HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-09, Page 8.0 7,'7\71-V. 1'.f VIeirsvn .w.
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lilt lith Davidson to Speak.
Wpm Us Tams or Perse's Cereal Com -
The following letter from Mr Wm. Dave
Itlefiel, of No. 2 Oliver Street, Quebec, P. Q.
110 very plain and luoid that it required no
tlxltlsnFtory remarks. Hie object is to
drfw the atttention of the sick and afllioted
io that fountain and donroe of life from
. tpltiph be reoelved supplies of uew health.
H(. (aye;
"Lt is with sincere pleasure and gratitude
I refer to your Paine's Celery Compound,
and the wondrous bleseinge that I reoeived
from its use.
"To tell the truth, before using it I had
,11t09 ooutideaoe in it, but conoluded if it
did me $40 good it could not make me any
worse than I was.
"I hsd suffered for years from indiges-
tion liver complaint and kidneydisease,
and,began with Paine'e Celery ompound
in order to give it a thorough testing. Af-
ter a fair use of the Compound I am as well
as ever I was, and all my troubles have
dieuppeared, andI am enjoying good health.
"Your m9dioine is a wonderful one; it is
far superior to all others, as it truly gives
life and puts the entire system in a healthy
oonditicn. As a purifier of the blood I find
ib hose no dual 'and I heartily recommend
he use to all sufferers."
Can stronger proof than above be requir-
ed to convince any sick and diseased man
or woman that Paine's Celery Compound
ie the best medicine in the world?
a Surely, dear reader, you will admit that
it is worthy of a trial. You are seeking
for new health, and therefore need the very
haat. Be. sure you ask for and use only
4fPaine'u," the only genuine Celery prepar-
es Itti to in the world.
No one can hide his true self."Ire
will show, at some time, and in some
way, whom he serves. His Master's
image will be visible in his words,
spirit, and activity. His life is an
onen letter. Men will read and form
tueir opinion of its origin and charac-
teristics. "No man can serve two
masters, fo either he will love one, or
hate the er." Momeats will arise
when we ill cleave to the one, anti
forsake the other. Forces are at work
which will make manifest, his resem-
blance to the one and lead to his re-
pudiation of the other, Sooner or late
er he will attest himself either a
Christ 'au or a worldliug- either a ser-
vant of Christ or a chila of. the devil,
There is no use in trying to he neutral
Such a thing is an impossibility. The
only' right and manly thing for us
to do is to be open, decided, and con-
sistent Christians.
Stop that splitting headache, you oan do
so by taking DoN't HEADACHE POWDERS.
25c. A sox,
r• Lord Aberdeen is now a chief of the
Seneea tribe of the Six Nations, his to-
tem being the turtle and his new name
De -To -Runts Tat -He, which being in-
terpreted, signifies Clear Sky. His
Excellency visited the reserve Thurs-
day and replied to an address on the
fair grounds.
RELIEF IN 6 HOURS. -Distressing kidney
and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours
by the "South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise and
delight ou account of its exceeding prompt-
ness in relieving pain in the bladder, kid-
neys, ba,.lc and every part of the urinary
pasta; ae el male or female. It relieves
retention e.i water and pain in passing it
almost iinrriediately. If you want quick
renef and cure this is your remedy.
Sold b;: Watts d: Co.
The st.,;.oment of Mr A. W. Camp -
hell, Prue incial Road Inspector, that
$35,0 have been spent in money
or statute labor on roads in Ontario
du: fug the last ten years ought to
lu•ike the people do some hard think-
ing Lill the subject of road construc-
tion. That sum properly expended,
ought to have produced many bund -
redo of miles of good roads more than
we now have.
"For several months, I was troubled with
a pereisteut humor on my head which gave
me considerable annoyance, until it occurt..
ed to me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before
using one bottle, the humor was healed."
T. T. Adams, General Merchant, Turbe-
ville, Va.
On Wednesday right a stranger, sup-
posed to be G. L. Twiss, of Hartford,
walked into a store at St. Cathatines,
and remarked, "1 guess I'll end my
life." and drank a phial of laudanum.
A doctor pumped him out. He had
been on a spree. _
-hr, Agnew's Liver Pills are the most per-
fect made, and care like magic, hick Head-
ache, Constipation, Billiousnees, Indiges-
tion and all Liver Ills. 10 ote. a vial -40
doses, Sold by Watts & Co.
