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�risp County Clippings
Salop one entered the station house
t i lentralia and secured $3.40 in cash.
%r A. L. Gibson, of Wroxeter, is
ltOO ing to Goderich this week to at -
'WA to bis duties as Registrar.
lir and Mrs Donald Robertson, and
lipid, of Morris, sai.ed last week from
ti,W York to Glasgow, Scotland.
Gegrge Foseland has sold bis
]Ouse and five acres of land, one mile
‘i Orth of Zurich, to Mr B. Bechler.
l`he formal opening of the Serforth
)itl, C. A. rooms for the coming seas -
OA took place on Monday evening last,
little daughter of Mr R. French, g
!A, Seaforth, fell from a chair, on Sun -
last, fracturing her arm at the
tier to his departure for Kamloops,
., the friends of Mr Fred Bradwin,
Ingham, entertained him royally at
ib Uitp Restaurant.
t1illy the suffer knows the misery of
;t}yspepeia, but IHood'e Sarsaparilla ouree
ha most stubborn cases of this disease.
Last week C. D. Williams, druggist,
oderich, sold his stock and good will
F.M. Dunham, Phm. B., recently of
Mrs W. Buchanan, of Heneall, was
called to Ethel this week to attend the
-funeral of her brother, Mr Wm, Mc-
Allister, who died of typhoid fever.
Mr P. L. Bishop, of Exeter, who bas
en to Europe the past three months
or the benefit of his health, returned
home on Saturday last much improved.
John Lucas, a former resident of
1Greyy, died very suddenly at his home
in Gorrie on the evening of Sept. llth,
death resulting, it is thought, from
heart disease.
D. Weismiller, of Heneall, left on
Wedneeday for Nova Scotia, where be
will educate the blue noses in the be-
nefit of Forestry. He will be absent
for some months.
Miss Bella Sproat, of Seaforth, left
on Wednesday for Port Huron, where
she was married to Mr John Compbell,
a former Huron boy, but now a resi-
dent of Michigan.
On Thiirsday of last week Mrs Josiah
Tyerman, of Seaforth, received the sad
Intelligence of the death of her only
sister, Mrs E. Earle, of Fall River,
Mrs Geo. Barrett and her four child-
ren, who have been spending the past
year at her old home in Turnberry,
left for her home in New Westminis-
ter, B.C., on the 3rd of September.
Mr John McMann, eldest son of Sea•
forth's celebrated horse dealer, was
married on Tuesday morning last to
-one of McKillo 's fairest daughters, in
the person of Mies Annie Eckert.
The directors of the Agricultural So.
ciety of Wingham regret that, on ac-
count of the rain. they were forced to
postpone Elie exhibit in live stock, inrt
plements, etc., until Tuesday, Oct. 13.
One of the oldest residents of Wit-
ham passed rway on Tuesday night, in
the person of Semi. Lockeridge, er,
The old gentleman had been ill for
months past. He had reached the age
of 77 years.
We are sorry to hear of the death of
John Stogdill, of Seaforth, which took
place on Thursday morning. On Fri-
day last Mr Stogdill was stricken
down with paralysis, and he never re-
covered from the attack.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
Sold by J. H. Combs, Clinton.
Mr Stewart, the popular teacher of
S. S. No, 1, Grey, has been engaged to
teach for another year at his former
salary—$42,5, Mr Stewart is a good
teacher, and the trustees are to be
complimented upon their selection.
While leading a horse from the pas-
ture field one day recently, Alex.
Cloakey, of Morris, was knocked down
and trampled upon by the animal,
which was suddenly started by a dog
running out of a corn patch.
J. T. Dodds has been re-engaged as
teacher in Smith's school, Grey, for
1897. Mr Dodds has a good record,
and the people of the section will he
pleasedSto know that the trustees have
secured his services for another year.
While engaged in a game of football,
on Thursday, Mr Keith McLean, son
of Mr M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, had the
misfortune to receive a bad fracture of
the ankle. Keith has the sympathy of
his many friends in his unfortunate
Mrs Malloy, an old lady of Howick,
who is 95 years old, was in Wingham
on Tuesday and marketed twenty-one
pairs of woollen mita, of her own knit-
ting and for which she had both card-
ed and spun the wool,
John Duckett has traded his 50 acre
farm, just south of Wingham in Wa-
wanosh, to Malcolm Lamont for his 80
acre farm, just across the road in Mor-
ris, and received $700 in cash. This
deal now gives Mr Duckett 272 acres
in Morris.
The other day Isaac Matthews, lot
32, con. 16 Grey, had the misfortune
to have his straw shed blown down,
breaking his binder, mower, drill,
horse rake and buggy. The building
was upon poste, with the intenticn of
having atone stabling built under it.
