HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-14, Page 7-1( A k,ALLIES IN FULL ACCORD W TH HUNGARIAN RULERS Vieona Hears of State of Siege In Budapast .-4Rouniania Denies Excesses There. Araittink9 Assures Peace Conference—Italy Fears Piot Against Her. tea la Special Cable.) Vienna Cable —Via Berne—A state of siege has been proclaimee in Buda- pest, according to advices received here. It is reported that, in view of po- grolne whielt had been threatened in Hungary, menacing the Jews, the celn- mender of the Roumanian troreps has isseed an order that any crime against Jews will be punished immediately by death. • FULL .ACCORD WITII ENTENTE. Geneva (Cable— The !Inter -Allied 'aliseion at Budapest, lifter a conference with Archduke Joseph and Premier. Friedrich, has forwarded to X, Cle-' tneuceau, president of the Peace Con- Ierence, a report to the effect that the Detente representatives are in ftill etteerd with the new Hungarian GOv- . ernment, according to a Vienna; de- epatea received here. -119VMANIA DENIES EXCESSES, tierne Cable (An •official (Roue • manian statement deelares that're- porta. -of excesses by Roumanian toot's, in Hungary are false, accord. lag to: a despatch received heist from BtlaPrest. 'Altel-IDUKE'S ASSURANCES. Parte Cable — At to -day's seolon of tne Supreme Council of the Peace Canto:once consideration wee givepea eneSeage from Archduke Joseple, head of the new Hungarian Government, annoimeing the intention of his ilea, gime to execate the terms of the sea' mistice, and asking recognition and •alethdrization to send delegates ao ladris.e'The meseage received from the Aechdake outlines the policy of the: •• new Government, and says that it will call a properly selected Constituent AsseMbly to, recognize labor with a View to increasing production. The report that a union betweene Htengary and Roumania in the form tettea• deal kengclom .was being plan-' mid, has been formally denied, -a 'Berne deepatck received here to -day nays. A Roumanian bureau Is maintained at Bente, and it is thought here that ., the: deniatermy come from this, source FERI)INSAND'S VISIT 'DELAYED. Paris Cable — King Ferdinand if Ittitirnania, who was to have arrived, atte:Budapest yesterday, has post- 4peuiect his visit to that city, accord- ing yea. Zurich despatch, to the Sour-, • ITALIAN PEARS. • Rome Cable — Cernmenting on the (venation In Hungary, the Popolo Re - Arlene euggests -the possebility . that ••••••.0.1. Archduke Joseph, the heed of the new Hungarian Government, is "aim- ing to retsore the Hapsburg mon- archy, andeagain join Vientia and Budapest." "The annexatien of Croatia and Slavonia may follow," the newsPaper say, "as these two regions are even more bitter against the Serbians than against the Italians. The Hapsbueg Empire, having lost only Galicia and Bohemia, then would consider Fiume as its natural outlet. That is why Fiume was refused us. We must keep an eye on Trieste also, the last disorders there having assumed* the cliaractar of a political plot organiz- ed by pro -Austrian elements." OFFERED CAOWN TO KARL. !Paris Cable — Former Emperor Charles of Austria-Hungary was beg- ged by Magyar patriots to mount the alungarian throne when the fall at the peidll iViinistry was determined upon, according to a despatch to the Journal `from Zurich. The former monarch refused, on the ground that, having been King and Emperor he could not go down the social scale and be CM: - tont with a simple king's crown. The ,Duke of Hohenberg, son of Areleduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassina- tion at Sarajevo in 1914 Was the im- mediate cause of the great war, also refused the crown, according to the 'despatch, which says that the Hun- garians ended their quest by choos- ing Archduke Joseph as a last resort. FOOD PROBLEM SERIOUS. Paris Cable — Despatches from. 'American relief officers who have 'been co-operating with British and " /Milan rePresentatives in. Hungary report that anidapest is quiet, but that all transportation, including that on the Danube, is being held up. As this Involves great danger of famine, the Allied officials have appealed for an effort to lift the embargo placed by the Roumanians on supplies, -as well as all other embargoes on food trans- portation and distribution affecting the region. - The Pill That Leads Them All.