HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-16, Page 60.7 'What makes any business A Success ? First—Honest Advertising, Second—Honest. Goods, Third— Honest Prices We claim to carry out the above pointe to the letter, and just now have something special in Watches for you. J. B. RUMBALL, WATCH MAKER JEWELER, TELEPHONE EXCHANGE P.S,--Repairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money hack. Ask for a Sample Procure a sample RAKING POWDER of our And try it. We ask nothing further, but will allow the. sample to speak fo�t self, Our profit is very small, but we have the satisfac- tion of RI -rowing that we are giving you the very purest and best of Baking Powder at the price of the cheapest. 425c per ib. Try it. Munyon's Renal dies. Extra value in Sponges. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, Established 1865. Make no mistake purchase your Watches, Cloaks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' and Gent's Watches, prices to suit all buyers. By coming to us you will save both tilt and money Watch Repairing a malty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, : Clinton three Lines We purpose clearing out three lines of Goods that we have been carrying BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, READY MADE CLO [DING AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. This will be a chance to get Good Goods of prices not to be equalled in Town, The Stock of Clothing is large and well assorted, in Suits, Overcoats, and singly. Note some of our prices :— Men's Pants 75 Boys' Pants1 4.5 Men's Vests 75 Boys' Suits • 0 Men's Suits , 3 50 Boys' Suits . 1 75 Men's Suits 4 50 Boys' Suits . 2 00 Men's Suits 5 C3 Boys' Suite • 2 50 Men's Suits. 6 CJ Odd Coats at any price, Overcoats Cheaper than the Cheapest. TWEEDSAII Tweeds will be sold at cost and under, and will be made to order on the same terms BOOTS and SHOES The iiitock of but equally low.Boots, Rubbers We have many linestis not so large as the oclearto at Great Bargains. stock We ask you to see our Goods and Prices. PLUMSTBEL & GIBBINGS tee Albert Street, Ciintou. A. C. DUFTON When thie announcement is read we'll have a crowd of eager buyers for BLANKETS, SHEETING, Double or Single, YARNS and HOSIERY. Friends and neighbors aro telling friends and neighbors of the wonder fully low prices at which we are offering goods:: — Ladies' fine black all wool Hose 25c a pair Boys' black ribbed stockings, all wool 25c a pair air Men's Hose, wool, from I5c up to 35c ap it Yarns, all colors, 50c a ib. b. Single Yarn Nowhere in this Country—in all the cities, villages or hamlets—are Blankets of such superior or such true surpassing elegance and newness offered at &nothing like the underselling prices that prevail here. In marking the prices on our Goods our one sole object and uppermost principle is to show the buyer that everything we sell is immeasurably lower than anywhere else. Call and give us an order. A G. DUFTON , Op-HHoite Ma,son use, Clint on • 1ti11/VV1ti1ti1ti1ti1'Nn Price List For the balance of the month. Some interesting items for Cash Buyers. Dress goody, heauy'nixed Tweed effects, 42 inches wide worth 26c. for 16c. Dress goods in Gray, Blue and Garnet, just the thing for thie time of year worth 26c for 15c. Dress goods, gray only, heavy twill, great goads to wear, worth 86c for 20e. All our dress goods are double fold. Toweling 20 inches wide, fancy red border, giver satisfaction, worth 9c fur 5c. (lotu>nades, special lines in good patterns, worth 20c for 16c. Uottuuade heavy make, very