The Clinton New Era, 1896-11-06, Page 3iRt rs. 4 HEALTHY N/GEjSTION, OON AND A BLESSING TO MAN. HIND. Mutt LIre or A DYBPBPTIC ON& or CONSTANT •M,a&i,Y—ONE WHO HAS Surriuuw /NOM ITe IP,t.ties POINTS THS WAY TO R&M/WSW Ens, h's. • /Prom the Cornwall Freeholder. The life of a dyepeptio is proverbially a 'miserable one, eliciting universal commis- ' •oration. Not so mnoh beoouee of the aot- -nal paintulnese of the ailment, but largely •because it projects its pessimistio shadows ••noon all the concerns of lite, and here they sit like a deadly incubus ou every enter- prise. An impaired digestion gives rise to an irritability that exposes the person to mnoh annoyance; besides being extremely trying upon others. We are all aware of the value of oheertuluese in life. It is a flower of the rarest worth and strongest at- tractions. It is a touic to the sick and a disinfeotaut to the healthy. Those things that deatioy a man's habitual cheerful,rees, lessen hie usefulness, and ought therefore to be restated by some drastli and eflicieut reined). 'Phe duties that devolve upon the average man and women are invested ill su much difficulty as to put a premien' ou hopefulness. The relation h, twee❑ tho prevailing rn.'ude of the mind, and the health of the digestive apperetns is close and vital. llenoe it is not Aurpnsinh that many would-be benefae,torra have caught the patronage of saflerers from indigeetiou. Judging by results 1)r, Williams' Ptnk Pllla is a remedy unique in ite suecuse, therefore it i3 co ,;i ;catty recommended as a safe and adequate cure fur aease dyeuepeia., This claim is substantiated by experience as the follow:twg facts will show. M:'.1). M;Crimmon, of Willtatnetowu, Glengarry Co., suffered untold misery from a severe atsaok of dyspepsia, which mani- feetod itsott in triose many unpleasant ways for which dyspepsia is notorious. Every attemi,t to take food waste menace to every feeling sf comfort, until the etomach was releive,l of its burden by vomiting. When not suffering from the presence of food in the stomeuh, there were other symptoms more or less disagreeable consequent to the functional disturbance of the stomach, such as impaired taste and appetite, unwonted languor, increasing apathy andefailing am- bition. Such an aggregation of the symp- toms produoed a trying elate of affairs, and relief was eagerly sought. One of the best physioiane of the neighborhood was oonsuib- ed. He prescribed. His medicine was ta- ken and his directions followed, but unfor- tunately three monthe of the treatment brought no substantial relief, When 'Mrs •MoOrimmon expressed her intention of try- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the doctor laughed snd held the thought in derision. However, she decided she could not afford to leave untried moll a well recommended remedy' es Dr. Williams' Pink Piils. Hence she took a course of this mediciue. which, after a fair trial, was eminently anoceseful. From being only able to take stale bread and milk or so.-ia biscuits, she b,:camc able to take a hearty heal of au v variety, with- out the painfril effects that 011 es, asserted themselves after every meal. It only re- mains to be said Cat Iles MuCnnirn^u Proved in flesh s^d general cotufott from the fit•=t te.kinp; • ,. tLY.' I:.II•, nn t,o:uast auythit,; going ,1 . would nal ,v'itl. ittrae- ity. Dyspepsia became a tiling le .,, fro u;• ed, anti' lar,tely b( 1011,;(111,• t') Ib. I, i -t. I t is little v:r,nder thcri:fere, that et., urge.,. the Orli' of Polk Pill:» up•, oh,.rs ai: tar;, ni flicted, Dr, S'.. 