The Clinton New Era, 1896-10-23, Page 3t- eAktcr Q OAC ak101,4 take* a place of steel worth ?mile and makea of it wa*tchspt'inge w4erth X1100 that le tlklll. Af lie dikes a piece of paper worth 2 000r and writes on it a poem that Delia fgr; 5O that is genius. f'1he tla eh a farm worth $5 an acre, it in he t again, and mlabour and akes it worth $0 an aore, thatra work. If a Plain takes a hammer worth 60 Cents, and in a hal d day's use of it earns $.1.85, that's hard work. If a Man buys a yearling at a trot- ting sale for $15 that in its three-year form develops ability to make a mile at a 2.0,61-4 gat, that's judgment. If a man buys a silver mine he has er eeen, and it makes him a million- , that's luck. f a man buys an article to -day for $1110, and sella it to -morrow for 83.69, that's business. But when a Government takes 63 cents worth of silver and coins it into a cart wheel, and says legislatively that it is 100 cents, or a dollar and pays it out as such to its creditors, that is not finance, but highway robbery. — A Democrat in New York Sun. the doctors approve of Scott's Emulsion. For whom? For =en and women who are weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for all who get no nourish- ment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con- sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil with the fish -fat taste taken out. Two size?, so cents and 61.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. APPLES FOR COMPLEXION "The secret of a bad complexion," said a well-known physician recently, "is a bad digestion, and we generally trace that to a bad liver. One of the best remedies for a sluggish liver is cheap and pleasant. Dieting is the se- cret of the cure. The best liver regula- tor for persons of sedentary habits— and those are the ones whose complex- ions are muddy—is to be found in ap- ples, eaten baked ifthey are not well di- gested when eaten raw. I attended the pupils at a well-known boarding school, and among•themwas a country girl whose complexion was the envy of all her associates. I found that she was a very light eater at her meals, but she bad a peculiar custom of tak- ing a plate of apples to ber room et night and eating them slowly as, she studied her lessons. This was her reg- ular practise. Some of the other gills in the institution took it up, and I know, as a result of my personal inves- tigation, that the apple eating girls had the best complexions of any in the school."—Life and Health. "I HAD NO FAITH." 0'•••• ER•.• •0000 ..., e1ZWW for • • •Lzzng • .Troubles • • • EMULSION: • • • Ia OO>1iSFIIIPTION and WI LMNO • DIBIIAAtite, spermG Or BLOOD. COUGH, LOSS OF Al's .ELITE. • DOBItJTlf. t$*e benefit. ofthis • article aro shoo* niaaifesil. • Or Mosta of The "R s I." E nuadon I Pave got • rte or • hackingcough which had Udl o .d melba over a rear, and ve gained soadderebty in • • =VI. the tiro cntbla mee arou71 u d oto sow 15. • • I was glad T. U. WI000AX O.&.Montreal • S•o. and e1 per Bottle • DAM & LAWRElICE Ca, LTD., MU1TI LL • • • • • • • • • • • • • Destroy Decayed Fruit. So A. McD.. ALLAN ADVISES, ELSE T118 EFFECT ON FUTURE APPLE CROPS WILL BE DISASTROUS Mr A. McD. Allan, of Goderich, says:—"Apple grower*( should pick up all fallen fruit and destroy what can- not be sold or used in some commerci- al way. It will pay to do eo, as fruit left to rot uppn the ground will propa- gate fungus the bad effects of which will be found in next year's wood and crops -to follow. In any case it will pay all growers next season to attend thorcughly to the spraying of their trees, especially early before the buds have tnoved, with a strong solation of sulphate of copper and water, adding a little lime, so as to destroy all fungus attaching. Even if there be no indica- tion of a crop this will pay well and prepare the trees for a strong healthy season's growth, and the assurance of clean wood with strong buds will re- sult in a good crop of clean fruit the following year. This caution is speci- ally necessary now for next season, as people are naturally liable to be care- less owing to present large crop and low prices. But as this tray not again occur for many years, it will pay to prepare for future crops when large profits can be made. This year's crop will let the world know that, Canada can grow liner ap- ples than any other country, con- sumption will largely increase, as a result of a cheap, fine article, and fol- lowing years our apples will be asked for at any price. Let growers be on the alert to keep down fungoid dis- ease and present expenditure