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The Clinton New Era, 1896-10-16, Page 2
t ::;40/i/ItOtt c4J1 rie RFUera FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1896 It is said there are 60 applicants for the vacant Registrarship of Ontario county. The Week says that Mr Laurier is one of the grandest political figures that have yet appeared in Canada. The country at large seems to have ar- rived at that conclusion long since. But that does not leseen the correct- ness of the Week's statement. The World's Montreal correspondent 'nominates Sir Oliver Mowat for a place on the Judicial committee of the Im- perial Privy Council. He is doing ex- cellent work in his present position, and is quite too young at 75 to think of being banished fr°one his native land, or shelved upon the bunch. Fifty years ago last Thursday Sir Charles end Lady Tapper were mar- ried. The jubilee or golden wedding was properly celebrated at their resi- dence in Ottawa, sad the leader of the Conservative part has received many -.kind messages and'tokensfrom his per- .sonalfriends, irrespective of politics. The resignation of Lord Rosebery as leader of the British Liberals had to come sooner or later, and the excuse of a difference of opinion on +be Ar- menian qneation is as good ae any oth er. The abolition of aristocratic priv- ilege and a fair distribution of the wealth produced by labor are the great conning questions in British poli- tics, and no Lord can properly lead a party determined upon radical reform. Mr J. R. Dougall told the Christian Endeavorere at the Ottawa convention a very forcible truth when he said that it was important to have a prohibition law, but it was far more important to have a prohibition people. Prohibition laws without public sentiment behind them are of no more use than an en- gine without steam. The estimates prepared by the Tup- per Government amounted to $41,230,- 681; the supplementary estimates they had proposed bringing down, $4,660,- 000. Here ie a total of $45,890, 681. Yet their organs cry out in affected alarm, because the estimates submitted to Parliament are$4I,647,Q21, with sup- plementary estimates of $21,!:•: 867, a total of $44,637,778. The Liberals will, if they can, keep down the expenditure to the estimate, make a saving of 61,- 352,000, to say nothing of deducting sums properly chargeable to capital. Weequite agree with the Brantford Expositor that Mr J. A. McGillivray must have a rhinocerous hide. He was elected by fraudulent means, by the outrageous stuffing of the ballot boxs, and was so ashamed of the reve- lation that he declared he would not take the seat. He explained that his only reason for not at once resigning was that he could not do it until there was a Speaker, and a new one for a parliament {{�� p ant could not be elected - until the House met. Since then he had a sort of moral reaction, and both sat and voted in Parliament. Of course he got his thousand dollars sessional indemnity. Here is a bit of good sense from The Hamilton Herald:—•'What nonsense it is to accuse Laurier of 'purchasing' Mr Sifton, and tp charge Mr Sifton with 'selling�ijit' td Mr Laurier. Mr Sifton wets the portfolio of the Interior; but what can he give for it in addition to the evidence which he has already giv- en in abundance that he is amply qual- ified for the position? Mr Sifton has no cinch on the Greenway Government and the Manitoba Legislature, He cannot command tbeir actions, and it they are going to back on their princi- ples and record on the school matter as a reward to Mr Laurier for favoring Clifford Sifton." Hon. G. W. Rose delivered an elo- quent address before the Normal School pupil teachers at Ottawa. In closing Mr Roes advised all the coming teachers to cultivate intellectual senti• ment as much outside the school room as in it, for upon them depended the moulding of a nation's character, and the future of a nation's glory and hon- or. They individually could not do much, but collectively they wielded tremendous power and influence, and As molecules made mountains, so would their combined efforts build up a nation that would stand as a mono- • meat of glory, honor, and virtue to the generations yet unborn. The Ontario Government was on Thursday asked to discontinue the manufacture of binder twine at the Central Prison. Mayor Elliot and A Id Montgomery of Brantford, said that a prices for twine were now so low, ands the stocks on hand so large,itkee -_�Q eti - mental Binder Twine Co., of lireii} }ritYj, would have to shut down if the twine machines at the in Leon