1 Un:,' rink Piile creat,.' blood, Luild up h, ;''rues, and thue .lett,• disease font the bistr ,;1, I11 hundreds of cases the,. ha,e cunei after all other t le,;i• eines iia,1 fa,le,1, ,faun establish' ,., tie claim that they an. the Marcel among the triumphs of modern medical acien,:c 1'h,. ' genuine Pink Pills ale hold cul) to Lux .s, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. lfi!luuuy' Pink Pills for Pale People." Prutt•, , your- self from imposition hy refusing any pial that dose not boar the registered trade mark around the box, After 'Elio Boys. During .1,n Endeavor Convention one of the delegates, a yOtifIV hnyi1 e„s titan alert and t•'tger. and telling of h,lttlie1 energy wnhui, caure suddenly upon .t red-faced citizen, ,.vile, ev idcn11y had been patronizing the lu,tel Isle Hot ton holing 1h.' delegate uneerelnun iously, he said: "What are you fellows trying to du, anyway? You are hot on tempera ins, I ser by the papers. Du you thick you coual in 'Ate a temperance roan of ice:?' "No," replied the dell:gate i Hiking him over flow head to foot wi'h a keeii glance, elightly contemptuous, we evidently couldn't do much with you, but we are atter your b ly." At this unexpected retort the 111 dropped his peculiar t.nrle, and it id •41' - iou Sly : "VA, ell, I guests you h.ti e got the right of it there. if somebody had been after me when I was a hey, f should he a better roan lo -day." --Our Young People. The only permanent cure for chronic, catarrh in to thoroughly expel the poison from the system by the faithful and per- , Filament nee of Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, Title wonderful remedy proves sncceesfcl when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. As a reward for five consecntivo years of total ahatineuce from inLOX i cants Geo. e'rncker, of San Francisco, I was on Tuesday nwerded $5(NI,(t Chas. (Jrocker,father of Geo„het ueath- ed a portion of his property in his son George, who was given to overindul- gence in intoxicants, if within fifteen years after the death of the father George should slay sober for flve con- secutive years. • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 'Relief ,for • :Lung' • •Troubles • �,/► • • EMULSION* •c /y/tTjr . • •' •G� • In CONSRIIIPTiON and tilt LEN • D1SEASEB, SPI'["1ING Or moots. • tdOItGU. LOSS OF APPETITE. (% omen, TY. trio benefit.; of thle • • snide are meat manlleiet. • ♦♦i��;ty 4kbthaarwwlldt��'ioatdst'Chb "fl. eA',"Bmurdon 1 teve tet aaaigfat17 5ritednwarm=oe aitderestjLA n wrack kad troubled ma tor • *btu the U0 6 sofa,, ardmed sonata tt.1 • T;�, yr it(1tIAIt O,E„ itontireat It» t: ltltrt1It er li bottle • • . , ENC4, O.p Otic, **tem • WHERE'S MOTHER. Boreitng in flow Balmer or p4y. This le what the children say; Trooping, crowding, big and small, On the thr'eabgld, in the hall— Joining in the constant ory, Ever ae the daye go by, • "Where's mother?" From the weary bed of pain Thie sante gaeetion oomea again; From the boy with sparkling eyes, Bearing home his earliest prize; From the bronzed and bearded son, Perils past and honors won: "Where's mother?" Burdened with a lonely task, One day we may vainly ask For the comfort of her !sou, For the rest of her embraee; Let us love her while we may, Well for us that we can say, "Where's mother?" Mother with untiring hands At the poet of duty stands, Patient, seeking not her own, Anxious for the good alone Of the children as they ory, Ever as the days go by, "Where's mother?" A COMFORT SOMETIMES. When health is far gone ha Consumption then sometimes only ease and comfort can be secured from the use of Soott's Emul- sten, 1,‘' oat ie much better is to take this medicine in time to save your health. One of the suhecriher's to the build- ing fund of the new First Methodist ('Murch, London, gave a note for a gond round sum a vhltppTt time ago, the first instalment payrle in January and the balance "when I like," This Is like what a Guelph merchant once did when bored persistently for adebt. He wrote out a note payable "six ,meths after convenience,” and the creditor accepted it and presented it for payment six months later, hut be was told that it was not yet conven- ient. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung tri Castoria. When she had Children, she gave th$m Castorta. Fumeitnrw Polishes. Two furniture polishes are prepared as follows: (1) Pot one gill each of turpen- tine, spirits of wine and vinegar Into a bottle with onA-third of a pint of linseed o11; cork tightly and shake the bottle briskly in order to ullx the various in- gredients thoroughly before using. Duet the furniture carefully, apply the polish with a piece of soft, old flannel and rub off at ODOP with a very soft duster. If only a small quantity of polish is used the furniture will brighten much more easily than when the mixture is laid on thickly. (2) Place two ounces of finely shredded beeswax into a jar, adding to it one mince of yellow soap, out small, and enough turpentine to corer. Stand the jar on the stove till all is melted. When cold, the preparation is ready for nes, and should be rubbed till a good polish is procured. Mynter!e, of Providence. "I see," said the lady who wishes to wear hloomera, ' that another woman has been burned to death by her skirts catch- ing on lire;. You never hear cafe woman's bloomers catching on fire and burning her to depth." 'Which simply goes to show," said the husband of the lady who wishes to wear bloomers, "how mysterious are the ways of Providence.'" PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS 1n a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in Its effects. W. C. MoCouesa & Sou, Bouchette, Que. report 1n a letter that PyPectoral cure,? nll Mrs. 0. Gamma of chronic cold in cheat and bronchial taboo. and also cured W. O. MoComber of a tong -standing weld, 11.111, Ma. J, H. Harry, Chemist, 528 Yonge St., Toronto,pwditing prites: Pectoral li a most thraluablecprep r aolnaho hae given the utmost seto have tried It many hating spoken tome of the benefits derived from its nee In their families. It is wettable for mrd or young, being ptaneant to the taste. Its sale with me has been wonderntl and I can always rnbmmend 1t as a safe and reanble cough medicine Large Bottle, 29 Cte. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lro. Sole Proprietors Moe'rusttr. ( atnadiant- want 0i ,,ell grain, meat, cheese, butler, eggs and fruit to the people of (treat Briiaitl. 'Tey are willing to spend money for cold stor- age, fast r•hips, railways and wagon roads to get 1hclt' ptoducte Prom the place of pi Ale tion to the place of cnn- -utupliol,. Mit Canadians have to learn the important factthat if they want to enlarge their trade with for- eign eenntrieC they rnnst reduce their tariff to the lowest possible figure. If 1 they vtant to stall to other countries they must buy from other countries. if they want to increase their exports of home products, they must increase their imports of foreign products. The whole thing is in a nutshell. A11 trade is barter; imports are in the main pard for by exports, the part played by specio in international trade being et inpar'liv'ely trifling. As s1•,n- gredien puts it in his work on "Free Trade and English commerce," "If you want to export. much yon must import much. You cannot curtail your imports without curtailing to the same extent your, exports. Fur every hundred pounds' worth of foreign ar- ticles which, by prohibition or prohibi- tory dntiee, you prevent coming into your country, you prevent one hun deed ' ri11(1.' worth of your own arti- t les of pr duction from gorng abroad. It canoe,, be repeated too often--be- crtnse it is at the very root of the Saes tion --that 10 restrict impo:ts is (by the inexorable law of logical sequence) to restrict exports