The Ontario Governmeut will make
Ah determined effort to enforce the
game law. The entire staff, of detect-
ives in to be sent into the hunting dis-
tricts with instructions to spare no ex-
pense iri enforcing the law. The pen-
alty for hunting without a licence or
shooting on or near the water is $50,
or not lees than $20, with costs, or
three month's imprisonment, togetht r
with the confiscation of arm%
the ed -
enues of the Bowels,
Kidneys and Liver,
carrying off gradually,
without weakening the
system, all the impuri-
ties and foul humors of
they senredoris • . at the
same time Correct -
Acidity -1 of the
h, outing BNI-
n, Dryness
of Vision,, Jaen-
Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula,
Fluttering of the
Heart, Nervousness
and General Debility;
these and ninny other
sinfe'let' complaints yiel
to die
OIIle happy SLOO
maUnit ado.
trwate** .
A mirror in the pslm of the glove is
the latest novelty. With its assist-
ance its owner le enabled to be sure
that her bonnet is on stralgt, and also
that her curls are in perfect order.
She can likewise ascertain if her, bow
is at the most becoming angle at the
proper time, says the New York Jour-
All these things and a hundred oth-
ere, important from a feminine point
of view, she can find out on the street
without attracting the attention of
passers-by, with the aid of this simple
The inventor of this device has so
arranged the little looking -glass in the
palm of the glove as not to interfere
with the shutting of the hand. He
has likewise taken the precaution of
putting It in the left hand glove, so
that when its owner shakes hands
with a friend it will not be observed.
It is not the fair sex alone that will
find this Ingenious contrivance useful.
Men are quite as vain as women, so
the latter claim. and will be seen by any
observer to look at themselves in
every mirror they pass on the street.
Street, Toronto, states that the aobion of
Wright's Liver and Stomaoh Pills is mar-
vellous. Had been troubled with bilious
and dick headaohe for years, one box, taken
according to directions, removed the Cause
of all the trouble and restored me to health.
Ask Allen & Wilson,Chemietand Druggist,
Clinton, about them, get a circular.
In Java they have a species of flak
that carriee a very useful gun with him
wherever he goes. This queer fish is
called the jaculator and his weapon is
a combination air and water gun, which
nature has provided him with. Jacu-
lator has the power of puckering the
mouth into a small, round tube and
squirting water through it. He is such
an expert gunner that when he ob
serves a beetle or a fly on a twig above
the water he invariably knocks the in•
sect from his perch, even though the
distance be five or six feet. There are
seven other varieties of these wa'.ergun
fishes, which are known as "sports-
men" and "gunners" on account of
their queer habits.
There is no joy in this world equal to the
happiness of motherhood. A woman's
health is her dearest possession. Good
looks, good times, happiness, love and con-
tinuance , depend on her health, Almost
all the sickness of women is traoeable
directly or indirectly to some derangement
of the organs distinotly feminine. Trou-
nlea of this kind are often neglected be-
cause a very natural and proper modesty
keeps women away from physioiane,
whose insistence upon examination and
local treatment is generally as useless as it
is common, Dr,' Pierce's Favorite Pre-
scription will do more for them than 9l
doctors in 100. It will do more than the
hundredth doctor can unless he prescribes
it. It is a prescription of Dr. R. V. Pierce,
who for 30 years has been chief oonsulting
physician of the World's Dispensary and
Invalid's Hotel, at Buffalo, N.Y. _,s seas:
Send 31 one.oent stamps to cover cost of
mailing only, and get his great book, The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
absolutely free.
A Now Light Has Keen Devised for
A new light for photographers has et
peered in Paris. It Is the invention of M.
