HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-30, Page 6d6 THE. OLIN 0 utiful w Goods Mfg have just r.-,teived -t beautiful lot ,. of new goods in 5 o'clock Tea Sets, Japanese Plates and Vases, the latest in Jewelery and Watches. Come and see the prices. J. B. RUMBALL, WATCH MAKES, JEWELER, &o., TELEPHONE EXCHANGE P.S.--liepairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money hack. Ask for a Sample Procure a sample BAKING POWDER of our . , . And try it. We ask nothing farther, but will allow the; dam 1e to speak for Kee& Our profit is very small, but we have the satisfac- tion of knowing that we'd giving you etre very purest and best of Bahtug Powder at t'8e pries of the aheapeet. 25c per lb. Try it. Munyon's Remedies. �1 Rxtra value in Sponges. V. E. HO •(jE 3 . Dt'Rpensing Chemist, - Clinton. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE IBs$tt,btished 1865. Make no mistake purchase your Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' and Gent's Watches, prices to suit all buyers. By coming to us you will save both time and money Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, : Clinton Three Lines We purpose clearing out three lines of Goods that we have been carrying BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, READY MADE CLO THING AND CINADIAN TWEEDS. This will he a chance to get Good Goads at prices not to be equalled in Town. The St.ozk of Clothing is large and well assorted, in Suits, Overcoats, and singly. Note some of our prices :— Men's (Pants 75 Boys' Pants 15 Men's V gists 75 BoysSuits , 1 50 Men's Suits .... ., 3 511 Boys' Suits . 1 75 Men's Suits 4 50 Boys' Suite 2 (NI Men's Suite 5 110 Boys' Suits . 2 511 Men's Suits ti (K) Odd Coats at any price, Overcoats Cheaper than the Cheapest. T WEEDSAiI Tweeds will he sold at cost and under, and will be mane to order on the same terms BOOTS and SHOES Qrctober 30 t896 tiovivvvivok,0%** ANY *OMAN brings us one dollar will g t in excht�nge 6 yds c! good reliable Henrietta Cloth, double fold, and ) have her choice of three shades, viz: --myrtle, bronze or dark fawn. You will find them ready for you, cut off in dress lengths. The above 6 yards are worth $1.80, but we make the unprecedented offer as further stimulus for the closing days of October. It means a good deal to a woman to know that right here is a Millinery and Mantle Department where styles are the latest and prices whittled down to the lowest possible point. Sailor Hats, newest effects 50o and 75o. Quills 5o, 2 Tips, colors Pink and Green 15c. There's a fit, a style and a finish about our Mantles that make them Prince Favorites. A boom has struck our Mantle department, Prices—$3.75 for a rough nap cloth. Some Very pretty effects at 85. Better lines still at $6.50, $7.75 and $10. FUR CAPES are deserving of special attention; we show a range that will stand the test of comparison. Blank heavy Goat Capes, 32in long 811. Black Astrachan Capes 27in long $16 60, 30in long $17 50. Black Astra- chan 120 ineb sweep $22.5[1. Black Oppossum Capes, 2Sin long 924.50; 30in; $29. Black Fur Ruffs $1, Mink Ruffs 93, Feather Boas all sizes and all prices. We like the customer who likes to get a bargain. The Stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers is not so large as the Clothing stock but equally low. We have many lines to clear at Great Bargains. We ask you to see our Goods anti Prices. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Albert Street, Clinton. A. C. DUFTON When this announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for BLANKETS, SHEETING, Double or Single, YARNS and HOSIERY. Frie 11 s and neighh.Drs ars telling friends and neighh rrs of the wonderful 10 V r cot at wnich 1v• ere ):f.tring g )n l4 :-- Ladies' fine black all wool Hose 25c a pair Boys' black ribbed stockings, all wool 25c a pair Men's Hose, wool, from l5c up to 35c a pair Yarns, all colors, 50c a Ib. Single Yarn 35c a lb. Nowhere in this Country—in all the cities, villages or hamlets—are Blankets of such superior or such true surpassing elegance and newness offered at anothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In marking the prices on our Goods our one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything we sell is immeasurably lower than anywhere else. Call and give us an order. A . C. DUFTON , °p°o; se, Clinton NEW