HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-10-09, Page 4s the Policy
,of this house always to give its customers the newest
and best. Tho newest is none too new and the best is
none too good for the requirements of its trade.
We sell the best that is to be had for the money, and
when we advertise "cheap goods," remember it does not
refer to doubtful:qualities, for that kind of goods we
never buy.
The goods we sell are good goods, and we sell them at
prices that are as low as they are, because of cash buy-
ing and cash selling.
Clowns Out I
This changeable weather, with its chilly nights and mornings,
reminds one that it is time to change from the light-
weight Underwear to the warm comfortable sort.
We're fully equipped to meet your underwear demands
Note these items; make a special note of the prices at
which they are selling.
Ladies' fleecy ribbed vests, high Ladies' all wool Hygelan vests
neck, long sleeves 15c fine eoft wool a very comfortable
garment. extra value at 50c
Ladies' heavy ribbed veste, high Men's Shetland shirts, all wool,
cial value at TO
neck, longslee.es, open front, ape double breasted, good value at 7&c 110c
Men's pure wool shirts, double
Ladies' vests all pure wool, fine back and breast, worth 90c, special
rib, open front 78o value at 715c
Judge our Underwear values by these.
Dre '
foods agai
We o,rp closing out the balance of
our stock of Wheels, as we have
too many to carry over.
Shrewd Buyers
Should take advantage of this
chance to get Wheels much cheap-
er than they wen tai bought neat
Dress ()oils business is rushing. The stock has never
been so attractive, the values have never been so great,
and as a natural result business has never been so good
T'raveller's Samples of
Late Curtains in lengths
of from 1* to 21 yards
an end.
ElliLJ%s'. 1N 7 HOHIOY E and CLINTON
Bet Adlierusaturnio.
0 T R—W Jackeon
Ru stolen—N Baer
Fall goods—R Adams
Oats wanted -0 Olson
It pays—D MoLaohlin
A point—W D Fair Co
Barrels—AN H McElroy
Guns—Onward Cycle Co
Head aartere—J H Combe
Stray Steers—Joseph Gov to
Maiill conltsale—Jackson Bros
ract—H P HoP irk
It's the policy—Hodggens Bros
You're insured—Hodgene Bros
What we say—Allen & Wtleon
Shapely shoes--Jackeon & Jackeon
Attention—Plnmeteel & Gibbings
Handkerchief sale—Hodgens Bros
Doing the Business—Beesley & Oo
Oar clothing sale—Gilroy& Wiseman
You're missing a good thing— W L Ouimette
That our mantles are right in style and right in price is
proven by the numbers selling. If you have not se-
lected yours yet it would be wile to do so soon. Buy-
ing now gives you your pick of the season's choicest
YourCarpet trade
It's of the utmost importance to us.
We want it. Buy your carpet here
and you're saved all the trouble and
bother of sewing and laying. You ee
lect the Carpet and we measure the
room and sew and lay it without extra
charge. There's variety enough in our
big Fall stock to give you ample choice
and values are es always—right.
Wools, Unions, Tapestry,
Brussels, Axminster.
It will save your carpet if you pot a
square of oilcloth under your stove.
We expect some very nobby patterne
in bordered a ueres for this purpose in
this week and have now a full stock , f
metal binding end corners for oilcloth
on hand.
Waterproof Circulars.
77AIDAlt, OCTOBER 9, 1808.
Abolish It.
OOxTf *—Trtoscroso Dentals. -- SIJ lokt hilt at'0110...2 nbO.x 'WNW/4 Dxul .r c
OQWr It Qorley, T H Taylor, 2 yr old heifer, ' don, fluter dt Simi. Bob s1ulgha,'t latef.
Jas Webster, B Corley, One year old bait- Sims let and 2ud. Iron beam sod plow,
er, Jas Webster, R Corley. Heifer calf, O'Hamilton, B Sutton. Iron beam.geagra
Jas Snell let and 2nd. Bull, 2 yrs and an- al purpose, Slate; 41 Sins, 0 Hamilton.
der, R Corley. Bull wilt, R Corley, W ,
cow, J Denholm, Jno McGregor. Two yr
old heifer, Jno McGregor. One yr old heif-
er, R G MoGowen, A Jaooba. Heifer calf
Jno MoGregor, R 0 MoQowau. bull, 2 yrs
and under, R 0 McGowan. Ball oalt, R
O McGowan.
