HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-30, Page 2n ''3 0NEWS NOTES ji,he doctors igvestigatinu the cause Y of William Rogrers' death at 1301"Aout b� lleve it was foul play, but the ueigh- bors are of the opinion that It was sul- di vide, to The official half -yearly report of the D 'Grand Trunk Railway wad issued at b' Montreal. The gross earnings show b an increase of 54,448 over the corl•es- M ponding half-year. The report praises in the efforts of General Manager Hays. to The tariff inquiry will begin about P November 10, and will be conducted i by Sir Richard Cartwright, Hon. Mr P Ilielding and " lion. Mr t Paterson. f Arrangements have been made to a} visit Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, P London, Quebec, St, John and Hall- 1 fax. ti We know whereof we affirm when we j state that Ayer's Pills, taken promptly, at o the first symptoms of colds and fevers, ar- `'' rest further progress of these disor:iers, and u speedily restore the stomach, liver and o bowels to their normal and regular action, c The Ontario Conservative convention p held in Toronto this weer is not a con- g vention atall, buta caueusof supporters p of the Tupper wing of the family. The a delegates have been selected, not by the rank and file of the party, but by r Sir Cbarles Tupper himself. t Thomas B. Ballentine expended $75- » 000 in founding a horse for the aged n at Norfolk, Va., and then inet the ex- s tremae disappointment of being Unable c to find ten worthy persons in the city t who were willing to enter it. t it cost thirty-seven dollars and a half I in Burlington, Vermont, for a man t i c kiss a girl at it depot in mistake for his o sister, ,and now he is sot ry he didn't s pick out a prettier' girl. t The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous Stop it tit once with Shiloh's Cure. The missionary vessel Day Spring has been wrecked on the Island of New Caledonia. .There were seventeen persons on board her, eight of whorl were saved. The fate of the others is unknown, and it is feared they have perished. The Governor-General has telegraph ed that he would like Mr Davies and Mr Tarte, when in British Columbia, to visit his ranch and fruit orchard. The Ministers will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity of see- ing Farmer Aberdeen at work in shirt sleeves and long boots. Consumption can be cared by the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Care is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. When Mr's J. W. Rice, St. Thomas, awoke Thursday, she was horrified to find her four -weeks -old babe was dead, having evidently been smothered dur- ing the night:. The annual financial statement of the Dominion for the year ending June -30, 1896, has been made public. The The deficit for the year is $363,481, and I the increase of debt $5,528,831. The net bebt is now $258,528,304. The revenue on account of consolidated fund was $313,617,484, and the expend- iture $313,980,966. In New York. the caretakers of the .animals in the Oentrai Park prophesy -that the ensuing winter will be long -and cold. The prairie doge and rats are as sagacious as ground hogs, and they already supply evidence that they expect a severe winter. They have left their homes in the marshes, along the lakes and among the rocks, and are now arranging new quarters under the animal houses in the Zoo, where they will be warm and away from the winter's storms. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Con- sumption. They will recomend it. Sold by X. H Combe, Clinton. A serious accident happened on Fri- day at the furniture manufactory of Messrs Watson & Malcolm, Kinear dine, to Harry Arming, a youth of 15 -years, eon of Mrs Anning, a widow of that town. While at his work, tat - tending a planing machine, he fell, striking on his elbow, the knife of the planer severing the left arm a few in- lmes below the shoulder. Young An- ning .bad only been with the flrm abouts, week, and being thus handi- capped in his first start in life is la. mentable. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat end Lung diseases are oared by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by J. H. Combe Clinton. The following extract from a recent issue of the Carberry News was posted on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange and r"d with :much amusement by the 9rain operators: -"A Sonthern Mani- ba man who moved to Montana e few years ago started back again a short time since, and left the follow- ing farewell on the wall of this Mon. Una shack: -"Four miles from a neigh- - tor, 16 miles from a post office, 25 miles ':from a railroad, 14 miles from a school house, 41 miles from a church, 180 miles from timber, 200 miles from a Canadian, half a mile from water, a quarter of a mile from hell, the same distance from a blood -thirsty half - .breed. God bless our home. Gone -back to Manitoba, which is God's coiln. ry, to get a fresh start. They all Come back, even from the suan7 clime and the golden shores of California. It may rain a little too much at titres in prairie Manitoba, bnt we would not -exchange our wet weather for dronth and cinch bugs." "They All Drink." It is well known that at certain cent- ralagencies a record is kept of thename, pposition, and standing of nearly every busineAs man in the country. Careful men are employed to collect this infor- mation, and it not only includes the amount of property which the parties are worth, but also their standing as regards punctuality promptnes:?.s in- -, te�city, temperance, morals etc. number of years ago it Is stated, a ,0,'•' P firm of tour moo in Boston were rated ! as "A 1•" They were rich, prosperous, young and prompt. One of them had ' the curiosity to aes how they, were rat- ;,. � ed,and found chase facts on abook, and " was satisfied.; but at the end it was R written, "bit they all drink.." He Yt thought it was a good joke at the time; but a foo sacs later two of them were doad, another halt a drunkard, and the fourth was poor and living partly on ' charity.::'' 1�1- 'Whitt tibay little note at the and of thoitl rating lova► the most and Big- . tIIA' lttt f +X11 thb hilets collected'. and F i t1i ttlnk' lly+��tiig, . i�01".6ty has llwla►HW f ,o j i; , r ,,.4, a • r l,+rt `a ijl a ,r+ - CLIMATE AND DISEASE.,ood1S 1A LOVED ADVENTURE. j ropar Choice of Cttmato :for ao lnvrtlld t9--�-^^---+- u Nt..o cat in a WILLIAM FENIMORE COOPER HAS &�'•' The London Lancet in a ascent Irene A L sousses the views put forth with regard BEEN A THING OR TWO. Is essential to B ' ��� the Influence of climate on disease by health. Every eco$ r. Flermann Weber and Dr. Michael A Career I Ailed \\ ltL Qulrbroadth Escapee and oorner r the 1 Oster, In an article which appears in system is reached by the blood, and on ho first volume of Allbutt's "system of -His Exparlennes'ua u Cowboy and ar, its quality the condition of every organ do- I