will he fully rewarded." BLIT MY WIFE PERSUADED 171E TO TRY THE ()BEAT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE AND MY AGONIZING PAIN WAS GONE IN 12 novas, AND GONE FOR GOOD. J,D.McLeod of Leith, Ont., says : "I have been a victim of rheumatism for seven yeasts—ccnfined to my bed for months at a time; nnable to turn myself. Have been treated by .many physicians without any benefit. I had no faith in rheumatic cure? I saw advertised, but my wife induced me to get a bottle of South American Rheum- atic Cure from Mr Taylor, druggist, in Owen Bound. At that time I was in agony with pain. Inside of 12 hours after I had taken the first dose the pain bad all left me. I continued until I had used three bottles, and I now consider myself corn- - pletely cored." Sold by Watts & Co, The Anglo -Canadian tradefared had ly during the month of September. British exports to Canada declined five per cent, as compared with September 1895. The total exports for the first nine months of this year amounted to 42,775.957, a decrease of £130,000. The imports from Canada increased three per cent for September, and five per cent for the nine months, as against 26 per cent for the eight months ending August. Sheep declined £39,000 dur- ing September; oxen -declined $50,000; wheat and flour, £47,000; butter in- creased £65,000; cheese, £17,500; and wood, £93,000. EVERYKNFAMILY Ie 0 very remarkable remody, both for Itd- TBIRNAL and EXTIIRNAL use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIN-KILLERlea ems euro ter ""Tltront, Count -. Chills, Dlerrlarea. Dysentery, Crump%, Cholera. and an Bownl Complaints. PAIN -KILLER is TIMF. BEST ren. evils known for leer•• felektkneAs, Stele nominate, Pain In the Into or side. liheumatteili and Neuralgia. PAIN KILLER DSBT LIIN IIENT 1ttA tale Itbring0 eP111Dr AND PltaiiI.NLNS aaLtrT in Ati cASM or Sreflbsr Cater Sprai?. 11ev0re Banal. etc. if A 4flU,Ei'R U�� f wall tried 'se ,i ltsial _ _' Wit...' Via. arlsv > bel lite 1A[ (?hats. e it Jrut a little faster titan tie rot. .r r 0060 Ano sauce j" �7 7IJ� E D AH LS To all amateur winners on McCready Wbeele at ail sanctioned moats, we will award Gold and Silver Medals es follows: For the first win, a hand- some Silver, Modal, and for ea oh suoceedtng win a Sliver Dar will be added—up to $ wins, when a Gold Modal will be presented, and a Gold Bar added for each succeeding wtn— the amateur having the greatcoat num- ber of wins to his credit at die Laos° of the 147 meson to hive In addltk°n to Medals a fine Diamond fling or Scarf Pin, Try oonelnsions on the fleetest of raisers—" The Ptnk Flyer." You're bound to win. Write about it, and mention this paper. .R. A. McCready Co. tr• ,. 4, TORONTO Agents wanted in unrepresented O.A.A. districts. 402 . A POPULAR 0. ]t'. B. °FFIg3,111i. ,IDD*' HIB TaWTa0O1R TO TSS MSRUT8 ON Dab. Aatt1w'$ CATASSHAL ROwnaa;rOR caesium Ian cow lit THS WMJ HS BAT8 IT ra PERULSRB. Mr. John Edwards. the genial purser of the 0. P. R. liner "Athabaska,' says : "I used Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for oeld in the head. Itis very effective, easy to apply, mild and pleasant. For catarrh it has no equal. I have tested nearly every oatarrh cure made and found none to oompare wish it. I recommend it drat, last and always." Sold by Watts & Co, Lowering the rating in Chatham to class (1 means the increase of 60 Bente per $1.000 of insurance on all inercan• tile risks. The action of the under- writers is prompted by the refusal of the city council to adopt improvement in the fire iirotection service ordered by the association three years ago. TESTING HIS HONESTY Your druggist is honest if when yon eek him for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion he gives you lust what you ask tor, He knows this is the beet form in which to take Cod Liver Oil. A Woman's Town \.j 7 • �� 11the 'd ?sues doe. IMAM of g y, withoutt"it1.e..u=i�ig,, �t,h,te- bid harmer tbe acwee t tR. Setonntekeurl Correa- ing g loa- miness. tibleaSs al Salt , i -l: u ET= the utast. s and besot al Dabtlity; 88 thele and '� i�'!ar cchomppiyybints yield BOR.WCH1 tar saitimAttitoddd‘ T.1.111.euRN neo. TOROaltTO . :i HOW ALLSPICE GROWS. Do you waists bo leibeeletie Drink coffee. Drink lots of it. Drink. it with breailrfaet, lunoh and dinner, and drink it between meal?, i ltlk it when $u gob ap In the worzing,and drink lb before you go to bed at night. Drink it long and strong, and keep it up, and by and ey you will be sightless as the proverbial hat. That ie what the celebrated Frenoit physician, S. Arnaud, says,and