Gams,—Milch cow, R B Laidlaw, Jno
Parrott. Two yr old heifer, Jas Webeter,
M H Harrison. One yr old heifer, M H
Harrison, ill Corley. Heifer calf, R For -
ria, R Corley. Steer calf, M H Harrison,
Jae Snell. Two yr old steer, M H Harrieou
Jno Shortreed. One yr old steer, T Rose,
Jno Barr. Fat Steer, T. hoes 1st and 2nd.
Fat cow or heifer, 1' Rose, M H Harrieou.
SsxaP—cOTawoLD.—Aged ram, J Potter.
Shearling ram, J Potter, Ram lamb, J Pot-
ter let and 2nd. Aged ewes, Jae Potter let
and 2❑d. Ewe lambs, Jae Potter let and
2nd. Shearling ewes, Jos Potter lst and
LeiceerE9.—Aged ram, Jae Cumming,
Jas Snell. Shearling ram, Jae Snell, Jno
Coultas. Ram lamb, N Cumming, Jno
Coultas. Shearling ewes, Jae Snell, Jno
Coultas. Aged °wee, Jae Snell, Jno Coulees
Ewe lambs, N Cummings,Jno Coulter.
BnamPSHIBn Dowse. — Shearling ram,
Cooper do Sons, Wm Snell- Ram lamb,
Cooper & Bons, Wm Snell. Aged ewes,
Cooper & Sons, Wm Snell. Shearling ewes
Cooper & Sons. Pair ewe lambs, Cooper &
Sons, let and 2nd. Aged ram, Cooper &
Aar O REB BEENE NOT nMLD.--.Aged ram,
Jas Tabb. Shearling ram, L Tasker. Ram
lamb, Jas Tabb, L. Tasker. Aged ewes
bating lambs in '06, Jas Tabb let and Ind.
Shearling ewes, Jas Tabb lst and and.
Ewe lambs, Jae Tabb, L. Tasks,. !Pat
sheep, Jao Barr, Jas Snell.
Pros.—Chester White.—Aged boar, Hen-
ry Edwards. Brood sow, T H Taylor.
Boar, Wm Deer. Sow, Geo Henry, T H
A number of papers, even with Con-
servative leanings, are advocating that
the Senate be reformed, evidently re-
alizing in absolute useleseuees as at
present constituted. The only reform
that can take place is to cut down its
number and make it elective. But
even then we fail to see the necessity
for its existence. Speaking about it
the Toronto Telegram says:—
"The Senate will be reformed to the
satisfaction of the Liberal party when
the Senate becomes Liberal instead of
Conservative. But she Senate will
not be reformed to tile satisfaction of
the country until the Senate is so im-
proved in ability and character that
the deliberations will be worth the
money which these deliberations cost
the country."
This "reformation" of the Senate
will not satisfy the NEW ERA. We
do not think the Senate will ever be
worth one cent, so far as actual bene-
fit is concerned, even though all its
members were Liberals. The cost of
the Senate for 1894-5 was as follows :
Indemnities to Senators and
urileage .$ 68,308.00
Sessional salaries . 45,574.99
General expensee,restaurant
Speaker's chambers, etc... 14,841.80
To public work, repairs...,, 2,321.32
Total cost of Senate 4127,46.11
Lees net revenue from di-
vorce bills
Net coot to the country of
the Senate $126,860,07
Thia is altogether too much to pay
for a luxury, and the sooner its aboli-
tion can he secured, the better.
This story is floating around a cer-
tain constituency in Ontario, and the
party who informed the New ERA
said that it was reliable. We give it as
as given us, Prior to last election a
Conservative member, who has a hard
constituency to carry, was given $30,-
(00 with which to hold the seat. He
deposited $10,000 in his brother's name,
in Buffalo and•cerried the election in his
riding by the expenditure of the other
British crop reports up toOctober 1 show
that cereals have been damaged by rain,
but the roots and grass improved.