edtoino." As the subject is an interest- Afrieun Explorer -Greasers and African g and Important one, It may be well panda. good blood means strong nerves, outline the conclusions which are sup Chlera Elis Gamo. good digestion, robust health. Impure orted by high authority. blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheums- Few men have had more hairbreadth t Ib bas been said that the subject is an tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest mportent one, but the extent of its lin- escapee than Senor William Fenimore way to have good blood is to take Hood's ostance until lately was not recognized Cooper, who for many years lived near oily, Formerly slim»tic treatment was the extinct volcano of 'ZempoatepeGGle, in I Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, v1- Ily, restricted l di blaate of the roe- the province of Orizaba, Mexico. He talizea, and enriches the blood, and sends lr oat organs; now se know that es- made his home with the Mexican In- I the elements of health and strength to t reatmant of almost every know t at theia- dians, the last of the once proud race of ' every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates t ea from health may be chronic awsldeted by Aztecs who fought under Montezuma. a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep It was his oustom daily to enter the and aurae that Brod feeling. Remember, udiolal change of climate. What is still g• , Eben backing on the part of pationts and crater of the volcano and look for instate raotitioners alike is precision in the agate, a translucent, prismatic atone V hoice of locality and a doe apprec/iatilm Somewhat similar to the onyx. near day P the capabilities and limitations of of wont r, sloop to the umber near s bedHood limatie treatment. It is as absurd for a of sulphur, and the latter caught suffocating hysiclan to recommend a given place on hi came within an ace of snlfoomber oneral principles as it is for a diseased horn. His beard has boar a txirnc umbar erson to assume that change of air color ever since Sarsaparilla lona-will suffice to aura his malady. The aot•,tdett caused him to suit Mex- ico for the United States, and lie has Evpn in the case of phthtsts, which has Is the best - fataet the One True BloodPurlIlet» ecelved an exceptional amount of atteu- been hgrn Soot since. home of the inoi- !to ou and study, the selection of a suit- dents In his career slow that he has , care Liver Ills; easy e. bre climate is often a difficult problem, nerve,a deadly atm and a heart for Sooty Hood's Pills take, easy tooperars.26a of merely from the obscurity of the fate. He is a native of the `Par Heal ubject, but also owingto the fact that Stats, and when 18 years ofd he went , Testing a Millis CttpaCity. hoice is often circumscribed by ex- n Tease to Grande a Driver One night _ ransous considerationa, 'thus, if a pa- near the Roo O ere s rives he and ten One of the most interesting exhibits at other cowboys were surrounded by Mea - lent be poor, is looality mnst be selected the Ottawa Exhibition was a group of pi - here bandits, end a general fight follow - where there are facilities for earning a gantio rolls of paper exhibited by the Eddy ed. In the melee young Cooper was shot lvelobood; and, in any event, the need I Co. ae samples of She paper need to print in the head, and the bullet is still there. f securing suitaible accommodations and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Mon - He was dragged from the field as dead, ongenlal surroundings and companion- treml. The Eddy Co. are obliged to keep a but taftor m»up weeks he recovered and hip must be kept in view. A locality, mammoth paper mill running day and heoretically dMi,r•able on meteorological began to punch cows again and practise night to turn out paper enough to print the gronnda, may be too innoceseible, or there Pistol shooting. IIos idea was revenge Family tferald and Weekly Star. Thepa- upon the greaser who had shot him In may tie a hick *of civilized society, occu- the fight, whom he knew by sight. per making firm found /he demand for pa- nay and anrnsernent, per to print the Family Herald during the One hot night 1❑ July, Pour months Yawing over there seoondary quer- month of September, 1896, the heaviest after he was wounded, Cooper had his tiune, Which complicate the hatter, we since they commenced business, and at the horse staked out grazing while be took Dome to the urimnry inquiry whether In present tato of increase the Family Herald his siesta under a chaparral tree on the the cane of phthisl9 calling for climatln and Weekly Star will require more than the banks of a little stream. When he treatment, high altitudes arelfkely to be utmost capacity of the mill. People are awoke, he lit a shuck cigarette and ruih�rthle. IG \will not do to assume that anxious to know what the subscription casually looked down the stream. To the answer will tri always in the affirm- price is. One dollar sent to the publishers his amazement he saw the greaser who b Post Office order or in registered letter alive, Sometime, it is better for rho pa- y g ot him just getting up from a alesta. dont bo go to such n seaside resorb as the The greaser's horse was also grazing will, we believe, secure one tall year's sub - ",Riviera, or to the Nile Valley, or to an scription of the Family Her aid and Weekly igland like Madeira; sometimes a sea some yards away. Star and entftle the subscriber to have his Both ran for their horses, for they knew name entered for oc of a wondrously voyage should be recommended. Tharo PY y It was »life and death rase. The greaser striking 1ct¢re in twenty colors, known is no doubt that early OSlA0.9 of unilateral was a sprinter, and so was Cooper. Each g p y - or bilateral phthisis in young and fairly reached hie horse almost at the same as "The Orphan's Prayer." vigorous persons, in whom the disease is moment, and each mounted simultane- of a Umitted character, should be sent to Mr John Herring of Napanee, a well- ouset Their they be left their at each a npounrainone region, like Switzerlr>nd known manufacturer, died at Napanee tc other, and ahoy b an to fire at each or Colorado or the Adorondaoka The yesterday. chief ooatra-indications to the mountains other. After twh shots had been e�- are held to be, it seems, eibuminuria, changed the greaser yelled out a chal- degenerative disease of blood vessels, lenge of the true cowboy style-t.a, they ulceraticm of the InteetWes, a4vanced would gallop around 1s a circle, shoot • 6 largngeal mischief, andretalxuorallxatSoa, at each other five tdmes apiece, and if at extensive destruction of lung tissus, con- the expiration o[ the es rt t neither was %. atitutiorAl. erithiam, and advauirmd aga. killed they would resort to the lariat. •ha These aro pronounced by Ova Lancet to de -m Cooper readily agreed, because be had a be thorongbly sound rules. lot used to be devoted