HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-09, Page 6� 7^ ..�' r. r,� ....�tiuq'�*r�n• , 1 � t "� � � e �� , �� �4, . b;' b' v": . � � , . .' ' � , + '4 ;4 4.fc'y�. I ,. _ ���IC " "_'. �' ,.. �. .w:. _ " � � � . .. ... . . . . . ... . .. . . . �. . .,�. ...;. * . r �. �r4:- •, � ; �> . . �'� i.c.' 4 '.�y't�r'�'y "�� �r. ��rtM� � M.A�.R.XI.�r, ��, 1 P�.. � ,� , � . � . .. ✓' �"F' "i7� ,. , ,� �., . , � '. � . . . , �.; ' ,. . . . "' ' �.� � � . , . ..i`. r:.,.. :.. � � �. , p .�V : ,..,�.r�:� � ,,. � ' ' Frisu��• @ fleid �urn9 e, . .�a� a At,��; `: �y , ,, �, � � a � � t � '.,,,, . y _,.: t', ,;-�, , - .. �.' �:�;, , ; , ,,,, � ,. I�" t�1,I�L ;� ; Qf��/� �'A�� �5�1'. insan 12 flald cax �1EerR� , ' ' . ��i. ��31'# � f�C�,A.N��► ,, . <, ' `:: •#'�4) �y , , , �►�,� '� �.t 1 i'�Oi�ia�. �� � ; ��,� : . ,�' � -„�..�........... . �'� �.'�. ��' .,r, � , �';�,��s��h�v�'�'�{`r t� f �l s ��IL �i �iBiFt� ��CO H� , , . � ,?+� 1 ��,/�e� ��k'�Q �'� r � t 4 �'� '�'�+� ullowiu�gie peize liat af the , °�,'��lx ���d l�at Tburedaq and Friday: jdQ3t9S8-HEAVY DRQOQf3T. .•�',, �`�� �rood tnare, with Yanl, toal pot �u��t�d vviGh raare, Jno �alkeld; foml, t�o �allceld; twapr-old qeldin� or Hlly, Qeo �ale; one-qr-old flllv ur gelding, G'reo D6�le; spt�n wor•king hucsee, ieasc Salkeld. �i � QICN3tRAL PUFiP08B. �� . B�ood mare with foal, fonl nut udqed with m�.re, letu►c aalkeld, J ee ' J a, �td; foal, Ieu,ac '��thelJ, Jxs Reid; G- '" �� �' pr�•old gelding or Hlly, Jno McKinley, .• V6'[n Mnkine; 1-pr-uld gelding ot• filly, �` Peter MeDouaa�l[, A(�aibraith; epe�n tivorking hore+es, 'oV[u lilliol,t, Robt �;'r Nicholsun; best walking tenm, Keneral ���• d,��'� uepose or dre�ught, Je:n ('uuper lk �on, ? 7�' � & `� �X10W[�BA. h i f"�' rT „ ROAi>BTB;Ii }iUA6iiB. +! "t "" $rooi2 mare with f<��,1, foa! noC '',�` ' �judged with mare, Dr Whi.tely, 'r,; <' r Kin�; foc�l, Ur Whitely, Jwe "; 7"�otnpeun; 'L-yr-old geldinq ur 8Ily, �� d �,. `�Phos DinHdn�le, U Trimoer; 1-yr-old �,,, �elding or 611y, U Ty imner, T Dinedale; ��," , � spun oC rocidsters, Dr Whitely; singls ,Y .�, Y' ro�dster in buR�y, Oliver Johnetoo, T �t��r Dined�le; beet 2-yr-old roadet�er sta.11ion eired by �idneq, bpecixl bp Davie & Rolnnd, one roouc�ted �rind�tone, H�ll RoutledRe. ;,;;; r,sttRiwa� ►a��t�ake. gr; $rood m�,re with fo�,l,foal notjudRed " with mRre, Wm Thirak, ll�rouse; '''"�" �� foal, Wm 8terling, Wtn Brandon; 2-yr- old �e�ding or fllly, Gieo Dale, Robt Elliott; 1-yr-old geldin� or tilly, Feter McLloug�lt; apa�n of curriage horses, 18 hande hi�h or over, Donnld Burns, Jos Weld; single carriaRe horse, R McMur- ; chie & Go, Ia�,c �alkeld; lady driqer, Mias K Johnetoa, ll�iae i Elliott; saddle "` borse, no horse whech h�,s been ezhib- ited in a�ny other class to competc+. , l�t prize by 9ocidty, $3, �nd prize bp � Dr �hepphrd, $1, Wm Elliott, Oliver . Johnstun. CATTLE-(iRAD1S. Milch cow, Wrxi 8trrling, RobE Nich- •� olaon; 'L-yr-uld heiivr, A G}atbrs�ith, W � H Wooda;2-yr-old heifer, W H Woods, A G}r�lbraith; f�,t cow, heifer op eCeer, W m Elliott, let attd 9nd; heifer cnlf, Wm Elliott; besG thrae-yr-old eteer, let wnd 2nd, W H V1'oocls; beet 2-yr-old steer, John McKinley, lntand�d; besti 1-�i�old �teer, W H Wooda, Jno %c- K�niey; heat bul! calf, thorouRhbr�d, pediqree to be produced, Elcoat Broe, wm Elliott; best heifer calf, thorough- hred, peciigree to bo pcoduced, Elco�.b Broe. 6 � � a BFIBFP-I,FaI048TER. N,am, tc> rhe�rs and over, (3eo Ycn- hale, R & T $nowden; �hearling ram, (304 Penhale, iaaac �Jalkeld; rt�m lamb, (3eo Penhale, R& T Snowden; pair ewes, having rniaed lwmbs in '88, two ahears And over, C�eo Penlaalv, Is�a,c 8alkeld; p�ir ahNwrling ewee, Geo Pen- hale, Is�e�c $alkeld; ps�ir ewe lu,mha, G}eo Penhale, Is1ac 3�,lkeld; pair fa6 aheep, any breed, A Duncan, A Pen- hale. $H ftnl'fiFTIRFDI)\'VTQB. Aged rau� t.w�� ehears �od over, J McFa�rlune, (:�u�per Ra �.+n; ehewrlin� ram, Jae blck'arl�,ue, ]et n,nd 2nd; ram lamb, Jn� McFarla.ne, (%�orPr� � Soti: UAiC!?�9PR. h�cing rxised la�l>n'1�tS, two stieae�s aud over, (�oopNr � 5on, Jxs. 1Ic:Fail�n�•; �ai� xi�earlinK e�a�, Jns 11i�F'�i�lar.r l,st ancl 2c�rt; pxir ew�e ],tri�l>v, l;uu��er �tz 5uu lst w�t�i '���d. 1'I;iK IiH:KR9HINN.. A)Z,C.i bu,Lt', iin�utl nn�v, hu�'iuj; liltr�•- i�i] in "YS, I�,�,{r. �i� incmth.a, �ii� un�lcr� ���w. �i�; i�i��ui n�: �n undet. !,t au�l ':nd :ill �+t�:�•n li� ��'iu. i�'li.�llistF•r, �,,�;.�..��u � �ii� �. ;1;;t'.' '�i�,tr� 1��ui `iinrl�iii': lu��nr: ���n-, �h:��•tu,; Iltt�•�ri('ali. hnr�r�1 Fix ni��nthtt ur uu�;,•,, „�� r,ix n�uutb:s u� undi�r, Jst nnri `?nrl nll fnkNn hY \V�n �iinriair. p�Y �,'i'ilr'.It i:l•:u P1n,.. �1:(�•�l Ix�,+r. �'� i�i I'.lr;nn�;. (]iv� I'��n- li.�l�;����t linv�nh Iiti��ri��1 ui 'INf, �Vir� 1'.