Chas. Girvin, er., ex reeve of West
Wawanosh, and ex -warden of Huron,
has returned from a visit to old friends
in Amherst Island, He had an enjoy-
able time, having met a number of old
comrades Who had stood shoulder to
shoulder with him in the rebellion of
Mr James McIntosh, of the Mill road,
Tuckersmith, had the misfortune to
get his left arm broken at the wrist on
Tuesday last. He was working on a
step ladder, picking apples from a
tree, and the ladder gave way. It is
not quite a year since he was laid up
With a broken leg.
A Portsmouth provision dealer
states that, in unpacking a case of eggs
from Canada, be found one bearing the
following inecription in leadpencil.
"July '96. If any nice young lady
should by chance redeye this egg will
she please write (for matrimonial pur-
poses) to John C. Thornton, Seaforth,
Ontario, Canada."
Two weeks ago Mr Stewart McGee,
clerk In the store ot Mr John Hannah,
Wingham, received a kick from the
delivery horse, from which an abeese
bats rresplted, Mr McGee will be laid
ol! duty' for ebnie time. Fortunately
toe himself he had taken out an aecl-
dent policy only a fest bout', befcte he
rece'lved the kick.
Mr T. J. Berry. lieueall's enterpris-
ing horse buyer, returned horne last
week front the old country, after hav-
ing successfully disposed of his ship-
ment of horses. This is no less than
the tenth trip Mr Berry has made to
the old country with horses, within
the last ten years.
Mr John McMann, of Seaforth, has
purchased the Nigh farm, on the 2nd
con. of Tuckersrnith, which was sold
by auction a few days ago. He paid
$4,200 for the farm. It is a hundred
acres, with a good brick house and a
large bank barn, with stone stabling
underneath. He owuu the adjoining
50 acres.
Last Friday evening the young peo-
ple of St. Paul's church, Wingbam,
gathered at the rectory and presented
Miss Stiles with a beautiful book of
church services and an address express-
ing regret at her leaving their midst.
Miss Stiles was a general favorite
among the young people, and their
best wisheso with her to her new
home in London.
Mrs (Rev.) Dr. McDonald, Seaforth,
left last week for Detroit in order to
attend upon her son, David, who for
some weeks has been under the special
treatment of an occulist, preparatory
to undergoing a critical operation for a
growth on the eye. David's many
friends are anxiously awaiting news
of his recovery.
American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately
disappears. The first dose greatly benefits.
75 vents. Sold by Watts & Co.
On Tuesday Buchanan & Rhynas
commeaced work on the proposed ex-
tension of the Huron hotel, Goderich.
The improvements will add many
rooms, as the passage between the
hotel and bank will be built over and
an entry made into the upper part of
the Commerce building, the upper
stories of which will make a nice addi-
tion to McCormick's well known house.
John Halls, of near Elimville, met
with an accident on Friday which
threatened with serious results. He
was engaged in picking apples at the
time, and in some manner slipped and
fell to the ground, a distance of several
feet. The shock was soreat as to
produce unconsciousness for a time,
but at last accounts he was so far re-
covered as to be considered out of
The firm of Messrs Greig & Mac-
Donald, clothiers, etc., of Seaforth,
took a rather novel way of advertising
their hats, and incidentally their
whole business, on Friday evening of
last week. They had previously an-
nounced a "hat scramble," and at the
appointed hour a goodly crowd had as-
sembled in front of their store. anx-
ious to see what was going to happen.
The firm had previously placed about
fifty felt hats, each in a separate box,
and these they threw out, one at rt
time, from an upper window into the
crowd beneath. Greig & MacDonald
donated the hate, and a portion of the
crowd did the scramble act, each bent
on carrying off some of the plunder;
the balance of the crowd looked en-
viously on, and while they did not get
a free hat they enjoyed the fun. It
must have been a costly way of adver-
tising, but we hope this enterprising
firm will be fully repaid ter their out-
Much surprise and also regret was
felt among Kippen citizens on Monday
morning last, when it became known
that the reaper of death had visited
the village during the silent watch of
the night andclaimed one who was ful-
ly ripe and ready for the harvest, who
passed away from the sorrows and
trials of the tabernacle below and was
transplanted to the better home on
high. We refer to the death of Mrs J.
Gullett, who passed away without the
knowledge of any one, not even her
husband, who was sleeping with her,
being aware of it. The deceased, on
the previous Sabbath, to all appear-
ance was enjoying the best of health,
and on Sunday evening, after putting
things in order, retired for the night,
little thinking it was her last night on
earth. Her husband, on awaking in
the morning, spoke to his wife and re-
ceived no reply, and his feelings may
he more easily imagined than described
upon his finding that all that was
dear to him Ob earth was still in death,
and to all appearance had been for
some time.