Caton. It is said to cost very little and
to possess all the qualities of the ideal
photographic light. Its diffusiveness is
remarkable. It gives no heavy shadows
anywhere. Even right under the lamp
no appreciable shadow of the pipe can be
seen The light seems to proceed from
the lamp horizontally and to be diffused
softly and evenly by the walls. The price
clple of the lamp can be best suggested
by a reference to other systems. A Bun-
sen or other similar burner, in which a
mixture of air and gas is burnt/ is pon-
luminous. To produoe luminosity it is
necessary to have solid particles of some
kind in the flame. A candle fe lumin-
ous because one zone of the dame con -
talus solid partloles of carbon, which are
raised to a white or yellow tnoan4es-
cenoe by the intense heat. The hotter the
flame the greater will be the quantity
of light given off by the incandescent
body. In the ordinary incandescent
burner, the mantle, composed of a tine
network of infusible substances elmilar
to lime, takes the place of the carbon
partloles of the ordinary Dandle or lumin-
ous gas flame, The actual flame that
plays on the mantle is non -luminous,
the light being emitted by the incan-
descent material in the mantle. If, In-
stead of allowing the gas to burn with a
minlure of the air it can draw in
through the atr•holes in the burner and
the air surrounding the flame, sufficient
air oan be forced into the flame to burn
the whole of the gas without needing any
other air supply, the Intense local heat
of the blow -pipe flame is obtained. This
is exactly the priirolplo of M. Caton's
lamp. The mantle Is kept at an intense
heat by a blow -pipe flame. The secret of
success In the new burner is that the
gas and air aro nixed perfectly before
reaching the flame, and consequently the
combustion Is perfect. This end is et -
tallied by causing the gas and air to pass
through a series of mixing tubes. The
inventor declares that there is no den -
ger in this process, as the quantity of
air and gas actually mixed at one time
is too small to cause an explosion. The
temperature of the flares is 3270 degrees
Fahrenheit, so that no chimney oan he
used with the lamp. in spite of this high
temperature the heat evolved is less than
that given off by burning the same
quantity of gas in any other way. So
much of the energy rpt the flame is con-
verted into light that there is very little
heat left to he thrown off. In quality the
light Is said to resemble diffused daylight.
The statement presented at the meet-
ing of the creditors of J. McPherson &
Go. shows a deficit of $04,000.
10 Cents Secures a Good
Liver and Good Health.
Owe Constipation or Nervouq@ Headaohe,
olear the complexion, rid it of eruptions,
Yellow ekiri, coated torigne, eta. Aot early,
never gripe, and the after effects are a posi-
tive pleasure In vials, 40 ail tt, 10 cents
There are fads in lraedioine ee i> (wery.
thing else and a ''new thing" frequently
Bells fora short time simply becaus) it is
new.-"-Snt iN medicine, as in nothing else,
the people dense* and will be 8atisfled only
with poel$ive, absolute merit. The Opt
Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood its ground
against all competition, and its *teles have
never; wavered but have remained steadily
at the top, demonstrates, beyond any doubt,
the intrinsic virtues of thie medicine. The
new things have come and gone but Hood'e
Sarsaparilla rests upon the solid foundation
of absolute merit and its power to cure, and
its ealee continue to be the largest in the
The body of Alex. McKenzie, a idam-
ilton man, was found in the bay. It is
supposed he committed suicide,
Clever Japanese Gardeners.
In districts in Japan 'where fruits and
vegetables are liable to suffer from early
spring frosts -or, to speak meteorologto-
ally, late epring . frosts -they carefully
preserve all the prunings of their trees
and make heaps of them in various
outlying portions of the orchards. When
the frost likely bo do injury is immin-
ent, they start one of these brush fires
in the direotton from which the w10d
Domes. They only make fire enough to
make a smoke. To make a fire hes a
tendency to bring the oold into the or-
ohard rather than to keep it out. Neat
rarities or lightens the atmosphere, and
the oold or heavier air presets forward
into the vaouum made by the beat ex-
panded. They depend on the smoke and
not the heat for protection.
She Resigned.
"I don't know what we're coming
to," said Mr. Cumrow, gloomily. "I
guess I'll have to turn in and write my
letters myself."
"Can't you employ an amanuensis?"
asked bis wife.
"1 thought I had one. She name to
work this morning, an' when she sat
down to the typewriter I says to her,
'Now, 1 want you to take down what
I'm going to dictate exactly as I say
"Wouldn't she do UP"
"No. She rose up and said there was
no use o' her tryin' to hold the position,
'casae she'd never 18arnt to write dia-
To the discerning:ear Nature has /many
voices. She has a message in the sweet
tones of the brook as it rushee down the
hillside in ocean's moody voices, now
rippling with gentlest cadence upon the
golden sande, anon in deep boisterous voice
as she lashes the beach with foam, Then
the voice of trees which the laughing
wind oears to our ears, of sunshine and
shade, of hill valley, of bird and flowers.