Tne Public and High School Boards
of Kingetone have decided to amalga-
The body of Miss Mary Grant, a
former member of the Toronto Salva-
tion Army, was found in Kingston
Lord and Lady Aberdeen have gone
to spend a two -months' holiday on
Lord Aberdeen's ranch in British Col-
The London Presbytery considered the
call of Rev, James Little of Dernooh to
Dutton and made arrangements for the in-
duction on a date to be named.
Like Clinton, the Blyth fair was un -
f• tunatein the matter of weather this
.•,u , rain falling on both days of show
r..,i affecting meterielly the attend -
n r•e. However, Blyth always has a
vod sbow, rain or shine, and it was
n., exception this year; the indoor dis-
play was fine in all respects, while the
c•rtside exhibit of stock, etc., was good
t e weather notwithstanding. The
fnrrners of the adjoining townships
have certainly some superb stock, and
much of it wee to be seen here. The
officers of the eociety extended every
courtesy in their power, and left noth-
ing undone to make the fair a success.
Below ist' 1,e prize list:
I iiuNer — arsvv DRAUGHT. — Team, C
Dale, John 8bortreed, Brood mare
he, r:, raised fcel in 1896, foal by her
side, J Dale, Peter Brennan. Mare foal,
Geo Dale, Jno Dale. Horse Coal, P Bren-
nan, Neil Dunoanaon. Two year old geld.
ing, Geo Dela. Two year old filly, Jno
Shortreed. One year old gelding, Geo Dale.
Best four colts, Menzies and MoGavin.
Gemmel, PIIRrosE.—Team, David Taylor
This is the weather for these goods. You can keepdr mare,t and 2nd, James Neile. Brooda
3r ; George Stevenson,on, Duncan -
in the heaviest ram at very little cost, by taking advant- son.Mare Coal George Stevenson 1st
age of our sale of these goods. and 2nd. Horse foal, Wm MoGevin. Two
year old gelding, C W Taylor, CH Taylor.
Two year old filly, C W Taylor, J Mason.
CAanraoE.—Team, R Lewis.
ROADsTaB.—Brood Roadster horses, 0
Howson. Brood mare, T H Taylor, A
Govenlock. Mare foal, A Govenlook, A
Knox. Two year old gelding R Cardiff,
Wm Btranghan. Two year old filly, Geo
Quinn, R Cardiff. One year old gelding,
J Brigham, Geo Ballenger. Single diver
In buggy, Oliver Johnston, Jno Manville.
Fisher. Brood Sow, W W Fisher. Boar
littered in '96, W W Fisher, End not
known. Sow littered in '96, W W Fieber,
Geo Henry.
Irstaovnn BBaxauiRB.—Aged boar, Wm
Thuile Geo Quinn. Boar littered in '96,
Henry Edwards.
GRAIN.—Fall wheat, Geo Moffatt, Wm
Thaill. Fall wheat, white, J Stafford, 0
Moffatt. Spring wheat, red, 8 Fuzee, Jas
liloCallum. White wheat, spring or fall,
B Furee. White Fife spring wheat, R 0
McGowan, 8 Furse. Fall wheat, R B
Laidlaw. 6 -rowed barley, A Edwards, 8
Furse. Large white oats, M 13 Harrison,
G Moffatt. Black oats, 8 Furse, 0 Mof-
fat. Small white oats, B Furse. Small
peas, 8 Furse G '!Moffatt. Large peas, 0 oy toilet set, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs 0
Moffatt, R 0 MoGowen. Golden Vino Nott, Best foot stool, Mrs 0 Campbell,
peas, B Furse. Timothy seed, 8 Faroe, R Mrs H R Walker. Antique wcrk, Miss
Gang plow, 13 SpttoA J $runedon. iron
harrows, J Phillipe, S Sutton. Single op-
en buggy, J Forgueon. Single covered
baggy, J Ferguson, J Brnnatlon. Double
buggy of jump seat, covered, J Ferguson.
Clutter, Slater & Sivas, 0 Hamilton. Horse
shoes, Slater & Rime, J Phillips. Trottiag
horse shoes, J Phillips. Cabinet work, J
H Ohellew. Wooden pump, D Showers,
P Willows. Farm gate, Slater & Sims.
