HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-30, Page 7W , .l:. % }.. y Fi . �• h ,r i ' d L y, e 1 :1 t i t 4' f. RM i, flit 311e IR�16 K L M W ERS • , ...' , - ar �" .., - - +•• �+ �.+ �• ski • +,s•+,•.. • � <,,;;', f A F EA',1' IN SWIM M Gy • bl OOD IS 1,01F � be He Di !Milligan, of Toronto, oil . _' r It w the we um which carries to every Sun day awl Itlonoat) ivo.li his c„ngre- ;Who'd f (�� a Q v: "How very often we read of death I nerve, muscle, orgeto and fibro its ttuu,ish. Kati t u, :el.hr,ated the20;banniversary Who d Weir Twee �e/oN l7.a, b drownipg,' said E. L. Vandercleve, y meat and healthy y if the blood ie pure, i bit, wool 5ut rebs: til pa•jturat7 of , when one is warmer? That is if of Galveston. to a fit. Louis Globe- i I 4 , � rich and healthy you wl,l be well; if impure, ,Old bt, t1 r t; r r. •s' Prebby ter ion church. '.' Democrat reporter,' and 1 think it I disease will soon overtake you. Hood's iiia Ly whu iA tar preseu at the indue- e�, �! the one is interlined with Fibro I r' 'hit n 6w Era for 15 months AND A 'HANDSOME R �'0��1'all Of Hon. W. Laurier `^�-New Era and Globe, $1.50 i;. In order to encourage new subscri i`';, ers, we have decided to give the NB ` . jRA to new subscribers from now t the ]at of January, 1888, for the snia �jn ` �;j. onm of $31 cash. We will also give { ,beautiful 3 -color portrait of the Ho "Wilfred Laurier, to every new subecr ON '' ber. It is a gem, 18 x 22 in size, and an excellent likeness of the Premier. .: �Or we will give the NEW ERA, an y, Weekly Globe, and portrait, to ne ¢` subscribers, from now to the 1st of Ja 1898, for the small sum of !$1.50 w bus offer one of the beet local Pape Ontario, and the best city weekly i Z anada, for less than the price of on ood paper for a year. In addition to this generous offer w will give the Laurier portrait to ever subscriber who renews his subscriptio for next year, before the Ist of Jai 1897. Pictures to be delivered at tl: NEW ERA office. Those requiring pi, tures mailed to them, must enclose 1t extra, to pay for tubing and mailing. Any one who wishes a portrait of S Charles Tupper, in place of the othe can have it on the same conditions. is equal in evbr'y respect to the othe Extra copies of either picture, 25c eac ft - We ask all our friends and reader to show the liberal offer which R make to new subscribers, to any t their neighbors who are not eubacribe" to the NEW ERA, and tca use their ii fluence with them to induce Hien) I .become scrhscribers. Rost'. HOLM'Es, Publisher. should be comptt sory for every one to ":.r 01 has power to keep you to it on pal tlopated, know how to swim. Speaking of health 4y making your blood rich and pure. $ugu� Canndi an 1 : i t lla made swimming, puts me In mind of a won- derful teat I witnessed years a o in goon's PrLLe are easy to take,'aaay to ns. Chiva., as flure . s t, 1 @polo c, San Diego, the like of which I have y 2 an union. perfect it:, t.t pare v r never seen ainco, A Spanish ship had operate. Care indigeetiou; biJioasnesa. 60. -.flint ion. The : L 1. covered been driven ashore and b,%d been lying The following dates have been fixed the fraud. A 1 ' worth of in port for some time to repair and to fur hearing the Dominion electron i there coiHs we.t I t• , II( M Uhiva, take on a cargo. There had been some trials in Manitoba: Winni a ele t, and t bel r is ui I I' Ila The cotes difficulties with the authorities about at Winnipeg, Nov. 23. Marquet tl-I Lha!heathe d,lii,it, 8:�; ey are whiter duties, which had further delayed the action, aC hilnnedosa Dec. 18, c_ that!' ilia i I i ti Fina t larger @ailing. At last she got under way donald electior., at Portage la Prairie, and hravi r Iand was @ailing out of the harbor with Jan. 8. The j4dges generally have re I _- - - — - -- -- - a light breeze, when two horsemen fused to listen to technical plead for I came dashingdown to the beach at delay iu disposing of the cases. TH L full speed. hey called for a boat, but there was none at hand. They then --- -- FAMILY CINE I N E offered a handful of ail ver to any ono A Curious Bieycle. l/ would