were kept run- ning. They thought it world be far better to give the convicts a rest tban to allow the men worki g—for the Con- tinental company to lose their employ- ment. Premier Hardy promised to give the matter his careful study. The following public service regula- tions have been passed by the Ontario Government and explain themselves:— "That failure, personally, to attend to and supervise the duties of his office by a public officer or servant sball he a sufficient cause for removal from office. That incurring debts hereafter by of• ficere or clerks of the civil service Which they shall be unable to pay by reason of living beyond their means shall be a sufficient cause tor removal from office; and the giving of orders ispOn the treasury by such officers or eierks unless previously authorized so o iter h he T�p,urer in writing, Is - tihibited.: Tldit,the habit of tippling, It 'ter er the influence of intoxi- t>ig llq,irlf^bjw a 'public officer or ser- vant during business or office hours shall be asufflcient cause for removal from office." A Toronto contemporary suggests that Mr W. T. R Preston, provincial libr•ariau, should confine hie attention to the duties of his office and leave politics alone. We quite agree with the suggestion. The political arena is no place for a civil servant. Mr Preston should either give up his comfortable office in the parliament buildings or drop politics. And if he does not vol- untarily do one or the other the Gov- ernment ehould use compulsion. TRE NEW E1tA fully appreciates the services Mr Preston has rendered the Liberal party, and has the moot friendly feel- ings for him pereonaly, but it cannot countenance his interference in politics while holding a position in the public service, Crisp County Glippin gs Capt. 8tretton has leased his farm near the township hall, Morrie, to A. G. Eastern. Malcolm Black, the popular teacher in section 3, Morris, has been re-engag- ed for 1897. Rev. H.W Jeans, rector of Thorn - dale, and formerly of Dungannon, will probably be the new rector of Christ Church, Listowel. The impurities in the blood whiob cause scrofulous eruptions are thoroughly eradi- cated by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. Mr. Jos. Barnard, of Wroxeter, had the misfortune to get some of the bones of his foot broken while ,work- ing at a well for Mr A. McIntosh. W. 1 ichardeon has sold his brick residence adjoining Brussels to Wm. Pepper, of Grey, for $I,000 and intends removing to the Rainy River district. While Mr. Wm. Montgomery of Howick was attending the Palmer ston show on Tuesday of last week, he lost a valuable horse, supposed to have been stolen. The friends of Mr M. Robinson, of Seaforth, will regret to learn that he has been confined to his bed since Thursday last as the result ot a slight stroke of paralysis, ,'tea . mere as resigned his posi- tion as teacher in S. S. No. 6, Morris, and intends studying dentistry. Mies Mary Halliday will complete Mr Rus- sell's term, which expires on Christmas. onfrision as to the ohoioe of a blood purifier is unneoeuary. There is bat one best Sarsaparilla, and that is Ayer's. This important fact was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898, being the only blood -purifier admitted to be planed on ex- hibition. Mies Boyd, of Goderich has secured the position as teacher in Carlow school at $400. This is a remarkably good salary, but then the truetees know that a good teacher is worth paying for. This week Morley Hutchinson, of Grey purchased the 10.1 acre farm ad- joining hie own, being lot 20, con. 5, Grey, from Mrs John McLeod. This will give Mr Hutchinson a good big farm. Mr Neil McGregor, of Wingham, is nursing a broken rib. He was nailing up a window in one of Chisholm's new cottages on the bare line, when he slipped and fell across a joist, with the above result. On Tuesday last Mrs E. H. Fish, of Exeter, had a large tumor removed from her shoulder which had tronbled her a number of years. She is doing as well as can he expected. Mr Oliver Coleman, who has taught with much skill and success in Section No, 0, Hay, bas decided to quit the profession and enter the ministry, and before long intends starting for Albert College. We are pleased to learn that Mr. David McDonald, of Detroit, son of Rev. Dr McDonald of Seaforth, whose eyes were seriously afflicted for acme time, is now recovering and it is hoped his sight will soon be fully restored. Mr. Fowlie, who has acted ae Rev, Dr McDonald of Seaforth's assistant during the summer months+, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening last and left on Wednesday to resume his studies at Knox College, Toronto, RHECMAsrsi4 CURED IN A DAY.