HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-11-06, Page 2I T"Mr �'- i. IV „ 1. f.• r ♦r1. wn,N at tt•nde(i by 3;,(1 leading til izens, 1�� , ,\ ' , r i" I r lllllr'hela pl•eRent 'w'ould have been (I tilt) +d, Mn.yor Barnet uresided, and ., , .,:.. r 1 ,.. A �,+(' r A': r lf:,'u �' t !'.. .lu"' 'r.�, ';.,:. •4 P of those years of groes-numoly, cold ,justice f(011coming lill'll' ,evi,.itin, the inter- a1. ( I ;- ; ' ,, ; of washing day. Since that benighted 1 would lot h he looked arl-r. Dealing , t', , `' 1 '� N ,W, l'' a. . h " '6, RruC.t fillitl P.i�".,`,,,,�tRecelved too late for last week) rtt,W,F.M,8,—The ati);ih,try of tilt' NIV M A.S. held its Tbankoffe, int; -i'rt"t iII , 11'YJnion ttburch hist 1+1'day '* tong lis Wilson, of Clinton, gavel au ex ,l Ueut address (in Trinadad; its hi Of) , 1,, r ; " jis, fgi'aphy and history Of the mission - Ally movement therein. Mr Muir gave i! an account of the work ,among I he , � barbarian cannibals of Alaska. The t) ,Mpsie, which was furnished by the it of He nsa 11 was ver filo diet olio ,. �e 1 t 1 the it tt full e is led ro ri tB and a ..:� drriispsses. The offering amounted to ,`+'�i�`', sigrpethiag over twenty-three dollars, ;, 4.., I 't M1 NOTES,—Miss Agnes Murray, of AI- „' Boma. is visiting the family of John r:'�f Gibson. Miss Dell O'Neil, of Clinton, 3f',, 14,i, vis(ted with Miss Lottie McGroRor the t <. latter part of last week. Mi- Robert ,Fit; M4rdoch has moved into the house re 'r °; Gently vacated by W. A. McBrayue. 1,:. Over fourteen thousand barrels of ap- .:�rtir, pits h ave been shipped rout no r ata- , .iron already this se sun. Workmen 4„r1.'_are busily engaged erecting ft barn for {a ,! Wm. Dixon to connection with his IIJ,"" new hated; Mr Dixon has laid a ceutent I!,l plat.fortn in front of the hotel instead et ,' of lumber; when• completed he will 1':Wi Have One of the hest hokiscu ill this part ltit,i'. "edit • of the conntry for- the accommodation r.,,. of the travelling public. Gro. Munroe '.Kt is making an addition to his butcher 1. till , shop. John tiar't ib arranging the hull �kt's,,, over his blacksmith shop fur a dtvell- 1, ,;: s in house, which he will occupy him - q> t F 4 ['ill N \'t'r ' . CUU g Our sports aro ) I P E. g and "----aloud ural thicket these floe days ;,k,t generally return with well btocked elf, frame bags. },A, 'r, Crisp County -lIppinK's I1.,1. Rev. E. Softly, of Hal:fax, formerly is of Hensrtll, has anoved to Leamington.r, Mus Thus. Gibson, Wroxeter, has the 1. synlpalby of her many friends in the 4 .4 death of her mother, who died rat I,es- R*'• lie, Mich. ,�„ Mr Win. Scott, teacher At MArncch, IR�i. � has severed his connection with the Y (n{ i,!a Marnoch school, by handing in is '( fit: resignation a few weeks age), : ,, Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves for *1 ore blood. flood's Sarsaparilla is the .,i' One True Blood Purifier and nerve builder. ,,4, Mr Win. Ross, who has been work- ii� • ing the old homestead farm, on the '' 3rd con. of Stault;y, intends giving up i � farming, and has advertised an auc its tion sale fop Nov, 111h. ' �Rl Mr Benj. Morritt, of Hullett, has lC'' purchased from Mr Richard Corley, of �1 East Wawanosb, the thorough -bred R, Durham bull that captured such a 1I` large number of prizes at the fall faire this season. , Catarrh is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remedy like Ii' . Hood'■ Sarsaparilla, which purifies the blood. ;fir'. :fit.' - A happy event occurred at the borne of Mr John Shae, V,of Beechwood, on �� Tuesday, when his daughter, Katie, Ft- was, united in marriage to Mr Joirn 11 1 O'Rourke, a prosperous young farmer q, of McKillop The ceremony was per - .'!i formed by Rev. Dean Murphy of Irish - g 4� town church. r p- ��: Mr Alfred Whiteman, son of Mr J. !'`' Whitsman, of Kippon, left on Wed- Ii,i nesday morning for Chicago, where he it`,, goes to take a position in a dry Foods i i• establishment. Mr Whiteman carries tNv.. tl" with him the best wishes of a host of 4741'; friends who will always be pleased to �"""'' learn of b;s success in the large me- `4, tis tropolis. § % Thousands o0cosee,of Consumption, As- '�, tbrna, Cougs, Colds ar 1 Croup are ortred '1r' �'q??: , every day by Bhilob'e Care. Sold by l.H , Combe, Clinton. y 11 On the evening of Wedneaday the residence of Mr Wm. Curry, of the township of Hay, near Hills Green, r was the scene of an interesting and "I very pleasant event, the occasion being cF,, the marriage of Mise Diantha Carlisle, , , of the township or May, to Mr Hum - Iii pbrey Dayman, of Tuckersmith. tr p;• Mr R. H. Ferguson, of Walton, has r,. his hands full these days shipping �a lambs. He has a contract to supply ... M. Kerr & Son, of Buffalo, with 6,C'A; t I, lambs, and he has already shipped to it" them from station in this county about Ikr half that number. The prices paid thus rfar range from about $325 to $3.50 .A 'J,, each. � Thos,' Craig was brought before 3,: Judge Masson to elect and pleadto the t".1, - chat -gee on which he was committed , by the P.MS,,, They numbered nine, ,�, four for forgery, four for false pro - ',f, tences and one for theft. Craig plead '`i ad not guilty to them all, and elected 4,,`, 's He will be �.