HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-09, Page 10pj.
Qctober 9, 1896
flnton few eva
FRID&Y, OCT. 9, 1996
noun and rears num
oats wanted in ext, anHa for mimosa 11
, lbs fora bushel. Floe OlasoN'8 ad,
>WQf0* TO sit$'.—On eaoonar
d Bo, with cid
+Nnte roow attached, . dbe $e far lodge or liter
purposes. Bent re ociabla. W. 0. nr,H
>l 1i11.
Cusum --The other day salesman B
Churchill, of the Summerhill Oheeee
Factory, Bold to Mr Ballantyne the
September make, at JOo per lb. Sales-
ma>Ki J, Oonnoily of Holmeeville Cheese
Factory. also *aid the September make
from that factory to the same gentle-
man, ab the same prioe.
APpLas.—Some idea of the apple
crop may begathered from the clrcum
stance that Ur P. Sbralth hae only 24
,apple trees) in his orchard, and expecte
to gather about fifty barrels of choice
apples therefrom. Messrs Straith,Fair
& Forrester intend to ship about 000
barrels to Aberdeen, Scotland.
Hoven oa REFUGE NoTus.—A man
named Swartz, recently committed
from Stephen, took his departure last
week. without permission. On Sun-
day Mr Galloway conducted the ser-
vices, in the absence of Rev Mr Ford;
next Sunday the religious exercises are
to be conducted by the Salvation Army.
LIGHT-FINGEJED.—Judging by the
number of persona who lost pocket-
books, not only - sappa�, he Huron Central,
but at other fairs'db well, a number of
the light-fingered gentry must be at-
tending the shows, and in future the
public will have to guard, as far as pos-
eibla, against this class of attendants.
DOING WiItLI..—The Chicago Cana-
dian -American as —"Charles Coats,
with 0. D. Peacock the jeweller, left
Clinton. Ont., 15 years ago, learned his
trade with P. W. ]Ails its Co., Toronto,
and ie five years with his present posit-
ion. He retains a war m spot for Cana-
da, but is , quite content with hie sur-
roundings in his adopted country."
PEOPLE WflO TRAVIRE..—The follow-
ing passengers were ticketed by W.
Jackson for the Western Excursions:
Mrs•Worthinggton and daughter, Mrs
Watts, Mise Maggie Jacksou, Rev. W.
Ford and wife, John Irving and wife,
for Chicago; Mr and Mrs Blackwell,
Mre Parke, for Cincinnati; and Mrs
wants, for Cleveland. There was al-
so a lacge number for Detroit.
Traria Too SHoar.—Mr Al, Depew, of
Detriiitathe well-known musician, was
in tovia do Monday for a short time,
and as, he and Harold Jarvis. the popu-
lar viroallst, wet a billed for a oonoert
in Goderieht on Tuesday night. an ef-
fort wigs made to arrange for a concert
hero on Wednesday night. The time
wnetoo short, however, to allow of it
being successfully worked up and it
was dropped. •
WEDDED. — Oiintonians were no
doubt surrpprri�sed-and yet pleased to read
in the Mai1•lmpire, of Monday, the an-
nouncement of the marriage of Miss
Murray, late of town, (eldest daughter
of the late Major Murray) which took
plata at Brampton, on Saturday, to
Mr M. R. Kerby, of Hamilton. The
surprise is occasioned by the fact that
very few even of Mies Murray's inti-
mate acquaintances were aware that
anything of this nature was in con-
templation, and we are sure that her
many friends in Clinton wish her all
the happiness possible.
IMPROVEMENTS.—Mrs Macpherson,
of Woodstock, is at present visiting
here, and is having her house on Mill
St. overhauled and repaired. Harland
Bros are engaged in putting a new it •
on rbof on the Palace, (Hodgens Bros.'
stere.) The improvements being made
by Cooper Bros, to the stores of the
Brick Block, will make this one of the
finest blocks in town; the advantage of
a little paint to the front of a building
is here shown in the great improve-
ment it has made to this particular
block. Mr Thos. McKenzie has nearly
completed the improvements to the
store of Taylor & Sons; they have now
considerably more ehelf room than
they had, to accommodate their in-
creasing shoe trade, and have a nice,
commodious office at the rear. Exten-
sive internal improvements are being
made to the new store of Jackson Bros,
by Thos. McKenzie; this firm believes
in having everything of the best.
roads leading to Clinton should be im-
proved, particularly between this
town and the townships of Stanley
and Colborne.—News Record. [The
New ERA agrees with this entirely,
but is willing to go further. It should
be the aim of every municipality to
have the beet roads possible—they are
gooney -savers in the end. The Ontario
Road Commissioner estimates that
nearly $40,000,000 have been pertly
wasted on Ontario roads. that is, if
more properly expended it would have
produced better results. But what we
started out to say was this:—improve
'in every possible way the roads lead -
Ing to the town. We believe it would
pay the towth of Clinton, from a husi-
h eea standpoint, to borrow money and
improve all the roads leading to it.
