HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-16, Page 3()LINTON N .W . 1:
October 16, 1806
The standard for eaoenenoe In
bicycle budding in Canade—
stroug, light, easy - runninng�,
F r a to a of the best Import ¢e
cold drawn steel tubing bear -
tags, the best selected 61s1a-
grade tool steel, highly pofhalted,
accurate and absolutely dust -
proof • Fauber One ptece
Crank Axle. Fitted with any
tire and any saddle you prefer.
Seed your name for rtign cata-
TNa R. A. McCreadyCo.,T0.
Agents wanted In unrepresented
C. A. A. districts. 401
Storms and floods did immense dam-
age in Great Britian.
It is probable that the office of Black
Rod at Ottawa will be abolished before
next session.
To remove the constipated habit, the
only rate treatment is a course of Ayer's
Pills, followed by a laxative diet. Most
other cathartics do more harm than good,
thereft re leading physicians reoommend
Ayer's Pills, especially as a family physio.
At Napanee John O'Rourke, a boy
about fourteen years old, was killed
while -sealing a ride on a freight train
in the G.T.R. yard.
The report, 'published of a general
saw -Off cif all election protests In the
Dominion js authoritively denied.
There has not been even euch a pro-
PILES CELLED is 3 to 6 NIOaTB.-Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment will cure all oases of Itch-
ing Piles in from 3 to 6 °iota. One appli-
cation brings comfort. For blind and
bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cures
Tetter Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Itch,
and all eruptions of the akin. 36 ate.
Sold by Watts & Co.
George Hewell, a colored convict at
the Riugaton Penitentiary, was shot
and killed by one of the guards for
mutinous conduct and murderously
attacking another guard.
Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia,
and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured
by Shiloh'° Care. Soldiiby J. H. Combe
rflned in Woodstock jailil
o has been
coufor several
weeks awaiting the completion of ex-
tradition proceedings, was taken to
Houston, Texas, to answer a charge ot
that violent headache in lees time than it
takes J uu to read this. They are sate,
successful, sure. 25 cents a box.
s,.+.a. • �s rs-, vmaee,ov+e,ro."sv+-^err••-+nes
Essex claims to have two ,the fat-
test bob s in Ontario. Cec,1 • one, aged
11, weighs 175 pounds, an 1 Dell Bee-
man, a.;ed 13, has 165 pc .ands to his
0r'10 CoxerIPArION 881) LIVER ILLS.
-Dr.-j•gnew's Liver Pills are the most per-
fect made, and cure like magic, Sick Head -
e, Constipation, Billionenees, Indiges-
n and all Liver Ills, 10 cls. a vial -40
doses, Sold by Watts & Co.
It, is announced that Hon. L. IL
Davies will visit British Columbia
before Christmaa in his capacity as
Minister of Marine and Fisheries. A
number of neglected departmental
questions remain for settlement at the
Pacific coast.
Ask your physician, your druggist and
your friends about Sbiloh's Cure for Con-
sumption. They will reoomend it. Sold
by J. H Combe, Clinton.
The case of the supposed lnurder of
Mrs Robt. Carpenter, near Ra ers-
ville, has been placed in the hands of
Governtoeut, Detective John Murray.
The body was exhumed fcr the purpose
of corroborating the medical testi-
mony at the inquest.
Their Excellencies' present to Sir
Charles and Lady Tupper is a gold
snuff-box of ample proportions, beauti-
fully chased and suitably engraved "To
Sir Charles and -"Lady Tupper on their
Golden Wedding day, from the Earl
and Countess of Aberdeen."
FL ELM in 6 Hoare.- Distressing kidney
and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours
by the "South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise and
delight on account of its exceeding prompt -
nese in relieving pain in the bladder, kid-
neys, book and every part of the urinary
passages in male or, female. It relieves
retention of water andain in peeing it
almost immediately. If yon want qniok
relief and pure this is your remedy.
Sold by Watt; & Co.
Mr Wm. Hannah, a well-known far-
mer, living on the 8th con. of Elms,,
was thrown out of a rig at Atwood on
Saturday, and instantly killed. In en-
deavoring to stop the runaway horse
deceased turned the lig into the ditch.