� o to bo trod by Hr Honor. w'; tried on Nov. lith. "11 About six months ago, while work• is%'= Ing in the field, Wm. Chapman, jr., `• ,' Hensall, dropped his watch and after ",diligent search failed to find it. The -` other day while raising the potatoes he came across the piece, which had '' been lying in the ground all this time. %'j" Apart from a little rust the watch k f'M1 in fine condition. (This story would '4have been complete If it added that th( ,.r'.,, �Y watch was still running.] Il' Mr P. C. Papineau, who has hat', `,'t, charge of the Kinburn cheese factory ;l1n11 for several years, left there on Thurs y''' day for Komoka, where he takes charg( U :., of the winter creamery in that place, tris Mr Papineau is a good fellow and a Orel r.r, el as citizen, and while we regret hit removal from this part of the countr3 t• ° we can heartily congratulate the peo' <. -RIP of Komoka on gaining so good n tt�;; citizen. k, p;''a: "My baby had croup and was saved b) E;- Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs J. B. Martin of Huntsville, Ala. Sold by J. If. Comb( i" Clinton. �, '",'• In the assizes at Cornwall on Oct. 21 t; • Albert Bowker, of Winchester, wal -,,,, found guilty of rape. His victim waf r `u an ipnticent little girl of thirteen, ane her story revealed a most horrible con dition of d, "ity in the prisoner ani t f; *4., - his companion; a man named Pitsman who has since escaped. In pasainf 1 , sentence on the prisoner Judge Fergu' ,2. ion condemned the crime in the strong u last terms, and said that this was the worstase that had ever come before .him. The sentence of the court viral that the prisoner should be conflnec + fn the Provincial Penitentiary for ter yeltt's; at the expitation of three tnt�»ths., Prom lits a»try he should bi tohfppped to the extent of fifteen laches ',,,At tire. telld of five years fifteen lashes �„ fhreo� fponths bdfdro his rational It. ,, It ao—ah.laeihm, 'bhe.uriso»eit arras visib i ` 7 lM r?i«tt. , a r•t' 5 t. U 4'. , R' M 1'\%',i Not I' P, . MI. 3 A 41(rt. coup, Blue ago fa.rl"a I i.t l!I.r, , 1 I tI.: I1 .t t , al(d 4c - t 1,111 :(, 11"'T_ - - t •he r"Ili';tis Dow 1. , ,, t •1_ _",,u, r•,l Itis ,.Jh,V,AV N Gt• • t• ,ti" " it l .i, t,,; h ,,1y tarot ,( 11 .ear `1 .! f.,i fII" fol' 11" it, t t lilt• liar', elft, W:A .11 ilii.:'. I „, litilli, r, t•, I'l'l, -'OLIN, ,f ,oar, a 'gee ht,unr anti 't'.•r'(11 I.! hoV,quucs fur Iii;+nklAtln- t ' o job • t 1 i. rite Got , • , (,I 1 he lr rut, t 't a ti (t , J but 1111.11 ,uttl� of (rtrinorb within a 'adios til !w nlilesof Guelph wrllld lie Willing Ili a000pt ou 'tile Sadie condi- Aori,.- Guelph M'e' Y. I was netvuits, tired, irritable and cross Karl's Cluoei Root Tea has made me well and happy. Mrs E. B,WuaoEN. Sold by J. H. , ombe, Clinton. A t i Lu meeting of the Provincial 11•, (I. T. t'. at Ilt•n,1 rokr, the usher dray, t he following inforn'n(it,n %% Ill, giv( it: --- llnioi • I r fnlrted, 205: drtjvl• own'b,- re, 4.hr. hunl,rary nit 1htIH FOl IitI-,r fill ... tings, 27,1112: pudic uuv�tiugs, •i9o; KII:ds of Hot)(-, '10; nuniherotchtldren, 0(4),5; rash received, $12,715, 18. Copies of relmit, disirihuted, 21: pages of Ilty- rAture distributed, 1113,1117; colli-cl-iuo for Armcw• w 1n1 (I,.$1,483. The tr•e. - urer's lVJ)(,t.J nl.n, rrn,sidt'ring tie ;llil,geut stale ol'the money in'trktt, was nn sl encolinigin,;, 'himing a ),rtrl,I> tIlr bol:(i,(•r yi:1,1:1:1,12 mildsu) an tttll,.,,l -: 'h-ttil ,. (wpts, :+2,S52!I4; dislimtit n,eol,s, II0.657.:•7; h;tbtllrt•, UI, -. I' U n e, ,' •� 1;113 i 1 ul l , u els t 1 ll , I `!107.1,'2'1; himb"I tItau t, Irl1ld. $ 75. T ,t. , $71, 2 0:3 -u- t h if ul,•1•, j;3`t' - ;i'2. I ' . S . Mr.e.,arit'j.1 . . - Made and Merit riIaintaipa thQQLQ emca of tlee people in 11004"8 044; ipar iii, Its medicine cures you wheel alek )1l it makes wonderful cares bverywhere,tlten beyond sllqueatiorr that To odiolmepopeeases merit. Ma- . ' de That is just the truth about flood's Sar- ; saparilla, We know it possesses merit because it cures, *not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat I 11100d''141110 Sarsaparilla r Blood Purifier. he no T ue [s the best-lntaott O cure nausea, indigestion, Hood's'Pills blliouations. 26 cents. 