swim off to the ship wit b a let- A prominent Now York club woman ter. An younfg Kanakainstantly pull- who has just returned from a European She Bas Ever Knowr of Proles ed off everything but his breeches, put tour tells of a novel and ingenious from a New Yoi.. -'or the letter in his hat, and, plunging into bicycle which has just appeared in Gen - the sea, set out for the vessel. It was ova, Switzerland, It is called "In bicy- nearly a mile off, but the wind was clette normale," and Is utterly unlike any i very light and he gained on her rapid- pattern in use 1n America. The wheels �, I would like to add my testimony to ly. The people on the ship saw flim are small and the seat so low that the that of others who have used Ayer' coming, , but did not heave to, How- rider can almost touch the pavement Pills, and to say that I have taken them ever, he soon bwam alongside, and by while sitting. The bind wheel N the for many years, and always derived the means of a rope that was thrown hint, larger, and the seat 1s situated over its climbed on board and delivered the let- Site. Instead of being a saddle, it is a beet results from their use. For stom- ter. The captain read it, told him comfortable chair -seat with a strong, ach and liver troubles, and for the cure thele was no answer, gave him a glass rigid back. The pedals are high And on of headache caused by these derange - of liquor and left nim to jump over- a level with the top of the front wheel. ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. board and get to shond as best he could They are so arranged that the rider in I He made for the nearest point, which propelling them keeps his legs in almost he reached in safety, and when he got a horizontal position. The nearest ap- back to his Starting point seemed none proach to it is the sliding seat in raoing the worse for his long swim, and evi- boats. The steering part curves inward b_ dently felt well repaid for his trouble." over two feet. Those who use 1t say It _ is very easy and comfortable, and that I R' A CRIPPLE FROM RHEUMATISM the rider's back never gets tired, as O _- with many other machines. It goes with 11 CutinD ➢r A FHw !bane or SOUTH AMERICAN great speed, but whether It can equal a Ra>tu RTIC CURB -MIRACULOUS BUT TACT first-class safety in this respect is un- j a �} known. It is a good climber and stands Hon Mrs N. Ferris, wife of a well-known rough usage very well. It looks very manufacturer of Highgate, Out , says`.= queer in use, the rider seeming to be l" "For many years I was sorely afflicted taking lt' easy, no matter how fast he is I with rheumatic pains in my ankles and at going. Like nearly all European bicycles, times was almost disabled. I tried every- it is heavier, clumsier, and less artistic thing, as I thought, and doctored for years than the American. The small wheels, d without much benefit. Though I had lost the long body and the bent steering rodt(, I• w confidence in medicines I was induoed to or handle give it an awkward appear- use South Amerioan Rheumatic Care. To y Jar We Old Age.answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea - As he sauntered Into the only barber A medical man compares an old man son, they will break up a cold, prevent shop In the town, the lather knight sized to an old wagon; with light loading and Is, grippe, check lever, and regulate the hien np as a newcomer and a guest of careful usage it will last for years, but digestive organs. They are easy to the hotel. one heavy load or sudden strain will take, and are, indeed, the best all-round "Halt out," said the genteel customer, break it and ruin it forever. Many people family medicine I have ever known." - laconically, "Yes, sah. Plain or fancy, Fish?" reach the Age of fifty or sixty or seventy g y y y Mrs. MAY Josxsox, 368 Bider Avenue, "Give me a short crop and no frills." measurably free from most of the pains and Infirmities of age, cheery in heart New York City. "Yes, sale. Certainly, sah." The barber out and trimmed, turned and sound in health, ripe In wisdom and mellowed AYER'S PILLS on terries and roached