there are New York dootore who indorse the de- olaratIo n. It Is well known that the Moore are Inveterate (toffee -drinkers, especially the merchants, who sit in their bazaars and drink coffee continually during the day. It has been noticed that almost invar- iably when these ooftee-drinkers reap about the age of forty their eyesight be- gins to fail, and by the time they get to be fifty years old they become blind. One is forcibly impressed hy the nun:- ber of blind men that are seen about the streets of the city of Fez, the onettd of Moroeoo. It is invariably attributed to the excessive use of entree, This opin- ion has been einifirined by the neinion of European phy-.icietnv livino there. The noted chieftain, Mohatunie1 Ben Zaed, the most powerful vassal of the Moorish Sultan, is a striking example of the effent of exoessive indulgence In the use of the bean. Be is fru years ()la When he was 44 his a esi 'ra began fail, and by the tiny? he ee;rah .t hi; .int year he was utterly sl;;htie-s. lie vi.,tt•-,u Fes to consult the Eur-ij a:.n p`tysiuian:' there. They could do nothing for him Then he was advised to visit Madrid and consult the famous oculist, Dou Manuel de Esoobedo. This expert, though he had gained a wide reputation as a specialist in eye die - eases, was puzzled with this case', which was not capable of pathologiee1 solutio.? upon the bass of his past ex;,eriel,Cr. 1-[" knew that the effect of coffee wa: of it decidedly stimulating nature, end to a great extent tonto ,that the excessive us ` of it would severely ad' mt the n nes sytite•m end bring talent eonj,.nel,,.t.• n:,.i knititls, but in the practice of the various specialists In l:' e.,,:., ,,wase 110 other eifert of cnt"rc trt, va, t. he tound,exce.pt in .:oma v er'• r rises. end Lhdse were meai:ell eerie • - lt'h•arn iced Ben Zieel was refur.1 home without bee. inr .1 ,fav relief Something About the Beautiful Plmeuto Tree. ' The pimento or allspice tree is calti- vated in the Wee* Indies and Jamaica. This beautiful tree usually grows to a height of about thirtq feet; it has a straight trunk, mnoh beanoked above, and covered with a very smooth brown bark. The leaves vary In size and shape, but are always of a dark, shining green Dolor. During the months of July and August the tree is in full bloom, the blossoms ooasisting of very fragrant, small, whits flowers. Whey a new plantation of pimento trams 1,� to be formed, no regular sowing or planting takes place, because it is news to impossible to propagate the young Ovate, or to raise them from seed? In parts of the oonntsy where they are not found growing spontaneously. Usually a pisos of land is selected either close to a plantation already formed, or in a part of the woodland where pimento trees are growing in a native state. The chosen piece of land is then cleared of all wood except those trees, and the felled timber is allowed to remain on the ground for the purpose of protecting the very young pimento plants. At the end of two years the land is thoroughly cleared, and only the most vtaorou.s pimento trees and plants are lett standing. The planta oome to maturity in about seven years. In favorable seasons the pimento crop is enormous, a single tree often yielding a hundred or more pounds of the dried spice. The berries are pinked while green, becrtnee if left on the tree until ripe they lose their pungent taste and are valueless. The green berries are exposed to the sun for a week or ten days, when they lose their green color and turn a rectdtsh brown. When perfectly dry they are put In hags and casks for exportation. Tho odor and the taste of the pimento berries are thought to resemble a com- bination of those of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves—hence the familiar name "allspice."—Philadelphia Time,„ In Kansas there is a small town. Gaylord, which is entirely out of debt, whose streets are smooth and clean, sidewalks mended, public works in good order and citizens happy. This is the result of en Administration by women. It is the only town in the world where petticoat government is snp- preme, tor at the last election the town returned to office a ticket composed entirely of women, the votes received hy Antoinette L. Haske;I, the candi- date f(•r Mayor, being more than double those received by her masell- line opponent. Mrs Haskell has pre- sided at the council meetings for a year, and displays a knowledge of city affairs that would he a CI edit toa man. Her appointments have proved to he excellent, and the town is content with her rule. Her hirshand