The Clinton New Era, 1896-10-09, Page 7tmakei any business a S11t ` V, t ,•.��(v�.'"�.�t WATG - -. �! First—IIoneot Advertising, Second----iioneai Qosds, Third— Holt Moes We claim to carry out the above points e killer, and just now have something species WWallet:tee for you. J. B. RUMBALL, WATC7E1jERXWOULANBLEJ9 V3, P.S.—Repairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money back. Ask for a Sample Prof °ourILfl a 8P BAKING POWDER And tryit. We ask nothing her'fber, but will alkrw thea m ebuo- speak far itself. Our profit ie very small, '�� end beet of tion of P wee all the P01M giving rise of Le abeepettt Ie per ..1b. Try it: Munyon's Remedies. Vitra value in Sponges. J. B. HDVWYS Dispensing Cttemisto- Canton. 12I I cc)©]JB is to be found a beautiful stook of MILLI- NERY that ie right rep to date. Hand- some Drees trim Hinge. Serunsurpassed rue value. If Gds very c cap. Flannel- ettes If you want a good SUIT, OVERCOAT, UNDERCLOTHING, or BOOTS or SHOES, do not buy without inspecting ours. GOAT ROBES and HORSE BLANKETS at very close prices. Our GROCERY department is well sup- plied with good goods. About 100 lbs. of SALT PORK et 8c. per lb. to clear. Some half -gallon and pint GEMS to dispose of at 12} and 9 cants. ADAMS' EMPORIUM,R. ADAMS LONDESBORO In the Emporium JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, 1805, Make no mistake parehase your Watches, Clocks, Jeweiery, Silverware, Spectacles, &f., From a 'salable flaw. See our immense display of Ladies' and Gent's Watches, prions bo suit all buyers. By coming bo us you will save both we and money Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, : Clinton Attentiori We mention a few lines that we are doing extremely low: A glance at the list, a visit to our establishment you will more readily understand why the wheels Business spin with such rapidity hereit ie--- the pri that do it. Ladies German Mantles very stylish correct cut in Black Nap Cloth perfect fit for : 75 Ladies Glsrmaa mantloe in Hlack and Brown veiyet collar very sty- lish $5.00 Ladies Mantles in Brown and Black, curl clotty with four large fancy buttons 00.60 Ladies Black Brown, end Fawn mantles in fine frieze $7.50 Ladies mantles to Fawn Brown or Black Beavercloth. velvet trim- med, very stylleh, large buttons, fancy cutis $10.00 Beaverither in Oepe cloths inBlack, Brown, tlt a 50o,a0575c and 90oa Bbetter lines te, 0 cloth or curl, Pr i yard. Special lines of Black corl at $1.00, $1.40, $1.06, $1.75 and up to $9.'i6 a yard, We are kept busy the Drees Goode these days. Ills not 10 be wondered at when the quality, style and prices are considered. Rough stuffs in two to four colors together With high grade Scotch mixtures wad bright book effects are undoubtedly the correct ting for this eeeaon. Lesge buttons fore's a very important part otjthe trimming of a dress tYtts fall. Bhtnestone and, Meda lion efferent being the most =or. We will be pleased bo show you ap to date aseort hent of Dae of Myth Rhone, Oct a and T, admission 10c MaKinuen & 0o., Blyth sleuth good Osse Plebe. Ratites ani gage babes .% DIED. LOCKERIDGE,—In Lower Wingham, on Sept. 80th, Samuel Lookeridge, aged. 77 years and 4 months. BTOGDILL,—In Seeforth, on Oot. let, John Stogdill, aged 66 years and 8 months. JENKINS.—In E. Wawanosh, on Sept. 8th, Laura, daughter of Giles Jenkins, aged 18 years. LYONS.—In Clinton, on the 7th inst.. Ann Lyons, wife of Mr Geo, Lyone, aged 77 years. Funeral on Friday, at 2 p.m. :MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, LADIES GermanJACKETS Ready-made CLOTHING. Wo shall have more to say later on, when we have more time. Don't buy until you see our stock. PLUMSTBBL & GIBBINGB Aibert Street, Cltato, A LETTER FROM THE WEST ISDIA., Hato, Oot. 8rd. To the Bcfikor of the New bra. Sta.—This is a most wonderful oonntry for raising wheat; wheat and very little else oompared with wheat; there is also a goodening for raising cattle. I havehad some fine drivesin the Qne'Appelle Valley; h ie gaits a pleasant eight, it chains off in rivers and lakes for miles long, filled with fiehea and birds riding on its waters. On the banks of one of these lakes there ie an Indian Indnsbrial Government school, and it is oalled a Mission farm; there are a large number of buildings. The ohildren are taught trades and are ednoated; it is controlled by the Roman Catholics and the sisters take great pleasure in showing vis- itors through the building and put the ohildren through their exercises; there are 225 obildren. It is kept very clean, end the children are very polite, a great change from their native habitis. In the large vegetable end flower garden they grow large water melons and citrons; corn and tomatoee were ripe, and small fruits and strawberries are looking fine. I was sur• prised to find them so far north, rhe Que '0 pelle Valley is a picturesque eight, and