Stove and furniture, Donstedt Bros. Land
roller, C Hamilton. Turnip drill, Slater &
8ima. Cooper's work, W Taylor, Souf-
Ser, J Brnnedoa & Son, Slater & Sime.
Churn, C Hamiiton, W Taylor. Reaper
knife sharpener, J B Tierney• Assorted
tiles, M Hp Hammond.
Meeeensuasr.—Home made all went
flannel, Mrs G Nott, MIs T Hamilton.
Flannel, union, Mrs 0 Washington, Mrs
D Stewart. Home-made all wool blankets,
Jas MoCailum, Miss Wise. Blankets, un-
ion, Mise Wise, Mrs 1) Stewart. Horse
blankete, home spun, Jas D1oOallum, Mrs
D Stewart. Coverlet, home spun, Mies
Wise Mrs 0 Nott. Rag mat, Mrs 13 R
Walker, Mrs 0 Nott. Yarn mat, Mrs H R
Walker, R Sprung. Rag carpet, Mrs H R
Walker, Miss Wise. Stocking yarn, Mrs T
Hamilton, W H McCracken. coarse boots,
J Sherribt let and 2nd. Hand -made gent's
boots, J Sherritt lst and 2ud. Set single
harness, J T Carter.
LADLES WORE.—Gent's flannel shirt, Mrs
T Hamilton, Mrs G Fott. Gent's white
shirt, Mrs T Hamilton, Mrs G Nott.
Gent's mitts, Miss Symington, Dire u
Nott. Pillow ahsme,Mre 0 Campbell,Mre
0 Washington. Patch quilt in ootton, Mrs
G Nott, Mre D Stewart. Patch quilt in
cloth, W 13 McCracken, Mrs G Nott, Silk
quilt, orasy, Miss Symington, Mrs G Nott.
Crochet guilt, Mise Symington, Miss Lane
Knitted quilt Miss Symington, Mies J
Faireerv'ice. Woollen spoke or etookings,
Mre Geo Nott, Mies Wise. Braiding on
wool, Mies Symington, Mrs Dr Carder.
Arasene work, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs 0
Nott. Embroidery on bolting cloth, Mrs G
Note, Mrs 0 Campbell. Embroidery on
silk or satin, Mrs Bele, Dire C Oampb.l1.
Kensington embroidery, Mrs Hele, Mrs D
Stewart. Roman Embroidery, Mrs C
Campbell, Mrs Hele. Parlor screen, Mrs C
Campbell, Mise Symington. Sofa bushion,
Miss Symington, Mrs G Nott. Fancy pan-
el, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mies Symington.
Best piano or table scarf, Mre G Nott, Mrs
Kele. Drawn work, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs
C Washington. Honiton or point lace, Mrs
C Campbell, Mrs G Powell. Best novelty
in fancy work, Mrs Dr Carder, W Hartry.
Crochet work in silk, Mise Symrngton,Mrs
Hele. Crochet work in cotton, Mies Sym-
ington, Mise Wise. Bedroom enviers, hand
made, Mrs Dr Carder, Mrs Geo Nott, Fan -
Carter. Flax Beed, S Ferree, R G McGow-
Roots.—Empire State potatoes, R Fer-
ris, R 0 McGowan. Rose potatoes, J Barr,
D Marsh. Elephant potatoes, J Barr, 8
Furse. Potatoes, any other kind, Wm
Paterson, J Stafford. Collection of pota-
toes, Walter Taylor, Ed Haggitt. Field
oarrote, P Willows, J MoCallam. Garden
red oarrote, J Stafford, P Willows. Sweed
turnips, J McCallum, A Carr. Beets, J
Allanson, W Taylor. Mangold wortsele,
W H MoCraoken, E Haggitt. Pumpkins,
H Edwards, Jae Jaokeon. Squashes, W
H McCracken, Mrs T Hamilton. Red on•
Mee, W 11 McCracken, W Taylor. Yel-
low onions, W 13 MoCraoken, J Allanson.
ether skin o❑fone, J Allaaeon, W 13 Mc-
Cracken. Potato onions, 2 Barr, J Allan -
son, White field beans, J Barr, W Tay-
lor. Corn, W A McCracken, W Taylor.