�,r,ui�+, �i�ui tiiu�l;+,ir; I�uai, Six iui�nUi• �,r iiti�l�•r. .Iu:. F��4ic�r. �Vm tiinrl�ir; Y�i�v, ;�ix triunbfi, ur iindt�r, Jns Foet��i, 7st,;�ncl 2�i�1. nA1RS' F'it()ni'C'R 'Cub sfilt I�u�tkr, � lb�. or over. (�Po Y��ung, Wrn '1'owu5end; 'L5 )hs. valt I�u6tei, P:c:�, N<�tC, �Vm titvrlin�: C�Iha. butter• 9ufficiently �nited for ta,nl�: uHc�, iHt hy Jc�h❑ Fr,izer, Leq., 2nd by RACI- ety, Wm ;3terling, Jr:o Jo4neton; tw� bottles bome-made wine, Jos Wilds, Ci H Hueton; l�oney �n jar, Robt Mc- Ilveen; loaf hcirne-made bre�cl, Mina Snowden, Mies Sterlinq; loaf bakere bread, Thoe King. dRAIN AND 6EED8� Two buehele white winter vd%eat, Jobn W Yeo, Jno Salkeld; two ht�sbels red winter wheat, Jno Balkeld, Iena,c 9alkeld; two bushela apring w�eat, .1oa Wilde, Ise.a.c E3n.lkeld; two bushele l�rge white peae, Jno �alkeld, Joa Wilde; two buahels arnn,ll pP,aa, Wm Totivn- send; two bushe�ar sig rowed barlep, J W Yeo, isaac �3g�'jceid; t�vo bushe(s two rowp�l b�rley, Jno Salkeld; trno buahele white on�ts, Jno 9alkeld, Wm 8terling; two buehele blxck or�ts, Jno. Wilds, Yeter McDau�all; buahel timv- t.hy eeed, Jno '�alkelcl, R and T£�now- den; twelve et�re c>t c�rn, F. T�Ihert,' Thos (;amerotr. FR(IIT. Oollection �f �{rxpes, Jo� �Vilds, (. H FIueton; �wll wp�lee, four vririPt,iee, Hvt� �f each, Miss Vbeator., Joe Wilrls; win- ter apples, fpur v�.rieties, flve rif Pxcli, Peter MeLouaull, Wrv F.Ili�tt; rollec- tioo of a�ples, flve of e�ch vn.riety, Jnrs Wilde, � m Elliott; peKra, 4 varietieA, 5 of encl�, Jos Wilds, Wm ytPrlina; coltection of peare, Fi of eacti v�erietq, Joa Wilds, Wm 8terlinq; 12 penches, Wm Herd, Miss Weston; 8 hunches gr�,pes, Q li Hueton, Jos WildH; crat� �pples, Iea•+c 8nikeld, Jno Johoetnn; plate of pI�ime �r prune�, ,1oe Wilds, Wm Sterlin�. VE6ET3RLEA. $uehel ea� ly potatoea in box ar l�as- ket, D Prou: d; hnehel la,te p�ita,toee in box or baskt�r, .T W Yeo, Johu John- I sGon; six flet�l mangolde, iong red, Jno Salkeld, E T�lbert; eix Held roangoldy, � yelluw lob�•, Jao Swlkeld•, Thoe 9tir,- snn; sis�eet � f�r table use, Jno $�alkeld, Mra S R V,'Hlker; aix he�ds cahbxae, Jno �alkeld, Hall itutledge; two hende cauli8ower, T J Moorehoase, RoUi Mcllveen• ]•l ex�rroYs 4or tAble uae, Wrn Tbwngend, D Proase; 12 �;arenipa, T 1 tSk{psan F� Bt T Saowden; 2 puwpicine� i , , . 'Wtxl 1dQri•asend. Wrn P�sraona; • gi�ui�s��s; lienry Fnll�nd. Jnn S'atlteld• , , '• . pe�t�,, �fAtaxo auione, lar�e �ngit4i�, ,1� �t,,.:,: � 9Y �. 1�1te, � . �"rhtit+"e: peck jsot�ato cTnic��s 1J�z�acltan, XJ 1�r�uee. �tre Wee- .. t`�s�C�,��ii�i'r,�rii4�d+�, �no ��tiaeld, il r ��� � � .�: ��� �` a �e �,i i "NI; f� /. �j . �. 1".r " t r � '� , �"'"�''�°"' ,� �rtea w n sv�avm ,m afnatr: umc �ip.a+�o•- �'�'"'"'"'� , , , ,�, ... ;.. ery �Iaaae $alke � I� $'x' 8nowden; 8 A RF�rAd,.C:WR� FO�t Ki.�PT'QMAIYIA. ea� b� Xa�tqaa.• �xtitn o�►a��74�t�t+r�1D��t#e, , , r '. heade t�ed celery � H $uetou, � � T �.fi�aiAl�K�. w ��*�� �`��r ,�;�1w�'+?� . �,: � � ; 8no�dan: 8laeac�,e winQer radiehes. Joa. .. �' ° �t� �b �,9 !� La��fin q� �a '' ��� ....-M.�„�.� �.; �� ..+ �x + >, , : Wt�da, ifim I'areane; two citrone, Qeo 1�..�#�c�u. Whe �'a.�►au,s #'awq�oa. +fh►va�t, �l,fo� gA.,I,iikd �te�iMop, GLe �� at}� oerp- '���' �'�' h� ;�e at�b o#�1� •I,�pre�b• �,, � i aae•loQ aa ��Wi b�g ��, W�s�.�, , Youa , R Penhale; twp rousk a1�lPus, W e tn1u. tuaro at tbe haG� ot 6Ae Nllq, �- I.QB tcm�aDs �Elie � A�pAK �,de cS►r e� o at � bt,� Dnt�e�p.,�pp 1p ea: �., ' �� ' �tua. a(�leaMo� R�q.�dy ror w.e ]on.roaa. t�t ..raea '�t�' o� }�l,haee �}�d�d1 �u e'�la 7i."' Jd.t1,�Q�(. ,Tj�: �; Jno �ali�el,d, Wqn Townsond; twa 6� �na saqcm3 ot oEher n�r�lviufnNb¢� � � '. . �, Eot �Dteeare � vctmn. � Q,re,wn aptenWau Ga tha fe►ub� y4q�1 oppa �3iWe Sonee 1a NYv 'iCo#$, by ' fi�a ° r�: watermelone, 1Z Penhale, Wm FaUiott; �" q,s�t�ioup $sWe �3oa�opy. TA� s�atdetTox 1iQU�Fl� FVR �AI,F QR �3N�I� M' peck of lar• e beans, H�Ire H 8 Walkee, � qt �he waewevenElal e�lsales a�'�1% 11tq �. # 8 Q oAr9 tan� i�leptmpneRl� he� jaeb beeu ��� tn One ut Ghe obeonce tetetldY ���Q �� � 4q� � eDT� Bevar.nl honeea et6her tor oa.le nr ta rep�, �,�tt �"" Wm Townsent�; peck of emall beans, y�naanoeQ by br. $ert111ma, Lhe e�nlnen0 p�1pg Oo sa� que untapa}17Ar w1LL Wm Sterlin , Iesnc 9t�lkeld; eck of o! W1e WeeG xUdlee. P�nls�u ou appaAouEton td JUHN eaft�a4aVq�, „� 8 p $eu4p p!►yelofap snd eatandao who tn• 't,D,aui. 'rAe eoaie4 's 6went{y�ro�anC i�lhle lar e tains�toee, 7` J Moorehouse, 'Wm ' Io 1789 Soratio Nelson, thea pa� 84 9 - i', $ o�6sd t�he s?sd6em o� me�aeurewea�s re- yeasa olA, vras a.ppoinr�d to t4ra mm• a�i 8v�oen6 1`estemea�e am�q dably tt,e FOIi �ALF, UR TO RI.NT. 1�ro Elliott; peck ot emall tomatoea, T J qyp�y odt�(►Owd a6 Btlqq 9��@ T2rl8on, o3�ee�E two�e ►n the wortd. 4� T.'setis- y•' muud aR o,ne of ble Mn Moorehouae. R& T'3nowden. 1���'e �� � r.' j 1� Ber�,tHap, in t�e oaq�ree ol 6is ez- �0 Go Nevc Yark. The Co�nuusanncl�ln- �na !'or dve c+c+n4s la mnraeloa►a. Pk ie a Sm��l ao6taye, aentruUY 1ooa,tad. Nor e�le or �,i GADIFe' WORK. 1 y�Erlmenta� hp9 8aeaooesed tLaO bP �YP- �qttull Bna�, htta 4D8 Gyp9 i9'qiewt qnd fA+ rea0. Knotted �llow sham, J W Yeo, Mise � oau Ehe tnol �'�� �amiral Dtgdy, oon�atolabed t� w. �i, F�A�,� eaqj�qtl pleuG o� o4r9olo n�S 4fie aocer, A aoi0 ot►e ot ala�L, � P� npoa thia uppnS�Eineraa Eo e AOeblm �vhep�s --- 3nawden; braided pillow sham, Mre H ffibaf m�y be oileatalx+d ho� Ai� tauAenpy. �r �n� � neat and trutrnwtive �ho BgaraR ou thp FC1R $.liLL, �� Ba Exi'fre monsy vReee Oo Ee lt Walker, Miss Wiee; emhroidered �� ��1e t��a arlaue !a n dfeense� Lo�1�9e �d tAv 135Y3 edtotua show ebua ls,- .