—Boat American Rheumatic Cnre for Rhenma tism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at once the oanse and the disease immediate- ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene. fits. 75 Dents. Bold by Watts & Co, After nearly twenty years of faith ful service to Wio;bam, Joko Dick son, treasurer of the town of Wing hams, stout in his resignation to the council, his reason being the extreme ly ill -health with which he baa suffer ed of late. Mise Aggie Grieve, daughter of Mr Wits Grieve, of McKillop, who was taken seriously ill in Toronto a few weeks ago, while attending the Nor- mal school tlirere, is now reoovering and hopes bo be all right again soon, Mies Hattie Brooks, formerly of Sea - forth, has won the third year mathe- matical scholarship, the annual value of which is $125, or $250 in all. Her younger sister, Miss Lizzie, hag also won the Normal School Bursary, the value of which is $45 We regret to state that Mrs 0, F. Blair, of Brussels, is laid up with ty- phoid fever at her father's residence to Goderich. She accompanied Mr Blair to the County town last week, hut owing to taking ill was unable to re- turn. We observe, with no smail degree of pleasure, that W. B. Dickson, of Lang. don, Dakota, formerly of Bruaspls, has been re-notninated State Attorney by the Democratic County Convention. Robt. Work, formerly of Brussel.,:, was placed in the field by the same party as Co. Auditor, Mr A.Russell, who has been teaching in school section No. 5, Morris on the 6th line. has resigned, and intends taking a course in the dental college. Miss Mary Halliday has secured the school for the balance of the year. Miss Halliday is a first-class teacher, and will no doubt give satiefact ion to all in the section, h • Mr James Moore, grain dealer, who wbo has been long a resident of Kippen anticipatee•lea'irig our burg in the near future, and i'emov1ng to Hen - sail, where he will be tltlbte convenient THE OL NTON NEW ERA to his work, he having diepoeed of his flue property, which is very conven- iently situated, to Mr Frank Mann for a fair price. Mr Samuel Love, sr., of Morris, died on Friday of last week. Deceased had beenailing for a long time with dropsy, He had reached the advanced age of 78 years, 11 months and 20 days. The funeral took place early on Sunday morning and proceeded to the town- ship of Usborne, where his wife was buried a few years ago. The annual harvest home services in connection with the Constance Met- hodist church, will be held on Sunday and Monday, October 18th ancir 19th. On Sunday, services will be conducted at 10 a.m. and 7. m, by Rev. Joseph Edge. On Monday evening a harvest home dinner will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock,after which an interesting and profitable time is expected. On Tuesday Dr. Kennedy, of Wing - ham, performed a skilful operation on Mrs Wightman, of Adrian, Mich,, when he removed a large abdominal tumor. He was assisted by DI. Jas. Macdonald, who administered the chloroform. Dre. Gunn, of Clinton, and Johnson, of Adrian, were also present. At latest reports Mrs Wight - man was progressing favorably. • "the annual meetingof the Stanley, Tuckersmith and Hay Sunday School _association will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, in the Presbyterian amnia, Hills Hills Green. There will be three see - Mons held during the day, the morning session commencing at 10 a. m. Dur- ing tha day a number of ministers, lay- men, and Sabbath School workers are expected to be present and take part in the several topics andsdiscussions laid down in the program. Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggrvate. Karl's Clover Roo Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels.— Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. Many will learn with feelings of deepest regret and sorrow of the sud- den death of Mr Nathaniel Caskey, who formerly lived on the farm now owned by Mr Thos. Fraser, of Stanley. Mr Caskey was engaged in drawing in and stacking grain and was founddead sitting on a load of wheat. Mr Caskey has been living in Manitoba for a num- ber of years. He leaves awife and five children, the eldest of whom is study- ing in Manitoba College, with a view to entering the ministry. It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of Miss Rachel Orr daughter of Mr Richard Orr, of Drys- dale who departed this life on Satur- day, September 26th, alter a short ill- ness of eight days. Inflammation was the stern messenger that came to call her home. the funeral took place on Monday last, and was very largely attended, thus testifying the respect in which the deceased was held, and the sympathy felt for the bereaved family. HAY FEVER AND CATARRH RELIEVED IN 10 To 60 Mrxur&s.