— Pills are the most portable end corn - pact of all medicines, and when easy -to take aro the most acceptable of • preparations, But they must attest their power to be popular. As Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all .pills they must fully meet- all requirements. Accurately compoundee end composed of ingred- lents proven to be effective in regu- lating the digestive organs, e there . is no surer medicine to be tad any- • where. , +44.4 -4 -A+4.4 -4,4,1104,0-A-04*-+ 4,4%444- A • :SittooKbildren'i , - Itibute'...tdCanAda's'Sons (Reprinted from the Hythe, Reporter, of Jame 21st, 1912.) oey-a-e-s-e-r-e-e-e-o-e-e-s-•-•444-4-.0-••••••• With the passing of the years and tribute. In conclusion he said how the risitig of a' generation Which glad he was to see the enildren had knows nothing of the herrers of war, come in such numbest to pay their tri - it may be that the loving enthusiasm bute of respect. of the children to take the part of lay- Theehymn "On the Resurrectten ing floral trintes on the graves of the Morning" having been sung by the Canadians in Shorncliffe Cemetery children, under the conductorship of will gradually diminish; but, so far Mr. Greenstreet. ae :the picturesque and moving cere- The Rev. H. D. Dale said they might atone, on Wednesday afternoon wee be sure their French friends cud not coneerned there was no notioable chf- fortet to lay flowers on the graves of 'ference. The day was perfect, and .4 the :brave soldiers who were buried prettier or more teaching picture,has satmee there." They did net forget seldom been presented than the one of "that they shed their blbod for Frarice as well as for England, and their dear brothers from Canada had done the same fer the old country and for the cause of justice. He was sure it 'mit, 8th elt. R.. I.) Ilussars and Carts Would be known thousands ot miles s adieu Perces whilst away on the over- away, and Woulde, bring comfort and looking hill were grouped the mothera. joy to many Over in Canada to know ' and fathers, sisters and brothers and ;what they were doing there that day, also iricluding many In hospital blue, what they had done for them. He Among those who attracted attention ihad read of some sef their deeds, he -te the Canadian Nurses. ,had read about the Victoria Crosses The excellent Band of the Stle Hue- 'gained by those Canadian soldiers. gars, under Banamaster Cheeseentra, What would they think if there were pleyed the following selections, while machirte guns amongst. the trees and the chitdren Were assembling: "Semi- gorse, hurling -one hundred bullets a phouje March of the London Scottish;." minute and mowing down their men? "0 Canada,"and the Incidental Music What did they think the Canadian sol. a diers did, sometimes alone? They rushed the gun, killed the German de - tenders, and turned It on their ene- Mies. Some of the deeas he had heard of were eetraordinary. They could hardly eonceive of any man, however brave, beingeable td'do such things as they had done. But thea honored them and they loved them for it. The men Who were lying in the graves on Which they were placing their flowers were just as brave end had given their lives for the same great cause. Let them not forget to think of them and pray for there. "They never knew the power of their prayers, or what good they Would do, but some day they might know. God help them to do right, to ever live to stand up or the right, and to ever honer the brave men who had given, their lives for them. • The hymn, "Through the Night of Doubt and Somme," was then sung. lalajoratleneral II. M. Percival Bald he ahold like them to know he had ordered no parade that day, but offi- cers, n.e.o's. and men had come of their own aecord, and he believed they were repreeentelive of every unit seithin reaeh, He believed he was speeking for them when he said that what had brought them there that day to the impressive and beautiful cere- Mony was their profound respect and adMiratlen for the Canadians as brothera-in-arms and those who had been at the front fighting for the greet cause, knew that none have fought with, greeter gallantry, tand who had taid down their lives more willingly than elut Canadians. Col, Seott Kid they had Gem* there te-day to Otte -rate the grimes of the Cenradieuts Who litid in DIM leettutifal Placa. This WOO touch' g anni MO. -v. tat stziery they were *100 Paring this lug speotatee showadf lifa otrikini matner, the feelings they hed totievrtiti thein, and the respect they paid to theft° who bed fallen in the cause of Notice and freedom. 