__ obLHiaed, DaL Ghe paang oe�tq►4�n ra pillow eha[1�, 1�'ties :itlrtsoA, Mis8 Wise; ���� ��C=fl�►11Y aud aeoocd ng ���:� 49:;,J00 oapdc�a a[ GLe baik Lavs been Tbe andareiannd wi11 eell ataeauriHce, Lqf 9b1 crr�zy work, Ev� Nott, Mre H R W�lk- m i� c�sT�e io che Pf►MenC. , Qci utaa9. `Yae E#hfe fa Ua a4�o EBSa.o t�luo, ax ie, Puilwny Terrace Clintun, ['artionln wa ':ea. e1r; bnb i p�af,t� W�6 R�east I�eB upon applicut�ou, JAH4E� 8CpT7`, risrrietat er; �rochet twble mate. Misa Martin. j ffiSaa�a�ea d azltne„ 6e Iueiats. mey ner- ee tbe atatioo ot' honim.^ a�1 afi�0 Oigmrae shn�v 6h�ra At 1�e l:ua oP _.. _.__ --.. __._____ __ �� Miae b:vn Notl; toilet ruate, 1Nre Wm mea0e a rc�nn'e eysbem in the eawe man- tffi laeoe i sa11.,Ot10 haci t�een prinaAd. -- -- �� He wee, tt� ougb unwlttls�i Oed[�e e�i $utes Mre McDou all; crochet dra e, � ae thoee ctY wnynmlpoloo, malarl,► nr �� Tt�i,t u�nd.- hr� unM tx2en te�gely in- FOB $AL� ON EA$y '1•1.rg,T1i� , � p o� nle wm�a, aaa eenL co t3,e eet tndias, Mies Nott; ta.ble dr�,pe, Mias Wiae, I e�Se�� wBeTe Le 68oa,me aoQaein6ed va�o6 t�ha �""� z� h°`� b""i' �� thfsL 1h Mise Nott; sofb Illow, Misa Nott, MI•s �e ��1mc+nt wne n�oa a IItGle ��8 �� hn�y GL�nee sa� t�verypre of cme 13�bka, und Lot H6, Muitland Uonceepion, (3oderiah P bese De s af Gbase Pe 13 R W�.lker; crochet tn twine, Mra H I SFe Peare oi +�ga, wt�ase me�ntq onn- ,�� � la�0er traW a�ade sev�,l 4brm � taur '�est�e.menty ate t¢ru�cl uac Towuehip. For terme aud pu�rtwulare ap_ i R Walker; hooked mn,te, Mre H R � tA 6ha �iMg nt' e�ouls of �m- � °� everp mfQuLa Ix,� cLe pi��rrt SA q?u� Lrwtse P�Y eo JAMEB FiCOTT, $�rYieter, Clin�ou voge►gee and acqnlred GLe a�a8� a1 ; Walkec•, Miss Nott; embraideryon eilk, �1dm9 s1!!re R�am he.�r moLf�er, Corroot- fm uvren'q cidR7 ►s� rhe y�wr. Abaou evvao- — • hls eovarsf n, IVa3amn wa ags►)A eqg�vlaL- satia or velvet, Miee l�Tott; boq uat of ad tar t+� beh�m3or. t�e ahild wovld in- f�l,� a[ eSl t.e B1t�de� priut�d ara glven � �; ea ��,e v��c iIIar� ��m�ae. �c �1 YERLiIN 1t�LQr4;1� tiowera, (�i H Eiueton; boquetoP flo�et� aeaaabd9 P�� � � �wet the 8�aa�y, mqd GDe oth�cP 8re sal�d aa �:^�t. ; emwll, Mre H R Walker, (�i Ti Hus6on; a� eet k� �+ oP f �he tw�tq-eigee-gan �Sgece, �e Boareae • � ��c �o�e- �� tr� �; � s� aae �� s�ea t��6o.s�a ,� I�UiI SA�.E n8 Agt4.bewd ti�e 9C6 c*! , rrocket rvotk in wovl, Mies NoGt, 11iee IItaat ehe vvoald tn�k+e tme spouis at everp t�en avA Y"extnw.•cr�s. The li�;Ci:+:, � 1T84. Eie otarn48d wtDA hl+�n Ehe �i ,�d- �arh �oe t2p montUl C7 (:�,n� bell• eroehet work io cotton �np�ley t�912lnos r�nr1 �tolorn tm Ebe ���m-•.n � �vn mear«ot,gia�eub �, ' ' m1rg1 OR tbe Hsaty 81r $Sohqrd Eiqe,'�BA, 1J J I;A�PA►;LL, Hamiltou Mre 0(.ampbell, Miea Wise; embroid- � ��5� enoagb, her manln dkd uot i0nr� langaa��a wr� nt1 pa�kvaerl ae ery in eilk, Mise Ddartin, Mra G(7amp- I e�6anC Qo t�a �kfoa � of�Cern urtiofes, �4 h4e t»mtl�e, ond eClee tbe4r Grst�eler � ��. y� ���a��;um�a — be!!; fmncy whiak holder, B�isa Nott, ! 9D�Ob fia WOUl(I D$ appmtrrta,ts4 b$ the �amed nharge of t�e eQusd.roa� a�em�- ����3,,� �� ��� �'A�LM FOR l3AI,lL, Mre H� Walker• knittin ia woretsd, oa�dln b]�eQ at Nevie. PLde lslsn4 w�ea C�en a , p, ary kleyboa�e►mina $etng a fTlend QBm L�e pnl�ed mw'e aLea� b'9 �LZ� enbeoriber aHaze tor eale hle tarm o! tOp u� ree, prosperone eagar ptodupfng aotovy a1 ' Mrs C,ampbell, Miae Nott; knitting oi the tamri2�, Dz. Bs�t�lAon beoame toter- ��men !,n c�Ae oous�9 1a� va'hlah bh� betng lo018 on the etb oon, ot Hallaen; ab oat es � in woreCed, fanc i11ra U Qamp bell, Qieaa Brltaln �d Ilea �ea f,1�e mm�e o�esrred, ali at tor oaltfvecioa Log h ooee, y,- er�tsII fi► �ha nalgae a�sa. aad ft� psntip ' '� t�aQg. 2he C�tauton 8lb3e a�io� Ya 1n " Yamous talanA o! SG S9Ote. Be�veea� 6Ae � k� �� ot wIGA lrame kieahen It6ma barn BEzgp, wic h u.- l�°, l�iea Nott; creton work, Mre (7 Camp- reqmromeGraLad vvlbh f�e d�lld. He eag- �0 1slanda 6he Borcme ora�ee�9 ooQtlao- �°�'� �O0 �° � aal tDatiBin i�ood beuring oroherd. Tne er bell; arresena work. Mre k� �t Wall�er �reataA e� her m�hee trhe poeetble eg'eot Q►u ,C,trt�w tp Gh�s ataluibr, 1s paf'nte�i tand�e as�ooa�as oen De toona ana tarc, Ie tn Mre (� Camp bell; cheuile wor�, Mre (� oR hypapt3sm. 4$e masher ooneeo�d �• �tb Q06�p� �� $�� � r� eha .8�1e HoueR 2n the past elghi�y oon �ioa ,ave eoree,n tsu mheu► aaa Qear- i,: (:ampbell, Mies iVott; bead work any 6t� �tb1k1 wse e�jeoteq to tue eaqerlmeo� ��n611iee, ooti.