FRUITS New Currants, Raisins, Figs, &c, Candied Peels, Pure Spices Fancy Combination Denner and Tea Sets In finest Porcelain and Granite ware. The beat 26c Tea in town. Agent for the noted3Monsoon Teas. Call and inspect goods and get quotations. ,Highest price paid for good Butter and Eggs. $ McKinnon ds Co., Blyth Li Oawh and One Price. Butler and Eggs takers as Oast) Those who are Bald or have Thin Hair should not miss see'in g PROF DORENWEND'SHairtiG o din gsn Ladies and 0-euts WigsToupies; Ladies Bangs, Plain and Wavy Fronts, Switches. Ea:tit Rattenbury House, CLINTON on TUESDAY, Nov. 10th. with an immenoe assortment of such goods as will bring joy and gladness to all those who have thiu and faded hair or who are partly or wholly bald. 'Che American Continent cannot produce th equal of Prof, Doreuwend as a skilled artist in the production of Hair Goods and many thousands are enjoying better health and younger and improved appearance through using his inventions Many suffer from cold in the head catarrh and otter troubles through Rant of hair and as hair is the natural "bead protector" Prof. D ,renwend'e art go -ds are the beet to use. They produce a nat ural and beautifying effect and it it is folly for those requiring them to allow prejudice to prevent• enjoyment of the advantages to be gained. It is worthy of strict investigation. Remember at the R:ITTENBURY ROUSE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. Consulta• tion, fitting and all free at private show room at hotel. P S -Will also he at cEN'I'RAL HOTEL, EXETER, on TIIUHSDAY, NOV. 12. -site is a Simple Herne-Hody." Sometimes one hears it said of a good wife and mother that "she's a regular home -body." The phrase Is simple, but what a world of ennobling qualities 11 in- dicates, and what a universe of frivolities It excludes. A matronly home body is, indeed, "heaven's best gift to man," and the husband capable of maltreating so true a helpmeet, le only lit for suoh companionship as Nebuchadnezzar found in the Babylontsh pastures. Dashing ladies, whose mission 1t is too set the fashions, won't you look In upon your gentler sister as she sits In her well - ordered nursery making the ohlldren happy with her presence? Note how she adjusts their little difficulties, and ad- monishes, encourages, instructs, amuses them, as the ease may require. Do you think any nursemaid could produce such harmony In that little circle? Ie she not an enchantress? Verily, yes, and her charm Is "love stronger than death" for those sweet young faced where you may see her smiles and frowns (though she seldom has occasion to frown) reflected In glee and sorrow, like sunlight and cloud -shadow in a quiet pool. What she le, she will tench her daughters to be, and blessed are the sons that have such a mother. SALE REGISTER MORTGAGE SALE -unreserved chattel Mortage sale of Farm Stock of Thos. McIlvicen, Lot 16, Con, 17 Base line, Goderich Township Wednesday, N. v. 4th, at 1 p.m. D. Diekinson Anct, 11IONTitEAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS There was no improvement in cattle cablee, but sheep were quoted higher at 5}d. A private Liverpool cable quoted best of cattle at 6d and middling at 40. Freights are firm and soaroe at SOo. There were about 700 head of butchers' oattle, 60 calves and 1,200 sheep and lambs offered at the East End Abattoir. The butchers were present in large numbers, but owing to the liberal suppl}gs the prices of cattle wore rather lower. A few head of the best cattle were sold at about 3,}c per Ib, but there were really prime beeves on the mar- ket. Pretty good animals sold at from 20 to a little over 3o per Ib; common dry cows and thrifty young stock brought from 2o to 20, and the leaner beasts from 10 to 1/o per lb. The calves sold at frog, $3 to $8 each. Shippers are paying from 20 to 'leo per Ib for good large sheep; com- mon to good lambs sell in lots at from 3o to no per Ib, and a few picked ones at about 34o per lb. Large fat hogs sell at about l*c per lb. A mixed lot of abont equal numbers of large and small bogs, just off the ogre, were sold at 4o per Ib. CLINTON MARKETS Oorreoted every Thur.day afternoon Thursday, Oot 29, 1896. Wheat spring 0 75 a 0 76 wheat. tail 0 75 a 0 76 Oats, 0 20 a 0 22 Barley 0 20 a 0 80 Peas Q 40 a 0 45 Floor per owe 40 a 2 40 Plrk 4 60 a 4 75 Bolter 0 11 a 0 12 Eggeper