There's no reason in the world why
Clinton might not he the best town
week of Stratford and north of Lon-
don, if all would unite towards that
end. The town has the advantage of
being central with an excellent coun-
try surrounding it, and first-class roads
would contribute to its welfare.
TowN Cornea..—The regular moot-
ing of the council was held on Monday
evening. The Finance committee re-
commended payment of the following
accounts:—J. Becker, for men and
Work on street., $66.61; J. Ferguson,
work, $8; T. Hillock, teaming, $2; R.
'Reynolds, salary, $90; Est. T. Spooner,
refit for Mrs Devine $2; Rubber Co.,
hose, boots, etc., $112.76. Receipts,
from Merry-go-round, $20; scales at
station, $6.56; for rent of hall, $8; from
rent of town scales, $24; R. Reynolds,
work,ate., $7. The receipts for the
montwere $7117.70, and the expendi-
ture, $668.42, leaving a balance of
$231.28 on hand. The clerk was re-
quested to ask the councils of Stanley
and Goderich township for theamounts
granted towards the opening of Isaac
street. On motion of,Coun. McKenzie
seconded by Deputy*+Reeve Cooper, it
w as decide to ask Mr Campbell, the
Oilhtt&rih Road, Cominissloiu r, to;m ike
villi: titliinton iniad ,given alt hells
roa ib
UtiArcise.—Dr Bruce has moved into
one of Mr Gibbing's houses, and Mr A,
Monteith, of Tuckersmith, will move
into the house vacated by Mr Bruce,
this week. Mr Rattray is moving into
Mr Mercer's house, Rettenbury St.
Mr Ben. Cole has rented a house belong-
ing to Mr Couch, on Maple Street.
first time in a good many years, the
reporter of the Nnw ERA. was unable
to attend Blyth Show, on Wednesday,
and he knows from past experience
that he missed a good @how and the
cordial greetings of a good many friends,
Howe'.r we avalled ourselves of the
courtesy of Mr Todd, who kindly
secured the prize list for es.
STATION NOTne.—On Saturday Met
no less than 48 loaded ears were sent
from Clinton station; this is an except-
ionally large number. This week Jas-
Haarn ships a car of stock. Neat week
a car of evaporated fruit will be ship-
ped Hamburg, Germany. Muses
Scott & Mason received 196 lambs for
shipment this week. John Stewart, jr.
of Stanley, left here on Tuesday with
ten oar loads of apples for Liverpool;
they represented the produot of seve-
ral farms in this neighborhood.
COMPLIMENTARY.—Referring to the
October issue of the Canadian Maga-
sine, the Mail -Empire thus alludes to a
well-known Clintonlan:—"The Cana-
dian Magazine for this month is an
especially interesting number. Mr
John A. Cooper is evidently etriving,
and with success, to make this month-
ly a bright and thoroughly national
publication. The series of papers in
the October issue is long and every
article deals with a Canadian topic."
DEATH.—After a somewhat protract-
ed illness, Mrs Lyons, wife of Mr Geo.
Lyons, of town passed away on Tues-
day, at the advanced age of 77 years.
Deceased was a widow when she be-
came the wife of Mr Lyons, and leaves
a family by her first husband of four
daughtere and one eon; the latter Mr
Pinning, of town. One daughter, Mise
Emma, is unmarried, and resides in
Toronto; the others are Mrs W. Muir,
Toronto; Mrs Cass, Owen Sound. and
Mre Case, residing in the Staten. She
was a member of Rattenbury St. Met-
hodist ehureh, and attended faithfully
until illness, prevented her doing so.
The funeral takes place this (Friday)
I,O.G.T.—The program at the meet-
ing of Templar@ last Friday evening
was given by the unmarried male
members of , the order, and was warn-
ingly, just as good as that provided by
any other special members of the lodge.
It was as follower—lnstorassenbal lay
Mr Yellowlegs; reading, David >lsntbk;
solo, James Foster; instrumental dust,
Wesley Moore and Walter Shaasos,
and a good address on Prohibition by
Rev. L. Harris. Refre@hmeabia in the
shape of grapes, was ,hen served. The
program to -night (Friday) wW be g�i['!-
en by the married members, „The dele-
gates to the district meeting at Blyth,
next Wednesda, will be MemosMoore,
Harris. Ohant.Bezao and Misses Barge,
Graham, Dodd, Miller and others.