'l rte. Vreafler at Quebec s-- .. Ilan. �S 11,1 id L;uu i -r wAs enlertain- ell ttl Hb1•rift1tet hv t.ue cdt(.:ens. of 1 QIleheclnst Nvedne�dey night. The It t k I: , t o "iiJ17L' xar,iIIltTittl 1 '1:.?' w , ,---r "-sir ts:�•tt..s.. ;.kl-IV i'. A.cough whioh persists day after dap should not be neglected any longer. It fu ne soweGhrag more than a meta local iirrittation, and the sooner it is relieved the better, Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, It is prompt to Bot and sure to cure. Mr Wm. O'Connor, a former real - dent of Halifilx, who went to New York four years ago and disappeared, has reappeared. lie visited Belle- vue Hospital in1892 for treatment for insomnia, and was conducted to the ineane pavilion. There, he states, he s forcibly detained all& of er ova fore 1 t wards y. , removed to Weld's lsland, where he has been kept a close prisoner. Lettere which be says he addressed to vat sous Erominent peopple were riot received. nd the man's friends gave him up for dead, especiallyy on account of his leav- ing considerable personal propel ty at his lodaingb and it never being called for. O'Connor believes his letters were suppressed. He finally gut letters out cltndest inely to Dealt Par tr idge, Fred- ericton, ant[ other gentlemen whom he knew. This led to his release. O'- i It- • he , L•t 'Ierk 'inti he (conn [ has been t w t , t was a load schouhnaster fur sev0ral e urs and is it teacher of -,hot writing. Among the lel(ers of his which were intercepted were several to i lit, lit it ish Uonml at New York. O'Connor will seek intluenre to have his case railed in the British Contruons. Ile has hionKlit ran ectiun for heavy d:lmages Against the city of New York, claiming $100,000. — a a. T - � HAS A Rtt3a RD or 40•YEARSOF SUCCESS IT 18 A SURE auae DtACM .. Carp d . 0 00taft _M*NhV1M -or w. Charles Doran, a business man of Glendale, took a pinch of snuff for a cold. So severe was the sneezing that followed that the inferior oblique mus- cle of the left eye was ruptured, and as he continued to sneeze the exertion forced the eye out. of its socket. Do- ran says he felt as if something had brnken in his head. With his right eye be saw i he left optic hanging down on his cheek. Dr. Heady replaced the eve and applied a lotion to the muhcle. The eye was then bandaged so it could not fall out again. Dr. Heady believes the eye is not destroyed. . �ft yrO 1i For Infanta and Children. ^.foo- gign4si 19 m slmlla every d eZi WHOMof , Break Up a Coid in Time BY USING PYRY-PECTORAL The Quick Care for COI is, COLDS, CROUP, IiROF- CEUM IS, HOAR.SENZ E&S, eco. MRs, IOBEPH NoRw•Ir R, of 68SoraurenAve.,Torui.til, u••;: ; pin Pectoral has my -r r-1,1 b, , my cLf�dren of troop nf,. r n” + ,,,•i It Illy mr•elf of. iongqaam.11nq r. .g,i .""; 9ovenl other mord - h-11 r,tll,•d. It It.. also pmvtd an exr.11- 1; murk cure r r „•y family. t Prefer It t. env ,.nhrr ' meJlrine for coughs, croup or hoanunme. H. O. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher,-N,M, writrs "As a cure for M"Ohn Pynr. P.r/nrnl 1s the boat 9.111.9 m-irid- I hnv-I my cna- tomer will have no other.” Large Bottle, 26 Cta- DAVIS tit LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietora, MONTREAL s ift l,! 1 � -- .Alf - •� -� -�', let.,g 4/ �� . a 1 1 `r -a = i.. `rte ( ,,e„ ,� ; •ie I�/ry G t't` I. I it _ r 4 A& - _I , Ity�i , I rat ~ T. , Ir weep out the Da,pness. As the Woodman's Axe resounds through the fore -t so tate rel.utatlon of our shoes rrsouude thro' ,the country. Reputation and Ubaracter are some- times dtffPrent. Reputation is what m•(n.chinks you are and Character what yon really are. Yonr reputa- tion may be fine and your charadter the very opposite. In the case of our shoes• their reputation and obar- aoter are synonymous terms. Try them. Also large stock of Trunks, Travelling, Bags &C Bourne and Single ,1latrnea'L SoWgles WhdYeWe al1'1xd 11 II Y rr r 16 ..., : r '" ' t k ,. �•,�.�L `W. .9i. q., li,,_ems-Pit-,s .g_r' '� �� , , w .•. :+ . . .—M, � ��� _ , , 11`il1t119 ►�9!°rri 4t' '% 1� + 4 '� '"! . PROPE.RTI S FOR �IALk7 LCL 1 it tick'" was a K eaI en.c ( Ess, u(, . pltcp at the Chat -au Fronlenar, and LONDON'& WAS14ING, wn,N at tt•nde(i by 3;,(1 leading til izens, Belgruve,.... 1008 737 1886 608 ty wlnµham ar've1110 B 00 960 6 26 � v;;; Hvd there been acco,nnlodation, the Nearly All Ie Moate ,it 8,600 Stet.rrt and 1,anntlrles. lllllr'hela pl•eRent 'w'ould have been (I tilt) +d, Mn.yor Barnet uresided, and tSnvrru The notiricnl 11t„ratnre of the Itwond 11'I pi'st'il the health of ill(, Premier, ho, it) to "lull•, w:'s greeted and third quartors of the nineteenth can- it Iibing loud (•heeri. Ile saki the Gov - fury is thi,'k with shofi,f lovelod againsb .vial ,•, lilneut vv:in ,I t),'ny;(IV of hnviness int -ti, three pot gl,iovatic, s of tile nllddle class 1 t enl ou doing to all, In the of those years of groes-numoly, cold ,justice f(011coming lill'll' ,evi,.itin, the inter- muthore•in-lata, and ilio rniser- mutton,ise e,ts of the prudl er ami the consumer of washing day. Since that benighted 1 would lot h he looked arl-r. Dealing period tho chef of coruinorco has disoov- e •t' , ' lilt I ill •, ( t, (f Quebec, I 'with 1 n , t. I t •iris ♦ � e(, ' Dred at least fifty woos of spoiling whole- I I lie 1 eolier ertid file "••mals ntlust he