'When the Peale Of Canada knew what taey were doing there to -day, they would be profoundly moved, These men heard the call to duty an4 auswered and laid down their lives In the cause of what all proper thinking' people deemed to he right, For thease who were left there, they paid thou the tri- bute of respect by adorning their graves, and on behalf of Canadaand on behalf of the Canadians, he thank- ed them most profoundly. The National Anthem was then sung and whilet the band played a selection the chilaren advanced and pieced flowers reverently on the grave mark- ed wIth the wooden crosses, on which were the names of those who had died. So many and beautiful were the flow- ers that they 'covered the ground and made it a bower of sweetness and color, In all 2,600 children from Cheriten, Hythe, Sandgate and Fate- etone took part, and it Can easitY be imagtued what a moving spectacle it presented, and one whichwill ever Unger in the memerY et those who had witnessed it. - •• Reduced by Asthma. The eonstant strain of asthma brings the patient to a dreadfal state of hopeless aliena- tion. Early use should by all means be rnade of the famous Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Apt -thine Remedy, which More than any other acts quickly and eurely on the air passages and brings blessed help and comfort. No home where asthma it present in the least degree should be without this great remedy. the serried ranks of the little ones, each carrying their posy and sur- rounded by a guard or honor from the Machine -Gun. 'Corps, Royal Irish Regie from "The merchant of Venice." The ceremony followed the general lines of previous years. Led by the Band of the 8th (K. It "CO Hussars; under Pandtaaster Cheeseman, it be- gan with the singing of "The Maple Leaf." Then came a short addrees trem Sir Stephen Penfold, who said this was the third teem he had haa the ptietilege of addressing to them a few words on, the Object for which they had aseembled that afternoon, The lint and second year, as they UMW, they were fully engaged in on.e of the meat terrible wars the world had ever seen. Thank God they might say there Was eVery prospeet that peed!! was In eight, and be heped that beforeeactother week the treaty would be signed. They were. all very thatkful that this terrible bloodshed bad telosed,„ but they Were neetehere to -day to pay a tribute of resect to the memory of those brave -Men 'who left their home and country to hell) the -empire In its greet battle tot ;les - dee and righteousness. It was rather intereating to know thet atter the firet eelebretion they had there, a lady front Stealth Columbia rent him some seeds for the children to plant in their gardens that they might lay some of their flowere on those graves. Some of the etede had been planted there Md wine of the flowers had been 'brought. Ile thought that this vas very teaching, and it nitiet be et tolleze to the men of Canada, who had now gene back to their own tountre, to know that the memory of their dear Ostett left beta was being respected. The ritanitabIllta also reminded them of tutt litelelotens *bo were driven froth titerit eteettry end Whet. WIS* thilir bliPsated Olegir Olen, end tte whoa* NINETEEN DIED IN SHIP CLASH Surviving Vessel Puts Into North Sydney. Collided in Dense Fog Near St. Pierre. RUM. PRINCE COMING AMONG MANY FRIENDS 'Sydney, NB., Report—The steamer War Witch, which waa in cotlision with the schooner Galtia• near St. Pierre the night before lest, arrived at North Sydney . early this after- noon, and was immediately vieited by J, G. L. Cooke, repreeentiug the corn - pally in which the steamer is insured,. and Mr. Isner, local representative of the Furnese-Withy -Company, who are handling her. From etatemente of the -officers' of the War Witch it appears that the • collision occurred about 1.30 'Miura-. day morning in the, vicinity of St., Pierre, while the steamer • was run- ning thecugh a denee fog. At the time she was on her way from Wa- bane, Nfld.'to North Sydney. The Gallia was bound for St. Pierre from Concaps, France, caeryina. a crew of nine, and 17 passengers. • • ' The captain of the War Witch cruieed around in thc vieinity a the collision for over an hour, but after the Met crash nothing more was seen of the 111 -fated schooner. She must have .sunk immediately, tak-' ing with her six of the crevrand 13 passengers. The remallider were picked up by the War Witch and landed at North Sydney yesterday afternoon on the steal -I -wee arrival. The damage to the War Witch le slight. Six bow plates and five frames are broken and a large num- ber of rivets loosened by the force of the collision. Temporary repairs will be effected at North Sydney. 