�aaGly oo eho wp�c� �� �� �3�� ��e�, � � epply or, the remlaea or to A,sd,A'ws�'2� "s 40 aazee ea�ad dgWn. Poaseeeion iven Miss Wise; oing ap �� � aggraeclone a[ Ba�lcaln'a at�L v desi�o, Mies Noth, p � yoa tdm t�e ellk epooisY' 1eG�oeA 8�L.4QQ941 vofomea o! the Hulq p�noe, � ea�iee, Gbe Y`rPnoh. lace, DAre C Campbell. M{se� Nott; eaiml �dior w+hen 6e treA Ler andee 8�r�, fn �srty 100 l+mg� end _ crewel embmidery, Mre (: Uampbell, 00�1 � Ia wes Aorin� thi+ W�t bnct�n c�g►..�o �� I,n I�e Hre� twemt,y-8ve years . lb�o de wea evd won t�, lYttr widom b e- ay� D.FI�IRABLL i�'AR�I TO�RI,NT Mi�as Nott; eilk patc6 worl[, Mio�+ �'ar- TIIe c�rid ee{fled t� ehe ooQM not dR kte eatiebernoe tbprtabednearly B.00U,000 _._.. sone, Mre A R Wa�lker; quilg in tch bl4 relioe ot � rcxzideoe �yelot�n who pa Del� hdla8 eQ aithoa oonsutoae t9tat � � �uodcs, in tha eooanQ uearly 29,OOROOQ, � Lnd yrsotloed S� Nev4a weta mt►r- �he Aaderefgnad oHere to rent the eplenQld work, 11�re C �wm bell, Mie� Nott; d8e vw daLug e�ang, am3 tLe eowwl Ysane aQ the tnlsd 6�veot�p- � on tbe etn oon, snueet eoivnel,l , 1eQ+d. ao Ehe regla6er ot Ffgtaeo l,t�eroA R�belns Yaacy quilk Miee W�ee, Mce I 3 R W' a J.�C- �ea Clye a�A]Q q aeuns haQ bsoome @�►e gesre vkae 8�44 8, 1 S d An a A d gen 6 le� b heao rt h h a l i o t 1ot 9B, oontalntng As �o=�,,, '� er; tog ca�in uilb. Miee NoGb, Mfeo tt�'! bt�onQA hgpnoGtem 6e pieneQ qep. °�'�a' °'� g4a llth ot iseroh, 1fH7. Y�e ��� �� �y���� lrrnme hooed, bnrn, ebb►e end ahed, �ouog t g marrlago regi�taT la �eill in evldeaoa, oroL�rd bearing Ehte year, a a:eek rnnnin � Q ¢e�4ty ooloeaA eQools on A ��gb �e ��Bq� �� a(d bodt a[� �� �� ��° ��iDtee em �tpw�h the inr�m all the eer ronnd. A deafrabl� Pareone; knitte or crochat uilb, ise erral 01 �he otygh a m g Stlneon Mtes NoGE; �ent's ►inen rhirb �tbp e�d eo�sYnaateQ pse to tske bfiem, {A°�EeB �o � 000a�q peseoo tn she term ior aeook or e,tn; �eLng only e,a mliee Wm Sterltpg, Miea Nott; lediea' uoder- '� ��1 ma�s e fa9[3e e�ati to do ao, �t�reA and wora, avd oa�n tx� �aa b�7 �d �� irom eLe w�vn o! �laton, nppIy eo n�g6 ,7ADTE elobhing tna.chtne [ue,de, Mi4e NotC, '•19�onv ppq yaep tnke 03�y Y' esoi�imed °�b°n oo the IeI�nd o[]►evie. 'i`he entes DODBWOBTH, or JpHN FO1iD, Holmee�111e. is ea lad�tosve:- Mra C C�mpbell; etching in cotton or �e anMor, �nt1 the ohtl� lmmedleta�y ,��y� ��,b 1t, Hvrntio *6e3aon, A�Q��`��g �Y• SPL�IJDID FA81H FOR $ALF�. eilk, Bdiee Nott, Mre ki R Wn,lker, �_ po, Reot'e fancy flwnoe�l e6irg, Mtse Nott, I ���7o+ar y�ap qse Eo neEm�o t�am In the �" ��1° °t ���"B��r �ip, �° �o.eow�s.ruaeo�rreeaw-a4me Wessr� OR TO RCNT Mre C Uam bell; pla�in h,�nd aewia � �� m �°�, �°D �'°°n°ee Hm'h�t N1A�i�, -- p @,'. �i yo�1 tpok tlwmq" oom- ��.,, mvd Power. Lot 19, Bay$eld ooa., (iOaBP10L EpWDBhI oon- '"F Wm �terlin , Mre H R�'Vatker• i �o� R p� ;; � �RddeB �S dpebos. �'fi1e Che littte one .rhab ip ekl. The ratkm�wn 1�e+oa�Sar af F� ��O� ��°�e s �sin lls eoree, eDont 86 eteared end !n good teather 8a�vere, 94iee Not�, Mre H R g� ��� ��AnQ ere to rP- �+ �' � Ebie affa#t oo�d ncM e�a iht�o ths fUGS1t� �g WiiiEe RObn�, Ehe �ureY]- �Ea6e o1 oaltivetiou, tQlsaoe bsrdwood, baeb an8 ;,� Wa�lker; darhed eock• c�r o[Ockln(;a, ���� pp�bned tbe doc6or. "Ehat � Qµp��y�� ar�g � y�p�}��� �p eomaoedar Wmbpr. CiooB, comtorteble bclek Mre H R Wa�lker, Mies Nott; berlfn aod psiwetve bba�A he woe t�eu kn t� hoase, lerge tank bern, good oroherd; aei2 � 3� �� �� T� ��t ��0 �� a �b �fe 1� fi� O�'ieqa0- Fi wss dMl1 ne�t'9 weterefl„eprlu o�eek ruoning aoroee IGe forw, wool work, tlat, Bliee A400rehuuae, Mrs � � ��� � °°�� � �U �� ��' 09�' [or the yormg lnaa 6ad aab thpD w�6Q b3e �����' ��� � t�L whfoh ie well enoed, moatly w16h oeder, Term� C Ca,mpbell; berlin wool work, r�,isecl, �,8, g� gon w4U adnabpe eebnro whet bttndiv�pp-.t4o h�a w�en eil epmmex vae oi eale ww be mada very eaey. It not ead wili ll�rs C Campbeti; drd�vn work, Mra U p� �a � g� ��.e, �� enoaeeslve b181ee o} Beron Ne9eon d Rhe b� �en e3 be renbea tor a tezm ot yeara, App�y to 0, Ce►mpheil, Mra A R Wn�lkec; fancy P�n A tow t,ollarov! b� erlmnnt, p�, Dnme °1 Bront� e� He �ee �tsY�" �Ag ��1ng ln Et�e gIMONa, 79 bt. Dav(d'� Bt., aoaerich. eus@►on, Mre U Uam bell, Mied Nott; �e � � �}b���g �� ����8�8 P �tlLe �able were agatn mAeeto Ghe HoreMa N�feoa. �CeB.. hna do�OSese oen- pencil drawing, Miee P�,reone, Mre � $' e�ad e qooa aa�oh hy a Weet i�ie ��g �= rO°�°�� (%HOl(:� FARM FOIi $ALE Ca�inpbell; crwyon dr�win , Mra (; �� not�hitsg, ewaitfna W�� � fi�e me�ne a� w�t� A t�k�.. n�sd ba�4ng fo: aevv ba�aEy Ti�e tA, we � � �. i'#� Reaf, �+ Lhe spox+la were w� eo�1fl avt eEgy ta �e QQ11 Cot6( bst9- 8nbeoriber oSeze !or eale theg80 acre (a,rm uu Campbell; wa Wr color aint�n Ddra G I'mAOO ��� �en�, �° °g'P�a � the ooruer ot the enA line and 1Qth epn„ c�oder�oh P fi• �an� Rp the �orh-6csket, Yrom wMoh �ye PegaenH, 1sUar tbe �wl4aa� S}d7� o[ �0�' �°� �� �n°� ���� Townehi . It te wel] we6ered, with ood bearin ` Usmpbell; oii pa�intin�. 11��r U Camp- �y � p,� �q, �g.q� � t� �ty ���y ���� one o��� jr�e hoaee aud new baqk bero. Con ' bell, 11Ars W H lVoode; kensin ton Dngland—V4ilktam Iv.