is a pro- tninent hanker and land owner. She has two sons, aged 17 and 11. Politi- cally she is a democrat. Miss Florence Headley, the City Clerk, entered her father's printing of- fice when she was 17, beginning as an apprentice, and has worked her way tip till now she is city editor of the Gaylord Herald.. She is 20 years old. Mrs Mary L. Foote, the Police Judge elect, is an Illinois woman, and is a very prominent worker in the Wo- man's Relief Corps, as well as awuman highly esteemed by the community. An odd feature about her election is that she was running in 'oppoeil ion to her husband and, defeated hire by a. large majority. She is 4.5 years old. The Town Council is also made up "f women ITOHING,BURNING SKiN DISEASES CURED FOB 35 CENTS. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cares tetter, salt rheum, piles, scald heed, eoreme, bathe's' l'toh, nloets' Nobel= sad -.8,1 anytime e of iia Air. It is rettai&ieg 1141 a WI %?l ike E3nto Wilt40 sit 0.� ' UNTOLD MISERY FROM RHEUMATISM C. H. ging, Water Valley, Mies., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "F''r fee years, i suffered untold misery from , .:,..7 : sr rheurn,ttism. f tried every r„•leaked the hest physl• rr rr... r.1 ri. 1 ton, I,,,;i, Ark., Dave tunes, c11r^, ' }• - 'Ir 'e, I esides doctors' hills; 140 r r' -,•,, u.;, ter,pnrary relief. lily t1.' ” .; r-.. ,v see that I weighed only ole '19.1 rte , ",n .s; my left arm and leg were .11.. en .vet 11 shape, the muscles being twisted ::p In :mots. 1 v r� dress rrself. erre;-t is II 1'' •':1, i could only hobble about !:} ;.-.,'v a Oa. 1 had 00 art.etit•', ar ,l r .44 11,',•11e'I, t' the doctors, Mat I rol.vl not Ilre, The pile.. at times. wer ., 'n1 that 1 et .:1' I roncre relief only • '1' ••f :tars derr.IP L,rer- tlons of m,.' Imb•, .t n'' " 1 In clay, in ;, , ,":es, 1 '1' Ilu•se gave only 1r } tele'f Ail'i everything, se e'%',-rieg tee L net torture4, 11, eg'''. t,' take Ay"r'4 ' rc 4Uat t't,. Inside of two months, 1 Vra4 a''l' to 0 .65 without a cane. in three months. no 1 ee began to strengthen, And in the emirs,- of A year, i was cured. My weight has Increased to 185 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad hlaoksmtth." AYERS ale Only World's .air Sarsaparilla. AXEB'A 1'JLAS cure Hendon/ie. ..WLaulaVi Sometimes It seems to weary woman that she must certainly give up. The aim - pleat and easiest work becomes an almost insurmount- able task. Lassitude almost overcomes b e r . Nervousness a n d sleeplessness and pain llama- het and life seems hardly worth the living. That ber sufferings are due solely to her own fault seldom occurs to her, bat often it is so. Health and vigorous vitality are hers if will but ask and reach for them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was made for her. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery was made for her. The for- mer is for the ills distinctly feminine, the other for her general system- Togethet they supply a scientific and successful course of treatment. The "Favorite Pre- scription " restores healthy regular action to the organs distinctly feminine. It forces out all impurities, strengthens the tissues, allays irritating inflammation. The "Gold- en Medical Discovery" makes appetite, helps digestion, promotes assimilation, fills out the hollows in cheeks and neck with good solid flesh andbrings back all, gladsome glow of girlhood.'Best with these remedies there is no need of detested "examinations" and "local treat- ment" so abhorrent to every modest woman. Thousands of grateful women have written letters like this : MAS. SAMANTHA M. CRANMER, of Bo..34, 14 Roy, Bradford Co., Ph.. writes: " It is with plena ure that 1 write these few clues in favor of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Fa- vorite Prescription'uch '—the medicines which have done run down soethat Iso tcould scarcely drag myself around the house, had been getting weaker and worse for several years until I lost all hope of ever get- ting any better. I took four bottles of each of your medicines andRe am uow perfectly well." tura TO MOTHERS . A daneoroue time soon for this little poo$ o autumn change* and winter cold. Plenty of fresh air is the gree safe -guard --pus air ilnsit&o and outside. Don't let a Single pore of the akin bo closed. bon'( cover them with stifling or rough underwear, but with "IBM 1 "taw made of woad that's all wool—• wool that absorbs and then tbrowi o$the hnpurkiee. So Sok warm and porous—so snug fitting and di comfy" math into combination suite. Thousands of children are wearing theca to -sill They have proved to be the belt. Fol' sale by Gilroy tt Wiseman and lloligens Brothers P1ushParor Suites only $5h1' 3 Solid Walnut h,awes, ti piouee, etety place a different color See us 1, r t;stension Tabl,a, 117,17',,rekChairs, Lounges, Windo.v Shades, PO) are Fry m's, etlo. 01-1:BiLI.J:P3NCT 1...1-5r111-1 '_' .O.