The rim of one of the wheels broke,
and Mr Hannah was violently thrrwn
out upon the spokes, Which ran into
his neck, cutting It almost from ear to
ear. His mother, who was riding with
him at the time, was also thrown out.,
and was found lying by the roadside
unconscione. Medical aid was sum-
moned, but it is not likely that ;he will
survive the shock, as she is more than
70 years of age.
There are pi le and pills ---but Dr. Agnew's
Liver Pills lead in demand. The Bale bor-
ders on the phenomenal.
Sluggish liver, constipation or irregular
bowelb are the precursors of many physic-
al dieordore. These little wonders remove
the dense.
They are entirely oagetable, They act
on the liver and bowels without dieturbanee
to the system, diet or occupation, They
&ore gtiXpe. They ad pleasant. 40 in a
garr1 beIItll,
Why She Gov() Up the IIionnet Parcae.
The other day the clergyman of quite
a bumble little rhumb in the eaharbe
was eleotrified to flee among has small
and devout amenably a well-known
"bubterfiy" who had been Dae of the
constant attendants e.1 the moat fashion-
able church In We neighborhood. After
seeing her there several Sunders in sue-
oeesion, be tett bound to Dell ripen her,
when she ab onoe remarked on the set-
viee, and bold how glad she was to flgd
the general oot1gregation enoh a humble
one; 'for," said she, "my poor dear
husband has had severe losses lately,
and I have had to leave Sb. Peter's; I
found in our altered circumstances that
It was impossible to dress up to it es
usual and I really tumid not go there
any more to show my old clothes In the
midrib of the new ones of my friends,"
AtiMeasly for Pt.
Teaober- .Now, ohrtti en, I want you
all to be go still that you oan hear a pin
Willie (after a moment's ellenoe4^•-tat
her &op. --Washington Tinkers.
Robert W. Long, of Port Hope, was
found dead In his bed He lived with hie
brother, who is a believer 1n Christian
science. An inquest is being held.
Ie contained in a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa•
rills than in any other similar preparation.
It costs the proprietor and manafaoturer
more. It ooste the jobber more and it is
worth mon to the oonaamer. It has a re-
oord of aurae unknown to any other pre-
paration. It is the beet of any because it
is the One True Blood Purifier.
HOOD'e PILLS are the beet family
cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, re-
liable, Bare.
A Base to Net Joh It Woe Berongiy Develop-
ed amid P.re5etent,
There was a wtetlal expression on his
faoe ae be ebro4led up to the boar-o03oe
of the theater. Re snicked his beard
with an assumption of nonohalance and
said to the young man who was veLitng
tickets: --•-
Be ye goin' ter bey any'thln' gotta' on
hese ter -nights"
"Yee, sir," was the answer. "We
have a performance here every night."
"Crowded houses?"
"Oh I guess we can find a place for
"you if you want to go in."
"I wouldn't want anythtn' very ex-
pensive. 'Moat any place 'ud do far ma."
"We can sell yon a seat for twenty-
five cents."
"Tbat'e rook -bottom prices, is itt"
"We can't glee any diecount on Obat.'I
"Wel, I dunno. Would ye sorter do
me a puo'nal favor?"
1t was a dull day end the main in the
baa -office watt a little lonely and to keep
the aoaversatirm going, he answered"Yee, it you don't ask gpe to pass you
into the show for nothing"
'1 wouldn't make no seoh request es
that. I'm vanilla' ter pay fur my amuse-
ment, or go wethoub. But would yon
take Sue two -cent stamps in part pay-
Yee. We can use them."
"An' I've got a dime with. a hole in it.
Would ye jus ez soon let that go in fur
eight Dents? That's a discount of two,,
cents on account of the hole."
The ticket roller was thoroughly
amused by this time and be answered:-
" Yes. Let's have it."
"That'll make eighteen Dents. I rec•.•
kon you'll want seven cents more."
"I'nz afraid I will."