The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure, A
neglected Dough is dangerous. Stop it at
once with Shiloh's Cure.
Tab Craig, the young man who
broke jail at Goderich last summer,
and who last week escaped from the
constable by jumping from the train
at Holmesville while being taken hack
to Goderich, seems to be endowed with
an abnormal amount of what is com-
monly called cheek. Despite the fact
that he is continually being hunted by
authorities, he made his appearance in
Seatorth on Friday last. He called at
Mr John Copp's residence, where he
was given supper, and later called at
Mr I. V. Fears on some pretext, and
on leaving carried away a new um-
brella. At eleven o'clock he hired a
horse at Mr A. Hays' livery. Mr Hays
was a little suspicious of him and sent
a young man out with him, and in the
Craig wasn't going to be police.
fooled in the that
way, and just as he got on the out-
skirts of the town he got tired of
driving and made off on foot. On
Wednesday last he was captured near
London by the Gundry brothers. as-
sisted by chief McGill, of Exeter.
Craig had stolen agold watch at Clan•
deboye from Mrs odgins, on Monday
morning, and had it in his possession
when captured. Mr Fear's umbrella
was recovered all right.
Diseased blood, oonetipation, and kidney
liver and Bowel troubles are cured by
Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sold by .1. H.
Combe, Clinton.
The wild Canadian geese and tut keys
which were introduced by the Marquis
of Lorne into the lochs and forests of
his father, the Duke of Argyll, are in-
creasing to a prodigioue extent, and
they promise to become a valuable fea-
ture of the Argyll shooting.
To 60 MINUTES.—One short pnff of the
breath through the Blower, supplied with
eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnew', Catarrhal Pow-
der, diffuses this Powder over the surface
of the meal pseagges. Painless anddelight•
ful to use. It reiieves inetentiy, and per-
manently Duras Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headache, bore Thtoat, Tonellitls•. ttltfl
bdat�lietrt> Sold b' W ttil-& Co..
Prize List ol Huron Central
The following is the prize list in full
of the Huron Central Fair held in
Clinton, on Sept. Kith and 30th:—
inputs' WORN.—Colleotiou, Mrs G Nott,
Miss Symington, Croohet work, ootton,
Mies Symington, Mre G Nott. Croohet
work, wool, Miss Symington, Mrs 0. Camp-
bell. Embroidery, Mrs 0 Campbell. Table
Dover, Mies Wise, Mrs Gilroy. Embroid-
ery on Felt, Miss Symington, Mrs0 Camp-
bell. Embroidery on Flannel, Mrs Nott,
Mrs 0 Campbell. Arrasene embroidery,
Mre Nott, Mrs O Campbell. Tinsel work,
Mrs Nott. Mre Arthur Cantelon. Chenille
work, Mrs Nott, Mies Symington. Slipper
ease, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs H R Walker.
Darned net, Mre 0 Campbell, Mrs Nott.
Pillow shams, Mrs Nott, Mre L Kennedy.
Chair scarf, MIss Wise, Mrs 0 Campbell.
Drawn work, Mre H R Walker, Mrs 0
Campbell. Mantle Drape, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, Mise Symington. Tea Cosy, Mrs H
R Walker, Mre 0 Campbell. Sofa Pil-
low, Mise Symington, Mrs Nott. Lady's
fanny apron, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs G
Knox, Drawing room soreen, Mre °Camp-
bell, Mre J Gibbings. Patched quilt, Mrs
Nott, Mise Symington. Crazy quilt, Miss
Symington, Mre Nott. Croohet quilt, Miss
Symington Mre R Downs. Etched quilt,
Miss Symington, Mrs J W Yeo. Knitted
ooverlid, Mies Symington, Mrs G Nott.
Etching in silk, Mrs Nott, Mrs C Camp-
bell. Etohiug in cotton, Miss Wise. Ro-
man Embroidery, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss
Symington. Knit woollen etookings, Mrs
G Nott, Mies Wise. Knit woollen socks,
Mre Nott, Mise Wise. Knit woollen gloves
or mite, Mies Symington, Mre Weston.
Rag mat, Mrs H R Walker, F Grant.
Yarn mat, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs Wes-
ton. Whisk holder, Mre Nott, W.Downs,
)r. Fancy ottoman, Mre W Downs, jr.,
Mre H R Walker. Parlor sachet, W
Hartry, Mrs Seale. Croohet table mats,
Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs J W Yeo. Em-
broidered table mats, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Vise Symington. Fanny tidy, Mre Nott,
Miss Symington. Aplique on felt, silk
satin or plush, Mies Symington, Mrs Nott.