the bang until his an with sympathies �' age, and with reasonable prospects by age, man looked as neat as if he had been run mane o and opportunities for Continued useful- Highest Honors at World's Fair. a mangle. thrDuos ness in the world for a considerable "Doesyou 11kA ilio @ileo', sah?" time. Let such persons be thankful; but Apr's >:wWarilla Corea all Blood Disorders. well," said the customer, who let them also be cheerful. An old can - was young and good looking. stitution is like an old bone, broken with "I hope the lady will like It, sah." "I1 difficulty. A young ease, mended with di hat lady?" asked rile surprised tree bends to a gale, an old one snaps stranger, and falls before the blast. A single hard 'I'l,, c;—on find l:nouc'h, "Your wife sah-de bride." lift, an hour of beating work, an even- . An 1•.nghl h canon of note usoO ,to tell "How did ,you know I was married?" Ing of exposure to rain or damp, a severe i a goal it"ry of nlinself. In his alipacity "HIoA in your hair, sah-I done brush Chill, an excess of food, the unusual in- of magl,rrm.e he was onre visiting the out a heap." dulgenoe of an appetite or passion, a county pail. and expatiated to a friend Why She !lilted lreTaelf. sudden fit of Anger, an improper dose who wap with him nn the virtues of the "Wasn't it too bad that Susie Gazzam of medicine -any of these or other sim- I treatdwill. Wnruling with his theme, he should commit suicide?" said one sum- "What ilar things may cut off a valuable life In declared that 1,e often wished he had one mzr reporter to another. do you an hour, and leave the fair hopes of use- at home to giNe hlln the gentle exorcise Fioan was the reason? I thought she 41pled fulness and enjoyment but a shapeless he required, but was tfin lazy to take, ex- an ideally happy life." wreck. crpt under compnlsion; and to remove "So she did," was the reply, "but last I his friond's skepticism, he asked the Friday she took her bicycle out of the rack anti spent two hours In cleaning it, I -" ONE OF THOUSANDS warder to vive I;iw a turn, Hound went th,� mill, the canon de - only to discover at the and of bar labor claring tht,t the n;nvoluent was delight - that she had made a mistake and taken "I VPAB A MARTYR TO NICK AND NERVOCSHF.AL- ful; but after two i:Anutrs of It he bad Another girl's wheel and had given it a ACHES, CACaED RY Cc NSTIPATION, CNFIT�Foli had quite enough, and called an the thorough cleaning." ')Ricer to stop the mill, To his horror WORK ON AN AVERAOF 2 DAYS A WEEK—SOME the officer answrned:•- A woman's headaches may come from I PILLS HELPED ME DOT Da, AuNEw's Lrvmt I "Very sorry, Sir; I can't. It's timed to Qn to Illinntef.11nat wnn'tstop before."— several causes. She may have a headacheI CCItED HE—THis is MY OWN TF.BI'I. I3lrtnl❑„liana Inst from nerouges arisingfvaneas, or from di ' I MONY AND IT'S A FACT. NOW L NF.�IPILLS ;(I LOSE ---- -- - tive disturbances. Nine cases in ten, her ,)c,.t , oFl,+cion. headaches come from disorders peculiar to AN HOUR OR 5,1I88 A STEAL.” "I wonder ivhy Fin many telephone her Sex. It may show itself in the gym p- This is the written testimony of a well operators are wom"D.-" said the mail toms which are characteristic of a dozen known Toronto journalist -you can have who cultivates AD idle curiosity. disorders. Thousands of times, womenhis name if you want it. Dr. Agnew's Liv- "I don't knot,," replwd the misan• have been treated for the wrong disorders. erPilIsat all druggists, 40 in a vial, 10cent:e thrope, "un1N,;, It's because the occupa- Dr. Plerce'B Favorite Prescription was Sold by Watts & Co, tion puts theca in a i,or•itiun to have the compounded for'the:sole purposejof reliev- lactword every time. "-Washington Star. ing womankinT of these ills and pains. once. It can ba used b women, but is ' Q A'he Flan?, Trail. my delight, the first dose gave me more re- not as modest and nice as the ladies' It is astonishing how the children pick? - lief than I had had in years, and two bot- wheels in our own land. The force of na••a'�� scription" cured them completely and ties completely anted me." Sold by Watts thA air bonds to throw the skirts up, so when my friends ask me what to the I & Co. that knickerbookers, bloomers or riding beet remedy for disorders o1 the atom. n success, to trousers are ludic ensable ach liver or bowels my invariable Diseased blood, constipation, and it liver and Bowel troubles are cured by Harl's Clover Root Tea. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. CHEERFUL CHRISTIANITY There is still existing a manuscript letter written by Sir Thomas More to ,his wife Alyce, when the news came ,to him that his great mansion at Che@ - )a, with its offices and huge granaries, had been Almost entirely destroyed by fire. Instead of lamenting over his loss, he bids her first "find out if any poor neighbors had stored their corn in the granaries," and if so, to recompense them. Secondly, to discharge no ser- vant until he has anotber abiding - place; and lastly, to "be of good cheere, and take all the house -hold with you to church, and there thank God for *bat Hee hath given us and what Hee hath left us." He urges her, "I ray you, Alyce, -with my children to be merry in God." Most of us, if we had lost property and home, would think we did well if a e were patient, under God's will; but to be cbeerfil, and even "merry" in Him, is almost a forgotten grace. "Why," asked a Hindu sage, "why are the Christiane melancholy men? 4I believed as they say, that the great rid was my Father and ;that his eon was my Eldest Brother, I Should not groan though I lost a few bushels of wheat, or even an eye. I should be of all men most happ and g&T. They do not believe what t1ey say. Paul in prison, knowing that death in its most painful shape might be near, could exhort his friends not only to be patient, but to "rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say," he adds, urgently, "Rejoice." Most men will laugh when they are well-fed and their lives are comfort- able, but it is a different thing to sing in prison, or when one's home is burn- ing to find time to be kind to the poor ,and "merry in God," like old Sir Tbom. as More. -Youth's Companion. unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests c8nsumption, which Is al- most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consumption; when you begin to get thin, weak, run down; then is the pru- dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take etre is to supply the syst_e: n with needed fat and streil-_ rh. Scott's Ermulsion of cncl-liver 011, wit hhyp p'to,rdlites, will bring back po impness to those who h.,1vc, ]ant it, and make where raw cod - la + cr o11;vaotild be a burden. .1 r .4 thAHAedA0,Aaid ifli ram itl nria7ddf. lla,covered. Old Age.answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea - As he sauntered Into the only barber A medical man compares an old man son, they will break up a cold, prevent shop In the town, the lather knight sized to an old wagon; with light loading and Is, grippe, check lever, and regulate the hien np as a newcomer and a guest of careful usage it will last for years, but digestive organs. They are easy to the hotel. one heavy load or sudden strain will take, and are, indeed, the best all-round "Halt out," said the genteel customer, break it and ruin it forever. Many people family medicine I have ever known." - laconically, "Yes, sah. Plain or fancy, Fish?" reach the Age of fifty or sixty or seventy g y y y Mrs. MAY Josxsox, 368 Bider Avenue, "Give me a short crop and no frills." measurably free from most of the pains and Infirmities of age, cheery in heart New York City. "Yes, sale. Certainly, sah." The barber out and trimmed, turned and sound in health, ripe In wisdom and mellowed AYER'S PILLS on terries and roached the bang until his an with sympathies �' age, and with reasonable prospects by age, man looked as neat as if he had been run mane o and opportunities for Continued useful- Highest Honors at World's Fair. a mangle. thrDuos ness in the world for a considerable "Doesyou 11kA ilio @ileo', sah?" time. Let such persons be thankful; but Apr's >:wWarilla Corea all Blood Disorders. well," said the