will, no doubt, be filled with herds of cattle, the lakes are go convenient for wa- ter. The farmers north of Indian Head are bringing large quantities of No. 1 wheat tc the elevators; other seotions have suf- fered by frost. Quantities of wheat are wasted on the ground by not gelhering up the broken sheaves at the machines as they thresh from the stooks. One farmer has 12,000 bushels of wheat, 40,000 bushels of oats and barley. There are several large oompaniee, owning 2000 sores, who expect to have 80,000 bushels; they are & curse bo this country. A Clinton machine is turning out from 16 to 1800 bushels of wheat per day; one machine turned out 2809 bushels of cafe. The trains are not running to -day, the station masters are on strike. Ab night we see large prairie tires in different directions; some are having their orops burnt, as they have not made their fire gnarde wide enough. There are quite a number of new buildings going up. I notice many villages going down the same as in Ontario. It is no use for the shiftless farmer to think of making money here if he cannot make it in Ontario. Some were telling me that they wanted a few oar loadt of housekeepers if they would not be par- ticular if their neighbors were five miles away; I notice some brink and alone boucles on farms. Five cents is the smallest coin aged here, the cents aro not need. The water is the great drawback; the Govern• men* are making dams near the roads filling the ravines with water. Go where I will I come across people from tiurcn and Brnoe, they are moving np here from one part to another as they teat the coun- try. There are farmers living in mad houses and stables who are raising large crops on their terms. I think the market for Ontario horses is over, as thele are numbers of young horses grazing on the prairie now. Cattle are only 2 to 4,}oente per ib.; coal is seven dollars per ton; wood two dollars a load—poplar poles. We have very fine weather. Threshing is go- ing on all around; they are filling up the elevators; I think wheat is up to 64o or 66e; there ie quite a rueb to sell it. Applee are arriving here in bad condition; I saw H. Cooke name on some, so we have Huron apples here; some are rotten, not packed right, small and wormy. We are smother- ed with smoke; there are a number of set. t'ere who wi:l lose everything. I do not think it was the Clinton apples the,* turn. ed out bad, I think it was a farmer that brought in a oar load. The Experimental boss has a nice job; Dim Watson is catch- ing It here. Regina is surrounded by poor country; it is only the Indian Mission, police and Government money that keeps it alive. The railway robe the settlers iu local rates; ex prase on grapes 4 oenta; freight and apples are three dollere, unless in oar lots. Whiskey ie 10 ate per glass; there are lobs of bummers here; billiards are plenty. Mesoey is building a briok ware. hoose, 1 i coat *2,000; they have the coun- try under control. W. C• Semite APPLES! Cable from J. II. Houghton t Co., Liverpool, reads Market b fide firm for sound stook, choice vari•'ties ; wasty and inferior stock neglec'ed at lower prices. Kings 14e to 16s, 20oz Pippins, Rip stop and Bit abeim Pippins 12s to 14e, Snow 13s to 15s, Colverte, Jennettings and soft varieties 8s to Oe. See ne f r other information. J. SUMP & CO., C!,nton, Ont. Barg:tin. Week! HOUSE! MLD : ECONOMY SVPERIO:L FAMILY FLOUR To every pDo chaser of 100 lbs. we give 15 Ib. of genuine Oa' noel for 15o, rhneh less than the market price. •We handle a heat, Peas, Barley, Osie, Buck- wheat Flour, itran, Shorts, !Ito. We given lbs. Oibtmeal for , bushel of clean oats. Our bar- gains are ggn.lne. 0. OLSON Victoria St Oliatan HOUSE TO RENT A small house to rent on Rattenbury west Apply to A. O. PATTISON. Street House to Rent. The frame two-story house at Barnesville, lately occupied by W. Elford, Is offered to rent I1 bas five rooms .with closet. pantry, stone cellar, good water, stable, with i acres of land, or 10 M 20 if required. Apply to H. ELFORD, Holesarrille. DRESSMAKING} MISS GORDEN has opened out a Dressmak- ing establishment next door to ler Bale's office, Huron St All orders entrusted lip her will be Promptly attended to. 8atisfaottCh guaranteed and prices reasonable. sur Clothing Sale . is an unabated success We began the sale last Saturday-, Oct. 3rd, and promised the people some startling bargains. We have fulfilled our promise, and have had customers buy trout us who before doing so have gone around to other Clothing Sales and returned here and made their purchases. This is strictly a statement of facts as they have occur- red during the season. BOB BAKER.—In Wingham, on Sept. 26th, the wife of Mr Nicholas Baker, of a son. DAVIS.—In Exeter, on Sept. 80th, the wife of Mr Daniel Davis, of a daughter. CARBERT.—In Hallett, on Oot. ard, the wife of Mr John Carberi, of a daughter. PEAROE.