Fanoy foot stool, Mrs W Downs, Mre H
R Walker. Toilet eel, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Mre H R Walker. Pincushion, Mrs 0
Campbell, Mre W (l Doherty. Shawl,
Mrs Nott, Mre C Campbell. Point lace,
Mre 0 Campbell, Miss Symington. Net-
ting, Mre T Cottle, W Hartry. Linen
centre piece, Mre Nett, Mrs WG Doherty.
Linen centre piece, lace work, Mrs 0 Camp -
boll, Miss Symington. Laundry bag. Mise
Wise Mrs H R Walker. Shopping bag,
Mrs d Campbell. Kitchen apron, Mrs H
R Walker, Mies Wise. Home made
blankets, J Brickenden, Miss Wise. Um-
brella vase, Mre 0 Campbell. Handker-
chief vase, Mrs Nott, Mise Symington.
Easel drape, Miss Symington,Mra 0 Camp-
bell. Photo holder, Mrs H R Walker,
Mies Hartry. Necktie, Mn 0 Baird.
Stocking yarn, Mrs J Gilmour. Judges—
Mise MoTaggart, Mise Fair; Mre Proud -
foot, Mise Hutchinson, 0-oderioh.
Free ARTS,—Professional, oil—Any de-
sign, 0. Bowers; R. °rocket. Landscape,
Marine view, Animals, Flowers or fruit, R
AttsexuR, ons—Landeoape, Mrs C Camp-
bell. Marine view, Mrs C Campbell, An-
imals, Mrs 0 Campbell; S L Boort. Flow-
ers or fruit, Mrs C Campbell, S L Scott.
PRoressroNAL, WATER COLONS.—Any design,
J A Fowler; R °rocket. Landeoape.—J A
Fowler: R °rocket. Marine view, R °rock-
et; C Bowers. Flowers or fruit, 0 Bowers;
R Crooket. Sepial, J Griffiths, R Crocket.
Lead pencil, C Bowers; J A Fowler.
C Campbell; C Bowers. Marine view, C
Bowers; Mre C Campbell. Animals, Mrs 0
Campbell. Sepia], Mrs ° Campbell. Pen.
oil drawing, Mise McKenzie; W Parsons.
Crayon Portrait, Mre J Houston. Pen and
ink sketch, Mre 0 Campbell. Pastel, C
Bowers, Mrs C Campbell. Flowers or
fruit, Mrs J Houston; C Bowers. Crayon,
Miss McKenzie; Mrs J Houston. Judge—
Rev T W "Terry,
DArnY PRODUCE.—Creamery butter, Jas
Allen. Crock butter, G Baird, B Tyre -
man. Butter in prints, J VanEgmond, D
Tipla3y. Butter in rolls, J VanEgmond,
N Crich. Homemade cheese, L Syming-
ton. Factory cheese, J W Hill. Judge --
H McCartney.
honey, O Irwin, C Hoare. Honey in comb,
%V Hartry, 0 Hoare. Display of
honey in comb, W Hartry, C Hoare.
Display extracted honey, C Hoare, W.
Hartry. Plain buns, D Tiplady, Mrs
W C Landshorn. Fancy buns, Mrs H
R Walker, W Elliott, Apple pie, W
Snell, H J Hibbs. Pumpkin pre, Mrs
A Cantelon, N Crich, Custard pie,
Mrs R Downs, Mrs H R Walker, Tea
biscuit., Mrs R Downs, T Holloway.
Graham Ferns, Mrs W C Landsboro,
W Aitchison, Fruit cake, Mrs H R
Walker, J Howie. Layer cake, Mrs R
Downs, T Holloway. Plate tarts, Mrs
H R Walker, Mrs R Downs. Oatmeal
cake, W Aitchison, Mrs R Downs.
White home made bread, Mrs A Can-
telon, D Prouse, Brown home made
bread, Mrs W C Landsboro, Mrs A
Cantelon, Baker's bread, white, J A
King, J McClacherty. Pickles and
sauces. Mrs J Houston, Mrs H R
Walker. Canned tomatoes, G Nott,
Mrs H R Walker. Collection preser-
ves, G Nott, Mrs H R Walker. Peach-
es, Mrs J Houston, J Howie. Pears,
Mrs J Houston, M Brethour. Plums,
Mrs R Downs, T Holloway, Quinces,
Mrs H R Walker. Citron, S Weise, D
Tiplady. .Telly, W C Landsboro, Mrs
H R Walker. Maple sugar, M Breth-
our, Mrs H R Walker. Maple molas-
ses, G Baird, S Weise. Home made
soap, W Aitchison, G Nott. Grape
wine, L Symington, S Weise. Judges
—Misses Doan and McMichael.
FnurT,—Apples — Winter, C Will-
iams, G Dale. Cooking, F Grant, J
McFarlane, Desert, W Elliott, Roht
Coats. Golden Russets, P McDougall,
W Parsons. Northern Spies, J Gib-
hings, C Williams. 20 -oz Pippins, Can-
telon & Junor, F Grant. Seek -No
Furthers, J Allen, W C Landsboro.