customer, who let them also be cheerful. An old can - was young and good looking. stitution is like an old bone, broken with "I hope the lady will like It, sah." "I1 difficulty. A young ease, mended with di hat lady?" asked rile surprised tree bends to a gale, an old one snaps stranger, and falls before the blast. A single hard 'I'l,, c;—on find l:nouc'h, "Your wife sah-de bride." lift, an hour of beating work, an even- . An 1•.nghl h canon of note usoO ,to tell "How did ,you know I was married?" Ing of exposure to rain or damp, a severe i a goal it"ry of nlinself. In his alipacity "HIoA in your hair, sah-I done brush Chill, an excess of food, the unusual in- of magl,rrm.e he was onre visiting the out a heap." dulgenoe of an appetite or passion, a county pail. and expatiated to a friend Why She !lilted lreTaelf. sudden fit of Anger, an improper dose who wap with him nn the virtues of the "Wasn't it too bad that Susie Gazzam of medicine -any of these or other sim- I treatdwill. Wnruling with his theme, he should commit suicide?" said one sum- "What ilar things may cut off a valuable life In declared that 1,e often wished he had one mzr reporter to another. do you an hour, and leave the fair hopes of use- at home to giNe hlln the gentle exorcise Fioan was the reason? I thought she 41pled fulness and enjoyment but a shapeless he required, but was tfin lazy to take, ex- an ideally happy life." wreck. crpt under compnlsion; and to remove "So she did," was the reply, "but last I his friond's skepticism, he asked the Friday she took her bicycle out of the rack anti spent two hours In cleaning it, I -" ONE OF THOUSANDS warder to vive I;iw a turn, Hound went th,� mill, the canon de - only to discover at the and of bar labor claring tht,t the n;nvoluent was delight - that she had made a mistake and taken "I VPAB A MARTYR TO NICK AND NERVOCSHF.AL- ful; but after two i:Anutrs of It he bad Another girl's wheel and had given it a ACHES, CACaED RY Cc NSTIPATION, CNFIT�Foli had quite enough, and called an the thorough cleaning." ')Ricer to stop the mill, To his horror WORK ON AN AVERAOF 2 DAYS A WEEK—SOME the officer answrned:•- A woman's headaches may come from I PILLS HELPED ME DOT Da, AuNEw's Lrvmt I "Very sorry, Sir; I can't. It's timed to Qn to Illinntef.11nat wnn'tstop before."— several causes. She may have a headacheI CCItED HE—THis is MY OWN TF.BI'I. I3lrtnl❑„liana Inst from nerouges arisingfvaneas, or from di ' I MONY AND IT'S A FACT. NOW L NF.�IPILLS ;(I LOSE ---- -- - tive disturbances. Nine cases in ten, her ,)c,.t , oFl,+cion. headaches come from disorders peculiar to AN HOUR OR 5,1I88 A STEAL.” "I wonder ivhy Fin many telephone her Sex. It may show itself in the gym p- This is the written testimony of a well operators are wom"D.-" said the mail toms which are characteristic of a dozen known Toronto journalist -you can have who cultivates AD idle curiosity. disorders. Thousands of times, womenhis name if you want it. Dr. Agnew's Liv- "I don't knot,," replwd the misan• have been treated for the wrong disorders. erPilIsat all druggists, 40 in a vial, 10cent:e thrope, "un1N,;, It's because the occupa- Dr. Plerce'B Favorite Prescription was Sold by Watts & Co, tion puts theca in a i,or•itiun to have the compounded for'the:sole purposejof reliev- lactword every time. "-Washington Star. ing womankinT of these ills and pains. Thousands of women have testified that + A'he Flan?, Trail. yl� after taking treatment from several physi• It is astonishing how the children pick? - cians without benefit, the "Favorite Pro- I up slang. No (natter how seleot the na••a'�� scription" cured them completely and neighborhood nor how careful the par - quickly. It has been used for over thirty ents the bywe;ltts of the Street are sure years, and has an unbroken record of to drop when least expected trom infan- success, to tile lips, day two 4 daugh- The woman who hesitates is invited A or ago a -year-old send 81 one-oent stamps to cover only the Pierce's tAr of Enst End parents was being East Prospect street by cost of mailing @'coppy of Doctor escorted along Common Sense )Sfedical Adviser, which her doting papa, when they met a little contains plain, clear information about all boy of the same age escorted by his papa. ,of the organa of the human body and their Both papas are well acquainted and they functions• stopped to chat for a moment or two, "Who wmucm on 84FAM" is this little boy, Mabel?" asked 1iDPI,Q1lxim the first papa. JAMMW Mirrors of Celluloid. "It's Edward," promptly answered •]ttUA ACIDITY 00 !la Superstitious persons who would w k Miss Mabel "And Wt fig' 11� 4s. who a milb rather than break a mirror have 1s this with Edward?" con- ANTWO.89Yti=.QJ.T= cause for rejoicing. A German genius tinned the first papa, as he pointed to has come to their rescue with a mirror the second. IiALlcf7 illltalt D which accurately refleote every object, "That's Edward's old man," said D om' and yet has not in its composition en Miss Mabel. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. ...�...�. Wal. atom Of !lies. g He simply employe celluloid where _ Lent, Not GIwon. l"! t >svla. e'I01a" glass wee heretofore used and has ob- Our children, relations, friends, honors, lands, the goods of nature and 019 n tallied unlocked for results, which de- monstrahe the success of his invention. fortune, nay, even of grace Itself, are A perfectly transparent, well polished only lent. It Is our misfortune and our sin to fancy they are given. We - start, s 00. celluloid plate receives a backing of quicksilver, as does the reverse side of therefore, and are angry when the loan 9 � fLIDIJ ' ToRONto. a mirror. Great care has to be taken is called in. We think ourselves masters that the celluloid is absolutely devoid of when we are only stewards and forget — flaws, as a single defeat would ruin the that to each of us it will one day be @aid, Why don't you use mirror. Give an account of thy stewardship."- tewardship, -.After Afterthe first plate has received its Bishop Aorna • coating of quicksilver, another plate Similar in size And finish to fastened to the back to protect the exposed plate. The second piece of celluloid also mir- rors, so that practloally a doable mirror is furnished. The advantages are many. It Is un- breakable, though, of course, not inde- atmatible, and could not be well need to stir up a backward fire in the grate. It 1S lighter and will wear longer, and in infinitely cheaper. Good mirror glass Is expentlive, but the Inventor of the cellu- loid mirrors claims that he can place them on the market at an astonishingly low figure. - CATARRH AND COLDS RELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 MINUTES One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal pae- sagges. Painless and delightful to Use, it rAlievas instantly and vermariently cures 'Catarrh, Hay Pavar, Colds, Headache, Soto Throat, Tonsillitis tlyrd Dbdfiwla, All d u I• est fl �1 Break Up a Cold in Time BY USING PYNY-PECTORAL Tice Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, 1RON- CHIT1% HOARSEXP, -S, etc. MRs. IoaEPH Nattwicic, of 6e Scrauren Ave., Toronto, writes. "ppl.Pectord hu never &WI LA corn curedTrjoeltoran ffI%lonf¢Atandtnr¢q "v Ml aftA' sevaml other remedta bad tatlM. it hog also yroved all eZeelietit conrh pure to, ito.coughs. 1 prefor it to aur othnr modioinn rot croup or hoarzenms, ' H. O. BARBOVk, of Little Rocher, N.B., writes' "As •cure rot coughs pinr'Pectorel In bbd best selling medicine Y .vo I m7 ane• tomer will have ne other. Large Bottle, 28 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTo, 1)r6pridt6ree MONTRICAL V amols. It gives such a , °holesome comforting wainth `1 'N' ' 1 r ]olding weight or b•lf*, fl = My outdoor exer- 1"'ixesaitl as if .,..tp.. ' �sides mealy s ,�ffef of 1 lime till the piercing wind gets at you even through three ordi- nary coats, while neither the ►t• / a frostiest winds, nor rain, nor sleet can penetrate this invalu- able Fibre Chamois. See thak it is put in your ordered clothing and find the Fibre Chamois 'Label on every ready-to-wear garment you buy. Then you're our a of perfect satisfaetbn. SELLS SWA 25 CENTS A YARD. HUB GROCERY- - = LAMPS i LAMPS t LAMPS 