—One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use. It relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafneaee. Sold by Watts & Co. The anniversary services in connec- tion with the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of St. Andrews' church, Kipper), will be held on Mon- day evening, Oct. 19tL, commencing at 8 o'clock, and promises to be a splen- did affair. Rev. Mr Grant, of St. Marys, is expected to preach, and Revs N. Shaw, of Egmondville: Muir, of Brucefield; Henderson and Waddell, of Heneall, will deliver addresses; and appropriate music will he furnished by the choir. John Fisher died very suddenly on Wednesday, September 311th, at Mr. Philip Kennedy's, lot 2, con a, McKil- lop. He was a widower, with one child. To all appearance he was all right up to the time of his death. Ile was in the act of taking down hi. overcoatto go out to feed the horses, when he suddenly dropped down, not uttering a single word, and before aid could reach him he was dead. ffe had lived near Dublin for the past. eight years. A RAILWAY MANAGER SAYS: "In reply to your quest:on do my chil- dren object to taking Scott's Emulsion 1 say No? on the contrary they are fond of it and it keeps them pictures of health. The Election Protests. It was reported by the Conservative newspapers that arrangements were being made to "saw off" alt the elec- tion petitions ifs' this and other Pro- vinces, The Liberal leaders at Ottawa, who were stated to be willing to agree to such a compromise, deny the trut l of the report. No such proposal has been made, or will be entertained. The trial of the election protests will he proceeded with in the latter part of November c'r beginning of December. There are no protests against Liberal members in Ontario, and it is said that a number of Conservative M.P.s, will confess judgment, and try to prevent an exposure. Some of the Conservative members, whose seats are attacked, are moving heaven and earth to avoid going to trial. In Winnipeg, for example many technical ohjectione were raised to the petition against Hugh John Macdonald, but the the court refuses to sustain them, Similar objections were raised by Mr Boyd. ('onservative M. P. for Marvnette, Mensal -id thrown out, and now Mr Boyd is trying to postpone the day when he irrust go by asking for leave to appeal to the Su- preme ('out t. NEWS NOTES The outbreak of typhoid fever in East Zorra is still of a very alarming nature. There are new no less than eight victims. Mr Robert Boxall, a popular blacksmith, being the last to succumb. He died in the Woodstock hospital Tuesday night. In the Boxall houeehoid alone this is the second death within a week, the son, Henry, having also st)ccumhed to the disease. Mrs Boxall is not expected to live, while a youn son is also down with it • s and the police believe that brakemen of the -tied have been murdering tramps caught on that line. A man named Moloney, from Brook- lyn, was shot twice and thrown from a train by the train hands, but sur- vived his injuries and has given infor mation to the authorities, which led t( the street of a brakeman named Bean The latter, it is said, has confessed tt the superintendent of police of Ne Haven that the trainmen made it practice to kill tramps found on their cars. HEART Drsuuer RELIEVED us 80 MxsOTse —1)r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart give, perfect relief in all oases of Organic o; Sympathetic Heart Disease in 80 minutes and speedily effects a onre. It is a peerles remedy for Palpitation,ehortaeate of Breath Smothering Spells. Pain in left side ani all eymptoms of a Diseased Heart. Onl dose oonvinoee. Sold by Watts & Co, On Thursday morning a trigantil mushroom bloomed into full vlgoi right underneath the asphalt sidewall on Shuter street beside the Elllo House, Toronto. It could be seer through a crack in the aephalt, hu' was too lig to come through, and ii some phenomenonal manner it raiee'c the asphalt above it four inches. hole was made in the pavement an( the edible taken out. It was a mush room of the first quality and weigher a pound. A similar one, though no so large, came up in the asphalt Hierr some ten days ago, very near when the second one was found.r A neglected Dough is dangerous. Shop i et once by