some cold mutton; mothers -]n -haw we d(en( l -d 8.0 as to lncivase ( lum(la's still have with lis—though riot neoessar- I I rm.e by w-t*of the St. L: wrence. Ily in the form of nuisances -while the lint the Crocernillellt IMI to look to miserles of washing tiny have been so its nnealle in the execution of that far mitigated by machinory as to be re- >rr'eat wot k, and to go slow. The pol- droved to tho rank of It minor inconven- icy of the Government was to have a ience. Indeed, washing day has been Past Atlantic steamship service for banished from nil but comparatively heigllit as well as passengers. Mi humble homes, and the more fortunate Laurier• said he would keep his pcom- householder sonde kt+e family linen to tae t� have the Mrulsschool que ti- be treated at a huge steam laundry, tion settled within six ix months after where the heat is produced by electriolby dap, The he add- and the elaborate engines are driven try election he vip,settlement, all ed, wl11 preserve all t he t fight s cifcon- eleetricity. London and bhe suburbs con- electricity. Solt nee. about 8,000 laundries of different The Premier concluded this refer - ltdpde, with an lnvaabed capital of sill ta>" as follows: to seven millions sterling, The very lar- Those who believe that religion gest employ from 900 to 500 hands, re- should taught in the a o shall presenting a t'ur'nover of from 8000 to e btlli have eati&'actioo We have obtained ti BP00 per week. These monster laundries, all the which any hones: in reokoning thalr expenses and psodbq have t expect, man would have the right wouconld allow 50 per coat. for labor, 5 per sent. ll Ido not pretend that we shall merit fire for fuel and matertalg, and 45 par oonL views of the extremist", There are for the cost of and deterioration in in Manitoba who era eondewn- Ing machinery, rent, taxes, ratog, manage- Ing b i he least concession, menk and a return on capital employed. we have t tie nee of and have those In oltie®. and large towns the time ap- mtisProv oo n un - Quebec who would net be tuatisof pears to have passed forever when a cop* flesh lees we a the pound of flesh per in the back khohan, a washing tub, which ova have the Tight to get tilt (e have a corrugated board, and a few flat trans g the bosom of Manitoba, nor until we were deemed sufficient stock -la -trade for shall have inflicted upon tbAt Prov - a first-class laundress; and Wito large ince the direst humiliation. But laundries, springing up with the celerity sp caking of the City of Quebec, for of mushroom growth, deoiare khat In ihis Prov; rice, and. I may say, for the washing clothes hand labor can not oom- whole Domiuion, that peoples.re not of pare for cleanliness and aoonemy 01 inert opinion. We, e►pecially French - means to an and with machinery. It 12 Canadians, we know what it is to he not, therefore, surprising Sat a luau- a minority and to he oppressed. Had dry,"engineering and sun oxhibitlon we the power we would not inflict auv -the fourth of its kind sut"I"Ing e3- each hurt. iliation. We wish to deal aeedingly at the Agricultural Hall, Is- with othe,s as we would have others lington, do with, us," All the wide floor space 1s given over Such a settlement, sincere men of to machinery in motion, Ironing ma- evc-y r•elig;oua belief 'could fairly be alatnes, air -propellers, hydro -extractors, appealed to indorse. To the ebarge disinfecting, tumbling and separating (hat the Gcver nment has pr•oceedid machines, portable botlera, fans for vest- too slowly, Mr Laurier said: Listing and drying purposes, pressure "We have not been in power four washing manhines, Improved blowers, months; give us time. As I have kept gas Irons, wash tub ranges, livseping, iffy promise concerning the school rinsing and blueing tanks, drying question, so shall we keep our prom - horses, Ironing stoves, smokeless oom- ices resnecting all reforms, and with bustion furnaces, artesian wells, and the assistarce of the et( rnal and im. soap and soda, lime, starch and blue of mutable P;ovidenc'e, we shall 4,i, it to every aspect, quality and price. Enthu- (be count i y peace, hal molly and pros. slasts In the hall proudly boast that fie, it y." there is hardly an engineer or Chem- These sentiments were Cheered to tet of consequence, practising two call. hits ech:t. Ings in these islands, not engaged in _ -- working out some process or other Con- Karl's Clover Rook Tea purifies the blood nected with the laundry trade. And all and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. this Invention, talent and enterprise to Fold by J. 13. Combe, Clinton. essentially of modern growth. It ap- at the lowe.t rrie". G, MUMMER Benmiilar pears to have reached maturity wlbhln A very and accident, which terminat- the past dozen years or no, neoeesitated ed fatally, occurred at Eganville on in the fjret place, by factory Aotw and Wednesday, Oct. 28. As Mr Joseph encouraged to its liveliest