"Wal, here's the eighteen rents, I'll
„nine around tor night an' set down
anywhere ye put me an' when ye think
I've seen eighteen cents' wuth, ye kin
send one "' yer hired men around an'
notify me. I'll git right up en' go nut
an' there won't be any disturbance what-
Rumevr'r. "
"We can't do anything like that.
You'll have to buy a ticket for the whole
show or not go in at all."
"Wel, there's only one thing I kin
offer ye; Ye can take yer choice. I'll
give ye this here jack knife that I paid
a quarter fur lese'n a year ago, an'
which only hez one blade out o' the
three broke. Er I'll give ye this ten -rent
piece of chewin' terbacker whloh I was
goin' ter take home ez a present betthe
hired man."
' I -I don't see hew we can do any-
thing like that."
"It ud be a great accommodation."
"All right," said the amiable ticket
seller. "Hand over the jack-knife."
And he threw Mm out a ticket.
"I know ye ain't runnln' no junk-
ebop," the appiieant said as he passed
over the cutlery, "an' I'm much obliged
ter ye fur makin' this exception. I hated
ter go 'way wethout seein' a theayter
show, but et I Mus ter hey paid real
money out an' out, I don't think Mebl-
tabel would ever fergive me fur it. But
the postage stamps 'nd likely hey got
lost before I got a chance ter use 'em an'
I couldn't Dass the dime an' I've got
another jackknife. So ez long ez 1 jes'
traded in cur it, I kin enjoy tb actin'
weth a clear oorocleno.. en' go home an'
tell Mehitehet ni rat it"
Family Medicine of the Age.
Taken Internally, It Cures
Dlarrhfea, Cramp, and Pain In the
Stomach, Bore Throat, Budden Colds,
Coughs, eto., eta
Used Externally, It Cures
Cute, Bruises, Burns, Boa/ds, 8pralns,
Toothache, Pain In the Face, Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Frosted Feet.
No attire ever attained to sorb unbounded popular.
Sty - Salmi Ob,err,r.
We ran beer testimony to the e11Mi,ry of the Pain.
Elliot. We have seen 1te mash, greets In soothing aha
severest pato and know 1t to be a good articleanti —crnMn.
Nothing MN ,Te thremostel the Patn.Hnler, which is
the molt valuable family medidne now In ice: Tenneuee
it baa real merit I as a mento of rcmeving pain. no
medicine baa acquired !t reputation equal to Perry Davis'
Pain -Kill er.—Xatpert Nowt. �v
RAVDI&.are ear tMix 1 g 1pa''P rWet totAklea
1:1 FoLR
Ill p rity
The rtedoulns.
The first blush of dawn seas them stir-
ring, and soon all 1s life and excitement.
The men go off to their various labors,
as do many of the stronger women,
wblle the remainder attend to their
scanty household duties, later on basking
in the sen. But the moment the stranger
arrives the scene changes, and bhts inces-
sant din of doge, hags . and babdes'onm-
menoee, to which the visitor be doomed
till late at night, with the addition then
of neighs+ mod beapt>.. Outside the circle
of learn is a Wag or thorny bushe, out
and piled !n snob a manner that' their
interwoven brooches prove an effective
hareem, and at night the oak" spaoe left
free for art entrance Is closed in the same
The roots only of the tents are of
cloth; the sides, about 8 feet high, are
formed at bundles of tbls$tee stood on
end, or of any bruehwood the locality
affords. lnetde the leaves ot palmetto
guava for plash, being supplemented by a
mat or two. The furniture mutate per-
haps of a rude hand loom, a hand mill
and three stones In a hole for a fireplace.
Around the sides are tethered donkeys or
calves, while fowls and doge have the
run of the establishment. Dirt is the pre-
vailing fentnre.
.a sure Euro, for Dumbness.
Mr. Gabhleton-Oh, doctor, my wife
bee suddenly lost the power of epeeob
can't atter a word!
Eminent Phiyatoian (laoorrical y) -
Take her to the opera.
Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"Some years ago, as a result of too
close attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
ueanifeeted all the eymptc$ ref ;a de-
tsIf�fe,. I took. 'three ' 6ttle'f Qf"i'3''We
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once,
and gradually increased my weight from
one hundred and twenty -flee to two
hundred pounds. Since then. I$ nil my
family hare used this medicili . when
needed, and we are all in the hest of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I beliere my chil-
dren would hare been fatherless to -trey
had It not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot say too
much." -FI. O. Hryso&, Postmaster and
Planter, Kinard's,.8. C.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
AYER'S Pills Savo Doctor's Bills.
*imps ha TSI'io Countess. at Ogee.:
There le probably but one person 110
the state of Pennsylvania who can bowie
time he 'sleeps whit his head in one
noun y and teeb in anotbee. Joseph Wil-
son, of near Allentown, who la eb the
previous time studying at the Philadelphia
Sohool of Design, olahno that when be
is at home he rests his bead In Lehigh
County and his fleet in Northawpton,
Be pare the hone° he lives In Wanda on
the dividing line of the bwo counties,
and his bed lies directly across the line.
There le also a bed in the game house
which is bisected from bead to foot by
the county line, so that bwo patrons may
Ile side by side in ib and yet be be two
different counties. --Philadelphia Record.
Where Meerschaum Is Prom.
There is a very general lmpreeslon in
the nitride of smokers that the meer-
schaum part of the pipe, which they
treasure so carefully and take so mo ho
pride and satisfaction in "ooloring," It
compressed sea foam. Such, however, is
not the case. The German word meen
eohaum means In Er Bah foam of the
sen, but 1t8 formation nae nothing to do
with the we.. It is a kind of clay, Queues
out of mines like coal, and is found
only In Turkey. The artist who carves
meerschaum is required to pass through
as severe a school of apprenticeship, last-
ing from three to ton years, as though
the wort: ,re .• •• • ^ala.
Break Up a Cold in Time
The Quick Cure for COUGHS,
Mss. JOSEPH NoewtcK,
of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes:
Pyny-Pectoral hal never failed to care
my children of croup after a few doses, It
cured myself of along -mending cough Mbar
several other remedies had failed. It has
also proved an excellent cough euro for my
family. I prefer It to Mur other medicine
for coughs, croup or hoarseness.'
H. O. BAReouie,
of Little kocher,'N.B., writes:
"As • cure for coughs Ppr y -Pectoral is
the best selling tnedicino I have; my cua-
tomers will have no other."
Large Dottie, 25 Cts.
Proprietors, MONTREAL
Having Heart and Nerve Troubles, such
as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular
Beating of the Heart, Shortness of
Breath, Smothering Feeling, Loss of
Memory, Dizziness, Feeling of' Anxiety,
or Morbid Mental Condition, etc.
For Thin or Poor Blood, General De-
bility, after effects of La. Grippe, etc.,
they are most valuable. These Pills do
not stimulate for the moment as brandy
and other powerful stimulants do, but
act as a tonic, slowly, yet permanently,
building up the tissues, restoring regular
Heart action, regulating the digestive
organs and neutralizing the poisonous
acids of the blood,
Their direct action on the Nervous Sys-
tem gives tone and vigor to every nerve,
so th :.,;i. r,.0 from any Heart or Nerve
Disease are sure to find almost imme-
diate benefit,
Each box is guaranteed to give satis.
faction. Your money back if you want it.
Price 6oc. per box, or 3 boxes for $ f .5o,
Emanaipation from Pain
re rot73tD ill
Dr. LeRoy's female Pills.
The only reliable and trwtwerthy p».
tiaratimt known. weer, sorest and moat
effective remedy ever discovered for anklet
ntarltiea of the female system. Sealed circular
fres. Primal ?mhos of druggists, or by mall
securely waterloo ressapt of price
LeRoy Pill Ca Victoria St., Toronto, Can.
as e by Alien
25, 30, 40, 50, AND
BLACK OR Mixte 6
Wood's Phosphodiiiu. -
,g ash Remedy.
