HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-16, Page 8'I HE CLINTON NE Oetoder 16 1896 EW BUTCHER SHOP. The undersigned desires to intimate to tbopeople of Clinton and vioinity that he be. opened a butcher shop in the etore of W. Core, Huron Street. He has had many years experience, and feels that he oan give the beet of satisfaction. lie will sell illriotiy for Oath, and at the lowest possible ' prioee. OADEas RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Reid Bros., • Clinton. ENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FOB & MURPHY, We are doing business on the cash prinolple, and willsupply our onstomers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices. Petrone may rely up- on good service and prompt feline of orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wiab to inform the public that I willfnot be ander. by any other person in the business. iAltu a practical bntoher, and understand all the branohes of the business. We keep the very beet meats and a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. aping along your money and get the meson the oaah priors. We will give Credit but not at Dash prides. Please pall and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WILSON• Subscribers desire to notify the public that hey have bought out the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jas A.Ford and will oon- tinue the slime under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere In town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Headquartere for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars:choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour®Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18611 CAPITh ;,, - $2,000,000. REST ND, - $1,375,000 HEAD C ICE, MONTREAL. J. H. B. et SON ..... ....President. F. W. TB • . S,....General Manager. Notes disooanew Collections made, Drafts hi- lted, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest lod un dnposits rates. Interest al- we erA.lit MER IRK . Money advanced to tarmes on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re gnlrsd as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAG G ART. BANKIR ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Businetla ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRA% & TISDA.LL BANKERS, OLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking BaBinees transacted Interest allowed on depoeite. Sale Notes bangh J. P TISDALL, 'Manager. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Rotel. bie establishment is in full o' oration and a rdere filled in the most eatiefaeto, y way Oeme- tery and granite work a specialty. Pricer] a eason able as those of any sstsbllehaent SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton. Iry To Cure RHEUMATISM TAgBI Bristol's SARSAPARILLA IT 18 PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL MAKE YOU VITELIN Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. J. ADES FOWL/lit & CO. Arehitets Civito tarniah l Ei Seers Are prepared epedloatlone of all plans, of work 0 V ALUATIONe ALIb INSPEOTiON,'eI CAmITLLY MADE PATENT DRAWINGS MADE & PATENT OBTAINED Alil,worit at reasonable charges. 28 years exp tieno0 in Ontario. Pest office adfreee BOX 510 Ott TON, ON' ONE GIVES RELIEF. R I•P A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every -clay ills of humanity. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED orricens. Geo. Watt, President, Rariook P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vibe-Pres.Seafortb P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treae., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIaEOTOBB. Jas. Broe4foot,Beaforth' M. Murdie, Seatorth; Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo, Watt Harlock; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gar diner,'Leadbury; Thos Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Klppsn. AGENTS. Thee, Neilans Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Bee - forth and J. Carvings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on applioatfon to any of the above officers adi' .sed to their respecitve offices Beran.iller Taut eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a apeoielty, LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental treee and shrubbery will be sold et very low price., and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by hfailtoill be promptly attended t o . Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOI(S BEST FRIEND LAlIQUT SALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impute, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplsesness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronobitia Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female,Irregnlarities and General Debility LABORATORY, 00DERION, OST J. M. McL16OD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COD.BE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STET SON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND -- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OE GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebeatEmbalming Fluldused Splendid Hearse. A LBERT S T.,CLINTON Residence overstore OPPOSITE TOW BALL International yinn A CUNNING# MULE. The following international hymn for English-speaking people has been written by Prol. Geo. Huntingdon, of Carlton College, Northfield, Minn., and is. certainly a production of unusual m eri 1:— Frune 'Cod Save the Queen 1 Two empires by the sea, Two nations great and free, One anthem raise, One raoe of ancient fame, One tongue, one faith we claim, One God whoa° glorious name We love and praise. What deeds our fathers wrought, What battles we have fought, Let fame record Now, vengeful passion cease, Goma, victories of peace; Nor hate nor pride'e caprice Uneheath the sword. Though deep the sea and wide 'Twixt realm and realm, its tide Binds strand to strand. So be the golf between Grey ooaets and islands green, Great populace and queen, By friendship spanned. Now, may the God above Guard the dear lands we love, Or East or West. Let love more fervent glow, As peaceful ages go, And strength yet stronger grow, Blessing and