4 e. •• WANTED TO FIND OUT. "I have come to consult you," she said to her lawyer. "What is the trouble?" "I have received three proposals of marriage, and.,I do not know which to accept.' "Which mtin has the most money?" "Do you imagine," she asked, "that if I knew 1 would consult you :or any other lawyer?' Men find' it mere easy to flatter than to praise.—Richter ighting Men of Canada Will Welcome Brit. ain's Heir. A DEMOCRAT Newfoundland is Preparing to Guard Ills Entry and Greet Him. London cable — (Canadian Aceo- !elated Presse—in the course of a feW Itlays the Prince of Wales will set foot Amon Canadian soil, and will outer !upon what is certain to be a mamma table tour of the Dominion. It will !be of interest, therefore, to recall tae !Close commotion which His Royal Ilighueas has already established with !the fighting, men of Canada, both in (France and in England. For several (weeks the Prince was attached to the ;Canadian Corps in France, and the !cordial relations which were then ere- (ated between His Royal Highness and ahe Canadians were exemplified some !few months ago, waen General Cur- ele, on behalf ot the -pores mess, pre- leented His Royal Highnees with a 1v - ng cup, subscribed for not only by !the offtcers, but the mess batmen and orderlies also asking thatethey might be allowed to .contribute. It is only during this year that the Vrince of Wales US really appeared public, so to speak, on his own ace eount, One of his earliest speeches, 'If not the very first which the Prince atede as heir apparent, was addressed to several Canadian battalions at Wit- eey early in May, when colors were presented to the 25th, 27th, 28th and /29th Battalions, who were leaving for letanada. "In October and November of last year," said the Prince, addressing the paeade, "I paid several visits to the Second Canadian Division while eery- ing in France, so 1 feel no stranger among You to -day, and I know how often you have all covered yourselves with glory. Whether in attack or de- fence, in trench warfare or raids, you have won renown. Future generations will recall your noble deeds in the battles on the Somme, on Vimy Badge, around. Lens, Pessehendaele. Amine and 'Arras, and will jealously treasure the memorable traditions you hand. (Iowa to them." Tee next time the Prince met Can- adians at a public -function here was later in May, when he .was present at the dinner given by the Canada CAM to General Currie. His Royal. Highnese on that occasion announced his forritcoming visit to the Dominion. "I was almost going to say good-bye," said the Prince, "but that would have been a most inappropriate term for me to }Ave used, because I am very glad to be able to take this oppor- tunity of announcing to -night that I a'u coming over to Canada very soon. (loud cheers). I hope to sail in less'. • than, taro months' time. (cheers). Naturally the prospect of a visit to the great Dominion would have•de- lighted rue under any circumstances, but I shall enjoy it all the more now, and I am looking forward very much • to seeing so many old friends as well. It is true that 1 shall be setting foot on soil that is new to me, but Cana- dian soil will not seem strange, be- cause, even in the company of several of you here to -night I have wandered over tha battlefields of Flanders whieb have seeithe exploits of the Canadian battali ne.t, and by tho memory of their gallant dead -who rest there would reem to have a just claim to be re- garded as the very soil of the Dominton iteelf." In June the Prince dined at the Canadian Officers' Club in Chester - field Gardens, when, Re one report ol proceedings appearing here eald, "the welcOme lie received deubtletet gave him an inaight into the loyal and enthusiastic reception witich he is to experience on the other (tide of the Allantie." The Prince was accompanied at Lae dinner by Prince Albert. "I hope I shall see many of you again, and I bespe that will be very soon," said the Prince, and in acknowledging the gift of the loving cap elready referred to, he remeakee; "Of course none of us enjeyed the war as a who, but 1 thiplt perhaps we =jeered the last five weeks, because we had the Hun on the run" About the same tittle the* Prince received the freedom of the city of London. He has made many visits within the last few weeks to the crowded areas of Lonelou. wed had several talks in the efreet with the inhabitants. Recently he spent a cheery night at the Savage Club. At a recent review in Hyde Park, a young war widow approached bim and besought hie influence in get- ting the matter of her pension set aright. The Prince listened atten- tively and promised the matter should be inquired into. On the day of the great victory procession