to the satne extent, and therefore to that, extent. to restrict foreign trade. * • . Prac- tically, Itil Interchange of commodities is barter, and , money is merely a com- mon standard by, which to measure their relative values," FOR PUBLICATION A Permanent Cure A LfffrER THAT PROVES THL VALUE OF PAI h►E'S CELERY COMPOUND A MEDICINE THAT MAF'.S PEOPI E WELL AND KEEP13 THEM WELL Fergus, Ont., Sept. 22, 1896. Gentlemen: — The following testimonial, relative to your Paine's Celery Compound, will no doubt interest all who remember my testi menial given more than two years apo This long interval has afforded me ample opportunity for judging of the effects of the medicine. I have always valued the duration of n cure mere than the temnorary rebut. It is difficult, if indeed it is poaaible, to get a medicine that will produce a pertn:tuent good effect, so much being dependent On right use and dietary reeulations. \Ve must help Paine', Celery Compound; we must oc asider the quantity as we 11 as the quality of the food we eat. I sen eorn-ueeei by exi.erienoe that, if this medicine be pro- perly used and afforded fair play, it wi!l rte: good wcrk. 1 am past seventy; yet, since I took the Paine's Celery Compound, I feel as well sty an old man can feel• For this eouditiun of health I can think of no other eau e than use of the Compound, 1 am gentle. men, Yours thankfully, %ist:ri'ill ausafJOEIN IRELAND. Welts err Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q. • The executors of the will of the late H. A. Massey have commenced the payment of the bequests, and the marked cheques that have been sent out came in the wa-r of a pleasant st r - prise, as it was not conrpulsoty to pay for a period of twetity years. loose already paid are 1 he Tipper Canada Bi- ble Society, $2,000; the Haven, 95,000; and Upper Cat,ada Trust Society, $2,- 000. Letters have been sent too the Young Women's Christian Guild, the Mimic() Industrial School, and the Victoria School for Girls, asking to wuom the cheques are to be sent, and a9 soon as the replies are :'eceived money will he forthcoming. Other bequests will be paid fruin lime to time, the ev.ecolors deriding as to the order of payments, ONE MINUI'E CURE FOR TO01 LI- AC/IE. 111.igira1 in potency sod power, penetrat- ing at mule t, the diseased nor ,.0. Norvil- 1 si ins-- nerve p,ti:, cure—cures toot}lache in a rnom.nt. N, rvtliue, the m tat marvellous i pair, rcI tdy' known to science, tiny' be us ed ter all neriw pains. .Test at ,?one its ef- f Tbe0(er 4t“tt 1R"r+x floe, ; "Woy;'t remarked AR. lr/Se'Harker; ar bo dropped b1 papas agr9Re bis:kneed end looked Into .pace, "Io fie brute; afid• barberon4 J3let1tutlon, ,1 opp't tU,gdeutsnd why It Is thathuman 4440 will get to. gather and pght looked of disouiilne any 'lifferelltia tllflk 1007 0000 us1,t *aim, gentlemanly manner." "You ore tp favor of arbitration, aren't you.," Bald hie wife "Emphatically, If I had the power, I wouldn't think of allowing any question, however great or small, to be settled otherwise. There to no need of allowing passion to get the better of reason. The moment we admit that might' makes right, the great principle of justice 1s sure to be sacrificed." "By the WAY, P1enry, Mr. Dlgglee, who owns the property next door, called bare to see you this morning just before you went down town." "What did he want?" "He Saye the fence between our lobe is over on one side so that there le a strip of hie ground six Inches wide In our yard. " "He said that, did be?" "Yee. He thought you might not know about it because the property hoe never been surveyed since you bought It." "He has the impudence to assert that 1 have been occupying Nix inches of hie ground, has he?" "That is what he said." "Who told him all thiel" "He ,aye he euspouted it