The Clinton New Era, 1896-10-23, Page 7Sandrw 189 IONEY SAYERS FOR FAMILIES WHO DESIRE TO ECONOMIZE is T � uw Cera for 15 months AND A HANDSOME Folrt,�aii of lion. W. Laurier New Era and Globe, $1.50 Diamond Dyes The Agents It would require many large volumes to give a complete record of all the strong testimonial lettere written by the women of the country in favor of Diamond Dyes. Thera indiepensible aids in good house- keeping are gaining in public favor every week, and onoe tried, they become per- manent home favorites. Just think of ill One package of Dia- mond Dye will oolor from one to six pounds of goods, according to shade desired. This is wonderful work when the small expense is considered. Your last year's jaoket, suit, cape, dress and your husband's suit and children's clothes may be soiled, faded and unsightly; but with s ten oent package o1 Diamond Dyes you oan work wonders, and make the old things look like new for this sea- son's wear. Have you ever tried this work with Dia- mond Dyes? One effort in this direction of true economy will convince you that Diamond Dyes are money savers to the family. Ir iI Woodetoek Sentinel-ftevielYmOneof the dealeni in tombstones received a ecnnewhat remarkable order the other day. The order was from an aged couple residing Ie short distance from town and was for a topwbstooe. to be erected over the resting places which they expect to occupy in the cemetery, after they have passed beyond. The necessary lettering, names, etc,. were to ne cut into the stone and blanks left for the date of death, The old couple are at present in the best of health and will see that the marble dealer turns them out a good job. OLU WAR HORSE. A GRAND ARMS MAR CROSSES SWORDS WITH HEART DISEASE AND WIRE A GLORIOUS VICTORY WITH THE AID Or DB. AONEW'S CURE Bon THE !4 HEART. Dr Agnew's Care for the Heart oan not be over estimated, says H. M. Museelman, a well known G. A. R. man of Weissport, Pe., and he continues: "My aliments were palpitation and flattering of the heart. I used two bottles of your valuable cure and am like a new man. I have taken bottlesand bottles of other medicine without help. I introduce it to my friends ht every oppor- tunity possible. It is a great medtolue. inside of 30 minutes after the first dose I had relief." Sold by Watts & Ce. , Sautbon oboes. In the life of Sir Samuel Ferguson is a story of Dr. Stokes, the celebrated Euglleh physician. One autumn he took ra tour 1n Ireland. That year the coun- try, the Drops and the people suffered from almost continuous rains, which made p ptatoes, the chief food of the in- tutbitente more than usually wet and waxy. Sickness was very prevalent, and when it became known that a great phy- sician was staying at one of the Donegal hotels, he w.is every morning beset with requests that he would visit the suffer- ers in their cabins. Dr. Stokes was ever the friend of the pour. and woull aneordingly take down the u:ktreeees of his petitioners. Then, at the breakfast table, he would crumble some bread, ornsh a few lumps of sugar, add some innocent white powder to the mixture, and mold a cenintity of pills, winch he placed In his waistcoat pocket. Then, having visited some ruin or spot of general tnterst for hie own plea- sure, he would proceed on a round of medloal cults. The sufferers were gen- erally found to be men and women much advanced In years. who complained of a "weakness round the heart," a "weight on the chest" or rheumatic pains. Tho Doctor woula Staten with cordial and g.pnuine sympathy, and then offer his prescription, the bread pills. With these, whluh were to be token at stated Intervals, he produced half a crown, with strict i:.struoti..n., to apply it to the pur- ciinso of mutton ohnos, one of which was to be eaten dally. Hie companions rellted him on this uniform treatment, but he was not 1n the least ,ilsturbad. „\ly item, fru+ud," he w,eiid say, "in whnterer manner these poor people de- scribe their symptoms, their ailments s1,ring from ono cause; they have no ohms-,, of diet, and their only fond is a wt t root. Tile chops will COlthem good so I„ng as they last. As for the rheu- matism, It 1s slighty intensified by the wetness of the season; that is all.”