he took his place for t'ho march -past behind the King on the dais in front of Buckingham Palace, but a couple of hours later he Wee observed driving with a few young friends in, his own little car, through the crowed streets, enjoying the spectacle of the general hilarity. NEWFOUNDLAND GUARDS HIS ROUTE St. John's, Nfld.' deepatch—Special Precautions againstthe possible pres- ence of ice floes and bergs in the path of the 'battleship Renown, bringing the Prince of Wales to this colony and Canada, were taken to -day. It was announced that the cruiser Dauntless, which preceded the escorting fleet to arrange for the Prince's reception here, would cruise about the Grand Banks for the purpose 01 locating ice, and would then proceed to sea, to es- cort the Renown to her anchorage in Conception Bay. Several unusually large bergs liaVe been iiiported in the vicinity of ship- ping lanes during the week. Preparations for the royal visitor'e reception were being hastened ,to -day, !The cruiser Dragon, to which the (Prince evilI 'be transferred from the Ittenewn, will enter this harbor Tues- Iday, and will be escorted through long 'lines of gaily decorated naval and 1commercial craft. It is planned thee. ahe Prince shall land at noon, and; lafter receiving homage from colonial land city officials, ride beneath eight tereat welcome arches. 4 • Miller's Worm Powders, being in demand everywhere, can be got at 'any chemist's or drug shop, at. very small cost. They are a standard remedy foravorrn troubles and can be fully relied upon to expel worms from the system and abate the sufferiags that worms cause. There are many mothers that rejoice that they felind available se effective a rernedy for the relief of their children. e, e ;TAPS AND SHANTUNG Do Not Intend to Claim Ter - ritorial Rights. Tokio, Cable )via London).—Vis- count Uchida, the Japanoe 'Foreign Minister, in a statement lotted to- day, declares that Japan does..not in- tend to claim any rights affecting the territorial sovereignty of China in Shantung. He promises that the Jap- anese troops will be withdrawn im- mediately an agreement is concluded with China. Japan, moreover, the Foreign Min- ister's statement adds, is conaidering the eetablishment at Teing-Tao of a general foreign settlement, instead of a purely Japanese settlement. 4 Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to childrem, and it des its work surely and promptly, e4-.1.+4.4•+++++++4++++•*-* 41-04+4 4.4 444+++ +44-41.+114.44,A4•'144h, ae, A Budget of News From the Old Land! 0r+++++44 -e+44-04* Ilseee 'County Council is providing a kinema at a lunatic asylum. A. letter posted in London on May 28, 1914, reached the address In Dube lin on July lot laet. Ten out of a head of cattle were foetid dead in a field on Mr. John Bat - choler's farm near Leighton BUZeard. The eause is a myctzry. Going to the help of two bathers who were in difficulties, ft. Canadian officer was drowned at Rhos -on -Sea, Colwyn Day. The bathers were res- cued. Alice ;Scott Was severely cautioned at Tottenham, London, for leaving her three children to starve while she went on her honeymoon after leer second m a rr I age , "Visitors come to Llanfairfechan weighing from 8 to 10 stones, and go away after a fortnight's stay weighing 14 to 15 stones."—Clerk to the Llan- fairfechan •Councli. • George Parr, aged 91, a retired vet- erinary surgeon and riding -master, of Balham, London, who has just died, fougat under Garribaldi, and taught • the ex -Kaiser to ride. As a gift to peasants in the ruined toname area, 13rit1sh farmers have sent 37 pedigree shorthorn balls, 266 hail - ere, and 1,000 head of poultry. Sheep and pigs of suitable English breeds will also be sent. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blackman Long, The Causeway, Peterborough, have celebrated their diamond wed- ding. Mr. Blackman, who is 32, and who is a tobacconist, has been in busi- ness in the same shop for 55 years. Alfred Luckin, farmer, of Wisbor- ougla Green, Sussex, and William Jas. Herbera, dairyman, of Penge, were each fined 2124 and 215 15s costs at Petsworth, Sussex, 'far selling and buy- ing Intik respectively at an excessiree price, and for entering into a fictitious transaction, A. verdict of "Pete de se" was re- turned at an inquest at Lambeth, - South London, on Mary Ethel Cicely Norris, .2a, a West End shop girl, who it was said, was in trouble, and, using an instrument on herself, through lack et 'knowledge, inflicted an injury Which set up blood -poisoning. Over 2100,000 was realised by a sale ot outlining portions