all along, and had It•surveyed yesterday, and that the surveyor told bink" "What is he going to do about it?" "He says be is going to have a man oome next week and move the fence over." "He le, is he? Well, I guess I'll have something to say about that. He'e going to yank that fence around to wherever he chooses and give me any little patch of the earth that happens to he left over when he has all he wants, le be? That's just like Diggle,." "Are you going to hire a lawyer?" "And pay out more than the whole house and lot ooanbiued are worth? Not try a jug -full." "What vro you going to do about its" "I'ns going to lick the $rat man that lays his hand on that fence, and Digglea In the bargain. It it's necessary I'll hire a whole standing army and a Gatling gun to etand guard over every post In it. That's what I'm going to do about it." Opposed' to rt. Mia Culture—What do you think of Henry George's single tax idea? Miss Guseinazton—Weil, I see no rea- son why be should not tax eingle men, but I dont think be eugbt to tax slams women—it isn't our fault.—New fork Weekly. It Seemed Slot. Mr. J. (ideal)—My love, did you have a finger 1n this pieY Mils. J. (practical)—Why, no, indeed. NJne at my fingers are missing. —Detroit Free Press. 8c'tcv. Japan and Corea. A true insight Into the nepirtttons'uf the Japanese people anti the tr,'n't •it a'1, their past hletory Is, 1 think, a remark made to a French lonr'tn11,t. 1.y It very tin de elecle 'Tokio point: on wh. u it firer became known that tits rrnn's' ,'1 Shlnlono.ekl gave the N31Lad / n„ rights in the Land of the Mnrr,',g ''La Cnree, voyez-von=," said 1,.,t, frank patriot, "o'est 1' Alsace lairs/ill) ,t i 2 ipon. 11'ldelee n la (teviA,- de vutro ti,,nthet t1, onu4 y penaerons tnn,jon-a n0av v penserons toujnttrs, nous n'e a verb, rons jamate," As a mutter of filet there hos been ecttr('ely li i,rir•t in ,Japanese hlaiery i,.'hen the stl',j.et, of the Mikado :11.1 nr t '':::hart. on ;,tr'r e n t rpriso having f' r it , u'n t the „-,e .n(a aril :tpprni.rl.,tl,.c • f ,'urea,. 1t 1; r^rr. R,r, „lit when the 1..:o • -i .ilut;u •h'uti; h"' - v over th; p,a,.,, :r,te of Sig, I',er•rut reel wrote .,,1 toe 1103,'1 ' 1 h u of 1- lr.ra 1.a 1,',r Ir 1f Japan,' had 110 Lara •.1 t"1•,9f' r•',,r' the. •'nrnnne into n 1,r.,.• ,r,,,l i:, p 6.1(.13 ati 1,n, tvl[h :t nu'. 3. ;,r ;,.r 1,.,•„i r n;:•a trip b„ .r 1.,;11eI , r <.: ',' t.. ..'h ,11 Intertl'1,1 1r .. ,,^r it: th, if, It j,I r;tc i,1 ,rr, r ,,,11 3it Jn rota .3 the 413.1„ ., , • 71 ,rt. wen 1,.',I the i',•:,13,-311. . , . ,e and s,vonl .r, ,: l":1'' : to. C. l,i: i;,. It le n , ,e e t : e • ay that until 1!','"rnerinr ter,, '.1" r , .1 1t Impos- ,'t ir. for .1 n, .n.' :1 .iririted .1: '.n• . cit,,: 1.• ,•,1,n„ ..e,r„a ,', .7 ,^ 1. . . ..• - ..' ,, nester a ,3,.. +1,.117, I.. •. ,:irt ,L'•i 1'.11 1 ,t' e • , h.,, r„ ,:t • r r h• war, reve;a i t *he 1, t:tt,,e1 1,•- to the (.or,'tn .3 i r a long :•It'nt+. 1,r', -',1 r'rs the inlan'I 11:101 In LII" I 1,r•',' ,1 `,.''.vain :he elft 1.,. .; siltroe •n- N•,31 sltl;;t:,.tt' scan•,., ,nrl.rle,, that n r far Ire n thee,. ent.,r;.ria, a he, ring promote 1 the political frse,;om cold atrial preys,, of 111(• 15.111:1,:rl4, tt,Py le/woortd 'c :le• Inc,• of i.oln:t ,r, „t the Cure01,.. every ments1,11 0 n(b,i,te(1 to i'r. fore $11'•'4 , .