— Youth's Co..,; In order to encourage new subscrib- ers, we have decided to give the Nl.w Eine to new subscribers from now to the 1,t of January, 1808, for the small stun of bill cash. We will also give a heron iful 3 -color portrait of the Hon. Wilfred Laurier, to every new subscri- ber. It is a gem, 18 x'22 in size, and is an excellent likensss of the Premier. Or we will give the NEW ERA, and Weekly Globe, and portrait, to new subscribers, from now to the 1st of Jan. 1808, for the small sum of *1.50. We thus offer one of the best local papers in Ontario, and the best city weekly in Canada, for less than the price of one good paper for a year. In addition to this generous offer we will give the Laurier portrait to every subscriber who renews his subscription for next year, before the 1st of Jan. 18417. Pictures to be delivered at the NEW ERA office. Those requiring pic- tures mailed to them. must enclose 10c extra. to pay for tubing and mailing. Any one who wishes a portrait of Sir Charles Tupper, in place of the other, can have it on the same conditions. It is equal in every respect to the other. Extra copies of either picture, 25c each Ir We ask all our friends and readers to show the liberal offer which we make to new subscribers, to any of their neighbors who are not subscribers to the NEW ERA, and to use their in- fluence with them to induce them to become subscribers. ROBT. HOLMES, PUblieher. THE BEST DETECTIVES. The Chinese Are the Beat Thief Catchers in the World. A Frenchman naturally thinks the Parisian detectives the beet. Englishmen swear by the shrewdness of Sootland Yard leen, and Amer -Mans, of course, ewear by the New York detectives, Atter three years' residence in China, says a traveler, I do not think either of the three bodies are entitled to the :redlt given them. The Chinese beat them all, They are at one time the most expert thieves, and at another the most skilled detectives in the world. A Chinaman can steal your watch while you are look- ing et it, and he can catch the man who stole it, if 1t happens to he some other man than himself, when a French de- tective could not. I have seen evidences of detective able ity among the Chinese which would startle even L000cq. It is impossible for an evil -doer to long elude the Chinese detectives. They scent a crime and fol- low It to the last before civilized detec- tives would know of it. The Chinese detective force is a secret body, and the best organized in the world. They have an eye upon every man, womatf and child, foreign or na- tive, in China, and in addition watch over each other. Informers are encouraged, and collu- sion le impossible. The head of the Chi - 11030 polioe le not known, but there 1s one, and a very active one, too. I bave beard that the present head was once an ambassador to a European oonatry, but really I do not believe that anyone knows who he is. There are said to be over 60,000 men under him and his assistants, who control the various distriete. THE APPLE CROP. The vastness of the apple crop has had the effect of advancing ocean freight rates for all kinds of produce. This is aloe a resultant of the affluence of the Canadian and American har- vests of all kinds. "Last week," said a haver, "our firm shipped to the European markets 133,- 000 barrels ct fruit, as against 17,000 for the corresponding week last year. This repreeents quite accurately the difference in the crop Ibis year and last. In England last year the crop was a magnificent one, while here it was only fair, but this year in the Brit- ish Isles the crop is very poor." A local shipper on Sat tit day received the following from one of the largest shipping firms iL New York: •"All the steamer room is taken. Freights are firmer than they have been since 1892. At the present moment freights on ap- ples are three shillings per barrel to Lives pool; 3s 3d and 3s eid to Glasgow; 3s 6d to London via Southampton, with 5 per cent primage