of Lord Cholm- ondeley' s 'Cheshire. estates. • Witness at Bow County Court: "I started as a lighterman at 9, earning 2s 3d a week and the wage now is 29." Rich oil-bearing shales are being prospected in Norfolk, the crude oil returns varying from 40 to 70 gallons per, ton of shale treated, A sturgeon which was caught oft Barra- Head, has been sent by Mr. Hunter, fish monger, of Oban, to the King, in aceerdante with custom. A Weybridge schoolboy, named Palmer, aged 14, jumped into a Thames backwater fully dressed, and rescue& a child of 3 who was floating downstream after falling unnoticed off the bank, Lighting her way to the cellar to have "a. good cry," because, it was said she had had a little friction, with her mistress, Ruth Mercy Judd, a do- meseic servant, employed at Muswell Hill, set fire to her clothing' and died from the injuries. Mr. P. J. Casford, of Ponders End, a member of the Enfield Food Control 'uommittee, was born on August 4th, 'which has become • the anniversary of ths outbreak of the war. The birth - :day of one of his sons tails on Nov. llth, Armistice Day, and that of an- other son on June as, the date of 'the siguing of peace. Flowers stated to have cot 21,500 were sent by gipsies to a gipey funeral at Orpington, Kent. Usability peneicne 'from (former wars are to be increased to the pre& ent standard as from April 1 laet. Sir William Macgregor, exeGovernor of Lagce, Newfoundland, and queens - land, bas died at Aberdeen. Found guilty at Steffe Assiees of wife murder, a iledneeford miner, Henry Thos. (buskin, 27, was sentenc- ed to death. "The maehine-gune we had in Meso- potamia were fit only for the ocrap heap," pent 'General Townshead at Cardiff. Lord Lee of Farehaut laid the foun- dation stone at Cheltenham of the "cloletera which are to be erected in memory of e50 Old Cheitoniane 1v110 fell in the war. In 40 air raids or warnings the Leaden Cluderground railway group sheltered 4,000,000 pereons, and tho etaff worked eel well in allaying Walla that only one mishap occurred. Two dozen strychnine and arsenic tablets, containing enough poison to kill 12 persone, were swallowed by a 13-monthe-old infant, named Geoffrey James Rose, eof A.boyne-road, Tooting, London. The poleon was in a till which was ueed as a rattle, and the string which bound the tin became unfastened. A Van Dyck picture of the Infant Christ, standing on a serpent, upon a globe, at Sotheby's fetched 21,800. The death is announced of Preben- dary Hilton IlethamleY, ilormerly Archdeacon of Bath, He was bora in 187. There have been only two editors of the Chatham Rocheeter, and Gilling- ham News, which has entered en ita 6let year. e -00 e e644o t b TIA, -PA I 4 / shiatiliSaLeaseeesee-erease... . eas , :14! . n.' 411'4,4 ' There es to more beautiful anter trip in Veen no sail from Anyox and Prince Rupert to Vancenver, Vieteril and Seattle. To tlione who have made the bele eta ono svord need bc raid, bnt te thoy. who have not, re. mains in store, n trip beyond description, Eiget hundred wines on the palatial, eceen-gaing craft of the Orand Trunk Pacinu Steamship coreaany, througli what Is known es -the "Inside l'atengc," whore the waters vary from a mile to Ian tunes in width to narrow channels of but a few huneired yards, and where the mountain scenery aver beautiful on an sleek briefly speaking, Aniline* this trip. • Tia scenes above my he desaribed as follows: A-ehlountaln seettrry es Oreeetretere In* ea tenni te Ammar 311. C. ' P,..-NrIew at Swanson Iley—a port of call on the trip between !Vince late pert and Vnitcottykr, tele the site,t,i the WI:alert Pulp ie Paper company's plant. 11 and laa-attoentiallt atesnee teem the eteamehin-alwats en immlration. 1)—Orand Trunk lemitle eteamehip Prince Ittuirrt. The Pkinco Reinert and her sister ahlp Vrines Georg* 'era conteded to tit the ncst nee fastest steturtrhire in the North Metric coast trail. and 11—Arausentents on board shirr Include danelne and a varlet) Of deck If amts. city a Prince Ilueert, cella tontine, at the Gleand Trunk Peolats railvnky, ,e A BROKEN NA, rower of Resistance Reduc- ed to Low Ebb, Says British Scientific Com- mission, London, Aug. 10. ---Germany le a broken nation, lieth in body and spirit, and a long time will elapee before the efficiency of her People is restored; it je declared in a report of British aclentitite on food condi- tions in Germany, Mimed, in the form of White Papere yeeterday. The war- time semi -starvation et the people is responsible for the OlOwness with which recovery will be effected, ac- cording to these authorities. The