Citrons, W el MoCraoken, P Williams.
Collection of roots, J Allanson, W H Mo
DAIRY AND Psovtaioss.—Factory butter,
G Watt. Tub of nutter, 0 idareh, C W
Taylor. Tub butter not less then 401bs,,
Mre T Hamilton, R Sprung, Tub batter,
50 lbs., Mrs T Hamilton. Crook butler,
A Carr, R Sprung. Butter in prints, J
Brigham, J McCallum. Factory cheese. D
McKellar. Dairy cheese, Miss Syming-
ton, Mrs D Stewart. Extracted honey, J
B Tyerman, M Richmond. Honey in
comb, W Hartry. Home made bread, W
Knox, W Thuell. Plain tee bisonite, R
Sprung, Mre A Taylor. Maple sugar, W
13 McCracken, J McDowell. Maple syrup,
J McDowell, Mre G lfott. Canned fruit,
Mrs G Nott, W H MoOracken. Grape
wine, Mies Wise, R G MoGowen. Tomato
catsup,Q� G Moffatel Mrs J M Hamilton.
Mixed Pickles, Mre C Washington, 3
Mcffatt. Pickles, any other kind, G Mof-
fatt, W H McCracken. Jelly cake, Mies
Symington, T Bradnook.
FaurT.—Winter apples, Jae Potter, J B
Tyerman. Fall apples, 1st not known,
2nd Jae Potter. Baldwin, R G MoGowan,
G W Taylor. King of tompkins, Win
Clark, G W Taylor. Northern spy, Jae
Potter, J McDowell. Rhode Island green-
ings, B Furse, Jae McCallum. Ribaton
pippin, D Paterson, Geo Quinn• Russet
golden, 8 Furse, J MoGregor, Runlet
roxboro, J B Tyerman, A Carr. Beek-no-
ther, R B Laidlaw, R Corley. Swear,
MoDonell, M H Harrison. Wagner, J
righam, Jas Jackson. Bendevis, Wm
Paterson, John Parrott. Vandervere, J
Brigham, Jae Potter. Mammoth pippins,
D Patterson, M H Harrison. Spitsenberg,
Geo Henry, R G McGowan- Fallawater,
Miss Wiee, J Barr. Tolman sweet, W
Taylor, A Carr, Mann, W Clark, Jae
Potter. Maiden bluish, Mrs G Nott, Geo
Quinn. Snow, Wm Thnell, Jae Potter.
Dutchess of Oldenburg, CW Teylor,Mrs R
Shortreed, Pewankee, R Corley, Jae Jack-
son. Wealthy, 8 Ferns, J B Tierney.
Canada red, J B Tyerman, W H Mc-
Cracken. Calvert, R G McGowan.
Alexander, A Carr, Jno Sherribt. E0 oz.
pippins, H Roes, N. Paterson. Any other
variety, D Paterson, A Carr, Colleotion
of apples, J Brigha"n, A Carr. Winter
pears, H Garr, D Paterson. Fall pears, J
Brigham, Jas Jackeon. Plume, 8 Furse,
W 13 McCracken. Tomatoes, F Metcalf,
J Stafford. Colleotion of fruit, R Corley,
Mra Geo Nott. Collection of grapes, R B
Laidlaw. Fifteen orebri, Mre R Shortreed,
F Metcalf.
PoULTRv.—Turkeys, D Showers, Geo
Irwin. Geese, D Showers, Geo Irwin,
Rouen dnok, Geo Irwin, W el- Irwin. Any
other kind, Geo Irwin, Wm Carter.
Brown leghorne, J Melville, Welter Taylor.
Light leghorne, W Taylor, Walter Taylor.
Hoadans, Fairaervioe Bros, Geo Irwin.
Light brahmae, W Carter, Geo Irwin.
Bleok epenieb, Geo Irwin, W Carter.