Snow, R Coats. J Gilmour. Ontario,
J Howie, P McDougall. Pomme Grise,
F Grant, J Lindsay. Blenheim Pip-
ppSalkeld, 0 Allen, illiams. Ben
W Dav s U
Williams. Toliman Sweet, J McFar-
lane, J Gibbings. Rhode Island Green-
ing, W G Doherty, F Grant. Spitzen-
burgs, 0 Williams, F Grant. Baldwins,
J Laxon, B Tyreman. Vendevere, W
0 Landsboro. King of Tompkins Co,
8 Wise, W Elliott. Rihston Pippins,
F Grant, G Nott. Alexanders, D Tip -
lady, W Dale. St. Lawrence, RCoats,
R Govenlock. Cayuga Red Streaked,
P McDougall, Cantelon & Junor. Fall -
water, P McDougall, J Reynolds,
Duchess of Oldenburg, R Govenlo k,
liott, WhWeston.G Maiden Blush Wm
Elliott, P McDougall, Roxboro Rus-
sett, W Elliott, P McDougall. Wag.
guilder W Eliot3 Salkeld. Menlo,
W IIltst
t, W Westoitr agiyertt
Furse, W Elliott. Pawankee, C Gal-
ton, G Baird. Swear J McFarlane.
Any other variety, A. Armstrong, J
Cartwright. Seedling, W Elliott, G
Baird. Heaviest, W Parsons, J Allen.
Canada Red, B Terman, H Elford.
GRAPES.—Brighton, E T Holmes.
Salem, E T Holmes. Moore's Dea-
mond, E T Holmes, 2nd. Niagara, E T
d. Con -
Ord, E T Holmes, W ET WestonLuR Rogers
No. 19, E T Holmes, R Govenlock.
Rogers No.4,E T jlolrnea.2nd. Eaton,E
T Holmes. Empire State, E T Holmes.
Delaware, E T Holmes, 0 Hoare. Col-
lection of grapes, E T Holmes, R Gov-
PEARS, --Winter, R Govenlook. Fall,
8 Furse, B Tyerman. Flemish Beauty,
J Gibbinge, W Parsons. Duchess
D'Angouleme, 13 Tyerman, W Elliott.
Clappps Favorite, 8 Furse. Sechel, J
Gibb'ngs. Keifer, W Parsons R Gov-
enlock. Sheldon, W Robb, W Elliott.
Josephinelde Malinee,R Govenlock,2nd.
Louise Bonne de Jessey, B Tyerman.
Souvenir de Congress, J 0 Gilroy.
Beurre Bose, 8 Furse. D'Angou, S
Furse. Any other variety'
S L Scott,
B. Tyerman. Quinces, Weston, H
PLUMB. —Glass Seedling, T Hollo-
way, 2nd. Victoria, 8 Furse. Reine
Claude de Bavay, D B Kennedy, 2nd,
Lombards, S Furse,2nd, Yellow Egg,T
Holloway. Cce's Golden Drop, J
Cuninghame, 2nd. German Prune, T
Holloway, 2nd .General Hund, T Hol-
loway. Shipper's Pride, H Joyner, 2nd.
Any other variety, H Joyner.
PEACHES.—Late Crawfords, W Wes-
ton, J Cornish. Any other variety, C
Williams. Fruit Judge—T. H. Race,
VEGETABLES. — Collection, J Allanson.
Collection potatoes, D Prouse; T E
Haggart. W hite elephant potatoes,
Lindsay Bros; D Furze. Empire state,
Jas McFarlane; D Prouse. Freeman,
as McFarlape; 11 J Hibbs. Puritan, T
Holloway; M Brethour. Potatoes, H R
Walker; U Hoare. Mongold wurtzels,
J Salkeld; G Baird. Globe mangolds,
J Salkeld; H J Hibbs. Field carrots,H
J Hibbs; 0 Hoare. Swede turnips, W
Weir; Lindsay Bros. Short carrote,W
Parsons; W Hartry. Greystone tur-
nips, H J Hibbs; Lindsay Bros. White
globe turnips, H J Hibbs; Lindsay
Bros. Long blood beets, J Salkeld; D
Prouse. Blood turnip beets, H R
Walker; J Allanson. Vegetable oy-
ster, 0 Calton; J Cartwright. 'Radish-
es, 8 Weise. Winter cabbage, J
Allanson; J Salkeld. Pickling cabbage,'
J Salkeld, J Allanson. Surehead,C Dal-
ton; J Allanson. Savoy, C Calton; J
Salkeld. Fielderkrauts, J Allanson; H
R Walker. Cauliflower, J Allanson.