report Jt signed by Henry startling, professor of physiology. University College, London, who had aeeocigted with him in hie in- vestigations A, P. McDougall, chief of the Scotland Liv a $tock Coveralls - filen, and 0. W. Guillebaud, Fellow Of St. John's, Cambridge. They in- volved etvo visits tit Germany. The observationa of the efficials were made from talks with women at the markets and laborers at werit. "Under preeent condttions," the report said, "the reams, With other food obtainable, are eufficlent to maintain the population at their diminished weight, provided na strain is thrown on their cortatitutiOna eith- er by work or infection, for their -Power of resletance are reduced to the low ebb." The report palette out that the birth-rate is largely diminished, and the development of ehildren, hact been, interfened with not only from lack of nouriehrneut of mothere, but the defectiVe• eileaPlY a goer milk. Three yeara of insufficient meat not only reducedeto a low levet the vital- ity and efficiency of a great bulk of the urban pbMilation, the inVestiga.- tors report, but had a marked in- fluence on .the nation's mentality. The report centinues: "Among the -lover and middle class the chief defept noted is the general apathy, listlessness and hope- leeenees. Antong tbe men the feeling of mental and moral prostration Is most striking; and'llopeless despairing against the eutere for themselves and the country. The contrast of the men- tality of theee men with their over- bearing self-Onfidence 'before the war is impresaive. They seem to have lost their nationality, and in their point of view', noaclienge, not even death itself, can be worse. "The war 'diet o inadequate la quantity and quality, signifies slow starvation, and a number of deaths have actually occurred ae a result ot these conditions, eepecially among inmates of jails, asylums and other institutions, who aro unable to add to their rations. "The opinion was expreesed that if the Alliee will supply the neces- sary working capital to restart Ger-, man machinery, they will acquire a measure of control which could be obtained in no other way, and would certainly steady the contribu- tion to the expensee rind damages of the war." The immediate needs ef the Ger- mans, the report says, are the fol- lowing: Feed for Workers, concen- trated feeding etuffe, manures for agricultural purposes, and raw rime terials for manufacturers, principal- ly cotton, Wool, flax, leather, and iron and other ores. For food, fat in the form of meat and oilseeda ie urgent- ly needed. • A memorandum by Mr. MODougall says the apparent lack of fertilizers had a serious effect ea production in Germany. Ile discovered a ser- ious reduction in the number of milch cows. Declaring that the foun- dation of Cermarty'e whole ystem has been agr'culture, he says: "This has been undermined to the extent of reducing Germany's strength by half. 'A further reduction, unless external support le given, would mean the certain collapse of . the whole etruoture. If thle happens the sur- rounding nations are alniest bound Lo be intplicated in the disaster. Be- fore any recoastruction takes place Germany's fertility must be in- creased. • 'Twice tilts year lta,nti-grenades plac- ed in ditetbins have exploded in the BermendseY destructor. The council has asked the Pollee Commissioner to take action, The obelisk at -01c1briage, near Drogheda, which was erected in 1736 to mark the spot where King Wit- liamts troops croseed the river at the battle of the Boyne, le for sale. A pair of Chelsea vases painted with "The Swing" 'and "Blind-Man'e Buff" at Chrietie's fetched .• 2 4,620; two vases finely painted realized 2840 and 2787 10c. respectfvely. Lieut. -Col. W. B. G. Minto, Aber- deen. Garrison commander, who wae injured by „an explosion, while a gun was being loaded. fel* a peace salute, has died. He was an international hockey player. At a gale of old pictures at Chris - tie's a signed and dated pair of por- traits of a gentleman and a lady, by J. Dell!, 1.655, realized the very high price of -,550 guineas, and fell to Mr. W. Lawson Peacock. General Sir Owen Thomas, Labor M.P. for Anglesey, tells the party he will leave it unless Mr. Neil McLean, who remained seated while the Na- tidnal Anthem was sung, is removed' from the office of Scottish Whip to the party. • Rhymney Coal and Iron Company are to eresent a part hall at Newport (Mon.) as a war memorial. Lord Sandwich has given 21,000 to- wards building a publie hall at Hunt- ingdon as a war memorial. Captain William Grey, one of the best known Scottish whaling cap- tains, has died at Wochnit, Fifeehire. Parish coffins have gone up from 9s, 6d. ta 28 10s., it was stated at an undertakers' conference at Matlock. South Wales steelworkers' Wages have been advanced 15 per cent., hringing the total inereoe to 120 per cent. A postman at Gillingham delivered a postcard from Coventry posted 12 Years ago anti demanded the war sur- charge of one penny. During the 20 weeke the Leicester- shire rat campaign wee in operation 125,223 rate were•killed, for which the county cbtatell paid e1,525. 