ineach case added," "111 Boston the nates were at the be- ginning of the season Is Od per barrel, whit, all the space for this month is ta- ken up et 2• and 2s (1d, and the sten m - ship companies are getting, nr trying to get, their spacefilled rot next month November,) at 8e. "The steamship freight. sit nation is similar with respect than com,noditres. Grain freighte are 4id to Liveepool,and provisions 22s6d per ton. The general demand for American grains and pro- duce of all kinds ban in many cases more than doubled freight, rates." Judged by the freight movements, this is by all odds the heaviest apple year for this country on record. More fruit is Jost now being shipped by way of Monti eat 1 han Boeton or New Ann k butas the Canadian port will soon he closed fcr the winter, the American seaports mentioned are preparing for the stress 1 hat is expected. Last week there was shippped from Montreal to Liverpool 30,592 barrels; to (llaegow, 23.947: to Dublin, Leith and Newcastle, 2,718 ,i total of 48,133 barrels. The shipments from all Canadian and Am- erican porta this season to date foote tip to the immense aggregate of 4211,530 barrels. whereas the total to the same date last year was 39,309, showing an increase of almost a thousand per cent.. Henry M. Stanley. the famous Afri- can explorer, is gradually turtling black, as the result of having negro blood transmitted to his veins as a pro- tection against the deadly malaria, while he was travelling in the dark continent. The climate of several por- tions of Africa is extremely dangerous to foreigners, and as Stanley had to pass through the "fever country," be had a skilful native operator pet fon nu the cperetion of transfusion of blood from a negro to his (Stanley's) veins Stanley travelled repeatedly through that district wil,hout ever h'%ving th •e fever. False to the Principle*. The man with the long beard threw his paper down in disgust. "That settles it," he @aid. "Bryan don't get no vote from mo. iee ain't to be trusted. He talks a lot, but when it oomes to the proof of his devotion to sil- ver they ain't to be found." "What's the matter nowt" asked the man with the Ride whiskers. "It's his wife agin," returned the man with the long beard. "1 s'pose he'd claim be ain't responsible, but a man has got to take the blame fer what his wife does or else throw her over." 'He'd have a lot of fun throwing her over," said the man with side whiskers. "Why, she's pretty near the whole thing 1n this campaign. But what's she been doing?" "Tbts here paper says her only jewelry consists of three rings and a goldoomb." "Well?" "Well, what's she doing with a gold comb when we're devotin' all our ener- gies to pushin' up the pride pf silver?"— Chloego Post. OUT OF THE TOILS. 111'aiC1ANS FAILED, CURE.A1.L0 FAILED—Err TnE 01.1.RAT SOUTH AMERICAN RIDNF4 crag, IT IS iN 1'HE Alit Clinton People Talk About It It is in the sir. Can't stop it spreading. Can't keep down a good thing. People who don't know about it want to know, People who do know want to tell abcnt tt it is kidney education. Clinton people are learning fast, tiere are some facts: i am sure they are a good pill for kid- ney troubles," save Mrs W. Jocee, of Ful- ton St., Clinton, "because they are so strongly recommended to me. -Before I commenced taking tbem 1 could neither sleep or rest. As a result of taking them I now sleep well and feel rest• ed when 1 get up. ' Rheumatism and kidney trouble had af- flicted me for years and made my life mis- erable nearly all the time. I cannot tell you how badly I felt becapse words fail to describe the sufferings I endured, but no sooner had I commenced taking Doan's Kv'noy Pills than I began to get better. -They have removed all the pain and tired feeling, and made me stronger and better in every way, and enable me to ob• taro restful sleep et night. "They are a wouderful medicine for rheumatism and kidney trouble in any form, and I heartily endorse what is said about them by the hundreds who testify to their value." A SPECIFIC —Yoa - La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs, AND