manifestations Rohitaille, of Perrault settlement, was by the Public Health Act of 1991. L Theca returning home from the village, his intelligent custodians of whirling hydro- horse became unmanageable, and in extractors and American shirt starchers his endeavors to control the animal he will toll yon that washing wait never was thrown out of the waggon. His properly done until now; that tho old- injuries were of such it. character that or, rather, young -Parisian blanohlesense death ensued immediately. was not much better than a bungler, and A two-year-old daughter of Mrs Ku - that the pretty English laundrymald of sari, Buffalo, met with a horrible acci. the long ngo could not be trusted Down- dent on Oct. 29th. it attvtnptingg to days to properly wash a pocket handkerr got a dipper of water from atuh of chief. They, at least, have no belief in boiling water a little br•olher of the the continental rustic washerwoman child slipped, and, in his efforts to dabbling the family wash in a clear and at•, id falling, grasped the hahy'a bait• running stream. The surroundinga may and toppled her into I ho scalding wat.- be pioturesque--the grass green, the ei. The little girl will dif+. poplars bending to the wind, the upland causes more than half the of fair with patches of sunlight and racing women. Hail's Clover Root Tea is Ilia s of on, cloud Rhadows-but, from their oast-tron a cora for Constipation. 13014 by a pit scantnt and revolving band point of view, the J. H. (+ombe, Clinton. result Is execrable. A Four-Lee¢ed Aird. Mi- Fabian VanasBe, shipping master A strange bird recently found in Brit- nt Montreal, bAR been dismissed by toll Guiana, South America, is the only, the Liberal Government, and Mr Wm. vouched•for survivor of the hitherto sup- Cunningham, live r•tnek importer, and posed extinct race, though several of a prnminent Liberal, hos been hppoint- them are known among the fossll races. ed shipping master. The Alleged reAs- Thls particular speelos is called the crested on for Mr Vanasse's dif missal was tbat boatzln. hr was the Conservative candidate at Thn young hoatzing hairs, when the 'not election In YAmnska. Mr Cun. hatched, four well developed legs, theI nirlgham, his snecessor. has been an Re - front pair being somewhat of a reptilian ; it -f• Literal worker for years. it is character, with strong claws. They pos- I believed that other dismiss -A14 will fol - seen the ability to leave the nest as soon 1„w. as hatched, and, by using all four legs, climb over branches, twigs and tree it isnnd(rstoodthat the Government trunks. This ,bird has also the power, have resolved to review the superan. even while young, to swim, (!lie and nuation list of the civil service. It is remain for a long period under water. RtatPd that a large number of superan- Soon after hatching the four legsbegin mated servants have been placed on to change, the olaws fall off, and the the list for other than strictly legitt- claw like members become flattened Into rrAte reasons, and it, is understood the the point of, an ordinary bird wing; Government will require all these to feathers begin to grow, and when fully roport for work. Should they not be grown no sign remains of the queer fore- legs ib at birth, found capable of efficiently doing the the at which they were peagesded The nestlings are the nearest approach work of grade superannuated,, they will be reduced to a quadrdped found among existing to a lower, or, if utterly incapabld, will birds, bi� dismissed; but the principle will b The adult bird is nearly as large as the lard down that, if capable then the e and liter in the densest. fo eta. a000k, h Peacock, 'must woPlf 10 rareljr poti0i�•_i- batAte '1AUd W 1141 br ,�s,.oetj'110diF[°•,i141. I11liyYMi�gtd.:t�''$t#A y� • 0J&W"1.�,�Y',A • t ,. N a iia fi � ti► `Oj � 4 � � � ' qui 1 firs I.. �kf'�- ht"J�L, .G .tui u� Lse..Y x. 1tw�lJ .�tii�'l)1 ':�:,ll,tlliai. ,.,��1r:Y5r8i4, 7 :"„SY.rraa�iLk�JYwYIY%+. I: , t o "iiJ17L' xar,iIIltTittl 1 '1:.?' w , ,---r "-sir ts:�•tt..s.. ;.kl-IV i'. A.cough whioh persists day after dap should not be neglected any longer. It fu ne soweGhrag more than a meta local iirrittation, and the sooner it is relieved the better, Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, It is prompt to Bot and sure to cure. Mr Wm. O'Connor, a former real - dent of Halifilx, who went to New York four years ago and disappeared, has reappeared. lie visited Belle- vue Hospital in1892 for treatment for insomnia, and was conducted to the ineane pavilion. There, he states, he s forcibly detained all& of er ova fore 1 t wards y. , removed to Weld's lsland, where he has been kept a close prisoner. Lettere which be says he addressed to vat sous Erominent peopple were riot received. nd the man's friends gave him up for dead, especiallyy on account of his leav- ing considerable personal propel ty at his lodaingb and it never being called for. O'Connor believes his letters were suppressed. He finally gut letters out cltndest inely to Dealt Par tr idge, Fred- ericton, ant[ other gentlemen whom he knew. This led to his release. O'- i It- • he , L•t 'Ierk 'inti he (conn [ has been t w t , t was a load schouhnaster fur sev0ral e urs and is it teacher of -,hot writing. Among the lel(ers of his which were intercepted were several to i lit, lit it ish Uonml at New York. O'Connor will seek intluenre to have his case railed in the British Contruons. Ile has hionKlit ran ectiun for heavy d:lmages Against the city of New York, claiming $100,000. — a a. T - � HAS A Rtt3a RD or 40•YEARSOF SUCCESS IT 18 A SURE auae DtACM .. Carp d . 