HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-06, Page 6,ql r'e oods W,have, ;just r, ^eived .a beautiful 19t ofnew goods in 4 o'clock Tea Sets, Japanese Plates and Vases, the latest in Jewelery and Watches. Come and see the prices. 3. B. RUMBAIX WATCH MASE JEWELER. &o., > TELEPHON EXOHANGE P,S.--Repairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money hack. Ask for a Sample Procure a sample BAKING POWDER Of our Anetry it. We ask ,nothing further, but will allow the, sample to speak for itself. Our profit is very small, but we have the satlstac- ttou of knowing that we are giving you the very purest and best of Baking Powder at the price of the cheapest. 25e per Ib. Try it. Muuyon's Remedies. Extra value in Sponges. J. E. RO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, Established 1855. . e Make no mistake purchase your Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware,!Spectacles, ttte., From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' andj&ent's Watches, prices to suit all buyers. By coming torus you will save both time and money Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, • Clinton Three Lines We purpose clearing out three lines of Goode that we have been carrying BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, READY MADE CLO THING AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. This will be a chance to get Good Goods at prices not to be equalled in Town. The Stock of Clothing is large and well assorted„ in Suite, Overcoats, and singly. Notes me 75 o our aots es .— Men's {Pants y 45 Men's VestsBoys' Suits • 1 50, 1 75 Men's Suits 3 50 Boys' Suite Men's Suits , 4 50 Boys' Suits • 2 00 Men's Suits. • 5 00 Boys' Suits . 2 50 Men's Suits. Odd Coats at any price, Overcoats Cheaper than the Cheapest, TWEEDS°ll Tweeds will be sold at cost and under, and will be made to order on the same terms BOOTS and SHOES but equally low. We haveShoes and Rubbers is not somany lines to clear at Great Bae as rgains. hing stock We ask you to see our Goods and Prices. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBIi\GS Albert Street, Clinton. A. C. DUTTON When this announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for BLANKETS, SHEETING, Double or Single, YARNS and HOSIERY. ere is'no In the county of Il ron so roach tallied shoat at the present time as Blyth. People who have never done 1,0 business in this town are; rapidly finding out that it is to their advantage to deal here, to do business on a cash basis—they and goods cheap and quality the best. Every town is supposed to have its own local trade, but Blyth is extending its borders, and drawing customers from rdmote quarters and we are not through yet. We want every family in the county to become acquainted with this store. Probably a few prices would bo interestisg. In .groceries we are giving 28 lbs Yellow Sugar for C1; 22 lbs. Gran• ulatod Sugar for $1; Corn Starch per package— good quality 5c. Ss Friends and neighbors are telling friends ani neighbors of the wonderf ul low price-) at which we are ntl'iring g tod31 Ladies' line black all wool Hose Boys' black ribbed stockings, all wool Men's Hose, wool, from 15c up to Yarns, all colors, 35c a Ib. Single Yarn Nowhere In thip Country—in all the cities, villages or hamlets—are Blankets of eudh superior or such true surpassing elegance and newness offered at anothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In marking the prices on our Goods our one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything we sell is immeasurably lower than anywhere else. Call and give us an order. A. C. D U FTO N, House, Clinton Opposite Mason 25c a pair 25c a pair 35c a pair 50c a lb. IN DRY GOODS. Towellings, fancy stripes,worth 8c for 5c. Shirts and Drawers for men 50c a suit and up. Heavy line of Beaver cloth, for Coats or Capes well finished in Navy Blue or Brown worth $1, for 80c a yard. We have some white table linen worth seeing, it it a good width and sells'at 25c a yd, but its wort} more money than we are asking for it' We have made atrangemeits for handling two car loads of Dried Apples, they must- a quartered, cored and bright colored. We have what you want. McKinnon dr Co., Blyth (Isialh and One P'- is . Litabter mud Hap taken as Cash %%%%'fir %4 STEW TI N IT -c P E AND UNDERTAKING STORE Brick Bloek, Clinton : : Near Fair's Mill We are now prepared to show you a nine line of Furniture of every description, ell new, and the very latest designs. Onr Undertaking department is complete in every Branoh. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO: NERO FIDDLED WHILE ROME BURNED Those who are Bald or have Thin Hair ;should not miss seein g PROF. DORENWEND'S ga r tiQ v rinms n Ladies and (Gents Wigs Toupples; Ladies Bartns, Plain and Wavy Fronts, Switches. He, will Rattenbury House, CLINTON be et on TUESDAY, Nov. l0ti►. �, 004EW WENps 10UP EE S, But don't you fiddle your time away, going from store to store looking for new and up to date goods. We claim to have the most attractive DINNER. TEA. and FIVE O'CLOCK SETS that are shown in town and at the most reasonable prices. Oar Storeys filled with the newest and prettiest goods that are on the market. Call and inspect our Stook or take a look at our windows and you WILL FIx)? WHAT WE ADVERTISE IS TRUE Christmas Fruits, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, etc. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. OGLE COOPER & CO, Farm produce taken as caxh.—Telephone No. 23, or • Saturday • 0 13 ends fine Mantle and Cape Cloths, were from 90c to $2.85 per yard, to be sold at a bargain. 4 Ladies' Fur Sets, Storni Collar and Mutt' in Beaver Op' possum, Wool Seal and Lynx, will go at halt price. BORN HARVEY.—In Hallett, on Oct. 25th, the wife of Mr John Harvey, of a daughter. Erocrss.—In Toronto on Oot. 23, the wife of Mr T. B. Higgins, Osgoode Hall (tormerlp of Seafortb) of a son. LAwaiR.—In Hepworth, on Oct. l3, the wife of Mr Robert Lawrie(nee Miss Twist) of a daughter W ALTRsa— In Tnckersmith, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. E. Walters, of e. eon. MARRIED HUTTON--CARR.—At the Methodist par- tonage, on Oct. 21st., Mise Mettle Carr to Mr Hatton, of Moorfleld. HAoag—RASLA 1.—At the home of the bride's parents, Belgrave, by Rev. Mr Higley, Miss Carrie Haslam to Mr James Haugh, of Wingham. HILTON--MCRAE—At North St. Metho- dist church parsonage, on Oct. 27th, by Rev. Jos. Edge, Mr F. R. Hilton to Mar- garet J. McRae, both of Goderich township. MCCARTNET--DAVID80N.—At the North 8t. Methodist church parsonage, on Oct. 28th, by Rev. Jos. Edge, T. J. McCartney to Eliza J. Davidson, both of West We. wanosh. DAYMAN—CARLIBLE—At the residence of Mr Wm. Curry, flay, on Oct. 21st, by Rev Mr Waddell, cf Hensall, Mr Humphrey Dayman, of Tnokersmitb, to Mies Diantha Carlisle, of Hay. McKee—Leine—At the manse, Kippen, on Oct. 22nd, by Rev. 8. Acheson, Mr John McKay to Mise Elizabeth Lane, both of Tnokeremith. Couleur—Homan—In the Methodist church Morley, Alberta, N.W.T., Oct. 22, by Rev. John MoDougell, Mies Ella Jane Hough, second daughter of Rev. John Hough, for- merly of Londesboro, to Lucius Q. Cole- man, rancher, of Red Deer, Alberta Terri- tory. ith'animthenee assortment of sea) goods as will bring joy and gladness to all those who have thin and faded hair or vette are partly or wholly bald. The Amerioan Continent cannot produee th k -i r n thousands t man t o a tis• i the production o4 Hal nods and ilo, o r O aka of 121ng atter head aa net p y ' a e elljov nq better health and younger and improved d.pp1Dearannae through nein his lnvontisne tbee instate:" "head Protecold tor Prof. Dorenwenhesel catarrh and ether enaart goudses are the boat to use. Tbo$ produce ah want of . hair and ae ir nat ural and beautifying eifeet and it Ala folly for those requiring them to allow prejudice t" prevent. ontoyyinept of the advantages to o relocd. It is wnrthv of street investigation. ,Rometeher attheRATTENIitneY ROUSE, CLINTON, on TUEineY, NOVnMBElt 10. Consulta• boys etting and all fine at private show room at hotel. , 9 1yi1] ails %o ateENTIIAL UOTEL, EXETER, on THURSDAY, NOV. 12. Clinton Y. P. Local Union flelll -,A,,orertigionants 3 pieces wide fine Toweling,,, worth 8i for le, CARD OF THANKS The under igned desires to thank all who kindly assisted in moving their effects at the la^ a are. O. OLSON, 8 BEATTIE D BA BGE, tMR8 OSI3ORNE, W. BEESLEY 'Copies at the severs] Yount People's Society mobtings being held during the week:— dayallov.9th Ooobury St.. Methodist tidingsl�of Christianity— Miss - niity Miss Fanny Townsend, Rattenbnry St.. Methodist Oir1'a Junior 8, L. of C. 8 , Friday evening from 7 to 8 In whom do you trust and for what—Lott le Cook. Ontario St. E. L. of C. F Topic for Nov. 