using Shiloh's Dare. Sold by J H. Combe, Clinton. It is reported from Ottawa that Mr Kimber, gentleman usher of the Blac Rod, is to be superannuated and th office abolished. The only duty M Kimber has is to summon the faithfu Commoners to the Senate Chamber a the meeting of Parliament and prorog ation, and to prepare a list of thos who are to appear on the floor of the House and the Press Gallery. This means about three days' work in the year, for which hereceives $1,350, with fine quarters in the Senate as a resi- dence, valued at $6,50, or $2,000 in all. is the wildest absurdity to suppose that The duties performed by Mr Kimber may be allotted to the Senate Serge- ant -at Arms or some other official, who could, with very little practice. acquire the necessary number of"bobs" to uphold constitutional requirements, ays Of severest trial and test prove in regard to Hobd's Sarsaparilla Ist, Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combine- tdon, Proportion and Process unknown to others — which naturally and actually produces • 2d, Createst Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials — which naturally and actually produce 3d, Createst Sales According to the statements of druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's � 1 Sarsaparilla 18 peculiar to Itself. A6 ood's Sarsaparilla Is the beet — It is the Ona True Blood Purifier, Hood's Pills will Hood e gareauarlll e. Keep out the Dampness. As the Woodman's Axe resonnds through the forest so the reputation of onr shoes resounds thro' the connbry. Reputation and Character ars some- times different. Reputation is what man thinks you are and Character what you really are, Your reputa- tion may be fine and your character the very onpoeite, in the case of our ehoes thrir reputation and char- acter are synonymous berme. Try them, also large stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags tic Double and Single Harness Shingles Wholesale and Retail JAS. TWITCH ELL, VICTORIA BLOCK IT PAYS TO TheCanadaBusinessCoilege CHATHAM. ONT. Holds a great lead over its ronremporariee in thoroughness of work, and its graduate* are In strong demand Aghgie Tanner has changed her position to a e death role now is: David, Eliza, ae F arr e1ry CO.. Detroitter t, htenographerowith D. M. F William and Mary Ann Pallister, James Mins Secharlat laced as Book Beeper, Cor- Hollock, Airs Robt. Walton, Henry ringt.on & Long, Trent, Mich. Mies Lindley as Stenographer. G.R.& I. Rail. way&flee, Grand Rapids, Mich. over by trains have been found on the IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEFIT Robert Boxatl. Ten bodies, mangled by being run ks of tF. h rieetfout within the e pest fAX months at tree a Consolidated R.R., Con• ,r ostaloga° of either department address J D. IWCLAOitLLtl,N & 0 Ob h ;>M�► 1'ROPURTII48 FOR SALE on TO LET LOT FOR SALM for so A 'rood le ata i serebigbargain. tot sen RattenburyApplyto ret. West T. JACKSON, JR. • i HOUSES FOR • Reversal pensee either paalars on application k e 1 t e SALE OR RENT or to rent. Full MOGARVA for sale to JOHN t FOR SALE Small oottage, centrally to rent. • OR TO RENT. For sale or 0. BHIARLE Iooated. W. FOR SALE., 3 'Else undersigned will Bell ata eaoridoe, Lot 461 or 12, Railway 'terrace Mame Parttonlare , upon application, JAMBS 8OOT7, Barrister &u i - FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich ' Township, For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton 1 PERRIN B 'LOCK ' W2 FOR. SALE 1 I 0100 Dash and 190 D month.1 CAMPBELL, Hamu:tante of milton h I FARM FOR MALE. Snbeerlber often for sale his farm of 100 a, res, 1 betnq lot 13on the 8th eon, of Bull Wit about of *leased, all St for oWtfvacbn. Log house, With frame kitchen frame barn 36x80. wit h us- ual outbuildings. Good bearing otabard. Tae 1 land Is as good se can be found and farm is In good oondition,, five sores to tell wheat and near-- faonstaneeelon Well any ppy 60 acres seeded ly on the premiseen. o orttol A. LAWSON, DESIRABLE FARM TO.RENT The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm on the 9th oon, Hallett township, ,being the north half of lot 86, containing 86 mores. Frame house, barn, stable and abed, young orchard bearing this year, a creek running through the farm all the year round. A desirable farm for stook or sprain, being only six miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmeeville. SPLENDID FARM OR Lot 12, Hayfield eon., taining U8 acres, about state of cultivation, talanoe some cedar timber. bouee, large tank watered, spring creek TO FOR SALE RENT townehip, con- cleared and in good hardwood, bush and comfortable brink good orchard; well Goderieb 85 Good, bare, running across the farm, which Is well fenced, mostly with cedar. Terme of sale will be made very easy. If not sold will be rented for a term of years. Apply to C. SIMONS, 72 tit. Davide St., Goderioh. CHOICE FARM FOR SA1LE Subarm on the ornerrofthe utline criber offers for aand 10tle hcon1,O derich Township, It is well watered, with good bearing orchard, frame house and new bank barn. Con- venient to church and erbool. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apnly to MRd JOS BPARLING, Clinton FARM Lot 25, Con, 5, Township FOR SALE - of Hallett 100 acres, 88 scree cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion, excellent clay loam soil; 12 scree of hard- wood bosh. Tbere is a good bearing orchard and a good supply of water. The farm loss never been rented, The buildings comprise a good frame house, barn and stables. This property is situate on an excellent gravel road, 24 miles from the Town of Clinton. Terme easy. For 1 further particulars apply to the undersigned, 1 on the premises, or to JAS, SCOTT, Barrister, 1 Clinton. MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton P. 0. E DESIRABLE A choice farm o1 107 Goderich township; in good state of cultivation, barn, young orchard well watered. This ferret ellen, not far from church miles from Clinton and of on applicatioon n to C SESnable FARM acres, on about 98 acres Frame just beginning is in an or school, will be •eased B1TT, TO RENT • the 15th eon. of 1 cleared and ( house, bank , to bear, excellent site.. , about four 1 for a term 1 Clintms. Full n 1' 0 particulars , t t horses or cattle, for the remain- Apply to M,- Hul ett, or C. g 1 ( GOOD PASTURAGE Splendid pasturage for either with plenty of water, can be bad der of the season for cog per head. GLEW, Orange dell, 3rd Con., MASON, Stapleton. COLBORNE The undersigned having making Cider, is prepared of first class eider, at land Con , Colborne, at the lowest 1 -Hoes. CIDER MILL - convenience for to make any quantity Lot 28, Melt shortest notice and = Benmiller , every his premises, on the G. PHRIM.ItER, Valuable PROPERTIES e For Sale or to Rent. c COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house bas excellent accom. tl niodation for travellers and publio generally Terme made known on applioation to JN 0 BOSSIER, Benmiller. P e Also HOTEL at Exeter North,With Dwelling House and good Store ad- L joining, with good outbuildinge. For par- zC ticulars apply to J. T, WESTCOTT p. Exeter, or JOHN ROSSLER, Benmiller. o Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— nt In West Nieeouri. 140 acres cleared, the 1 rest being a good bush of bard wood; no buildings worth speaking of. The land is D first rate; a good price is expected, but not & more than the land is worth. idyl Also FARM of 50 ACRES— — Within one mile of the former, being part .11 of the Wigmore Farm, being composed of m East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Niseonri; the land is first rate, and with 1 very little cultivation will make a farm al second to none of its size. _ Any of the above are good investments 3 and all particulars can be obtained on m, application to JNO. ROSBIER, Benmiller - THE PACE WiRE FENCE.ci st o1 To *MI notinommunonnaan AwAAAAAAAAIApAAAAA i.NI�eai.MIIMIIieRi�w�RifwRiiw+RitAi r ediNSM sit Niere�eAAantAeaAwA � . w••.••. Al This fence le the beet and strongest in exletenoe, it has a smooth surface, turn stock without injury. It is to put np requiring few poste; it down; will not break In winter; it wire fence end neat and easy cannot blow Is pig tight, Of; will ova — hull strong and horse high. Lastly It 1s eo obeap Tl that It is within the reach of all, The under- signed is sole agent for Stanley, Tuckeremith fiullett, Goderich Township and Colborne, and 8 will promptly All orderaitor the ereOUou et the Or fence 1n any of the townehlpe named. oar WM S TANEY,Rolmesville — Clinnton Planing Mill —AND -- Train Service at Clinton GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trams leave Clinton Station as follows:-- 00180 aAem 00100 WEB' Passenger ,...7 96 a m Paseeugor 1 02 p rn Pueeenger 3 06 p m Passenger 9 22 p ue Mixed Train..4 35 p mMixed Train 10 16 a m Mixed Train -68o p m I Mi*eu Train 7 06 p LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE. GCMG 7OaTH 002110 BOUTS Passenger Passenger London, depart 816 ant 445 pm 8 30 am 325 pm Exeter. 930 608 6 et 816 Hensallt 9 44 6 16 658 833 H u000aeid..,96588 62288 74400 869 Clinton 1015 6 66 9 69 4 28 Loath/sham . , 10 LI 9 Id 800 4 41 Hlyth. 