---.�reoed tcbe ap- g �ee�l�bet bad na fat�er ta+oable tirith q�e �sloa oY t2re m wttn Ma ��0p '� �a. &41e�as Httag avet IE tlke �ea1eA� 10 eL�tea snd e�hooi. witi be eola on 't inting Mise P+�rsono, Mre C Catnp- �� � �°�'E'� p p�p. Ev�q wkndlpg e�ib tp ube �'eaeoneb�e cerma, apn�y co � anII �t►ve away tAe hel�ta ii; luebc�e painting, A�re H R Wal�er, �� �� p�.�� W� � ��g � p� ���. �a�e aos HPARLING, cimcon ; B�re C Campbell; �ainti�� on stlk, y�y� �qy� ,�� �yo� yr�t��� '�`bwt Ne4son wsa [ar e t�rae attoatied — aae a nvmg �re ro�tg�a, an� oaoa : sa.tin or velvet, M�ea Wise, Aire (J �pe ��y ��� ���, tA b4e wtfe a�d wae k1aQ 1�a sow te � e w�D,S� e � r�� t� FARDI FOR �ALE � Uwmphell; beet collecti�n uf houae �� q�� p���e Ae�btt Oo emake �O�°° ��'� ���� �° %� ������A e�ssai] a�; edl bbe Lot as, Con.6, Towcehi ot Hn�lett, 10o scr � leter, atber he hnd haeth aeaateQ a He3nr pl&Rts. (i H HuYWn. �tpg�� pp y�� pigetg g day, jp�p� py�}�pg }�pag� �py� �g{t �.{�g� 88 nozea olenred end in a goad ntate u1 calttva�- ACtmral, ecnd w'Aea he t8ough8 Cde emd Lioa, ezoeqenE clay loam aoil; 12 noree of bsrd- �LarG ond6t bgymotlo ttfu�e��, a oigar �� a}� ���� � a lebter tu I�0�4(1 ���8' v4er8 B�4t; !be' �luCe t�e wood bosL. TLere ie a good betiring or�hr-d Id{PL7�171[IS14T8-DIPLOMA ONL4, �8� a ��e cd abqpped hsy aud oaLarated a'b�nAow6fl avd des�lle, tOs allanae uL- anfl a goo9 eapply o1 water. The tarm hae never x Lumber w�on, patent arm, Fred Vincent, h1s su�arla� coaimender: "I �w bp eo�fl oi flodl a� tre�a �it�f ehpM�DRle Wes g{V80 6o htaL T11e � been rented, The balidinge �com4rlee a good fieae; aingle bu�gy, Fred Hesy; coveted �� �vor produoed nauaea, apd have onlp t�n raoommeaG Joe.ah N1ebtL to �� �� �lly tLe Corftova c,Q HIoea t�D°e boaee, batn and etbblee, Tbie property 1s ` bUg �, Jno i.P81ie, Fred Heaes; cutter, you aaQ my oountey�." It �vae whao IVex- sltnate on en eaoenent qra�et road, 23 milea ? t�fe Twng tne�n CLtrew aei�e t6e olgur tn a�d �bflertvahma'[y tbe Cordooa otsoe 2rom the Town of Cliotun. Terme eae Fre Hesa, re�owctlended. aon had been ahot lt� the elbow, reoeiv- y. For i POULTRY. ��� , ing a wpuod that loet Go htin hie mrm, °�� �8 Bt►t¢dad or Demaeoue aY the on 6b0r partlonlare anU:r to cUe uudezel�ned, �; WfO�'s do oot egree wlth yoa, ' ea- West, wha+e stseeoe we�e ever ullve wit� Premiees, or w�1d9, SCOTT, Ba.rnstar, , Best pair �t ducks, fb Peahale, lat �� �a dooLac. "You wfll be made �°d pinced hlm ia immineot danger o1 �e olanQ od erme, Wte pamfl vf proaes.. fllnton. �H8 THos. H1LL, Clinton P. 0. and and; best pwir of ge�ae, R Yr�oha,le, �i every ttme poa etnuke bhem in fqture." �Ytng, thaC Lieut. YQleb�t, his etepson, who wae b h1s fnthcr's S1Ae when he elans, 6he ctatter of etudente gotn� Co Wm Batea; besC pair uf d�rkiu�s, Jrts g�ern� niqhts later, at a dlnner rt y ---- -� -- -- -- • - V+� Y� nnd Pr�m the eohoaFs, wDoee vame wea McFrirlane, A Duncau; liest �eitr of feil, ptaoed hfm tenderly !n ctte tMbtam i tDe �ect wae givea a olgar. !3e lit it a aynonym Por wealth an8 powet, for YIANO FOB �ALE. br��.hmn,e, W MeLean, lat nnd �nd; best ���oking. PreFeotlp he became °� the boat, and, notlrfng thet Gha sighe anitnre nnd indaatry--the war}d-tomona -' " xir vf t�r�iwn le ho� ns, �V McLer�u, 15t ot blood �nnAe h1ro falnt aa lt epontod �1 �econ�l•band eryuare Heinizmno Piauo for P R, de�►t�rlg pale, ebfl wne seiaed wlth ueu- town wlth Its acit;ntlaUs and mejrohtiAts en,�e; �t ts e,n exc�lleuE toued ioeL«lQienc and haa � [rom the ehatteraA urm, r.ocFreA it with ro Rnd :.nd; neet ptLIC uF white leghtil•ne, ����gh hIA olqar wne oP Ghe 8ne6t b�A bat. HP thnn, at Uh� ri and women dootvtsP Ib Wae ae tfapkagne ���1y been In uee a ehorc tlma. A��ply at ll�o W McLean, ldt. r�t�d 'Lnd; best p�ir of �� potlowing thfe 1OC1d9iIt, he .rHa � 1 of b1R 11fe, NFw EBA OFF[CL. turke g, kt t T$no�vden, 1V McLer�o; hnd Neleon Luke❑ �n honrd one of tl�e �18d tallen euddenlq apon thQ town, and ^Y Y onreQ o4 the bebtt anA in n Pew weeke IePt ❑ot ona ttit�n, womao, ar n6Ud to ---• l�est coil�•rtiun c�f fc'nvl, �l' hleLean; ehip9 tn fac,� nf n deanitnry flre from the � the tale.-"MtBeummer In &m restoreC to heolth. (i0(li) PAtiTUItAC:F: rnin�rc�.H, �b' McLe�i�, r�co�x�rnrnde<i. eneruy r�nd tnok eome a)Ik hnndkerohieta ...__._ A yoaoq sirl suffe�ing from a dys� $patn," by E1Sznbeth Fi. E'eunell, tn t e �1A�i'I�ACTL'ttA::t. o allment waa tha nexU to under�n trom hiR neck eod bound WiPrn ttghtly Hplendid paeturPoke too ��ither Lornes or cattie, �! abcut th� Iar.Pret�eQ nrni, Lhua .qHcing Gig ���mber CaAtIIrp. wicU {>lenty ot wn.ter, rr�o be 4ad fur th� remain• lUycls 11c�tno•tli:tidc� N.tnnt I, wl�iLe 1�f iti9 thts I�ntment. Hor Lnhit cvne thu �n- - -- - - dor ot cLo eesc�nu, tor ep�; per t,ar�d. npply tn M. , fathgr'a ]Sfo. (}LEW, ureoge Ffsil, 3rd C��n., Hulle�ec, ur C. ` f���x Ncrit, Wiii tit-erliug; l�l-yd� culiiri�d ceseant bit�inK o[ her (luger nafls, if prar.