9th My favorite Bible story and why—Mrs Seward. Ed. Jervis. Willis Presbyterian C. E. Topic for :ov 11th—Missionarytopic, "McKay." Catechism ques. 0—Mr D. Ross. IT PAYS TO The demand still contlnnee for graduates of 11 Heavy Tweed Overcoats (Boys) from 24 to 35 in breast measure at hall price We have about a dozen Ladies' Mantles and Jackets in Beaver, Niggerhead and Tweed Mixtures, some odd sizes from 30 to 46 breast measure, will go at hall price. Our $4.95 heavy Frieze Overcoat for Saturday, can't bet duplicated in any store in Huron at less than $8. They are lined with Tweed, big collar and all other improvements. This is a snap Remember our success lies in doing exactly as we adver- tise. Come and see us on Saturday, Oct 31st The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Still he de a decided lend over its contemporar- ar;ee in Shorthand and Business training. Over 2000 Students Have been trained In this college since it was established in 1570, and are to be found In near • ly every town and city on this continent, hold- ing choice positions. It le the only school In Canada which has been ruon'.ng for 20 years without change of man- agement. For catalogue of either department, address D. Me LAC EEL AN & Co Chatham The Morden, Man„ Herald says:— "Mr W. •C. Searle, of Clinton, Ont., passed through Morden on Tnesday Ter home. Mt Searle was met itt the station by several old Clintonians, who were glad to see birn. There was a list handed him of names of parties from the neighborhood of Clinton, cvhn now reside in Marden, which are as follows:—Rev M. C. Rnmball, Mrty or Ruddell, W. G. Ruddell, G. Grummet t, Jesse Grurnmet t, James Lawrence, A A. Hobkirk, Chas: Spooner, iinhl. Newniarch, :fames Taylor, A. E. Sin- clair, John Fox, Neil Fox. PIANO FOR SALE. A first class N' illiame Plano, Upright, Mahog- any Case, almost new, for sale, on very reason- able terms, Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE. GILROY & VaISETpIAA We are headquarters for Millburn:n's Heart & Nerve Pills Combe's Iron Blood Pills, Enthymol Tooth Paste, CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offorp for sale his exoellen farm of 92} acres, being lot 27, 4111 Con of Hullott. Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation, Bare has Iwo -story brick house, tremo barn and stable, splendid bearing orchard. plenty of water. Situate about 24 miles from the town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 acres of fall wheat sown. Possession given et any time. For particulars apply on the premises or to A. WEIR, Clinton P. 0. tf, a The ideal dentrifice, modest in price, pleasant in odor, and apositive protection, against staining of the enamel, formation of tartar and decay. FOR SALE. •Electric Light Plant In the Thriving town of Clinton Owing to tbo death of one of the partnere of the Electric Light Co,the plant and property of the Company to offered for ogqlIe. This in an excellentpportunity for investntent, there he- ing no gas or opposition Co. In the town For term and full parttenlare apply to D. GRAHAM SONS & CO., Inglewood, or to J. P. TISDALL, Bather, Olinton Apple Market JAMES H. COM BE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS. NEW FRUITS New Currants, Raisins, Figs, clic, Candied Peels, Pure Spices Fancy Combination Dinner and Tea Sets In finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The best 25c Tea in town. Agent for the noted Monsoon Teas. Call and inspect goods and get quotations. Highest price paid for good Butter and Eggs. Cable Oct. 27th 1896, Say market Better and active good sound fruit wanted, sell- ing 8 to12 shillings Jas. Seep it Co. Clinton N. ROB S ON, - Clinton. a. We Can't all Be wealthy But we can all be Wealthier than we are Wealth consists in what is saved—not what is earned. "Saving" means buy- ing at the store where you can get the same quality for less money than any- where else. WE IIAVE 60 PAIRS BOYS' LONG BOOTS The regular price is $2 to $2.75. We offer sizes 1, 2 and 3 at $1.25 and sizes 4 and 5 at $1.50 a pair. We have still a few lines of McPher- son'soods, and as they cannot be re- peated we are clearing them at reduced prices. You can save money in these goods. Overcoats and Clothing See our lines of Frieze Ulsters at 35, 36, 37, 38 and $10. They are grand value. A We L. OUI1VDTTE, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.