blest. NEURASTHENIA. Weakened Nerves hind Nervous Diseases Are Cutting Off Thousands. Paine's Celer) Compound Makes Nervous People Well and Stron g. Health is the first and most important thing in this life of ours. Health is a bleeping far beyond our computation ; It is vastly more important than wealth or Bo- ole' distinction. One of the most dreaded troubles of the present day is nervousness. It is generally acknowledged that nervone diseases are growing alarmingly prevalent in our midst. The causes that lead to Neurasthenia, or weakneee of the nerves, are many. Busi- ness cares, feverish haste after riches, so- cial and household worries, sexual and 'lobelia excesses all contribute to the breaking down and physical ruin of thou- sands of men and women. In words of truth and soberness we set before the sick and afflicted the claims of Peine's Celery Compound as a quiok re- lief and certain cure to all forma of ner- vous divaeea. It is a perfect restorer of nerve force and power to the weakened and debilitated system. Prominent men and women all over the country, have renewed their lives and kept their planes in busi- ness and in society by using Paine's Celery Compound. In all large cities, where ner- vone disease' are most frequently seen, the beat physicians prescribe Paine's Celery Compound with immense eaccese. The following letter from Mrs Alfred Perry, Port Maitland, N. S., proves that Paine', Celery Compcund has no equal for the cure of nervous disease, in what- ever form they may present themselves. "For two years my system was all run down, and I suffered more than I oan de- scribe from nervous prostration and insom- nia; at times I almost lost my reason from severe pain at base of the brain. My hus- band advised me to try Paine's Celery Compound, which I did, and the effects were wonderful, I soon began to sleep well, the pain left my head, my whol system was strengthened, and I am now enjoying very good health. "I would cheerfully recommend Paine'. Celery Compound ,to any one suffering from like troubles. You have my best wiebee for the future success of your excel- lent remedy." At Elle Own Expense. Mr. Bluff—Look here, young man, you're always going about with my daughter, and I want to know what your Intentions are regarding her. Young Man --I really have no inten- tions, sir. Mr. Bluff (angrily)—Than what do you mean by amusing yourself at my daugh- ter's expense? Young Man (airily)—I'm not amusing myself at your daughter's expenee,but at my own expense. I always pay for the theater tickets, refre ts:neatr, etc.—Pun. Brutally likeated. Editor -11'm I The idea to very pretty, Mr. Poetaster, but the verse is, er, rather lame. Poetaster—Lame) Well, if you had been kicked about from ofoe to office as Mime poem has, you'd be lame tool Four-year-old Edna Farson, of New York, was Bitting in ber little rocking - chair on the stoop of her parents' house, when a man hurrying by knock- ed her over. The ehild ran into the house bisedieg from the mouth, ber teeth having cut through her tongue. The mother took her to the nearest hospital, where the child was put un- der ether,an operation being necessary, but she died in a few minutes. tThey Astonish the World. It Hld on Steamer Day When Work Was Increased. The laziest mule in all California is the one on the Farallon 'elands that be - longe to the lighthouse keepers. He is the puocessar of the late lamented "Jer- sey," and le known to his owners as "Patsey." In many ways he is a smart mule, but he devotes most of his talents to devising means to avoid the little work that to required of him. The strange thing about his plan to that he goes to more work to avoid work than it would take him to do it. Patsey has been on the island for about three years, and from the start seemed pleased with his home. He was brought out oa the steamer Madrona, and at once given full liberty. lite roamed over the island at will, and as no work was required of him he was the happiest m 1e 111tLiesttetl. But a deer °tune when Pateey was not happy. It was after he hai been en the Leland time months, and the Madrona Dame book on her quarterly visit, He then found out what ho was there tor. As soon as the supplies were landed on the wharf Pateey had to haul them to the lighthouse. And. 0, what hard work he found it, after his three months' va- cation. Every pound was a ton, and his unwillingness made it about three. He has never forgotten that day. The next time the Madrona came book Patsey was ready. The first visit of the steamer made such an impression on him that he even recognized Ike whistle as the sound came over the water through a thiok bank of fog. When the supplies were on the landing Patsey was nowhere to be found. Search for him as they would, it was the next day before he was unwillingly at work. The next time the steamer came the keepers were ready for Pateey's trick. Ati soon as ho heard the whistle a shiver passed over him, and he started for one of the highest hills on the island, never stopping until he reached the top, all the time giving utterance to moans of an- guish. To climb to the summit was an awful task, and Patsey was wet with perspiration when he got there. Of course, he was soon captured and brought bank, and no doubt ho found his work ranch harder for his unnecessary exer- else. But it frilled to cure him, and every steamer day the same performance has to be gone through with. On one occasion the Madrona happened to be in the vicinity, possibly chasing an escaped whistling buoy, and gave a long blast of the whistle. Patsey was not ex- pecting anything o1 the kind, and at once became filled with fear. There was no time to climb the peak, so he flew over the rocks to a cave. The entrance was a rugged one, but Patsey managed to get in and, as he thought, was out of danger of work. It was two days before Pateey was missed, and a long search was necessary to find him. And then the fun com- menced. It was easy enough to get in, but getting out was another matter. In foot, Pateey could not do it unaided, whish was the reason he stayed there so long. Blocks end tackle and several hours hard work were necessary to get the frightened mule out, and