- R'orirl•a incrraalne Papulntton. I , Thie �ne aG Tenc�if;n. �eison �cne I�A60N, Htap�rto�. Hanne) hr�tu��-tn;+�lr, DIiaS Fva Nntt, tta+ prodvctfve of hlood-�lAonina. A�,- The aetoniehlo�; growth of Eurnpean H�,nn�,h �Vi�e; air wnnleii hl�tnkeLw, taken 6ome to I:nalnnd, atill t❑ rharBe --- ---. ---- ---_ . ; p � persntiy ehe had no rontrol over tbls o1' hfe et�+peon, wh�re hn a�a� p1�u;ed 1n atties !n tbe lrwc twenty yenra 1g but COLBu1�t�F� L'1llD:,jt 1YIILl. (ari��r S�Ikeicl, .Tn�i Johntit,on; skeiu nf deslre thot had �radur�lly lndurted H Ren- o part of a movement 1n popnlatton whioh �vc�vilPn y.i�'r�, ten Icnuts cir u�•��r, ,l�u� I the tender care oP hie deaoted wi e, who — ��3rw1 Qe+t�illtaLioo ot the nercou.v e3-aceru. nursed hlm bnok to health. Aod et, n �e genernl throna4oat r.ivtltz�d c;oun• The underaigned hnvtnq everg conven�ooce tcr JuhneLun, Iir�nn�h WisN; yk��iti i�i Wht1a nndet bqpnntia tn(luenco e�e wne q triem. It ta certainly unprPoedeoteA in °0�kjng Cider, ix proNhrod to rnn.ke duy quanucv 11Gt10 IIIntA thun s peac IREA�� th� he[O Oi Oi iYBL O)tl,99 CI[IBI, HL Ill� prr.iu��ne, I.ut'tn, �in.�i, et��eking yHrn, l�irti [-i It �Vallcer, �Iisti I��d �at her nails had been ntoeped in hietory. Inud eon„ Co1b��rnW, ou cl,e ni�urceec uoc�ce ana manp o flghL wae tho �ievoted ad�nlrnr ot H.+,nnrafi Wia��; �>air wvul�n stockin�Gs, slnm, that it c�ovld Irrltato 6er moath � In thia couatry the tnoreaeo from 60,• et the loweel rricet3. C3, Y$HIhIMRH, �oum,lier I{xnn:th �Vi:,e, :vn Nott; p�ur «•riole�i nnA oause it to wnter. Althong6nothing I Lady Hamflton, with whoa� nome his i 000,000 to 70 000,000 i❑ lees t6en tw�� de• •----_— _ own had been ooapled to thetr diAcredit. � ' --- �nck�, 11ra H ii Walker, F;va, N�itt; was placed npon hPr onile to produce aadee fe p»rulleleci 6q (3ermeny, whLoh R'ritin to hia wite at the t1me, Nelson Fi�ir tut.tvn stc>�kin (,rH, hnnei-ri�ailP, �hYs efiecrt, tha momer.t ehe beqan to btte � hae tncreaead trom BQ,OOO,uUO to 6P,000,- V�1 uable PRQ PF,RTIE� Iiannah VV iqe, Mr.9 �Vesl�n; p;Lir cot- them her month wntrrPrl, her llpa oon- RB�a: ' The grend seiqnfor hae ordered me 000 etnce t4e Franoo-Prneyi�n war. Eng- t��n yOCISA, li��,nd-mH,de, Wi�� 5terlin r, n vainable dlamond. IP it were worth u --- 6 trncted and ehe eshiblted all the eymp- land ehows a ltke increeae, conflned �v 1 blrs �Veeton; wiC woolen l��-es, h1r� eoillion my pleaAure wovld be to eee 1t For �7a,1f' �� �0 ��Qj�t,. p � tome doscrlhed. ohfe8y to the o�tiee. Whlle Iraland, Italy t�VPeton, Fva Nc�tt,; air �voolen mitt�, I tn yonr poeseeslon. Mp pride fe iA beinq __ p' The doctor hne nnder treetment at aad Spnln nre not ao responelve to the Eczu Nott, Hxnn�h �Viec�; sot sin lc� yoar hueband, nhe aop of my dear Pather, COMMEItCiAL HotP,l $ � preeonE two wenithq women, ctctlma of movoment, lt le for cauees too well an- , Clinton. hnrness, Th�s (%t�meron, .Jn� Ti ett; nnd In hacinK 81r W1111em end Ledy deretood Eo m�►ke thetr aaaee sPhm eacc�p- � g PP Icieptompota, whfoh wiiliotlon hns been a Hamilton tor mq trfende." Wlthin two A e lendid etand, w6ere ood bneioexe �e qPt double harnesa, Jn� TippPt. eouzee ot mur,h chaqrin aa well ae ea- tfonal Eo the rnle thet the groat eofentf8o done. The houee hae escellent acwm- yeare Lord NetAon aod h[e wifo were �nd meehBntcel tm rovemente of ttre P 8 Y BeF.�nitit} [�r THB Rivc;, penee t,� t6etr tarnillAe. p modation tortravellereand ublio eoernll ' aepnrated. Terms made known on a I�oat�on to JN 0 Farrnere' Tr�t or Yace.-A purse uf The one fe a yonnR Kirl of hfqh POO(NI oent�ry nre msking tt poeelhle tor E6e PP � ` Nelnon's fnme had penetreted to the I�O$EiIER, BeT�miller, � $10, divided into Uhree moneys, fur etandSn{�, who etolA truq� the varloue world to p�rodnoe and enpport a lerger farulers' horses within iQ milea, wnd abo artlolee (or whlah ehe had no oe- remotest regione oP the earth, bnt In Ghat I �° � p lonelp Weat Indtan 1s)e, were. !a 1787, PopulsLSon�thnq wse dppxm0n� P� e��bi Alau f3U'1'1+:� 8t Tz8t0r North� driven by farmera or farmer'a euhs etMle ❑ee, e�oh ea clotliPe wrinqere, a the moeb novnced o he "Qeve hoetngee to fortane," we 8nd VGic6 Dwelling $oneo aud good 6tore ad- onlV, John `�parrow, Cieo. IiinR. rollfag pin and eevHral tlnt lrone. t6naianlsm In riDeir esonnrovereiee wfEh �; A epeCial prize of $1� for speed- AnoeLPr oaBe 1A EhaG of n hlRhly re- bhe chrontcls of one of tAe moat lmporb- t6e 1gIIOT64t 6b60T18t9 qbq belleved GhaG ���1Dg' with good oatbaildinge. F'or psr- inin the rin Mile heatq, two eDeat�b�e women whn PbO�P Ar enetve �n6 avanta of h!a ilfe Ih tatLera and the tionlare applv to J. T. WEBTCU':CT � �' p hoaBe where the ceremonywae celebratc+d the llmlt ot yopulatton bad been or wae ��aeter, or JOFiN R06$Ir:R, BenmilJer. in three. Pr�zes dicided xt�t�� three mechanleai topa, altbnu�h a�e had no fgll(ng Into rnin, scsroely more Ghan Its g�Rb to be reao�l. moneys. Open to �,Il. Entrance ahfidren upon w��n� to beetow her plao- tallen malla rematntng. A��ing Eo Mnlhell ahe totst poDn- Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— t,�� the speed�np 10 per cent. of the dea. CaAen ot kleptoinBola are mnoh __._____ tetlon of tAe esrLh 1n ��P titme ot Augus- In Weei Nieeouri. 