2 We have a very fine assortment of Lamp goods bought rift from the manufao- tavers, and the prions are right. You want to see oar leader for 01, it is a daisy for the money. Alad Library Lamps and Banging Lampe at all prices. We think we eas suit the taste of almost any person. Call and examine our goods and we think it will be no trouble to sell you. G� lml Ift4WA U,It1 00W, - L;liilton I • it UUnta,Lri Pen ? They bave, time andtemper. We handle the celebrated L®PHAM'S RiVAL . e it has the slotted capillary feed -piece. Therefore will not flood or drop ink. Do not allow dealers to press upon you lines "just as good," but get the best. it's Lapham's Rival. If your stationer does not handle it, write us and we will send you our reduced price liet. The COPP, CLARK Che' Ltd Tof`ontoy c �P LL G-(D(DIDEE5 In the Emporium N to be found a beautiful shock of MILLI - ERY that is right op to date. Hand- some Drese trimmings. Serviceable Dress Goods very a .eap. Flannel- ettee unsurpassed in value. Ifo want a good SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING}, or BOOTS or SHOES, do nat buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSE BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROCERY department is well sup- plied with good goods. About 100 lbs. of SALT PORK at 8c. per lb. to clear. Some half -gallon and pint GEMS W dispose of at 1211 and 9 cents. ADAMW EMPORIUM, R ADAMS LONDESBORO We hewelcome tothe you to Huron Central Exhibition SEPTEMBER 28th and 80th, And will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock of Mrdwure, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils. Our stores are the places for Bargains. HA.RL..A ND BROS., HARD WAREvMERCHANTS, - - CLINTON. 01 PENED OUT AGAIN ! I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, and would respectfully solicitt a continuance of the patrc,nage so generously extended to me in the past. Che stock, which is all of Prime qnality, and well assorted, has been bought by me at, considerable reduction on cost, and my customers may rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. Clinton Sash,,Djon Blind Factory COOPER BROS., - • - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the Shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical spay and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- -terior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Sllingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, We &gents for the Celebrated GIRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. THE BEST w PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BV HORACE FOSTER tlaaltitaril SPI�iNEY & CO. The Old Rollablilli Specialiste. 88 Years Nwperientoe Fintffedoent of the TkKat and Lasig Catarrh, Asthma, Broncidds. Nervess, Ckroute and special DIa- ellsa alt men and wssnsn. MM restarod-!Haney and Blad- AItroubles permanently cured--Glert, a7hVaricocele and strlctwwitbout pain No cutting. a ll Blood 1Diseases tared 1Q�g IIII toted at� putl�follfigathe effects of t indiseretioos, araoii ilaabled with Weakness, Nervous Ds6iBty, Low of Mamory, Despondency, Awlt�7- to Sod.ty. Kid Trouhlaa, K any •SoHo@ of the Coonii Urinary Or• uanym here and sate and speedy tans. rges reasonable especial!y to the poor. CU'rRESGVXRANTRRD. diddle -1 od Yen— ,hherearemanytro'"" witthe [requentel ta- Hons of the bladder, often accompanted by a dight smarting or bnrnina aensatioa, ie w esitanin of the system in s manner the patient cannot account fm There ora !hist! men who it of this difficulty, tsnorantof the cause. The iewlnr ,.,ati guarantee a feet cure In all sut% eases, add healthy raQoratlon of the Xenite „r -,arryy organs• sal on trey TImse enable to call, coal chits full parts, niar• . 4 • heir ea.e sad ie mt d cion dent e7tpreslr. pith fun le'ltlta V to for nam Ment, thio papi* *1446, VWt+ g. " O�ceheursI From 9•s. tn. to a P m. St..d.r•e, Il in ft w era 1�i $0 171'1,x( 111, rARD AVIMI lw i�� 49140 katTAUCi{ ern, is it "to*,*I, A.tr,crleM.wnAiVr eA>:riac. ,.''... • .,.:.ra• . ,: ,,; )• .., 1 a � �. tit ',t , .�t ,at , � . iSr:Yt g 3i a +k (", v m