—In Seaforth, on Sept. 30th, the wife of Mr W. K. Pearoe, manager of the Dominion Bank, of a son. PARTLOW.—In Toronto, Oot. 3rd, the wife of Mr Howard Partlow, daughter of Mrs Rayson, Clinton, of a daughter. MARRIED KERBY — MURRAY. — On Saturday, Oot, Ind, at Christ church, Brampton, by the Rev. Wm. Walsh, rector, Miles Raeey Kerby, Hamilton, to Kate Forbes, eldest daughter of the late W. F. Murray, Athole- oot, Clinton. FISHER—WHITE. -In Colborne, on Sept. 80th, by Rev Mr Olivant, Mr Wesley W. Fisher to Minnie, only daughter of Mr White. AVERY—TURNBULL.—At the resi- dence of the bride's father, in MoKillop, on Sept. 23rd, by Rev A. Stewart, of Clinton, Mr John Avery, of the London Road, Tuck- eremith, to Miss Agnes, yonngeat daughter of Robert Turnbull. •McMANN—ECKHART.—At Iriebtown ohuroh, by Rev Dean Murphy, on Sept. 29, Mr John S. MoMann, of Seaforth, to Mise Annie Eckhart. FAIR BORN—DROVER. — In Exeter, on Sept. 29th, by Rev Mr Martin, Mr John Fairborn, of Tuokeremith, to Mies Minnie Drover, of Hibbert. STRAY HEIFER Strayed in sabeoribers premises, on or about Aug. 115th a red and white Yearling Heifer, de- boreed. The owner can have the same by prov- ing property and paying charges. H, GOVIEB, East half Iqt sfl, Con. 1, E. Wawanosh, Auburn P. O. 4N Fall Faire -- Dungannon Oct. 9-10 Dr. Bergin, M.i'., ie still delirious from his recent accident. Re does not mend much. A St. Louis man is in Oxford county buying a large stock of apples for ship- ment to the Western States. He says that he can pay the duty and make the traffic pay. OLINITONI MARKETS Oorreett d errry T h wet 7 orternoon Thv>raday, Oct 9, 1996. 066 a0T0 066 a0T0 015 &018 040 a 080 025 a 040 176sI90 480 a 472 011 a 014 012 601E old 700a700 016 a 046 0 18 a 020 Wheat Wheat' tall Barley Peas Mgr per cwt Park Bulbar aces per dos Hey new, $es dbeserpeartneWool In 1 Trimmed ed Potatoes Remember we are notoing to keepany longer a stock of Ready lade Clothing. Remembr also that we are going to clear out during this sale eery garment of our stock, and if the people want first-class Overcoats in Nap, Beaver, Worsted, Tweed, Irish Frieze or Melton, they can get them here at just enough advance on cost to pay the charges bringing them here. Bides 400.416 025 a 025 Thew 4093Cdtilittutak0 Don't forget this ---That in Men's& Youth's, & Boy's & Children's Suits and Overcoats, you will save many dollars in attending this sale, as we are making the prices sell the Cloth- ing, and they're doing it every day RUGS STOLEN Brom commercial Shed, Wednesday night. Party known. Will save further disgrace and leoabis by settlement to person, at once. N. BIER, Hoimeevufe. STRAY STEERS Came into subscriber's premises, lot 41 con 19 Hntlett, about two weeks sines, three gene cominRR thryears oils,. The Der is hereby Piotto prove prone t chargee sad e away.ee POB. Auburn. Mail Contract GILROY & WISEMAN We are headquarters for Millbnrn's Heart Nerve Pills, Combe's Iron Blood Pills, Enthymol Tooth Paste, Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received al Ottawa until noon on FRIDAY. 19th NOVEMBER, 1896, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's mails, on proposed contracts for four years, from the 1st January next. 1 — Between HolmesvUle and Porter's 1401, three times par week eaoh way. 9--Retweou Holmesvilloand Railway Station {WC:Ti: times per week eaoh way. Printed no`lces oontaining further Informa- tion as to oonditions of proposed contract, may be seen and blank tgrms of tender may be ob- tained at the Poet Offices et Holmeevtlle and Porter's Hill, and at this office. H. G. HOPEIRK, Poet Odtoe Inspector Post Office inspector's oHeo, f•tratford, 1 Oct., 1896 t IT PAYS TO Mho ideal dentrifice, modest in price, pleasant in odor, and apoeitive protection against etaining of the enamel, formation of tartar and decay. JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST AND DRCGG1BT, PHYSICIAN'S FRHSCRIPTIONS. A The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Bolds a groat lead over its contemporaries in thoroughness of work, and its graduates are in strong demand Aggie Tanner has changed her position iA a much butter ono, as Stenographer with D. M. Ferry Co., Detroit. Mise 8echar1st, Phl„ as Book -Keeper, Cor- ringtbn & Long, Trent, Mies Lindley as Stenographer, 0.11.8c G.. Utah. I. Rail- way office, Grand Rapids, I'!' PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST For Catalogue of either depsrl(•tent sadness 1). litcLACHLAI( & 00 Mattoon ••••••k+ You're Missing A Good Thing If you want an Overcoat and fail to inspect our stock of Frieze ULSTERS. The col- ors are Fawn, Brown, Claret, Grey and Black. Material, trimming and workmanship is first-class, and prices are within easy reach - We will be pleased to have you call and see them. wheth- er you wish to buy or not. L. OUIMETTE, The Cask Realer, Londesbore. +5;