±..-60.11 C 1-1 &T3E3OX►O C.7(3-13 Forest City Business & Shortland College, London, 0 n And you will tint them practical at all points, Students attend this College from all parts of the country; they have the finest set of rooms, in the new Y. M. C. A. building, for Business College work in Canada, graduates successful in securing positions. Cata- logue and partionlars of either coarse aent upon application. Good board, $2.50 per week; ladies 82,25. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a tr '1 page doctor book, profusely illustrated, ul •s hicb 65o,00o have been sold at $1.50 a ce.1 y, will be sent FREE on re- ceipt of 21 ctnts to pay postage and wrap- ping n,,,•. ,� ' S DISPENSARY MED- ICAL ASSOCIATION. Buffalo, N. Y. LADIES ! Emanclpatlon from Pain IB FOUND IN Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills. Th. peration knrn+nlsb1.And1.55, trustworthy rtf and7moa .Reotive.enol/ ever area:ea for a4enla• iterates ret tho tte+male erett6 Th ¢Rfsotaaled clreiaar tft',eeurel �e<i ,m trntiojt of pelrw. or by mats LeRoy Pill Co. Victoria St., Toronto, Can. her polo hv .tile:..(. R'il=nn. SYMPTOMS '^���};� f vF st teteeee S J CF'SS Nothing succeeds like success. We started in business nearly two years ago, and have made a success of our venture. We started out with a new stock of first-class Groceties, and a cash principle, and have built up a FIRST -('LASS TRADE. STILL—we can do more, and in order to do 80 we are enlarg- ing our store and putting in a plate glass front, When complet- ed we will have a store second to none. Have you tried our AND CURE OF Heart ie Nerve Troubles. CREAM BAKING POWDER, 20c per Ib. Tin The up-to-date Cash Grocery OGLE COOPER & COa Farm produce taken as sash.—Teelenhone No. 23. Have You Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart ? If 80, Milburn's Heart and Nerve l'ills will cure you. Have You Shortness of Breath, Dis- tress after Exertion, a Smothering Feeling, Spasms, or Pain through the Breast and Heart ? If Bo, Milhurn's Heart and Nerve Pills will cure or relieve you if taken in time. Have You a Feeling of Anxiety that something is going to oc- cur when there is no ne- cessity for it ? If f30, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will remove it. Are You Troubled with Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Forgetful- ness, Brain Fag, or General Debility — the after effect of La Grip ? If so, You can take no better medicine than Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They will relieve or cure you. Every dose helps the C1111!. For sale I,r tt11 drugglats, or by mail on reaslpt of ruse by T. MILBURN sit CO., Toltatrro. rr .. t C. prat box, sr 3 WWI 10'1410. 0 The Best for The Money You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea. Every customer using it is a pleased customer. Our line ojsStap le e ent withc(holiiestegoodsandlhe and honestdeafound ng. aslowas PLA ICY Ts Fnr a few weekv we will have a choice collection of !-Icuse + Plants from the Benutiller( teen House, which we will sell at a very reasonable price. (;all and get I..i.c'es, A cM[ 1tIt4 r & WILTSE, ti earl'(}BtOflice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 J. W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality tine and prices low in: Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS- lack, Grn and Japan are from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you uy fromualled in tis instead of and willrices. You ea peddlers. Cora• pare quality and prices. SU(AS—We are d uarterbboy direct from; Montreal refiners. Keep best quality and sell aprices. SPECIAi. BARGAINS—3ponnds Evaporated Peaches for 250. 3 lbs Evapor ,.ted Apples for 25c. 5 lbs Prune for 26a. 28 1b Box Raisins for 81, Crockery, China, CrlassWlare and Lamps—We have tomake gets, Tea Bmef r our Imported Goods, and have rednoed our prices on Dinner net 'sets, Berry Bets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Basco.? .n4 Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to goods. agons uggies Ma We keep in stork and make to C. rder Wagons and Buggies which we guarantee to be P.rst class in every particular. Nothing hut the beet material u ..1 re r' 9 t �y'l 1411,1'4 • •it ,td 'p�,