Nor A FAei.—We understand that a
party has been going about the coun-
try selling odd ends of Tweeds and
Worsteds, alleging that the goods are
part of an English bankrupt stock,
which he claims to offer at very low
prices. It is said that his sales have
been made mainly to clergymen. It is
reported that wherever he effects a
sale he tells the purchaser that special
arrangement. have been made with the
well-known firm of Jackson Bros., of
Clinton, to make up the goods at a spe-
cified figure. So far as any arrange -
men tis concernedthis is untrue. Jack-
son Bros. are always willing to make
up clothing, but they have made no
arrangements with any peddlers to
this end. People would be safe to
deal with reputable established busi-
ness men.
Mr Eph. Butt has returned from his
trip to the northwest.
Mr James Fair intends to have the
electric light put into his house.
We are regnested to state that Mr
Gilroy is not an aspirant for the
Mies May, of Toronto, has been en-
gaged as stenographer for the Canada
Salt Association.
The Cricket Club will hold its first
annual dinner at the Hotel Clarendon
on Friday, October 18th.
It looks odd to see a Dominion Gov-
ernment ad, in our columns, but it is
certainly in a good mediun.
The Onward Bicycle Co., bas put in
a stock of guns, and offer them to rent;
something new in this neighborhood.
This might be called a "fair" issue
of the Maw ERA, as the prize list of
three fairs are to he found among its
It ie reported thet Mr James Camp-
bell, the very efficient clerk of Hullett,
will be returning officer for Division 2
of the new County Council.
In one hour and three minutes' play
the Huron. of Seaforth snatched a vic-
tory from the M. A. C. team of Detroit
on Saturday by three games to two.
We are exceedingly sorry to state
that the illness cf Mr Bert Shannon
has become so serious that no hopes
whatever are now entertained of his re-
covery. He is an extremely popular
young man who stands high in public
esteem and universal regret is ex-
presses) for his condition.
A. E. Morrow,,B.A. has been appoint-
ed classical master of the High School
at Belleville. The new teacher is a
graduate of Toronto University and
took first-class honors and classical
scholarships at Cornell University.
Mr Morrow is now teacher to Thorold
High School, and was fore erly con-
nected with. Clinton Collegiate.
The Milverton correspondent of the
Stratford Herald Ole alludes to a sister
of Mr W. Brydone. Wedding invit-
ations are out for the marriage of Miss
Mary Brydone to W. Maxwell, of Blue -
vale. The ceremony takes place on
Wednesday. 18th inst., at 5 p.m., at
"Courthill " the residence of James and
John Brydone, brothers of the bride.
A number'of poultry cars passed
through Stratford Saturday with ship-
ment from Goderich division. These
cars are nicely fitted up with perman-
ent cons each car containing 128 re-
ceptacles coupe, each
and in which live
poultry are readily transported 'With-
out any injury. The slumber of geese
ant1-ttuek'af;,in thloshippmer�atiweroTio47-.
Gleet el array, of11iitohbll,,rttiipe1.. over r
14800 t�* that offlty
We are sorry we cannot give
particulars of the handkerchief
sale we are gong to have, as
announced iu last week's paper
A portion of the goods have
not arrived yet,, but are ex-
pected this week, so watch for
full announcement in next
week's paper.
Extra heavy, all wool ribbed Hose, just the
thing for school wear, large sizes 25o per
pair, smaller sizes proportionately lower,
Our stock is lxling soresiiintly re-
plenished with sevsbiea as they
appear]'. Wheat brying y
you emit the wee* to be had.
week ws have epeliwrd some
very stylish ti is birds,
wings, fancy mom • • ., that are
very reasonable in prix% to
Ndw Sai or Hada in Biadr,
and Navy
r t..
The Dry Goods Palm*, Clinton.
A Point
p. ,
covers a very small amount of space.
In theory it is nothing. You cann°
see it, but if it is sharp enough yo
may be made to feel it.
A Pointer
is a suggestion. By common usag
tug tion worthy of attention and re—
sulting in your benefit. If the pointer
oomies from the right source always act'
OSS it.
Reasoning from the above we claim a
point deserving your attention
18 oar
Ten cent Wind ow
The W. D. FAIR CO.
Agents for Parker's Dye Works Clinton, Ont.
New FALL 000DS-
Taylor & Sons
A Call Solicited
We sell everything in
Our stook is equalled by
few said excelled
by none.
vaD001lues in
Ws ti%attiil be pleased to
trhow lila errr stook and
gi os oar prices. It
be money in paw
7kbrAeoas at.oet
Our fall Stock of Roots dt Shoes
is most complete. It is useless to
specify. We have all the very latest
stylise, and at. prices that will please.
? immense demand for our
Sims io the evidence that our efforts
to supply reliable and up-to-date foot
weer has caught the attention of
shrewd buyelr+a. ;SAN
men, tr a pair of the cele-
bratied Sitar Roel. You cannot
get better Take; doubtful if you can
do sot well We guarantee every pair
to give satisfaction.