10 41 923 816 468 Wingham iar'vell 0 800 960 6 JRAN D TRUNK Vki M The popular international tunnel and double track route ofeCanada, offers exceptionally tine coaches, fast time, aloes connections, cour- teous treatment. The lowest fares and first aecommodattion insured if tickets read via G. T. T. System Information cheerfully supplied by W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton Professional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Solicitor CONVEYANCER &a. COffice oimmediately South of Grio ilroy & Wiseman We BRYDONE, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo1Gallery, CLINTON M: Gr CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, moe—Hamilton St., opposite Coiborne Bctel GODERICH, ONT DR. WM. GCNN, L, R. C. P. end L. B. C, 8 Edinburgh. Office—Ontario t -rest, Clinton Night calla at front door of residence on Batten bury 8t., oppoeite Presbyterian church, DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D. TORONTO Universitf. O. P & 8., Ontariof .0Fellow oof the Obettet0j University dinburghRespitaien'rate ofOffi e.LDr,DowselEng„ ' old 'Hoe Rattenbnry 81. C1lnton. Night bell newered at the same plane, R. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Aecoucheat✓ter,bury 81. formerlyffiPalace occup ed by Dr. Reeve linton Ont. AS, 8. FRF.EB0RN, M.D., L.11.&Q,C.P..I., M, raduate folleg of Physicians, Dublin, 'Ireland. LIcens and e ate General Medical COAncll, Great Brita dember of College Physicians and Surgeons, On arto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital, Lying-in and G aerological) Dublin. Residence Rattenbury 8t. east, next door to Ontario St arsonage. UR BTANBLIRY, GRADUATEFUTHE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- Ity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and >ispensartee, New York, Coroner for he lminty of Haroi, Bayfield, Ont. DR AGNEW, Londesboro, Nucceseor to Dr Young. ritnW. Toronto 'University, TTrinity Uierst, mer of College Phy- iclene and Surgeons, Ontario. Office opposite Iethodlat church. Night calla answered at the ante place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3p,m, to 9 p.m, DR. T. C. BRIICE, SURGEON DENTIST, radnate 11 C D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Unl varsity Toronto, Special attention given to the Preservation ot )e natural teeth, OBtee, Coats I lock, over Taylor's shoe afire N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monde and aydeld every Thursday afternoon during_th e lmmer E. BLACKALL VETERINARY SURGEON oHonorary Graduate uOntarloVeterinary ilgeTres of eof om•attoeted and ale on the most modern and aelantine primal. les OMoe- immediately south of the New Ers dice. Reeldenoe — Albert 8t., Clinton. Cai ght orday attended to promptly 3ny VETERINARY SURGEON . HooraryyGraduate of the terl- reln alldiseaseson the mosmodeand )len tlflaPrinolples, Day and night calls prompt answered. Reeldenoe. iattenbury St,, west lnton. 011 remE13 SCOT, lasnrer of Mai 1a a Licensee, L brrary Ro8om' d Residents, Mary street, 011ntoh. 411016 CAMPBELL LONDESBOBO ISSUER OF CAMPBELL, LICENSES, No witnesses required rONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OB 1 Small sums on good mortgage security deraterateoflutereat. H neLE.Olinton. 1 W. FABNCOMB, MEMBER OE A8S•N Or and 11 EngineerPrLondon Ont OfHeeincial Landyor at Geo. wart's Grocery Store, Minton. R. A©NEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. 3tadete of Boyal College of Dented Burgeons 1t. Honor Graduate of Trinity Ualvereity ronto. 1 operations In Dentistryy carefully performed. Beet o0pp0pposite Town 1Halll overor r Swallow's stoess re, Wilt ylalt Bengali every Monday, and Znrfc tryeeoond Thnredayof each month. 4 Night bell answered, EIOS. GUNDRY. Auctioneer, GODERIOH, ONT, ales attended to in any part of the eo unty lees left et Clinton New ERA (0013 will receive enol attention, pd 8m BUSINESS CHANGE Davis & illC,[cC Dole 3 is ! Having hood�: out the Livery business Allan TnrnbniI. and amalgamated the forme DRY The enbserlber, having the very latest improved briefness of Davie &Kon, mu hers Witt eon, maohlnery, and employing the moat skilled work- AulnLeothe fsll fit the Turnbull Li pert' The men Is able to do work in Ilia lime In the most tiff Y 'wilt rea6ive tlfe batt fat a"n.. satiIfaotory brainier, at rea6onable ranee and heYli95 Mot o �ytc � i ° I , G tM of the ehottes notice. A trial solicited • et rezonabiq bltttr It be oursno l�yl�x�il��t t;klt ,t�.lf �w 11't,�'il;tOi<7' Qtt , ., �1'l ►.IteiK rYf b l A, t ti