dark patterns, worth 25c for 20c. Gingham, fancy red checks, every piece guaranteed to wash, worth 9c for 6c. Factory cotton, 35 inches wide, ery suitable for linings, worth 4c for 211c., not more than 10 yards to a pereon. Ladies' vests, opeu front, heavy make, worth 35c for 25c. Ladies' vests, extra heavy, worth 30e for i7ie Ladies' vests, very line, well urine and nicely tritnmod worth 65c for 50c. Men's guernsey shirts, uuiuu, ribbed, spscial price fur two weeks 25c. Men's gurnsey shirts (drawers to snatch) all woof Scotch knit, worth 65c for 50c. Men's gurnsey shirts (di to match) largo size, sure to give satis- faction at 130c. Men's boots laced, well made, heavy sole, worth 6131,25 for 03c. Ladies' tine laced boots, patent leather tips, very neat, worth $l,65 for 81.25. Overcoats, heavy frieze, tweed lined, gray, very special at $5.O0 See our Boys' overcoats, also Men's suit's, very special value will in-, terest you We can handle an uoliulited quantity of Butter in rolls. I)o not bring any butter in crocks. McKinnon, dt Co., Blyth Cash and One Pelee. Batter and Higgs ftaktesl as Cash 14%%4q�1'%4 410%4%1010011/4k APPLE Cable from J. H. Houghton & Co., Liverpool, reads Market holds flrm for sound stock, choice varieties ; wasty and inferior stock neglected at lower prices. Kings 148 to 16s, 20oz Pippins, Rip- ston and Blenheim Pippins 12s to 14s, Snow 13s to 15s, Colverts, JennetUngs and soft varieties 6s to Os. See us for other information. J. STEEP & CO., Clinton, Ont. BORN WALKER.—In Seeforth, on Oot, 3rd, the wife of Mr C. Walker, of a eon. MULLETT.—In Seaforth, on the 5th inst., the wife of S. Mullett, of a eon. MAKINS.—In Harpnrhey, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Ed. Makine, of a daughter. FRENCH—In Napanee, on Oct. 7th, 1896, to Mr and Mrs F.W.French, a daughter QUIGLEY—In Hallett, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr P.Quigley, of a daugh- ter. ,CHAPMAN—In Stanley, Sep, 29th inet, the wife of Mr John Chapman, of a daugh- ter. FORREST—In Stanley, on SO inst., the wife of Wm. Forrest of a daughter. CRICH—In Usborne on the 3rd inst , the wife of Mr J. a Crich of Tnokersmith, of a 800. Chief Inspector Sweetman has inspected the recent complaints made against the Quebec postoffioe of grave irregularities during the general election campaign. He reports that there was a good deal of oare- lessnese and some of the officials have been reprimanded. Veal 3over#foemeutO IMPORTANT NOTICE to all owners of Buggies, Democrats or Iron Axle Waggons. Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" Axle Cuttei, whereby axles are out and set back to the shoulder, making the same just as good as new, I will be glad to perform any work in this direotion. I GUARANTEE ALL WORK satiefao" tory, or no pay. Those who have had work done, speak in the highest terms of it.— Come and see the machine and get prides. ALBERT SEELEY, BBlaoksmith and General Repairer, Leslie's Carriage Shop, Clinton. MARRIED SMELTZER—BAKER,—At the resi- dence of Mr K. Disney, brother-in-law of the bride, on Oct 14th, by Rev. R. Mill - yard, Mr Jas. Smeltzer, of East Wawa - nosh to Miss Maria Baker, of Clinton. MONTEITH — FOTHERINGHAM.— At the reeidence of the bride's father,Tnck- ersmith, on the 8th inst., by Rev, Mr Mair, Mr A. Monteith to Mise Jennie Pothering - ham. FARR—HOLMES—At Grantham Place St. Catharines, on Oct. 18th by Rev. Mr Kerby, Mr C. J. Farr to Nellie, third daughter of E. Holmes, formerly of Clinton. BLOOR—MASON.