But she comes in pain, too the voice of the
aching, stinging corn speaks impossively,
but Putnam's Painless Corn Extraotorl re-
moves the worst corn in twenty-four hours,
painlessly and without leaving sore spots.
Two freight trains collided on Thurs-
day at Pbilson, on the Baltimore and
Ohio Railway, 124 mileseast of Pitts-
burg, making one of the worstwrecks
in the history of the road. Cue man
is dead; two are fatally injured. and se-
veral others are missing. The latter
aro doubtless lying dead under the
wreck. Details of the wreck are mea-
ger and difficult to procure, the
01urrn has left telegraph wires in a ter-
rible condition. The property loss to
the railroad company was very heavy,
By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in-
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." -Mrs. S. A.
FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Palle Regulate the Liver.
I3riatin'e Nevrepapera.
Loudon Timms says: "'litters are
488' ewspppers published in Loudon,
and i,1367 tit the root of England, Wales
is repponeiI$e for 100, Scotland for 1180,
fre16pi1 for 100, and the British Coast
Iadtt;�' for 00, a total of 2,6135. The maga.
sinnumber 0,09f, of which 607 are of
a t�gklus obaraoter. Over 200 of these
rovasines were produced for the first
ORR durlug the past year. 11 is esttm-
as 1 that 44,000,000 a year is spent to
alyertieoreenes, and that 3,500,000,000
copies of newepapera are sold annually
tn' 1,,ondoo alone."
Mise Kate flaskagen, of New York,
a decorative painter, has married her
big Indian model, Thundercloud, a na-
tive of Canada, and a fine, stalwart ape-
cman of the noble red man,
Just a 11111 better Chas tJis beat. e
A oe*modern BICYCLES
Every advanced Idea and right -up -
to -the -hour Improve:nom Is intro
duoed In the make-up of this
favorite mount regy models will
be winners, and
We want
in all unrepresented district*, Will
make the most liberal terms *0 men
of the right sort. We meas CO put
McCready seteeL head and shoul-
houtders above all competitors -Just the
beat that money and skill man maks
them. . Write for territory, and
write quick.
•'� R. A. McCready Co.,
C. A. A.
Cook's Cotton knot Compound
Manufactured by Th e
Cook Co., Windsor, Ont.,
and Detroit, Mich., is the
only known safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which ladies
can depend in "the hour and lime
of need." Every lady who reads
this is requested to inclose two post-
age stamps, with her address, for
tee ��CUYYI��IAe
and fit 1 particulars, which we will
send by return mail in plain. sealed
An old physician, 35 years con-
tinued practice treating diseases of
wo.rnen, has charge of the office, and
can be consulted by letter or in
person. Address our main office
Boom a -No. 253 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
per Cook's Cotton Root Compound
is sold by all responsible wholesale
and retail druggists in the Dominion
of Canada and United States for Ons
Dollar per box,
Heart 00 Nerve Troubles.
Have You Palpitation, Throbbing or
Irregular Beating of the
Heart ?
If So, Milburn's Heart and Nerve
'Pills will cure you.
Have You Shortness of Breath, Dis-
tress after Exertion, a
Smothering Feeling,
Spasms, or Pain through
the Breast and Heart ?
If S0, Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills will cure or relieve
you if taken in time.
Have You a Feeling of Anxiety that
something is going to oc-
cur when there is no ne-
cessity for it ?
If' So, Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills will remove it.
Are You Troubled with Sleeplessness,
Nervousness, Forgetful-
ness, Brain Fag, or
General Debility - the
after effect of La Grip ?
If' So, You can take no better
medicine than Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills.
They will relieve or cure
you. Every dose helps the
For sale by all druggists, or by mail on
receipt of price by T. MI LBURN & CO.,
Price 60c. per box, or 3 bales for $1.50.
Emancipation from Pain
19 rOUNU ni
Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills,
Tho only reliable and trnetworthy pre-
paration known. eaf.at, .ureet and most
effective remedy .ver discovered for all Irreg.
uhrrtlee of the femalenyetem. Sealed cirenlet
hoe Prl«+ *1 per box of drugglats, or by nail
securely veiled no receipt of pries.