Lindsay Bros. Red onions, C Hoare;J
Salkeld. Prizetaker D Prouse; C Cal-
ton, Silver King, J Salkeld;7.'Ship-
tonYellow .English potato' onions, eJ B Lind-
say; H R Walker, Silver skin onions,
J Allanson. Sweet corn, J Allanson;H
Joyner. Corn, W Elliott; J Salkeld.
Watermelons, J Salkeld; W Elliott.
Musk melon, J Lanxon; E T Holmes,
Citrons, J Allanson; E Haggitt. Cu-
cumbers, W Watson; B Tyreman.
Red tomatoes, J Allanson; 0 Calton.
Purple tomatoes, J Allanson. Pump
kin, N Crich; J W Yeo. Squash, W
Parsons; J Lanxon. Hubbard squash,
R Govenlock; J A Ilanson, Vegetable
marrow, J Allanson. Winter celery,
R Downs; 3 Allanson. White plume
celery, R Downs; J Allanson, Man -
golds, J Salkeld; N Crich. Turnips, H
J Hibbs; J B Lindsay. Carrots, H J
Hibbs; Elcoat Bros. Judge, W War-
nock, Goderich.
Team, P McGregor, Dale Bros; brood
ma.e, Dale Bros, G Dale; spring foal,
Peter Brennan, G Dale; 1 yr old filly or
gelding, Jas Reynolds, NV Snell; yr
old filly or gelding, G Dale, Jas Rey-
nolds; beet horse or mare, any age,
G Dale, diploma.
Team, C Mason, 0 Dale; brood mare
with foal by her side, Peter Brennan, J
Selkeld; spring foal, Levi Trick, J Sal-
keld; 1 yr old filly orelding, P Mc-
Dougall; 2 year old filly or gelding,
Thos Mason; best horse or mare, Dale
I3r•os, diploma.
Team, 10 hands, 1.1)4) to 1100 lbs.,
clean legs, good action, W \Ic M illan,
Jas Reynolds.
Spring foal, J %V Yeo, S Beattie; one
year old filly or gelding, W Weir, J &
T Dinedale; 2 yr old filly or gelding, J
J McLaughlin, 0 Dale; brood mare,
foal by her side, J W Yen, C Williams;
road horse, mare or gelding. style and
speed considered, 16 hands or under, 0
Johnston, J D Melville; roadster team,
(stallion§ excluded) 1(3 hands or under,
Dr Whitely, Davis & McCool; hest
horse or mare, Dr Whitely, diploma.
Carriage horse, mare or gelding, 16
hands or over, .3 McMurchie, I) A For-
rester; best horse o,' mare, McMurchie
& Co.
Saddle horse, 11, Charters & Son, D
13 Kennedy
Aged bull, W J Biggins, Jas Snell;
1 yr old hull, 1-1 Elford; hull calf under 1
year, Wm Snell; milch cow, Elcoat
Bros, Jas Snell; 2 yr old heifer, Jas
Snell; 1 yr old heifer, .Jas Snell, 1st
and 2nd; heifer calf, Jae Snell, Wm
Snell; herd of Durhams, 3 females and
1 male, Jae Snell; hest cow or heifer,
Elcoat Bros,
]Milch cow, stock breeding put poses,
A; rnilch
ow,lfor dairy rpurrpos s, Jas uReynolde,
1 and 2nd; 2 yr old heifer, Dale Bres,
John Stanbury; yearling heifer, Apple-
by & Hunter, Jas Reynolds; heifer calf,
Appleby & Hunter, Jas Reynolds; 1 yr
old steer, John Stanbury; 2 yr old
steer, John Stanbury, J Reynolds;
cow or heifer, J Reynolds, diploma;
herd of two year old steers, not less
than 3, owned and bred by exhibitor,
° Dale, J Reynolds; herd of yearling
steers, not less than 3, owned and bred
by exhibitor, Appelby & Hunter, E1 -
coat Bros.
Best herd 1 male and 8 females, Wm
MilchJ VanJZi gmond J Gibbings;1 year heifer, J Van Edmond.
VAT want,
Fat cow or heifer, o��t .eco rld'fed,b
exhibitor for 3 mon et
Wtii Dlliott. le
and 2nd; fat ox or steer owned and fed
Trai Service at Clinton
by exhibitor for 3 mouths, John Stan -
bury, 1st and 2nd. ---
LEICESTERS. Trains leave Clinton Station as follows:—
Aged ram, Jas Snell, O Pen
shearling ram, Jae Snell, G Pen
ram lamb G Penhale,R Carters &
pair of aged ewes, G Penhale,
Snell; pair shearling ewes, Jas 8
G Penhale; pair ewe Lambs, R 0
ere & son, G Penhale.