0 00taft _M*NhV1M -or w. Charles Doran, a business man of Glendale, took a pinch of snuff for a cold. So severe was the sneezing that followed that the inferior oblique mus- cle of the left eye was ruptured, and as he continued to sneeze the exertion forced the eye out. of its socket. Do- ran says he felt as if something had brnken in his head. With his right eye be saw i he left optic hanging down on his cheek. Dr. Heady replaced the eve and applied a lotion to the muhcle. The eye was then bandaged so it could not fall out again. Dr. Heady believes the eye is not destroyed. . �ft yrO 1i For Infanta and Children. ^.foo- gign4si 19 m slmlla every d eZi WHOMof , Break Up a Coid in Time BY USING PYRY-PECTORAL The Quick Care for COI is, COLDS, CROUP, IiROF- CEUM IS, HOAR.SENZ E&S, eco. MRs, IOBEPH NoRw•Ir R, of 68SoraurenAve.,Torui.til, u••;: ; pin Pectoral has my -r r-1,1 b, , my cLf�dren of troop nf,. r n” + ,,,•i It Illy mr•elf of. iongqaam.11nq r. .g,i .""; 9ovenl other mord - h-11 r,tll,•d. It It.. also pmvtd an exr.11- 1; murk cure r r „•y family. t Prefer It t. env ,.nhrr ' meJlrine for coughs, croup or hoanunme. H. O. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher,-N,M, writrs "As a cure for M"Ohn Pynr. P.r/nrnl 1s the boat 9.111.9 m-irid- I hnv-I my cna- tomer will have no other.” Large Bottle, 26 Cta- DAVIS tit LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietora, MONTREAL s ift l,! 1 � -- .Alf - •� -� -�', let.,g 4/ �� . a 1 1 `r -a = i.. `rte ( ,,e„ ,� ; •ie I�/ry G t't` I. I it _ r 4 A& - _I , Ity�i , I rat ~ T. , Ir weep out the Da,pness. As the Woodman's Axe resounds through the fore -t so tate rel.utatlon of our shoes rrsouude thro' ,the country. Reputation and Ubaracter are some- times dtffPrent. Reputation is what m•(n.chinks you are and Character what yon really are. Yonr reputa- tion may be fine and your charadter the very opposite. In the case of our shoes• their reputation and obar- aoter are synonymous terms. Try them. Also large stock of Trunks, Travelling, Bags &C Bourne and Single ,1latrnea'L SoWgles WhdYeWe al1'1xd 11 II Y rr r 16 ..., : r '" ' t k ,. �•,�.�L `W. .9i. q., li,,_ems-Pit-,s .g_r' '� �� , , w .•. :+ . . .—M, � ��� _ , , 11`il1t119 ►�9!°rri 4t' '% 1� + 4 '� '"! . PROPE.RTI S FOR �IALk7 LCL 1 fJlt'rU r ,. LOT FOEft SAi,E i A11D TRUNK lt�tI,6AAY , ( It/ave Cllutoa St, Uel, ae follotvtr 1 Belgruve,.... 1008 737 1886 608 ty wlnµham ar've1110 B 00 960 6 26 � v;;; A good I acre lot on A, ,t}tenbury lit, West RAST aolta w1Sp8 for Qale at A big bargain. App1y to 1'ae a gut ....7 r6 M1 w I Paboeuger.... t 02 p qW A 9 ti T. JAOI�SON, JR P N .It?ur .. 9 06 p m Yaseyu�gt..r ....0 '.2 W _ Mixe Craiu...4 80 p m Mixed '1'Yatu 1p 19 µ' 1 Train,.6 1 U¢ , ,' t 1 HT1 USES FOIit SAL , OR RU.N T °mixed 8U p w Mae, Train 7 $ !)i ;i; LONDON, HURON AND i3RIIO1,. i' , t Several houses elther for sale( or to rent. Full Particulars on application to JHN MoGA RVA GOING NORMU aotNo souTX , +) ti,. Palms gar Pasrouger London, depart 8 16 are 4 4b pm 6 U() am 8 pm ,,t , Lot 88, Maitland Couuession, Goderichtt Township. For Terme and particulars ap. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Exeter„ , .......9 30 600 I e dd 81 . -_ _ I HonBallf ........944 616 1 056 8 $ii Small oottaga.con trally located. For sole or Klppen.: ..._,.96(1 020 709 848' to rent. Bruceila ld .... .068 0 IIs 7 40 8 W I'll I I`; I k nton ... ....1016 6 06 7 69 423 W O. BEARLH 1 Londeeboro ...101;11 7 IA fills 4 41 ' FOR SALE. BIy tb......... 1041 7 98 816 408 __ The undersigned wit I sell at a "oriaoe, Lot 461 Belgruve,.... 1008 737 1886 608 ty wlnµham ar've1110 B 00 960 6 26 � v;;; or 12, Hallway Terrace Clinton. Particulars I upon appliosteon, JAMEA SOOTT, Re.irinter d a ..-------._._.._ g i ' s FOB. SALR ON EASY rJ URIuS Lot 88, Maitland Couuession, Goderichtt Township. For Terme and particulars ap. y , c1 HUNTERS' EXCIURSIONS. 1 to DAME „ , 6 8C011 Barrister, rr ply later Clinton -_ ------ -__. � . -..