•e.t int„ 411e 4‘,'11,1'f ' Mocks ell theexams of thdllowels, Kidneys and Livers carrying off gradually, without weakening the an the impar' tical and font humors of The oecr8Lioas ; at the tame times Correct- ing Acidity of the Gtto�acsh, enuring DBill yspepsia, eadaohm,Dizz! pnesss, Bes:r'tburn, Constipa- tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of vii a n, J dice, Salt Rheum, sipelas, Scrofula, uttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility an that and Many'othe sifrtllar eemplaints yield to the happy in''tlenc er BURDOCK 131.00 BI s1,. ssou stussrarr. T.MJLBURN8e8.. rt1**MVO . Just a little better than the best. v,1,;CA; kill r S. A mostmodesu f-yy .,',ICYCL ! Wheel. " , 5.,. s Every advanced i•.'ra and richt trp- to'thc-holm Inpro'r•r^,rtrt ie iu:m- dnced in the n,a,., •np ,,f this favorite mount. ,..op models will be winners, and We want Agents In all unrepresemerl districts. WIII make the mem liberal terms to men of the right sort. We mean to put McCready W1w448 Inc,d and sh,rnl- ders above all com-r•tit"re just the beet that money and skill can make Mem, Write for territory, and write gnlck, ^�• R. A. McCready Co..r°' TORONTO (fit C. .4ti y 4 03 o Cure RHEUMATISM TC MO Bristol's SARSAP,ARiLLA IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. I_T WILL IYKAILE 3f OU vtrEziak Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it RRA TO1'S •yPII iPAAI1LA. Why don't yop,tree Fountain Per. ? They save time andtemPer. \Ve handle the celebrated a LANHAM'S RIVAL . . It has the slotted capillary feed -piece. Therefore will not flood or drop ink. Do not allow dealers to press upon you lines "just as good," hut get the best. It's Lapham's Rival. If your stationer does not handle it write us and we will send you our retlucpd price list. The COPP, CLARK CO.,, Ltd. w'-- r T --.r•'• V-'.1, - V- • Old>I` " lti' old CIGAIIETTES W. l8. Kimball & 00., ROCHESTER, N. Y 5 b Retail everywhere per Package 11 FIRST S'I' PRIZE MEDALS. r -.HRE RN;ASONS Why our Sales of Stoves this fall have been so much increased: 1st --We keep the largest assortment of Stoves in the County to choose from. 2nd—Our stook is composed of the leading stoves manufactured in Canada, such as the Happy Thought., Honor Bright, Welcome Pearl, Famous Model, Grand Pen- insular, Matchless, Favorite, Radiant Home, c@c. 3rd --We buy in large quantities direct from the manufacturers, and for spot cash, en- abling ns to bey at the lowest prices possible. The best grades of Coal always on hand and delivered to any part -of the town. American and Canadian Coal Oil, See our new Lanterns, HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, - - - CLINTON. PlushParlor Suites only $25Reuar ice Solid Walnut Frames, 6 pieces, every pieoe a different color. See us forpExtension Tables, High back Chairs, Lounges, Window Shades, Picture Frames, &c. J .E3, 011 W,. 13.1J -Y-001-1 1 td. _. READY MADE A UIT-- $3, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6�,and $7. Ordered Clothing from $7 up. A 1''1 LL RANCE Irl' L1tDit:S' 11tiDI?HI'L(ITII1\G FOR .THE S1: IER. I't't fet•t' "ilt ibfa('tloil (uuw ailtt't (i, COAGS & SON• CLINTON • ! ,c;Q oO Ogpc..0?Ql�.-�cr:cloo GCUO, rttnos WPM )o You FEEL SICK? Si `Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . If you toe BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, . . . . 11 your COMPLEXION 1S SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH sad ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, . MARK TAKE RIPA6S TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE 'RIPAFIS TABULES TAKE RIPANSTABULES. Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripens Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ami intestines; cleanse the system effectually', cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation", offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirit., will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial ltipatts Tahul^;'ire an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. •:.4,411•:•4,441404" -:-..•- ONE GIVES t ni, EASY TO TAKE --.. TO ACS` Biwa Tabnlea are sold by Aresadats, or by ,nail if,; the price (SO menta a box) is game to Theolletons (hems', foaa1 C om�pafy, No, 10 Sprues wai, New Ydt7r Satnplats: %