— At the residence of the bride's father, Blyth, on Oct. 14, by R.'v. F. Higley Mr John Boor, of Clinton to Mies Lottie, second daughter of Mr John Maeon, LITTLE—BRUCE.—At the residence of the bride's father lath con. Mullett, on Oct 15th, by Rev. A. McLean, Thos, Little to Bella, second daughter of Mr Robt. Bruce OLINTON MARKETS Oorreeted ovary Tbored ty afternoon Thursday, Oot 61, 1896 O 68a070 068a070 016 a 020 O 710a050 037 a040 , 175 a I 90 480 a 4111 O 11 a 0 12 O 12 a 018 7 00 a 100 018a0f118 0 18 a 0-10 Wheat eying Wheat, tell Daft Maar per aw't Pit liolova dos Ray WO, $th old r.rtY4 4,4 Bargain Week! HOUSEHOLD : ECONOMY SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR To every purchaser of 100 lbs. we give lb lbs of genuine Oatmeal for 250, much less than the market price. We handle Wheat Peas, Barley, Oats, Buck- wheat 1)7onr, Bran, Wheat, are. We give 11 lbs. Oatmeal for a bushel of clean oats. Our bar- gains are genuine. 4 " a" 0. OLSON, Victoria St wpton 025.a025 "RANDTRUNK SYSTE Y (111':11. Bal.\ LE - At I'urt Aihcrt, on Sunday, Oot., 4'h, Mary Alice (udmore, wife of Wm. Srnale, aged 30 years and f, months. Mc KENZIE..-In G',derich, 00 lunday, Oct. 4th, Alexander McKenzie, aged 71 years and f) months. SHANNON—In Clinton, on Oct 9, Her- bert 0. Shannon, eldest a m of Mrs Shan non, aged 24 years. KING—In Tnrnberry, on the 11th inst John King aged 82 years and 5 months. Why don't you use a Fountain Per ? HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. This Week's Arrivals Ocicoder 16 1$26 Infants fancy soft Cloakings - 50c Children's Navy, Cream, broad . top Tams - - - 50c Little Boys' 9 weed Caps with whistle - 20c Children's, Misses and Women's Hose from - l0c to 30c Ladies' Golf Jerseys, ' Cardinal and Navy - - - $2 Brown and Black Niggerhead Jacketing $1.50 and $1.75 Beautiful Silk and Wool Tartans - 75c Men's and Boys' long Frieze Overcoats - $5 and $7.50 Cotton Blankets 10-4 and 11-4, fancy border $L15 a pair Oct. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Nov, 2nd, 1896. Return Tickets at single First Class fare, to famous Hunting Grounds including all points on Muskoka Lakes, Moon River district, Magnettawan River, Penetang to Midland inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay inclusive. All points on C,P,R. Mattawa to Nepigon and Span- ish, inclusive, via North Bay. Argyle to Coboconk inclusive. All tickets good to return not later than Deo, 15th, inclusive, or until close of navi- gation, if earlier, to points reached by Mass koka Navigation Co. Information cheerfully supplied by W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton South Huron Fat Stock Show Heavy Linen Towelings, Bleached - Fine, White, Heavy Flannelettes, worth 8c, only - 5e Floor 011 Cloths, fancy patterns, 14, 1i, 2 yds, from 25e up • 5c The South IIuron.l{Irr,'u inral &>e.oty will hntd a eh:a fur :he exhihtti n> of Fr t stock and Puu1- t,y, :a the Agriru.torwl Hui'.lin 9 In the\'Illage of Exeter, 00 Friday, bee. 4, 1806. when the following very liberal premiums will be offered for conipetitloa.— CATTLE l'ure hleeda-- Steer,'' yoare old and under 3 let 22, and $.5, Steer, 2 yrs old and und- er 2, Int $r., 2nd 41 Steer cal', under one Sear let 84, 2od 52. Low or heifer, let de, 2nd 51. Grades—Steer, 2 yrs old ami node: 3 l.3 56, 2nd 54, 3rd $2, Steer, 1 year' 1 and n ,der '2, let SJ, 2,0 ..-1,3r0 82 Steer ea 1 under o•e year, 54, 42 $1. Cow, 3 yrs or over. 55, 53 ?'2. heifer, 2 yrs and wider :3, 5), 53, 42. Nn tEP--Long•wooilerl- Eve, 2 3 rs anal over, 5'.1.52, 0.I. k:we. 1 year and under 2, $3 82, 51.— Ewe, in er one year, 52. $2, 8'. Wether, 1 year and over, 83. 