LUNG TROUBLES, AYER'S PECTORA "Two years ago, I had the gr.:. and it left me with a cough wheel . me no rest night or day. My i._ physician prescribed for me, chan 7. the reedicine ne often as he four:d ' things I bad takeu were not help:r.o The bodies of Anthony Willman, of Buffalo, and his brother, Daniel Will- man, of Hamilton, were buried on Tceeday. Daniel died while going home from work Friday night. A A SPECIFIC RP MEIN FOR A SPECIFIC telegram was sent to his rot her, stat- ing that the body would he shipped to TROURLE, MIRED este A. E. YOCNO Buffalo for burial. It was taken to OF RARN@TCN,P O.. OUICELv AND that city on Saturday night, and when it arrived, Anthony, who had been sick, died also. Both met. had heart disease. It was intended to t:ury the former on Monday, but the funeral was postponed until Tuesday, so the brothers could be buried together. PERMANENTLY. This is her testimony: "I was taken sick in January, 1898. I employed several of the beet local physicians and was treated by them for kidney dieeaae antil the au- tumn of the same year without receiving much benefit. I then began tieing your South American Kidney Cure, and derived great, benefit alfnost immediately, I feel new Ass I ani quite oared, I hate taken hitt iefifoify& for Sonia length of time and have riot had a return of e�tll , d tonin of the dhows? .-i.-.'. M0.0 PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing In its effects. W. C. McCotrasa & Sor, Bouchette, Que, reporl Ins letter at urn)r•Podorsl cured Mrs. 0. German of ohrtpte cold in obextend bronchial cured W. G. McCombs of e longstanding odd. Me. J. H. Hurn, Chemist, sae Yonge St., Toronto, writes: "Asa general dough and lung syrup Pectoral lee most Invaluable rreparatlon. t hhaave'tried It mahe atmeet n, ring k 1 to me n to a who benefits derived trona Ito we In their famines. It is suitable for oW or row& being pleasant to the taste. Its isle with me has been wonderful and 1 can always recommend 11 as a safe and reliable cough medicine. large Dotxla ee eta. • DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Sole Proprietors MONTREAL me, but, in spite of bis attendance, 1 ?et no better. Finally, my husband,—r. . •' • ing one day of a gentleman who I. , had the grippe and was cured by tnkiti, Ayer's Cberry Pectoral,—procural. f ;- me, me, a bottle of this medicine, an,t 11,i I had taken half of it, I was cured. i have used the Pectoral for my rl,ildien and In my family, wbenerer we t e.. needed it, and have found it a species for colds, coughs, and lona trrnlhh • EMILY Woon, North Bt., Elkton, Me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Chasse the Systea with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured b y T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for t siZ and fu 1 particulars, wh ch we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3—No. 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. a. seeing that this popular interlining ing, and only buy the ready-made Chamois Label. It only provide a healthful warmth of w • • ••• •O••••••••• ••• even tho' #ou're out ail day, When you have your clothing interlined wink Fibre Chantal*. Because it is a complete non-cQAiductOr of heat and cold, and preserves the natural warmth of the body, keeping out every breath of raw air and frosty wind. What 5 more, the waterproof Rigbypwcess sit leet impale- s - trable to the driving day's rain. Prepare to enjoy thorough com- fort outdoors in all weather by 3s put in o r ordered cloth - Fibre costs cents a yard, and will hick othing can rob you. • ,-• • • n creme is to be found a beautiful stook of MILLI, NERY that is right op o dans. Hand. some Dress trimmings. Serviceable Dress Goods very o .eap. Flannel- ettes unsurpassed in value. If you want a good SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or BOOTS or SHOES, do n.pt buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSE BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROCERY department is well sup- plied 00 lbs. of SALT PORK at fic. per lb. to Solhn and pint iaod lf gallolOEc MS to dispose of at 12 and 9 cents, clear. Some R ADAMS In the Emporium rig' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States fur One a Dollar per box. I)�3M�T' M[',(ai,,1UM, LONDES.3Q1t+O Ve);:Te Huron Central Exhibition SEPTEMBER 19th and 30th, And will be pleased o have you call and inspect our complete stock of Hardware, Ti� e(xo ��e Paints Furnaces, Oils. Lamps and Our stores are the places for Bargains. HARLAND BROS., HARDWAREIERCHANTS, CLINTON. eTBUOK WITH LIGHTNING. Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor is applied. It does rte work so Oddity and w1tlian itis thattt -seems ms- . ix sielita it. Rsess�ileot she Elia r L s il/ d Uitll a't1 **1i. A. C. DUFT�N When this announcement is ,end 0 "11 bave it crowd of anger buyers fer BLANK ETS, SHEETING, Double or Single YARNS and HOSiERY. Friends and neighhors are telling friend• and ne low prices at which we are offering goods : Invites' fine black all wool 1108e die a pair Boys' black ribbed stockings, all stool 25c a pair Meri's Hose, wool, from lye lip to... . ...... 35c a. pair Yarns, all colors, ;,0c a lh. Single Yarn '15c R 1h. Nowhere in this Country -in all the Cities, villages nr hamlets -are Blankets of such superior or such true snrpeseing elegance and newness offered at anothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In marking the prices on our Goods our one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything we sell is imeneasurahly lower than anywhere else. ('all and give us an order. 7.7B (31-1R, C MIR -"Y" Pure Ginger, Pure Tumeric, Pure Pepper Pure Cloves " Alspice, Mix. Spice, " Keyenne, " Cassia It India Spice, Curry Powder, Currland.er Seed In Spices you want the best.. We desire to furnish you with pure goods.You as well the it. nere xsatisfaction using poo Picrxtra WhiteWne Vegar is also ecessary. (.;linton 45;-1E4.) SIVA 31 1LA W,• igh bor. of the wondet fully A C. DU FT O N, OPENED OUT AGAIN ! The Opposite Mason douse, Clinton OMR PURITY, STRENGTH, and UNIFORM FLAVOR IN EVERY PACIAGE I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so generously extended to me in the past. sock, which is all of prime quality,, and well Assorted. has been nayy upon n getttinidthelle het goods at bottom on on cost, and priices customers y rely P getting N. ROBSON, - Clinton. Clinton Sash, DoorB1ifldFa0t0rY CEYLON TEA e . In Lead Packets only . s e Specially Selected Black or Mixed--- ps LPoundnd 6on One Packetts--AT *u Gspdaas-way, 30, 4o, 5 , .. The CIAV ON .&. Lr,. NN , �- TS `kb N COOPER BROS., - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work nn the shortest notice \Vc carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way end rd„r satisfaction r guaranteed, We fell all kinds of in - Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc andiL f estimat s bet replacing your orders. otured Lumber, Lath, 'hingiCS, Agents for the Celebrated (.11.1Y at Waterloo. Call and get prices THE BEST PH OTOC RAPHS ARE TAKEN BY H O RAC F FOSTER 8CCO. SPINNEY The Old Reliable Specialists. 83 Y.ara E cperi•flO lash trrsatment of the Throat and La I., --as, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, srveaa, Chronic and Special Dis. eae•s et man and wanes. restored—Kidney and Blad- der troubles eored.�.Gleet, Gonorrhoea, varicocele e rfdgre cured without paiw No cutting. =is and ail Blood Diseases cared `. frlthoat mercury. LO Nell =p`O1w ° e caret. of fouler er (adieeectltm 1 or lie teriblod with W.A r s, Nervous DebiS t7. Lass of Memory, p°n�. Awaits. b Society, t�a�t1^ta�l� (lN�tM� anAlta euf 15 pita sad rhlary br- to Ike p*t. CUILnS GU Liddle -Aged Yon , "> t`O., 4.4 Sans of tie bladder. often &ccompenled by s slight s int orthar iq weakeningof the system Ina rammer the esteem cannot a - ,-,t men vote ie of this difficulty, 1 arantot tha WOW. Te rr1'w•+ feet rare in all eue1, cases, and °ealtir r�Yslat1 t11 dal tadoitton free, eineb The a . th t Lri a gwew�iet1 n 18k ef Pert g, co hoots: 9 s. es.'t• a yu M. smears, OW 17 0. I 6:a iliattiatisolfro. III EL IAit Ydnhood T' --