'At Cambridge the British Red Cross Society bought for 2100 at public auc- tion Pyeon's "V.C." cockerel, which raised over 210,00() for the .Red crows funda. A Peckham woman who was re- manded charged with laundry thefts, was said to have had her stockings stuffed withtowels, and three eheete, a tablecloth, and two towels concealed about her body. A Britielt flag that was kept flying during the battle of Jutland, and was afterwards found floating on the wreckage of one of the sunken ship. ha e been carried la proceselon at Peace celebration scrvicee in All' Saints', South Acton. Treasure -hunters at TobermerY, who are searching for one of the gal- leons belonging to the Spanish Ar- mada, report that they have located part of a wrecked vessel, and have brought up a small section of ite deck and settee copperplates. Canon J. J. Brennan' of the Ro- man Catholic Church of '-0ur Lady, St, John's Wood, has been presented with a cheque for 2504 by his congregatioa and co-workers as a mark of apprecie Mien and esteem on reaching the gol- den jubilee ot his priesthood. While a number of young lade were amueing thoneselves cn Nees Brace, near Buell:haven, on the Firth of Forth, a name et earth suddenly elle- tied away. Three of the lads were 'bur- led, one was dug out alive, but two of them, Thornae Forbes and Thomas leuraetvere dead when extricated. -- .* Cheapest of Al! Oils.—Considering the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil it is the cheapest -of all preparations offered to the public. It is to be found in every drug store in Canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for sale. 8o, being easily procurable and ex- tremely moderate in price, no one should be without a -bottle of it. .fROBLEMS1..0t.. • • T,I4RittE,.$0111ED- 0v corunsp. Gver—'Bald heade remind me of klad words, alver—What's the Ammer? Over --They can never dye! Overcoming Obsiaclem, Sir George Iteld's golden rule for the attainment of old ago; "I have elmed at health and happiness, and when confronted by a formidable ob- stacle I have first tried to 'mock it over; failing this to -get around it; it not, then under it; and if all these manoeuvers Wed I have been content t:111181:,cilown. in its grateful shade, laud - Ing it was a beautiful blessing in die- --- There may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Corn curs stands at the -head of the list to far as roans ire concerned. , fees4 Peace Conference ,Said to Have Beached Terms. Greece Given a Share of . Territory. Paris 'Cable — The Peace Center:, ence reached. a solution of the Thra- cian problem yesterday, according to theIntransigneant, by dividingThrace into a number or parts, some going to Greece, and others being designated to form the future Free State of Con' stantinopl, and a now free state under the League a Naftalis. The solution arrived at, according to the Intransigneant, proVP.ea for ‘divelsdtelnrnlil g lihria.aco. ce• into Eastern.. and v /eastern Thrace will be divided into three parts, Greece getting two of them, and a thire being designated casonpsatratntoinf otvire.future Free State of Of Western Thrace, a Quarter Is to be given Greece and the other three- quarters are to constitute a free state Ntoattis.set up under the League of A commission of technietd experts will be seat to Thrace to put the solu- tion into form, it was said, The Pectee Conference, the paper Added, will adjourn ftr a vatation throughout September, the Attericen, lenglish and ttai1n delegates return - lug to their homes. An Old Time Recipe. Some advice to eeettre health and longevity is found in an old attd uni- dentified print: First, take advice trent none; eonsult only et:tureen; eenotul, take your digestion into your confidence and place yourself at its disposal, listening to no suggestioa from your palate, which is greedy and selfish; third, avoid all book* ott diet ' and steep in a room with the windows open, and, fourth, take a cheerful 'taw a your atttrOtIthligla and allow as little ill possible to distath Yalu' serenity. .0-