The Clinton New Era, 1896-10-23, Page 6October 23 1896 s;r eautiful ew Goods We have just received a beautiful lot of new goods in 5 o'clock Tea Sets, Japanese Plates and Vases, the latest in Jewelery and Watches. Come and see the prices. J. B. RUXBALL, Watr°1LH ORI RXORAAE,%,800" P.B.--t�epstiling guarenteed Stiderfeectiory or your money beck. Ask for a Sample name BAKING POWDER (Jr -.f And try fb We ask noth ng further, but will allow the,8ample to speak for Itself. Our profit is very small, but we have the flea ,ateo- tion of knowingg that e are giving you the very purest and best of Baking wPowder at the pt'foe of the aheapeet. 5e per Ib. TO it. llunyou's Remedies. Extra value in Sponges. J. R. HO VEY. Dbmensing Chemist, - Clinton. JQS. BIDDLECOMBE, Itetatbllehed 1856. Make no mistake purchase your Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, fie., From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladiee' and Gent's W'Vatches, prioee to suit all buyers. By coming to ue you will eave both time and money Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, : Clinton Three Lines We purpose clearing out three lines of Goods that we have been carrying BOOTS, SHOES 4N1) RUBBERS, READY MADE CLO ['IIIN(>< AND C:AN1DIAN TWEEDS. This will he a chance to get Good Goody at prices not to be equalled in Town. The Sto, k of Clothing is Targe and well assorted, in Suits, Overcoats, and singly, Note some of our prices :— Men's 'Pants 75 Boys' Pants 45 Men's Vsste 75 Boys' `suits 1 50 Men's Suits . 3 50 Boys' Suits 1 75 Men's Suits 4 50 Boys' Suits , 2 00 Men's Suits 5 ()0 Boys' Suits , 2 50 Men's Suits. 8 (10 Odd Coats at any price, Overcoats Cheaper than the Cheapest. TWEEDSAII Tweeds will be sold at cost and under, and will be made to order on the same terms BOOT and SHO ES The Stock of Boots Shoes and Rubbers is not so large as the Clothing stock but equally low. We have many lines to clear at Great Bargains. We ask you to see our G-oods and Prices. PLUMSTBEL 8c GIBBINCiS Albert Street, Clinton. A. C. DUFTON When this announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for BLANKETS, SHEETING, Double or Single, YARNS and HOSIERY. Friends and neighbors aro telling friends and neighbors of thvv )-t larfui low prices at which we are offering goods,:— Ladies' fine black all wool Hose 25c a pair Boys' black ribbed stockings, all wool 26c a pair Men's Hose, wool, from 15c tip to 36c a pair Yarns, all colors, 50c a Ib. Single Yarn 35c a lb. Nowhere in this Country—in all the cities, villages or hamlets—are Blankets of such superior or such isrue surpassing elegance and newness offered at anothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In marking the prices on our Goods oar one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything we sell is immeasurably lower than anywhere else. Call and give us an order. Mason A. C. D U F T O N, °p°our , Clinton OLINTON MARKETS nor acted every Thursday afternoon Thnredey, Oot 22, 1898. Wheat spring 0 75 a 0 76 Wheat' tall 0 76 a 0 76 y u 10a0 21 Barler10a080E0 per, 0406005 roar perstet 2 40 a 2 40 rPork attler 01 6 0 12 0 111 a 019 Beeper! dos 0 12 a 0 1$ Bad' now, ab, old 1 00 a 100 tl'r..::4yrf 014a0M . O /lyes aO 90 400a4 Si 41.•v4r.,r..rt. 0 Ott s 0'15 Bargain Week! HOUSEHOLD : ECONOMY SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR To every- purchaser of 100 Ibe. we give 16 Ibe of genuine Oatmeal for 15c, much lase than the market price. We handle Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Buck- wheat Flour, Bran, ingots, as we give 11 lbs, Oatmeal for a bushel of Olean oats, Onr bar. gaol are genuine. O. OLSON, Victoria St minion REPUTATION Can't be stolen. When you see a man with a certain reputation you may be sure it belongs to him. Our reputation for selling at lower prices than other stores is our own; it is not another's mislaid; it isn't a misfit; it sticks to us because it belongs to us. Come and test it again to -day. The only difference between our Ready-to-wear Suits and custom work is the price, and that is in your favor. 3 SPECIALS 1—Men's Suits, well made and made to St, dark patterns, worth $7, for $5.50 2—Men's Baits in heavy Blaok Berge, Farmer's Satin Lining—s regu- lar enrpriser and sure to give eatisfaotion, worth $8.25, for $6.25 3—An all wool Canadian Tweed Suit, good weight, well made and thoroughly op -to -date, worth 89.60 for *T.00 We oall the above speoiale because they possess extraordinary valueWe purchased a lot of them, paid oash, and now it's your turn. You will find them on exhibition. You oan remember they won't last long at these prices. OVERCOATS Are demanding attention now. We stake our reputation on the Overcoats we sell. Prioee of Speciale, $4,60, $6 and $6. MoKKinnon az Co., Blyth ts, gash and One Price. Hatter and Eggs taken as %141%%%'`'%4 %% BORN BEESLax.