Aged ram, 3 McFarlane, J Coo
Son; shearling ram, G Baird, Jp
Farlane; ram lamb, J McFarlau
Cooper & Son; pair aged ewes,J Oo
& Son, Glen Bros; parr shearling e
J McFarlane, J Cooper & son; pair
lambs, J Cooper & Son.
Shearling ram, ram lamb, pair aged
ewes, pair shearling ewes, pair ewe
lambs, all were taken by Glen Bros.
hale; Yaesenger ... 7 Y6 a m I Passenger.. ...1 02 p ny
hale; Pioeenger .. 3 06 p m Passenger .. - .9 92 p W
Cyon; llllxed Traln.,.4 96 p m Mixed Train 10 16 a m
Jas Mixed Traln,.6 8o p m I Miseo Train 7 O6 p u1
hart- GCMG NORTH 008x0 80UTH
London, depart
Exelar p 980 sin 6 t 4bpm 664 816pm
er& Hensellf...... ,944 616 666 883
eM J Brnoelleld 968 8 28 7 4elk 8 400 8 69
Minton 1016 8 66 7 59 4 23
oper Londesboro 10 83 7 14 8 08 4 41
was, Blytli 10 41 193 816 4 68
owe Belgra.e 1068 7 87 8 86 5 08
Wingham ar'vell 10 800 960 626
Best fat sheep, any breed, ewe or
wether, J Cooper & Son, W Snell.
Aged boar, Lindsa • Bros; brood sow
having littered in 1bi;, W Weir; boar,
littered in 1896, Lindsay Bros. 1st and
2nd; sow, littered in 1896, W Weir,
Lindsay Bros.
Aged boar, brood sow, havin! litter-
ed in 1896, boar, littered in 1.pt:, sow,
littered In 1886, 1st and 2nd all taken
by W McAllister.
Aged boar, J Gemmell, Jos Foster;
brood apw, having littered in 1896, J
Gemmel, Jos Foster; boar littered in
'06, G Penhale, Jos Foster•;.sow, litter-
ed in '96, Jos Foster.
Aged boar, Wm Sinclair; brood sow,
having littered in '96, Wm Sinclair,
1st and 2nd; boar littered in '66, Wm
Sinclair, 1st and 2nd; sow, littered in
'96, H Joiner, Wm. Sinclare.
Brood sow, having littered in '96, G
Baird; sow, littered in '96, G Baird.
Pair Barrow pigs, any class or breed,
not less than six months nor more than
9 months old, weighing not more than
220 pounds nor less than 160 pounds,
W Weir, Lindsay Bros.
Aged boar. Wm Parsons; brood sow,
W Parsons 2nd.
Black Spanish, Geo Irwin, W Aitche-
son; light Brahmas, W Carter; grey
Dorkings, Geo Irwin, J McFarlane;
white crested black Polands, W Carter;
golden Polands, W Carter; silver
Poland, W Garter; spangled Hamhurge,
Lindsay Bros, W Carter; golden pen-
cilled Hamburg, R H Chowen; houdans,
Fairseryice Bros; andalusians, Elcoat
Bros; partridge cochins, W Wallace;
plymouth rocks, Geo Irwin, J Cart-
wright; buff cochins, T E Haggitt;
white leghorns, W Hartry, 1st and 2nd;
brown leghorns, H Haggitt, Fairser-
vice Bros; ladg shans, Fairservice Bros;
minorcas, WHartry, W Wallace;
wyandotts, J Cartwright, W Carter;
black breasted red game, H Haggitt,
1st and 2nd; red pile game, A J Grigg;
red caps, W Wallace, Fairservice
Bros; bantams, Geo Irwin, A J Grigg;
pekin ducks, Geo Irwin, 1st and 2nd;
rouin ducks, W J Irwin; common geese,
W J Irwin; embden geese, Geo Irwin,
W Aitcheson; toulouse geese, T E
Haggitt ; turkeys, George Irwin,
D Prouse ; pair spring chickens,
black Spanish, W Carter, W J
Irwin; grey dorkings, J McFarlane, W
J Irwin; andalusians, Elcoat Bros;
white leghorns, W Hartry, 1st and
2nd; wyandotts, J Cartwright, W J
Irwin; dark brahmas, Geo Irwin, 1st
and 2nd; light brahmas, W Carter, J
Cartwright; rninorcas, W Hartry, W
J Irwin; brown leghorns, J,D 14lelville,
W Wallace; plyrnouth rocks, J Carty
wright, W Wallace; any other variety,
T E Haggitt, Fairservice Bros; rabbits,
J Cartwright, \V Whitely; pair can-
anies, Thos Cottle, 1st and 2nd, R H
Chowen, 3rd; collection of pigeons, Mrs
G Davis, J eslie; breeding pen, con-
sisting of one male and three females,
any variety of chickens, W Hartney,
W Carter, diploma; breeding pen, con-
sisting of one male and three females,
ducks, W Carter, diploma.
