0"11CONTA THE BEST ” ANY EVIL EFFIACTA OF TOO IMMITY EATING-•- t a ENTYRELY VrGnTAnr,E—Do NOT DIOTUR nIR TAE + �is YaTEM-BAFffi, PrnPT, ACTIVE, PAtNL�'S'S PHOTOGRAPHS Kidney Pill ANH PLEASANT --,-IOC A Vial. ARE it This offeotivo little pill in supplevting aI1 T EN �Y ARE TH BEST the demad is to keeps pwith ivasi TBe Y ARE J.iR Jr/ .rlt, demand iB hard to keep up with ainae pltco-. �j �j (� I ifiR it on the v/�titnr ietl� mailtai, T06 i�lt f�. RACE - 1. J �i,i,+! 'A aubtltttnte. 1lr d�l�e %tidr, Lit sill cixtlQgdiifn �ST ;, lw.,� ,R '�tw% `�w�� 1111` �'dt"atd''�lt' ,tl,�•.'�11Y � �ald by Wilts do ed� CJ1tnt�n�.. �