—In Clinton, on Oot. 21, the wife of Mr W. H. Beesley, of a daughter. GRIu.—In Seaforth, on Oat, llth, the wife of Mr Henry Geib of a daughter. KAAEa,—At 336 Connecticut street, Buf- falo, on Oct. 4th, the wife of H. Almer Hardie, formerly of Blyth, of a daughter. DAISR.—In East Wawanosh, on Oot.12, the wife Mr Jokn Deer, of a daughter. PAcsARD.—In Hullett, on 041. 191h, the wife of Mr James Packard, of a son. POTTaa.—In East Wawanosh, on Oot. 16, the wife of Mr Geo. Potter, of a daughter MARRIED Lewin—HENar—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on October 21, by the Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr Chas. Lewis, of Centralia, to Mise Lena M, youngest daug- hter of Mr. S. Henry. MAxwHLL—BaYDoNE,—In Milverton, on Oct. 14th, Mr Wm. Maxwell of Turnberry to Miss Brydone, of Milverton, LANOLEY-1ICLEAN.—At the residenoe of the bride's mother, Wingham, by Rey. C. Perrie, on Oot 13th, James T. Langley, of Wingham, to Mary E., eldest daughter of Mrs McLean, BESWITHERICK—PYRE —At the residence of the bride's father on 031. 121h, by Rev. J. S. Fisher, Mr Jas. Beswitheriok, of Gor- rrie, to Miss Julia A. Pyke, of Howick. Nrcaousos—MoKeezis.—At the residence of the bride's fatner, West Wawaoosh, on Oot, 14. by Rev. R. Henderson, Mr Robert J. Nicholson, of Brigden, Ont., to Mies Christina McKenzie, of Went Wawanoeh. LEAROYD—RIITLEDOE.—At the reef • dance of the bride'e father, Goderioh town- ship, on the 17th inst., by Rev. John Lea- royd, Lather of the groom, Mr Walter C. Learoyd, of Windsor, to Etta, youngest daughter of Mr Joseph Rutledge. DIED. KIN°.—In Turnberry, on Oat. llth, John Ring aged 82 years and 6 months. 'DIINLOP.—In Seaforth, on Oct. 13th, Chas. M. Dunlop, aged 62 years. PENMAN.—In Seaforth, on Oct. 14th, Cecil Penman, aged 73 years and 4 months McMILLAN.—In Morris, on Oct. 141h, Maggie, seoond daughter of Mr and Mrs John McMillan, aged 23 years. MASON,—In Clinton, on Oct. 17th, Sarah Mason, (reliot of the late Chas, Mason) aged 70 years. The Apple Trade. Simone, Shuttleworth & Co., Liverpool, cabled Saturday, Colverte, 6s to 7e; Ribs - ton Pippins, 20 ounce, Baldwine, Oreeninge Spitz, Seeks, C. Reds, 7s to 9s; Kings, 9s to 11s; Snows Spies 8e to los; T. Sweats, 6e to 8s. Some fancy brought a little higher than oar highest quotations. The market opened firm but closed weaker; demand not equal to supply. We have had to force sale. to get stocks oat of she way of the large incoming receipts, to prevent a total oollapee. As soon as the market feels the lessened supply we expect a reoovery in prices. Messrs Garoia, Jacobi; & Co. London, cable, Baldwin., 9s to Els; Greening,, Se to 10s; Kings, 10s to 12s. The market op- ened strong and continued go throughout the day with a alight advance. Woodstock Sentinel -Review: The past week 'nae been a busy one with apple buyers. Several thousand barrels have left the country consigned to the old country markets, and more will follow next week. H. N. Abeli shipped seventeen carloads to •Manobeste: during the week, and expects to realize from 9e to 12e. Mr Abeli'S fut- ure shipments will be made in boxes 1 toot by 18 inches. The scheme k a new one and it is expected that the experiment will prove a saocese. The buyers say that the reoent frosts have greatly improved the quality of the fruit. The meteorological bureau predicts further frosts, and this the buyers say will greatly improve the mrrket, as it will have a tendency to make the farmers pink the fruit. The frost has colored the apples nio• ely, and the better the quality the better the pride. Mr James E. Patmore, of Lonion, ex- porter of Canadian apples, has received from Chicago an order forCanadian apples in bulk. This is a singular movement in the apple trade. The Canadian product is being shilped to the Southern States, where it is becoming very popular. The movement has had a tendency to make prices firmer. If coal could really be found in pay- ing quantities in Northern Ontario It would be better than a gold mine. Coal to burn, not for exhibition pur- poses, is required. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS A cable from Liverpool says that the oat - Ile trade is worse than laet week. Midd- ling cattle sold at 4id and best Canadian cattle at 40. Sheep sold at 5d. There were about 800 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves and 1,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. There were no really good oattle among the offerings and thehighest prices paid were in the vicinity of 3}o per lb, but good animals would really sell for more. Prioes were on the whole better than on Thursday pretty good animals selling at from 21c to 3}o, common stook at from 2o to 2to and the leaner beasts at from 1to to 2o per Ib. Calves sold at from $2,50 to $8 each, but there were no choioe veal, among them. Shippers are paying but 2,to per lb for