mnob p�eMoe W shooting from t fbt in the profession t41,tt ix a phiifisi- his Iroise tilt fns rpsed. • W patient had suffered from hes omb- They rode a rbert their of from the • t A�ga, this should be regarded as a bar to As t and firm bo@Iem their olthe g ea e ► • =er a sea voyage or the s s shot they galloped around, the greaser The true view is, according to 1Ye�aE,an- shoe riflrm and put a ballet lied. Niro s a net, that while an existing or vase raatnt the rim of tiooper'r fine ra It was a hemorrhage precludes a chango of cdt- close 0011 x114 shoded fine �artrmanehip mato altogether, part hemorrbago W no on the greaser'a WS As Cooper after - bar to the monntains or to area vaapage. Wallo9,ward remarked, could amen that The contra-indications to the See are Thllet, for It seorvilei say eyebrows e laryngeal and intestinal cosuplioatdons The fires ball, from Cpluc entered the and fever; on the other hand, a am voy- greaser's side, but be pluckily kept his age is useful where phthisis ill part of a seat in his saddle and put a hole through - is - general breakdown from overtiork, or lu the cowboy's rfthe w the pistolm)oond the oases of limited lung conaolfdabdon with- °harts mem the cowboy's pistol the out favor. The Riviera in deemed a suit- greaeor fail headlong from his horse. able place of rojonrn for Person wbofind Cooper thought be was dead, but he was art the Alps, or mountaineof equal latitude, only badly wounded and recovered too cold, or wbere phthisis iaoawpHoated months afterward. a It made a good BandMexl- �u with catarrhal pneumonia or boonobitis. can out of time and be gave ca brigand- aL�IP>tmri. iP8 Madeira is preferable where tfhwo is pagero and i■ time became an aloalde in:'the much irritability of the mnoovs mem- province tis of Chihuahua l6C brane. The patients who weeny W aunt to *OtAt Male concluded the subject c this Egypt are those who find evoa the Riv- long h oosolo4lA he had played cowboy _ iora too cold, or those in witem ptlthlsi8 long enough sui came north, where he IF; wsoclated with albuminuria, provided married a handsome young lady, who, as ria there has been no great destraotton of subsoil nests proved, had as much ., ,,- lung tiseno; and those, flsally, whose esurwre as he husband Of all places 1n o Sq% conspicuous symptoms are insomnia and Use world he concluded to go to Africa �'p'1� v_ nervous irritability, on bis wedding trip, and his wife did %, net object. After weeks of sea travel they The leading contra-indooatione to i v, 3 c r' Egypt are intestinal ulceration, or a ten- Started up the Congo river, with whet �,� !•- `;.:` (`. denop to diarrhoea, or the early scour- he sDOd the Cooper Trading Com- } q ( 1r � 1 pany. He had a regular expedition fitted �-'' 4 , , . ,�) tarda of acute pneumotlo aymptoma. ,� i . , - 1, ant, with elephants, `Zanzibari guards _,, , 1' c ; Thea we see what a mistake it to to take .' asi porters and a few maissionariaa, to '""` 1i :�� )'' ' ' for granted that all sufferers from help him bap ivory. For six or seven v a q hthiets are benefited b the mountain (, .. )� � air; on the contrary, a careful study of mmtha ho was absent from the coast, �11�/'I� + ' - .� a given case is requisite in order to but when he retarned be had secured . t 4J _ . �f determine the particular locality from eneugh Ivory to clear $10,000 above allL. 1'.1 which benefit may be expected. eapengeiL Mie. Cooper was with latm every mo- � The rules for other diseases are much fe'� simpler. Thus gout and rbeumatirm die- went and carried a t4la which She used 1 _ ji yG� mend warm and dry inland climates, or a eebaally on worn 6han 0116 occaefon. ftkww- fairly warm seashores. For reset aces, of This was some years before Mrs. French � •,--•- nervous disorder, the mountains are, on Shelien penetrated to the tsterier of the the whole, unsuitable; and the lancet dark oentinant also thinks that sea voyages are contra- One of the petty chiefs, who bad r - indicated; herein reversing the opinion plenty of ivory stored away, refused to expressed by Dr. Weber and Dr. Foster, sell it to Mr. Cooper. He also complained 8orofula, i.e., lymphatic tuberculosis, 1s, , the lose to his cattle he had sustained Beep out the on the other hand, notably benefited by the Inroads of a big lion. When the by a bracing marine resort, and for this American made a propoaltion to the can• malady sea voyages are also useful. tankerous, pessimistic chief to go out Dampness. bronchitis in young persons is often alone to kill the lion, the old savage smiled with delight, for be thought the ongl, - ameliorated by the mountains; but for oonditiona would be reversed, and atter As the Woodman's Axe reeounde'throcgh elderly persons the Riviera, Egypt or the the beast had enjoyed s savory meal oar the forest so the rel.utation of our Canaries, that is to say, a warm sea- shoes resounds thro' the country, shore or insular climate, are held more the white man then the expedition could Reputation and Character are some - suitable. Asthma is too erratic a disease A goat was tied in an open space in the timre d,tidrent. Reputation is what to admit of definite rules; many asth- man thinks you are and Cbamotel matlos do best in large towns. Young forest, and the cowboy, with his elephant what ynu really are. Yonr repsts- rifle, secreted himself near by. All night entrerere from asthma are often relieved tion may be fine and your character long he wafted. The goat bleated, and by a stay in the Alps or similar moon- the very oppnaite. In the case o1 yet the lion came net. Just as the sun lain regions; those who are more ado- was rising »large mals lion, with a tar- our Shoes their reputation and cher• vaneed in years are recommended to try wasriflo roar, sprang into the open apace actor are synonymous terms. Tr) Egypt or the Riviera than. Also large stock of The Lancet has rendered a aervtoe by and upon the goat. Two quick reports from the rifle were beard, and the kin r showing the neoeaslty of nice disorimin- g i'rllnlzs Tr;l<v�'llinn Bas e of beasts rolled over dead, almost at i 11 niton in the selection of olimatea oonsid the Peet of the intrepid hunter. The Double limlq Single Ilarnesf ered as remedial agencies. It also con- " soles those who, for one reason a natives out open aha icon after Mr. '11iIl�;lea�i w1101('H1lC a,n(1Reim: another, are unable to leave home, by Cooper apt up its body to assure them reminding them that with judicious that life was extinct, and then occurred management It is often possible for an a carious ceremony. JAS. TWITCHE.LLI Invalid to obtnin great benefit by avail- It rooms that in the Southern states Ing himself of all the advantages and when a man kills a doer for the first _ __VICTOI . - BLOCK - defending himself from the injurious in- time he Is baptized In its blood, to initlato finances of his home climate. -N. Y. him into the Anoient Order of Nimrods. Sun The senor requested to have the