when at last he ml.stered courage to look at the wharf and saw no boxes there ho was a moat foolish -looking mule. Pettey has got so that ho knows when the steamer is coming without hearing the whistle, Ho knows when it Is due to a day. Two or throe days before the time he will make himself scarce. On one oeoaeton the veawel was several days in making a landing, and poor Patsey was nearly starved, but he never got hungry enough to overcome his aversion to work. The keepers get Considerable amusement out of Patsey's unwillingness to work. They don't mind 1t particular- ly. as they know whore to find him now. Tho general verdict of all visitors to the island 1s that Yat -'y should have been a tramp What You Can Do With Dia- mond Dyes. The World famed Diamond Dyes will color Dresses, Wraps, Capes, Coats, Pants Yeats, Shawls, Scarfs, Yarns, Books, Stock- ings, Ribbons, Ties, Feathers, Fringes, Carpet Rags, Cotton Warps, Photos, Ever- laating Flowers, Engravings, Mape, East- er Eggs, Chickens, Birds, Mosses, Grasses, Basket Work, Wood, Bone, Ivory, Sheep- skin Mats, Hair, leather, etc, From Diamond Dyes yon can make Writing Ink, Marking ink, Stencil Ink, Ruling Ink, Stamping Ink, Shading Ink, Art Colors, Wood Stains, Colored Var- nishes, Shoe Dressing, etc, Do not be deceived by imitations; See that your dealer gives yon the only gnaran- teed dyu in tits world—the "Diamond." "flu*4tstil Home Dyeing," a book Crill diwy tioasent free to anad- � Wells & Richardson Co., Mont- real. Almost every man in America has some digestive trouble. When men meet, the greeting usually is, "Well, how are you?" That developee health talk. The man who has no bowel or stomach trouble is almost a curiosity. The trouble is men take no care of themselves. They eat as though they had oopper stomachs and bowels of brass. By and by, over-worked nature re- bels. Then come headaches, nervonaneee, bad blood, liver and kidney troubles. D r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets furnish help for constipation and torpid liver, sick and bil- ious headache, dizziness, soar stomach, lees of appetite, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belching, "heartburn," pain and dis- tress after satingl;and kindred derange- ments of the liver; atomsoh and bowel'. Accept no substitute. The largest real estate deal in Lon- don in yeare has been effected by Col. F. B. Leye, who, as the head of a syn- dicate, has purchased the controlling interest in the Masonic Temple. The Temple was ...built by the Masonic fra- ternity and managed by their reppree- tatives, but the financial results have not been satisfactory. The capital stock is $80,000, of which Col. Lays has just purchased 848,000 worth at par. he Masonic lodges hold a little more than $10,000 and the widow's and 01- phan's fund amounts to $4,000. TRILBY'd FOOT. The step'twixt the sublime and ridicu- lous is quickly made. Barely literature presents no more grotesque idealization than Trilby's foot, and the numerous wor- ehippere that have, figuratively speaking. bent knees and kissed the big toe of the foot, when reason once more comes to their rescue, will feel as if the production of the genas Ase were perennial. By the way did yon notice, when reading Trilby, bow high- ly it commended Putnam'. Corn Extraot- or, which renders impossible ►he isoordant excrescence, oorne. Trilby's foo would not not have been worthy of homage if marred by corns; neither would yours. Use Put- nam's Corn Extractor. Nearly all the cheese in the vicinity of Kingston has been bought up by dealers at nine to ten cents, Chainless bicycles, in which two pairs of bevel gears are used instead of the chain, are reported to have proved their superiority over the pre- sent style of wheel in a test, in which a wheel was run 39,000 miles without adjustment or appreciable wear," says Engineering News. "Dynamometer tests also show that the bevel gesre run with less friction than the chain. It is stated that one of the largest manufacturers will soon put these wheels on the market. An obstacle to their rapid introduction is the time required to construct the machinery necessary for turning out the bard wheels, which must be mathematically accurate 1n %oro. 41011411041140114111111,111411 Old Gold CIGARETTES W. S. Kimball & Co., ROCHESTER, N. V. Retail everywhere 50 per Package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. CLOTH [NG READY MADE SUITS --o S3, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6 and $7. Ordered Clothing from $7 up. A FULL RANGE [OF LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING FOR THE SUMMER. Perfect[°Satisfaction Guaranteed, ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON its } ii p i -.brie buying Chem in. Don `t tits « A.,, 011st'E void tidal the., right number ii. . .1%..y.-(_ „ �maw ..sheds •' and , , .aahit�s" are this. Ltmtaer, wotklnanaililp apd J» q 11'lfJ�p �' 1lhae, but very dfx erent kiwis -eaolir to tbe Wail £itee that you get rit the " red" and " bine ' chip; Ferre emitted to wbs6 Doy- ing shoes. You can able* 101, tttr os cam iptd prize stamped on the sale. Goodyear Waited. *3 $. CA?A►pous Okla WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Sole Agents for Clinton. 7 . d ,i • a•� ■ e • • s i Do You FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. H you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. • If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED. or here LIVER COMPLAINT, . . If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH. . - TAKE RI PANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripans Tabules act gently bat promptly npon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually, cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TAMILS taken at the first indication of Indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripens Tabules are an nfallible cure ; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. r r ONE GIVES RELIEF EASY TO TAKE QUICK TO ACT Ripens Tabules are sold by drnggista, , by mail 0 the price (60 cents a box) is sent to Tho ns Chad - teal Company, No.10 Spruce St., New Y8aiiiplel vial, 10 cents. op w-rw-rY+rr+•r •. r'-YY"wTY y. - i .. •• ■ • ,•