140 aorea cleared, the purse. Four to enter and three to more numarons Lha❑ ganerally eappoeed. $nlloonio� Bt FPa. �e Caesar d!d aqe eaoeed 66�004,00U, so reet being a good 6asb ot herd wood; no '? �trtrt, F, Boeec?nherrq, Jno $parro�v. in this cltp fbere are e eoore or n�ore The Frenah necp la now betng fltted ��et in t�e lint6ed Btsbea we now Deve bnildinge morLh epeekfog o(. The ]sod �e .Iudg es-Vegetables, doseph Allttn- women of monnawhnsurrAptltionelp tnke out wlth veeeels whloh are r� oar on � more peoyie bhen bLe �rth oontnlned flretrete; a ood rice ie e f eoa, Clintao. L�diee' cvurk, Miae 114 Erotn the large ehope whetever setzee � � 6 P �peoted, bnt not a the setence ot hatlooning nt een. A a'hen tAe empire of Ehe Ceeaare wae eb more than the land ie wortn. ! WhiddPn, Miys P+�rke, BaySeld; Mise b�Plr 4nnc�. � Franoh orntear, tbe 8faa, belon fn to �tp �g�°�• �� 8 e Aleo FARM of t0 ACRi:fi Idn Elliutt, (i�derich. P�ulfry, Jno Ln moat��! these inqtnaceQ nothtns fq � the Medlterraoeon eqoadron, hae been Aecording to the enme enthorits t6e A King Clintou. Horeea, Joiin :�Ic- eald ab�nt the matGer, t6e nrttalea taken 8tted ont eapreeely for eaperimente wit6 PoDatatlon ot Earopeweeanty 60,000,000 Wlthin one mile of i6e former, beinp pnrt NF�vin, Kippen; Jxn (%onnolly, Portere bofoQ charged nn t6e bflla of �hP deltn• bnllooae. The bali000 iLeelf le kept nn in the fltteentb centnry, wb11e nmv !t ta o( the Wigmore Farm, bein�{ compoeed uf Hill ;.Inhn Dunn, titxnley. Hh�ep nnd qaenGs. ewd fnvnrinblp pAtd wt6hont pro- deok tn o half In(]nted condttfon, It eetlmated nt over 867,000,000 people, Eaet helt ot LoL No. 4, 2nd Con. ot Weet YiR9, Welter Mr�dRc�, BLsinl��y; (�eo Leet by the relr,tiveg, w tLue nvnid doee noe bake up mnr,h epaoe ot ftaelt, but whoae avamgcj of Ilvtna !p Pnr hlghc!r Niseoari; the lund ie firet rete, snd with � �ltnnburv. 5tn�ley; HNnrp Beer�Cotv, Dobllol6y. � tBe c�qnfpm�nt nec+�,Reary for proper bol• �hnn tbet of tbe age of An�natnerrr thnn very li�tie sulLivaLion will meke a(arm ; (�oderiCbTownahip. UaLlle,.Ixn HPa,rn, Now thnt I)r. 13ertfllon Veoovery haa �non work demandx a qnod dent of room. thet ot Lhe fltt�en66 centary. eecond to none ot ite eize. � C'iinL�in; Juhn Rnnter, L��ndon RoA,d. proven eocaenetnl In the treotm�nt of WhPnever 1c rosy be deemed qecesaarq to It te beaomtng r► mare and mote sel4• Any ot the obove are good iovestmenta ` Implamcntc, J�seph Ctildwell, (3�de- klepbomenlx, 1t le not lmprobAble thRt �earn of the evSdent prop�itlon Lhnt the Inorsaeve ot and utl parsiootars oan be obtained on t preaeuue ot vPeseFa lo kho rich. ehesr well bred OYTPAC�BTA w111 h� aub n�,�Qhbnrh��d nf the MrenoA eQoadron, olvtltzatlon le not only ncoompanled b�, �pp�iostion to JNO. A0881ER, Benmiller � TF7i; PR.�7,N: MONN:Y, jeobed bo n eimtlar treotment Rf L�19 I thp b+ulo�;n wlll be InBeced »n�t vent ap; bnt te deDende� on aq tn�rease 1n popn• _.._______ __. ___ __ Th� [)irFcu�rc w�ll �qeet at F, 9wn,rt'e bande ot thelr tBPp80t•I9A faroily phqAl- r�.��� �t,+ �oaapnnta cctlt thna hnve o vlew �BLfon. .4nd no taot In enonomta htatory � ''- � h�tPl rm W�dc�esd«Ly, Uct,�ibFr, 1-�th, a.t, efana.-N. Y. World. of e� far ►e o} roorn fnr-raecAtn tm T�IE PAGE ��I[tE �'E�CE. greuter eatont ot oceon b6nn B P°T�°�• 2 �� cl<,ck p in., to rwy prize monc�y wnd A xuoa�ea nin«� an Hour Ly Tl��t.rlc Cnr, I contd bA eeen from thP deck �r maet ot a -� �--�'-`"� - -- aettlp tht� afit►ire conoected cvitti tne VBP801. C�entlene��. .F�y--l—.—...-_--r-..-_,_. ,__,_._ -,. ___ __. �n��� An eleotrloal engineer hna been Pahlb- ,`' (3entlanees fe love in eo�} ety. Ib le love � ittng in Londoo the roodel ot hie pro- hotA(ng lnteroo��ree with thnae aronnd tt, ;._l- _C;,� rt �-,� aeed ain le rall electrio Ifne Por e ePcla g�pA� o�d acone. Low PrICe !)f YrotluCc. p g p An exparinient wtth a viem t� seoer• It ie thab oord4aliG9 of napeoE aad tAsL - - �---- - .. ... .. of 1G0 m11ee an hour. 'Phe rall IF fi4nrl eoul of epeeoQ whfah. nseurea that �fnd i oo a S'-ehe ed Rreetic, nnd runa u inco telu thn reloticA reAfatnuoo, under pree- �_i._�.. The ,present outlook for tarmere is p P eure, ot the hnrdeet ateel ond the hard• and enrneet 4eort,� mny etUl be met wlth .