ceremony ____ _ performed upon himself with the body How to �nln a Bon. of the lion. After the viscera had -been Let him have hie own way-nllow removed from the benat Mr. Cooper, N4 him free use of money -suffer him to with his clothes on, was literally dragcced 1 yn �'• rove where he pleases on the Sabbath- through the place it had occupied. They Mil CD�i aL1t1 day -give him free access to wicked made a swab of him, and his clothes - compantong-call him to no account for were all stained with blood. This core. Bottled Tendam, addressed to the Pmtrrtaetef his evenings- furnish him with no mony tickled the chief, and when It was Olao will be rooetved at Ottawa until noor stated employment. Pursue any one of explained to him that the white man, on r iA?, IEth NOVR?4ElNK 19M, for tht these ways and on will experience a after wallowing In the beast's blood, conveytanceofHerMgjopWanndfi.onpropceel y D ormtraota far fanr years, from the lab Jannarl most marvelous deliver0noo, if you have ooald never be killed by an animal (it no>:t< not to mourn over a debased and ruined was a little fiction to Impress the chief), I--Bebwem Holnotrdlie and Pbrtaer•'a Hill he wished to know whether the palefaces child. Thousands have realized the sad thr'e0 Mmoe per week each war'• resulthad gone through a similar ceremony. grave, and have gone mourning to their When answered In the affirmative, a twelve Holmeek focal Railway etatid graves with the additional information that the twelve tires notfer weak oaoh way. She Mlgbt stilt be single. oaremony had been enacted with deceased Printed "diflN a of P niag fnrWor tntorma don as Co ooaditfoe of pt oontreo0. mal One Matron -6inoe I have been mar- men of every oolor, he almost bowed be goer and blank QAIr may be ob fled I have taught my husband good down and worshiped the lion slayer. reined s file Peat Ohth at H°, , 1.: s°r g Portes'a Hill, Arid Ott this b[1SCo. taste There was nothing too rood for the X,4 hoftl4 ; iitlothelr-t]�41a11y4 ;,Xt is a good thing senof, and he purohased,a large quantity ,,,.,.,s 1'dstil(S1006i6a7btill� far ybn that y0p - did ,not 0goh ,hild1 be- of ivory from the ohlef.--••hooky Mo ll2l past 01260 it e. i b„ , n affair 1 Ol' i%� uta dl`s til tl i- ft►1a alt ' ! 14 1 1` q y ,., , 1. Fp,'wI ;,n t a ,, ../hv iJ�naJneYi-..P.• n I. r •`u .sac's,_. _A ".,*' ..�:, .:-M, _: t� a- Y` A .. rtcvrrJtc iln;a tortsL.w Olt To l.rl. l �iLli9 i!INPY ICC aiL 11j �1�(51I 1.1< 1, 14 LO'LI FUR SA F Ii ' r " ' _ ' AND TRUNK RAILWAY ','... A good } acre lot on Pattsnbury i)t. West leave Olinton station as followe;- '� p y •r,,.,a, lr Sala at a big bargain. A dACI{60N, JR. Ysa a om° asp 601Ne weer ; T, ger ....7 26 a m Passenger......1 02 p m P - ngor ... 3 O6 p mI Paseenber..-.9 22 p m • IOUSJ lS FOR SALE OR RENT M"° Tr41°•..4 36 p m Mixad'lYaln 10 15 a m _ I Mixed Train. .5 30 p m I Mixou Train 7 06 p w Several houses eltiher for sale or to rent. Dull LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE. artlpulare on application to JOHN MOGARVA I 0"10 aonwa sorra scuTrt psesnngger Paasonggr • FOR SALE ()R TO RENT. I London, depart 81f1 am 4 45 pm 6 30 am 8 261pm Exeter. , ........980 6 , 61 Y 8 le 8mallouttage,eentrally located, Yoe sale or t Ilensallf........949 616 668 333 rent, Iilppem .........960 680 709 348 W. C. SEARLE BruoeIIeld . , ....968 028 740 859 Clinton........ w 16 e m 159 423, FOR SALIM, 4oudeaboso ...10 as 7 14 8 % 4 41 -41-)Yl },,��, Y��� blyth..........10 41 718 8 111 468 ' 1G ' Thundersigned will Sell at s eaoriaoe, LoE 401 Belgrave ......low 7 87 a W 608 r 12, Hallway Terrace Clinton. Partioulare i ng am or'vs1130 800 I930 626 ipon application, JAMEA SOpTT, Barrister &v -- I FOR 'SALI11 ON INAAJY TERMS I Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh Cownship. For terms and particulars ap- Ay to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton iH1 PERRIN BLOCK 1 2 FOR SALE , 1300 easb and 120 monthly payme�tetoP$13eaeh D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm of 100 acres, being lot 13, on the 6th con, of Hulleta about 86 cleared, all tit for cultivation. Log house, with frame kitchen, frame barn 88x60, with us- ual outbnildinge. Good bearing orchard. The land Is as good as can be found and farm to in good condition, five acres .n tall wheat and near- ly ao acres seeded down. Posseealon given any time, Apply on the premisae or to A. LAWSON, Constance, DESIRABLE FARM TO DENT The undersigned oilers to rent the splendid farm on the 9th con. Hullett township, ;being the north half of lot 36. oontaining 861aore+. Frame house, barn, stable and stied, young orchard bearing this year, a cheek running through the farm all the year round. A desirablo farm for etoek or rain, being only six smiles from the town of Linton. Apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeevllle. SPL -CG NDIDi FARM FOR SALE OR TO RF.14T Lot 19, Bayfleld con., Goderioh township, con- taining LU acres, about 86 cleared and in good state of cultivation, talanoe hardwood, bush and some cedar timber. Good, comfortable brick house, large 1 ank barn, good orchard; well watered, spring creek reaming across the farm, which is well fenced, mostly with cedar, 'Terme o1 sale will be made very easy. 11 not sold will be rented for a term of years. Apply to 0. SIMON9, 78 pt. David's St-, Goderich. CHOICE FARM FOit SALE Subscriber offers for sale that; 60 acre farm on the corner of the cat line and 10tb oon., Goderieb Township. It is well watered, with good bearing orchard, frame house and new bank balm. Con- venient to church and school. Will be gold on reasonable terms. Apply to Mae_ Jos SPARLING, C1Subm FARM FOB BALE Lot 26,o1Con. gd,aTvVrfnrh�ip of EfuIla , 100 ease•, tion, s cke 1 good stag of oil wood bash, T'b� is a bearingwil; In orobAmed and a good rippply otwater. TLs farinas never been rented, Uta* buildings 'nompprtse a good frame house, barn and stables This pro aerrtyi� is situate on an axo"ont gravel reed, >milus from the Town of Clinton. Terms ;arse For further particulaiw apply to the undwal�ed, on the premtaq,, dr b Jig, s00TT„Barrtatns, (Hinton. or _Me =41 VA411 �V 1LAY-BIi,Ia, Clinton P. O. DESIRA " FARM TO "NT i A photos tars of lsf meas, or the 1f?th oon. of Ooderlcb towuaylp abort 94 aeras olearod and in good atats of sulttvation. Frame house, bank barn, young orchard just beginning to bear, Well Wa*gred. This farm le to an excellent sita- atlon, not tar from rhumb or school, about four miles from Clinton and will be •ee•serl for it term of year on ramos►bl. terms. Ful] particulars on application to C 14BSB1TT, Clinton P O - COLBORNI4 CIDER MILL The unda mlgrlod havinig every eouvenienes toe making Cider L prepared to make an quantity of first clang Glider, et hisprsmisw, Lot 28, Mait- land Con., Oolborne, on tlaa shorteot notice and at the Inwe.t rrioeo. G. PHIUMMEU, Benmiller Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMESCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid eland, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom. modailon for tievallers and public generally Terms made known on application to JI10 ROSSIEB, Benmiller. Also MOTAL at )Exeter North, Wish Dwelling House and good Store ad- joiniag, with good outbuildings. For para- tionLs apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN ROBBLER, BenmWar. Also, TAJUM of 200 ACRFJ4--- In West S asoaui. 