Micoroas, Geo Irwin, W J Irwin. Dark
brahmae, Geo Irwin let and 2nd. Ram.
barge, W Garter, Ed Haggitt. Langshans,
J Fairservioe, Geo Irwin. Dorking, Geo
Irwin, W Coming. Black breasted red
game, Ed Haggitt 1st and 2nd. Buff
cochlea, Ed Haggitt. Partridge ooehine,
Wm Wallooe, Bantams, Welter Taylor,
Mre 0 Campbell. Polenda, Ed Haggitt,
W Carter. Red caps, Wm Wallace, Fair -
service Bros. Plymouth rooks, Geo. Irt+vin
1st and 2nd. Pigeons, E Rag itt, George
Henry. 0o1le01On of bawl, W Carter, t}
Irwin. Gdlfrea fowl, W roar, 13isggist.
Symington, Mrs G N ott. Fancy pin cush-
in, Mau C Campbell, Mrs Hele. Fancy
handkerchief case, Mei C Campbell, Mrs
G Nott. Mould work, Mrs C Campbell,
Miss Symington. Suit of ladies underwear
Miss MoQuarrie, Mies Symington. Knitted
lane in cotton, R Spiting, Mrs D Stewart.
Knitted or oroobet fanoy wool shawl Mrs
D Stewart, Mrs C Campbell. One set of
crochet table mate, Mrs Dr Carder,
Miss Symington. One set table D'Olyies,nos
more than 6 pieces, Mrs C Campbell, Mre
D Carder. Battenburg lane, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, Mrs Dr Carder. Fancy glove case,
Mre C Campbell, Mrs C Washington,
Tatting, Mrs O Nott, Mre C Campbell,
Fancy netting, Wm Hartry, Mies Byming•
ton. Queen Anne darning, Mre 0 Camp-
bell, Mies Symington. Fancy Afgan, Miss
Symington, Mrs C Campbell. Table centre
piece, Mrs Hele, tire 0 Note. Trav cloth,
Miss Symington, Mre C Campbell. Tea
coley, Mre Bele, Mre 13 R Walker. Picture
throw, Mre 0 Nott, Mre C Campbell. Ber-
lin wool work fiat, Mrs 0 Nott, Mrs 0
Campbell. Berlin wool work, rained, Mre
Dr Carder, Mrs 0 Campbell. Lamp screen
Miss Symington, Mrs Dr Carder. Beat
case stuffed birds, Mrs Dr Carder. Lane -
dry bag Mrs A R Welker let and '2nd.
Shopping bag, Mrs Hele, Mrs C Campbell
etching on any material, fine or coarse
Mre Dr Carder, Mre G Nott. Notted bed
spread, T Brednock. Mantel drape, T
Bradnock, Mies Symington, collection of
lapies work, Mrs 0 Nott, Mrs C Campbell.
CetLDRBs'a DaPAarsranr. — Ilemmed
handkerchiefs, Mary Barr, Kate Barr.
Darning on nooks or stockings, Miss Har -
try, Jennie Sprung. Crochet work in wool,
Mise Hartry, Clara MoCrecken. Crochet
work in cotton, Clara McCracken, Miae
Hartry. Pencil drawing, C W Campbell,
Mies Hartry. Dressed doll, Mies Hartry.
Woodwork, C W Campbell, Miss Hartry.
Plain sewing, Mies Hartry.
FINE ANTS,—Oollection of oil paintings,
Miss Lane, Mrs C Campbell. Collection
of water colors, Mrs C Campbell, Mise
Lane. Figure painting in oil, Mrs Hele.
Mies Lane. Animals in oil, Mise Lane,
Mre C Campbell. Single picture in oil,
Miss Lane, Mrs Bele. Crayon drawing,
Miss Sutherland, Mies Lane. Pencil
drawing, Mrs Hele, Mrs Campbell. Pas -
toile, Mre Campbell, Mre Bele. Colleo-
tion of pen and ink sketches, Mre Camp-
bell, Miss Lane, Painting on pottery, Mrs
He'e, Mre Dr. Carder. Hand painting on
silk, satin or plash, Mrs Campbell, Mies
Symington, Oil painting on glass, Mies
Symington, Mre C Campbell. 00 paint-
ing, Mrs C Campbell, Mise Lane. Collec-
tion of photographs, Mise Sutherland.
Preets AND FLOWERS. --Foliage, Mre Dr
Carder. Geranium in bloom, Mrs D
Marsh. Fneohiain bloom, Mrs 1) Marsh.