doz 0 12 a 0 18 Hay new, $6; old 7 00 a 7 00 Sheeepskine 0 25 a 0 28 Wool 018a020 No. 1 Trimmed Hideo 4 00 & 4 25 0 25 a 25 'flew iiverttoetuento HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The f oust. and Lot on Princess St. at present occupied by Mr H R Ker ia offered for sale. Full particulars regarding same can be had by applying to HODOENS BROS. PIANO FOR SALE. A first class illiams Piano, Upright, Mahog- any Case, almost new, for sale, on very reason• able terms, Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE. House and Lot for Sale For • Saturday • 13 ends line Mantle and (gape Cloths, were from 90c to $2.85 per yard, to be sold at a bargain. The frame house on Rattenbury street, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson'a, is offered either for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms. The hoose is most centrally situated, be,r.g only a minute's walk from the business centre, and has stone cellar, large dining room, parlor, bed- room and kitchen down stairs, with one large hot txu r•.r:ta:..r bedrooms upstairs. Good-sized summer kitchen and garden. Very conveniently situated for boarding house. Apply at NEW ERA office. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers Inc sale his orcellen farm of 92} acres, being lot 27, 4th Con of Bullet t. Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation , Farni bas two-story brick house, frame barn and table, splendid hearing orchard. plenty of water. Situate about 21 miles from the town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 sores of fall wheat sown. Possession given qt any time, For particulars apply 00 the premises or to A. WEIR, Clinton P.O. tf. FOR SALE. 4 Ladies' Fur Sets, Storm Collar and Muff in Beaver Op., possum, Wool Seal and Lynx, will go at halt price. 3 pieces wide tine Toweling;, worth Se, for 4c Electric Light Plant in the Thriving Town of Clinton Ow., ng to the:death of one of the partners nt I h' Elertrie Light Co., the plant and property of the Company is offered for sale. This is an oxoellrnt ,ppnrtunity for Investment, there be log no gas or opposition Co. in the town For term• and full particulars apply to D. GRAHAM Spiv & Co., Inglewood, or to .1. P. TISDALL, Banker,•Clinton — Apple Market Cable Oct. 27tH 1896, Say market Better and active good sound fruit wanted, sell- ing 8 to12 shillings Jas. Steep & Co. Clinton. Bargain Week! HOUSEHOLD : ECONOMY 11 Heavy Tweed Overcoats (Boys) from 24 to 35 in breast measure at hall price We have about a dozen Ladies' Mantles and Jackets in Beaver, Niggerhead and Tweed Mixtures, some odd sizes from 30 lo 46 breast measure, will go at half price. SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR To every purchaser of 100 lbs we give 15 the of genuine Oatmeal for 25c, much less than the market price. We handle whekt P©ae, Berle Oatyr, Buck- wheat Flour, Bron, i5hotts, Ata we give Il Ibe. Oatmeal for a bushel of clean oats. Our bar. gains are genuine. 0. OLSON,Victoria St <jlrnrep Our $4.95 heavy Frieze Overcoat for Saturday, can't be duplicated in any store in Huron at less than $8. They are lined with Tweed big collar and all other - iniprovements. This is a . ap Remember our success lies in doing exactly as we adver tise. Come and see us on Saturday, Oct 31st GILROY dc WISEMAN We are headquarters for Millburn's lieatt .t Nerve Pills, Combe's Iron Blood Pills, Enthynlol Tooth Paste, The ideal dentrifce, modest in price, pleasant in odor, and apositive protection_ againststaining of the enamel, formation of tartar and decay. JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSIC'IAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, We Can't all Be wealthy But we can all be Wealthier than we are Wealth consists in what is saved—not what is earned. "Saving" means buy- ing at the store where you can get the same quality for less money than any- where else. WE HAVE 60 PAiRS BOYS' LONG BOOTS The regular price is 82 to $2.75. We offer sizes 1, 2 and 3 at $1.25 and sizes 4 and 5 at '1.50 a pair. We have still a few lines of McPher- son's goods, and as they cannot be re- peated we are clearing them at reduced prices. You can save money in these goods. Overcoats and Clothing See our lines of Frieze Ulsters at $5, $6, $7, 158 and $10. They are grand value. W L. OUIMETTE 'ale Cask .. D'eitier, Lbl+de star. F#: 4r.