Is the result of over 85 years treating t1,,,: uses with all known
drugs, until at last we have discovered the t- '' t;edy and treatment—a
combination that will effect a prompt ani! prr:.eauent cure In all stages of
Seruoi ilehflily, Ahura n• Te,rcvev, Nee .rinr We'akbe rr, L"mlr,ril a., Afetal
I!'o••rr, ! rrerth, !'ve of ('irum. Tnbo„n, or Alroholie Siimu,'onis, all of
which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's
Before Taking. phosphodtne has been used successfully by hundreds of eases that seemed
almost hopeless -caves that had hart 'rested by the most talented physi-
cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and Insanity—cases that were
tottering over the grave -but with the continued and persevering use of
Wood's Phoaphodine, these noses that had been giveo up to die, were
restored to manly vigor and hoaith-Reader you need not despair—no mat-
ter who has given you up AS Incurable -the remedy In now within your
reach, by Reuse you can be restored to a Lfe of usefulness and happiness.
Price, one package, $11 six packages, $'.; by mall free of postage.
One rufll;Lase, sixgaaranleed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont-, Canada.
Wood's Pbospbedlno Is sold by tespenslble wholesale and retail draggle? ihabil°
Ladies are fond of I3legance
in Underwear
and she who understand the
virtues aontafned in a fine ptrc
wool article, elaprisitively finished,
will bay the •etlealth Brand,"
both for herself and her children.
Every doctor in the Dominion,
says,—do not wear underwear
with cotton in it—do not wear
anything but fine, soft, pure wool
neat ytur skin, which will not
irritate and wilt absorb.
iealt rand"
Has been before the public now
for seven years and every day, the
list of those who wear it, has been
added to, until we can count
thousands who won't wear any-
thing else but this. If you study
your health your comfort and your
safety. Ask for the 'Health Brand'
For sale by Gilroy & Wiseman and Hodgens Brothers
PlushPar]or Suites only $25'p ��a
Solid Walnut Frames, 6 pieces, every pieoe a different color. See no for Extension
Tables, High back Chairs, Lounges, Window Shades, Picture Frames, &o.
J.I3, C1133:1LZI P1 131_1"Y"111-1
TIIOP►QUc3-H & TH01W cru - B
Poreit City Business tt Shorthand College, London, On
And you will find them practical at all pointe. Students attend this College from all
pans of the country; they have the finest set of rooms, in the new Y. M. C. A. building,
for Business College work in Canada, graduates successful in wearing positions. Cata-
logue'and particulars of either oourse sent upon application. Good board, $2.50 per
week; ladies 82.25.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal
Nothing succeeds like success. 'We started in business nearly
two years ago, and have made a success of our venture- We
started out with a new stock of first-class Groceries, and a cash
principle, and have built up a
STILL -we can do more, and in order to do so we are enlarg-
ing our store and putting in a plate glass front. When complet-
ed we will have a store second to none. Have you tried our
CREAM BAKING POWDER, 20c per lb. Tin
The up-to-date Cash Grocery
Farm produce taken add cash.—Teleptione No. 23.
The Best
The Money
You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea.
Every customer using it is a pleased customer.
Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will he found as low as
is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing.
For a few weeks we will have a choice ccllection of House
Plants from the Bentniller Green House, which we will sell
,. at a very reasonable price. Call and grit 1 ices.
NearPostOfce—C t jTRAL GROCERY—Telephor a 40
Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods.
Quality fine and prices low in:
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware
TEAS- Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. Yon will save
from 5 to 10 tents per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Com-
pare quality and prices.
SUOAitS-We are headquarters, we buy direct from. Montreal refiners. Keep beet
quality and Bell at close prices.
SPECIAL BARGAINS-6poundsEvaporated Peaches for 26e. 8 !be Evapor
ated Apples for 25o. 5 ibe Prunes for 25o. 28 Ib Box Raisins for $1,
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps -We have to make room for our
Imported Goode, and have reduced onr prices on Dinner nets, Tea Seta, Toilet
`+eta, Berry Sets, Water Sete, Bread and Batter Plates Cups and Simpers .nd
Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to
\1'e keep in etnc'k
and make to ceder
Wagons anal Buggies
which we felarentee to be
first class in every particular.
Nothing but the hest material use