- _ ,.. Oct, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 slid Nov. 2nd, 1896. I %All PERRIN BLOCK ' j W2 ` �R SALE, Jl•s-turd Tickets at Isinjlle First Clout{ fare to famous Hurting Grounds • I _ tnoludinp all points on Muskoka Lakes, M cash and 120 mouhly pitpmento of slseach Moon River district, blagnettawan River, D J CAMPF1b1L1y iiami Liu Penetang to Midland inclusive. All 'points Severn to North Bay inclusive. All points FARM FOlIt SALE. on C.Y.N. Maitawa to Nepigon ani Span- subsiulber offwe for sale his form of 100 a. roe, ish, inclusive, via North Bay. Argyle to Uob000nk iuolnsive. being lot• 18, on the 6th an u. of liullett; about 86 I'll d, all dt for oultivatlou. Lou hoose, with frame kit en oh ixttn(a b tt a 3tixW with All tiokete good to return riot later than ual outbutldiuga . 1,od artag orchard, Tn land to Dec, 16th, inclusive, or until close of navi- if to by Mus• as good as eau be d'und and farm to L!Kation, earlier, points reaubed good coudi,iun, nve acres .0 fkt0 wbnai ,Abid nose ly 40 asses seeded down. Pot,seegion u�ll'a on oksl Navigation (Jo. tt.lnc, Apply cu, the premises or to 4. LAWBM, wustwi.o.t. Information cheerful! lied b Y eu PP Y DESIRABLE tAUM TO HENT W. ON, Art., Clanton The undersigned oilers to rout the eplen(Ild farm on the 0th con. Hallett tow"hlp, being I ______ Prore$siol al ellndOtherCa.rds tale north half of tut 36 containing riS acre. Frnmc h,wse, barn, st(t.bla and shed, y, ung _ - ---- — - - -.- - orchard bearing this year, a creek running�i� thruugii the farm all the year round. A dei,irabie I1 VlI':S �jtyt�`i'l', farm fur stock or grain, belug only s,r wilts from W110 townofClinton, Ap 4), toMli`tJ.tNE LODSIVOR'r'LT, or JOHN hOR1), Holruosl Isl,. Barrister, __01icitor SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE CONVEYANCER &c. Ott '1'0 IiEN'L' Commiaslouorfor On,atio and WILIAtt,ba. Lot 12, Bayfield con., Goderieb township, con- I Office immediately S(wth of (Jilluy & Wisemsn taining 113 acres, about 86 cleared and it) good 1 elate of cultivation, talauee hardwood, bush _'---_ ---- andWr some cedar t1wher, Good, oomfortablo briek BRY DO� . 9 house, large tank baro, good orchard; well BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR watered, sprlug creek ruuning across the farm, which is well fenced, mostly with cedar. Terms PUBLIC, ETC. of sale will be made very easy. If not sold will be rented for a term of )earp, Apply to C. Office—Deaver aver $IOCk. SIMONG, 72 bt, David't18t., Goderich. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery, CLINTON CHOICE FARM FOR SALE --11f .^ G� CAMERON__ Subscriber otters for sale then 80 more farm on the cornhe cat line and lOtb con er of t., Goderich (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Township. It is well watered, with good bearing orchard, frame house and new bank barn. Con- BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. venient to eburch and school. Will be sold on Offioe-Hamilton Rt„ opppposite Colborne Hctel reasonable terms. Apuly to GODPRICH, ONT Usk JOB BJ?LRLING, 011nton FARAI FOB HALE S. WW. 0CNN. L. R. C. P. ar.d L. h, (. S Bdinburgb. 01%0e-4Dntario t-rt:et, (tintrn Night caste at front door of resid(nce on Batten Lot 26, Con. Q TownsbAC of Hulletk UM acrge, bury St,. opposit. Presbyterian church, as acres cleared and in a good state of Cultivi tion, excellent clay loam void; IQ acres of bard- R J. I.. TURNBULL, M• D. TORONTq DUniverakty, wood bah. There Is a good bwAN orchard At D. C.hL Victoria University and a good eapply otweter. TLefarmliatilloveir besu'rented. Tbo bplldlitip K. 0. P & B., Ontario. Hollow of the Obstetri a Society comprise a Good trams house, barn and stables. T pro an is of Ediabargh, late of London, Bug„ s Edinburgh Hospibale Office,-Dr.Dowsely'e situate on an excellent gravel road, 4a mile. from the Town oil Wilton. Term. easy. For office Aettenbary Bt, Clinton. Night be answered at tits same plana, farther particular apps? too the Undersiggned on the pramlaeg, or to JAB. SCOTT, 13arrfrter, C�taA' '��g g• W. BRAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Y>� TlQO6. >i{U.I:, Olfntoa P. O. JLlA000unhoar, sae„ office in the Palace rile M Ratteabury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Ree Clinton Ont. DESIlil AM.LE FARM TO EAE T AS. S. PREHRORN, M.D.. L.$&Q.C.P.I., M, `ahaAw (arm of 1W sevea, on the 16th aon. of Goderion towlaahtpp &boat 98 acres cleared and is 0. P. & S. O , Graduate Kit go and queens College of Phpsioia ia, Dublin, Ireland. icen t1�O Geeeet►1 Nodioal Comdl, Great - good stele of culllvaittan, Frame hduse, bank barn. younngg orohard jags beginning to best, well watered ThL trrsa V in as ezoellent site- Brits �m�ei'mtqber' Cf aollegs Pbysidaaa ane Surgeons, On O�I¢�� �Former y r dant of Rotunds Hospital, soon, not tae�y;lyan church or aohool, about tour miles trawl Motion be -Lisa ten and G e000logtcal) Dnb1W_ Residence t bury i� Boat, next door to Ontario and wili eased for a term of years on reasonable terms.Vail ywilloalen Bt pyo ' on applltlatto¢ to Q &isH1TT, Clinton Y Oi R BTAMBURY, ORADUATE OF THIS D COR LBORNB AIDEMILL ➢[edical Department, of Victoria Unly slay, Toronto, formerly The