LeRoy Pill Co. Victoria St.. Toronto, Can•
For sale by Allen & Wilson.
IN LEAD PACKETSTEA 26, 80, 40, 60 AND 60 Cum
• Don't wow . about
You'll feel ready foe an fig
and everything in the way of
weather, if you have your cloth-
ing interlined with Fibre Chit-
' ••' t�a}I'' > mots. Last year's experience
�{ < has proved It to be the only
perfect warmth giver, because It
is light, adding neither weight
4 `: ► nor bulk, and yet offers a com-
plete protection from the fiercest
blasts of the coldest day. Water-
proofed by the Rigby process,
( neither rain nor sleet can pene-
trate it and every one can enjoy
perfect outdoor comfort and healthful warmth all season by using it.
Think ahead and ensure your comfort by having it put in all ordered
clothing, and always find the Fibre Chamois Label on every ready
made garment you buy. it sells now at 25 cents a yard.
WeU t0 fisc welthc iluron Central Exhibition
SEPTEMBER 29th and 30th,
And will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and
Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils.
Our stores are the places for Bargains.
Pure Ginger, Pure Tumeric, Pure Pepper Pure Cloves
u Alspice, " Mix. Spice, " Keyenne, " Cassia
" India Spice, Curry Powder, Curriander Seed
In Spices you want the best. We desire to furnish you with pure
goods. You may as well have the beat. There is no satisfaction in
using poor spices. Extra White Wine Vinegar is also necessary.
G -I() SA LLAI)W, — Clinton
Silverware Premiums
We are going to give for a time to CASH PURCHASERS to th
amount of $25, their choice of a large range of Silverware as per list
It will be worth your while to call and get a card and see the goods.
SUGAR -Special prices for Sugar in quantities of 100 !be or over. Try us.
OATMEAL --A first class grade of Oatmeal cheap.
BOOTS and SHOES- Special bargains in Boots and Shoes.
STRAW HATS --If you want a Straw Hat cheap this is the place to get it.
Highest price for produce, would take a quantity of Oats in exchange,
I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand,
and would respectfnlly solicit a continuance of the patronage '0
generously extended to me in the past.
The stock, which is all of pine. quality, and well assorted, has been
bought by me at considerable r•educt ion on cwt, and my cnitomers
may rely upon getting the hest good, at bottom prices.
N. ROBSON, - Clinton.
Clinton Sash, -Door w blind Factory
General Builders and Contractors.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class•
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prioes. 511 worn is supervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in-
terior and exterior material. -
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lisle, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc
Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get primes and estimates before piecing your orders.
The Old Reliable Specialists.
88 Yae rea Experiermso
0111treatment of the Throat an Zuat
Tseablss, Catarrh, Asthma, Broq,
Nervus, Chronic and Special
sass eff men and women
kg ■anliood redored-Kidney and B9ad_
dor twnblq penman 7
awed -Meet, eonorr v Ilii tmelesnnd
stricture cared without No cutting,
trltboliand all Bl Diseases cured
toung Nee SrnRerin from ate effects .t
""b tauyy�� or tadt.crettun.,
or an Ineahtd with wsskaess, Nervosa
, oma. , Despond
as /ican ssase of fin �a�d epee -
poor. cifRSsaa avARANTILND ° this
,.�,, \+;,,,,�.,�� ;;, ,1,, , I fiddle -Aged ieil—' hae.rfAi fro°Mei
If, .etch nielitgevat...ca-
Mons of the bladder, often accompanied bra elitist smarting orb it sewatlsa, alai
weakening of the system In a manner the patient cannot account for '*'here era assay
men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the aurae. The doctor will Isatansee a
feet cure In all such cum, and healthy reatoretloq of the renito-ttri ae�ua,
imitation free- 'those unable to cal can write lull a of tis eW ami 4-
medicine sent by express, with fdtl'natrecal ies fpr „se-. Meag.p this poser rye
writing. Office hours: Prom 9 ., m. to II p. m. fleshy., i to It R ie-.
1110 WOODWARD A' u .
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ttlif Tito " v. htletio, " ' • , . 1 o•
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