140 sores cleared, the rest being a good bush of hard wood; no buildings worth speaking of. The land is first rsta; a ood price is ezpacted, lint not more tban t e land is worts. Also FARM of 50 ACRES - Within ore mile of the former, being .Sar of the Wigmore Farm, being compooed oP East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Niseonri• the land is first rate, and with very little cultivation will make a farm second to none of its site. Any of the above are good investmento and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmillet THE PAGE WiRE FENCE. r&:: ,i -- E�L t___jiii_j� r I r _____L_T k k F k tt h goal � If Is fence is the boat and etrongqestjwiro face, In existence, it has a smooth anrface, and wil turn stock witbout injury. It is neet and eael to put np airing few poste; it cannot blov down; wil� not breek lc winter; it is pig tight boli strong and bosae high, Lastly It le so ebeal that It ig wiihfm the reeah of all, The under aigceA '.,..,a agOnt tdr hinnies, Tnakersmith sullen, Godesloll Township and Colborne, en< will prompily Il11 ordorMlor the ereodan rt tb fence in any of the townahipg named WX6TANEY, Hol me s \ i i ] ( Clinton Planing Mill The It -AND- DAY AifD- DST EILaii Arte moa inti x66 ani UM QLlt 51"l Y l ' I e . HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. )ot. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Nov. 2nd, 1896. Peturn Tickets at tringle First Maps fare, to famous Hunting Grounds noluding all points on Muskoka Lakes, Hoon River district, Magnettawan River, Penetang to Midland inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay inclusive. All points m C.P.R. Mattawa to Nepigon and Sp»n- all, inclusive, via North Bay. Argyle to � oboconk inclusive. All tickets good to return not later than Dec. 16th, inclusive, or until close of navi- .4ation, if earlier, to pointe reached by Mus. koka Navigation Co. Information cheerfully supplied by W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton Proressional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. --- ~ Barrister, Solicitor OONVEYANCRR &c. Commissiouer for Ontario and Manitoba. Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman W, BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up•etairs, Opposite Feeler's Pbota_Galiery, CLINTON M.: Gd CAMERON (Yormerly of Camaron, Holk d Cameron) BARRISTER A -ND SOLICITOR. Oiloo--Hamilton Stoppoajto Colborne Hctei OO DE iJICH. ONT DM. WM. GCNN, L. R. C. P. and L, R. C. 8 1•djubargtr. 0000 --Ontario Freer, (Tinton Night oajls a' pont door of residence on Ratten busy St„ oppc,tite Pre.byterian church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M- D. TORONTO IInivernity, IDI D. O.M„ Viatoria University M. O. P A 8., Ontario. Bellow of the Obstetri-p Society of Edinbargb, late of London, Rnf,, and Edinbmrgb Hospitaie. Office,-.Dr.Dowse ly'e old Office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell emovered at the same place. T-tB J. W. BYAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEO,y A-FA000uehour, Ole., office in the Palace Blood Rattanbury 8t. foruDerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Oct. JAS. I, rAEABOILN,Y.D.. L.K.&Q.C.P.I,, U. O. P. h S. O., Graduate Kirgs and Queens Collage of Pbyaiefans, Dublin, Ireland. Licen. Mate •snaral Yedlaed Cwnnoll, Great Arita Yaaber of 0011a Pb slsiass enc surgeons, On tarso. Formerly resent of Rotunda Hospital, (Lvtng-Ln and G7agoologioal) Dublin. Reeiden -,Eatienbury 8 , east, next door to Ontario St parsonage, DR STANBURY, ORADUATF OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Vntye city, Toronto, formerlyy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Tork, Coroner for be County of Hnron, Bayfiold, Ont. DR AGI�EW, Londeaboro, euccamor to Dr Young. T. AGNEA, M. B„ Toronto University, M- D. O, M., Trinity Univer.ity, Member of College Php, sisians and Surgoona, Ontario. Office o polite NothodIst obtareb. Nigbi calla anewered at the Same place, Office house 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to'3p,m1 to 9 p.m, DIt•• T. C. BRUCE, SIIRGRON DENTIRT, Oradea" i 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Uel vorattq Toronto. Speatal attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Of roe, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B, -will visit Blyth every Monday and AayUhl, evany Thareday altatnoon daring;tbw summor JE. BLACHALL VETERINARY FLROF,O . HonoraryGraduate of the GutarloVeterina College. Treats all diseases of domaetdeated an mala on the moat modern and eeientll a prime plea Office- immediately Soutb of the New E Otb". Reeldenee - Albert St., Clinton. Ca night orday attended to promptly TOWLI.1'P8ON, V11TRUI,NAItV SURGEON . lionorvy Graduate of the Ontario Veter4 nary Colloge, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestio Animals op rho most modoin and Scientific Principles. Dep Vol night callsprompy lis answered. Realdocee-_B,attenbiary St., wool Linton, MA RIAGN LICDNIE JAMES SCOTT, SR tearer of Uarrlay f.lceneee, Library Roow and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JA,Ulg CAMPBELL, LONDF.SBORO ISBIIIR OF MARRIAGE LI(AWSES, No witnoasos required MONEY TO LEND rN LARGE OR Small Fiume on good mrnrt.ga a seonrlty moderaterateofinterest. H HALE, Clinton. FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OY . P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont, -Office at Geo, Stewart'a Grocery Store, Clinton. R. AGNEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. lradcate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons f et. Honor Graduate of Trini.y University Toron'o. All nporations in Dentistry onrefmlly performed. Beat local Ansesthetres for painloee extraction Officeopposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurtc every second Tburadayof each month. L "Ight bell answered. THOS. GUNDHY, Auctioneer, GODEHICH, ONT. W Bales atteaded to in any raft of the county 0160M 1•ft 64 011aton Ars Pan o�Aoa will receive eaaetal:aitentio•. pd am BII�INtf� CHINGE Davis & McCool. f 2awfss ba» slit oat the Livery bnslnes of 1 ' , i} , U* JJillt i, 1 11 Qt. , ;110K a ' r y I�r t#i c,! 4 ` 4; W, 1 i1 : .! t, >, -++ r f 9r I- \ rtcvrrJtc iln;a tortsL.w Olt To l.rl. l �iLli9 i!INPY ICC aiL 11j �1�(51I 1.1< 1, 14 LO'LI FUR SA F Ii ' r " ' _ ' AND TRUNK RAILWAY ','... A good } acre lot on Pattsnbury i)t. West leave Olinton station as followe;- '� p y •r,,.,a, lr Sala at a big bargain. A dACI{60N, JR. Ysa a om° asp 601Ne weer ; T, ger ....7 26 a m Passenger......1 02 p m P - ngor ... 