undersigned bavigs every convenience for making Cider L to of the HnepitaIF and DLpena&nos, Nov York„ Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfleld, Ont. preyarea make any qquaatlty of Girt alsee tilde", et }lis pramlaee, Lot 98 Matt- land Con., Colborne, on TLe shortest noi?eeand DR AtGM1EWt at the lowe.t rrie". G, MUMMER Benmiilar Londeaboro, oacoessor to Dr Young. T AGNid W U B Toronto UnF it M D Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business i done. The house has excellent a000m- niodakion for travellers and ppublic generals Terms made known on applioation to JN BOSSIER, BenmWer. Also HOTEL at Exeter North With Dwelling House end Rood Store ad. joining, with good outbuildings. For par ticula,rs &poly to J. T. WESTCOT Exetor, or JOHN ROSSIER, BenmWer. Alert, FAUM of 0100 ACRES In Weak Nissouri. 140 acres cleared, t;.- rest il rest being a good bush of bard wood; n buildings worth speaking of. The land i first rato; a good price is ex�peoted, but no more than the land is wort■. Also FARM of 50 ACRE, Within one mile of the former, being par of the Wigmore Farm, hei6g composed o East halt of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of Wes Nissouri; the land is first rate, and with very little .ultivak?on will make a far second to none of its size. An of the above a y re good inveAiroent and all attic ) mars can he obtained o application to N J U RO IER $i3 Benmi le ---_. - - -- ------ - --i Ti�E PACE WIRE FENCE q 11T i_t.. t_1-. . Ti is "encs In the best and etrnngest'wire tone In exlatevee, it has a smooih Rurface, and wit turr, atnek without injury. It Is neat and sae to put up re niriog few poste; It cannot bio down; wit} not break In winter; fru pi¢ vigil bull string and borne bigb. Leavy it to so cb.a that it fif within the reach of 811. The under signed f1 ole r gout for Stanley, Tnekeramith FTon.tt. Godartoh T.wriabip and Colborne, ant will promptly fl)l orders for il'e erection rf tb fence In any of the townships named. WUSTAI1It1Y,.E.ol we t' , 'I Clinton Planing Mill --AND'— DAY xxLNt rhe anbeetdhrr baying the very Intent 1 machinery antiempl%yngth'emost oldl men is abf'e to db AOt Ire big line in. vera Y„ TtWty Univonaty, Member of College Phy. eluiaas and surgeons, Ontario. Office opptteice lrethodist.hatch. Night calls answered at the Sams place. Office booze 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3p,m1 to 9 p,m, Dom.• T- C• EDUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, a Otrdaate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity Cal veroity Torcntn. Special attention given to the Preservation of the uat;Lral booth, Ocoee, Coate 1 lock, over Taylor's ehee store , N. B. -Will visit Myth every Monday and North, Paydold livery Thursday afternoon daring the summer T E. BLACHALL NE7F?IONAbI t-IliOFON J. HonoraryGrad u ate of tb a On tario V eter)nary College. Treats al-Idiseasesof don,osticated and male on bhe most modern and Relenti90 prfuct. ppies OMoe- imsiediatONFK,utboftheNowEM e OMae. Residence - A,bart Fat clintcn. Cal night orday attendedto promptly o _ s TOULLMSON, VICTRRTNA.UY RUAG60N t B. Honorer Graduate of the Ontario Veteri- nary Collage, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestic Aaimale op this Most modern and �i - Scientific Principles. Day and nlghtcalls prompt I answered. Residence--RattanburyRt., weet t Clinton. e t j�/jARRIOGH Lrl'XN6E, .IAMFR SCOTT, RR., h 1r3 insurer of Marriage Lin, nsen, JAbrnry Rnnm and Residence, Mary street. Clinton: m _ JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDF8RORO, g IbSUER OF MARBIAOR LICENRPR, No wlt n nagees regavnd MONEY r M ti To r,EJ:D [rJ LARGE OR Small euma on Rood wort a seenrlty - moderaterateoffntereat. A HA1,F.,Cllnton. . FW, FARNCOM3. MEMBER OF ASS'N OF 1' • P. L, R., Provinefal T.and Rarveyor and Civil Engineer, London, out. - OfF:.e at Geo. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. R. lAGNEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. .)aaduato of Royal r(,ilege of Dental Purgeona Ont. Honor Graduate of Trini,y University e Toron'o. 1 All nperstione In Dentistry carefillly performed. y Beat local Anaesthetles for painless extraction w Office oppppoelto Town Aal) over Swallow's store, t, Willviait Hensall every Monday, and Zurlo �� p everysecond Tbursdayof each month. - AWNlght bell answered. THOS. GUNDHY, Auctioneer, GODEB ICH, oNT. r Salts sift Tilled to In r r v ) e, t of the county Orders lett at Clinton Nxw Iia.' office will receive oeratnl'attentfon, pd 9m W BUSINESS CHANGE Davis & Mec' 00Ye Saving tot ght out the Lire'! . bunions of 1t11Pn Twain orf. OW01Pal,et A the fbrmw bdein-1 o' "4 All tr %% • Pr r be"a *111 a: -mi. tiowo fir t..uq 04 e T , "yo L t" t, ltltb 1 Uit.rn'OwriAr rd♦.t.Y, ae0• tfb 4it�ef, iCa>:tiiity t` !4# tied", i!I., I I( il0 , ` t+nP4t , y" 1(► ,, Nf t tl +7t*a1 , 'i.. .pt Io- I. � n,, �1 tv P d a c i ,, r :. til+tieftil , ' ,;-I' ., t 1 u