--. -_ `- not @i1CQUCR ie Owin to law ricH �Ae Aody ot t6e oar, whloh nR It were, here L�+]ow. Ih ts thet qu1eE tn8aonoe � 8$ R P eat etone, wae re�ently mado nt Vlenna. � '. pnid P��r their produce. They Kpp��,r rnns �crtde on it. Thn car rune nn i whioh, 11ke the aoenbed �aroe ot an ala- �'�" twelve ber►rin wheela end aeats [A6 Ha- 9ma1! ovbe.a, mpsauring 1 ora, of oor to o�Prl�iok the 4wct that the hriniit i- � p undnm and of the 8nest eteel, were baa6er Inmp,flll� ma�y n hosne w1Eh llght Tbfa renae le tbe beec nod ecrongeet wi�o tenco ful hwrvest �hPy have jnst had hafl �engerd, wltn ppaee Por thelr bny��aago, e�nd warmth end t�graneQ eltog�tber. ie t° FxlAtenoe, te hae a emooth aurinc�, and wti� e�methin to do with it. This how, One uf L6e dtifioultie9 niet w�th ln ��bjeoted Go the teFt. The oorundum turn etnck wit�nnt iojurq. It le noat, nnd Pp°Y pv�r, wi11 not accottnt 4ot tbe depr•�� eahemee tor eaoesalvet h1.h•s eed traool ��toke undar thn wAf{�hr, of etx tona, bnL ih the carpeA, eof6 d deep, Wnioe, whtle to pot n reqntringre�o poate; �t CAODO� b�ow S R P tt df8ueoe a look ot ample romfort oowa; w�i�l oot bresk in wi.,ter; ►c te �.� Wg>>L. ci��tfon of rnperty, when the o�vner 1e the benden�q of thn nnr to run nfP Lho che �teel reefer�,d up co fortq-two tone. desdene mony s ar?ukfng sound. It le bull aWrogandho�reeblgh. LenUyltleeop''�g u� The eteel eplit up wlth n notAe Nke Ghe trat (t ie withln cbe reeah oi e,tl, The un� z w•Knts Lo d epuae oP h(s fatm. A pru• ti'sok. By running the rnll withfn t4e report ot e grtn, hraaklnR toto a powder, tAe oartaln w61nh, from men e belocPd � y, Tnckere�fitb duce merchant attcibutes a portiun �� aar Lhe 1nLarnl Lendef��T o( the trAtn le y e ed isaolo agenc tor ecsn�e Y form, voerdn off at otiae the aummet'a iiullett. (3o8�prich Town+htp �nd Colborne, nn� xnd aendlna epflrke iu eve�y dtreotlon, Q}�q, and the wtnter'e wind. 26 fe t6e t ' the qrtui�txilp deereaatnR deroand f�r overoot�qa, Bnt In thta ]NGb AO�7Pry1P the W��oh bure�i their wa lnto the meohine tenceln 6o��of BUe�owneh�i e�en a,°�On �r e�a ; aat.e n,od ��ther �hinge to the int�•��duct• groat dltflou . aeeme to ba thepu4senger. � like shot. 9 Plllow on whfah etoknesa laye fte head i�n of the elect.ric car eervice {nto the Whet wonld beppen to the puseRnqer and torgete half Ite mieery, end to w�loh W M STANE Y,L!o1m8AvUI0 M ditPc+rNnt cities and to�vne of C1aaMd�t �hile the Graf» took n aharp ororve w�,i�d � ret 9e Rwd. deAGh �omen in o balmfer dreu►m. Tt fe r �y and th� Uaited dtates. 1t ie K well going at 160 xntlen on hour ia nob ex- ; Ae wen tarred ond foathdred from head °On�idPratenean. It 1s eenderness of teel- �j���6t1�'i� �la������ 1T1��� / known fact thHt thA hotae car Ccmpxn- pleined. to teeb, ing. Iu fa warm6h of ageotion. It te '' ies nsed up tmmenee quantities o4 oat� n};arbrr nira. I gq� growled he nater a cvord Aromqtitnde of eympathy. It Se loae in �,,epD..� ' t� teed theit horees and n�w thnt the �p� bae n riaa! tu the tSPE Of �hRV1qµ NII .IEB (10pEhD 9t1[a AII 1La delloacy. IO 1a j: Nlectric Care are eo w011 atr�nized ver F�r he ioohad nt hfe faathery ooae oom- �, fe�v liorxes ar� ke t for Pamit uae Curu �n ^ sough Amerlcen bird OPIIPfI tbP ,• plete everrCbing 1ACI4d0d tn t�at matehleee D$ y� g I L ly � , p �,3' "mo��noa," w61�h aotaslty b�qtne ehnv- ( And oaokled, "I foel I1ke e btxAN' �°a tb� cteatlenede a! ohrtet. .,.-_ -• pared �viEh tormer qer�re, he biCqcle �n� ap ����pg gg �BLurfty. Id�taratiq - i� ��ba •dcin� �wsy �V�th the Uie CY � - 12Ae Tlme �wd Oon��. �'he �nbeoYib�r hsvingChe YexY tetadi itls la�f� � � ednrned wfttr loag blue tnfl teathnre, tb ie V i�1s.fP�rcicaLrl�ob»y. ,�. „ utaoLlneral e�ade'mplo p��hem�atiakill��- ' hnYdt�s �t� A idr�'A latten� so tnneh wry o01 ea�lsfled aftL thAm in Rhoic neturn! � , �a1 p�� eutdonla�el orfed the mu,,ls eb�itoda r►`or�3n I�irun� tn �tEt*�eN�` I tJ1A t�i�t ��'NYl6bt'd dU nnt enr�a ubonC �rf�riklW�allnf r�t oi ti lCo�by LII t�hM1 � "� w.auus,cco�t_i�ow'�. ��Ct�ioasbl�, ,Mtrl�� �ta�+, but wlth tcrt bank ntp� oPC the �f�ddlrf�' !� IE �rldStJ 11�cri�t b �!'1� ,�:i� 1t1 �...i'op ae� nO�M } . � .y ` i t�ai��n hdt`eCIB4�� eXCtlpttUrth4iC01P►ti �,eb �o enah �1de tot n 110We bral Oa�i at gl�y ,w� � �' °1H��"if�4l�'bIM� aof3ab.';► .1.1d� fhe►�t t1N:inf� ,ur Wdjrll�.tWd�td� ♦tYiai�? ., I �(it..il�� ub6. th� ehG nf en01L � �""'`� ���� `�� �' �1 i1Co !1. W+ �''0 �'�►' tlMzw+�' i� wtlt Yai11r� � riM �s'e�wlly' i��' 12r�N%r�li:� �. #1��►�'iQia�� � • d�l�bis Pto'tllf d�lt�. , �i11�. 1'� 1Cbl�l�'t� , �. .< . ...,. . �- � • . t. a � y. �1 �. ��: �:n '."i, t , . . . , , . . ., y.. ..; �... . . , , . ..: > . . s. ,. � :., . . � . . �;.- ; '" t - � ` r..��' '� �: . .. .. ':' ...� i-� f.n�... .:'., ... • •� • ., .. .. .,. ,.. �,., ,.1. , 'l: h. n �. P r:. :� v. . � ` i ", . :. � r �r .. •�4n.:, ....�. ,� ;: �,��:��.. �-.,'��. .^'i .v.. y���� . �'.-:.,' , iP 4 .l �� �.... ......:.�, i, � ,.. ..�. �:�,�� � ,+ • ., r.. . : . ., . ,,: '.�., n r .�� ,�,� .,.. . .:.'�'�. .;,..,,, .:..'.. :�Y':;; .. , ....m,, y .,..,...,� ,:.:. . .'. .,. ..,.... .. ..,. . .,.. ..... ���5. l , i .. . .. �. . . �i : �� .: � . t,.. .,. �. . . , ::��- .. .. �. . . ... „ ' ., �-'�� �..; , ' .}''. . . � � � � � �'�' �. +V�� .. ..... ...... .� �.....�� ��:. � .. ,..., . : .0. , ..it.n.' Y, ��' . . ��.�.� ... ., . ���� . . .� , ..,.�.. . :,., �i:.� . • :. .. , t... ,.. '. ,: '�r� �.' i . :�.,. ,r �,,.-.��.. . ..;;, � . .i��... � ��.,�- �� , � �,- . . �," ..� ".:.. �y�y . ..; � ��. � , � . � . �... � : i Tr 'yIjp� � �i.S