3 O6 p mI Paseenber..-.9 22 p m • IOUSJ lS FOR SALE OR RENT M"° Tr41°•..4 36 p m Mixad'lYaln 10 15 a m _ I Mixed Train. .5 30 p m I Mixou Train 7 06 p w Several houses eltiher for sale or to rent. Dull LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE. artlpulare on application to JOHN MOGARVA I 0"10 aonwa sorra scuTrt psesnngger Paasonggr • FOR SALE ()R TO RENT. I London, depart 81f1 am 4 45 pm 6 30 am 8 261pm Exeter. , ........980 6 , 61 Y 8 le 8mallouttage,eentrally located, Yoe sale or t Ilensallf........949 616 668 333 rent, Iilppem .........960 680 709 348 W. C. SEARLE BruoeIIeld . , ....968 028 740 859 Clinton........ w 16 e m 159 423, FOR SALIM, 4oudeaboso ...10 as 7 14 8 % 4 41 -41-)Yl },,��, Y��� blyth..........10 41 718 8 111 468 ' 1G ' Thundersigned will Sell at s eaoriaoe, LoE 401 Belgrave ......low 7 87 a W 608 r 12, Hallway Terrace Clinton. Partioulare i ng am or'vs1130 800 I930 626 ipon application, JAMEA SOpTT, Barrister &v -- I FOR 'SALI11 ON INAAJY TERMS I Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh Cownship. For terms and particulars ap- Ay to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton iH1 PERRIN BLOCK 1 2 FOR SALE , 1300 easb and 120 monthly payme�tetoP$13eaeh D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm of 100 acres, being lot 13, on the 6th con, of Hulleta about 86 cleared, all tit for cultivation. Log house, with frame kitchen, frame barn 88x60, with us- ual outbnildinge. Good bearing orchard. The land Is as good as can be found and farm to in good condition, five acres .n tall wheat and near- ly ao acres seeded down. Posseealon given any time, Apply on the premisae or to A. LAWSON, Constance, DESIRABLE FARM TO DENT The undersigned oilers to rent the splendid farm on the 9th con. Hullett township, ;being the north half of lot 36. oontaining 861aore+. Frame house, barn, stable and stied, young orchard bearing this year, a cheek running through the farm all the year round. A desirablo farm for etoek or rain, being only six smiles from the town of Linton. Apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeevllle. SPL -CG NDIDi FARM FOR SALE OR TO RF.14T Lot 19, Bayfleld con., Goderioh township, con- taining LU acres, about 86 cleared and in good state of cultivation, talanoe hardwood, bush and some cedar timber. Good, comfortable brick house, large 1 ank barn, good orchard; well watered, spring creek reaming across the farm, which is well fenced, mostly with cedar, 'Terme o1 sale will be made very easy. 11 not sold will be rented for a term of years. Apply to 0. SIMON9, 78 pt. David's St-, Goderich. CHOICE FARM FOit SALE Subscriber offers for sale that; 60 acre farm on the corner of the cat line and 10tb oon., Goderieb Township. It is well watered, with good bearing orchard, frame house and new bank balm. Con- venient to church and school. Will be gold on reasonable terms. Apply to Mae_ Jos SPARLING, C1Subm FARM FOB BALE Lot 26,o1Con. gd,aTvVrfnrh�ip of EfuIla , 100 ease•, tion, s cke 1 good stag of oil wood bash, T'b� is a bearingwil; In orobAmed and a good rippply otwater. TLs farinas never been rented, Uta* buildings 'nompprtse a good frame house, barn and stables This pro aerrtyi� is situate on an axo"ont gravel reed, >milus from the Town of Clinton. Terms ;arse For further particulaiw apply to the undwal�ed, on the premtaq,, dr b Jig, s00TT„Barrtatns, (Hinton. or _Me =41 VA411 �V 1LAY-BIi,Ia, Clinton P. O. DESIRA " FARM TO "NT i A photos tars of lsf meas, or the 1f?th oon. of Ooderlcb towuaylp abort 94 aeras olearod and in good atats of sulttvation. Frame house, bank barn, young orchard just beginning to bear, Well Wa*gred. This farm le to an excellent sita- atlon, not tar from rhumb or school, about four miles from Clinton and will be •ee•serl for it term of year on ramos►bl. terms. Ful] particulars on application to C 14BSB1TT, Clinton P O - COLBORNI4 CIDER MILL The unda mlgrlod havinig every eouvenienes toe making Cider L prepared to make an quantity of first clang Glider, et hisprsmisw, Lot 28, Mait- land Con., Oolborne, on tlaa shorteot notice and at the Inwe.t rrioeo. G. PHIUMMEU, Benmiller Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMESCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid eland, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom. modailon for tievallers and public generally Terms made known on application to JI10 ROSSIEB, Benmiller. Also MOTAL at )Exeter North, Wish Dwelling House and good Store ad- joiniag, with good outbuildings. For para- tionLs apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN ROBBLER, BenmWar. Also, TAJUM of 200 ACRFJ4--- In West S asoaui. 140 sores cleared, the rest being a good bush of hard wood; no buildings worth speaking of. The land is first rsta; a ood price is ezpacted, lint not more tban t e land is worts. Also FARM of 50 ACRES - Within ore mile of the former, being .Sar of the Wigmore Farm, being compooed oP East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Niseonri• the land is first rate, and with very little cultivation will make a farm second to none of its site. Any of the above are good investmento and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmillet THE PAGE WiRE FENCE. r&:: ,i -- E�L t___jiii_j� r I r _____L_T k k F k tt h goal � If Is fence is the boat and etrongqestjwiro face, In existence, it has a smooth anrface, and wil turn stock witbout injury. It is neet and eael to put np airing few poste; it cannot blov down; wil� not breek lc winter; it is pig tight boli strong and bosae high, Lastly It le so ebeal that It ig wiihfm the reeah of all, The under aigceA '.,..,a agOnt tdr hinnies, Tnakersmith sullen, Godesloll Township and Colborne, en< will prompily Il11 ordorMlor the ereodan rt tb fence in any of the townahipg named WX6TANEY, Hol me s \ i i ] ( Clinton Planing Mill The It -AND- DAY AifD- DST EILaii Arte moa inti x66 ani UM QLlt 51"l Y l ' I e . HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. )ot. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Nov. 2nd, 1896. Peturn Tickets at tringle First Maps fare, to famous Hunting Grounds noluding all points on Muskoka Lakes, Hoon River district, Magnettawan River, Penetang to Midland inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay inclusive. All points m C.P.R. Mattawa to Nepigon and Sp»n- all, inclusive, via North Bay. Argyle to � oboconk inclusive. All tickets good to return not later than Dec. 16th, inclusive, or until close of navi- .4ation, if earlier, to pointe reached by Mus. koka Navigation Co. Information cheerfully supplied by W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton Proressional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. --- ~ Barrister, Solicitor OONVEYANCRR &c. Commissiouer for Ontario and Manitoba. Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman W, BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up•etairs, Opposite Feeler's Pbota_Galiery, CLINTON M.: Gd CAMERON (Yormerly of Camaron, Holk d Cameron) BARRISTER A -ND SOLICITOR. Oiloo--Hamilton Stoppoajto Colborne Hctei OO DE iJICH. ONT DM. WM. GCNN, L. R. C. P. and L, R. C. 8 1•djubargtr. 0000 --Ontario Freer, (Tinton Night oajls a' pont door of residence on Ratten busy St„ oppc,tite Pre.byterian church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M- D. TORONTO IInivernity, IDI D. O.M„ Viatoria University M. O. P A 8., Ontario. Bellow of the Obstetri-p Society of Edinbargb, late of London, Rnf,, and Edinbmrgb Hospitaie. Office,-.Dr.Dowse ly'e old Office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell emovered at the same place. T-tB J. W. BYAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEO,y A-FA000uehour, Ole., office in the Palace Blood Rattanbury 8t. foruDerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Oct. JAS. I, rAEABOILN,Y.D.. L.K.&Q.C.P.I,, U. O. P. h S. O., Graduate Kirgs and Queens Collage of Pbyaiefans, Dublin, Ireland. Licen. Mate •snaral Yedlaed Cwnnoll, Great Arita Yaaber of 0011a Pb slsiass enc surgeons, On tarso. Formerly resent of Rotunda Hospital, (Lvtng-Ln and G7agoologioal) Dublin. Reeiden -,Eatienbury 8 , east, next door to Ontario St parsonage, DR STANBURY, ORADUATF OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Vntye city, Toronto, formerlyy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Tork, Coroner for be County of Hnron, Bayfiold, Ont. DR AGI�EW, Londeaboro, euccamor to Dr Young. T. AGNEA, M. B„ Toronto University, M- D. O, M., Trinity Univer.ity, Member of College Php, sisians and Surgoona, Ontario. Office o polite NothodIst obtareb. Nigbi calla anewered at the Same place, Office house 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to'3p,m1 to 9 p.m, DIt•• T. C. BRUCE, SIIRGRON DENTIRT, Oradea" i 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Uel vorattq Toronto. Speatal attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Of roe, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B, -will visit Blyth every Monday and AayUhl, evany Thareday altatnoon daring;tbw summor JE. BLACHALL VETERINARY FLROF,O . HonoraryGraduate of the GutarloVeterina College. Treats all diseases of domaetdeated an mala on the moat modern and eeientll a prime plea Office- immediately Soutb of the New E Otb". Reeldenee - Albert St., Clinton. Ca night orday attended to promptly TOWLI.1'P8ON, V11TRUI,NAItV SURGEON . lionorvy Graduate of the Ontario Veter4 nary Colloge, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestio Animals op rho most modoin and Scientific Principles. Dep Vol night callsprompy lis answered. Realdocee-_B,attenbiary St., wool Linton, MA RIAGN LICDNIE JAMES SCOTT, SR tearer of Uarrlay f.lceneee, Library Roow and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JA,Ulg CAMPBELL, LONDF.SBORO ISBIIIR OF MARRIAGE LI(AWSES, No witnoasos required MONEY TO LEND rN LARGE OR Small Fiume on good mrnrt.ga a seonrlty moderaterateofinterest. H HALE, Clinton. FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OY . P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont, -Office at Geo, Stewart'a Grocery Store, Clinton. R. AGNEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. lradcate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons f et. Honor Graduate of Trini.y University Toron'o. All nporations in Dentistry onrefmlly performed. Beat local Ansesthetres for painloee extraction Officeopposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurtc every second Tburadayof each month. L "Ight bell answered. THOS. GUNDHY, Auctioneer, GODEHICH, ONT. W Bales atteaded to in any raft of the county 0160M 1•ft 64 011aton Ars Pan o�Aoa will receive eaaetal:aitentio•. pd am BII�INtf� CHINGE Davis & McCool. f 2awfss ba» slit oat the Livery bnslnes of 1 ' , i} , U* JJillt i, 1 11 Qt. , ;110K a ' r y I�r t#i c,! 4 ` 4; W, 1 i1 : .! t, >, -++ r f 9r I- \ -- I FOR 'SALI11 ON INAAJY TERMS I Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh Cownship. For terms and particulars ap- Ay to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton iH1 PERRIN BLOCK 1 2 FOR SALE , 1300 easb and 120 monthly payme�tetoP$13eaeh D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm of 100 acres, being lot 13, on the 6th con, of Hulleta about 86 cleared, all tit for cultivation. Log house, with frame kitchen, frame barn 88x60, with us- ual outbnildinge. Good bearing orchard. The land Is as good as can be found and farm to in good condition, five acres .n tall wheat and near- ly ao acres seeded down. Posseealon given any time, Apply on the premisae or to A. LAWSON, Constance, DESIRABLE FARM TO DENT The undersigned oilers to rent the splendid farm on the 9th con. Hullett township, ;being the north half of lot 36. oontaining 861aore+. Frame house, barn, stable and stied, young orchard bearing this year, a cheek running through the farm all the year round. A desirablo farm for etoek or rain, being only six smiles from the town of Linton. Apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeevllle. SPL -CG NDIDi FARM FOR SALE OR TO RF.14T Lot 19, Bayfleld con., Goderioh township, con- taining LU acres, about 86 cleared and in good state of cultivation, talanoe hardwood, bush and some cedar timber. Good, comfortable brick house, large 1 ank barn, good orchard; well watered, spring creek reaming across the farm, which is well fenced, mostly with cedar, 'Terme o1 sale will be made very easy. 11 not sold will be rented for a term of years. Apply to 0. SIMON9, 78 pt. David's St-, Goderich. CHOICE FARM FOit SALE Subscriber offers for sale that; 60 acre farm on the corner of the cat line and 10tb oon., Goderieb Township. It is well watered, with good bearing orchard, frame house and new bank balm. Con- venient to church and school. Will be gold on reasonable terms. Apply to Mae_ Jos SPARLING, C1Subm FARM FOB BALE Lot 26,o1Con. gd,aTvVrfnrh�ip of EfuIla , 100 ease•, tion, s cke 1 good stag of oil wood bash, T'b� is a bearingwil; In orobAmed and a good rippply otwater. TLs farinas never been rented, Uta* buildings 'nompprtse a good frame house, barn and stables This pro aerrtyi� is situate on an axo"ont gravel reed, >milus from the Town of Clinton. Terms ;arse For further particulaiw apply to the undwal�ed, on the premtaq,, dr b Jig, s00TT„Barrtatns, (Hinton. or _Me =41 VA411 �V 1LAY-BIi,Ia, Clinton P. O. DESIRA " FARM TO "NT i A photos tars of lsf meas, or the 1f?th oon. of Ooderlcb towuaylp abort 94 aeras olearod and in good atats of sulttvation. Frame house, bank barn, young orchard just beginning to bear, Well Wa*gred. This farm le to an excellent sita- atlon, not tar from rhumb or school, about four miles from Clinton and will be •ee•serl for it term of year on ramos►bl. terms. Ful] particulars on application to C 14BSB1TT, Clinton P O - COLBORNI4 CIDER MILL The unda mlgrlod havinig every eouvenienes toe making Cider L prepared to make an quantity of first clang Glider, et hisprsmisw, Lot 28, Mait- land Con., Oolborne, on tlaa shorteot notice and at the Inwe.t rrioeo. G. PHIUMMEU, Benmiller Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMESCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid eland, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom. modailon for tievallers and public generally Terms made known on application to JI10 ROSSIEB, Benmiller. Also MOTAL at )Exeter North, Wish Dwelling House and good Store ad- joiniag, with good outbuildings. For para- tionLs apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN ROBBLER, BenmWar. Also, TAJUM of 200 ACRFJ4--- In West S asoaui. 