Hanging basket, Mrs D Marsh let and 2nd.
Display of plants in flower, Mrs Or Carder,
Mrs Marsh.
Cor Ftowgae.—Hand baguet, W Taylor,
Mre i) Marsh. Floral design, Mre I)
Marsh let and 2nd. Collection of pansies,
Slater & Sims, Mre Elder,
SPECIAL ATTR1cTrf11e.—B5.gpipo competi-
tion, David McDonald, Wingham; Duncan
MoKay, Kinteil; JnoDingwall. Blyth. Or•
gen competition, Miss E Andeiecu, Miss
Eider, Mise Hamilton. The Blyth Stan-
dard offered a special prize cf 55 to the
Blytb merobant reeking the beet display et
the Agrioultnral Hall during the two days
of the Lair; Frank Metcalf was the winner.
Jure-nes—Pigs—Edward Bell, Londeabo-
ro; Jno Hunter, Londeeboro. Ladies work
and fine arte—Mrs 0 B Ferguson, Wing -
ham; Mre Alex Brown, Toronto; Mrs Dr
Graham, Brussels; Mrs Rance, Clinton.
Grain—A Taylor, Thee Vanatone, Blyth.
Manafaotares—P Purvis, Blyth; R Morris-
on, Auburn. Dairy and produce—R C
Sperling, Wingham; T W Scott, Blyth.
Flowers and trait—J Morton, Wingham.
Roots and vegetablea—G Reddell, Londes-
boro; R Hughes, Blyth. Sheep—C Proc-
' tor, Thos Anderson, Belgrave. Light
F horses—A Forbes, Seafortb; D B Kennedy,
Clinton Oattle—ileo Johnston, Londes-
bore; Jno McLean, Dungannon. Ponitry
—0 0 Wilson, Seatorth. Merchants' dis-
play --M Y MOLean, M P P, Seaforth; A M
Todd, Clinton: B G Brown, Wingham.
Heavy horses—Jno 8oarlett, Leadbury; W
H Crnlokahank, Tnrnberry. Implements
—Geo Snell, Lonilesboro; John Cowan, J P
Brown, Auburn.
IF • K
YOU �+
all Paper
Now is the time to get it --don't
be satisfied to lei the old dingy
paper remain on the wall—don't
permit the old figured paper to
disturb yo rr dreams any longer,
get something fe'w and beautiful;
get it now while we are Boiling it
so very sites .
Nice Bedroom Paper
from 5e to Se.
Good Gilts Blom
10e to 2,5e.
All paper trimmed tree of charge
When Telegraphing
use the . .
When Travelling
use the . .
When remitting money buy a Domin-
ionExpress Money Order, payable any
where in Canada, Stabee or Europe.
C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam-
ship agent, Clinton, Ont.
Change of Ad
As a rule, it is a good thing for
a badness man to change his
ad. when he has anything spe-
cial to offer. This week we
have several linea of
NEW CIPS for tell wear,
They are nobby and comfortable
for this season of the year. The
prices range from 25c to 50c. A
fresh importation of
in Black and Brown; the very
latest from $1.50 to t/2.50.
we have a new line just received
this week; latest colors, latest
ghapee, from 50c rip.
We are reedy to make your FALL
SUIT now, as the goods are about all
in, and when you see them ydu will
say they are as nice a lot of Fall Suit-
ings es you ever saw,
A. J. Holloway
We have put in a stock of new Guns;
call and inspect them, We have a
number of guns to rent by the day or
week. Buy your Shells from us and
get the best.
That is cur business. Send us every -
t hing in the shape of small ma-
r htnery that needs repairing.
We grind, polish and sharpen
Knives and Scissors, end retemp-
er if required.
We repair Guns and re -brown the bar-
rels of all kinds, makes and styles.
We repair Sewing Machines; if
any of the parts are broken or
worn out, we can make new.
Umbl eliae, Parasols, and articles
of like nature are repaired by us.
We build new, to order, any
small machinery.
Give us atrial.
oRpoarte the Market,
PERIafQ'S BLOCK. Clinton
Grand Trunk R'y
For reliable information In reference to ravel
to any point, consult