W. Tailor & Sons,
We buy and sell for caste Baits and RRgs' taken at Cesh prices,
- Doing the Business
• No matter how shapely a woman's foot is, it will
look twice as pretty if encased in a pair of our
low shoes—the very latest shape. Otr styles
of shoes just as shapely and as fashionable, too.
Her purse won't suffer much when she comes to
buy a pair either. Just a price or two will give
you an idea of what we charge.
OXFORD TIES, 75e, $1, $1.15, $1.35, $1.50.
CHROME KID BUTTON, $1 50, $1.75, $2.
CHROME KID BUTTON, warm lined, $2.25.
rQuestionable. goods have no place here. We
make both you and ourselves safe by buying of
makers who 10 everything right.
The Naw !IAA invitee all its readers to con-
tribute So this oolumn. If you or your friends
are got❑8Q away on a holiday trip or I1 you -hare
friends visiting you drop a note to the NHN ERA
Miss Mattie Watson, of Blyth, neice
of Mr R. Fitzsimons, has been visiting
friends in Clinton for a few days.
On Monday morning Messrs D. Rose
and R. Ross left for Toronto Dental
College to pursue their studies.
Ernest Holmes,, son of Rev. W. J.
Holmes, Mitcheti, has gone to attend
the Ontario Delftal College, Toronto.
Mr J. W. Irwin goes to New York to-
morrow (Saturday,) to see his daugh-
ter, Dr. Mary :SCiwtn, off, en route to
Miss Plummer, who has been visit-
ing at home for some time, returns to
her duties in Providence, R.I., in about
two week..
Master Stanley Baer, only Fon of Mr
W. Baer, who has been seriously ill for
several days with inflammation of the
bowele, is on the mend.
Dr. Turnbull left on Tuesday for the
Johns -Hopkin. University, Baltinyore,
where he will put in a three months
course; Dr. Krausman is attending to
bis practice.
Miss Emma Stephenson, daughter of
Mr John Stephenson, has been engag-
ed to teat 'In Bengali school, duties to
commence after New Years. She has
the name of being an excellent teacher.
Miss Shobbrook, (daughter of Mr J.
Shobbrosk)who has been travelling' in
the west during the past sumpmurer,polesaes
retarget" hom'for a visit• she
tai&h g t do'urbe e t Aima visit,.
pr." F' . t J. ,
Tun /Yaw ROAD—The new road lead-
ing from the foot of Isaac Street out to
the Bayfield road has been opened and
graded. The grading was done by the
Stanley people, principally alongthe
2nd and 3rd concessions under te di-
rection of Mr A. Innes in particular,
and assisted in the operation by Mr.'
J. Wheatley. The work has been ex-
cellently done; we understand that the
Stanley people intend to put in several
days work gravelling it, and as soon
as they have done a fair share, it is ex•
pected that the Goderich township
people who are to be particularly bene-
fitted by the road will turn in and do
likewise. Of course the road is a little
soft at present, tint people can drive
over it whenever they wish. It will
he found to be very convenient and
will remove a source of very great
annoyance and danger.
Clinton Y. P. Local Union
Topics at the several Young People's Society
meetings being held during the week:—
Rattenbury St. Methodist E.L. of O.E., Mon-
day Oot. 12th topto—Program to be supplied
by Junior Soo(oties.
Rattenbury St. Methodist Girl's Junior E.
L. of 0. tilFriday evening fro T to S. Why
should we a be industrious.—Dolly Cantolon,
Ontario St. E. L. of O. E. Topic for Oct. 12th,
Social meeting:
Sir Charles and Lady Tupper cele-
brated the golden anniversary of their
wedding day at Ottawa.
Serious damage by prairie dreg is report-
ed in:the vicinity of Gteniell, , 7'orthport,
ltegine, Battlotord, .Calgary . bnc . Indian
Ilea Mian itl
d xn, d y ora>rlooai iidtnitrs itiltie
loit all their: ro, l+, ;: .
is a good reputation to have in times like these.
To do Business
Complete Assortment
Styles up-to-date,
Right Prices.
fill,. To obtain the advantage of the above combination,
place your order for MILLINERY with us. One store
is devoted exclusively to this line of goods. Stock as- ,y;
sorted up with new styles during the busy season. ..
Our new Kid Glove for Fall
is 'a seller. New shades, 7 hooks, for $1.0U
Ladie Cashmere Hose
in plain hose at 30c, 35c, 45o, and 50o, are exceptional
good value.
OurLadiesRibbed Cashmere Ilose
at 50e, has no equal at the price,
quality and weight combined.
BOYS ALL WOOL Ribbed Hose,.
all sizes, at 25c. You should see this line, quality and
price do the talking here.
Ladies and Children's Wool Vests,.
immense assortment.
Good goods to begin with, low prices to
conclude with, is what we offer you.
• Hto