5l, $1. \Vetoer, one year, 83. 52, 51 DowNA -Tile 00.1111' 0.4 ',rig wool. GRADE SHRF.P name as long wool, except thero i. no 3r0 prize GILROY & WISBMAN We are headquarters for Millburn's heart & Nrer©e Pills Combe's iron Blood Pills, Enthymol Tooth Paste, }'Ic1S Barrow, over 9 and under 18 mo ths,$4 5-', 51 Barrow, u•>der 9 months, $4, $2, $1. b„w ”ver H and under 18 Month+, 54, $2, $1. Sow, aa• der rine lnontlas,$4, $2, 51. A ewopestakee badge will b, awarded to the beet beefing animal sheep and pig •.1 any age ”r breed” Age of al. animals will bo computed from 1st 1).•comber. DRESED 1'CULTRY — Beet pair of Turkey • Cockerels, hatched in 1.98, 82, 51, 50c, Best pair of .urkey pu`lets, hatched in 11496, 52,$t,50':. Best a,d heaviest tu'key, an. age, $2 Beet pair of gt esu hatched in 11496, 82, 1, 508. Beet pair of ducks hatched in 1896, $1, 750, 250. Beat pair of cockerels hatched In 114963 $1, 75o, 25o. Bost pair pallets hatched In 11496, 81, 75o,250, Beet display of dressed poultry, 83, $2, $1, Dressed treacle drawn and trussed, (}'ECTAL PItiZER-- For the best pure bred an- iutal, amble donated by R, N, Howe, value $2. For the best grade animal, a chair donated by S. (i rd ley & Son, value $1 50. For the beet fat an' - mai, a celery dish donated bt T, Fitton & Son, valet, 5.1.50 For hest dt.ylayy of dr•'seed meats, a They save time andten>per• Hpritl ter valued at 55,00. 2'4100lbs. Flenr, by \\'e handle th'f ceiebraied abatd Rollieb f0V. 1 krns p'0 eenlr nee fee will 1.0 r pecial S. Ample aseommodation8 will be pros ides for all animals and poultry. Ri1LF,H AND REDCi.ATIONA, -1st—Entrance The ideal dentrifice, modest in price, pleasant in odor, and apoeitive protection against staining of the enarnel, formation of tartar and decay, JAMES H. COlVJBE ()n MIST AND DgUGQI8T, PAYsICIAN's PRBOCRIPTIONS, Tl i• LAPHAM'S RIVAL . it hits the slotted capillary tees w11 be charged as fellows: Thorough"•ett iced piece. TherefnrP willl I caandttle, 51 each; (rade cattle 730 each; Shetp SwIne50r. rac ' ' Poultry 2.1' per pelt; display >, not flood or dt'op ink. I 25e. 2nd-Itntri s will bereeeived by the Setre- tarp at the Agricultural hall, from 9 t'olook a. Do not allow dealers to l tn. to 12 o'clock noon on the day of thelshnw, No press n pot, you lines "just ! tries have been mato and the feet paid, 3rd— exhibits will h.' allowed unle R the proper en - as good, ' hitt get the hest. Tee Judges will commence Judging at 1 n'etoek abarp, and no animal or poultry dial! he removed sr>m the exhibition buildings before 44 It's Lapham's Rival. the Judg ss will not he aw,.rded aanti:be' deo tppre um anti If handle youstationer does not 11aupandpeal win be protest.toProteeeamneebelodgedwtl ases of handle it, write u0. and we the Secretary before the clues cf the for show, 5th will sendyou our reduced —Animals that are to be used hereafter rice list. breedingpurposes are not e'tgtblo to comppere, p and willbeetrtotlp excluded. 7th—An &dune - The COPP CLARK CO Ltd Sion °"4"""e t10 ole alit be charged. �Mw You're Missing A Good Thing If you want an Overcoat and fail to inspect our stock of Frieze ULSTERS. The col- ors are Fawn, Brown, Claret, Grey and Black. Material, trimming and workmanship is first-class, and prices are within easy reach. We will be pleased to have you call and se 3 them. wheth- er you wish to buy or not. Toronto, Ont. ., Reduced railway MAI ell bo given. M. Y. MrT,U1AN, See- Taos. RUP'"71t7.. "trn L. OUIMETTE, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. i}. e �1> 1;