140 sores cleared, the rest being a good bush of hard wood; no buildings worth speaking of. The land is first rsta; a ood price is ezpacted, lint not more tban t e land is worts. Also FARM of 50 ACRES - Within ore mile of the former, being .Sar of the Wigmore Farm, being compooed oP East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Niseonri• the land is first rate, and with very little cultivation will make a farm second to none of its site. Any of the above are good investmento and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmillet THE PAGE WiRE FENCE. r&:: ,i -- E�L t___jiii_j� r I r _____L_T k k F k tt h goal � If Is fence is the boat and etrongqestjwiro face, In existence, it has a smooth anrface, and wil turn stock witbout injury. It is neet and eael to put np airing few poste; it cannot blov down; wil� not breek lc winter; it is pig tight boli strong and bosae high, Lastly It le so ebeal that It ig wiihfm the reeah of all, The under aigceA '.,..,a agOnt tdr hinnies, Tnakersmith sullen, Godesloll Township and Colborne, en< will prompily Il11 ordorMlor the ereodan rt tb fence in any of the townahipg named WX6TANEY, Hol me s \ i i ] ( Clinton Planing Mill The It -AND- DAY AifD- DST EILaii Arte moa inti x66 ani UM QLlt 51"l Y l ' I e . HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. )ot. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Nov. 2nd, 1896. Peturn Tickets at tringle First Maps fare, to famous Hunting Grounds noluding all points on Muskoka Lakes, Hoon River district, Magnettawan River, Penetang to Midland inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay inclusive. All points m C.P.R. Mattawa to Nepigon and Sp»n- all, inclusive, via North Bay. Argyle to � oboconk inclusive. All tickets good to return not later than Dec. 16th, inclusive, or until close of navi- .4ation, if earlier, to pointe reached by Mus. koka Navigation Co. Information cheerfully supplied by W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton Proressional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. --- ~ Barrister, Solicitor OONVEYANCRR &c. Commissiouer for Ontario and Manitoba. Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman W, BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up•etairs, Opposite Feeler's Pbota_Galiery, CLINTON M.: Gd CAMERON (Yormerly of Camaron, Holk d Cameron) BARRISTER A -ND SOLICITOR. Oiloo--Hamilton Stoppoajto Colborne Hctei OO DE iJICH. ONT DM. WM. GCNN, L. R. C. P. and L, R. C. 8 1•djubargtr. 0000 --Ontario Freer, (Tinton Night oajls a' pont door of residence on Ratten busy St„ oppc,tite Pre.byterian church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M- D. TORONTO IInivernity, IDI D. O.M„ Viatoria University M. O. P A 8., Ontario. Bellow of the Obstetri-p Society of Edinbargb, late of London, Rnf,, and Edinbmrgb Hospitaie. Office,-.Dr.Dowse ly'e old Office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell emovered at the same place. T-tB J. W. BYAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEO,y A-FA000uehour, Ole., office in the Palace Blood Rattanbury 8t. foruDerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Oct. JAS. I, rAEABOILN,Y.D.. L.K.&Q.C.P.I,, U. O. P. h S. O., Graduate Kirgs and Queens Collage of Pbyaiefans, Dublin, Ireland. Licen. Mate •snaral Yedlaed Cwnnoll, Great Arita Yaaber of 0011a Pb slsiass enc surgeons, On tarso. Formerly resent of Rotunda Hospital, (Lvtng-Ln and G7agoologioal) Dublin. Reeiden -,Eatienbury 8 , east, next door to Ontario St parsonage, DR STANBURY, ORADUATF OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Vntye city, Toronto, formerlyy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Tork, Coroner for be County of Hnron, Bayfiold, Ont. DR AGI�EW, Londeaboro, euccamor to Dr Young. T. AGNEA, M. B„ Toronto University, M- D. O, M., Trinity Univer.ity, Member of College Php, sisians and Surgoona, Ontario. Office o polite NothodIst obtareb. Nigbi calla anewered at the Same place, Office house 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to'3p,m1 to 9 p.m, DIt•• T. C. BRUCE, SIIRGRON DENTIRT, Oradea" i 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Uel vorattq Toronto. Speatal attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Of roe, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B, -will visit Blyth every Monday and AayUhl, evany Thareday altatnoon daring;tbw summor JE. BLACHALL VETERINARY FLROF,O . HonoraryGraduate of the GutarloVeterina College. Treats all diseases of domaetdeated an mala on the moat modern and eeientll a prime plea Office- immediately Soutb of the New E Otb". Reeldenee - Albert St., Clinton. Ca night orday attended to promptly TOWLI.1'P8ON, V11TRUI,NAItV SURGEON . lionorvy Graduate of the Ontario Veter4 nary Colloge, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestio Animals op rho most modoin and Scientific Principles. Dep Vol night callsprompy lis answered. Realdocee-_B,attenbiary St., wool Linton, MA RIAGN LICDNIE JAMES SCOTT, SR tearer of Uarrlay f.lceneee, Library Roow and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JA,Ulg CAMPBELL, LONDF.SBORO ISBIIIR OF MARRIAGE LI(AWSES, No witnoasos required MONEY TO LEND rN LARGE OR Small Fiume on good mrnrt.ga a seonrlty moderaterateofinterest. H HALE, Clinton. FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OY . P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont, -Office at Geo, Stewart'a Grocery Store, Clinton. R. AGNEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. lradcate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons f et. Honor Graduate of Trini.y University Toron'o. All nporations in Dentistry onrefmlly performed. Beat local Ansesthetres for painloee extraction Officeopposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurtc every second Tburadayof each month. L "Ight bell answered. THOS. GUNDHY, Auctioneer, GODEHICH, ONT. W Bales atteaded to in any raft of the county 0160M 1•ft 64 011aton Ars Pan o�Aoa will receive eaaetal:aitentio•. pd am BII�INtf� CHINGE Davis & McCool. f 2awfss ba» slit oat the Livery bnslnes of 1 ' , i} , U* JJillt i, 1 11 Qt. , ;110K a ' r y I�r t#i c,! 4 ` 4; W, 1 i1 : .! t, >, -++ r f 9r I- \