Judges.—Heavy horses, P McGregor;
light horses, J Grieve; thnro'-hied cat-
tle, VV Smith; native cattle, J Hearn,
H Girvin; sheep and pigs, H Ross, E
Bell; poultry, Dr Scott.
With Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla,"Sales Talk," and
show that this medi-
cine has enjoyed public confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord-
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
is simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
anjr other. It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tetle
the story. All advertisements of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it-
self, are honest. Wo have never deceived
the public, and this with its superlative
medicinal merit, le why the people have
abiding confidence in it, and buy
Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Hood's Pills with Hood', Sarr'sappativaa,
The CanadaBusiness College
Still leads all Can/ellen Contemporaries in su-
perior training, and finding choice positions' tor
John Pierce inetlaced as Asst. Steno, and
Bookkeeper with Chatham Manufacturing Co.
0 8. Andreae as Steno. with Western O[1 Co.,
Grand Rapids, Miob,
Bert Newton as Steno. with Evening Press,
same Ott 7, •
Joaie Ebert as Steno. with Stevens Campbell,
fifi11Ing Co., Chatham, oar.
tr Pia8 TCl % atttri• 'T134• BEST
fof chit ielNe Ofitltited detilurikikliai iseif
The popular international tunnel
and double traok route ofiCanada,
offers exceptionally fine coaches,
fast time, close connections, oour-
teous treatment.
The lowest fares and
first accommodation
insured if tickets read
via G. T. T. System
Information cheerfully supplied 65,
W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton
Professional alidOtherCards
Barrister, Solicitor
Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba.
Office immediately South of entree & Wiseman,
Office—Beaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's PhotofGallery,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)
Chloe—Hamilton St. oppppoeite Colborne tUctel
DR. WM, OUNN, L. R. O. P. and L. R. C. 8
Edinburgh, Office—Ontario Sreet, Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten
bury St., opposite Presbyterian church,
University, M D, 0.111.,Victoria University
M. C. P & S„ Ontario- Fellow of the Obstetrics
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Engg, and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.—Dr, Dowsely's old
office Rattenbary St. Clinton,
answered at the same plane. Night bell
A000uoheur, etc„ office in the Palace Block
Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve
Clinton Out.
C. P. & S. 0., Graduate Kings and Queens
College of Pb sicfans, Dublin, Ireland, LLficen•
tiate General Medical Connell, Great Brita
Member of College Physicians ono Surgeons On-
tarryti{o, Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital,
(L—Rattenbury St„gein and G astonext)doorrto Ontario Bt
city oronto, formerly of thei Hoepitale ctoria and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for .he
County 0!ITurou, BayfieldOnt.
Loudesboro, successor to Dr Young.
T. AGNEW, M. B„ Toronto University M. D. C.
M., Trinity University, Member of College
crhgttclneMethodet Burgeons,
Nihals answered -at the
same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m„ 1 to'3p,m;
to 9 p.m.
graduate R 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity Uni
verelty Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation o
the natural teeth.
Otime, Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store
Paytleld every Tlinreday afternoh on duriMondangral&
FIoCollege. Treats alddiseases of domesticated and
male on the moat modern and scientific prinel-
plee Office- immediately south of the New Ere
Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton, Cal
night orday attended to promptly
nary College,acy Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-
Domeetio nimalsnon the ramostlmoderndiseasoand
Yanswered. fic rinResidenco-y-gat enburyht 118 ., esti
lesurer of Marriage Licenses, Library SCOTT,
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton,
No witnesses required
Small Rams on good mortge1qe eeonrity
mderaterate of i n tereet. H HALE. F.71). FARNCOMB, MEMBER OP ASSN OF
Civil Engineer Provincial ondon Ont.—Office Surveyor
EnoStewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons
Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity University
All operations in Dentistry carefully performed.
Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction
Office opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store,
Will visit Heneall every Monday, 'shed Znrlo
everyeeoond Thursday of each month.
far Night bell answered,
THOS. OUNDRY, Auctioneer,.
Sales attended to in any part or the eo onty
Orders left at Clinton New ERA oflfoepd willEm reoeive-
careful attention,
Davis & McCool.
Haring bought outtheLivery basinese of
Allan Turnbull. and amalgamated the former
but nese of thine et Bon, subsoil vire rwiill exons
vBubl(gihehs allyat vtill fereoe1e th , Livery.
ei toof at as
tion,Ana eatrb MAD" tira.for; . G0od,oare ..
l J drt.: eo ? If Irigrrrtr)r b@.our' kmtotett,, `i
: t `¥c000L