good sheep; good lambs Bell at from 3*•c to no per Ib and common iambs at 3c per lb. Large fat hogs sell at from $3,60 to $3.75 per 100 lbs, and emelt porkers at from $3.85 to $4.10 per 100lbs. W Aheettomeata STRAY HEIFER Strayed from the premises of Wm Robinson. Huron Road, about Oct 1st, a light gray Heiler, rising 2, with red neck and bead, little white on face. Any person giving such information as wail 'tad to its recovery. will be suitably reward - ad. THOS FLEMING, Clinton CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for sale his excellent farm of 92} acres, being lot 27, 4th Con of Hullett. Nearly tbe whole cleared and under cultivation, Farm has two-story brick house, frame barn and stable, splendid bearing orchard. plenty of water. Situate about 2i miles from the town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 aures of fall wheat sown. Possession given at any time, For particulars apply on the premises or to A. WEIR. Elinton P. 0. tf, FOR SALE. Electric Light Plant in the Thriving Town of Clinton Owing to the; death of one of the partners of the Electrio Light Co., the plant and property of the Company is offered for sale. This is an excellent opportunity for investment, there be• ing no gas or opposition Co. in the town For term, and full particulars apply to D. GRAHAM SONS et co., I sl �o,.,., or to J. P. TISDALL, Banker, Clinton The GUY BROS. This well-known Company wilj, appear here on TUESDAY, November 10th, In the Town Hall, with a new and thoroughly up-to-date performance. This company is well-known to the people her e and deserves thei r continu- ous patronage. See their street parade IT PAYS TO The demand still aoatinues for graduates of The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. • students are everywhere successful. John Pierce, Just placed se stenographer in the Montreal office of the Rioblien & Ontario Navi- gation Co. Arob. McPherson assistant bookkeeper, Geoid Bicycle 00., Brantford IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST For oatalogne of either department address O. McLACFILAN & Co Chatham IMPORTANT NOTICE to all opt ners of Buggies, Democrats or iron Axle Waggons. Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" A.xle Cotter, whereby axles are out and set back to the ehonider, making the same just as good as new, I will be glad to perform any work in this direction. I GUARANTEE ALL WQRK Batista° tory, or no pay'. Those who have had work done, speak in tbe highest terms of it.— Come and see the machine and get prime. ALBERT SEELEY, lilaeksmith and General Repairer, Leslie'. Cir$iage Shop, Olintien. Capes Mantles Clothing The fashionable short J ets made in Sealette, is to be popular this se We know of no other material that so closely resembles the real seal and has such a stylish appearance, especially made into the short, stylish coat of to -day. Greenland Seal and Black Astrachan Capes, 30 and 32 inches long, continue in favor with the ladies as being the most serviceable and stylish things in Fur Capes. We are showing these goods in al- most all lengths from 20 in. to 321 n. The quality being first-class and price the lowest. Niggerhead Coatings for Ladies' Jackets are the fore- most thing in that line. They make very stylish Capes as well. They are to beJ ad here in Black, Myrtle, Seal and other shades 111 popular wear jest now. We opened out this week new tall and winter Clothing Men's and Boys' long, heavy Frieze Overcoats, which the prices are sore to inform you are away less than regular. Boys' Suits, Men's Suits and Shirts and Drawers are going at small prices just. sow here. GILROY & WISEMAN We are headquarters li►r Millburn's Heart & Nerve Pills, Combe's Iron Blood Pills, Enthymol Tooth Paste, The ideal dentriflce, modest in price, pleasant in odor, and apositive protection against staining of the enamel, formation of tartar and decay. JAMES H. COMBE, (JI3aMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS. THE HINGE Upon which business swings is confidence, and con- fidence grows out of fair dealing. If the goods we sell won't stand on merit, we stand ready to refund the pur- chase money. We have received another consignment of the India Ceylon Blend Teas which possess that most delicate flavor and exquisite aroma peculiar to the choicest growths of Ceylon and India. You cannot know how delicious pure tea is without trying them. We sell them at 35c and 45c per pound. Our "Shield" brand of Fine Japan Tea at 25c per lb is a trade winner. We are prepared to pay the highest price for Dried Apples, cut in large pieces—"full quarters preferred," bright and dry—"do not slice apples." We can handle all the first-class butter offered. We prefe having it put up in rolls of about three pounds each— avoid packing in crocks or one pound prints. L. aUIMEz'rE, .• ,the Cask.,O+ ►tor, Londesboro. tft r r: